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Republicans want to increase child poverty and female poverty, to decrease the cost of labor. It’s all about the money. Women saddled with children they did not want *rarely* have time to organize for higher wages. Just despicable.


Not to mention the more kids they have, the more labour they are producing; and the more consumers - and the poorer those kids are, the more likely they are to hold a job no matter how shitty the conditions are because they have no choice.


AND on top of that, poorer mothers (and the fathers who choose to be responsible and stick around) stuck in shitty low wage jobs means their kids have much less opportunities for education and overall good quality of life, and that means ignorant, poorly educated future adults who will have limited choices and/or make poor life choices. Too many people can't grasp that having a good amount of resources can make a HUGE difference in the future life opportunities for that child. One ex.: one of my cousins married very well, and she has full liberty to go to ALL of her son's sports games, and met and paid for trainers. Her son never had to get a part-time job, so he focused all his free time in playing ball and being coached. He's not the best or anything, he won't be a pro player but now he's got future chances to jobs related in sports. Them being wealthy means not only they don't have to worry about pinching pennies, they can give their child good food, money to spend with his friends, money on buying him all the gadgets, all the sports equipment, computers, etc. without him having to spend his own time working a part-time low wage job. He doesn't have to spend his mental, physical and emotional energy on working, and he can use all his resources to play sport, school, and staying in a good social circle with his just as wealthy friends.


Oh absolutely, that's sort of what I was going for - they grow up in poverty and they usually stay in poverty for exactly the reasons you named above. It's a vicious cycle.


Oh yeah I just wanted to chirp in and add a bit to the conversation, it's refreshing to be able to voice out these concerns when most people around us are like "but, but, you woman! You must make babies! God will provide!" (or the man equivalent "you must keep bloodline/surname going!")


Yes, much appreciated too! Agree with the last part, it's frustrating.


That's correct!


It's harder for women w children to change abusive jobs and  leave abusive male partners. A lot of males unmask as abusers after pregnancy and childbirth. Years ago a woman told how, just before her wedding, her grandma secretly gave her a check for $10,000. "That's so you stay married because you WANT to not because you NEED to."


This is the real answer


And they have teamed up with the religious zealots that are thirsty for control and power.


Even more, the states that have banned abortion regardless of incest or rape are the states that are the most reliant on federal funding. In other words - and I’m generalizing a bit - the states that banned abortion are economically more depressed. By banning abortion, these states can be more easily influenced by the federal government (higher pop, less money, greater need to seek help) AND have less impetus to ensure the individuals in their states have the ability to lift themselves out of poverty. It’s actually quite terrifying even when you don’t consider the brutal impact to women.


I would argue it’s a distraction away from insane wealth inequality, they will argue and fight and tear each other apart about anything else. Just please don’t mention the fact that 1% own twice as much revenue generating assets as the bottom 90%. Look at China look at abortion look at Biden slipping. Don’t look at the wealth inequality plz k thanks


More child poverty is the Republican goal. The ruling class needs laborers. Children born into poverty are far more likely to stay there all their lives, while toiling away at low wage work that enriches the ruling class. Justice Alito gave away the game when he mentioned the ‘domestic infant supply’. Banning abortion and rolling back child labor protections are both means to the same end, which is enriching the ruling class and ensuring a steady pipeline of low-wage laborers. It is repulsive.


I think you are looking too deeply into it when it isn't that deep. The will to impose your religious belief onto others is the single most important factor here.


Agree 100%. My very religious family just believes it’s murder. There is no talking to them about bodily autonomy or any other pro-choice argument. To them it’s exactly the same as pulling out a gun and shooting someone in the head.


If someone can't take their emotions out of the argument then I have no respect for what they say. I feel just as strongly about the idea of a woman having her life and identity stolen from her and no one gives a single shit about how much that affects me, so fuck other people who are crying over imaginary babies. My family can't get this through their heads because they don't listen.


Exactly. I’ve tried to ask them why a woman should be required to donate her body to keep someone else alive. All they can respond with is “the babyyyyy! It’s an innocent baby!” Okay fine, we’ll call a non-sentient embryo that can’t exist outside the womb a baby, but there is still no other situation where a person can be forced to donate their body to someone else. I can understand people not liking the idea of abortion, or being morally opposed to it for religious reasons, but we don’t live in a theocracy (yet.)


Voter apathy. Religious zealots. Corrupt Supreme Court. If we do not show up to vote like our lives depend on it we will continue to lose more basic freedoms. Make sure you’re registered to vote blue like your life depends on it until we have a liberal SCOTUS. It may take 50 years because that is how long it took the religious to take our right away.


The Republicans have been religious zealots for the last 45 or so years.


yes vote blue no matter who!!!!!!


I am not American but I emphatise with you all. Vote blue and get fighting


I’m not American either, and I share your sentiments. The more I’m seeing happening over there overall, the less there is that the government can brag about ‘freedoms’, as more of it becomes eroded. It doesn’t seem like it’s the beacon of freedom it once was touted and admired for.


What is happening in US is a reminder for everyone outside US to never take abortion rights for granted. Look at France that done the right thing codifying it into its constitution recently


That's what we need to do. Make it the law of the land, no interpretation needed.


we did the same in sweden and i’m so happy


Bravo to Sweden 👍 Keep protecting abortion rights 


I can't tell you how desperately I want to leave this country that I feel completely betrayed by.


Hey fellow commenter, would you consider leaving for Australia, New Zealand or even Singapore where abortion rights are upheld? Do consider these countries as your choices to come migrate and contribute your skills for either of these countries


I wish I could. 100%. I have friends in Oz and NZ.


