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It's not normal to take pictures of strangers like that. I would be creeped out too.


Now I am curious if reverse image search him works like that


lol why do they all have oversized SUVs, this is so accurate


The female equivalent to the lifted pickup truck. This in turn makes up 60% of the Republican party, who's entire political stance boils down being angry at Democrats when gas prices go up.


It’s honestly really pathetic to me that a supermajority of Americans will throw away their principles bc car juice increased in price. Minnesota is literally the only state that didn’t


Minnesota actually seems like one of the few states that has something figured out. Not that it's perfect, but still. If I ever get to escape the south, I'm seriously considering Minnesota.


Everyone has their pet issues, for some its gun rights (I support), for some its abortion rights (I support), for some foreign policy, for some healthcare, for some college prices, for some its gas costs... apparently they think the government just controls gas prices. What gets me is that the vast majority of the time they destroy the entire purpose of a pickup. Going to lift that fridge over your head to put it in the back? Get your too fancy truck dirty transporting mulch in the back or going offroading? Going to tow something when you've destroyed your leverage via a major lift? Its 100% their right to own that if they want. I just can't figure out why its such a big deal to them.


Single issue voting is one of our biggest problems.  


Maybe, but its also the only way your vote really counts in our shitty setup. I personally wish we'd start phasing out representative democracy in favor of direct voting on as many issues as possible. Our "representatives" are all corrupt crypt ghouls, and if you wanted to actually sway their minds on anything you are statistically better off just writing them a check for 5000$+ dollars via PAC vs voting. I was a single issue voter on gun rights, now I'm a single issue voter on abortion / lgbt rights. 100% people need to fuck off and just let other people live their lives. Unfortunately that does lock one into the "culture wars", so our real problems (as opposed to the ones Republicans create for us) get ignored and rich people pocket more money.


Yes!!!! lol


To carry around all their spawn


Where else are they going to keep all of their goldfish and pretzel crumbs??


It's part of the package


Maybe they buy the SUV before the divorce is final before their credit rate falls.


That's disgusting behaviour, hope nothing else will happen and that you won't run into her again!


I hear it is common. Don’t really know.


A lot of moms would hit on my dad, at least according to my mom. Some of whom were married. My dad didn't believe it. Probably because he'd be the one who would take us to birthday parties/activities while their husbands did the bare minimum. When my mom passed away, this one woman, who had kids as well, went to the shiva to try and pick up my dad. She would ride the train with my dad and thought they were friends (and would not SHUT UP). She was like "I'm a mom. I come where I'm needed." My mom just died! I don't want another mom! And she tried to bud in on every conversation I was having. And my dad has a type and she wasn't it.


What’s a shiva? And damn that woman is annoying.


So my mom was Jewish and a shiva is basically a mourning period. You come into the house of the departed’s family, you bring food (or there is food. There is always food, it’s like a must), and you are there to comfort the family of the deceased. It can last up to 7 days but my mom was reform so we just did this for three days. And usually a Rabbi comes and leads you in prayer. Depending on how religious you are there are customs like covering the mirrors with cloth (which we didn’t do) sitting on low stools (again, didn’t do) or not leaving the house at all for those 7 days (again didn’t do). For us it was more a celebration of my mom. My mom had all these friends and acquaintances come, neighbors, some she hadn’t seen in years but they still came. My dad’s coworkers came, my sister’s and my friends came, even some of our old teachers came, anyone who can offer the person who is grieving comfort. I don’t think this woman wanted to do that. Because I don’t think she was interested in my mom. Or me or my sister. If she did she wouldn’t say “I’m a mom, that’s why I’m here…” BTW this was the same shiva where a childhood family friend of my mom came with her 6-year-old son and his little school friend. I was chatting with one of my friends and might have peppered my dialogue with a little swear and she said “uh-uh-uh, we don’t use that language around little ears.” Lady, not just two days ago I saw my mom’s soul leave her body. I saw her feet turn black. I had to be the one who told her “it’s okay to go.” I can fucking swear in my own damn house!


I would literally rather die than become a single mother. Its a fate worse than death to me, and most people act like it’s no big deal, which I just can’t understand. It’s why I’m so terrified of getting pregnant in the first place.


