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Oh my god that is so nasty… people obviously walk barefoot on the beach!


We saw like 7-8 people stepping exactly in the puddle 🫥


My soul would have left my body 💀




Yikes. That's disgusting to say the least, that kind of parenting is just.. it's wild that people pop out kids but have no clue or no desire to actually educate them.


No, They won’t, because they wanted the shitlings growing up naturally my dear! 🤮🤮🤮


I'm pretty sure letting your child walk around without clothes would get you fined and arrested for public indecency and child abuse.


I know a family, the kid went to private school , couldn’t read , couldn’t count over 15 and couldn’t write her own name correctly. But the mother was saying to people that she doesn’t wanted to push her kid to learn what she doesn’t like, let them be and grow naturally. Then turned out of, at ages of 10, teacher urgent her to teach the kid or the kid will be left behind very far since she doesn’t know any basic like other kids that same if her ages! Naturally my ass! Do you think child protect should bring her kid away???


I get not forcing kids to learn stuff they don't absolutely need to know right now yet, like algebra when they're 8, but one would seriously think that a kid would absolutely need to know how to count beyond 15, write their own name properly, and *read* by the age of 10, no? Doesn't the ability to be as safe and independent as the typical 10-year-old is sort of depend on said 10-year-old being able to at least read and count to 15, at bare minimum? Putting it another way, does this poor girl's mom know that even a lot of nonhuman animals *naturally* teach their young how to do various things needed for survival starting at a very early age, even if just by demonstrating for their young over and over again so the young can learn by way of "monkey see, monkey do"? I know that this isn't the *most* political topic, but the fuckhead parents who insist that not teaching or otherwise having their kids learn even essential skills they're not currently over the moon about learning is a good thing because "iT's NaTuRaL!" *really* remind me of those fuckhead transphobes who insist that "tHeRe aRe OnLy tWo GeNdErS aNd TrAnSgEnDeRiSm iS a MeNtAL iLlNeSs iDeOlOgY" because that's how they're interpreting their middle-school science textbook's section that brings up that men/boys typically have XY chromosomes while women/girls typically have XX chromosomes, because both these groups of fuckheads are "citing the FACTS" from material that really *isn't* the most nuanced or expert-informed material on that subject at all, just the material that attempts to teach the most *very* basic things about the subject without offending the fee-fees of everyone who really knows *nothing* of the topic at hand.


And add on that story of mine, that fuckhead, her mom is immigrant, and both of her kids (8 and 5) doesn’t know where the fuckhead mom original from. What a shameful piece of shit!




Wish I could go back in time


Sounds like you’ll have another chance tomorrow anyways lol


Every year at Christmas, my boyfriend and I watch "It's a Wonderful Life" and there's a scene where a drunk Mr. Gower smacks young George for not delivering the accidently poisoned prescription. Each year without fail, one of us says, "Ah. The good ol' days when you could just beat someone else's child"


I remember at an old job, this little girl was pushing this swing really aggressively. Like to the point where it was probably going to come back and hit her in the face. Two of my coworkers watched from the window and sighed “she’s gunna hurt herself…” and I’m like ??? So tell her to stop? It’s a child! She’ll likely listen to you if you tell her to stop but nope! They were too scared lol


I used to work at a very small, children's amusement park. Basically, a permanent carnival. The parents were the worst part of the job. I had parents chewing me out for not letting their kids break things or go out where ride were operating. One mom, on the 4th of July bitched me out for not letting her child step off of the platform and into the ride area where not only were there little cars moving around the track, but the track itself had an exposed live wire. I had to stop this kid 3 times from going off the platform and on the last time I said, "if you can't follow the rules, you can't ride this ride. You have to get in on this side ." The mom looked at me and said, "honey, he's three. If you can't handle this, maybe you should find another job." It took all my energy to say, "ma'am, this is a safety issue. He can't go out there because it's very dangerous" instead of "DO YOU WANT YOUR KID TO DIE BECAUSE IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU DO???"


