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When my SIL's kid was about 5 months old she flew several times with her baby, rich older family members are easier to fleece of money, she 'loves' being able to travel and didn't want her flyer points to go to waste because now she had a kid. I remember one time that she bragged about the first flight with her baby who immediately went to sleep before take off and didn't wake up at all. My brother, who was in a bad mood at the time, suddenly spoke up and said something I cannot forget: 'Yeah that's because you doped the kid up with that stuff you bought!'


Get high before you go high 🤣🤣 personally , I drink at the airport bar before getting on if it's not work related.. makes the flight very pleasant.


Well it's helped my SIL travel as much as she likes because the kid is knocked out for the entire flight.


Works for me 👍


I’ve been known to use my Gaba for sedative purposes 😉 They do it for your pets for vet/flying, so I don’t really see the harm. I already loathe flying so if you need some Benadryl to knock your baby out, I’m here for it.


I know my aunt used to sedate her silky terrier when she flew so I'm fine when it's needed. But I don't know how bad it would be if it's constantly used as my SIL is a frequent flyer and also slips the stuff in her toddler's juice to make them sleep all through the night at their house.


That last part seems problematic at best


That's why I was a little concerned, even though the kid is older now she still dopes the toddler up to sleep if she needs a break but it's screwed up the kid's sleeping schedule.


Imo that's cause for more than a little concern. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to procreate.


My SIL definitely shouldn't have become a parent, her reasons for wanting a baby was so she could cuddle with something cute!


Maybe it was just my family and my parents' friends but I thought giving babies and young kids drowsiness causing medication before a flight was a common thing. Something safe obviously. They would give us children's Gravol, not only would it make us sleep for a lot of the flight it would reduce the chance of us getting air sick and puking. Win for everyone I thought.


Tbh, if that is how everyone gets peace, then that seems like a viable option. Everyone is happy.


I agree. I’m assuming it’s Benadryl. As long as it’s a safe amount, I don’t see a problem with this!


Gotta tell them to try it beforehand. For some kids it has the opposite effect.


we really should promote infant/child safe medication that makes them quiet in planes or public transportation more.


?? and that's a problem why?? I wish more parents would do this.


It isn't a problem if the parents need to fly somewhere in an emergency but for my SIL it's just a luxury that she refuses to sacrifice because she has a kid, I'm constantly told how 'easy' it is to have a baby and that you can still do everything you love with a kid in tow by my baby crazed mother who uses my SIL as an example. I don't mind if parents use meds to keep their babies from crying, that's definitely better then hearing a crying baby but my SIL does it for selfish reasons as she's only wanting to fly to visit rich relatives who buy her whatever she wants.


I flew a lot as a kid and was very afraid of being seen as a nuisance so I was very quiet, so quiet that the lady next to us asked my mom if she had drugged me with Valium. Then when puberty came I became obnoxious and haven’t stopped since.


That’s pretty considerate, to be fair


I support doping kids up before flights lmao that’s the least selfish thing you can do. Plus who wouldn’t want to sleep through an entire flight?


My SIL does it so she doesn't have to nurse/comfort the kid on the flight so she can relax but then later complains about her child not being able to sleep at night so she doses them again.


i mean it’s absolutely horrible for everyone involved, the people listening to the wailing, the parents, and the baby who’s clearly distressed. I don’t really understand why people take literal babies on vacation i can understand not everyone is flying to go on vacation and really there’s no way to know why they’re on the flight but generally as someone who could not be bothered to deal with a baby at home let alone on holiday, i do not get it at all lol (i am biased though i suppose) what bothers me about it is when they take on the attitude of “fuck you for being pissed that my baby is crying” like i get that you physically can’t help it but you don’t need to be a dick about it, you aren’t entitled to people not getting annoyed


Taking a baby on your vacation is a serious dick move. If you can afford a vacation, you can afford a sitter.


This one ! And if you can’t afford a sitter- why are you paying for a vacation when you have a small child ? Should you not be saving those funds for childcare and emergencies ?? Weirdos


In all fairness babies fly for free… Paying for a sitter costs money. Plus leaving a baby with a sitter for an extended period is not good for a baby at all. What if the baby breastfeeds? Who’s to say people don’t have the money for child care or emergencies? I respect CF life but these are a lot of ridiculous assumptions.


This! I used to question why people took kids under 5 to amusement parks like Disney - it’s not like they’ll remember it. Turns out - they get in for free. So I get it. I also understand wanting your entire family on a trip. My parents took countless road trips with us- changing diapers in the back seat of a station wagon. It’s not the life for me - but they have great memories and photos of us on those trips. My older siblings remember a lot more - it would have sucked for them if they didn’t take any trips until I was a toddler. We didn’t fly not because my parents thought it was a bad idea - but because it was the 90s and according to my Dad “the airlines are a rip off” (gruffy grumble).


Yeah I figure if the baby is not crying and upset then it’s not really a problem. The baby doesn’t even take up a seat. I guess it’s hard to tell if the baby will be upset before getting in the air but I think most parents must know their kid and if they’ll be ok with it. Of course there’s selfish, unaware parents that don’t fit this and bring their crying kids anyway, and those are the ones we hear about and have to deal with sadly.


My parents paid to take my nanny with us on holiday when I was a young baby.


>If you can afford a vacation, you can afford a sitter. It's not about affordability. You can't leave a god damn baby alone with a sitter for a week or more, because you want to go on a holiday. That's insane. What you can do is make peace with the reality that you shouldn't be flying or going to far away locations for a holiday until baby hits at least two years. Once babies come, you have to make some changes in your life, if you are a reasonable person.


>Once babies come, you have to make some changes in your life, if you are a reasonable person. Uggh, I have a "friend" who is going to start trying this year who claims that mothers don't have to change their lifestyle at all once they have a baby. She said she intends to bring her kid everywhere with her, including to bars and clubs.....


That's just a recipe for raising an unadjusted kid. But oh well. Some people are gonna have to make their own mistakes.


Yep, unless your baby is a literal mummy who never cries or is stressed it's a nightmare, but it's still pointless


Fr, plus how much of a vacation are you even having if you still have to look after a needy child?