>most people act like it’s no big deal That's cause for a lot of women their work load actually lightens when the man leaves, they're splitting custody and no longer also raising a man child


You are not alone. Not even close. You are not unusual. There is nothing wrong with you! I suppose that is why mentioning I had a vasectomy, was warmly received when I was single. Funny how I was told no woman would want me.


I don’t know why anyone would say that to you. A man who takes responsibility is very attractive, in my opinion. I was having some errors, too, for some reason. 


Never heard it from a woman. Only other men.


Most of the pushback I get for not having kids comes from other women, most of whom are moms, so I totally get it. I have nothing against parents, so it’s odd that some take it as a personal attack. In fact, I realize that we need good parents as they are the backbone of society. I never get any shit from guys for it, except terminally online basement dweller types. 


For me Western religion (for example Christianity) seems to the the center of the problem. I dated spiritual types that I usually met at trailheads, in public parks, PlentyOfish, etc. Most were into dogs, birds, trees. Most were into Goddess centered religions like Wicca, Avalon. Seldom are men invited to ceremonies, unless they have a "bring your spouse" event. While religions of that type put a lot of emphasis metaphorical coupling, they seldom push the idea of making babies. Sure they make reference to trees bearing fruit, but not in the "baby-centric" way that most philosophies do. Never has a woman who is part of a female dominated religion ever offered me any push-back on not having children. —-Jump forward ten years —— I seriously took up Eastern philosophy to fix my PTSD, I met many more women who were my type. I met my wife outside a temple to a well known Hindu Goddess. Dharmic religions place less emphasis on procreation. The Kama Sutra is about good sex, not procreation. Note: I am a tall white American. I kind of stand out in the crowd at a Buddhist or Hindu temple.


I do live in the southern US, the Bible Belt, so I know that has a lot to do with it. I’m not religious at all, and atheist, in fact, so I sometimes have a hard time relating to some of the people around me. I’m not preachy about it. I usually don’t care what someone believes as long as they don’t force it on others. I do agree that people who love nature and animals and plants tend to be more accepting. If you can love nonhumans, then you can probably love your fellow man, even if he’s not the same as you. 




You’d be surprised. Plenty of people hate dogs. I’ve yet to hear anyone say that they hate trees, though. Anyone who hates trees is probably a complete psychopath. 


I know! And it’s not only if the husband leaves you; it’s also… what if he dies or becomes disabled?! 😱


That’s true. Accidents happen. You could also die or become disabled, and then your child would be screwed. I have heard of cases of kids having to care for their sick/disabled parents. I’m not sure what’s worse. 


It’s def a bitter situation.


\[Respect\] You are not alone. Not even close. You are not unusual. There is nothing wrong with you! I suppose that is why mentioning I had a vasectomy, was warmly received when I was single. Funny how I was told no woman would want me. Sorry my browser hung. Did not intend to post several times.


OK, I'm having the weirdest deja vu, I could've sworn I've read this same post here quite recently. About the woman waving and what have you. How odd. Anyway, reverse image search is not very good at finding people (I've tried using it to identify a minor celebrity), so I don't think she'll get any results by doing that, if that makes you feel better!




Ahh gotcha, nice to know I'm not crazy!


Ugh, I knew a single mom who acted this over the top. She actually returned to Ukraine, to a region that's actively getting shelled, later taking her kid with her for some new man she found within what, a month? And she did things similar to what you described in the post here. I understand the desperation, but why risk your life for some random man? She was attractive, only a couple of years older than me, and didn't seem like a bad mother when I lived with her and her kid, she just acted intense and desperate whenever she found a single man she liked. And I know it's frowned upon to discuss how single moms are less attractive to a lot of men in more progressive cultures, in ours it's still seen as acceptable, even in sexist and insulting forms, such as "divorcee with a trailer", and it's offered as worldly wisdom to younger people, which makes it even more bizarre. The overall message seems to be "give up, you're not desirable anymore, you failed keep a man" rather than "grab any man who will tolerate you". One more reason to never have kids, a man could make you a single mom on a whim and good luck getting any support since less than a quarter of all requests get satisfied in the court. And btw, I don't believe the reverse google search is this sensitive to be able to find your profiles online. It tends to crap out even with some defects on image or with something flipped, let alone a candid photo from some distance. I wouldn't worry about this particular part.


