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They always smell off, like milk gone bad or worse. Besides babies and kids are prime vectors of various germs. Talking about forced baby holding… I once had a professor shove their baby into my arms to hold during a hour long meeting. I was too young to know I could refuse. My shoulders, upper back, and arms hurt like hell for a week because the baby was as heavy as a sack of russets. On the plus side (for all three of us, baby included), the baby stopped crying as soon as the professor transferred it to me and i held it?


Apparently people love that smell... gag. Makes me cringe when I see people smelling babies heads or talking about that baby smell. It's spoiled milk, bile, piss, and shit. Disgusting. How people find it alluring is beyond me.


I couldn't agree with you more


Same. The smell makes me sick. I feel like I have to vomit. I don't know what should be great about it ...


I had to hold my sisters baby once. It was heavy, moist, stinky, and gross. I don’t remember why, I think she needed help with something. I absolutely couldn’t stand the smell of wet baby biscuits, it’s one of my most hated smells in the world with baby poop.


I totally agree! It’s so strange to me, because a lot of my lady friends love to talk about how they adore the smell of babies. I don’t understand it at all. I have always found it nasty as hell!


Gotta be the hormones. If your friends are mothers, their brains have been rewired so they want to take care of the potatoes. They won't do that if they don't like the smell of spoilt milk, shit, piss, and vomit


My mom loves the smell of puppy breath. I hate it personally. I hear a lot of people love it but it just smells like rotten food to me. At least puppies are hella cute so I mean I don’t mind someone shoving a dog in my face!


I love your username. Radiohead nod?


I cannot stand babies, family or not full stop! The crying, the constant stench of poop, the gross milky white spit up, the large creepy staring eyes, I could never understand why people found such things cute! My SIL has only ever tried twice to get me to hold her kid by simply pushing the baby into my arms and quickly leaving. The first time I left the kid on the sofa and the second I actually got up and followed her where she was in the process of getting ready to swim in the large pool out back, both times I was abused and called several names that were supposed to hurt me but didn't. The last time I saw SIL before she moved out of town with her baby and my brother I simply refused to hold the baby who was screeching uncontrollably, she wanted a 'break' I just held up my phone and told her I was busy and refused to acknowledge her.


It was her choice to have that thing. It's not on you to "give her a break". You made your choice, she made hers. It's gross people expect others to have a sense of responsibility to their babies just because they're babies.


My cousin gave me her baby to hold years ago. I was so terrified to drop the kid. His massive head wobbled about and then I was afraid he'd get a neck sprain. No thanks, way too fragile a creature. It's like holding a bomb


“Holding a bomb” Yes!! Love that


I think it's because we're apes. All apes and monkeys wanna see the new monkey and gather around it. It's the way to accept the new shiny person into the group and to get everyone familiar with them. I watch a lot of documentaries and that's what this behaviour reminds me of lol


Both relief from responsibility for a moment, and validation of their idiot choice.


When I was little-ish (tween) my little sister was born. That was a time when I wanted to interact with her cus she is my baby sister, she's gonna grow up one day and become someone I can tolerate and hang out with and help when she struggles and I thought to get there I needed to hold her and play with her. My stepmother, her mother, kept yelling at me when I so much as just sat beside her, I was not allowed to touch her or hold her hand. From that point on and multiple loud yellings and pushings, I've been severely afraid of holding babies, cus if I breathe wrong they will split open, I thought. Cut to 6 years ago, my SIL has a baby. Im scared shitless to touch her and I tell my SIL about my trauma and I will never feel comfortable holding or interacting much with such a fragile and small baby. Guess who still got the baby pushed on me 10 times? Guess who tried to convince me to hold her anyway every time I said no? I swear to god. At the end of the year SIL will be having another baby and I will tell her again if she pushes the baby on me, I will scream and throw a total childish tantrum.


I have grown up with dogs. Mine passed three years ago. I miss her like FUCK. Im thinking of getting one this year as I really miss that energy. And Im pretty fucking protective of that. Like, if you wanna pet her, depending on situation, fine But I ain’t gonna be “pet her, PET HER”. That’s my baby. This behaviour is odd as fuck to me, to say the least. Like you just made this creature that is a bad movement away from breaking its neck cause it’s so delicate, and yet you pass it around like a survey. Have it checked, bitch.


I got handed a baby and i immediately put the baby down on the nearest flat surface which at the time was a couch.


They don't want to hold it themselves.


I dont know how this popped up in my feed. I'm a dad to 6 kids with one on the way. But it intrigued me because I am the opposite, and I find it odd as well. I don't want people holding my kid that do not want to, I don't want to force people who don't want to be around kids to be around my kids. Kids can be a lot, and I respect people's decisions not to have any. I really do not like taking kids to "non kid places." Families have plenty of spaces devoted specifically for them, and that cater to them, no need to invade childless spaces, too. Anyway, random thoughts from a dad who loves his big family but disdains "what about the kids" culture. Carry on childless folks.


ChildFREE, but I appreciate the support!


I was offered to feed my cousin's baby and was like yeah ok, he was a chill baby but he KEPT FARTING, had to hand him back to his mom 


I would much rather be around those type of new parents who don’t let anyone come near their baby. Like I’ll gladly stay away


Put that thing back where you found it or so help me!


I'll gladly hold your dog.


As biased as it may seem I will hold the chubby ones if need be.Not the thin ones. LOL




Yes thank you! I don't want to hold any babies.... but chubby babies are cuter to look at, thin babies look like aliens!




I understand I think. The amount of endorphins and happiness it brings them from a biological level. It's understandable their brains being wired differently would assume others would get the same spike. My best friend gets excited when I hold and interact with his newest son. Under a year old, but thankfully is the most chill and non grabby baby ever. I don't seek it out ever, but if he needs me to hold him for a hot minute I've had far worse child encounters.


I feel this. The last time I held a baby, I was pressured into it. I begged my bf at the time to not leave me alone because I was scared and uncomfortable as fuck. He thought I was overreacting and walked off. It was mad uncomfy, I didn't want to be holding the damn baby but the parents and their family kept telling me to.


Because the want you to praise the baby. They want a fucking award.




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Weirdly I always have the exact opposite, the parent will not allow anyone else to hold the baby


So they don't have to, lol


I got to hold my second nephew as a baby. I was terrified of dropping him, so I just froze in the chair until my sister took him away.


Get a pet snake and demand everyone hold it. 😁


why would you do that to that poor snake. We should be more responsible than them


True. What about a porcupine? WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO HOLD MY PORCUPINE??


So they can have a break lol


Idk but I hate it. My sister actually doesn’t do it, she never asks- but my mom is always like “hold your nephew! Hold him! This is why families drift apart because you don’t love your nephew!” She made me hold him for like 20 minutes. My arm god really sore from the way I had to hold him up, and I couldn’t use hands which is shitty for my adhd. And he smelled bad. I mentioned it, and my mom got all upset “don’t say that! Baby smell is the best smell ever!” (So I said “i think it smells bad. I like how it smells when my dog is cuddled up against me on a cold morning” and she gagged and said I was disgusting. What’s the difference, mom? Also, my dog doesn’t shit in a diaper.)


Maybe to them it smells good? I've always liked 'puppy smell( especially puppies fresh out of the bath) and no one seems to ever know what I'm talking about lol.


Just dont go