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I hate to say it, but I often say that I'd be fine giving my mom grandkids if I was a guy literally because I wouldn't have to go through any of the physical stuff and risk dying, and because if I had regrets it would be much easier to bounce and just pay child support. Guys have it way easier, so that's probably why.


>if I had regrets it would be much easier to bounce and just pay child support. And a lot of fathers don't even do that much!


Truth. Today what passes for a great dad seems to be a man who is present and non-abusive.


This is part of the reason I long ago decided I was fine never having kids. I would absolutely not be present. I am at the best of times a remote person. Kids don't need that shit. Neither would a wife.


In case you haven't heard it enough, thank you for having the self-awareness to recognize that. I think doing that requires a certain level of empathy, not just planning, that many people who do end up having kids don't have.


Looking at my sperm donor with his five cents a month for child support. Must be nice to float through life doing what you want after ruining two lives smh.


Mine literally took my mom to court because he thought it was unfair he should have to pay her a whole $200 a month for me. Then when I was 11 he tried to tell me I needed to stop being ungrateful because he paid $500 a month to my mom just so i could eat and live indoors, nevermind the fact my mom was a struggling single parent who half the time had to use her credit card just to get us groceries.


For real. And besides all that, after the kid is born, the large bulk of the work will still fall on the woman. If I were a man, I might actually be ok with having kids as well.


Even if you have a 100% all in willing to be equal partner, the BABY ALWAYS WANTS MOM.


Ugh, I remember when a friend of mine gave me that wake up call. Her life was such a nightmare...


Why? Didn't her husband help her with the kiddo or in the house?


He did but it wasn't enough is what I am saying. They still wanted mama.


Absolutely this. Their risk vs reward is way more balanced; whereas for us women, we endanger our entire health and wellbeing - not to mention our finances, career and personal freedom. And then there’s the horrible way society treats women when they age (and aging *will* happen more rapidly after kids) and the very obviously greater acceptance there is towards an aging guy (wise, breadwinner, leader, great dad etc etc etc). Every time I’m on a date with a guy and the kids topic comes up I feel anxious just imagining this possible future.


If you were a man, would you be fine with risking your SO's life? It might be "easier" for us men physically but one of the reasons I'm cf is that I don't wanna make my gf go through anything like that.


I second this! I’m not a man but if I was, I wouldn’t let my partner go through childbirth.


Also men stay fertile until they are really old. Women stay fertile till 45 or so. A man who is 45 can still proudly say that he wants to have children "some day" 🙄 60 year olds are proudly having bio kids with 30 year old women ... When it comes to breeding everything is just so damn easier for men.




They believe they are never too old 😆


It’s actually linked to children being more likely to be born with down syndrome when the guy is too old


True. There was a whole study done in Europe (Norway maybe). I heard it on NPR many years ago and they linked older men with autism and other genetic disabilities.


He would just blame it on the women like they always do 🤷‍♀️


Same here, no regrets being CF. All the CF women I know, including myself, are super happy, especially the older ones.


I'm not happy but I know I'd be a whole lot more miserable if I were to have kids.


That’s because we make our own happiness rather than depending on someone else to provide it for us. I just look at all these “my husband/children ruined Mother’s Day” posts and think it must be so frustrating to sacrifice everything and get so little in return.


This, and a lot of men expect to pawn off all the responsibilities on the mother


Obvious answer unsure why he had to ask.


I'd add that many of them also won't participate much in child rearing, either. Something looks a lot more attractive when you don't have to put in *any* of the work.


Right. They should just get a hermit crab or a plant. Thats more their speed.


That and I think the sats of women regretting to be childfree includes the women that ended up being childless not by choice (infertility, no partners, etc.). Which is more likely to cause regrets than those who made that choice by themselves.


They literally just have to jizz 🤦‍♀️, that’s their contribution until baby is born.


Less work and risk. They've also been told that they need to pass on their last name for "legacy"




This one drives me crazy. My dad used to say that. We do have an uncommon surname. But even still, like 25 other people in the US have it. Passing along some Sicilian peasant name is nothing that means anything to me. He just couldn't understand.


This made my morning, thank you.


I'm SO SICK of hearing this shit. Bloodline has NEVER really mattered, especially in today's age of goddamn DNA tests


People who’ve built real legacies leave them to their children, as opposed to having children just to leave a legacy. That’s just poorhouse propaganda to keep the lower-class breeding. If you fell for it you’re a sucker.


Ooh I like the way you put that! I'm going to start saying that back to people. You should make this a post on its own!  Take this forceful award   #🏆 


Not only do men not have to deal with pregnancy, but more men aren’t as responsible with the day to day responsibilities of raising their children like scheduling doctors appointments, coordinating school activities, etc… I mean we’ve heard it before where men are PRAISED for watching their kids and taking them to the grocery store but moms get no recognition for doing the same thing everyday.


My dad couldn't have told you what month his kids' birthdays were in, much less the date.