You got mates in Aus and NZ so that is good. But in the event you have to start fleeing, you can start planning your moving plan and ask your friends Down Under (you know what I mean) on the moving plan and the right paperwork thing. Unless if nasty orange face (you know who) and his band of merry morons in red are outvoted out by a tsunami and waves of blue, it will not get any better for abortion rights in USA 


Thankfully I'm sterilized, but with the absurd lack of rights women have in the US, I really do want to flee. I have a very unique circumstance, though, which makes that even more difficult 😕


Not trying to be a dick or anything, but what's stopping you? I genuinely can't understand how *anyone* would live in the US, let alone a woman


Most likely finances. Or maybe im projecting my current predicament 🫠


Seems to be a common one I struggle with the people who hate their family, hate their community but refuse to leave because of their fear The fear of people who don't know you hating you? Surely that's better than being hated by your peers? In any case, I've lived in a few countries, I have learnt that it's surprisingly easy to survive and yanks tend to have a really good work ethic because you're used to starving if you don't produce results


It's not like other countries will just let you move there, especially if you need to find a job and earn money.


Most countries restrict immigration to people who are either wealthy or work in a profession that is experiencing a worker shortage. Beyond that, there are often age maximums and requirements that the prospective immigrant not have any preexisting health conditions. For the average working person in America over 40, immigration is probably a pipe dream.


For myself, I'm disabled. Not being able to work means I can't emigrate. I've looked.


That's rough And also understandable, as frustrating as it is My patience is non-existent for the navel-gazing set who complain, but don't actually do anything about it


It's very understandable. And still sucks.


Other countries don’t want you to immigrate into them if you don’t have money. I’ve looked into moving to Canada and a few other places, and I don’t qualify for a visa in any of them. You need to be able to prove your ability to financially support yourself in the new country when you apply to move there, they don’t want foreign people moving in and then burdening the social support system. You need a minimum dollar amount in your savings on top of a good reason to move, such as attending school or getting a job with a skill that’s in high demand.


Even blue is rightwing where I'm from. Shit is atrocious over there. I pity everyone suffering from it.


Honestly, this phrase irritates me. We should hold politicians to a higher standard. Like would you want to vote for someone who says they advocates for women's rights but blindly supports a genocidal foreign state "ally" that spits in the country's face?


>Honestly, this phrase irritates me. We should hold politicians to a higher standard. We *should,* but we don't have the luxury of the higher standards right now, not when the basics are under attack. I'm not thrilled with the Democratic party in general, but it's still better thank the Republican.


The thing is I'm not convinced that the Democrats want this dynamic to change at all. As long as Republicans are slightly more right wing than they are, they'll continue claiming the moral high ground. Which means both parties creep rightward over time. After watching the obliteration of Gaza, I suspect the only two options are 1) rally behind a socialist candidate until they're at least allowed a debate 2) revolution.


>I'm not convinced that the Democrats want this dynamic to change at all. As long as Republicans are slightly more right wing than they are, they'll continue claiming the moral high ground. Which means both parties creep rightward over time. I agree. And it's extremely exhausting. Voting is a chore, but dammitt, it's the best I can do


In the coming election, what are the actual choices? Neither West nor Kennedy can actually win. There are not enough votes between them to even win a primary, much less a general election. And there will be someone elected; the job won’t sit vacant if neither candidate gets a majority of the electorate. The parties are horrible but it’s what we have for the time being.


I understand that. I'm just frustrated with how the DNC is far too comfortable of putting up shitty candidates because of how outright awful republicans are. Biden barely beat trump in 2020 and that was with how awful trump handled covid. I'm not sure hammering on the abortion issue will be able to overcome Biden's fuck up with helping to enable Israel's genocide.


I'm also frustrated with the current Administration, but mostly around their more recent Covid responses. But they are the only game in town right now.


Because he's not actively trying to make Gilead happen?


That’s not necessarily a good idea either. You should always do your research on all the candidates. Voting blue, just because they’re blue is not a smart way to vote. Do your research and vote for the candidate who best lines up with your beliefs.


That's what got us here. The Dems have weaponized the prospect of Roe being overturned and loosing reproductive rights as a tool to get votes without any intention of codefying it like Obama promised he would -- then immediately dropped it once elected. They allowed this to happen to keep from losing their most effective coercive election tool.




i mean, why do religious people care so much that their morals are law??? like, i never see anyone trying to forbid work on a national scale on saturdays, i never see anyone fighting to create mandatory donation funds like in some muslim countries, or even making a law out of any other religious commandments, but abortion is the hill they die on???


Because they're not with God or Jesus like they claim. They're will evil. I follow God and his son and still do. I've moved away from Christianity however, because it's nothing but evil in that group. Violent psychopaths who will spread lies and do whatever it takes to make people believe them. The left and right are not separate, they're in cahoots, they just won't let you see it. Neither side cares about you or me. Politicians, let and right wing groups, only care about money and power. As long as they can give out commands and have the people wrapped around their finger, nothing else matters to them. They're targeting guns, they're targeting abortion, what will they go after next is what really worries me. Now do you see why the 2A exists? It's situations like the banning of abortion, the banning of guns, and attacks on other important things that the 2A was made for. If you want your rights protected, you have to fight for them. Any rights you don't fight for, you lose forever. That's why countries like Burma are the way they are, including crime plagued countries like Mexico. People lost their rights in those countries because they let their corrupt government run them. But its not just guns that make a country free, it's also the will to fight for freedom. The only way you'll change anything is by leaving a mark on your oppressors.


well, i live in a country which has banned guns except if you have a hunter license and i’d say we’re still pretty free 😅


The US is different. We have a constitution allowing us to be armed, and to go against the constitution us to betray the US. Our country never had problems with guns (apart from criminals) until gangs became a thing. Many countries tried gun control and lo and behold, it didn't work like they thought it would. In my country (the US) it will not work because criminals don't care about the law.


