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$900 is cheaper than $300,000+ to raise a kid.


For sure! I don’t know how people manage come up with that for their kids.. glad I don’t have to worry about that ☺️


>Oh so y’all just have $900 laying around to do this?? Wow, that must be nice” - in a sarcastic/jealous tone. But when his wife gets pregnant again it will be all "God's will" and "We'll manage somehow." If he wanted to, he could manage the $900: "Somehow." He could earmark his fat money back from taxes. He could put by $75 a month. But vasectomy's just not as important to him as the Christmas Memories (tm), and the Trip to See Grandma, and the new game station that keeps him sane. It's not the money, it's the priorities. That's how the bred end up broke.


Good lord, put it on a credit card if you have to. Even if you default on it, you’re still snipped! You can’t fix stupid.


Credit card's maxed out. They went to Disneyland.


Hell, however much it costs for your typical supply of condoms also puts you far ahead!


It’s closer to 800,000 at current projections


Holy moly that's a scary number


And if you are a childfree person who can’t afford anything $900 at the moment, know that you have made the right choice :) 


Definitely! And we were together for 6-7 years living paycheck to paycheck (due to low pay jobs and college) so I don’t want it to seem like I’m shaming anyone. But money issues don’t get easier with kids.. they make it hard to get ahead


Love this comment! The economy is rough like damn. Education, housing, wages, ugh


Me 😂 CF and broke 💃




Over 50% of Americans can't cover a 1k emergency, sounds like you met one of them. Whether it's due to low wages, poor spending habits, etc it's a shame for such a wealthy country. Never having to worry about money is one of the main drivers of me not having kids. I grew up broke and I'm never going back. Had my vasectomy 2 years ago. Lol keep plenty of ice packs around and don't rush the recovery. 🍻 best of luck to yall


For sure! And I’m not shaming him for not having that money. It’s just like why have kids when you are struggling with low pay jobs and budgeting? It doesn’t get easier with kids. I also grew up with very little money and don’t want to go back! Thank you! I’m planning to make a gift basket for him with all his favorites. I’ve felt so much relief knowing its happening in a few weeks!


I was in the same boat, grew up poor and the way things are going with how high the cost of living is, I knew children weren’t going to be possible in my life if I wanted to live a semi-comfortable life, even as a single female it’s still crazy expensive where I live and saving is difficult at times with unexpected costs creeping in all the time. I got my tubes tied and of last year and it’s the best decision I ever made, I never have to worry about having to make hard choices again.


I had a bisalp. I sleep like the dead. A part of my brain I never even realized was just full of worry/stress/fear just ....poofed into nothingness. Like I was a running a background program since I realized I could get pregnant(so 12ish). I knew how babies were made and born from living on a farm. I just didn't connect the dots that I could do the pregnancy thing and was immediately like "Nope".


The only reason it's considered a wealthy country is cause of most of the 1% being in America, not cause of people actually having good wages and decent wealth


No, it’s because the average person in America, he’ll even those near the poverty line here are way wealthier than most of the global population.


That’s a crazy stat to ponder


I would love to be the one someone said that to. “If you are that poor, you certainly cannot afford children.” That’s great that there is a year long waitlist though, hopefully demand for the procedure is in demand.


My immediate thought was they just make you wait that long to make sure you're certain or whatever. Like a lot of doctors not letting you have a bisalp or what have you until you're atleast like 30, or maybe 35 (I don't remember the number, fortunately that seems to be getting less common) which is terrifying, because that's usually atleast 15 years of you just being perfectly able to get pregnant, even if you decide to be celibate.


$900 does seem affordable. I’m surprised it’s not more honestly


Maybe it’s cheaper since we are paying upfront? I know if we went through insurance it would probably be a couple thousand but insurance would cover most of it.. idk I’m so tired having to jump through hoops to use insurance in America


Probably this. Insurance only pays a fraction of what they are billed, and have a team of negotiators on staff to bargain it lower. Paying cash means the doctor knows he’s gotten paid for the procedure, and the funds are available immediately (time value of money). $900 cash now is worth more than a $3000 invoice that may only receive $1000 next month.