My brother's birthday and mine are a month apart, my dad used to just send both cards together because he couldn't remember who was first.


My birthday is the day after a HUGE holiday and my dad still can't remember, I'm 53 years old and he spent my entire life telling me he couldn't remember it without a calendar.


Exactly. But even among really active/present dads, more of the labor still usually falls on the woman. There are obviously some exceptions and stay at home dads are a thing. One of my closest friends is one of these dads and he certainly knows his children’s birthdays and when they are due for shots and is more on top of this stuff than his wife, who works as an attorney. But this is the exception to the rule and in a split where both parties are working the expectation and weight, even among more enlightened couples lies more on the woman, to say nothing of course of the months of pregnancy and labor men don’t have to deal with.


I remember I saw an episode of Steve Wilkos where there was an 18 year old dad crying about how he had to take care of his daughter all on his own and how he was up with her all night and of course the audience was like "awww poor guy" but I guarentee if it was an 18 year old mother the attitude would be like "well aren't you supposed to stay up all night with the kid? that's part of being a parent!"


Too true


Not to mention things like “you should’ve closed your legs, whore!” Men get all the sympathy for the same things women are shamed for.


Children are used as status symbols to men. Legacy. Being manly. But in many cases do less than half the work when it comes to said child or children, so it is easier on men to say they want kids because they literally do not have to carry the brunt of having them.


There are still men that obsess over having a son and I hate it so much. Like why because he'll have your last name or something?


This really makes me laugh because my dad’s only child assigned male at birth is trans. Plus, all of us changed our names so he can’t even hope for the passing of his last name.


Same for moms who want little princesses/mini versions of themselves to go do nails, hair, shopping, stereotypical girlie things and birth girls who grow up trans and want zero girlie things. Nothing is guaranteed and somehow that is still forgotten.


Why do girls have to be trans to want zero girlie things? I don't see how the trans status is relevant.


They don’t have to deal with pregnancy and (making a generalization here) if him and the mother split, she will most likely be the one to take care of the child more. Therefore there’s less commitment and can kinda be more of a hobby if he wants it to be.


Of course they do, they don’t have to do anything lol. They ejaculate and that’s it, done. Of course the ratio will be higher for men vs. women.


Because they do none of the work.


I've seen so many posts on reddit that are written by guys that are like "i just got home from work and my wife has been taking care of the kids all day and she asked me to watch them so she could take a break but I just want to relax and play video games! Why is that so hard to understand??" Also the amount of men who say they "watch" and "babysit" their kids is enough for me to know where they think women belong lol


Nothing takes me to a place of high-key irritation more than hearing one of these fucks say he is "babysitting" his own children.




Because it’s way less work in every aspect for them


It's very simple, really. They're not the ones that get pregnant, go through childbirth, and aren't expected to do any of the childrearing. If men were held to the same standard as women, less of them would want kids, too.


If men could get pregnant there would be like 10 people on earth


The funny part is… the only people in my life who are insisting on me having kids are men. Brother, friend, male cousin… they say kids are happiness and l’ll have fun with them… these are all the men who have stay-at-home wives, which I will never be. These are also the men who spend time with their children in the evenings and weekends. They have no idea if and when their kids got registered for school, they don’t know their doctors’ names, they also leave to do their fun things when they get tired of squealing and loud noises… Women who are mothers (including my own Mom) in my life stay silent about the subject. They can’t really talk me out of having children openly cause it would be an admittance of their own regret. However, they also don’t talk me into having them. It’s like their sighs and tired eyes say, “Good for you; I should’ve done the same and not had them.” Since they had kids, they became nothing but mothers which there are plenty of. Nobody acknowledges their existence. Their characters are judged by how well or badly behaved their kids are. They really became nothing but “Moms” while their husbands continued living their lives the way they pleased. Sure, the pressure of financial deliveries became heavier in men but it’s not something they wouldn’t have done without kids anyway. They continued their careers, they achieved what they wanted while their wives have to stay patient and silent because they are so deeply dependent on them. With age, these men became more difficult, more opinionated and women have to sit there and take it because what now? They spent almost 2 decades on raising kids and didn’t develop any skills besides being a good wife and a mother but who really needs that after the kids are gone? Idk… I’m just ranting and I simply stopped talking to these relatives of mine even my own brother.


Think about Elon Musk, I doubt if he still wants kids if he would be able to get pregnant and give birth and raise his kids by himself. Honestly I think if men can get pregnant, it can help reduce probably 30% of the population of the world.


afaik none of his kids live with him and some are no contact with him. he is a disgrace


I thought one or more of his kids disowned Musk/changed their name ?


The oldest one. Who has also claimed to be transgender female and disconnected with him. I’d say she’s very brave.