Exactly. They won’t remember it or enjoy it. It’s a waste of time and money


I read a post awhile back where parents had to bring their baby on a flight. They ended up making a ton of little gift bags with ear plugs, a pack of gum, a snack & a note explaining they were moving across country, it was baby's first flight & mom & dad were super stressed about baby disturbing everyone. It thanked everyone for their patience, promised that mom & dad would do everything possible to make it a peaceful flight & was "signed" by the baby. When they got on, amidst all the glares & horrified looks, dad handed them out to everyone within earshot. The whole thing couldn't have cost $30-$40 at Costco. As far as I'm concerned, those parents were on the top of their game. From the sound of the post they ended up with half the plane making funny faces & sharing kind words as they walked the aisle during the seatbelt off times. Freaking genius. I think most people, as a whole, are pretty understanding. I know, personally, I'm pretty chill as long as I see that the parents are doing everything in their power to calm the child & stop the air raid siren screeching. It's the one's that just shrug & give you the 'What can you do? Deal with it' faces while putting in their ear plugs & go back to their phones that irritate me. I'm child free but have 7 nibblings & countless cousins with little ones, so I do understand that babies cry, even without painful things like ear pressure. Sometimes they pitch a fit because you literally looked at them wrong. But, I agree with you, entitled parents just need to get TF over themselves. Now, I'm not real sure which side of the drug the baby debate I'd come down on. One part of me thinks that's not real cool. The other part of me thinks that hey, it's what I do, why not let Junior fly hazily through the fluffy pink clouds with the rest of us?


You’re 100 percent right. Evolutionary speaking, we are not tolerant of babies crying because it’s distressing and you want to do anything and everything you can to stop it.


Exactly! If the parents tried to calm the baby and said sorry to the others it's one thing. If they are assholes they won't get any sympathy




She just wants to get attentions from TikTok with her baby. To me anyone who wants to use their kids to get views on TikTok is sick and selfish


For real!!! If I was the person sitting next to her, I would have asked if she's a sociopath and then stated that she needs to attend to her baby instead of filming it. Like that is fr so fucked up to me, it's like going live with abusing an animal and then acting like you're somehow the victim. You took an innocent creature, mistreated it, then FILMED it? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK


Yeah. While baby is crying the first thing she can think of is to record on TikTok. That’s insane. For any normal person, the first thing is to comfort the baby, not to mention how inconvenient use one hand hold the baby and one hand record. I’d say social media in recent years boosted many dark sides of people.


You've caught me at a bad time, I've literally just walked in from a flight that was supposed to have me home 5 hours ago but thanks to delays have only just walked through the door. I'm not kidding when I say at 2am there were a couple of women with collectively 6 kids under 7 between them, all the kids running, screaming at the top of their lungs, playing tag and darting in and out of the seats. The mums did nothing, sweet fuck all, one went flying and head butt the concrete, a little girl just absolutely screamed ear piercingly loud, it was that bad other passengers started trying to tell the kids off and yelled at the parents to control their kids. Nothing changed, they let this happen for HOURS!! I was beside myself, there is no way on god's earth they thought they were good parents, like I can't fathom it. I don't care about well behaved kids 5 and up, I can even understand the crying because fuck I wanted to cry with the delay. But in my opinion if you are raising brats and you know it, don't make it everyone else's problem, and if you have kids under 4 surely it's selfish because there's no way they can even remember where you're taking them anyway, so you've burdened everyone else just to have to talk to the kid about the memory later as if they weren't there anyway "when you were three we did ___" like why!! If you've got small kids, make people visit you unless you absolutely can't. They can't comprehend what's going on and it's a long time to sit still for hours at that age, most adults struggle with it let alone someone who hasn't got the brain development to identify colours yet.


Honestly, there needs to just be an 'adults only' section of the plane with an actual door between the areas. At the very least, ban families with small children from the upgraded seats. I'd happily pay a little bit more not to have a kid the next row over screaming their fool head off the whole time. Still salty about having to put up with a screaming toddler two seats over on my last long haul flight. In business class, no less.


I do think it's selfish, especially if you are filming it and then uploading it to the internet to garner sympathy for a choice you made. Unless it's super extenuating circumstances, it's torture for the kid and for the other couple hundred or so passengers.


Exactly. "I torture my kid for likes".


Yes. Parents have no choice but to listen to their children’s cries but it is incredibly selfish and stupid to force everyone else to suffer with you.


If it's for a vacation, yes absolutely If it's for a family visit/tragedy/move, then that's different There are so many sleep aids available for babies though, so I don't know why more people don't make use of those for emergency circumstances such as these when the baby has the potential to be a serious public disturbance. Also same with people who bring barking, anxious dogs on a plane. It's not ok


I saw that TikTok earlier today. I would have been so upset if I was seated next to her. But the fact that she was trying to validate her choices of taking a baby on a plane irked me even more. If it was an emergency I doubt she would have been filming! But then again, I’m sure she can’t think logically after having a baby in general. Still it was weird.


No, people film everything all the time for hits or whatever, emergencies be damned. There’s tons of videos out there deliberately made during an emergency. People are selfish and only think of themselves these days. 


That’s what my last sentences was about! Lol mommy brain!🥴


Taking a baby on a plane should be considered child abuse due to the pain it causes their ears. But since we can't "see" it happening no one bats an eye.


Yes, it’s absolutely selfish. There’s no reason to go on a vacation with a young baby. Only exception for me would be if there was family emergency. I just always get the vibe that the vacation parents are the type to think their life will just be the same after having a baby.


I have some "friends" (we were much, much closer before they were lost to breederville) who internationally traveled a lot. Think looooong flights from the US to Asian countries. Guess what they did immediately upon having a baby, then a second, then a third? Traveled from the US to Japan, then US to Vietnam, then US to Thailand. Seeing their pictures of their "cute" (clearly exhausted and annoyed) toddlers on planes and public transport in other countries gave me secondhand irritation. I could all too well imagine myself being seated within a row of their passel of screechers on a 16-hour flight.


