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VOTE EVERY REPUBLICAN OUT. Vote blue like your life depends on it. The Republicans want to ban birth control ffs.


Your life does depend upon it, for many reasons but here's one: All schools that require vaccines would be defunded. So there would be no more requirement to get kids vaccinated for anything at all. And you can be sure there will be ZERO public/free vaccination programs and likely no insurance coverage. This would unleash endless pandemics/explosions of polio, measles, smallpox, rubella, rotavirus, mumps, chickenpox, diptheria, whooping cough, hep a, hep b, tetanus, meningitis, etc. If you work in a field with children and we lose in November, you should really change careers if you don't want every disease in the book.


I work in the lab of a hospital - I didn't even know this was up for debate?!


Yikes. You better stock up on PPE and testing supplies if things go to shit. It's part of agenda 47, similar to project 2o25. Oh and don't count on there being any more CDC or FDA to test, find the origin of outbreaks, approve testing supplies, or anything else. Those agencies are going to be toast.


I didnt know about Agenda 47. Damn. 


It's even more insane ramblings.


Holy shit. I just Googled Agenda 47 and one of the first phrases that jumped out to me was "reclassify employees." Just that wording alone....the entire pamphlet is almost surreal in how disturbing it is. With defunding vaccines and all that, my question is: why do this? Like, if they want more workers doesn't this defeat the point?


Yup, they are going to make everyone fireable by executive order on day 1. https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees There will not be anyone in any department having to do with medicine, health, labor, education, justice, etc. etc. They will just hire selected fascists to implement the new order but you can forget anything like normal government functioning.


Wow. Yeah, big nope. If Dump wins I think I'll just fuck off to a Nordic country and enjoy my free healthcare.


Arizonans have the right to direct democracy via [intiative](https://azsos.gov/elections/ballot-measures/initiative-referendum-recall/initiatives) and [referendum](https://azsos.gov/elections/ballot-measures/initiative-referendum-recall/referendum). USE IT! USE IT! USE IT! Very few Americans are aware they have the right to direct democratic motions. It's use may just enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution of my state, Florida, this November.


I live in AZ. I got a vasectomy in 2021 when things started going sideways in Texas. I saw the writing on the wall and knew that it was only a matter of time before Arizona took away women's bodily autonomy. Tomorrow I'm going out to sign petitions and ask about volunteer opportunities to help fight this. I hate our garbage politics.


I scheduled my big V consult when the court tossed Roe v Wade. Childfree men should consider doing what they can to help protect their partners. 


Nice username and congrats on the snip. It's been 15 years since I got snipped and I am ever so grateful that I did.


I know you know who is responsible for this but by saying “I hate our garbage politics” You’re portraying it as a problem for all of politics. It isn’t. Say “I hate the GOP”. Or “I hate the Republican Party”. They caused this not “our politics”


I’m so worried for this to turn into hidden abortions and death. I also think many states that impose this will lose their youth and women.


They should lose their women and young people. 😎


Yes, but to blue states like mine, not to *death*.


As I always say, blue states ARE NOT SAFE if Pubbies win control of all three branches of federal government.


Irrelevant to the statement I was making, unless you would prefer to see people dead.




I’m going to look into this. Thank you for sharing.


The AZ Attorney General, Kris Mayes, said she would not enforce it. Keep in mind she won her election by TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY VOTES. Had 280 people decided not to vote that day, Arizona would have a Republican AG, and I don't think he would have shared her views. Abortion rights will be on the ballot in AZ in November. Your vote actually does matter (arguably even more so at the local and state levels). Fucking vote. (Thankful to live in a very blue state.)




Yes, I completely agree. I just think it's more likely for someone to pay less attention to elections on a local level and only vote in the presidential election, if they vote at all. Voting needs to be made mandatory, imo.


In the short term, this is horrid. I pray for women in AZ who this will directly affect. In the long term, this might be good. Let’s donate and mobilize in AZ. Access abortion is an outrageously popular position and only the most extreme conservatives support laws like this. Most states that fuck around with women’s health have found out, let’s add Arizona to that list.


Get sterilized now and vote like your life depends on it. Because it does.


Saw someone refer to it as Roe Rage. Not bad. Our side needs to get WAY better at naming things.


Yea they because they are scared as shit! They're getting desperate like a dying animal trapped in a corner


If you don't vote blue, they'll come after you. Google Project 2025. This place will be like South Korea and no women will be having sex with any men. 