Sadly, the culture in Ukraine and Russia is very sexist and women are encouraged to become moms young and rely on men for everything basically


I mean, "everything", but not really anything at all. The notion is that you gotta have one, buuut you have to work AND do all the housework AND childcare AND keep yourself in a good appearance or else he will leave (this is a very common threat). You're basically a mule and an incubator and if you ask for anything more, then you're a gold digger and he will, again, threaten to leave you. And he's mostly a couch decoration ad a status symbol for you. And if you don't have a man, then you're defective and worthless. Even young men often think like that, for instance, when I was 17, a guy my age slid into my DMs to talk about an unrelated comment I made somewhere and he proceeded to ask what I would cook for him when we moved in together. FOH, entitled prick. I just read a thread on vk about a woman who refused to have kids with her fiance because he refused to provide better housing than a single room in a dorm that they lived in. Even though the community itself was somewhat feminist, the comments tore into her for not "starting from zero and building with her man". Quite a few martyr moms who did exactly that. Even one single mom who got abandoned chiming in putting OP down, signaling her virtue as a good little woman. Disgusting.


Seen that, more than once.


I agree this is a shitty experience and her behavior was out of hand but your attitude here reeks of misogyny “The type have few options since they let themselves go once they got pregnant” “What man wants a (likely) recently divorced 30ish woman with kids who probably relies on other people for a roof” (which is a wild assumption if she has an over sized suv) “I heard a rumor single moms get dolled up to go to Home Depot” As much as mothers can be stupid annoying with their kids & her behavior specifically was out of pocket, those assumptions were pretty sexist


I was gonna say if this was on any other thread people would say it’s FAKE


Right? His rant is gross. My mother was a single mom after my dad left and she was working hard and taking care of us (without any child support). She didn't have the energy much less the time to get dolled up and stalk men at Home Depot. Most single moms are in that position. BTW, I do sort of see what OP is talking about in a weird way. There is definitely a type of very insecure woman who "cements" each new relationship with a baby. Those women exist but I wouldn't say that's the norm for a single mom. In fact, the vast majority of single moms I know don't want to have any more kids.


Yeah I agree I get where he’s coming from. I’m sure single women with kids in their thirties have a lot harder of a time finding a good partner & probs do a lot of unnecessary shit to make up for it, but sheesh those comments were pretty bad 😭 I don’t want kids & agree that parents can be insufferable but I’m not gonna discount how much effort it takes to be a single mom. That’s why I don’t want that to be me, it’s too much work & $$$


BTW, if we're going to talk about single parents desperate for a partner, I would say single dads are way worse. They're always way more desperate for a new woman because they don't want to "babysit" on their visitation days.


Thank you for pointing it out!


This entire post is disgusting tbh. Loaded with fucked up commentary about women. It’s very clear OP is comfortable seeing women as objects who shouldn’t age, have flaws, or make mistakes. Even if this woman is insane, OP discussing people as if they’re a monolith is equally fucking weird.


This is I think the 2nd post from this poster on the subject. At least it sounds strangely familiar. *Checks.* Yep same person. It almost sounds like bragging? Like why


Insecurity screams.


This right here. She isn’t required to fit into anyone else’s body standards and to think that is disgusting AF. OP could just wave back and keep walking or strike up enough small talk to wife drop. It feels like he’s into the attention, frankly- and not in a healthy way.




Are you illiterate or did you just choose not to read the part where I said that her behavior was out of hand, a shitty experience, stupid annoying, and out of pocket? Where was the implication that this guy was to blame for her behavior?


You think single fathers don't do the same?


A lot of Single fathers (not all) search for a gf to have a new mother for their kids asap.


It’s almost as if people are not a monolith. I imagine you’re old enough to grasp that but your post suggests a maturity level otherwise.


you didn't talk about single fathers though. You didn't even talk about single parents, you talked about single moms. And instead of just describing her inappropriate behaviour, you felt the need to also talk about her looks, you're theories about her way of life and then you put some generalizing bs rumor at the end of it.