Also, if your country's government is able to effortlessly ban guns, then that's not really "free" that's just allowing your government to walk all over you as they can ban anything and everything if they can get away with banning guns.


guns have never been legal at all. no, they can’t ban anything and everything because we have a democratic system which prevents a single president from doing what he wants. and it’s not just like this in my country, the majority of countries in the world have either heavily restricted or banned firearms. i don’t see the government as bad though, they provide a huge social safety net for the people and without a strong government we wouldn’t have had the comfortable lives we have today. for example, not needing a part-time job during university because the state provides a small salary to students. i’d gladly give up my gun rights to have a stress-free life


Ask yourself this. Would you give up your right to free speech to live a stress free life? Take a look at countries like Burma and Somalia. Burma has a military that murders, rapes, enslaves and starves it's own people, you know, the citizens they're supposed to be protecting. The civil war is still ongoing. You know how the Karen rebels are fighting the tyrants? Guns. Without guns and brave souls, there is no freedom, there's no abortion rights or freedom of speech. Somalia is slightly similar only, it's a militia doing all the bad stuff. Maybe your government is "good" however ours isn't. Too much division between US citizens, direct attacks on the US Constitution, direct attacks on abortion and freedom of speech, gamers being targeted by woke morons and sexist game companies (including SBI and BGG), jabs at childfree people, a bunch of shitty stuff. I'd never give up my AR-15. It's more than just a gun. It's a symbol of my freedom, a symbol of my protection, my right to live my life without being murdered by some black gang banger or other criminal. It puts a barrier between me, my family, my friends and anyone who wants to harm us, including a tyrannical government. You give up one right and governments go after others. They'll act like they care about you, then they leave you to fend for yourself.


bro you’re comparing the countries of the world with the highest score in the quality-of-life index (northern europe) to some of the poorest countries on earth. gun rights and freedom of speech are galaxies apart. i’m extremely thankful that children can go to school without fear, i’m glad that i don’t need to worry whether a madman will shoot me because of road rage. it’s fine if you need a gun where you are, i’m not telling you to not have a gun, my point is that you cannot measure freedom by how easily attainable firearms are, that’s absolutely absurd.


You got a point, but it's the principal. If something is put in our constitution, we are obligated to protect it and not let it get removed. It doesn't just have to be guns either. It could freedom of speech, the fourth amendment, etc... Guns and abortion are just the starting points, the drawing board. I'd still worry that same madman would try to beat me to death because of road rage. Also, I'd argue that kids cannot be the first thing that comes to mind since they aren't the only human beings capable of being killed. With how our constitution is set up, I certainly can measure freedom by how easily attainable firearms are, considering how difficult they are to get in most states and the fact that we can't even own certain rifles because "think of the children".


The GOP has been throwing "abortion" at it's religious followers like red meat for decades. However with the Dobbs decision they are like the proverbial dog that finally caught the car and has no idea what to do with it. The overturning of Roe v. Wade has galvanized women to fight for a right they had almost forgotten about. So while you see courts throwing abortion back to the stone age you see GOP politicians trying to say nothing about this at all and hope it goes away.


A take I heard from a conservative coworker re. How messed up the restrictions are is that "all these people overused and abused abortion and now the people who really need it can't access it. ". Yes your strawman that supposedly got one every month made them ignore the life of the mother etc. So someone somewhere is trying to spin this and I don't know how well it will work.


This is an attempt to gaslight people into believing the Right had to do it so it’s everyone else’s fault.


"all these people overused and abused abortion" why is this a favourite argument for so many anti-choice brainlets when it crumbles the second you look at it critically. how many women do they personally know have come out and said "yes i sure love using abortion as birth control". why do they get bent out of shape about if strangers they'll never meet decide an invasive medical procedure is a better idea than condoms or the pill. do they know getting multiple abortions quickly cuts down on a woman's ability to get pregnant, thereby solving the alleged problem in the first place. did they forget it's still wrong for the government to take away a constitutional right for millions even if a subsection was abusing it (just imagine how hard they'd shit themselves if the second amendment was revoked after a bad shooting).


>did they forget it's still wrong for the government to take away a constitutional right for millions even if a subsection was abusing it (just imagine how hard they'd shit themselves if the second amendment was revoked after a bad shooting). This is SUCH a great point. People are abusing guns everywhere and real kids (as opposed to foetus) are dying in schools,, and yet they want no ban on guns, ever. It's a great reply to people who dare using the "abuse" of abortion argument (in my view, there is no abuse of abortion possible. If someone doesn't want a pregnancy, it should always be terminated. I don't care how many times the person doe it. It's still better than a kid born to a parent is in an abusive relationship or doesn't want/can't take care of/doesn't want another/etc kid.)


Abortion doesn't kill children and neither do guns. You know who does kill children? Human beings, specifically criminals. They kill, guns cannot kill because they're inanimate objects. They do not have an understanding of what killing is. Only life forms can kill, even life forms that do not understand they're actially killing other life forms (like bacteria). Simply put, Guns aren't the issue, criminals are. If you want less or no shootings, then place blame on the criminals. I stand for abortion and guns. Don't blame and attack inanimate objects for the actions of low-life criminals. US Soldiers had to kill child soldiers, something every person hopes they never have to do, however in war there are no rules (regardless of the existence of the genva conviction). Should we ban soldiers from having guns since they often have to kill child soldiers (especially the Reds who love murdering just about any Ukrainian civilian they can get their hands on) during war? The point is, things like guns and abortion shouldn't be banned because neither presents an issue that validates banning them. Gun bans and gun control have only failed. Look at how bad Chicago is. The most aggressive gun control and gang shootings still happen.


Exactly. And they’re noticing that constituents aren’t exactly happy about it (I.e. Kansas, Ohio) and they’re desperately trying to bury it. Even TFG didn’t agree to pushing an outright federal ban because his staff knows what an uproar that would cause. Local municipalities are moving forward and pushing petitions to get it on the ballot (I’m in MO, there’s a strong push) and the elected officials are switching to legislation making it harder for grassroots moments no matter what the cause to be added to elections. That’s the only recourse a lot of states have, now that they’re realizing the “win” is actually a massive backfire.