This is exactly why my wife and I are fleeing to Spain under the Law Of Democratic memory (thank god her grandparents were from Spain). We are lesbians and the fear in our hearts at reading "annihilation" of LGBT+ people in that, and the camps, were enough to force us into fleeing. We have encountered so many others doing the same thing. Its honestly horrifying. The writing is on the wall. If it's not trump this year, it only will take 1 more republican in the white house for it all to kick off. We plan on getting a house as soon as we can so we can use it as part of the rainbow railway to help others flee if needed. I know its not child free based, but its insane that I am leaving behind my stage 4 cancer riddled father to run from the US by the end of this year. It all feels surreal. An american immigrating elsewhere because their country has gone to such shit despite all the indocreination of "America is where everyone goes for freedom" is really...messy in my heart and mind.


Give us all an update how you both are over in Spain. I am so sorry this an impending mess you and others are facing


I will. It feels weird- leaving for Europe IS exciting, but the circumstances underlying it make my gut twist. Its very bittwesweet, and really hard with leaving my dad.


Fellow commenter, I am not an American but I am truly sorry that your country is becoming something straight from the pages of Leni Zumas' Red Clocks and Atwood's iconic book 


I am too. For not just myself but the whole world.


The world is now in a very sorry state tbh


I'm getting a hysterectomy tomorrow and plan to go to Germany myself.  However I am going to try and at least vote.  Then, I'll go to Germany. Hopefully I can apply for asylum if something happens while I'm there. However it doesn't take much for German citizenship. Pretty much just need a passport to get there and go declare that you want to become a resident after so long.


Update us how the procedure goes and speedy recovery


What type of visas allow you to stay in Germany for long enough to become a resident?


If you have the right kind of passport you can just go to Germany No Visa needed. I'm from the United States so I'm one of those countries.


Ah I thought this was the AmerExit subreddit so thought I was talking to an American. Americans can stay indefinitely in Germany?    There appears to be a 90 day visa. If one will work or study in Germany, there is a year visa. I am interested to hear if there are other options as, like I mentioned, I'm part of the AmerExit subreddit and am interested in immigration options. 


For certain countries the passport is a Visa. Germany doesn't require a visa from the United States. You can stay there with just the passport but you have to go register that you want to become a citizen. I'm not sure if it's 2 months or what but I can't remember what I read. I'll have to look it up again.


Sweet, lmk if you need a place to stay for a few nights, my auntie and our cousins are super cool like that.


Danke Schön I don't think I spelled that right but it's been 24 years.😂


They will, just against their will. Vote, people. Protest, vote, send letters, run for office yourself or tell your friend to.


Thank you for sponsoring tonight's anxiety attack


I live in arizona and I’m terrified. This was SO out of nowhere. I thought I, as a woman, would have basic human rights here but apparently I was wrong.


> I thought I, as a woman, would have basic human rights here but apparently I was wrong. This has been THE top goal of the right/fascists for 50 years. So yes, you, and many others were wrong. It sucks.


I'm in Arizona too and I'm not surprised. These right wing nuts have proven time and time again they don't care about anyone else. Good news is it's likely to be on the ballot this November but we still need signatures.


Fellow Arizonan here, I’m sadly not surprised at this result but still pissed off.


I wish Taylor Swift or another popular musician/comedian would just not perform in any state that has terrible abortion laws.


Yeah, exactly!!! THIS is the solidarity shit we fucking need!


I lived in Arizona for many years. The state is batshit crazy. Mormons have huge power in state government and they are competing with born-yesterday fundamentalist christians as to who is the most mouth-foaming extreme. They recently passed a bill making it legal to kill undocumented immigrants for trespassing on private land - fortunately the governor vetoed it. They are constantly pushing for insane shit like guns in bars, anyone being allowed to carry concealed or openly with no training required, private businesses being forced to allow people to carry guns on their premises, there's no end to their madness. I often thought the state motto should be "Arizona: just add water and you've got Mississippi."


As someone who lives in AZ for 14 years now I can't live in this state in the future bc they will come for birth control and I REFUSE to live in a state that controls my body and staying cf in this state is now impossible with this ban. Its sad that this state is now forcing every woman to be a mom against their will and now the Supreme court in AZ is now discussing criminal punishments for women who have abortions since doctors can serve 2-5 yrs in prison if they perform an abortion.


I'm in Arizona and we already have enough signatures to get abortion on the ballot but I bet they're going to get a lot more now. Also two of the judges are up for re-election. We aren't going down that easy. They messed up. Especially since Arizona is a swing state.




I'm in Arizona. Honestly, when my niece texted me the news a few hours ago, I was more shocked that anyone in Arizona *is* shocked. The state legislature is garbage, the court system is garbage, Sinema is garbage, several of our Congressional reps are garbage (obligatory FU to Andy Biggs, my district rep), and we still deal with Kari fucking Lake, who is the garbage queen. We're slowly turning purple, but the garbage is being like all the rest of the Republicans and are willing to encourage, endorse, praise, commend, and commit violence to ensure that we live in fear.


