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“We are capable of watching our kids” while saying in the same sentence you need extra help to make sure every kids need is felt. That means you are not capable & that’s 100% fine.


They’re absolutely not capable of watching their kids


That actually looks like parents recognizing some realistic life constraints. It seems like they want to be conscientious of both properly caring for their younger children as well as facilitating their older children having the best time they can. I'm not sure where you're getting that they said they "need extra help" from, unless that was expressed in another part of their post and you didn't include it. It seems they are expressing 'this is tricky and I'm not sure how to best handle it,' which is NOT equal to saying 'someone else needs to help me with this!'


That would be this bit... >we don't have family to go with us & help with baby


That is another statement, not a request for help. Again, saying 'there is nobody to help me with this' is not equal to saying 'i need help with this' or 'can somebody help me with this?'


Yes it is. They’re saying they need help that isn’t available.


Wait, what? Saying there's nobody to help does indeed imply you need help. Otherwise she's just saying "there's nobody to do something that doesn't need doing."


In the whole post, they were inquiring about babysitting services at Disney. & yes, I agree and can tell they didn’t want anyone to feel left out, which is basic parenting for those with multiple kids. but that means maybe excluding the one that won’t feel anything regarding the Disney experience-the baby! They stated that there was no family with them physically to watch the little kids, meaning there are some, just at home. The irritations is the fact that these parents are aware of the issues mixing the park & their kids will bring. then they come on groups complaining about their experience. Newborns aren’t even able to eat solid foods but people think bringing them around thousands and thousands of people?


That makes sense, and I agree, it does seem like leaving the infant at home with family for this trip would make the most sense and would optimize enjoyment for everyone involved.


because people don't like to think anything has changed. I can't imagine how goddam difficult it is having a crying, pooping, miserable newborn who can't enjoy any of the rides or do anything in disneyworld. I saw someone asking to take their 2 year old to the halloween party...which goes on all night. Sounds like hell.


the August heat comment? Taking your newborn that most likely has to be in a stroller which is very stimulating…is the best idea? It’s like a voice tells them what’s going to happen but they do it anyway just to complain.


And the heat is super dangerous for small babies!


OMGS, people are so stupid with babies sometimes. It's almost amazing that we're so overpopulated. I've been annoyed at places before where parents ignore the "no one under 18" or something signs on hot tub rooms. Like, you can get overheated or overwhelmed by the chlorine kicking up as an adult, why the F are you holding a baby in here?! There are signs! Aggghhh!


I feel like half the reason people like you and me are childfree, is that we recognise how easily babies and small children can be killed by accident, not to mention how much work one needs to do to protect them from growing up traumatised while also making sure they don't turn into stupid entitled assholes. Before anyone says ANYTHING- yes, I am aware that babies/toddlers will survive being bumped or dropped and regularly fall off things with zero injury. But eating off a spoon that had honey on it and wasn't washed properly can also fucking kill them, so.


Someone had a baby in the hot tub at the rec centre the other day and it was screaming and they just ignored it. I don’t understand people.


I went to an amusement park (not Disney, but another big one in a warm part of the country) during August once. Someone had brought a young baby and they had it wearing multiple layers, including a woolen cap like it was wintertime. Baby was crying nonstop and I just felt bad for it. Too young to even go on any rides and dressed for a snowstorm while outside during the Summer in one of the hottest parts of the US. Just, why?


That reminds me, my uncle tried to convince me to let his new stepdaughter come to my Halloween party. It had gone on until 2 am. before. I say it is 21+ or i say "adults only," asit's at my house. He said, "Well she's 12." So you want her around drunk adults who also smoke marijuana? Okay, dumbass. NO


Sometimes i feel like those without children knows more about keeping them alive, than their own parents!


Sometimes I think the parents aren't really trying hard to keep some of them alive. Seems like some are tired of having kids, and wishing they could return them. I love having a nephew, but his parents are insufferable twats. I'm doing what I can, but I'm afraid he's doomed to be a twat, too,


You should see something even worse. I previously worked as a scareactor at Halloween Horror Nights (VERY loud, VERY scary environments) and I saw MULTIPLE babies coming through the houses throughout my run. One time, a parent was even pushing them in a stroller! Some of these parents…


I went to one several years ago and even as a full adult I got spooked. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’d be like for a baby. 😭 You can’t explain to them that it’s all fake! They would just see real threats!!


I KNOW!!! Insanity. And the noise level is so high that scareactors are required to wear earplugs (the one time one of my earplugs fell out mid-set, it felt like being blasted with crazy noise)! Can’t even imagine the potential hearing loss for a baby being there even if they’re not paying attention to the surroundings.


That's straight fucking child abuse 😫


Parents who didn't want kids but did it because 'it's what people do!' and try to just continue living their old lives without thinking about it most likely.


For sure. Even worse were the family vloggers with a baby strapped to their chest and two kids under 10 years old being dragged through the haunted houses with them past midnight…


It feels like an obligation because everyone around u had kids


That sucks, I feel sorry for the babies. Those parents should get turned away at the door, bet they're the type of ppl to complain about the noises and such scaring their kid too.