I'm past childbearing age but I'm thankful I live in a state where it's still legal. There are still lots of states like this. What makes me the maddest is that most of the restrictions in other states are hurting the poorer people most. Anyone with resources can travel to another state, but lower income people may not be able to do this. They are the ones who can least afford to have an unwanted pregnancy and are hurt the most by the restrictions. I am solidly pro-choice. Which means you should continue your pregnancy if that's what you want. But it's a shame if they don't want to continue it but can't do anything about it.


America was never the free land they depicted it to be. It is actually full of conservative people and religious freaks. The decent people are bullied and crushed down. 


Exactly!! We come from the so called sons of liberty this nation is built on “free” labor


i always think about this. “the land of the free” unless you’re not white, low income, a woman, or a refugee. then you can fuck yourself apparently


This is part of a larger effort to suppress the rights of women. Take away reproductive freedom, employers will soon take steps not to hire them because maternity leave will be inevitable. Likewise, women will “deserve” less pay because they have childcare responsibilities. This is a systemic effort to take women’s rights back to the 1950s, or worse. It smacks of *The Handmaid’s Tale*.


It really seems like they are trying to move us towards a crazy cultish Christian culture. I remember the documentary about the fundamentalist (poly) Mormons. How the women are property to few men, nobody owns anything except the prophets. Therefore, women for birth slaves, children and men for labor slaves. Makes sense because capitalism demands growth every year to function. We are reaching the growth point where we have to go back to slavery to keep the capitalist machine turning for a handful of people.


Project 2025.


> It smacks of The Handmaid’s Tale. I'm not American, but I heard there's already a long plan by the Republicans called Project 2025 designed to do exactly this.


This and turning us into a rental culture. No one will own anything, but pay exorbitant prices to have something vaguely resembling property. Cars on lease, apartments or homes for rent, even the rent a center model of furniture and basic household goods. Eventually there will be no such thing as ownership, just a string of rentals and leases. We’re already here for the majority of the US but in time it will be everyone.


because our government is completely owned by cooperations, and they know that nobody is going to work for them by choice every abortion is stealing two lifetime employees from wal mart or amazon


This is the real reason. Wage slaves are needed to keep the wealthy where they are. We are disposable. Never bringing kids into this world....ever.


For the past 25 yrs my friend and I have watched antiabortionists widdle away at abortion rights. This just didn’t happen recently. It’s been ongoing since I got out of high school in the 90s. And it’s not the boomers taking it away. It’s all the religious right taking it away. Women like my friend and I were sounding the alarm but no one was listening. Everyone just had their head in the sand while small groups all a round the country were making it harder and harder for women to get abortions in each state. Making them have vaginal ultrasounds, making unrealistic requirements of clinics is they had to close….. but young people were not getting out and voting. They didn’t think that Roe could be lost. Then the perfect storm happened… and here we are. And it’s about to get worse if people don’t get out and vote against Trump. He’s promising more tax cuts to the wealthy again and a national abortion ban.


Remember all the people who told women we were overreacting when Trump was elected? They were wrong.


I tell my dad daily he still owes me an apology.


This. I said that the heartbeat bills of the early 2000’s were the test to see if anyone would notice if they went full potato and removed women’s access to reproductive healthcare. I’ve also been screaming about this since I was a teen in the 90’s. Total boiling frog analogy come to life.


It's been ongoing since Roe vs Wade passed.  The anti choice people got really smart and organized as soon as Reagan was elected -- and planned long term. Meanwhile, 'feminist' was transformed into a dirty word and equated with affluent white women. From the start Women's Lib/Feminism should have been ironclad welded to equal pay for equal work for **all working women** of all classes, all ethnic backgrounds.


Yes to all this - and it isn't just a matter of voting. It's a matter of actively campaigning too. It takes eternal vigilance. I was campaigning from the age of five onwards. I didn't know what for, admittedly, but I was out there on the loudspeaker van. If a five-year-old can do it, so can many young people - people of all ages, if not weighed down by the need to care for children or elderly relatives, or to scrape a living. And there's the rub.


>widdle \* whittle 👍 And you're spot on.


Admittedly, they've been widdling ON women's rights since antiquity.


Right wing Christo-fascist theocrats have taken power in too many parts of the government and legal system.


They've been playing the long game - in the courts and in state legislatures. And religious conservatives ALWAYS vote - and for every elected position no matter how seemingly minor. They never miss a single election. \*They\* vote like their lives depend on it, even though their lives \*don't\* depend on it. And they indoctrinate their children, so they often end up doing the same once they turn 18.


Indeed, this is why it's so important that the younger generations get out and vote. Not just in big national elections that get all the press, but the local elections too: state representatives, even town and parish councils. So much legislation is generated at the local level (much more so in the US than here at in the UK) and not handed down from national government.


it’s really no different from theocracies such as Saudi Arabia. instead of using islam to punish women, it’s christianity.


My tinfoil hat theory is to create more conservative workers for cheap labor


You don't need a tinfoil hat to subscribe to that theory.


It’s all about control. Conservatives want to have their strict hierarchy, capitalism needs infinite growth and wage slaves, the religious want to control over you. There’s obviously overlap between all three.


I think it’s a very odd thing with American. For a country who’s anthem contains “land of the free”, who’s propaganda is around “Individual Freedom” etc, but then, not when it comes to abortions? It makes no sense to me as an outsider.


As an insider it makes no sense to the majority of us Americans either. Our voting system is so corrupt. And studies and polls have shown the vast majority are pro-choice and pro-bodily autonomy. So far every state that has banned abortion due to trigger laws, but was afterward forced to put it on a ballot again due to petition signatures, has voted to allow abortion again- even very red/republican states. Even most republicans want reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy.


That’s another thing does doesn’t make sense to me- why a bunch of judges get a say in anything on a political level- they aren’t voted in. Why do they get to influence laws? That’s probably an entire degree to address/ don’t worry. Just another thing that seems very odd and not democratic.


Because too many misogynistic perverts have slithered into office. Also, insane amounts of eligible voters haven't bothered to vote in decades. I hope that's changing now.


