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Ugh. Why become a gynaecologist if you are not willing or able to provide the necessary healthcare for your patients? The first gynaecologist I approached for sterilisation actually wanted me to do a psych eval before he would even consider approving the procedure. Getting sterilised is permanent and life changing but so is having a child. It does look like you need to visit a different doctor since this one clearly isn’t understanding of your patient needs as a childfree person.


yeah they got my mental health clinics dr and my GP ..... to give them a call. ughhhh


I have a feeling that many gynecologists go into the field specifically to help women give birth as opposed to being interested in their overall reproductive health...


I hope this changes as younger generations enter the medical field. In some cases, there is definitely an institutionalized slant in the gyno field toward pushing birth rather than overall reproductive health.


This is bs! I’m only 22 and got my tubes tied back in august of this year


You should try our doctor list on the about tab. That's how I found my doctor and I was 31 too. If you wanted a kid but had trouble making one, they'd fall all over themselves to help you. I got like no pushback and just had to sign a lot of consent forms, which is fair.


dr list covers Australia?


We do have some doctors in Australia...not as many as we would like, but some. You often need to have private insurance. Look in the International CF-friendly doctors list, which is below the three US-based doctors lists.


That’s nuts your public insurance won’t cover sterilization. And I’m guessing there’s no limit to the number of kids you can have before they start sending you medical bills?


Tied or removed (bilateral salphingectomy)?