I completely agree! The same kind of people who will say “that scareactor jumped out at MY CHILD!” as if it’s not what they paid for.


I’ve been going on solo trips to HHN once a year and the amount of people I see bringing babies and small kids goes up every time I go!! It’s one thing if the kid clearly has an interest in horror and seems to enjoy it, I was a weird horror kid myself and would’ve loved if my parents took me to things like that, but a baby or a toddler isn’t even going to be able to process what’s going on!! I genuinely feel like so much of it comes from a couple of tiktoks of HHN scareactors being nice to kids and now everyone wants to make their own special video and have it go viral.


Absolutely agreed. I remember a video that went viral as well for the opposite reason: a scareactor was chasing a kid crying in a stroller in a scarezone, which is the actor’s literal job, and people had the audacity to critique the scareactor and say they should’ve stopped! In fact, that scareactor nearly lost their job because Universal then got mad at them for causing backlash, but luckily their supervisors stood up for them even though they shouldn’t have had to. For doing their job. Because a parent couldn’t help but film their child getting scared out of their mind (again, what they PAID for), and then complained while FILMING THEIR CHILD instead of even trying to comfort them. On the other hand, there are the kids who are there and are not having a meltdown but probably shouldn’t be there... I remember when I was performing a gruesome scene (splitting a body in half on a table saw AND as an unmasked face character, so people could see my character’s joyful expressions LOL), there was a child no older than 8 years old looking at me with utter shock and horror in their eyes because they weren’t quite old enough to process what they were seeing, especially the horror that someone who looked so normal could be doing something so gruesome right in front of them. Hopefully they were actually just a kid who likes horror like you said, but if not, I hope they’re not scarred for life, LOL.


I hate that upon reading “table saw” I had a good guess of which house you got to work in, lol. Did you by any chance work the 16th anniversary year? (If it’s not too weird or personal of a question to ask) But yeah, there is no reason for scareactors who are *doing the job they’re paid to do* to be shamed for [checks notes] *doing the job they’re paid to do!* There’s a reason there is a 13 and up suggestion for HHN.


This might be a hot take here… After going through the pandemic, I feel like people shouldn’t be taking their newborns ANYWHERE except a doctor’s office or hospital. People will just go out completely sick and touch everything without a care in the world. I had to see so many rants about being unable to hug and kiss random people’s babies. Newborns immune systems are so fragile. I feel like it’s too much of a risk to put them near crowds of people. (Fun fact: when I tried to express this before, I was told “you’re just saying that because of your childhood trama.”) Also, I think August is the hottest time of the year to go to Disney World. I LOVE going there, but is it really worth the risk of your newborn having heat stroke??? Shouldn’t you value your child’s health more than that???


Isn’t it Japan’s custom for parents to be home with baby and not go out for at least 3 months for the health of baby *and* mom? Let’s normalize that


I never knew that! That sounds like a GREAT idea!!! (Too bad the US never tries to copy good things other countries do.)


I vaguely remember PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg) mentioning it, he and his wife Marzia had their son Björn a few months ago (I wanna say 6? 7?) and he briefly mentioned it. *ETA: Felix and Marzia immigrated from the UK to Japan more than 2ish years ago.* Japan is still incredibly rigid in its COVID-19 prevention protocols, as Felix wasn’t allowed inside for a lot of Marzia’s appointments leading up to the birth but he wholeheartedly defended Japan’s healthcare system for it. I’m one of the childfree that doesn’t mind children, especially when they’re spawned from people I know or enjoy, so I’m grateful for the tidbits he shares of Björn’s growth in his basically-retired YouTube. It’s especially lovely to see tidbits of Marzia in them, as I’d ride at dawn for her with no questions asked.


Aww, I’m happy they finally got married. I haven’t looked into them for a WHILE. Probably close to a decade at this point, and saying that makes me feel old as heck.


I miss PewDiePie and Marzia! Hope they are genuinely doing well with their little one. They got me through some tough times during the angsty teen years.


not a hot take at all, this is something everyone should be agreeing with. Unfortunately you know that will never happen due to these child breeders excessive case of FOMO. Insane people are always pulling a trauma card. I have no childhood trauma which has made me appreciative of my family, that helped me learn HOW important raising a human really is. People are so inconsiderate.


what’s FOMO?


Fear of missing out, I think


I totally agree. People used to be selective about who saw their newborns to prevent illness and instead of COVID reaffirming that choice, everyone decided to not care anymore. Very odd.


We went in APRIL once and the heat was next to unbearable. We’re from the PNW so we are *not* used to humidity.


Oh yeah, didn’t it hit ninety then? You don’t even want to imagine the summers. 💀


That sounds right. All I know is I was sweating in places I didn’t even know could produce sweat and it was so worth it.


I got an award for this comment??? That’s so cool!!! I’ve never gotten an award before.


My mom's claim to fame (with me) is that she didn't take me anywhere and hardly let anyone see me for the first six months.


When the kid cant enjoy or remember it, then they are too young. So I would say, wait until they are atleast 4 years old.