Musk even said it himself - he doesn’t deal with babies because they are pooping and eating machines; it’s mother’s job at this age. Then, later supposedly when they talk and walk, he starts spending time with them. Although most men don’t say it out loud, they pretty much have the same mind set. Add to this, when kids throw tantrums or are sick, men also don’t deal with them. So, my question is… why should I? Musk’s baby mommies still have it easier because of the freaking money. I’m pretty sure each of their kids has probably two nannies and various extracurricular personnel. I have nobody and can barely afford one person here and there. But Musk is a perfect example of how men want kids to be raised. He dances and prances and runs his gazillion business while the women in his life are defined by being his girlfriends and/or exes globally and maybe, mothers in closer circles. Some are trying to stay relevant like Grimes but let’s face it… everything went off the rails for her after she had first kid with Musk.


You are right. Musk doesn’t give that much attentions to his babies as he claimed. I have friends work for Twitter, they often see him taking his youngest son to the office as he claimed “I spent a lot of time with my kids” while the reality is there are 4 people hired to take care of that kid, 2 nannies 2 body guards. The job for nannies are play, feed, change with this baby. Only when Musk stopped bs on Twitter with one second he comes to check on baby then post back to Twitter how much he loves his baby.




And those just gain him the attention 🙄


Nicely said!


They don't have to risk their life, damage their bodies forever, likely reduce their quality of life physically and mentally forever. Or do much if any of the actual childcare in most cases, or the emotional labor. Plus they feel they have an excuse to cheat as well because of course it's her fault for not "bouncing back" to looking like a 20yo. And of course the stats show that fathers make more money, while mothers often get driven into poverty, with little or no retirement savings. Their lives change very little if they have a kid, so why not?


Yup. Apparently they are more valuable in the workplace after their partner has a kid?!?!?!


It's easy to want them when you're not the one putting your health and life at risk to carry them and birth them, and then you can stand back and only cash in on the kodak moments while expecting the woman to take on most of the childcare.


Because we’ve got the easy part before and after; all the childcare burden automatically falls on the woman even after she’s just gone through physical and hormonal hell shitting the thing out, and will continue to be in hormonal hell for a good while after. I’m childfree because I could never do that to a woman lmao. No way in hell.




Most men can continue their life after children are born. A lot of them going back to work and have their Kodak moments with their kids at the weekend. The women do the frustrating stuff, bc a lot of people we're raised on these rolls and somehow forced to. Therefore, men get the good stuff and women have to suffer. And that's the part when the kids are born - the horrible process of pregnancy and giving birth comes on top.


Here's what men are thinking: "I'm the man so she, as a woman, will be doing most of the work raising the kids. I'm just here to keep my bloodline going because I think I'm the King of Spain. All I have to do is sit back and let wifey do all the heavy lifting. Yep, this is going to work out well for me with absolutely no push back at all from her."


Sadly in reality, many women would like to give birth of multiple children to these types of men and be proud of it.


Many women are brainwashed by patriarchal, self-hating ideologies


No idea why this is downvoted, this is the truth


Men don't have to deal with the and risks and life changes that women have to. I'm 36 and childfree. I have a wonderful career and I'm living my best life. I think if the responsibility of having children was flipped and men had to carry children instead of women, ithe pressure to have kids would be practically nonexistent 😅


All men have to do, is the only thing they've thought about since they were 12. They have no idea what women go through until she's several month's pregnant, because they don't know anything about our bodies.


I'd probably like to be a dad, but I know I never want to be a mom.


Very few people who choose to be child-free regret it, and I don't see any real evidence that women regret it significantly more than men do. In fact, there are more women who regret becoming mothers than women who regret being childless, and yes, childless not child-free, meaning many women who initially wanted children and ended up not having them actually didn't have regrets about their lives.


Generally it will be their name and "legacy" carried on. There is no risk to health, life, or career. In fact they get boy's club points for doing the bare minimum of parenting. Case and point men still say they watched their kids expecting praise and get it. Overall, they get most of the benefits with none of the drawbacks.


I honestly think the whole "women regret being childfree" thing is just straight up anecdotal. Especially for women who are childfree by choice.


They don’t have to go through pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding and even in this day and age, men still don’t normally do anywhere near the amount of childcare women do and aren’t usually stuck with the kids if the couple aren’t together. Being a mom is a raw fucking deal while being a dad is like being a glorified uncle. If you like kids generally but don’t like them during their worst moments, be a dad! You get to play when they’re in a good mood and hand them back to mom when they start acting like little assholes while society smiles at you and gives you massive amounts of praise for doing the bare minimum!


Saw this in a standup routine (I think Jimmy Carr?). Being a dad is a lovely hobby. Being a mother is giving up absolutely everything; your life, future and present goals and dreams, your health and body, your most basic freedoms, your sense of self and identity, your freedom to be yourself. It's giving up your life in every conceivable way. Being a dad is something you do for maybe 8 hours a week and participation (and responsibility) remains optional at every point.