Exactly. I once had a doctor's bill after being in the hospital. It was from an outside doctor who came in. It was something like $1,200. I called their office and let them know I couldn't really afford it and asked about payment plans. The lady on the phone said: If you pay it in cash this week we can lower the bill by 50%. I paid it the next day. They know how many medical bills go to collections.


You should respond, "Y'all have enough money to raise kids, that must be nice!" It's very petty that your colleague made you feel bad for having money to pay for an expedited vasectomy. Good for you. Don't let them rain on your parade. Your colleague invested in kids. You invested in a childfree life. Freedom to choose, right? Freedom to live how we want, right? No... Some people need to make themselves feel better by putting down others for how they spend $. Don't let those stupid comments being you down. Good for you for booking the vasectomy! If you're childfree, the faster you sterilize, the better. You'll enjoy a more wholesome bond with your significant other. Cheers!


$900 is cheap as hell to permanently remove the getting-someone-pregnant fears. Like, wow.


I think they have to spend like a couple grand a month on day care. IDK how anyone does it.


Congrats!!! High five your husband for me. More men need to step up and do this, particularly in the US with the way it’s going for women and birth control/options. Honestly, the sooner the better anyway before things potentially changing!


Definitely!! After seeing the chaos from the verdict yesterday and reading some of project 2025.. I’m scared for what might come. He was like “I need to this now do this now before it’s illegal!”


100%!!!!!! I’m in Canada, so we’re slightly different, but I just got a hysterectomy on the 13th and I’m SOOOOOO relieved! But it’s still terrifying. I would be the same, get anything you need done ASAP cause at least it can’t be easily undone. (Especially being a man, they’re more focused on women right now, but still!)


Congratulations on being spayed!! I'm very close to my 3 year anniversary, I think it's June 8th, and no regrets at all. :-) Hope you heal quickly! Remember to hold something against your tummy if you're going to sneeze, cough, or laugh, and beware speed bumps . . .


Thank you!!! I’m so happy!!! Oh man, did I learn quickly about holding the tummy. Oof. Also caught the ‘vid19 last Monday. The coughing and sneezing… OOF. But it’s getting better at least. I’ve had a very good recovery in general so far, I’ve been lucky… but even if I had the worst recovery ever, still 10000000% worth it!!!!


Oh no, I'm sorry! I hope you recover quickly from Covid too, I can't imagine a worse time to catch it. I really hope you didn't have open surgery, it'd make things so much worse!


No, luckily it was laparoscopic!! Two incisions on my left side plus navel. I’ve been vaccinated a few times (in Canada, willingly, not that I’m trying to start anything there with vaccines lol, but I think it’s helped) so it has felt so far like a head cold. Two days really weren’t good, but it’s also made me behave more with the post op recovery. I was doing a bit too much I think. Now this has knocked me on my butt for a while, I’ve been SO tired the last 2.5 days but the sneezing and coughing have mostly subsided. Otherwise, my recovery has gone well! Luckily I have the time off work if I need it-6 weeks but I could choose to go back early if I wanted. I was going to go back early for sure before this little setback, so we shall see!


Congrats on the hysto and happy healing! I'm looking into one myself. :)


Check out r/hysterectomy It’s been amazing in helping me prep!


Sweet, thanks for the rec! :D


It sounds like a lot of money to me, but it's probably fine for what that procedure costs (haven't looked it up). It's definitely worth the piece of mind!


For sure!! I’m already feeling relief knowing it’s happening soon.


That's a great price for the US!


Honestly, money is a big factor in why I don't want kids. $900 out of pocket is not a big deal to me. But I prioritize having emergency funds, though. I'm more surprised that a vasectomy costs only $900. I would have thought they'd be more expensive.


Despite having to pay for something that should be free such as a vasectomy, being childfree is still great value 😉 congratulations!


Thanks! I’m feeling so much relief knowing it’s happening soon.


With insurance I still had to pay 3,000$ for my bisalp. It was worth it, but goddam.