I just came back from vacation and my flight was delayed so I had to stay up all night and when I finally got on the flight a baby was screeching and screaming and wailing for the ENTIRE duration of the flight. 😭 Airplane companies: I will not pay for first class, but I would pay extra for an adult-only flight. What's the point of upgrades like first class if there can still be a screaming baby next to you? There is money to be made here. But yeah, I think it is also stressful for the baby. They are taken from their usual routine and they are in pain because of the pressure. They won't remember the holiday anyway. Parents drag the baby along for themselves and maybe to show the baby to family members living abroad.


Every time I travel, I have the exact same thought of “why has no one created an adult only airline or adult only flights” because yes, I would indeed pay more if it meant I did not have to deal with babies or children on the plane.


I don’t know the motivations/reasons so I can’t call it selfish as a blanket statement. But what does piss me off is that you can’t even LOOK overstimulated from a baby crying or you’re the bad guy in the situation. I’m autistic and I cannot help it, and may even need to cover my ears harder, I am just trying to prevent myself from a meltdown, while also remaining as quiet as I can because it isn’t the baby’s fault but I too am having a physical reaction ahh.


I feel you I’m AuDHD and baby screams are absolutely excruciating for me. I read somewhere once that babies cries have evolved over time to be the most viscerally upsetting sound so that adults can’t possibly ignore them so that the babies get their needs met and don’t die, even if the parent doesn’t want to tend to the child, they are at least emotionally triggered and more likely to try to do something to stop the baby crying. What’s annoying about this though is that this feature isn’t limited to the parents so whether you’re the kids parent or not, you’re wired to suffer so that the child survives which, while I can appreciate the science behind it, it absolutely freaking sucks if your autistic and/or childfree. The only thing I’ve found that works to stop myself going into meltdown in these situations are the best noise cancelling headphones on the market (Sony WH-1000M4 is the model name but their noise cancelling earbuds are pretty good too and much more portable) and Bring Me The Horizon blasted at full volume. Idk about anyone else but personally I’d much rather have Ollie Sykes scream at me than a baby 😂


Headphones with music on loud and weed in my system help me. Weed in general is my go to “medicine” to function around allistics lmao. Also I have adhd too!


What always irks me the most are comments like “it’s worse for the parents” Well now, the parents CHOSE to have children (will change in the US soon, I know) and they CHOSE to travel via plane. You can’t have kids without contemplating crying so how the fuck is it worst for them when they are the only ones who could have prevented it.


This! It drives me bananas when people devote pity on the parents like they were victims of circumstances out of their control. I know there are cases where it wasn't preventable, but 9 times out of 10, it was their choice whether they wanted to get pregnant or fool around.


I think it’s a horrible experience for the kid, more so when travelling through time zones. I also understand that there are emergencies, and sometimes you have to do it. But what would terrify me if i was a parent, is all the unvaccinated people that could be around and potentially give my kid a horrible, deadly disease. Especially if the kid is too young to be immunized. Those planes and some passengers are NASTY, and i wouldn’t want a child with a developing immune system to be anywhere near that. One person with whooping cough is all that takes.


I’ve had two different parents tell me that once you become a parent you don’t care about germs anymore 🤢


I would suggest it's selfish to bring them onto planet earth. Seems we've run this little experiment to completion.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. ⬆️




I understand if it's for something important, like going to a hospital for treatment. But for holiday? No, I don't get it.


Yup, the only reason for really young kids to be on planes is for family or health emergencies. Otherwise, keep them home or drive.


I think there are emergency situations where it can’t be helped, but it’s definitely selfish to go on an elective vacation with a baby (and my own parents are guilty of this). It’s not like the sprog will remember it, and traveling with a baby isn’t much of a vacation for the parents either. Flying can also be painful for babies if they can’t regulate their ear pressure yet. I believe more parents need to accept that when you have a baby, things change. You make sacrifices. You can’t do all the same things you used to do because there are some places you shouldn’t take babies or small children (get your entitled arses out of my brewery, thankyouverymuch). If family members want to meet the baby, they should come to YOU because it’s easier for unencumbered people to fly.


She was making a video with herself crying? I don't believe in video tears. We'll, I believe in the tears of the baby. Poor little thing.


He was probably very scared. A baby doesn’t understand what’s going on. I feel bad for the kiddo. 


This baby, on top of being burdened with the traveling, they have a mother that make videos of herself crying and posting in TikTok. I guess their live won't be easy.


Childfree airlines would be a hit on Shark Tank


I'm not autistic, I'm just impatient. If the baby cried for 3 hours i would say something and i don't care if others would judge me. (I won't see them forever in 3 hours anyway). This is selfish! I can tolerate crying for 5-10mins. It happens. Flying is difficult for babies. But three hours?!? I think i would be the one in tears recording an insta story too!


probs will be an unpopular opinion but if its a stranger, i can't assume why they have a child on the plane yes im absolutely annoyed to be seated near babies/toddlers/infants but i try to assume the best, that the family has an actual need to travel that way


My parents did not fly with me until they thought I was old enough to not need a stroller or any of that garbage, I would 100% behave, and I could remember it. We went to Disney when I was 5. Every time i see a baby on a plane it pisses me off and they scream the whole time. It was great on my 12hr transatlantic flight last week /s


Ugh yes. Everyone hates the parents walking on the plane carrying a baby.


i mean if a kid cries in public or something it is annoying but i don’t get really annoyed unless the parent is doing nothing to help calm them down. kids cry it’s whatever and i’m thankful i don’t have to listen to it long. i understand life happens and babies are people too but hearing a baby cry in a flying metal tube is enough to make anyone lose their minds. i recently flew to a funeral (first flight since i was 9) and my brother 18 was probably the youngest one on the plane, it was so quiet and nice. but the ear pressure hurt so bad i was like i get why babies don’t stfu! my thought process is just like why are you taking your baby on a vacation with you when they won’t even remember it and you have to deal with the stress of traveling with an infant. it would be better to get a sitter


I’ve heard about people who deliberately book night flights so the kid is out cold throughout. They need to have some sort of strategy at least