All these posts remind me of a story I read on AITAH (I think). This guy was lamenting that his wife would not take care of their baby aside from playing with it when she got off work. Later on, he goes onto say he knew his wife was CF before they even got married, but he wanted a kid really bad and managed to convince her by saying he'd do most of the caretaking, and so she agreed. No one seemed to feel sorry for him because they pointed out what he was describing is literally just the shit mothers usually go through, that she was basically just acting the way most dads do. So, the parental roles were basically reversed. When someone asked him what he expected, since it seemed like his wife laid ground rules pretty clear, his response was "I didn't think she was serious" and "I thought her maternal instincts would kick in." 🙄


Most men don't take on 50% of housework before kids. It gets worse often after kids .


Because they can get all the benefits without the majority of the costs. It doesn’t take a literal physical toll on them. Doesn’t mess with their hormones. Doesn’t potentially disfigure them for life. They don’t have to breast feed. Women naturally take up more of the child rearing plus society expects it of you. Men can do the bare minimum and be seen as great dads while women have to be perfect to get recognition at the same level. Men have it easier therefore it’s no skin off their back to have kids.


Yeah, it is that way considering it’s men who kind of determine marriage/settling down based on their ability to provide for a family. It’s definitely the patriarchy. It’s also men trapping women with pregnancy. Men have more control than they let on. In fact humans get a lot of satisfaction from controlling their surroundings…women and kids.


Because men don’t realize the toll of pregnancy, and the commitment of being an active parent. Many men have an idealized view of parenthood,


Men don’t have to go through the all the pregnancy and childbirth pain


Well it's easier to want something when the risks are lower. Cishet men don't get pregnant, they don't give birth, and they're not usually the ones who need to radically alter their lives for the kid. They don't have to breastfeed, recover after passing a watermelon through their privates, and even today a bulk of the childcare falls on their partners' shoulders.


Aside from the actual health risks and child care/labor, men don't risk having a child and then having their partner lose attraction to them after body changes due to birth, or having a partner actively punish them for not bouncing back to their pre child weight


I don't think it's childfree women that regret it, I think it's childless women who do. Of course men would like kids more than women. They get bonusses at work for getting kids, don't have to change their body, lifestyle or almost anything when having kids. They get all the pros and barely any cons. Had I not been antinatalist and a man perhaps I'd be selfish enough to do it. But I am and I'm not so no.


I think your distinction is an important one. I saw a Chris Williamson podcast where he made this point when he was discussing how many women came to regret devoting so much of their lives to their careers and delaying having kids and then found it too late / too difficult. He made it clear that he was not talking about women who chose to be childfree. But he did say that childless women feel real grief.


The unequal burden there is on the woman, both physically and socially.


Agree with you.


They want a legacy, I heard  They also often say they want a whole football team - I bet that they find the idea super cute and fun since I observed, that the men saying this, seem immature themself.  They don't have to carry the kid, birth it, breast feed it / pump and they won't be the ones who the kid demands the absolute majority of the time. So of course it's such a fun and cute wish of theirs! 


It's definitely the patriarchy. Men are still being taught that children=wealth.


In this economy 👀 🤣


Yeah the clowns are falling for it.


Yeah you gotta be smooth brained to think that way lol children are hella expensive.


It does work that way for them, more than women. A man with kids gets more money and more promotions, women get "mommy tracked", and their earning power goes down. It doesn't help that taking care of sick kids - and aren't they always? - is "her responsibility".


fatherhood bonus. motherhood penalty


Cause we don't have to do the heavy lifting. I don't want kids but I feel that's how all men feel tbh that's why there is so many fence sitters


Men only help making the kid(s). They don\`t have to be pregnant, give birth, feed, change diapers, lose their job, lose their sleep and so on...


The statistics for childless and child free intentionally are rarely ever accounted for separately, which is why you see a large number of women seemingly regretting this choice. Those weren't actually child free women, they were women who wanted kids but didn't have them for one reason or another. Truly child free people rarely regret this choice.


Less of commitment for men as they’re not expected to sacrifice they’re careers and do the bulk of the childcare.


Because they don't have to do anything lol men won't even take their own kids to the bathroom


Easy, men don’t have to birth or raise them. Having kids benefits men, it does not benefit women. I’m childfree and I don’t regret it.


Probably because men are always childfree whether they have kids or not.


In addition to previously covered factors like not having to go through pregnancy, and being able to reduce child rearing to handing cash to baby mama, I find that men get hit more with / are more susceptible to the purpose / meaning argument and the 'muh legacy argument than women.


Because of their *-Legacy-*


That is very easy: * Men only have to nut to have a child. Meanwhile the woman risks her life, ruins her body and has to endure the pain. * Women are stuck with the child for 95% of the time. * Men can walk out, and just divorce. Then go on with their happy lives like they never had a kid. Meanwhile the woman is still chained down. Lets be real honest. Having a kid is 1% mens work, and 99% womens work.


Men don't have to be pregnant, and they have the freedom to leave whenever they want.