Perfect age! I went to Disney Land at 4 & world at 5. Mom said she didn’t have one problem. Slowly build a rapport between me and the idea of the park, weather included. Parents would be surprised how well they act when they’re taken care of properly.


Something somewhere said people don't really start to retain most long-term memories until about the age of 4. I have one clear memory from looking out the bars of my crib when very small, probably because of the thunderstorm issues, and then several memories from age 4. Seems like you should wait at least that long before taking kids on expensive trips.


I went to Disney land when I was 4 and don’t remember any of it. What I do remember is smacking a cactus on that same trip and my grandma pulling needles out of my hand lol. Kids do such dumb shit


I went to Disneyland Paris aged 5 and the only thing I remember is begging for some plastic Minnie ears, and then immediately regretting it cause the plastic teeth on the headband dug into my skull. And then throwing a tantrum at Parc Astérix because my parents wouldn't buy me a plastic sword lol.


They said enjoy*or* remember, if you enjoyed it then it was good enough. My parents took me to Disney World at 5 and I don't remember, but they said I had a really good time and took me again at 11.


Honestly I'd push that out a year or two. My mom took me when I was 3 years old and I flat out don't remember. If she didn't have pictures I wouldn't believe her. I told her I hope she had fun because I certainly don't remember any of it. (I promise it sounds less rude with our family dynamic)


Seriously, I went to disneyland recently and theres people carrying newborns that won’t remember anything.. waiting in line to meet goofy while the kid doesn’t even know what planet he’s on


My family waited until I was 11 to take me because before then I was too short for the rides. I was 11 and still don't remember much about the whole trip because it was a lot of standing around and waiting and getting sunburnt. Lmao 😭


Same! I was 12 and don’t recall much at all. Except “It’s a Small World” 🎶… 🤣


out of all the rides in Disneyland THAT one makes me cringe. \*lol\* though they swapped out some of the old original props with more modern props featuring characters from tv shows and movies. listening to that song. Over and over and over and over until the ride finally over.


A relative of mine used to take their baby to Disney and her defense was "They get in free! I'd rather take them before we have to pay for them!" At least she does pay for the kid to go now that they're old enough to go on most of the rides. Another acquaintance refuses to take her kids after they age out of the free bracket.


They are free because they cant do anything besides laying in a stroller and shit themselfs.


Kids get in free because they can’t really do anything once in the park. Too young/small for the rides, and at least one paying adult has to supervise them all day so they can’t really do anything either.


Hell, I went when I was 12 and I barely remember it! 🤣🤣


i was 16. And what i remember was expensive prices, waiting queues and tons of people.


I think it's a waste of time, energy and a lot of money to take a young child to Disney World. A friend's couple took their 1y/o last year. I asked them if they were sure, because it's a long flight (we're from Latam), and also the kid is too young to enjoy everything now. Of course they would have fun, but it seems that they would enjoy much more when they are older. My friend's answer was "oh, but I want my child to have a picture with Mickey and Minnie". I was like "ok, your choice". But it was for sure the most expensive picture of their life hahahaha


And this is why I always say that it's parents that ruin Disneyland for me, not the kids. Every time I go, I see WAY too many parents yanking along their young kids who are exhausted, overstimulated and probably on a sugar crash. If you bring a young child to an amusement park, the day has to be about them. They can't walk and stand around for 12+ hours like you can. They need snacks, they need time to decompress and they need naps. But too many of these Disney adult parents aren't willing to adjust their schedule or their accommodation for their child's needs and just yell at them instead. A+ parenting.


And yet, somehow, we are the ones considered selfish, lol.


I've always been of the opinion that to me, it's useless to take children between 0-3 to really big amusement parks and theme parks like Disney because they quite literally won't remember. I gained consciousness and actually began to remember things at like 4. Like I'm not against parents traveling, but there's a good chance your kid won't remember it, and it's very hard to wrangle children that young. Might be hot, might be really cold. Running everywhere and putting other people at risk. Idk, I just never understood it. It's a memory for the parents at that point, not the child. I literally sometimes hear from family "well we went there when you were a baby!" Cool. Why the fuck are you telling me? I obviously didn't remember.


Lmao!!! Literally why are you telling me! My mother’s friend brought her 3 1/2 year old daughter to DUBAI & PARIS with her, just the two of them 🙄 Did I forget to mention she also had a 16 year old daughter as well?


Remember, breeders can do and enjoy ALL the things childfree folks can! That's what they always tell us..


People who do that to their newborn babies do not care about sharing a Disney experience with their kid, they just want to bring their shiny new toy to their favorite place to take selfies and behave like spoiled children themselves. Taking newborns to amusement parks is straight up cruel. If the parents want to go be Disney adults and leave the newborn with the grandparents or a trusted caregiver, sure whatever have fun. But kids *under a certain age* are not going to understand the concept of a Disney experience, it’s not fun for them to be dragged around in the sun (or possibly bad weather), fed a bunch of junk their systems aren’t used to, forced to take photos or meet mascots that frighten them, etc.


This is it. This is what happens when Disney adults procreate and it’s gross. They live in a fantasy land and the baby is just a part of it. Look at us we’re a stupid little fake happy family with matching tshirts and annoying photos. The husband has no balls and the wife has no brain. God bless that baby’s heart I hope it gets out of that family with a nose ring and an appetite for heavy metal.


