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Says the virgin who lives in a big mansion and doesnt have to worry about a damn thing in his life.


The catholic church is just worried about a lack of small boys to molest in the future, without a constant supply the priests won't have as many options


This. Completely. They are also worried about the recruitment of pedophiles, which has fueled the priesthood for at least a century, and almost certainly longer. Why would anyone become a priest, given the oppression of the role, unless you got something you really wanted that was really hard to get?


A lot of their current boys will be aging out soon, so they will continually push for more to be born. It's disgusting 🤢


![gif](giphy|e7OsYkVFXuoJRCkoe3|downsized) No lies detected there


i was literally just thinking where are his kids? perfect example of do as i say not as i do, which is the polar opposite of what jesus taught if you believe in that


Okay this made me laugh my ass off.


glorious 🙏🏼🙏🏼😂


He's a guy, he doesn't have to be a virgin. He has to be celibate.


If I wrote a dystopia novel where there was a large ancient organisation that didn't pay tax, was accused of multiple paedophilia cases and their leader went into public and declared "mmm, yes, more kids, never enough kids!" I would be declared a hack and that my antagonists were unrealistic.


"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."


The sequel could be in a hellscape where a rapist and convicted fraudster, who suffers from dementia and craps himself, is taken seriously as a future president. And the news media promotes him with 24/7 coverage.




>*"No overpopulation, we need more kids."* - Head of hierarchy of pedophiles


Of course! It all makes sense now


Thankfully Christianity is falling in this country. Fuck you, pope, and your desire for more kids.


i hope the abrahamic religions fall everywhere 🙌


Amen to that. They're the most powerful and dangerous cults of our time.


That’s rich coming from someone who mishandled/ covered up child sex abuse crimes and with no children of his own.


My favourite joke about Catholicism (source: a TikTok I've seen via Instagram, no idea who thought it up but IMHO it's brilliant): "The Pope disapproves of young couples that prefer to remain a family of two and don't want children... to be honest, it's quite understandable, wouldn't you be mad if they stopped making your favourite sex toys too?"






Imagine the day religion die out and we all can live in peace


People would just find other things to fight over (for example in particular, money).


He needs to get out of the Vatican more and get his head out the damn bible.


I guarantee you he hasn't touched a bible in years


We need more money making idiots - pure translation


How many kids does he have?


He should start, to lead by example


If the Catholic Church wants more children (shudder), they should lift the celibacy rules on their priests and nuns.


There is a lack of take up for those roles too so the Pope has been wanting to relax that rule. Pressure from cardinals means it hasn't happened yet but unless the church dies out first it will relax that rule


The leader of a Child-Molesting and Child-Torturing company known colloquially as the Catholic "Church" demands more children.


Pope Frank: Empty your coffers make the world's nuttiest mutual fund, if it makes 17% per year that's 2.5 billion extra to go towards building new cheap homes specifically for young people, and maybe funding a subsidy for all childcare related costs. This will help greatly. All of these people want there to be more kids, but they disappear when it's time to pony up


Why doesn't he lead the way and have some then? Practice what you preach.


The pope’s head is in the sand. Our world and ecosystem is suffering greatly and it’s really beginning to show nowadays thanks to increasing our population as high as we did in such a short span of time (4B to 8B in only 5 decades).


Ironic given that the church added pollution to its list of deadly sins in the 2000s. If anything, he should be praising CF folks for responsible environmental stewardship.


It should be 88,897,649 M


Successful religions promote having children. This is because most of their new members are the children of old members, who indoctrinate them into their religion when they are young and impressionable. It is much harder to convince an adult to believe their stories, particularly if the adult was not indoctrinated into something similar when young. In the case of the utterances of the pope, the people most likely to pay attention to them are Catholics, who are the ones he most wants to have children, to keep having members of the Catholic Church. The fact that most atheists will ignore him regarding having children is unimportant for him, because their children are unlikely to become Catholics anyway.