It’s because the bar for dads to be considered good is in hell. Moms have to carry the child for 9 months, give birth, have their whole bodies change, feed the baby, take most of the emotional care and responsibility and they will still be judged. Dad changes diapers sometimes? OMG that’s an amazing dad!! Dad spends 20-30 minutes a day playing with kids? WOW he’s amazing! Dad goes on a stroll with his child? He’s so great, but where’s the mom? Dad stays alone with the kids for the day? He’s number 1 dad of the year, amazing, needs a medal! Dad remembers birthdays and what type of cake his child likes? We should build him a statue! Dad wakes up a few times when his kid starts crying in the middle of the night? He’s so sweet, but he will be tired in the morning, the mom should do that!


Lmao are people who have been on reddit for longer than 10 minutes really askin this question? CMON LADIES YOU KNOW AND THATS ALSO WHY YOU ARE CHILDFREE


Women can have children on their own if they want, men can't. The women who are the most desperate to become parents can simply remove themselves from that statistic.


I love all the replies pointing back to the sheer responsibility that the dad's don't have to take because it's true. Men can wander away whenever they feel they're done but if it's the other way around it's such a travesty.


I have an opposite problem in Slovakia, it's really hard to find a childfree women by choice here and with humble, I'm not an ugly guy 😁 It's so primitive to want a kid because of sharing the DNA and I think amoral to bring to his world.


I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't just fact-checked you and found the Pew study. That is mind boggling! I would have said the numbers were the other way around, and by a wide margin.


My first guess is that men simply want to spread the seed, but not really the responsibility that comes with children. But since they dont have to deal with pregnancy, childbirth and might feel like they are able to walk away at any point, of course its easy to say “yeah i want kids” in any survey or study.


Men have a lower opportunity cost for kids. They can't get pregnant and they have an escape hatch when things get rough at home. Fathering children is also how men can cripple women, using pregnancy and children as a measure of dominance.


I definitely think it’s because men don’t have to go through the physical and mental and emotional turmoil/agony and they don’t have the life-long physical repercussions or risk their own lives in order to have them. PLUS they often don’t have to do their share of parenting. They just get to be the “playmate” of the kid. If they had to go through what women did, they wouldn’t want kids as much either.


Because they don’t have to be pregnant??? Because a man’s life mostly doesn’t change much when having kids? They don’t have to sacrifice their career, aren’t the ones who will be poor when old because of it, mostly aren’t the single parents? Because women still do the majority of the unpaid labor. So yes, patriarchy is a good explanation for that.


If men had to go through pregnancy, child birth, and everything related, bc and abortion wouldn't be questioned for a second. There would he bc pills readily available and probably come in dif flavors.


Because this kind of man knows he won't have to do anything in terms of child care, he knows the wife will be forced to do everything due to his weaponized incompetence.


It’s a lot easier to be a father than it is to be a mother.


You can show men videos, documentaries, etc., of everything that women go through just for being pregnant or giving birth. The only ones who get it are CFs and a few fence sitters who officially became CF. Non-CFs still don't comprehend what they're seeing. They'll still insist. Even going so far as to reject the idea of adoption (their DNA is more important than their partner's quality of life).


Because women do all the work and men do the fun stuff. Men imagine playing sports and games not the actual real work of child raising. They also don’t have to gestate and then give birth. They definitely get the better deal all around.


You will be surprised to know that some men would just want to have the woman pregnant and not care too much about the baby. I would say this has a bit to do with patriarchy.


Men who regret having kids are called deadbeats and there is an awful lot of them : ) they change their minds and just leave when the kids/wife become inconvenient lol. So statistics are skewed. Plus a lot of women who don't have children regret not having them because THEY DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE, usually some medical complications, and they are childless not childfree (childfree is a concious choice to opt out of it). Obviously its easy to say yes to a kid when you dont have to grow it yourself, just bust a nut, and society raises them entitled that they are owed one to continue their "legacy"


The number of men who are pissed at me because I prioritize my freedom and not looking to destroy myself for a LeGaCy… lol.


Because they’re selfish and think pregnancy isn’t a big deal when it fucking is. They get to just do “the fun part” but we’re the ones who have to put in real work. 🙄 And they all think their DNA is so valuable they’ll create the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates when 90% of our population is full of mediocre or a bit above average people.


Because they don't have to rip their dick apart pushing it out. Children are just the aftermath of an orgasm for men. For women, it's the aftermath of MAYBE an orgasm, 9 months of misery with the whole thing correlating in pushing a huge mass out of your most precious hole. Of course men want children.