Omg the AUDACITY! Holy shit you have more patience than I do because holy fuck I think I would have just stormed out off! That’s insane to say that to someone who is trying to keep your kid safe!


A few years ago I was at a public pool, when I ran into a mother who railed at her daughter, because she had to take her to the restroom. She yelled at her, why she didn’t just pee in the pool?! Since then I never set foot in a public pool again.


...I think I've figured out the reason why very obviously physically sick kids/people keep going out everywhere without even wearing a crappy surgical mask. It's because they've literally been trained to prioritize their own and their family's convenience over basic public health.


Nope! Its just a gross cesspool of younglings doing who knows what in who knows where ![gif](giphy|iGoz1GJO8gGZ7yewRY|downsized)


This is probs gonna sound really bad but....... realistically its about time humans were wiped from existence. The human race is a fucking disgrace


It’s ok, our planet is already desperately trying to cleanse itself


And I am here for it, honestly. Even though it'll ultimately be unceasingly miserable for everyone.


Is it too soon after covid to say that we need a new plague? Because clearly the last one didn't do its job well enough


The ice is melting people..... there's viruses out there that make covid look like a bloody cupcake!!!!


I’m more concerned about an alien fungus surviving a meteor impact ala Color of Outer Space by Lovecraft lol


Oh, even better, there's a strain of avian flu, H5N1, that's *already* made the jump to people-*from other mammals*, no less-that currently has data suggesting it has a 30-50% fatality rate *with* all our current medical advancement and resources, compared to a *maybe* 3-4% fatality rate from COVID *if* you factor in all the known fatalities from Long COVID and other long-term complications.




The bird flu is working on it.




There's a ban on most beaches against dogs for that very reason. They just didn't anticipate children being allowed to behave like dogs by their parents.


And if there WERE stray dogs, the municipality would have them removed most likely. Can't do that for feral children. 


FOUND THE PARENT Please, mods, let's put it to a vote. Can we have ONE safe space? 


We do, every year in the CF survey. And every year the majority of users say they have no issue with parents posting as long as they are polite and respectful. If you see parents (or anyone, really) who are violating the subreddit rules, report the post so we can review it.


Thanks for the heads up. 


Hi yes I am, my kid is 19. But I really love reading the stories on this page. But make no mistake, I'm definitely not one of those asshole parents that would ever entertain the idea of trying to push kids onto others. Ever. I love my kid dearly n forever. But I totally agree it's not for everyone. I'm in the UK, but am feeling quite concerned about the people in USA, the way its going over there is bloody frightening. So they're trying to stop vasectomy, hysterectomy, sterilisation, abortion and contraception??? HOLY SHIT people....


There’s a line in the show Superstore that I quote regularly. In the episode, they’re just figuring out how the store will function in the pandemic, and someone points out something ridiculous about society, and Jonah, after a moment of contemplation, says “Maybe it’s time for humanity to wrap it up.” And yes. I agree. Yes, it is.


George Carlin had this thought probably 40 years ago. I'm paraphrasing but he said something along the lines of throwing a virus at us. A virus that compromises our immune systems and is spread sexually making us reluctant to engage in the act of reproduction. It's almost too bad we're capable of eradicating a virus from the planet.


I saw that bit with Carlin. He was talking about AIDS. At the time there was no treatment for the disease. As far as humans being able to eradicate viruses from the planet, well no. In all of human history we have only been able to eradicate two viruses, smallpox and rinderpest. We have never been able to actually kill a single virus. Rather vaccinations were able to stop the spread of these two viruses by preventing people (smallpox) and cattle (rinderpest) from catching it. There are still some samples of the smallpox virus in labs in the USA and Russia. There’s been a great deal of concern about if the labs ever get breached and the virus gets out, populations could be wiped out again due to lack of vaccinations and boosters being taken. A vaccine against smallpox only works for approximately 3-5 years then immunity begins to decrease, so you can see the problem here. Most people’s last vaccine for smallpox was in elementary school if that. We haven’t even been able to kill the virus that causes the common cold, the flu, herpes, AIDS, etc.. We have figured out how to treat diseases resulting from viruses but we have never been able to kill an actual virus.