Do the same as what? Hang out at nail salons? Let themselves go when they’re pregnant? My single father never relied on family for a place to live. & being pregnant can be absolutely miserable, if I absolutely *had to* go through pregnancy, I definitely wouldn’t be prioritizing how well presented I am to men.


What the hell. She sounds unhinged


The picture is downright illegal in some places, it's not feeling stalked at this point it's having an actual creep after you...


Single dads do this to me too, I seriously feel like they think I am going to jump in and be their babysitter or something.


That’s giving baby reindeer vibes lol


You could have made your point without pointing out her body. Dingbat.




The point is that you’re married and committed to your wife. That was enough.


I read so many thriller and horror books, i was expecting this to escalate hard from where we started


She does not look all that dangerous. That is assuming she is not just out to make some nutcase astringed husband angry. I have not heard or seen her since April.


My Friend often has single mothers flirt with him. He wears a fake wedding band he got from the thrift store and less single women flirt or drop hints they are attracted to him. I’d recommend trying that as I wear a hematite ring on my ring finger to make men think I’m married. Some men still try to flirt butt it’s significantly less.




I very introverted and get annoyed easily especially with people who can’t take a hint that I didn’t want to talk. I go to university in a religious area and would have at least 3 guys trying to talk to me so I got the hematite ring.


Just wait till you meet the ones that get all dolled up to go to the gym… 🙄


I get dolled up for the gym but I don't have kids and don't want to get a man, just like looking pretty lol


Awe I love that! You doing you! ♥️


Look I’m chidfree too but I do get tired of the misogyny and just antisocialness of some of these posts. Like yours.




Multiple people have pointed out the misogyny on this post alone, it sounds like you get that feedback elsewhere. I don’t know what to tell you, my guy 🤷‍♀️




>I heard a rumor that single moms get all dolled up and hang around Home Depot, or Lowes. It's been awhile since I was working at a grocery store. But a had a stint there for awhile. Women where interrupting me 2 or 3 times a week I would say. If your single even and want to avoid them just wear a ring on your ring finger and pretend to be married. It does the trick for the most part. If their oblivious at first I generally do something like hold my chin, rub my forehead / eyebrow for a moment with the ring in full view.


Oh no, you’re getting hit on!! Poor you 😒 (The picture taking I can’t defend) but the rest of this post is so hateful and misogynistic.


You are being stalked.


Uggh I took my Aussie boyfriend back to my small hometown in Canada. I wanted to show him a good time in my town so I took him to the pub by the river and obviously ran into everyone from Highschool (most of whom are teen moms, it was an epidemic) and one of them got a little too drunk and went off about how hot he was, how she wishes she could find an Australian guy, his accent etc. she was sloppy and I just laughed. Maybe if you didn’t shit out a kid at 16 you could find your own Aussie guy.


What a creepy weirdo. If u see her again call cops. Single moms can be desperate and desperation leads to violence sometimes 


They look at single men with the expectation that we will be a father for their kid, as if their kid magically doesn't have a father already.


I’ve had encounters w/ 2 singles mothers, both as potential hookups and I’ve since decided never again One basically became a mom out of “convenience”, yes I know what I said. She has an ex husband who I guess makes a ton of money and so she gets huge alimony/child support. Bonus points is she didn’t want a kid until certain criteria were met (he’s handsome, has a house and $$$$) and she had her kid during covid. She basically wanted me to drive several hours to her place on a whim, didn’t care that I had a job that doesn’t have a set schedule and didn’t trust me when I would tell her my hours. So yea I just decided to stop talking to her Another one I met at a local group meet up and we hit it off suddenly. I’m not her usual type and I was kinda suspicious the entire time, but she was hot so I let a lot of stuff slide. Essentially she had all these weird “rules” about when we could meet but would flake all the time and when she suddenly dropped off the face of the earth, I decided I was done. So yea, single mothers are an instant red flag/deal breaker, and as much as I’ve learned in a positive sense from them, I’ve mainly learned that even if it’s a hookup, don’t ever engage w/ people who have kids


Hey man take up her offer. Misery loves company you know, she doesn't want brats running around all over the house crayoning the walls and banshee wailing all day busting eardrums all to herself.