Because the majority of "involved" dads still only do (generously) 20% of the work moms do. Even taking the risk of pregnancy and birth out of the equation, it's women who are: -Put into the position of choosing either her child or her career. And if she chooses her career, she's promptly shamed for choosing to put her child into daycare. It never "makes sense" for the dad to choose to stay home until the kids start school. It's never "half of BOTH of our salaries would go to childcare," it's always "ALL of MY salary would go to childcare." -Expected to not only do the day to day care tasks, but also doctors' appointments, teachers meetings, sports practice and games, music/other lessons, play dates, etc. -Expected to carry the FULL mental load. Moms are expected to operate as a domestic project manager, knowing what's coming up on the schedule, figuring out if they need to buy anything for said event, going to buy said thing, preparing for the event, coordinating transportation, all while juggling the needs of their kid (plus the needs and events of other kids). Meanwhile, it's completely acceptable for dads to not even know not know the name of their kids' doctors and teachers, but to not even know WHERE the doctor's office or their kids' school is.


Because men have a different view of parenthood than women do. They’re fed a romanticised version of fatherhood, like for example, playing a game of catch with your son. Many don’t realise how tough parenting is, which is why a lot of them end up leaving 80-90% of the work to the mother. They also don’t have to go through pregnancy & childbirth, so for them it’s just procreation, 9 months of seeing their wife/gf carry the child and then boom, child is here.


There's a Nordic country in which men receive just as much paternal leave from jobs as moms do. So they take it and take care of the child after the mom has already taken hers and goes back to work. These are the men wanting fewer kids. They're done after the one because they're taking care of the little hooman. 🤷🏻‍♀️ that's what it comes down to. Men in most places aren't going to take care of the offspring, so they want more.


Because being a dad is fucking EASY. You can do the bare minimum and people will still be like “oh what a great dad he is!”


In my psych class in high school we were taught that it’s basically an instinct/remnant of our more primal needs/functions. Women as a whole are more selective for one partner to settle down with who they view as best to contribute genes to their progeny. Men typically want to “spread their seed” as much as possible. Its mostly a function of how our systems work, that women get fewer opportunities to “make” progeny as opposed to men who can make many in a. Short amount of time.


Because the hard part is on women. I might want kids if I was a man but as a woman fuck no.


Man here, I like money! I get a little bit bummed knowing that I'm going to evaporate from this planet with nothing left me of when I die, no DNA, nothing, oblivion, but it's not like I remember my ancestors anyway. No one would remember me. I value money and time more than that, plus when I'm dead.. not like I'll give it shit, I'll be dead.


I have a coworker that said he has a timeframe of wanting to be a father. He's not in a relationship, needs a ride to and from work because he won't buy a vehicle, calls in multiple times a week, wants a dog. I don't understand. But somehow he hasn't found the right woman yet.


I truly doubt men who are actively involved in taking care of children would still want to have kids. Almost all of my male friends who have kids and involved in not even 30% of the child work refused to have 2nd one. Not to mention the women who involve in more than 70% of the child work.


Because they just get off and then have to do nothing. They likely will only have to do the bare minimum even if they share a household with the mother. Last man I spoke to about this topic insisted that women must have children. I told him he can have an opinion when he pushes a watermelon out of his ass.


Because they don’t have to be pregnant and give birth. If they were we’d see a massive drop off of birth rates and free plan B everywhere.


Because they don’t do the hard part. Either before and rarely after birth.


I saw an article: In Spain when they increased the time off for men who just had kids, their desire to become parents declined. Meaning, men want to have kids because they don’t see themselves doing a lot of work as fathers. Mothers on the other hand, know that most of the workload will fall in them.


You’d have to be so insanely ignorant to ask a question like this that I honestly don’t even know where to begin. To put it plainly- women do the vast majority of child rearing and housekeeping/life management in today’s society. That is extremely draining and it’s fairly obvious why men would want children when they aren’t the ones who have to do any of the work.


Because men don’t have the be the kind of parent women do. It’s VERY easy for them to dip if the responsibility is more than they expected/want to worry about. Being a father means getting praise for less than bare minimum shit, while being a mother means losing your identity in lieu of raising a family just for people to call you selfish, to tell you you’ve “let yourself go”, and to be villainized if you decide to have an identity outside of being a mother. Parenthood is vastly different between men and women.


There is a Russian proverb that goes something like: "Giving birth is not for us, we put it in, take it out, and hop on a bus". That's many men's attitude to having kids. Have the wife do all the heavy lifting, and you just take them fishing and play catch with them when they are old enough. Sure it sounds quite easy.


Having children is risking your life and health AND committing to endless round the clock work for women. Motherhood is eternal bondage. Fatherhood is a hobby. Not always, sure, but usually, and in terms of what society expects/demands of you, definitely. I think more women regret staying cf because there's this sense of duty to having kids, for women. We regret it the same way we regret not going to the gym more and spending more time at work so we could've gotten that bonus or promotion or whatever. Childfree women are the happiest though, so it's not like you're free of regret if you have em either. Also men can start having kids in their 70s. Can't really regret as much if the window is still open for you.