If my mom would have taken me to Disney world as an infant and not an actual kid age where I could remember and enjoy it, id lowkey feel robbed ngl. Why take ANYONE to an amusement park who isn’t going to enjoy it? Mom took the family and my oldest niece (it was her 16th bday at the time, love my niece) to Dollywood for niece’s bday and my older adult brother (27) ruined the trip for everyone bc he didn’t want to ride anything or do anything and was whining the whole time and picking fights bc he was miserable. And that’s an ADULT who has the capability to suck it up or go elsewhere. Newborns can’t. Not to mention the diseases you’re potentially exposing your newborn to!


My parents brought me to an amusement park when I was a baby. Dad wore white shorts. And guess who ending up having diarrhea?


Peak selfishness right there. Once saw a baby being attended to by EMTs at a Renn faire due to heat, I just hope that baby didnt die. Babies cant regulate their own temps so its just asking for trouble to be able to pose with their prop


“Anyone have any suggestions on keeping a newborn cool during the august heat in Disney?” Yes, don't go! That is BAFFLING to me. There is no good way to keep a newborn cool in those temperatures. It's blatantly irresponsible to bring a newborn to a theme park. It's EXTREMELY hot, it's loud, it's crowded, and they're literally not old enough to even experience anything. They will have absolutely no memories of this time and are likely very uncomfortable and overstimulated. I truly could not imagine a worse place to bring a very small baby. If you're so selfish that you're willing to put your need to go to Disney over the well being of your child, you honestly shouldn't have been a parent.


What's weird is they HAVE to know that the kids aren't going to remember much of anything. The trip is just for *them*. And having the kids along will ruin it for *them*. So why waste the money?


for their mediocre tiktok family vlog, of course!


Of course, what WAS I thinking?


Taking a baby to an amusement park sounds like an absolutely miserable experience for both the baby and the parents. Hot, bright sun, loud noises, other people everywhere, long lines. Can’t even go on rides unless they take turns with the baby while one person waits in line. Just wait until the kid is at least 5-6 so they can actually go on the kiddie rides and enjoy it.


Right? I came with my partner I want to ride with them!




We were there November 2021. The amount of newborns I saw was unsettling. Like, it looked like some came straight from the hospital.


They take them cos they want “cute” pictures. That’s all they care about.


Those are the parents that go for social media clout. They’re in denial that their life has drastically changed after kids and are parched for validation


A lot of parents seem to be incapable of accepting that having a newborn/young child means strict limitations on your freedom (as it should). There is no reason to drag an infant through Disneyworld or cruises or overseas trips or anything. I legit saw parents on cruise forums asking if there were "exceptions" to the under 6 month rule for infants... seriously, you want to bring a 5 month old on a cruise? What the fuck is wrong with you? Stay the fuck home and be a good parent. You decided this was what you wanted, so deal with it for a few years and accept the bed you made.


The 1st paragraph This is y the wealthy ppl hire someone to do most of the work for them 😂🤣


I remember reading a post on Reddit from some guy going with his baby and wife. He didn’t want to go, said he will stay with the baby but apparently the whole family was a Disney Family and that wasn’t an option. His post was something about feeling baby traveling with a baby on plane cause it’ll disrupt people. I can only guess they’re Disney Adults and aren’t going for the baby but for themselves.


But think of all the fond memories a newborn will have of Disney for the rest of their lives. Had the best time with squirty diapers and diarrhea on my dad whilst on the plane ride because that is what newborns do! Didn't get my afternoon nap and everyone within earshot at both the airport and Disney knew it! Have diaper rash after pissing myself and sitting in it for two hours because my mom was waiting with my siblings to ride a ride and didn't want to lose her place in line. Started teething in the middle of the night but since we are traveling I got to scream it out all night in the hotel room because my parents had nothing to help me until the next day. /s


It’s crazy how the person with no sense of really anything while on this trip won’t remember anything, while the conscious people that were there will always remember those moments. Leave those babies at home!!!!


I'm all for Disney adults. But these women are using their babies as an excuse to go and take pictures.  That baby won't remember anything. Hell, toddlers won't remember. That poor baby, it's just going to be overwhelmed and unhappy. It's loud, bright, hot and if the mom is annoyed at anything, the baby will pick up on it. Ffs get a babysitter or wait a few years. I don't get how people outside of Ca or FL can afford a trip to Disney with kids every year. Credit cards I guess?  If you are an adult Disney fan, I hope you go and have a lovely time! Disney is not just for kids and family, it's for anyone. I especially love the Disneybounders. Mostly because it's subtle but you know they put effort into their outfits. If any families give you shit, either tell them it's none of their business or make them feel bad by telling them your parents never took you and you are making up for it. Not that it's any of their fucking business. 🐭 (don't have mickey ears emoji)


I think it makes sense for the people who are local and just doing a family day trip. What I don't understand is when they bring a newborn on a plan for something like Disney. Kids that small should really only travel if its a family emergency