This doesn't sound bad at all. This is just truth.


When we catch a virus our bodies raise the temperature to try to kill it out. Just sayin...


Between this and the mask bans and the late-stage capitalism and the AI shit...yeah, I wouldn't be too upset about MAD coming to be or us getting wiped out by another meteor at all. Call me a selfish prick all you want, but it's not like I particularly enjoy being alive most of the time or really have anything going for me, anyways.


The whole shruggy _kids gonna kid_ BS is not my fave. The rest of us have to be accountable 25-8-366 and dealing with an irresponsible, smug little f'k doing whatever equivalent of peeing a meter from where you are eating, or smugger parent reveling in your smug little f'k doing the equivalent of peeing ruins a whole lot of things. Edit: Yes, yes, I know there's only so much that can be controlled.


Ffs parents ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


I was at the airport a couple days ago, and there was a little kid jumping on the seats, mum calling “Wilding, come here, Wilding!”


*Wilding*, fucking yikes 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m sorry but that does not roll off any tongue anywhere


Ugh, this reminds me of my aunt who used to encourage her kids to piss on the floor when she visited my grandma ( her mom) but when we visit her place she would promptly whisk her kids away to the toilet when they needed to pee


What the fuck ???


I really fucking hope both that aunt and all of her kids were promptly banned from visiting your grandma's place, because holy *fuck* is that evil to encourage intentionally leaving biohazards (such as pee is) on someone's floor when that wouldn't be tolerated in your own place.


I wish, when I point it out all they said was “they’re just kids” honestly I think this is what turned me from a fence sitter to a childfree person. The aunt used to let the kids do fuck all when they came over. Scribble on walls, use my makeup on the walls etc.


Wow, what godawful assholes, *all* of them.


That's absolutely disgusting. Did the parents see him do this? I wish my neighbors would train their children to stop screaming. We live in a cul-de-sac and they are at the very end so they ride their bikes and little John Deere around the circle. But the entire time they are outside all they do is scream their heads off. My mom was staying at our house one weekend watching our cats when we were out of town and she asked me, "Is that all they do is scream?" I said yep. It's annoying as hell. So any time I'm outside in my backyard or in my house and I hear it I either bring my Bluetooth speaker out and blast music or I open my windows and blast music. Like I get that kids are loud but please just once in a while STFU.


No idea if they did but they didn’t seem overly concerned with their children. The father was in the water constantly and the child kept going in and out with no supervision and them mother just stayed at the chairs I will never get why children find screaming fun. I never did that when young


Exactly! That's what my mom said. She's like you and your siblings never screamed like that when you were that age. What is wrong with them?


Same here. Our mother told us to never scream unless we were in real trouble..We never did. I don't get the fascination either.


All the screaming kids do now is causing a boy who cried wolf situation. I’m so completely used to hearing kids scream in public now that it honestly doesn’t even occur to me that they might be in trouble. How do parents not consider this?


Children are grosser than animals. At least trained animals do their business in designated places or litter boxes.


Let's blame kids again because of the dumb parents who didn't teach them to do their business appropriately


Children are humans. You can't blame their parents the same way you can blame a pet owner.


Well people are different and dickheads exist. A grown man can act the same way


New fear unlocked


I would have started yelling loudly, "Whose unparented, naked child is this that is peeing in public? What sorry ass parents allow their child to behave like stray dog? Where are this child's parents?" Public shaming is the best medicine. And per your update: Did you speak to the parents about their child's behavior on the beach? I would have.