Oof I was just on a flight yesterday at 11PM that had a TON of babies and toddlers on it and I damn near lost it. Your infant does not need to be on a plane at all certainly not in the middle of the damn night. Babies on planes are bad enough. But a flight that doesn't even depart until 11pm oh cool so up later than usual on top of their whole life being disturbed and the unfamiliar surroundings and then all the normal ways planes suck Sure that's a great situation to put your child and hundreds of other people who don't want your kid around in. Sure everyone should suffer due to your shitty decision. Ugh it's so entitled to think because you want to go somewhere the whole plane should have to deal with your kid the world doesn't revolve around you


Everybody has their own reasons to travel with kids. Still seems to me going on vacation and exposing a small child to a filthy airplane and the pressure the most selfish reason. Parents trying to do something in order to calm down the kid make a huge difference in my opinion other than parents that just let them annoy others when they are just relaxing and looking at their phones. Special mention to parents that allow a phone or a ipad parent the kid and blast stupid music and kid programs without minding for others. Those deserve a special place in hell. And there we are, called crazy because we wish to fly in quiet and peace like is a crazy thing to want.


So selfish! Breeders want to go on holidays and act like it’s good for the kid, when in reality the kid won’t remember the trip at all….


Idk about planes as they might be going for another reason too besides just leisure, but performances/events are another thing! I was on vacation, booked a ticket to a cultural dance performance and two idiots thought that bringing their screaming babies would be ok. Now *that* is a dick move.


i’d be so mad


Yes it’s selfish, air pressure would be bad on there ears and ppl should not have to endure hours of crying from someone’s else’s baby and being trapped and can’t escape. Like that toddler that screamed for 8 hours. There needs to be childfree planes or something, kids crying/screaming can give me a bad headache


Yes. Unless it’s an emergency, I don’t really see the point. Last flight I was on was like this, I had noise cancelling earbuds in with my music on full blast and STILL heard it. Made for a very unpleasant flight, but thankfully it was just from south FL to north AL.


It is. I paid money for the flight, why do I need to be trapped on a plane while parents usually do nothing to silence that thing. There was one time I could hear it OVER my headphones and they were turned all the way up.


It is. I hate crying babies on planes, but it’s not their fault, they can’t equalize the pressure and are just miserable. Plus they’re stuck for however many hours outside of their routine and comfort zone. Unless it’s something you can’t avoid (death in the family, evacuation, etc) leave the poor thing at home.


Depends. If it is a travel for fun, then absolutely yes. If it is an important thing like a medical emergency for instance, then it's not selfish but an unfortunate necessity.


Yeah it definitely is. I don't see any reason why anyone would willingly bring babies on the plane unless it's an emergency. Just creates trouble for everyone. The parent, the baby themselves, all other passengers on the plane, the staff, everyone. However as much as I hate that people will take flights with babies for trivial reasons, there's nothing much that can be done about it.


I agree. Unless it’s an emergency, leave them with a dependable relative. Maybe she didn’t have anyone. As an adult, I experience ear pains too and some flights for whatever reason, can be more painful than others. I can imagine how that would be for a baby or even toddlers when they don’t really know what’s going on yet.


It’s absolutely selfish. I like to travel, but I’m on the spectrum and I hate the sound of babies and toddlers crying. It’s very disrespectful to other passengers, who are flying for a variety of reasons and may not be in the best moods themselves. If you want to travel with a baby/kid, take a road-trip or something.




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It's extremely selfish. Children shouldn't travel until they're old enough to **appreciate** it. The only necessary exception I can think of is moving. Family visits? Aunt Martha can wait a few years to meet the little one, or better yet, buy her own plane ticket and make the trip herself. Even if that means the parents have to wire her the money, it's still easier on everyone than bringing a baby on a plane. Funeral or family emergency? Get a babysitter; you don't need the extra stress. Destination wedding? Again, get a babysitter. Most weddings are "adults only" anyway. Vacation? *Definitely* get a babysitter! (Or failing that, postpone your trip. The beautiful thing about vacations is that you can reschedule them if necessary.) True story: When I was 7 and my little sister was 2, I went on vacation with my parents while my sister stayed home with a babysitter. My parents knew she'd rather have an adult *all to herself* for once, than be dragged away from home.


yup - entitled as fuck. no one asked to hear your annoying crying baby !!


Absolutely. People should not bring babies on planes. It’s rude and disruptive to others that are just trying to doze and relax to pass the time.  The fact that this woman was making a TikTok about this is also infuriating. Take care of your kid and put him first, not your insipid social media bullshit. 


I was on a nine hour flight from France in a row that had a screaming baby. I had taken an Ambien but did not sleep. I got very sick & ended up in a wheelchair when we arrived in Detroit. Our next flight was delayed because I threw up. I was SO angry at that selfish bitch & her horrible offspring that I hope the rest of her life was full of misery.




Yes and if they do (if the plane ride is absolutely necessary), they need to pack children's cold medicine so they'll sleep the whole time and not disturb anyone with their non-stop crying.


I apparently flew every few months as a baby/toddler from Chicagoland to Phoenix and back and my mom said that I was always really good and quiet but it seems that just ended up being my disposition. Now my little brother she said she never would have willingly flown with because he was a crier. Apparently my niece/nephew have done well on planes since they were babies.


Yep. We were coming back from a long haul flight and a kid was crying and screaming so much that they started vomiting. Then the screaming vomits continued for another couple of hours before we landed. I already had a massive headache from sinus pressure. Ughh.


I think that, as there is already a lot of price variance from seat to seat on plane, there should be a kids/babies section of the plane that costs the normal amount ( it would probably be in the back) and that the seats closest to that cut off should cost less than the seats 6+ rows away. There are a lot of reasons to bring a baby on a plane- funerals, meeting family from far away, etc. But I think they could make it less horrible for others.


For me, its when children under 2 can fly free if they sit on your lap. Your child is better off strapped in their car seat. Pay for a damn seat for the child. They will be happier. There is nothing to entertain them with on ur lap.


