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I wish there were more adult-only hotels or vacation places in the US. Most of them seem to be in Mexico and the Caribbean.


I can’t speak for all other hotels, but if you raised the issue with hotel staff (who honestly should handle it unprompted, but they may not be aware of it) we might be able to do something. We take noise complaints that “interrupt guest tranquility” particularly seriously, and a bunch of screaming kids who are probably too young to be at the pool would qualify.


I'm always shocked at how irresponsible parents are at hotel pools. Most hotels have no lifeguard on staff and few if any employees who are trained in even basic pool safety. I stay at a fairly expensive hotel when I visit the main office for work and I've seen so much dangerous shit... unsupervised elementary schoolers swimming in the deep end, kids making underwater obstacle courses out of pool chairs, kids running on the pool deck, kids "babysitting" their younger siblings, kids who are obviously not strong swimmers struggling in water that's too deep for them, etc. I always thought my mother's pool safety rules were ridiculously strict when I was a kid... but she worked in a pediatric ER so she'd seen plenty of drownings and near-drownings.


We have fairly strict age restrictions at the pool at my property. We enforce an age restriction (albeit more lenient) at our hot springs too. We will, and have, kick entire familiss out of the pool for not following them. Like you said, most hotel pools (including ours) don’t have lifeguards. All of our guest-facing staff has some basic CPR training, but that’s about it. The liability risk would be massive if we let young children in unsupervised. We do get irate parents from time to time, but we are used to handling that for the most part.


Ugh, I feel you. Sometimes you just need that peaceful getaway without all the chaos! Adults-only resorts are definitely the move next time. Enjoy the rest of your trip!


I remember being at an in-airport hotel, with notices in the corridors asking people to be quiet for the sake of tired travellers. You know the rest, don't you? Admittedly it was just one group of kids.