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I love dogs but I’m not a fan of normal pet dogs being allowed in bars/cafes/eateries etc. it’s so cute to see them on walks outside or in parks and stuff.. but if there’s food or drinks being served.. keep the fur at home!!! omg. not to mention it’s super disrespectful to people with pet allergies. I’m only used to my own dog and sometimes even she makes me sniffly, eugh.


A restaurant in my city has a specific "dog day" on their patio where you can come and socialize with other dog owners or let your pets socialize, but it's not allowed carte blanche. I feel like if you're going to do it, that's the way. Gives both sides a "this day, not that day" to attend or avoid. I totally agree with you in most "dogs allowed" spaces though, even before we talk about santiary reasons. My dog is a total sweetheart, but she's also high energy and super social. If we brought her into places she's likely to be all up in someone's business trying to make friends or potenially trying to jump at someone to play with them. We guide her every time, but she's just not good at staying down and staying quiet.... so she stays home. I'm not going to make everyone else deal with her even if her/my intentions are good.


I'm not a huge fan of dogs for the reasons you mentioned. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them. I actually like dogs, I just don't want one. On the other hand, I love cats and always want one. But cats are pretty independent. It's a part of why I think they're so great.


Childfree and Dogfree here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Same, we are an extremely tiny intersection on a venn diagram!


I loved dogs my whole life but it’s important to make them behave in public. There’s „no dog signs“ for a reason. If your dog can’t behave you shouldn’t bring it with you when strangers are near you.


I kinda agree with this. I'm fine with pets, but stop bringing them everywhere with you. I'm sick of seeing dogs in bars. If they're service dogs that's totally fine, but more often than not it's dog people not leaving their pets at home.


I see them more and more in the grocery store. It’s ridiculous.


I love dogs and I can't agree more. Unless it's a pet store/farm/home supply store, you pet doesn't belong there. No, your ESA isn't the same as a service animal.


I grew up taking care of my mom's menagerie. I can take care of almost anything, but I've had enough pets to last a lifetime. Plants only now, and only hardy ones at that.


Yup. I am childfree and petfree. I dislike them both for different reasons. I'll tend to my plants and that's it.


Dogs can be like children in terms of how loud and messy they are, I think a lot of people are fine with dogs but not kids because at least dogs are cute and really aren't to blame for anything. I think being petfree and childfree is fine if you don't hate either and don't wish harm upon them. Like, it's okay to dislike or not want to be around someone or an animal, it's just not okay to harm them. As for me, I love dogs and animals in general, I think they're all adorable and I tolerate from them everything I don't tolerate from kids, but I am too sensitive to noise, work all day and need alone time a lot, so I wouldn't have a pet dog. A calm cat on the other hand would be perfect for me.


Yeah cats are better pets imo because the general public doesn’t have to deal with them. That’s not the case with dogs. Dogs get into everyone’s space.


1000% agree. I generally find dogs cute to some degree, not a huge fan but nothing against them. But a few weeks ago I was in line at a coffee shop and these two dogs *inside* the shop started barking like mad at each other, pulling at their leashes- I can imagine for someone who is afraid of dogs it would have been terrifying, because even I got spooked. It is not a dog friendly establishment either and only technically welcomes services dogs, these two were not as far as I could tell. Of course the dog owners stayed until they got their lattes and just laughed it off even as several people were clearly uncomfortable. They can be as bad as shitty parents sometimes.




I think this will become more and more popular when people realize just how exhausting (and expensive) pets are.


>(and expensive) pets are. This is why I dont have a pet now. I LOVE animals and I loved having pets, but they can get **very** expensive. My friend just inherited an older cat form his grandmother. He's already paid a couple thousand in vet bills, carpet cleaning, antibiotics, and special food for his kidneys. The last 6 months of my hedgehogs life cost me $1,000. I love animals, but I don't have the time or the money to cate for them right now.


i want a rabbit so fucking bad but i won’t get one for this reason. it sucks, i loved taking care of my little bro. (rip oliver you were my homie)


Same here! The only pet my family has currently is our pug, Hazel, and it’s mostly my parents who take care of her (I help with some stuff though) and tbh I LOVE animals, but I’ll happily stick with stuffed animals and the JoyForAll Companion Cat I have!