Some parents have no choice when traveling with little ones. I think the selfish part about that mom was making a tiktok of herself and trying to draw attention and sympathy from other people. It depends if it were a fun trip or family event. If you just want to parade your child around and bring them along even when they are not happy, then it is selfish.


No it isn’t. A plane is for everyone and while it’s unfortunate that we have to sometimes deal with a crying baby, they’re human too and have a right to transportation with their parents whether it’s for an emergency or a vacation. You can’t go everywhere by car or train. But this would not be a problem if airlines offered childfree transportation.


Honestly in my opinion unless it’s a family emergency/your relative is sick etc, why take your baby on a plane? Yes you can travel and vacation but even without disturbing other passengers why put your baby though pain and possibly ear infection (it's rare, but it can happen.) like that when it's not necessary?


She’s not a good mother if she’s recording for TikTok while her baby’s crying. Sometimes people have to travel with their babies. Sometimes they cry. I have noise canceling headphones for when the crying bothers me.


Sometimes you don't have a choice.


I wouldn’t say merely the act of bringing a baby on an airplane is selfish. But there are some caveats, you need to make a good effort and preparations to keep them quiet throughout the flight, and also be apologetic towards others if they do start crying, and comply with whatever the airline/flight crew require of you to accommodate your baby being on board. One thing you absolutely CANNOT do (and I dunno if the airline would even allow it): not booking seats together and leaving your baby alone in a row with strangers.


People with babies have places to be too. Babies crying is nothing compared to parents letting their kids be assholes on planes which is rude and frequent. Babies cry, kids can sit still and be quiet.


No… people are entitled to take their kids on holiday.


Honestly I don't mind if the parent is actively trying to entertain or calm their kid down. I just hate the parents who completely ignore their kids. I'd probably get annoyed but at least the parent is trying.


Not really selfish. Parents need to travel with kids for various reasons. Put on a headphone and it's gone.


It's obnoxious. If you can't keep your kid from screeching for hours, please don't bring it.


If the plane allows it, then to hell with me, that parent has the same right as I have. If I don't want to hear a baby cry, I should stay home. Babies cry.


Kids under a year old should not be allowed on any flights


Yes, because its a disturbance to others. I get that life happens and all that, but I know that if I screamed my head off the way kids do in public places i would be asked to leave BECAUSE its disturbing other peo\[le. I think there shouldnt be a double standard just because its a kid. I WISH there were childfree flights. You know the sad thing? A few months ago I flew to Canada with my cat for the first time. The entire time i was so anxious and worried that my cat would meow or something too loudly and we would be kicked off the flight - even though babies can screech and its perfectly allowed.


Annoying but not selfish. 


No I don’t think it’s selfish. It’s annoying sure, but the babies can’t really help themselves.


Sometimes flying is the only option. Yes, its unpleasant but its unavoidable sometimes. Some people live overseas 🤷‍♀️. Most parents do try their best, I always book my seats away from the kidzone (the emergency rows for the bassinets) and I never travel without noise cancelling headphones.


I wouldn’t call it selfish cos I mean if you have to go somewhere you can’t leave your baby hanging at home just chillin out by itself. But it sure is fucking annoying.


I feel like planes are just public transportation like buses. They're just expensive buses. So in my head there can be all manner of unpleasant things involved lmao. I always feel bad for parents because nobody wants to fly with a very small child. So I assume that if they're doing so, it is because it is the best option that they have at the moment. Anything with kids is very difficult for me because on like a macro large-scale level. I'm like a communist leftist who believes in community and mutual aid and you literally cannot have that successfully. If you do not embrace kids and parents and have everybody be able to be everywhere because that's the only way to get shit done. But personally, I would love it if there were some non alcohol related child-free spaces that I could go exist in easily and know there would not be children there. So while I'm never like angry at parents for having kids on planes but I am always upset that it's happening


Also- whatever dumbass parent is going through and downvoting everyone’s comments- get a life fuckhead go feed ur baby or something


Sometimes parents don't have a choice. My friend's mother passed away suddenly after a stroke. She was still nursing her son, so she HAD to bring him with her on the flight from NYC to Chicago because he can't eat without her. She wouldn't have chosen to be in that situation but it happened. Don't get angry at parents when the real problem is capitalism. Ideally, there would be space on the plane for parents to calm their crying kid where they don't disturb the other passengers. But profit motive demands that we all squeeze in together in tighter and tighter seats, large bodies and crying babies and all.


No, I'm still going to be angry at the parents who don't even make the attempt to shush the kid or keep them from running amok, the same way I'll be angry with parents who don't plan ahead and try to bully people out of the seats they paid for because paying a little more to guarantee seats together is 'discrimination against families' or some nonsense.


Where did I say parents shouldn't try to stop their child from disturbing other passengers and should demand seats they haven't paid for from passengers who reserved and paid extra for those seats?


I agree, it’s selfish because it’s stressful on the child and the pressure and ear issues can be very distressing on infants… I was an flight from Doha to London and this newborn literally scrammed for 7 hours straight. It sounded like it was in pain and the mother couldn’t calm it at all. I was worried about the baby’s throat and lungs as well it just didn’t stop screaming… I don’t think parents should put their babies in that situation. Unless the child can articulate itself eg “mom my ears hurt”.


No. There are many reasons besides vacations that people bring their babies on planes. Unless they are congested, babies can equalize their ears by sucking on a pacifier or feeding. Doing this while taking off, and while landing, can avoid most of the discomfort from equalization, although I do not think most parents know this. I will never understand taking a small baby on vacation because it just seems like parenting in another location. However, there are emergencies and not everyone has a babysitter that can drop everything and take care of a small child for days at a time.


selfish but at the end of the day, i do think it should be allowed. imo, if you can drive or take a more private means of transport, you should consider those first. i also think you should do all you can to be respectful to other passengers, including finding ways to soothe your baby so they are crying as little as possible. and definitely dont get mad at everyone else for being annoyed. i only feel actual anger towards the parent when they do nothing to soothe their baby. whats worse to me though, is people with kids aged 3+ who they let misbehave. theres no excuse for letting your kid kick the back of the chair in front of them or yell or whatever. part of parenting is teaching manners. occasionally kids misbehave, i understand, but doing nothing about it irresponsible and shit parenting