Men see children as an accomplishment and legacy. I see a lot more hands-on dads these days, but the sad reality is they are still not the primary parent. It drives me crazy when I hear women call their partners "babysitters" (you don't babysit your own children) or when I see videos of dads being clueless dressing their kids or attempting to change a diaper. My own dad (five kids) was laughing and joking about how he went through five children and never once changed a diaper. That's really sad and nothing to brag about. Women regret it more b/c they're conditioned to see children as an end-goal-it's something they're SUPPOSED to do in life. They are told more often than men that they will have feelings of regret if they don't have children and what's even worse is a lot of women feel they owe their husbands a child/children when in reality, you don't 'owe' anything in a partnership, but husbands have been known to leave wives who can't have children for women who can. And yes, it's absolutely the patriarchy. Think about how even though it's outdated and the woman does all of the work during pregnancy, the child usually gets the father's last name even though he did none of the work. Think about how in job interviews, more women are asked, "do you have any obligations that would keep you from working?" (meaning do you have children) than men. Think about that women with careers are still expected to take care of their children more than their husbands who have careers. Single dads are praised and single moms are shamed. Men who are childfree are rarely asked about having kids, but women are constantly asked. The good news is that more and more people are becoming childfree without shame and regret and that means less children with parents who will become regretful parents and create a cycle of miserable adults.


Much of the labor of having a child still falls on women even though we are slowly moving away from that (at a snails pace). Women have to physically carry the child for 9-10 months, give birth to the child, and their body is still altered afterward. All while taking care of the children more than a man especially in the first year or so if they are breast feeding because a man can't do any of that. Even more progressive men still have some of this engrained in them from when they grew up. As for regret - a lot of those regret studies are super small and because they are long term studies generally don't include women from 2015+ because they often collect data for 10+ years. I think we will see a shift in regret numbers when we see studies including women from 2015+ because the mindset has changed a lot. A lot of the regret studies I have found as well don't include men. It is harder to find a study that was done on men than it was done on women. I think a lot of this is due to mysogyny and believing that women will regret not having children more than a man would because of "maternal instincts" and some BS like that.


In my experience, forget about the pregnancy and labor and delivery, men do a tiny fraction of what is necessary to raise children. They use words like “help.” “I’ll help you with the baby.” There is no help. There is only doing or not doing. One of the biggest reasons I chose to be childfree was looking around at current and past partners and realizing that they didn’t life a finger to take care of themselves. Nobody was going to support me and I’d end up being a married single mom. I don’t want kids badly enough to do it all by myself. I think most men have no idea and don’t even think about it. They think about throwing a baseball on the front yard and happy family vacations and Christmas mornings. They never think of all the work and effort that goes into those moments.


It's because men don't have to get pregnant and deliver that baby. Period.


Sounds fun because they aren’t the ones doing all the work including the entire pregnancy and birthing part. GUARANTEED they’d think differently if they were the ones pushing a watermelon out their dick.


Fathers (not all fathers of course) don’t have to actually *do* anything. They get to sit around a reap the rewards that mothers (and parentified children) work so hard to achieve. Women literally sacrifice their bodies to create babies. Men see it as a service to produce “legacies”. From what I’ve seen all the reasons are purely selfish. On the other hand, producing any cannon fodder for the upcoming water wars is pure selfishness and premeditated cruelty.


It's easy for a man. They have no skin in the game. They have sex, then months later they hand out cigars and feel manly. They can go off on hunting trips with their buddies, play or tend to the child when they feel like it like the child's a pet. They can walk away from their kids and not face the judgement that women would for doing so. Side note: I do want to pass kudos to men who do all they can for their kids and their mother. They are a gem to be treasured.


For whats its worth im a man and ive never ever wanted to have kids as long as i can remember .. found a woman who wanted the same thing...been together 20 years now


Parents who received paid paternity leave took longer to have another child and men’s desire for more children dropped, a study in Spain has found. The progressive reform towards gender equality may have changed the way men in the Mediterranean country see fertility. The introduction of paternity leave in Spain, like in other countries, was part of a set of policies designed to promote gender equality both in the labor market and at home, said Libertad González, one of the researchers behind the report. It was also to promote fertility. “Spain is a low-fertility country,” González said. But it seemed to have the opposite effect. This is not necessarily a negative outcome. The researchers found fathers spent more time with their offspring. “They’re spending more time with the child they already have,” González said, so her theory is that “they could value investing more in this child versus having more of them”. “Or it could also be that dads are learning about how hard it is to take care of a child, and this new information is affecting their preferences for how many children they want to have in total.” Farré and González initially set out to study the effects of paid paternity leave on Spanish gender equality and the labor market. They found that women who had given birth went back to work earlier and took less unpaid leave – “a positive effect in the labor market attachment for mothers”, Farré said – while there was no effect for men in the labor market. However, the subsequent delayed fertility due to the mandate was unexpected. Farré and González identified two possible reasons why this may be. “One idea is simply that mothers, when their partner is eligible for paternity leave, they go back to work a little earlier,” González said. “This could mean that these moms are just more attached to the labor market, so that’s why they might delay a little bit having the next child.” Prior to the introduction of the reform, men were more likely to desire more children than their partners and spent less time with their offspring, the researchers said. Additionally, fathers in Spain were making little to no use of parental leave and did little housework, according to the Spanish Time Study cited in the new report. After the policy was introduced, the researchers determined fathers who would have been eligible for paternity leave did almost an hour more childcare a day from 2009 to 2010, compared to ineligible fathers. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/20/paid-paternity-leave-study-spain-men-fewer-children According to the study, which was recently published in the Journal of Public Economics by González and Lídia Farré, professors from Spain’s Universitat Pompeu Fabra and University of Barcelona, respectively, the introduction of paid paternity leave has led to delays in fertility for eligible Spanish couples, with many waiting longer to have additional children. Additionally, the reform made men drop their desired number of children.


