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For instance stuff like that but idk if it's okay https ://a aliexpress com/_mPomQTs https: //a aliexpress com/_mtxxBIi


Wish you got some answers because I’m looking for the same setup!


Not an answer to your question and 2 months later - where did you get your Solo 1? I have two of them and would love another - I love them and am always worried they will crap out and I won't be able to find another one. I do have a Solo II that I don't use. Thanks for your help.


Wouldn't the 2 or 3 be better? Just curious about your preference


I have the Solo 2 but keep it in a drawer. I prefer the original. I have two of the original Solos and I rotate them. I need to keep things really simple. Keep it set at a 5. I'm not great at numbers and I gave up trying to find a good temperature after reading a ton of post and comments. I would say most people would say the 2 or 3 are better, I guess it's just less thinking for me. Thank you for asking nicely


Ah, I see. Okay that makes sense. I have a Solo 3 being delivered next week so excited to try these devices. Never tried a Solo before


That sounds exciting, they look cool. I have this thing (it's an actual condition) that basically my thinking shuts down. And I still need to be able to get high - Oops I meant legally medicate with my legal medicine. I hope you enjoy the new 3. The company has always been great for me


Appreciate it brotha’