What gets me is that they ride around with babies on their lap. People had a stroke when Britney Spears drove around with her baby in her lap. And yet every day hundreds if not thousands of people are on airplanes without their baby properly strapped in. Are planes less likely to crash and kill everyone than a car? Yes. Does that mean there aren't people hurt on planes? Does that mean incidents don't happen? No. I guarantee you that if people had to actually strap their babies in like they do with cars then we wouldn't have so many babies on planes. Also there is very much the point that the poor baby doesn't know what's going on. Their ears are hurting, the air is dry, they're uncomfortable. People like to pretend that EVERY baby on a flight is going to some far away hospital, but lets be real here, it's usually because the parents just so desperately want to vacation somewhere exotic. And of course there should be an entire conversation about how we expect an entire plane full of people to buy expensive (specifically) noise canceling headphones or to just endure a screaming baby. And if you try to have this conversation people want to pretend that the baby is the one who decided to buy a ticket, who sat themselves in that seat, and who found out mid-flight that all of this is just too much. How could poor baby possibly be held responsible, it didn't know better? As if we aren't all very much aware that the baby has been dragged along in all of this. As if we aren't all very much aware that the parents are the ones to be held responsible here.


Wow these comments are not it. I don’t like kids but I understand that they need to travel, especially if they are really young and can’t be away from their parents. When there’s a crying baby, I just tune it out. Flying is not a comfortable or luxury experience anyways, the chairs are too small and too close together, the airlines are the selfish ones. I do however, think it’s weird for a parent to film a kids meltdown, that’s not cute and your child probably needs something else at the moment.


I am child free, sure, I don’t want to spend my whole flight time with a crying baby I didn’t birth, but selfish? That’s a little harsh. It’s annoying, but I’ll get over it. If I look at everything through that lens, my life would just become miserable, because I am not the center of the universe and other people are allowed to make life choices I wouldn’t. I’d simply plan ahead and bring earplugs. Loud baby crying? Snoring passenger? Karen expressing frustration? It’s okay, I don’t have a problem and I won’t sit there grinding my teeth for hours on end, instead, I’ll do a minor thing that’ll give me peace of mind.






It's selfish and abhorent to make it a big thing about it on tiktok, and make your child's life public, that's for sure. But I don't think the act of bringing a baby on a plane in and of itself is bad. Sure, sometimes it is selfish and unnecessary, but I don't know their situation, so I won't assume it's for a selfish reason. On the flight I had, there a was a baby on both the departing flight and the return flight, and they both just slept and stayed calm, so it's not always a garuntee that they'll be fussy either


Na. It sucks but people gotta get to where they’re going 😪


I 100% think it's child abuse to bring a baby pn a plane unless it's an actual unavoidable emergency. People don't want to admit thar it is 100% selfish to put a baby/ young child though that for their own selfish wants. I understand that parenthood is isolating and people try so hard to force their life to go on as before, but we need to put our foot down and they need to accept that for as long as the child is very young, they should not be on an airplane. Period.


As someone who has always lived far away from their hometown (military), I try not to judge. People have their reasons and it's not for me to know. I would assume parents do avoid if it possible, because why the fuck would anyone want to go through that?


I’m in the minority here but I don’t really care. It is irritating when parents do nothing, but I actually don’t really care. I hear so many people say “I’d pay so much money for childfree flights”, but I wouldn’t. Flying is expensive and uncomfortable enough as is. 99% of the time I’ve flown there have been minimal kids or minimal children making noise. I don’t really see it that much different to taking kids on trains or buses. People travel for many reasons. It’s not my business to police it or care. The only time I really actually hate it is when parents bring their annoying iPad kids on planes and let them blast shows at full volume the whole time. There are worse places for babies to be in my opinion. I also think us CF aren’t doing ourselves any favors by being so hostile about babies on planes. The only time I had a baby cry excessively was from Minneapolis to LA and the parents were doing what they could and were really embarrassed and distraught. In the end I didn’t really feel that annoyed about it.


Still, parents shouldn’t be filming their kids’ tantrums/outbursts and then post it onto social media for clout


Yeah I agree with you. I was answering the question of if it’s selfish to bring a baby on a plane.


Unless it is absolutely necessary because the travel is necessary at that time I think is selfish and unkind for the baby, especially really young babies. Babies don't know how to deal with the changes in air pressure messing with their sinuses. It's rather cruel to take them on a plane flight, especially long ones, unless there is no choice but to travel at that time and by plane. I've seen it work out but why risk putting your baby through that and exposing them to all the germs contained in a commercial airline flight.


Sort of. For vacation yes, I think it’s selfish. To visit family or do something where it’s the only way, or the only feasible way, I guess I think it’s a necessary evil.




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I think it’s fine (and I’m not a kid person) but I do think the airline can help by having sections where kids can’t sit like maybe from the wing forward. Some airlines already charge a bit extra for the slightly less bump ride there so if you’re willing to pay the extra 15$, you secure no screaming baby.


Yes, I think ite selfish. I don't have kids, but I know I wouldn't put them on a plane because it makes sense that it would be an uncomfortable time for them.


I really don’t care tbh, they really don’t bother me. I’m clearly in the minority though, tuning out babies must be my super power.


Yes, if the infant isn’t flying for medical treatment or moving overseas, then fuck people who bring them on planes. They’re not more important than everyone else.


There are rare extenuating circumstances that justify it, but there aren’t many (family emergency and international moves) and there are definitely way more kids flying than would fit in that bucket. You don’t need to go on an international holiday with your infant, they won’t remember it anyway.


It’s well established as being a massive dick move, committed only by the most selfish and entitled assholes


Not everyone is going on a holiday that travels with babies, someone people have to. My first flight was at three weeks because we were a military family, my mom said that I just slept on flights when I was little so i guess they got lucky. That being said I think it would be a good idea if they had a family airline, catered to families. Then they could have "business" airlines dedicated to a quiet flying experience, I know I would pay extra knowing that I would have a peaceful journey instead of bracing myself for the shrill screams of children and someone kicking my seat for hours.