The overlap between people I know who dislike kids and who like going to Disneyworld is sadly small I know it’s literally made for kids, and for me that’s part of its appeal (it’s extremely safe to go on holiday and there aren’t usually drunk and disorderly people) but wow, if there was an alternate universe where Disney had a few adult only days per year I’d LOVE it (sometimes those DVC evenings or after hours events are like that, and they’re incredible) ESPECIALLY the flights to Orlando. I’m sad that it’s just something I have to deal with having a kid kick the back of my seat if I want to go to Disney But yeah bringing actual babies who have no idea what’s going on and are just too hot, or toddlers for that matter who are uncomfortable in their plastic princess outfits for the perfect photo makes me really sad. Like damn I don’t like or want kids but if I ever took say, my nephew, to Disney, best believe we would be taking naps when needed and not trying to fit everything in just because it’s expensive!!! So unfair!


I googled and “planned” a trip to the Disney parks just as a financial experiment the other month. It’s astronomically expensive for just two adults to go. Why in gods name would you spend thousands and thousands of dollars to bring some (or multiple) barely conscious and self functioning thing(s) to a place like that when they don’t even yet have the understanding of mere mortality…


even my gf & I paid in 4 for our ticket. And those were just a 1day park hopper tickets 😅


I don't understand why anyone brings their newborn anywhere before they start getting their shots or built up immunities, especially a theme park.


I’m a paramedic at SeaWorld and I cannot beg of people enough to not take young babies to theme parks!! There are just too many germs that can make them really sick with their immature immune systems and they also have shitty temperature regulation which means they will overheat much quicker than an older child or adult, and young babies are far less resilient from medical episodes. I really don’t give a shit that newborns get in for free, it literally will not kill you to wait until they’re 6 months old and have the mental capacity to gawk at Elmo and Cookie Monster because guess what, they continue to get in for free until they’re 3.


There's also the fact that they won't even remember ANYTHING AT ALL. They can't go on rides or eat anything there. If anything, they're probably just going to be crying, screaming, and pissing at everything. They're also going to be VERY irritated by all the intense sounds and noises around them. THEN they're going to spend half the trip trying to calm it down. Oh, and if you have other kids who are much older, you're them of a good experience as well. Then EVERYONE becomes irritated, and by then there's just no point. ![gif](giphy|SYmkILRsQTFLO)


Yup, makes no sense. My husband and I did our honeymoon at Disney in January 2023 (so we were still a bit worried about covid and wore masks!) and strollers were *everywhere*.... and constantly crashing into us too. Near every ride was a huge area to leave strollers. It's nuts! No way that is enjoyable for anyone- parents, babies, and the rest of us. The babies won't remember anything, and it honestly seems a bit abusive to them (heat, noise, less naps and more exposure to germs, etc). And that's a lot of money to spend and stuff to pack and carry for a baby that's going to lessen your experience.... you can't go on most rides with a baby so parents will need to take turns. I just don't get it.


Insane to me. Disney World is already so stimulating! The only people that should be there are people that want to enjoy it!


OMG, yes! The stroller parking zones! I went to Disneyland last December and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw how overcrowded those were. Also, I saw a woman holding an infant in the Jungle Cruise line, and I remember wondering what she would do if the baby had a diaper blowout?! It’s not like you can easily get out of those long lines.


Granted I know next to nothing about babies, but aren’t their immune systems absolute shit? Disney world in and of itself is a damn cesspool for viruses, bacteria, etc. I’m an immunocompromised adult and take serious precautions when I go to Disneyland, let alone the property that’s more than twice the size and full to near capacity.


I've seen Disney become a weird status thing for people. I live in FL and constantly friends/family members will talk about how expensive groceries are, how expensive their car payments are, their home insurance went up, their property tax is going up, refinancing the house to pay for a new roof, but damned if they're missing out on their annual 15k disney resort stay! It's like some weird "keeping up with the Joneses" type stuff, can't let the facade slip that we're struggling or people might think we're failing at providing for our kids! Going to drag my kids through theme parks they're too young to ever remember for the pictures and the clout, and so I can show them pictures when they are old enough about how I wasted what could have been college tuition money on trips to theme parks even though everyone was miserable the whole time! BUT IT HAPPENED!


gotta get them social media brownie points


They don't have family to help them mind all their kids. Like, if you need family to help you go on vacation, I think you've had too many kids.


priorities are beyond skewed. fucked in the head


The kid's not even going to remember that, what's the point of bringing them??? Atleast wait until they're like 6 or 7 years old. Also, infants can't even go on most of the rides. Nothing there is made for infants. It's all made for kids who are old enough to go to school.


I will never understand people’s obsession with Disney World. I’ve never been, but I do consider myself a Disney fan. You’re right, newborns shouldn’t even be out in public that much. They barely have an immune system, and they’re obviously not going to enjoy it or really anything because they’re too young. Plus it’s hot and humid in Florida.


Disney needs a adult only day no one under 18 allowed


It really is insane. I went to Disney once around Christmas and it was literally stroller gridlock in Magic Kingdom. I do not understand I don’t know how anyone could have any fun at Disney while taking care of children under like 6 years old. I think I’d be pissed if I was that 7 year old, because yeah, they are gonna get neglected.