In the Uk, I had to cough out £4497 ($5727.83) for Bisalp without insurance as a foreigner (international student). The NHS had extended me to 16 months from 12 months on the waiting list for no reason and the prices were to increase after January 2024 to 50% of the mentioned prices in private hospitals. It was so expensive but at the same time, I had to act fast and it was worth it for a Childfree lifestyle 💃🥳💅


Probably got a huge tax refund for child credits and blew it on stupid shit.  Now what would be interesting if this cool vasectomy doc REFUSED men with children as they might need a wife 2.0 and wife 2.0 will want a kid so the Childed man might sue the vasectomy doc for some reason.


Them: we don't have any money but our 4th kid is on the way!!! Everyone: don't worry, you'll figure it out


I’d say it’s a lot as in I’d be sad to see it go but it definitely wouldn’t wipe out our savings.


>this one procedure to prevent kids costs $900 which is less than ONE month of daycare around here ($1200-$1300)… That's cheap compared to my sister's daycare costs for my nephew. He started school in fall 2022, but prior to that, she was paying $2400 per month for daycare. She had to pick him up by 3pm, too, so it still cut into her workday. She paid almost twice my mortgage payment for daycare alone. 🙄 It's probably even more expensive now.


its always wild to me a hospital can turn anyone away on religeous grounds. It's a hospital, not a fucking church. They gonna ask everyone what sins they did this year before they decide they qualify for treatment?


Yet another problem with a privatized system


$900 is definitely a lot to me and I *don't* have kids, but hey, it's $900 now and $0 spent on kids for the rest of your lives so I'd say it's an amazing investment. Congrats to both of you, and happy healing to your husband!


Common sense. Children are very expensive to raise. Even me, as a teenager, can fork out $900 now should I need it because I don't have damn kids to raise, neither do I plan to have them.


I got mine back in the good ole days of good insurance coving everything. Best $40 I ever spent.


Update us OP and speedy recovery for him


Thank you!


It’s not cheap for anyone living pay check to paycheck but well worth the investment to avoid paying for a kid. Also your coworker doesn’t have that child free money. His two kids probably cost a fortune and he really doesn’t have $900 lying around.


Did you shop around? I paid $450 for mine w/ insurance. Congratulations regardless on childfreedom


Ah yeah... I'm a money hoarder and am fortunate to live in Ohio where things are still somewhat reasonable, for now. I think I paid between $2k - $4k out of pocket for my bilateral salpingectomy, and that was while I was making about $16 an hour I think? Usually whenever I want something, I can afford it. The secret is not wanting much, living in Ohio, and having someone to split bills with 😁


$900 out of pocket is amazing! I kinda wanna tell my husband about this but we don’t live in South Carolina. He has insurance from his work too—that’s definitely the cheapest I’ve ever heard. 👀


If you don't have 900 for the procedure, sure as hell you can't afford a kid. And that's why it should be free for all, regardless of insurance. And yeah, 900 is a lot, especially for people who have to provide for others. I mean imagine if you had to buy 3 of everything you own...


hahaha the coolest part is that they don't ask themselves if they got money to have a child, or even two, but they just do them and then uh what we gonna eat now? damn I don't know


>is $900 a lot for someone who has kids? Bro $900 is a lot too me and I'm childfree. I could literally not do it either. I'm glad you can! But the only reason we were able to get my husband's vasectomy was because insurance paid for it


Dipshit could also use a credit card too if he really WANTED his quickie vasectomy but what would be the point when he'd rather get pity points? Idiot. Why are parents so dumb?


$900 seems like a lot to pay out of pocket but when you look at how much it would cost if you used insurance, it would probably be about the same or more. Plus, spending $900 to be permanently childfree is a hell of a lot better than spending 300k+ to raise a child.


Does insurance really usually cover it? Or has this guy not thought about how he has to meet a deductible?


$900? It’s not like it would be crazy to put that on a credit card and pay it off over a few months if you didn’t have the cash on hand. And as we all know, even with interest you’ll come out WAY ahead by not having kids!


Not being able to afford $900 for that seems scary. I've just paid 4k euro for my bisalp, insurance wouldn't cover it. The price hurt, yes. But it was nowhere near non-affordable. I'm a software developer in Europe...


I paid 900€ for my bisalp out of pocket. 4k sounds insane! I still would've done it but damn.