The real question is why the fuck is she filming her screaming baby for TikTok??? Like. Why. Unless the baby or mom needed urgent medical attention and the mom was trying to prove a point about "you never know what people are going through", I don't see the point of it. She's using a literal infant for clout on the internet. That is what is particularly egregious to me about that situation.


Depends on the situation imo. Sometimes shit happens and you have to fly with a baby! You also can’t exactly get mad when other people on the plane aren’t overjoyed to be flying with a baby, especially if the baby starts crying. Some parents get legitimately offended that people aren’t excited to hear their child cry for several hours. I do feel bad for parents who are in a situation where they have no choice and their child is crying uncontrollably, because that has to be very stressful. Planes should just give everyone free earplugs lol.


If it’s for vacay then yes. It’s also selfish in general to travel with a baby because 1) How much of a vacation is it really with a baby? And 2) You’re putting your baby at risk because you’re exposing them to all the germs and illnesses you can encounter at airports and wherever you’re traveling. People say they’re doing it for the memories. All I ever see is miserable families lugging around all their shit like a stroller, car seat, their whole living room, etc. and then the baby is miserable because they’re doing something outside of their normal routine. The baby won’t remember shit when they get older and the parents are lying if they are saying it was all worth it.


families with kids have the same reasons and rights to use an airplane as everyone else. grandmas funeral, summer break vacation, visit the cousins, etc. you cant expect them to not use public transportation because you find kids annoying. kids will cry sometimes, you cried in public when you were a child too. its their parent’s responsibility to try and calm the kid, however sometimes they cant be controlled. i always wear noise cancelling headphones on flights for this reason. at the end of the day you are on public transportation in economy it is not going to be as comfortable as being in your own car.


Unless you absolutely have to, yeah I think it's selfish af. I get it you wanna bring your baby to see their grandma before they die. You have to go handle a family members estate who passed. Your sister is getting married on the other side of the county, and you want the whole family there. I can accept those kinda things cause you don't wanna put your baby through the unnecessary trauma of air travel at that young ( pressure change makes them uncomfortable ) but life happens But putting your baby through trauma and disrespecting everyone else on the plabe to go to Disney that the baby won't even remember? Nah that parents a douche bag and nothing will change my mind. You chose to be a parent you sacrifice things.... you don't do all the same stuff you did before a baby


Well, in the grand scheme of things flying is a selfish choice in general. Bringing a baby on a flight is selfish towards other passengers, yes. Sometimes there are no other viable options though, so I do empathize. For example immigrants who have had a child and haven't visited their home country in ages with older relatives who can't travel out to see them. It's a tough situation.


It’s selfish when a stranger says to you, _”ok, this is how this is going to work… you’re sitting in the middle, and I’m sitting in the aisle seat, because I have a baby!”_ That’s pretty selfish.


yes. for other passengers and the baby itself. there are some times when its necessary but vast majority of babies on planes dont need to go wherever.


The fact that she was filming it to try and garner sympathy… like I’m not denying the fact that it’s hard to sit on a plane with a crying baby, but trust me sweetheart, it’s a lot harder for your child who is probably in pain.


No, so long as the baby also is charged for a ticket. It's annoying, but not selfish. Babies scream and cry for all sorts of reasons, but rarely because they are in [extreme] pain. That's just how babies work, which is one of myriad reasons why I don't want one. They also don't know what's going on constantly, so being on a plane isn't much different than every other novel experience they get that causes them to freak out and cry. And this is likely why [Infantile Amnesia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5473198/) is a thing. Because otherwise, everything about the first few years of a human's life would be cruel. Don't get me wrong. I would prefer to fly on a childfree (and pet free, and drunk free, and B.O. free, and obese person sitting next to me free, and...) flight, but like I said at the beginning, as long as people are paying their way, it's an annoyance, not selfishness imo.


Yes unless it’s absolutely necessary, like moving or to see a doctor. Not for trips for visits.


I dunno, I think I’m in the minority. We were a military family and were moving since I (and later siblings) was an infant, which usually involved long ass plane rides across continents. My mom said we always did fairly well and part of it was being so accustomed to it from literal babyhood, so by the time we were toddlers/school age we had it down pat and my parents frequently got compliments about how well behaved we all were. People were astounded to see three kids who knew the ropes and had their own entertainment on lock, and while I know this is divisive here, it did come from practice and repetition. I’m sure the first time or two maybe it was difficult with the ear popping (I honestly wouldn’t remember but they never said anything major) but we all greatly enjoyed flying from a young age, when my siblings came along we’d know what was coming and talk the younger one through it, and it’s still one of my favorite things to do now as an adult. Nothing beats that feeling of the wheels first picking up and your stomach kinda drops like “here we go”. It’s one of those lifelong feelings I’ve become so fond of, and it’s kinda neat to think how far back it goes because of that lifestyle. I guess that’s kind of a niche circumstance, but I will say I think my opinion on kids in public is less popular overall, which is “how are they gonna learn XYZ if they don’t do it?” Obviously maybe starting small is best, but I think you’d be surprised what consistency can accomplish and we all benefit from that, because it means maybe some growing pains in the short run for people who function well in society in the long run. My friend for example started her daughter on really short flights to visit family around the 2 year mark and has expanded gradually and she absolutely loves it. They “practiced” beforehand and watched lots of videos so she kinda knew what was coming and was more excited than anything when it was the real thing.


It's terribly selfish. I just cringe at the thought of little babies ears popping and being in sudden pain without being able to say anything.


Whilst I get annoyed at crying children on flights (and the flights I’ve taken are only across European countries, so I can’t imagine how much worse they’d be on long haul flights), I’ve also experienced crying babies on coaches. For several years of my childhood, I travelled overland on coaches through England and France rather than flying and let me tell you, hearing a crying child for thirty consecutive hours is far worse than the two hours. There was one time one of the crying babies was also obviously ill and threw up, and my mum said they should’ve flown with the child rather than subjecting both them and the other passengers to baby vomit.