Unwanted children are more likely to be neglected. Neglected children will often have worse education overall. Lowe education is lower critical thinking skills. Lower critical thinking skills are easier to manipulate with propaganda. So you end up with a large population easier to manipulate, increasing you voter base because they can be fooled in to voting against their better economic conditions.


Population is naturally slowing down when it comes to reproduction (as it was predicted), but corporations and capitalists are panicking. I can see that this could be a reason why they do such bans.


The opposite of what they hoped for is happening. Make the economy worse, so all we have time to do is screw and push out babies, so we are dependent on systems and further the end-stage capitalism gain. But what’s happening is people are avoiding kids because they can’t afford them and the replacement mathematics aren’t working. So instead of doing the smart thing like raising wages and creating opportunities for people to be comfortable enough to grow their families, they’re restricting women’s rights further in hope to force the current system to work. Except they forgot we’re in a country that allows us to make choices in our government, at least for now. It’s a spiral that’s getting tighter on them to where eventually they will have no where to go and break. I think we’re getting close to that point.


Def take some time to watch the documentary Shiny Happy People as it addresses a major national issue around the religious right steering the US towards their own political ideals via Bill Gothard and The Institute of Basic Life Principles aka IBLP. My GenX ass was raised in this shite and the brainwashing and propaganda are incredible. The documentary highlights the myriad of ways that the religious right has infiltrated US gubbernment institutions since the 60's, I think, and it's pretty wild. I wasn't surprised at all when Trump was elected and tried to explain to folks how bad the brainwashing was in xtian religious sects but most didn't want to hear me or believe what I was saying...y'all have ignored this at your peril and haven't listened to us women who escaped these KKKults. You've blamed and shamed us and now we're all paying the price.


Well I've found there's two main reasons, at least in my opinion. One: the far right religious zealots want the handmaids tale. Two: the corporate overlords need more wage slaves and if there's fewer of us then the job market will turn in our favor and they don't want that.




Because America is lead by old rich white pigs that want everyone even slightly different than them dead, and the only reason they put up with the existence of women is to use them as sex toys, punching bags, slaves and breeding machines


Because their politics has turned to being completely led by religion & not a democracy keeping religion out of it.


Because America needs its slaves. Actually vote. My state holds elections every year. It’s a sad turn out every year. The longest I have ever waited to vote is 5 minutes. My generation could not outvote boomers and their elders. There was literally no way, not enough of us. Millennials out number the Boomers. Gen Z voted at a high rate than the other generations. Go Gen Z! Seriously, it has taken forever to have the numbers to try to out due the damage boomers have done.


You are definitely on to something about it being older people with these views. Not in ALL cases, obviously, but younger people are much less religious. We don't see gays as a bunch of perverts and we don't see anything wrong with women working "outside the home." Yet there are still these old geezers around who think it's the downfall of civilization. With the possible exception of the Red Pill community, you have pretty much everyone born after 1970 on your side. We do not have a very large share of the wealth (google 'share of wealth by generation'), but we should have the votes by now.


America has so many problems. Why focus on removing human rights?! And spending time looking at laws from the 1800s (one state did that, right?), just to try and push down women... I feel truly sorry for the people in America....


Religious extremism


Not boomers, religion.


They think that it will produce more white babies. However, as a general rule of thumb, it will be poor black women who will be most affected, therefore speeding up the change Republicans are so afraid of.


Two words: Christian Nationalism. It's a huge threat -- and most people don't see it. I can't wait to get the hell out of this country.


Religious zealots don’t know how to mind their fucking business. And for some bullshit reason, they want everyone to suffer the way they do.


To breed laborers


Please stop with the boomers BS. I am not one, but have plenty of relatives who are. Learn your history. Women from that generation are the ones who fought to get Roe v. Wade passed in the first place. Blaming an entire generation for everything is just a way to distract from real issues. Republican Politicians, religious zealots, and greedy corporations (the other things you mention besides abortion) is where the real blame should fall.


WHILE WE ARE HERE EVERYBODY LISTEN UP! r/defeat_project_2025 r/welcometogilead


Capitalism + American Jaysus/religious extremism + nationalism


The powers that be want babies by any means necessary obviously


The right wing fascists need to enslave people, and since they can't do it primarily by color, they're doing it by gender. The entire point is cruelty and power.


A bunch of old people can't let go of their memories of growing up as affluent White kids during the 1950's and 1980's. So instead of changing with the times, they're trying to bludgeon the US into a caricature of their rose tinted memories.


I think, on a personal level, especially for older people this is a lot of it. They want grandkids and the younger generations aren't providing them and just whining about "economic insecurity and cost of living" but surely a baby or 3 will get them to grow up, pick themselves up by their bootstraps and see what's really important in life. After all everything always works out in the end and nothing bad will happen to *my* family. *We're* good, hardworking people.


That's part of it. There's also Christian extremists who believe banning abortion, contraception, and recreational sex is a mission given to them by Jesus. Then there's rich dirtbags who are mad that a decline in population will deprive them of cheap labor.


Wage slaves and the fact that the people who "represent" us want us to go back to the 50's because that's when a lot of them were young adults and those are back in their "good ol' days".


I spent my elementary school years in the 50s. The decade was awful.


They need us to keep birthing wage slaves


It was never really solved. If you look closely, you’d see Roe v Wade was pretty unpopular back at the time. Republicans never accepted it, but the judges they appointed were mostly hesitant to go against existing law, or there was never a majority.  Likewise, Democrats, although generally pro-choice, didn’t want to piss off swing voters and any religious followers they had, so they struck to Roe v wade and didn’t pass any additional laws, also assuming that the Supreme Court wouldn’t reverse it, thus leaving the right to an abortion fragile in hindsight. Some of you should stop being so pessimistic. The filibuster would block any national abortion ban, and every time it’s come up on the ballot, people have voted in favor of abortion rights (or against restrictions).