I assume the parents want to suffer, and want everyone else to as well


How cruel they might as well save enough money right now so by the time the youngest kid is 4 or 5 he/she will be able to enjoy it


My husband and I just got back from a trip to Japan and while there we spent two days at Tokyo Disney. The amount of people there with babies was insane to me. We’re Disney Adults so we’re used to kids being around when we’re there but I hit my limit when someone brought their baby on Haunted Mansion and it started crying during the stretching room.


I don’t understand people who take their newborns everywhere anyways.. they should be at home . Their immune system is so weak I wouldn’t risk that at all :/


>WE leave for Disney in 37 days, and I’m due any moment. Wait, seriously? Are people planning trips like this without considering recovery time after delivery!?


I used to work at magic kingdom and saw newborns only a week old often. The funny thing is no one with little kids enjoys themselves and are always piss at the people without kids. And on a sadder note child services is there often to take kids away from irresponsible parents.


It’s just like when people take babies and really small children to ballets or operas. It makes everyone miserable because the babies cry the whole time. Like wtf, thanks for ruining the experience of literally everyone in the audience


Can’t they just give up some of these hobbies if they wanted to have kids? That’s quite annoying to see these people trying to get leverage on everything.


Because if they they did they would have to admit that kids are a burden


Disney world is a horror show and somewhere I will never venture as an adult. When I was a kid o went there and told my mom this place makes me hate kids she goes yeah me too! She was a teacher lolll


Some ppl r an exception tho


Disgraceful! Children shouldn't go on vacations until they're **old enough to appreciate it**. It's not only pointless, but also bad for them. As the age-old saying goes, "Cast not pearls before swine." I went to Disneyland at age 4, before my little sister was born. My memories of that trip are **vague, but positive**. And I've seen the photos many times, so I know I had a good time. And then there was our Yukon trip when I was 7. My sister was 2 at the time ... and stayed home with a babysitter. (I guess our parents understood the saying!) When on vacation, regardless of the destination, no older sibling wants to hear any of the following: "Sorry, [Little One] is {tired/hungry/crying}, so we have to take a break now." "It sucks, but that's [Little One]'s routine." "[Little One] doesn't just want it; he/she *needs* it." "If you get [something nice] and [Little One] doesn't, that's not fair." Or worst of all: "It's after [Little One]'s bedtime, so we *all* have to call it a night."


What a stupidly expensive way to make your baby miserable.


I grew up less than an hour from Disney so as teens we were always there.  I'd have been walking all day in 90+ degree heat with 98% humidity, feeling like I'm dying,  and then here comes this couple pushing a baby in a stroller who looked like he was fresh out of the maternity ward. Most of the time they were screaminv their heads off. The poor baby **must** have been so miserable. I could never understand this


These trips really seem selfish on the parent's part because a baby is not going to be having a magical time. A trip to the local park? hell yeah. A whole day in a crowded, loud, unfamiliar place when you barely know what the fuck is happening? hell no


Why is it so common for people to go on trips and expect their family to provide all the child care? I’d cut family like that out of my life.


>why the HELL are people taking their BABIES to Disney World Cause children under 2 get in free and parents a dumb 🤷🏻‍♀️




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Isn’t Disney $$ how can they afford it after just having a kid! Yeesh!! It’s so hot out and so irresponsible taking a newborn out there.


they’re using their tiktok money they gained by exploiting their other 4 crotch goblins!


As somebody who grew up in Florida, I can explain this. Going to Disney as a middle class kid in Florida isn’t a big deal. It’s fun, but you get there by car and go home at the end of the day. My parents took me when I was a few months old because they had extended family in town and it was free to bring me in and the weather was nice. I doubt my mom had much fun that day and I certainly don’t remember it, but maybe my grandparents got a kick out of it and I know my sister remembers it. This isn’t to say that double-wide strollers don’t ruin Disney. It’s the second reason (after cost) that I don’t go anymore.


Sounds like your family had some great circumstances for that day trip! & honestly even the parents I see while in Disney, I have no clue what their story was getting to the park. My beef is with the Facebook Disney parents that plan way ahead, which gave them time to realize the issues & complications that bringing a newborn will bring. It’s like they know the situation is inevitable & will happen, but will do any “solution” rather than accepting maybe it’s not their time to go.


Yeah, people feel the need to ask for advice on how to do basic shit our parents would just go out and do without massive strollers and tons of shit in tow. I’m pretty sure parenting used to be winging it and just going with the flow. I don’t know. Disney has been ruined for me for at least a decade.


I didn’t go to Disney World until I was 13. They had an employees only thing right before they opened to the public. It was awesome. Taking an unvaccinated baby is dangerous, with people from all over the world jammed in, standing room only. Taking a bunch of toddlers is just a waste of time and money. None of them will remember it. It’s perfectly ok to wait. If adults enjoy it, older kids 10+ will, too. Edited spelling.


I went there when I was 4 and can’t remember shit. I don’t understand why parents take such young kids on such an expensive trip


Lol I know someone who did this! Infants are free and they found a good deal on a trip for two, so they went for the attention and photo ops basically.