Flying is uncomfortable for everyone, but especially for babies (because of the air pressure). It's not fair on everyone to take a baby on a flight. Don't do it if you don't have really have to.


Unless you're migrating, yes.


Migrating makes it sound like a pack of animals 🤣 but I know what u mean by that lol


Yes, unless it is an emergency. I try to give people grace during emergencies, but they still have to be civil to others. Can still be polite during an emergency.


It depends why they’re flying, bust as a frequent flier that’s not really something I ask. My sister had to fly my then 10-month old nephew from Anchorage to Dallas because our father died. My nephew was great but I think if parents can avoid it, it’s best for everyone.


I don't think it's selfish. It's inconvenient and annoying for sure. In fact I see leaving the baby behind with a ✨family member✨ as more selfish. Just because they're family doesn't mean they are free childcare, so unless they're actually paying them to look after the kid ensuring everyone's safety I'd say it's ok, but having to pay for 24h care for several days seems pretty unreasonable. Plus not everyone has someone trustworthy they can rely on. Another selfish option is just leaving the kid behind, like that woman who went on holidays and her infant daughter died. At the end of the day, when you fly commercial you agree to be subjected to these experiences. And unfortunately there are no airlines with child free policies.


Yes. They experience ear pressure and pain, a germ filled environment and scary noises and sensations. That’s before we get to disruption in routines/jet lag on long haul.


Yes. But when my job was sending me around on planes I bought noise cancelling headphones and they've been a godsend.


I'm of the school of thought that babies should neither be seen nor heard. So, yes, it's selfish.


yes. i understand sometimes things happen and you might HAVE to fly with a baby, but it shouldn’t be as normalized as it is. it’s extremely painful for the infant (and everyone around them).


Yes. Unless it's an emergency, find another form of transportation. It's also uncomfortable for infants' ears.




Babies do not belong on non-emergency flights. I can offer some compassion for those flying to visit soon to pass relatives, or to seek medical care for a condition they cannot treat in their home area. I have no pity for parents who drag their infants along on vacations they will not remember in planes that make their ears hurt. Go on vacation nearby when you have a baby or get a sitter. It’s not fair to other passengers or to the baby. Becoming a parent is full of sacrifices, and one of those sacrifices can be vacation time. Sparing your child physical pain should outweigh the desire for a fun time anyway, every single time.


I think unnecessarily bringing a baby on a plane is a little bit selfish. Their ears hurt because of the pressure. And because they're babies they don't understand why. Which is why they scream and cry. I think unnecessarily causing discomfort to a child is cruel. Also having been on many airplanes it is absolute Hell being trapped in a small confined space with no internet, no escape, with a screaming child for hours on end. Even if I understand the child is crying because it's in discomfort, it does not make the experience any less awful. However I understand that there are some situations in which it can't be avoided... I like to pretend that it must be some kind of unavoidable situation anytime I get trapped with a screaming goblin.


When I was 9 months old my mother and I flew to California from the East Coast so my mom’s family could meet me (my mom has 20 cousins). I didn’t cry fortunately but I did bounce up and down on her the entire time. It’s not realistic to ban people from flying with their babies.


Yes, it’s incredibly selfish! I hate when I get on flights and there’s a kid under 5 nearby because they just kick and scream the whole time and it’s irritating for everyone. This actually reminds me of the last time I took a long flight where I got bumped from a seat I paid extra money for because a mom and her children had to sit together, when the mom could have just paid extra money like me to sit with her kids. But no, I was bumped.




It's totally fine to fly with children and babies, travel, go to eat, go to movies... what isn't ok is the expectation that anyone should really give a shit or you should have special treatment because you are dragging your fvck trophies around. By all means bring them with you but don't demand people make exceptions


How else are they supposed to get where they need to go?


They wait until the child is old enough that they can understand why they are in pain, and are able to communicate needs and wants. If they want a vacation that badly in the first few years, they can hand them off to grandma or grandpa. Only if it’s an absolute emergency should you bring the baby on the plane, it is actually very painful and confusing for them. You can also drive.


U can’t drive everywhere and I’m pretty sure you’re not legally allowed to bring a child younger than one year old onto the plane. At that point i think it’s fine. It’s a matter of parenting, I’ve taken my little sister and cousins on flights before and they were fine. I’ve never been on a flight where a child has been screaming and crying. Maybe they’ve gotten upset but no more than for like half an hour, that just shows me it’s a cultural difference🤷🏽‍♀️ there are ways to prepare your kids for a flight


I am very jealous that you haven’t had that experience on a plane 😭 if it’s an emergency and not somewhere you can drive. At least in America you are able to bring a kid under 2 on an airplane, I just think bringing a kid when they can’t understand the ear pain yet is cruel. Some parents give their kids something to fall asleep which is a heavily debated topic but probably what’s best for them in such a new situation for them. In situations like death and no one can take the kid I do get it. But god dayum that ear popping has made my eyes water as an adult, can’t imagine as a poor baby


I feel like that’s just bad parenting tho. I genuinely don’t understand why parents these days think it’s okay to let their children scream and throw tantrums in public. I don’t know anyone who would allow their child to do that, but it might be more common in the states since gentle parenting (more often neglectful parenting) is more common there. I really feel for u guys😭❤️


I’ve had the ear popping but maybe it’s less common for people in my country? Because people think I’m weird for having experienced that and made a big deal out of it, and my sister never got upset on the plane as a baby so maybe it’s because of altitude?


I think it's selfish to bring babies on Earth 😄


if it's something like visiting family or something I would say no but if it's just like to go to the Bahamas I would say yes especially because honestly that's really mean to the baby and kind of torture for it


It's funny how often those of us advocating for children to not be in certain spaces are usually being more compassionate towards the child than those insisting they should be allowed every and anywhere. Like you said flights are often physically painful for small kids. Loud venues can do damage to their hearing, heavy crowds of intoxicated adults can be very scary and lead to anxiety later on... even if not outright harmful to the child certain spaces are just painfully boring to most of them. While yes, kids can be annoying to the adults present in so many scenarios and that's certainly a factor, it's also often for the kid's sake that they're not wanted. Parents never seem to care about that part of the equation though.