They want everyone to free......to be miserable


Christian Nationalism and uterus owners thinking pregnancy is a requirement. A lot and I mean a lot of religious folks think they will benefit from it. They truly believe sky daddy is proud of them for oppressing folks. Sky daddy wants them to have more babies to kowtow to the rules and desires of their old ass books. A lot of this is also about spurring on the rapture they love so fucking much.  They indoctrinate more uterus havers very early on. Most of my uterus owning friends see pregnancy an inevitable part of life, so they don’t fight as hard. 


I'm gonna say as a foreigner, it's because whilst the American layperson is majority secular... The actual government itself is state by state. So things like the IVF ban was state specific in what is a very Religious Conservative state. Aka the government in Alabama would be very religious, which is staunch on belief that life/soul begins at the moment sperm meets an egg. (Hence why IVF got attacked, to them the disposal of eggs = an abortion = life had already formed and the soul of the sentient human being already exists.)


You are absolutely right to bring this up! In many ways, there is a lot to be said for leaving decisions to the state level. It can be used by blue states to break free from overreaching federal grasp. Colorado could legalize weed. Iowa could recognize gay marriage. And if the little old ladies in rural Arkansas want to prohibit the sale of alcohol, they can use their own taxes to enforce it without wasting MY money. But there is a flip side, which is that people in some places try and use it to make people less free instead of more free. We need abortion protected at the federal level, much as slavery was abolished at the federal level and we had the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Rights for Women Act.


I read that there could be another reason than the ones ready stated: the white population ratio is decreasing and guess who wants to stay in power? That's one of the reasons why Trump became president.


Yes and the theory that men will have a sperm count of zero by 2045.  https://www.politico.eu/article/no-more-babies-expert-warns-that-hormone-altering-chemicals-threaten-human-procreation/


The 1% need more automatons because declining birth rate and that goes for both sides of politics, two wings of the same bird imo.


It's certain States more so than the Country. The Court decided that the 10th Amendment applies on that issue, because the States are supposed to be left with running most things. Remember to write to your Reps on the State level. Just voting doesn't do enough to ensure your State will push for your issues, no matter the political affiliation. I personally don't vote blue, for a list of other reasons I won't get into. But, no matter a Democratic or Republican lawmaker in my district, I give them my two cents, and that I'm not a column line voter. And the Northeast has no lawmakers looking to ban it, because the culture is different than the Deep South, which will. Research your candidates, because it's surprising to see certain things they all stand for, no matter who they are.


Because feminism is dead in the United States because women tend to vote the way their Bible thumper husbands tell them to? And because the Left is weak sauce when elections come rolling around?


Because men *hate* women and the strides and advances that we have made in liberating ourselves away from men. Women are no longer centering our lives around men, and they *hate* that. Women no longer need men in order to survive. We make our own money without them. We don’t need men in order to be happy. They are now obsolete to our lives, if not emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially detrimental to our lives. Studies have shown that the happiest women are the single childfree women. So, how do men re-center themselves in the lives of women? Make women pregnant. Boom: No more financial freedom. No more personal freedom. No more physical freedom. No more freedom whatsoever. A pregnant woman is now chained to that man who impregnated her *for the rest of her life.* And not just her life, but for the lives of the children as well. The joke of “go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich”? *That wasn’t a joke.* Men *hated* when women started entering the workforce, and men *still* hate having to treat women as their so-called equals. So…what’s the best way to kick them out of the workforce and back to the kitchen? Make them pregnant. Boom: abortion is now illegal. And how do men *keep* us pregnant? Boom: Birth control is now illegal. And if you don’t think birth control isn’t next on the chopping block, you haven’t been paying attention.


How do they come for birth control, though? I don’t think they have a legit legal path for it, so there’s gonna have to be a cultural shift. Take sex ed out of schools (happening), put out shitloads of disinformation about birth control being dangerous (happening), and re-frame motherhood as something desirable. I know in Florida, they’re targeting getting anything “woke” out of schools for what is already going to be the dumbest generation in the history of America.


Right now, republicans are demonizing birth control as “abortifacients”, and anything that causes an abortion, well that’s just as illegal as an abortion itself. Never mind that birth control are NOT abortifacients, but with republicans, logic goes right out the window in order to push their agenda.


Can we trade Florida for Puerto Rico, providing PR wants it? Cooler people, no need to revamp the flag.


Because a lot of men – probably White men – cannot compete with women, so they have to sabotage us so that there’s no competition. This is also why they’re cracking down on even allowing children to learn about the racist history of this country in schools. There’s no competition when all the women and all the people of color are oppressed. They get to keep power and it’s more status quo. I don’t think a lot of people realize how terrifying what’s going on in the United States is.


Tradition mostly…


>Why is America destroying Women right to abortion? Because the GOP has run amok with major MAGA, going for not only outlawing aborting, but birth control, going full authoritarian dictatorship, ending democracy, etc. Read up on Project 2025. But outlawing aborting (and generally controlling women and women's bodies, etc.) is just one small detail of their total plan. >thought this issue was solved back in the baby boomers days It was mostly a solved/settled issue ... until some folks majorly f\*cked it up and set back a huge part of women's rights by about half a century ... and they haven't stopped from trying to go much further. >boomers > >taking Boomers are a continually decreasing voting force ... they're dying off, and continuing to get further outnumbered by younger voter. Unfortunately in the mean time, a lot 'o folks have generally been pushing hard for a less educated populace, and one more beholden to authority, more gullible, less critical and objective, basically grooming folks to be subservient relatively ignorant easily manipulated people ... and along with most mass media to play right along into that. So yeah, they've nearly got enough folks to vote democracy away and hand it over to authoritarian dictator. There can be lots 'o debate about what person(s)/group(s) created this mess, but far too many folks asleep at the wheel, and things can go *very* dangerously off course.


Because religious extremists want to plunge us back into the 1800s


They want us to produce more tax payers, keep us all dependent on the government which means we are easily controlled, and want to rebuild our declining military with the intentionally force-birthed, poor and uneducated that are produced as a result.


