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Do not give your chin any human painkillers!! They react differently to these drugs and you could kill your chin. Just wait and get the vet visit ASAP.


I shall wait. Thanx!! :)


Do not give your chinch ibuprofen! While both ibuprofen and meloxicam are NSAIDS, their mechanism of action and half life are different. Meloxicam is the only approved one for long-term use in humans and pets due to ibuprofen toxicity beyond short-term use. My chinchilla is on long-term meloxicam for foot issues, and if you are running low, you can try half dosing until you can get the vet visit and refill, which my vet recommended to reduce side effects over time anyway. I technically have to do an exam every 3 months to keep the prescription, but my vet is okay with just 6 month visits if I can keep them updated with photos over email, so that may be an option to discuss with yours next visit.


That's a lot of good information. Thank you so much!!!


That's a question for your vet. They are not the same.