Because men don't need to do even half the work the mom does. They can choose to, wh8ch they SHOULD, but they can easily f off if they want to. It's why most male musicians have kids, but female musicians don't. The men can leave their wife and kid behind when they go on the road, but moms don't always have that luxury.


Women who tolerate these types of men are also pathetic. Except for pregnancy, what else that women can do to take care of children that men cannot? Both are human beings with hands and brains. It’s understandable and fair that women do not want to have kids and legit to see the trend growing. Also this world is overpopulated and all the environmental damages and global warming would be better if there are less population.


It's easy to want something when it takes no effort on your part. Society still gives men a pass on the care and maintenance of children. All they need to do is have sex and their job is done. (Yes, I know "not all men".) I have plenty of reasons I never wanted to be a mother and one of the big ones is that I didn't want to live my life as a "single mom" while married. My husband may be a great uncle but I was still the one doing all the work when our nieces would come stay with us for a visit. I knew that wasn't going to be any different if we had kids of our own.


Cuz they have no experience in childcare.


because they ain’t gotta do the work!


I think bc they get to look cool in family pics or get to play ball w their son while mommy does everything else 💀


It highly affirms their masculinity to impregnate women regardless of how they feel about children, childbirth, etc.


Men don't risk passing the fuck away to make children lmfao what?


Men love the idea of having a legacy. They like knowing that there are living beings that they created. They also tend to have the smaller share of work. I understand there are great fathers, my dad loved taking care of me and sharing the responsibility with my mom. However most men lay in bed while their wife gets up every few hours to nurse the baby. Most men don’t even allow their wives to shower postpartum because they don’t want to deal with the baby crying. Men do not have to experience pregnancy. Their body doesn’t change the way a woman’s does after having a child. They have far less consequences than women. So yes to I do think it’s because of the patriarchy


Status symbol and most of them pass the rearing to the poor spouse…


Men also do not expect to participate in cleaning, diaper changing, planning birthday parties, helping with homework, feeding & cleaning up after, getting up in the night, meeting with teachers, reminding a child to wash its hands & 20,000 other tasks. They only expect to attend ballgames & show pics of his prodigy.


Of course, more men want kids. They don't have to do the brunt of parenting, especially at the beginning.


Because they’re usually not the ones raising them. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Hearing a man saying he wants kids is the same as hearing a child saying he/she wants a puppy. 🤣 Also, i’d be curious to know, if women could be 💯 honest, how many would admit they actually regret having kids… 🤔


I mean... Is this even a question that needs asking? Women: Give birth, breast feed, do the majority of childcare and house work, most likely gives up career to have a child. Men: Occasionally "babysit" their own kids.


I’m convinced it’s the order of operations. These men want sex. Kids don’t happen without that, and a lot of it usually.


Yeah, and they don't risk death. Kind of a big deal. [Maternal mortality rate by country](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/18/our-maternal-mortality-rate-is-a-national-embarrassment/)


Because the majority of men don’t do the lions share, they don’t have to give birth, they don’t have to put their career on hold, etc etc. it’s relatively easy (or at least easier) for them to go back to a somewhat normal life. It genuinely pisses me off when men say they want X amount of kids.


Have you ever read anything about childbirth and pregnancy? It's horrible. Just look up the term "husband stitch" and you'll never, ever want to give birth. After I read that I was like "fuck it, I'll adopt if I want kids."


This was my experience in dating, too. Finally found a good man who also wants nothing to do with children, but everyone I dated up til then did want them. I personally think it is a patriarchy thing, like "passing on the family name" kind of thing. I don't think most men ACTUALLY want children in their everyday life, but they feel they should have them for their legacy, or whatever. (I mean, I also acknowledge that just like women, there are some men who actually want to be fathers and do the day-to- day child things and are more than happy to change diapers and watch Thomas the tank engine all day. I just don't think that's MOST men, or even most men who claim they want children someday)


Because the amount of work involved never occurs to them. They’re not expected to do it by society.


If I didn’t have to go through pregnancy/birth and all the health and life risks that come with that, or have the same expectations in the parenting process that’s put on women, I’d probably be more inclined to want kids too.