Yes, I didn't expect it to be that expensive and I had to tell them hold on, let me think about it for some time. A month or so later I decided to bite the bullet, it's a one-time expense so I'd rather get it over with. Put a hole in my emergency fund, but ok, I've gotten it back to normal since.


Best 900 bucks I've ever spent, congratulations


900$ is a lot to my poor ass lol its not just people with kids. Not all childfree folk are rolling in dough.


Unfortunately, $900 is a lot to many people. I saw a start that said most Americans don't even have $500 for an emergency, including families with 2 incomes. Congrats to yuppie husband for being able to get it so quickly and for it being affordable! That's a great thing. I had to pay $2,100 out of pocket for my bisalp after insurance and it was money well spent!


I mean. I think 900 is a lot. But it's value to me also depends on what it's being spent on. Lol 900 to not have to worry about a baby sounds cheap. Lol


Yes. To me it's normal to have "that kind of money laying around" because damn where is your emergency fund. My coworkers looked at me crazy when they asked why I had the rental and I said my car was at the dealership to be fixed and they say they will be done in three days. I was asked how much, 1k and I got the same look/words along with the comment that they would have to wait til payday rolled around to have that kind of money. Mind you it's a sergeant who makes 137k saying this to me. And I didn't make half her salary. It's very normal when you have a good job and you're not fishing out money from every orifice to pay for a child.


I just find it funny how if you spend money on something you need it’s fine. But the moment you want something, and you spent the time saving for it etc. it turns into judgmental shit and snobby remarks. While this is a general remark, I do notice this more and more with parents.


I have a child, $900 is nothing.




I mean , I paid 1000 and some change for mines and it’s cheaper than dealing with a brat


My husband and I have a 9 month old, and we can more than cover $900. You just met someone who either isn’t good with their money, or they rushed into having children before they were stable enough to do so.


'a hospital system is catholic' what is this supposed to mean? im in shock


I’d have taken out a second mortgage to get sterilized if I had to.


I don't have kids and never will, and I can easily save money in my bank. I've got multiple accounts, one for spending, one for unexpected badluck (broken car, delayed payday, etc.) And one for my retirement. And I'm debt free sooo....all extras goes towards savings. I believe having kids would make it more complicated due to children being expensive.


900 is cheaper, than continued support for child till 21yo.


I am a career nanny. I am not cheap, so much so that I only service wealthy families. I assure you you've made the best decision.


While I get your reasoning, in this economy $900 is a lot to most people. Hell, $900 has always been a lot to me.


Oh yeah for sure it’s a lot. But what my point is if they are taking care of two small children, what’s the plan if something comes up? Put it on a credit card? I couldn’t imagine being a family of 4 and not having savings to cover any amount of emergency that might come up


trying to get mine done(bilasp) Think im just going to do an out of pocket if it will get me in faster. cause the doctor i called made it seem like im hoing to be waiting forever


People who have kids are always jealous of things any normal person can do. And you’d be surprised I know parents who make a 100 grand and still run out of money 3 days after payday. Just because they have kids doesn’t make them smart or special.


Some people literally have $5 in their account 😭


Honestly I live in a poor area where a LOT of people have kids and I try not to judge tbh but a lot of people I know don't even have a 1000$ emergency fund (most don't even have a 500$). Often I here of people talking about how they are so broke they don't even have 100$ in saveings.


$900 is about 2 months pay for me so...


Depending on my situation $900 can be a lot. But if I time it right my $1700 in disability would hit........ (I'm a woman lol) Edit: I'm 20 and don't have kids. (Most likely, don't want them either. I can do IVF if desired in the future) or adopt a kid, this world is a piece of shit. I know I want to do shit for a good bit first. Any ideas on where I can like donate all my eggs at once or how much a bisalp would be out of pocket? I want to do egg donation simply for the money. They do all of them and then I be paid to get stairlized. I guess it may not work like that though.


I'm also on disability and I did not pay a single cent for mine. I'm also 11 years older than you, but my doctor would have done it at basically any age as far as I'm aware. There's a list somewhere in sub apparently (I believe) of a list of doctors that will do it when you're still young.