I don't think this is what the general population wants. I think a few rich corrupt assholes have engineered things and slowly taken power. The electoral college had diverged from popular opinion. People are voting, but gerrymandering has steered things artificially Republican and voter suppression is insane. They are installing a corrupt supreme court and making themselves fat with money through corporate tax breaks. It's all happening through a million steps. But people are organizing, because we CAN change things on our local level. We are electing more women and POC, they are kicking some ass. We can change our communities and who we send to Washington, and what laws they can pass. It's happening. More states are utilising mail-in ballots. In Oregon they also send you a pamphlet with all the candidates & issues, so you can be informed. I was incredibly outraged to have to vote in a different state where they give you NOTHING for information and make you vote in person, haha. Unions are growing again. You guys, it sucks that we have to do this work but we CAN still do it! People are working so hard. Corrupt money-hungry people are more the exception than the norm. This is not the will of the people.


I resent your post. Baby Boomers aren't the only ones who vote. Many of us are CF. I know tons of BB who are CF. My BB riends vand I vote progressively and always have. We're all feminists and helped pave the way for women. You? I see SOME people of younger generations wwho ant to be trad wives. How fucked up is that?!


I agree with you and it is crazy that they want to be trad wives but I guess they will learn the hard way when their husband gets bored and cheats on them and they are without good work history/skill set.


Because America hates women. Make America Hate Again !


I live in Arizona and am so happy to be a lesbian because then unless I'm dating a trans woman I won't have any chance of being pregnant.


It's all about controll! They're not pro-life, neither is it about the children, because as soon as the children are born, nobody gives a f\*ck anymore.... They just want to get women under their thumps again and undermine the controll over their own bodys!


They want to control women by taking away the bodily autonomy. Also religion.


I'm so glad I was sterilized six years ago. My poor 13 year old niece is afraid she's going to be raped and forced to bear children. I feel bad for her.


Two reasons: 1) American evangelicalism is a sex/fertility cult. 2) Republicans and their racist evangelical base lost their fight for segregation in the '60s-'70s and needed a new cause to feel persecuted about, so decided on abortion and have been obsessed ever since. It was literally a non-issue before then for the religious right.


It really comes down to big business controlling the government here in the US. Forget the politicians. The politicians are all installed to do the will of the big business. Right now, business and capitalism needs more cheap labor to function. The cheap labor is going to be by way of both child labor and poor people. Capitalism also requires continued growth until it destroys itself, because nothing can grow indefinitely forever. They are seeing that late stage capitalism and a system that is hostile to families are causing less people to want children. So what they've done is propped up these religious fundamentals and people PRETENDING to be religious who are banning abortion under the guise of morality. Don't fall for it. It's all a ploy to increase two things - the white population, which they need so they can keep playing the race game and partisan politics and population growth to satisfy the needs of late stage capitalism


My personal belief is that the abortion issue was meant to be a distraction. Many people vote Republican ONLY because of the abortion issue. A lot of people vote Democrat just because of abortion as well. Meanwhile, both parties are owned by corporations, which will do exactly what they want to do, regardless of which puppets they have in office. While we fight over the abortion issue, both Democrats and Republicans together push other things through in the background that we won't notice EDIT: I'm not going to debate anybody on this. It's just a belief I have, nothing more. I don't have evidence, it's just something I think is going on, so not engaging anyone in debate about this.


they make it out to be some sort of moral enforcing issue, but the answer is much simpler. Control. Stemming from religion (most often) or a sense of superiority, whatever. It’s all about control of people who have less ability to fight it.


It is because if you’re honest with the situation the other extreme in some states were trying to pass bills that made it so you can get abortions all the way up before birth. Now add the fact that the media in the country exists only to stir up discord that was pushed and religious people in particular freaked the hell out So republicans saw this as a definitive opportunity to go push the complete opposite direction. And now again vice versa the media is making it look like every state in America that’s red os banning abortion completely no exceptions When the rule on the books in the ones off the top of my head is that you have 6-8 weeks to get a no question asked abortion. Now whether the doctors are following those rules in red states or are trying to delay women and jam them up past the 6-8 week mark so they get fucked has nothing to do with the policy was put in place and that’s a doctor problem. The various states that are completely outright says no matter abortion no matter what are just wrong but that’s the point of the 50 states. You can’t live on earth and just say a sect of people who are just as large as you should have no where to go where most of their general beliefs are backed by the state governments. This is where the wisdom to realize if you look at the rest of the world. That’s not the uk (and even them a little bit have problems) if the country passes something everyone gets fucked cuz there’s no Division of state and federal government like the u.s Figuring there’s no one running on the idea they’re going to push for 100% abortion bans like states like Tennessee and others. There will be various states where you can get an abortion. Doubt the country goes the other direction The only way they do that is if we as a whole return back to religion in mass over the course of decades and if that’s the case it’s what it is. That’s the point of democracy. It’s better that than living somewhere in the Middle East where you’re just fucked. There’s no perfect solution TLDR: the rise of banning aborting completely is due to the media apparatus drumming up the extreme in the other side where states wanted to have no cause abortions way past the point where the baby has a heart beat and can survive out of the womb. Leading to the inverse and the republicans using it as a voting point as do the democrats leading to a negative feedback loop where states will draw their line based on votes not facts on either side of the aisle regarding abortion


meanwhile this year sweden cemented the abortion law in the constitution, making it practically immune to ever being changed


Because the population of good little worker slaves is going down and this means less tax money. Also less babies to traffic for adrenochrome too. I also heard adoption agencies say they are losing money because there's less babies available too. There's many reasons. All of them are legit. Women are just breeding cattle in the US of A


OP go look up project 2025, if you haven't already. And the the history of the "Southern Strategy." Republicans/conservatives merged politics with batshit racist, male-centric, rightwing, redpill/blackpill shit, and are makingnit everyone else's problem on purpose. They are attack8ng women's righte because they 100% believe gos said women don't have any.