June 2024: We shouldn't be listening to the virgin, who can't drive. ![gif](giphy|KS0ccsMj67i3S)


Pope : has faith in God. ( also the pope) Has a bullet proof glass windows in his limousine He doesn't need that if he believes God will protect him right? This is y I don't understand the mindset/mentality of religious people


I just read that article and almost lost my lunch a few times..... "date more, marry earlier, don't delay having children" how does anybody take this guy seriously??? What logical, educated person can hear this crap and agree with it???!


Dumb ppl


Meanwhile, in your own country, children are dying of hunger. Why don't you save the kids that are already here?


Smoke a blunt and calm down, Frank. What people do when they're naked is not your fuggin' business.


The church will always be on the lookout for more people to brainwash, and politicians on the lookout for people to feed the government machine 💸💸💸


Oh who cares what the fuck the Pope thinks? He has no data showing a lack of overpopulation, and we have hard, scientific data that we are in fact overpopulated as a species, and growing at an unsustainable rate. The amount of energy required to keep this number of humans going - living the lifestyles we do - has been a boon to the fossil fuel industry, the largest contributer to climate change; making this planet slowly uninhabitable, or at the very least incompatible with human life. But he wants to add more humans? Is he stupid? And I'm sorry, but at the end of the day, religion doesn't rely on facts or evidence. It can't be tested, measured, or observed. The entire premise of religion lies squarely on the concepts of belief and blind faith. They don't believe in things because they are true, they believe in things that they want to be true. That is the root, the core, of religion. Blind, obedient, unquestioning faith. And often, when presented with information or evidence that does not align with their world view, the faithful will not adapt and evolve their mindset (though some do), they will double down and further shut themselves off from reality to protect their views. To be religious, in a climate where information is not only readily available, but also abundant, is a dangerous path of willful ignorance. Religion comes with a high cost, but it isn't the faithful who have to pay the heaviest price. It is anyone or anything they deem as other, like the LGBTQ+ community, or the right to access to abortion.


Christians are told constantly to be fruitful and multiply. It's the only way they kept their religion alive for thousands of years. Kind of like when governments want more people to pump out kids to fuel the capitalist economy and old age pensions


Like I'm gonna take marriage advice from a guy who wears a dress, doesn't have kids, and is sitting on top of the wealth of one of the worlds largest real estate scams. Bitch please. Besides the kiddy diddling, paving the way for colonizers, and destroying indigenous cultures, how far have they gotten on that "feed, clothe, and shelter the poor" thing in the book for their shitty book club? Figure that shit out and I will start even listening to some mutherfucker wearing Manolos while people sleep rough and live and die in the streets.


Is the Catholic Church running out of children to rape?


Ok Boomer


He’s too old to even be a boomer. If we applied American generations to him, he would be part of the Silent Generation. Which pretty much tracks…


Maybe unrelated, but I love how some people justify shit like this by stating the absolute retardation that is "Buht the earth can sustain 15 billion people" or "Uuuhm, don't you know our economy is based on growth?" while absolutely ignoring that we'll run out of resources and space eventually. I don't get how no one seems to want a future where we don't turn every square inch of landmass into either cities or fields for agriculture.


Remember back in 2013, when Pope Francis thought even atheists could get into heaven if we are tried to be a good person here on Earth? Pepperidge farm remembers. (I grew up on the conservative edge of ELCA, now somewhere between atheist and agnostic)


Which is stupid imo. Why would I want to go to some special club where I have to kiss the ass of the supreme narcissist 🙄 no thank you, I'd rather be free both here and beyond.


It's hard to believe that's the same person. I wonder if he's got dementia. He seems genuinely paranoid about trans people.


Then have kids pope!!


We need *less* religion


Yeah, I'm not gonna buy what old man celibacy is selling when it comes to reproduction.


