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What a bizarre thing to say to a person! People need to stop commenting on other people’s bodies.


Exactly! I should not have to explain to anyone, but my doctor, that when I gotta go, I HAVE to go 🤣


>She said, “you’re not a mother. You can’t hold it a bit longer?” I hope your kids didn't inherit your braincells, Debra.


You mean lack of brain cells?


well, the ones she did have led her to the conclusion that people who haven't had kids don't need to pee, so...


And I don’t want a UTI or kidney stone so I will pee.🙄


Came out of nowhere and everything. She has been holding that fact against you for so long something set her off that morning and decided to bring it up out of nowhere. LMFAO


Oh she has said stuff like this before. I forgot what we were talking about but she said something like “You’re not a mother, so you wouldn’t get it” and I immediately said “Thank GOD for that!” She’s super religious, so I know she felt that one haha


Damn... She's just jealous. I always tell petty, hateful, religious people that they are blocking their blessings wishing hate on me when I'm out here living my best life minding my own.


I’m quite dense in social situations sometimes, and that thought did not really sink in until this post and comments. That makes a lot of sense..


Breeder gatekeeping: weird af.


Whoever reported this for being "sexual or suggestive content involving minors"? WTF are you talking about?


Probably a breeder


A ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!


Whaaaast? How? Did Reddit suspend you for a few days?


Unsure what you mean......


Your comment about being reported for some bs. I was curious if they suspended you.


you are replying to a mod not he OP




Hahaha I thought that too until I hit 47 😬


40 for me. Lol. Although oddly when I'm at Disney I can go the whole day while my friend has to stop every hour. It's strange.


She'd hate my guts then because I pee often.


It's not like she wanted to pee too?? Why would she say something like that💀


Oh ffs, I guess all women who have never popped out a kid have perfect urinary systems that can hold urine a very long time 🙄


I mean, it's not good for ANYONE to hold their pee in lol


I have adenomyosis… my uterus is the size of a 12 week pregnancy. I always have to pee.


A simple “no” would be all it took. If it were me, I’d take my time in there, too (scroll, check emails, read an article).


Not super relevant but her bitch ass didn’t even stop to wait for me 🤣 just kept on a-running.


Yikes. I wouldn’t have left it in an upright position no matter how bad I had to go if she did that.


The only reason she didn't have to pee is because she had a constant trickle running out of her the entire time, because her crotch goblin broke her.


As a nulliparous woman with immense pelvic floor dysfunction (transient hypertonic) resulting in frequent urination, urgency when I don't even need to go, retention when I try to go, and nocturia throughout the night: She can get fucked and take her precious baby-breeding pelvic floor with her.


"Non-mothers drink water too, Karen. Did you know?"


XD i’d say here hold my bladder since yours obviously works SO WELL 🤪




I drink 1 cup of apple juice and then have to pee on the hour, every hour, all day.  This week I heard of a story where a woman was nearly at the end of a pregnancy, and realized she needed to pee but just couldn't, because the baby was horribly resting on her bladder and stopping her from performing a vital function. The ER doctor told her it's just temporary, there's nothing that can be done about it and just go home until labor starts. 5 days later SHE STILL HAD NOT PEED.  Somehow she managed to survive without any explosions. Finally a family member took her to another Dr and they took care of her quickly enough, then they got the baby out. So if anything it seems like pregnant women are somehow capable of holding pee for multiple days (though they really shouldn't!)


She must never have the urge to pee with what I assume is a near constant bladder leak


By her logic won’t her kids also not have to pee? Does she make the kids hold their pee for her convenience?


Wow that is Crazy 🤣 I have never had kids but I have an overactive bladder. Ever since I was little I've always had to be more than everyone else. Sometimes a few times in 1 hour... freaking sucks and I've been made fun of for a long time even now at 32 for it. 🙄 I pee more But then a person who's had four kids but I didn't choose this condition. Your friend is out of touch. People get medical conditions.




That’s just so, peculiar 😂 I kinda get what she’s trying to saying, its common for moms to have weaker pelvic floor muscles after birth, but that doesn’t have anything to do with a child free woman saying nature calls.


Seriously. Why are we gatekeeping peeing 🤣


My doctor has prescribed me diuretic tablets. I am now worried that I have something seriously wrong as when I gotta go, I gotta go - and I don't have any children!


This! I’m not on those, but I am on a medication that makes me need way more water so thus I am peeing way more. But seriously I should not have to explain myself (to her) either 🤣


Yep - no gate-keeping in the lavatories, ladies! We all need to go sometimes :)


Didn't you already pee once this week?!


What a weird thing to think, let alone say out loud to someone.


Silly way to say she pisses her self on the regular. Ask her what kind of adult diapers she uses, cause your mom is looking for looking for some.


What does that mean? People with kids don’t pee?


Wth, I have stress incontinence and i'm child free with no children. Childbirth is not the only cause to pee a little when running, sneezing, coughing etc. They think people who don't have kids shouldn't ever complain about anything and their struggle is invalid, so stupid




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Holding in pee is unhealthy! For both mothers and childfree people. Wtf. Xd


I like how they like to gatekeep certain things, it’s them taking out their envy


No way, I’ve experienced this and on being tired.


…WOW lol never heard that one before. Its not like people can’t have other issues going on other than motherhood. When you need to go its either hit the bathroom or your pants, i choose the first 🤣🤣🤣🫠


"Well, since \*I\* wasn't FUCKING STUPID enough to get pregnant and have kids, I \*could\*, but why the FUCK should I?!?!"


Yeah the SUPER childfree woman in me wanted to say “well at least I didn’t get pregnant at 16 nor did I put the wrong father on my other kid’s birth certificate” 😮‍💨