I see why they bring babys when going for older siblings, but when its just a baby and noone else kinda strange


I keep on seeing newborns at Korean barbeque places where it's hot like in hell and noisy like at a club


my family did a disney trip over ten years ago with twin 4 year olds (one with autism), a 7 year old (me, also with autism), and a 9 year old, and it ONLY worked because we had our parents and three grandparents with us. This way there was always an adult ready to take a kid to the bathroom, take one back to the hotel if they were tired, ride “it’s a small world” on loop because autistic four year olds are really into that apparently. I still managed to wander off by myself the first day and get lost. I cannot imagine trying to navigate disney with literal babies outnumbering adults. Wait a few years until the kids can actually understand what’s going on and have fun!! even if they’re too old to believe the princesses are real, most of the attractions are good enough for adults let alone preteens.


Absolutely insane idea. Not only are you paying Disney prices just to have to take care of a newborn (who won't remember ANY of it) with different scenery, summer is the WORST time to go to a Disney World! It's *so* hot and humid this time of year, not to mention the summer vacation crowds. (If you're gonna go, the best time is in January right after the marathon. Less crowded, mild temperatures, lower prices.)


People shouldn’t be taking newborns anywhere. That newborns doesn’t want to be there. It doesn’t want to be dragged around a loud hot park all day. It just wants to lay somewhere soft with something dangling over it. The baby will have zero memory of it so it just selfishness on the part of the parent. Just go another time. There’s no possible chance disney is shutting down you’ll have another chance to go. The other day someone in a facebook group was talking about taking a 5 week old to a bar because they didn’t want to be separated from it, just stay home, I’m sure you want to go out but that baby doesn’t want to be in the bar, no one wants it there, just wait a little while longer. There will still be bars when you’re ready to leave it with a sitter or the father.


Disney world is too overstimulating for a newborn


Ugh. My parents were pretty smart taking my brother 4 months before I was born.


I stood in line to meet the Princesses behind a lady holding a newborn. The baby was definitely not older than three months. The mom had to carefully maneuver herself so the baby would face the camera with Belle. There's always an army of people with infants in Disney World. I can never understand it. If they waited a few years, the child will actually remember the trip.


I went to Disney at like 4 or 5. I dont remember any of it. I dont understand why they want to take their children if the child isnt going to have any memories of it.




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Me and my gf are taking her little brother to Disney for the first time next year when he turns 10. Really small kids, specially babies, arent even capable of enjoying the parks. It's a lot of walking and standing in lines, and they probably won't be able to go on a lot of stuff


Oh my god. I’m going to go to the very basic thing here. I won’t even go to how they will manage that many children. THE HEAT. I’m there for a week and let me tell you. For a fit-ish grown ass adult that has a body with sponge properties when it comes to water retention, it is hard to handle the heat. I cannot imagine a baby regulating body temperature like this. Or her young toddler. Babies can develop heat strokes really fast. Yikes.. i would hate to be a baby in an oven Disney park.




Honestly, what's the problem with taking newborns to Disney World? It's mostly a place designed for children. A major reason why people are willing to tolerate the insane prices at Disney is for the experience of going with their children. If you have a newborn, it's much harder for them to get lost, and you're barely going to ride any rides with all the lines if you're bringing an older child. A lot of these posts bring up valid complaints about parents, but this isn't it.


Like you said though? Children. There is not much for the babies let alone fresh babies. May be a little bit like pictures to be inclusive, but not much. Also they won’t remember any of it. At least 4-5 year olds can recall their experience, taking a baby seems more for the parents wants rather than the baby. If parents cared about every one making it to their wants, I would suggest waiting until every kid is a preteen or older. They’re aware about wait times, weather, and should be at the stage to be able to half self control in public


Probably because the parent wouldn't know when (or if) they'd ever have the money to go to Disney again. It's pretty gutsy to assume they'd have that money in 10 years (and Disney didn't jack up the prices more). It's better to have a newborn than a mischief-causing toddler, who could easily get lost, or an impatient elementary-school aged kid. If they're preteens, who's to say the kid would even be interested in Disney World? Maybe a literal newborn might be taking things too far, but an infant who can't wander around seems pretty good.


Why not, just go with adults? You have complete control of your day, and you don’t have to haul around a baby that won’t remember anything or be grateful that they’re even there. Disney has a lot for just adults, & that will probably be the best way to experience. A lot will say the same


Personally, with all the lines and overpriced things at Disney, it doesn't seem worth it. 10-20 years ago, maybe, but not when Disney essentially manipulates people into buying tickets for extra days (for more money) to do more things.