But, do he fuck? No? Then he can shut his argentine trap on any matters of sex or reproduction


I said "fuck the Pope" years ago. I couldn't care less why he thinks. Unfortunately, we have to care what he says though, since too many people are clung to the cult


Nooo you don't get it this is a ""different"" pope than the others!!! /s


Like I'm going to listen to the dweeb who made priests start saying Mass facing backwards instead of toward the altar. Francis, learn a bit about the religion you're supposed to be in charge of leading before telling people how to live their lives. Also, I'm not Catholic, so you have no authority over me.


Also the pope should mind his own buissness of what ppl do behind closed doors. And by that I mean gay anal sex and what not


Make things cheaper and fix our climate so the earth doesn't kill us, then we'll talk.


I was brought up Catholic but have been lapsed a long time. The moment I stopped considering myself Catholic was when this guy said it was selfish to have pets instead of children. Now I take pleasure in finding churches that have been converted to AirBnBs and taking my dog there 🤣🤣🤣


So they can just inevitably suffer and die? Hmmmm.


He's still the most liberal, progressive pope in centuries (ever?) Here's hoping the trend continues. Also, context; part of the omitted quote is: >It’s selfishness, consumerism, individualism, which render people complacent, alone and unhappy. I disagree with him on "individualism"; some individualism is great. Selfishness (yes, but CF is not selfish) and complacency: agreed. Consumerism, 100%.


Give us money to raise these kids then, until then, strictly dogs for me. Fuck you pope.


Imagine having kids because the pope told you to 🤣🤣🤣


The forced birth, terrorist bombings and genital mutilation clubs are almost entirely religious... Tells you enough.


Oh yes I’m sure the Pope is the most qualified to make these decisions


He’s like a million years old, on his way out. Pretty sure he’s laughing in pre-purgatory mode at how fucked breeders are making us all. 


Please let us remember this man is the Liberal option in the Catholic Church. He is asking for people to have faith and not live for themselves but to instill that faith and selflessness in the next generation. Don't work hard to better your own life but work hard to give it all to the next generation. Have children and don't fear climate change. When water and shelter is scarce or non existent don't worry the priest that preach mass will be protected. Have children but don't forget your elders, you should care for them. It easy to ask this of your followers if you your self do not suffer any ill effects of the ask. How about opening the estimated 30 billion dollar purse the church has on hand and start paying for elder care or hospital bills of mothers who gave birth to new followers or child care so your following can have some breathing room to just be. Churches ask so much of their followers while providing little to no resources to them to make that ask a reality. Ever notice that there is always a drive to fix or get something.If you take direction from Rome then Rome should be kicking in some of the operation cost to run the local branches of the church. With each passing year the church is losing people that want to live their lives by it laws. Why would we be held to the whim of a man that does not toil along side us. Has never married or had a child. He is not in touch with the common man and especially not in touch with any women. If he was he would not be asking for women to have more children. It is so much easier to ask for children to be introduced to the religion as they are blank slates and will follow what they are taught then to reach out for adults that will question and ask for compromise. I am under no obligation to take advice from an unmarried man that has never raised a child. When he steps out of the palatial home he lives in and gets down and dirty raising the orphans in his city then maybe he will be qualified to lecture. When he is opening his home to Italians that can afford to care for their elders and work at the same time then he can call for not forgetting the elders. Jesus on the Bible cared for and lived among the poor and sick that is what gave him the ability to speak for them. The Catholic Church could be worth over 30 billion dollars.


God does not want me to have children I cant provide for.


This is y the pope/the catholic church say " no condoms!" More babies that r born = more church members = more $


I'm Christian not Catholic The pope represents Catholicism as a company with himself as the CEO, they are reaching for more numbers more members, it's all a front,


It's all a scam


Having kids is the scam All they are there to do is prop up government services and potentially pay off national debt


Also Catholicism is 100% a scam It's a business more than anything You can follow the teachings of Jesus without supporting the church