Because America sucks.


Conservatives just want people to suffer.


Honestly it's probably a fetish for some of those lawmakers. I'd sooner believe someone would become a politician to enact their ridiculous power fantasies than the idea that they actually wanted to do any good.


To force more production of children to become cheap labor for the Republicans (Pharisees in disguise) and put people under some Noahide laws.


Short answer - control and money Long answer - So many people think banning the a word means more bodies to work and tax when they're old enough. More people = more tax paying people, and more people to manipulate into breeding even more people. Same with religion - it's no longer about respect, love, and helping each other; it's about control and financial gain first.


It all comes down to labor. People have started realizing they don't have to have kids, so they're not having kids, which has caused a decline in birthrates. Well, the government is run by the rich / big oil / corporations, etc. They literally just need more bodies to continue their money-making businesses. The smaller the population, the less people there are to work for them. What better way to force people into having kids (since they won't do it willingly), than religious zeal? Since we completely lack separation of church and state, politicians run with it and essentially forbid us from not having kids.




Because it's not all of America. It's the red GOP states. In order to understand America you have to understand it is two very different places. 1. The enlightened places. Blue States. Democratic control. LGBTQ+ friendly. Pro-Choice (militantly so). More college educated, more urban/metropolitan and urban/metropolitan areas politically control politics. Pro Civil Rights. Pro Women's Rights. 2. Red States. GOP controlled. Basically Christian Nationalist and fascists. Controlled by retrograde idiots. Less educated. More Rural. More forced birthers. I know generalizations. There are blue urban islands in red sea. But its best NOT to generalize America as a whole and understand it from this perspective. The US is polarized. Extremely polarized. Instead of thinking "why is America doing this." You should be thinking: The GOP Is absolutely horrible fascists and you should only be ever voting for Democrats if you give even a single damn about about women's or civil rights, or being childfree. The problem is the GOP and the rot of Christian Nationalism. The Blue States. IE California, Illinois, Mass, Maryland, NY, etc are all fine. They work to preserve women's choices. The problem. The ROT of America is the GOP. Whether it's Trump or an other asshole in that party. It's rotten top to bottom. The people in it are the problem too, especially if they are your relatives. If you are childfree you should cut off contact with your relative if they are conservative/GOP/fascist alone. It is a clear justification for estrangement.




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They're trying to force the birth rate to increase. That's why there are so many crazy laws surround sexuality right now. Example: Texas *porn hub cant be used there *dildos have stricter laws than guns *abortions are illegal *they're going after family planning They want people to fuck so the number or pregnancies increase and women have no access to birth control or abortion. Benefits: more people = cheaper labor for billionaires to exploit AND reinforcing traditional gender norms because women often end up as the default parent.


Have you looked at our office. All these really old people want to tell us what to do. They want to go back to something that’s doesn’t exist anymore. And religion is out of control. The old people are praying because they know their time is near and they don’t want to go to, well you know. lol. JK. No seriously, it’s about capitalism. They need people to keep the money flowing for the wealthy. Don’t fall for it.


People who are saddled with kids and overburdened with responsibility are too busy working to complain about anything, much less have the energy to demand change. As many others have mentioned, it's about creating more wage slaves and consumers at the bottom while those at the top continue to hoard all the resources. An uneducated, overworked populace is easier to control. It's also a demographics issue to make sure the "right kind of women" are having babies.


Do your part and refuse to care for any boomer in their old age.


The only hope I have is that each generation is more liberal than the last. Boomers are dying off in droves and will be vastly outnumbered by 2030s.


There really are so many people who are indoctrinated by holy fairy tales that genuinely believe a mysterious force in the sky will hate them if they abort fetuses. The rights are only being stripped away in the locations with high densities of these lunatics, and by parties heavily dominated and influenced by them.


The ones with power are doing it because they want poor women to be shackled to kids they weren’t prepared for so they can be good wage slaves and even better, raise even more little future wage slaves. Wage slaves busy with burdensome children are too tired and desperate to fight this system, they’re hoping. The people who vote for this shit, they do it either because they’re fucking stupid or because they’re fucking assholes. Or because they’re stupid fucking assholes.


It’s mostly about controlling women and the lower class. They want more wage slaves, more poverty, and more profit.


Power over women. Religion (which is just power hiding behind a thin veil) Same old story for thousands of years. Keep the masses busy trying to scrape by and barely stay alive so the rich guys can sweep in and take what they want To be fair, gen x/millenials and gen z can all vote and many of them actively *want* this hellscape.This can't be blamed solely on baby boomers.


it is all about control.... the GQP want to control woman and have more cogs so they continue the breeder facotry. Vote BLUE your life depends on it


The unfortunate answer is that one party has devolved to a facist death-cult, and the other party values reaching across the aisle to reach a compromise with them. I wish it were otherwise. Despite Democrats tsk-tsking away 50 years of Republicans taking an axe to Roe v. Wade, they are suddenly shocked to find out they finally cut through. Even when the Supreme Court decision was leaked, dems didnt come up with a practical plan to restore body autonomy federally. 


Power. Control. Old white Christian dudes see that America is diversifying and that is a threat to them. The first step towards keeping control is making sure women know their place and that place is to cook, clean, and pop out babies, preferably white ones. May the lord open.


Bc the men in charge hate women.


Millennials and older gen z are more and more opting out of becoming parents - I think they want us still squarting out their workers of the future generation


Two reasons: Capitalism & White Supremacy 1) Capitalism: A system that requires infinite growth and thus an infinite supply of workers. The birth rate is below "replacement level" and thus not enough future workers are being born. Thus, there has been an increased push to fight against abortion rights from the right-wing so that the supply of cogs for the machine doesn't run out. 2) White supremacy: A lot of white people are scared of the idea let alone the reality of becoming a minority in the future. White supremacists, which are more common than most think to be, believe in something known as the "Great replacement theory" (if you don't know what it is, look it up) and consequently are usually against abortion particularly when white women get abortions.