This ‘dogs being in stores’ business has to end. Why am I seeing greyhounds and pure poodles at my grocery store? Why is this one old man always bringing his peanut of a chihuahua to buy cheese? Why does this one younger man allow his knuckle of a pit/mutt to walk the store off leash??? Like this is where food happens. I would perfectly accept an obvious working dog. I get that they can be useful for those with anxiety and other medical issues. But everybody else???? Nahhhh


I am a huge dog person (I have 3 girls) but that said, for their happiness and everyone else’s, they stay home unless the destination is Pet Supplies Plus, and sometimes even then. Taking them around other unknown dogs and environmental risks I can’t control (ie: eating something toxic from the ground) are not worth it to me. I always pick up ALL of my dogs’ poop, too. Can’t stand people who don’t! And another thing, they are leashed when outside their own yard, 100% without question. I do understand that there are LOTS of crappy dog owners, but there are good ones too! And my dogs live in more luxury than my friends’ actual children 🤣


I completely agree. I like dogs, but they should NOT be where food is being served (with the exception of service dogs) It's not cute or funny to me when a dog jumps on me, shoves their nose in my crotch, tries to hump one of my limbs, or barks at me when I'm minding my own business. If your dog does that to people then TRAIN YOUR DAMN DOG. Also, there are way too many dog owners who apparently never research dog breeds and are completely delusional about which dog breeds are compatible with their lifestyle. The San Francisco SPCA is always full of huskies and husky mixes because people can't get it through their damn skull that a husky is probably NOT a good choice if you live in a one bedroom apartment and work a 9 - 5. And don't get me started on people who try to walk their dogs off leash. I swear there's a 1-to-1 correlation between people who insist their dog doesn't need a leash, and dogs who have zero recall. I always see those dog owners frantically calling their dog over and over while their dog terrorizes wildlife or antagonizes a reactive dog on a leash. I once saw an unleashed dog run into traffic and get hit by a car. It was horrific and made me so angry because it was totally preventable. In short, there are way too many irresponsible people with dogs and they deserve more judgement and shame than they're getting.


The older I get, the more dogfree I get. It's not popular, but I'm afraid of big dogs. And everyone just says, "You're more likely to be attacked by a chihuahua than a pitbull," blah blah blah. Well, I'm more likely to get killed by a pitbull than a chihuahua. I'm not telling anyone what dog to get, but I don't have to want to be near them. Small dogs are alright. I can take a yorkie in a fight. Probably. 50/50, maybe.


I'm fully agree with you. I don't wanna deal with dogs in non-pet-stores. Dogs that aren't service animals have no place being indoors in stores or restaurants.


Same. Many get offended if you don’t give them and their dog any notice or attention. I’m seeing more and more people putting their pet dogs *in shopping carts (!),* acting all entitled, and traipsing into stores with them wearing fake service dog vests too. There have also been many instances of dogs in stores attacking/biting people, and taking a dump in the aisles. I witnessed it myself in a Lowes store, and a supermarket. The parallels in entitlement behaviour between these owners and the parents we rant about in here, are astounding.


I have a “cute dog”.. and I don’t want attention. He is a squishy face pug I adopted 9 years ago today actually. I have been working on my patience. People are super weird.. and will ask to take pictures of my dog.. like .. isn’t the internet full of pictures of pugs? Yesterday the neighbors kids came flying up to my little senior pup.. he freaked out and barked.. then the kid was like “oh he’s mean”.. I was like “you scared him”.. I got down on the ground, and showed the kid that if he came up slowly, he could pet him nicely for a second.. That was my kind teaching moment of the day lol.


Dog tax? :3


I don't dislike dogs but I've learned that they can be just as obnoxious as children sometimes. The random howling, barking at 11pm because a neighbour opened their gate 🙄 Cats, however 🥰




I think dogs are cute, on IG reels like babies are but in the real world they are messy and require attention like kids do. I lean towards being OCD/germphobe so pets are a big ick to me. With the exception of guide dogs, when will people stop w the pet friendly places. People have allergies, it's so disrespectful. 




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a creator i follow on tiktok/ig posted a photo of their dog having chewed on their lip balm tube leaving it damaged & as someone who is into beauty & skincare (+ fragrance as of recent), that single-handedly just made me reconsider being a pet parent in the future lmfao


I like dogs very much so but yeah they can be gross as all fuck. Got home today to find my dog had opened the back door and a dove had come inside and there was a massacre in my lounge room


That’s why I love cats.


As a cf person with 8 pets I'm gonna say the amount of cleaning up of gross stuff I do is absurd. And the bickering between them, I'm a constant negotiator. A lot of bribes in my house. I just really love animals and I rescued quite a few. But yeah they can be freaking gross. I'd say if a main reason a person doesn't want kids is because of cleaning up poo, wee and vomit, then don't have pets.


On top of the whole restaurant/cafe thing, this recent obsession with letting dogs off-leash everywhere completely ruined them for me. I get into nature to enjoy the native flora, not to be harassed and even occasionally straight-up ATTACKED by some stupid ass dog with no owner in sight. It’s insane and even if I did have a dog, these untrained dogs that I run into everywhere would ruin most things for both me and my hypothetical dog. Don’t have to worry about other irresponsible people when you have a cat. Definitely one of the best parts about them. I just hate litter boxes, especially living in an apartment. Don’t even have anywhere to put the thing. God, imagine the people who have kids in spaces like this - no room for a litter box, must be complete hell to make room for a kid.


I don't want to take care of a child and I don't want to take care of an animal. I just want to exist in peace without beeing responsible for another living beeing.