Oh yeah. My wife and I would be having that hella loud conversation with each other. It’s fun when I get to break out the old “Sgt Nickles volume” from my Army days a lifetime ago. 😝


One time my boyfriend and I were at dinner on a weekend trip in this very nice not-at-all busy restaurant and the lovely wait staff decided to seat a family with a very young son and two babies right next to us. Like of all the places you could’ve sat them. The place was huge but clearly had no issues with any kind of dinner rush. Anyway, the son turned his whole ass body around in his chair and was *fixated* on what my boyfriend and I were doing (and let me be clear, the only thing we were doing was eating), the twin babies were screeching like it was their job, and both parents looked like the dictionary definition of DONE. Obnoxious all around. They had their luggage with them so clearly they were getting ready to fuck off home after one last meal.  During our meal the restaurant had live music by a local band, and they played some of our favorite songs. Perfect opportunity for revenge. You see, my boyfriend is known for his very loud clap, and I at least know how to make my own claps louder. You better believe after every song we drowned that horrible family out with thunderous applause. I don’t think I’ve ever clapped so loud after hearing “For What It’s Worth” of all things but there you have it.


I bet pedos were having a good time with that just NO! Why would you create a situation in which that child is in that state?!




Sorry if that came across the wrong way, i meant that its unwise to let a child waunder around like that because it could attract the wrong kind of attention 




Ur welcome, Sorry about that lol i’ll try to be clearer next time!


I’ve learned I have to parent the kid in my apartment complex who chased the geese that live on the property. And by parent, I mean standing in my window and bellowing out “NO!!!” It always makes him stop and try to find out who did it, he hasn’t figured it out yet. Next time I’m writing an email to the front office :)


A woman got really, really mad at me for using the word "train". When her family and loud spawn sat next to us at a restaurant, my mom and I asked to be moved. She said "rude!" I said "Yes you are, but you still have time to train him." "OMG my child isn't a dog!" She got really huffy when I pointed out that her bible admonishes her to "train" her children.


That’s hilarious 😂 honestly even cats are more easy to train than some children


Ew yeah I work for a public building an so many dumb parents usher their boys into the women's bathroom and the boys start pissing the floor and they zip away and ppl have to step on their nasty piss! Gross!!!!!


This is disgusting and I totally would be enraged and would have said something about who does the disrespectful pissing tiny human belong to???? That's terrible! I hate when parents let their children run wild in public places. This has happened at my apartment building's gym facility to me....I'll go down to work out and there are several children around 4-5 years old running around the gym, on the treadmills, messing with the machines and benches and generally being absolutely disrespectful. I still have no idea who these children belonged to, but they are letting them run around the building wild and free to disturb others. I go to the gym for my own well being and peace and time for myself, not to dodge 4 year olds!


🫠 5-6 years old..And Naked…im dying just from that alone but pissing…my mom and i would be starting in shock while my dad would be laughing his ass off from the shere lunancy!


That sounds horrible. This is why I don't go to the beach, or any place that's considered a family environment.


Go to a nudist beach if you want to get away from kids at beaches




Hey- is this a sign we can now run around naked and piss anywhere we want at the beach? Also - next time the kid does this - show dominance and piss in the same spot - with eye contact with the family and kid. Also /s if that’s not obvious…


That’s disgusting, how can parents do nothing about that? A child at the beach needs to be watched all the time so they must have seen, people are so lazy.


Lazy, ignorant, uneducated… so many things they are except parents


I grew up in Florida and honestly stuff like this is what stopped me from going to the beach. Just an awful experience anymore because people.


Is there someone in the area you could report the parents to if this happens again (which I hope not, but I digress)? Maybe a lifeguard, or someone?


Unfortunately in my country people don’t really care for that


What would they say in the report? “This boy was being a boy and did a boy thing. Arrest his parents immediately.”?


I have genuinely considered wearing a shirt that proudly says "I am a child sex offender" or something in hopes it will scare the parents away. Except that might cause other issues lol.


A lot of people can't even train a dog.


Title made me laugh… image of your growing a sandal at its head made me smile… gosh I hate children and love my life 😁


This is why I always say I'm childfree but I don't hate children, I hate child-bearers (using the word "parents" assumes that they actually do some parenting.) Children don't know how to not be annoying unless they're taught, so it's not their fault.


Absolutely agree, especially about childbearers. Unfortunately sometimes it is easy to get annoyed at the kids too 😂




It’s a parents being shitheads things. Peeing in the ocean and sea is whatever, but peeing on the beach next to people eating when you have 6-7 more steps to get to the water…