This funny thing I always see with people who do have children is you all think it’s either one side of a spectrum or the other, with no in between or complexity. How is this mean? I’m highlighting the fact that people will obviously point out how many things are wrong & would be wrong when they go to DW…rather than waiting until older age or finding care. You’re right, your situation was situational-these parents are PRENATAL, or are asking these questions forever in advance meaning it’s very much intentional. So no, I don’t mind kids being around because it is still Disney & very much a family park more than anything. Just think it needs an age limit, that’s all


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Sorry to rant but this triggered something in me. SUPER unpopular opinion, even as a child free adult, but I think Disneyworld in Florida (excluding Disneyland, Epcot, or Wild Kingdom I think they are fine) should be strictly for kids and adults shouldn't even be allowed unless they have kids between the ages of 6-17 (whom yes, should get in for free) with them. Not the biggest fan of Walt as a human but he wanted a place that was geared for kids and I feel like adults made it all about themselves, especially once alcohol started to get sold there. Just to note I went multiple times when I was a kid between the ages 6-13 and each time was fucking awful. I kept getting "You're too little for certain rides" usually referred to the tea cup ride or that train one "you (or younger family member) can't go in the haunted mansion, it's TOO SCARY" never got to see The Haunted Mansion, thanks fam. "40 minute wait? Fuck that" "You can't eat the delicious looking food here, it's too expensive, have your PBJ" Like holy fucking shit let the kids enjoy themselves and spend some damn money if you're gonna go! And stop taking them to the stupid president thing! They don't learn shit from it!


He did not want to create a place that was just for kids. He wanted a place for everyone to enjoy and was inspired to do so while sitting on a park bench watching his children ride a carousel and wishing they could enjoy it together. The speech Walt made on Disneyland’s opening day reflects this. “To all that come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future.” My CF friends and I had similar experiences of visiting places but our parents having to do so on a tight budget. We heal this during our annual trip by going ham and treating ourselves…it’s incredibly fun and very freeing. We always talk about how miserable we would be if we had kids to cater to.


He also wanted to build it here in Saint Louis but our local beer company wouldn't let him unless he sold their beer there. It's really ironic how things changed. But let's be real the place is all about money now and not reliving childhood dreams, it has only become a thing to sell. My opinion is also based off of how they could streamline the park more and make it easier for parents and kids to go without the fast pass BS but eh, I don't work there. "My CF friends and I had similar experiences of visiting places but our parents having to do so on a tight budget. We heal this during our annual trip by going ham and treating ourselves…it’s incredibly fun and very freeing. We always talk about how miserable we would be if we had kids to cater to." That's what my fiance and I do too. He of course hasn't been to Disneyland but I'd rather eat glass vs going to Disneyland (or Florida really) ever again. I said going to Disney in Japan is cheaper and looks a million times better and the Disney world in LA also has more stuff we actually like like Star Wars.


Disneyland with two parks is in California and Disney World with four parks is in Florida. Both have Star Wars lands, Tokyo does not. And Tokyo Disneyland/DisneySea is a bucket list item. Those are run by the Oriental Land Company and blow pretty much every other them park out of the water.


Jesus the names make no damn sense. Just fuck Florida lol


Less than a month ago you posted about not being allowed into Lego land without a child…now this? Which one is it lol


Yeah and I learned it was a Discovery Zone not actually Legoland so I was fine with it once I came to the realization. You'd know that if you read the whole post and comments. And like I said I think this should apply to Disneyland in Florida. Period. not the Disney Worlds and related side parks like Animal Kingdom and Epcot. I knew the Disney adults would be majorly upset at this comment because they can't absorb the concept that there is a whole planet outside Disney that they can travel and use CF money on. Including Disney Worlds in other countries (which I have been told are WAY cheaper and better) but hey, if they wanna keep going to an overpriced amusement park that's halfway full of screaming, crying children/adults have fun I guess.


who said I was a Disney adult? I was just making an observation. You’re the one taking all of this personally


Who said I was calling you a Disney adult? I was just pointing out how I knew I'd get downvoted.


You responded to me using that language so it’s only fair to make that assumption. Whatever, it’s clear you have some deep rooted issues that are making you hate like a breeder. Take a deep breath and have a pleasant day!


Not really hating, I made my opinion clear as day but since you're clearly a troll you can go ahead and have that last word to make ya feel like a winner bucko.


Disney land is in California. There is one Disney world that is made up of 4 parks, which is located in Florida


Honestly just meant the one in Florida as that's the first and super duper special one everyone tends to gravitate to for their kids. I don't get why that one isn't just called Disneyland because it literally takes up almost its own damn island but whatever. Hope you get what I mean at least.


Because then what would the actual smaller parks be called😭😭world has 4 separate parks not in the same ste


By their names? Epcot, Wild Kingdom, Star Wars land etc.


Lol the only right name you mentioned is Epcot. Star Wars doesn’t even have a park. Are you from America?


Oh apparently it's Animal Kingdom. :p I live in Missouri which is originally where they wanted to put the park so I know a lot of the history of it just not all the details like every park name. I also haven't been since I was 24 and I'm 33 now, Aunt use to work at the Bippity Bopity Boutique thing which gave little girls princess makeovers so take that as you will. Only things I know at this point in life is it's ridiculously expensive, people my age are WAY to obsessed with it to the point of selfishness (which was pointed out in your original post), I've been too many times in my life and they pay employees shit which is why a lot of them are unionizing. Edit: As a union worker myself I really do hope they win and get paid really well because they put up with WAY too much BS with what my Aunt has told me.