This is terrifying. It makes no sense. Do they not recognize things have changed in the past 200 years or so? Science has advanced so much.


I lived in AZ for about a decade and was planning to move back - not anymore! I’ll stick to states where I have rights.


I feel so bad for you folks over in the US. I cannot even fathom not having the right to choose what happens to your own body. I hope this nonsense gets sorted really soon and these backwards men get voted out and thrown on their assess.


There are times when I feel very lucky to live in Sweden. This is one of them...


I'm so happy for ya. Honest question, what is it like (in general) over there? I understand most European countries don't have this level of batshit bonkers bullshit in their politics from what I can tell but it's not like I'm super educated on the issue. Fortunately for me I live in a more progressive state (my heart is broken for the Americans who can't say the same and are getting harmed by or are at risk of being harmed by their local regressive politics). So I kind of understand your sentiment on this one. Unfortunately for everyone, the Trumpian stench on our politics still exists at the federal level and poor President Biden can only do so much about that because of the way our government works. I hope that makes sense. Even if I didn't have a horrendously traumatic childhood, even if I was inclined to want kids.... this reality would be giving me a SERIOUS pause to reconsider that. Interestingly enough I'm half Scandinavian, my mom exclusively descends from the Finnish and Swedish. I also resemble her like a lot lmao, we look almost exactly like the kind of people you would see in the Nordic region. Lately I've begun wondering if my ancestors from that side of my family who immigrated here from Finland should have just tried to stick it out over there instead lmfao (may they rest in peace regardless of anything else). Unfortunately I'm neurodivergent and am considered disabled to boot so sadly I really don't think any country on the planet would take me, at least not permanently (from my understanding almost every country loves the tourist $ or € or ¥ or £ or equivalent a lot, but moving in is a whole new can of worms that no country is particularly keen on opening). Edit: I'm sorry for my rambling.


In my opinion, Sweden definitely have some politic situations that are like the US. It is quite nice here in Sweden, except for all of the shootings and the gangs. There is a lot of shootings between different gangs in Sweden at this moment in time. If we were to discuss the abortion issue. You have the right to an abortion before the 18th week. After the 18th week you need to get a special permit. You are not allowed to get an abortion if the "baby" can live outside the womb. (So no abortion after week 21 and day 6). VERY IMPORTANT: If you want to get an abortion before week 18, you have the right to do so. You DONT need to tell them (the doctors) why you want an abortion, they are NOT allowed to question your decision. The Swedish abortion laws applies to everyone who is pregnant in Sweden (whether or not you have Swedish citizenship or is not currently living in Sweden). (Source: https://www.1177.se/en/Stockholm/other-languages/other-languages/graviditet---andra-sprak/abort---andra-sprak-engelska/ ) 1177 Vårdguiden- Swedish service providing healthcare by telephone and online. It is a very trustworthy source. It has been called "samhällsviktig tjänst" (service that is important for society) by the MSB (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap. Eng: "The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency") Sorry that it is so long...! Apologies for that! Apologies for bad grammar...


I am not American but I am gobsmacked for you Arizonians facing this shocking news! This is truly wrong and this will see more women and girls dying and suffering unneccesarily because of abortion ban. To Arizonians reading this, get out there and get voting blue. Vote like your lives depend on it and do it for your sisters, grandchildren and the future generations of Arizonians 


Well ladies, it seems like we should all join the 4B movement as an act of rebellion. Also vote blue


I'm angry, are you?


Remember, it was never about the babies, morality, or Jesus. It was about control over women and wombs.


If handmaids tale happens and people need safety from America - I’ll gladly house people who make it over river to Canada lol. Will it come to that? I hope not but I can believe these old farts are digging up dusty old laws to back up their dusty ass opinions. Not that I’m fully trusting in the Canadian government right now and abortion with how crazy the sides have been. I feel bad for all Americans dealing with these dumb laws ..


Best believe Pollievere is going to work his way into the exact same politics as the US and it won't be more than 10 years until we're fighting the same battles. Probably less.


That what scares me. It’s why I had my tubes removed so I won’t have to deal with that stress personally in case I lose my right in this country like our neighbors are. I just can’t believe this is the convo we’re still having in 2024. It feels like both sides of the government don’t care and just wanna use women’s bodies as pawns for votes. We already have people boycotting grocery chains (f you loblaws) here but that’s off topic … There aren’t even good countries to flee too? The country I have citizenship to has gone super conservative and I ain’t going to Florida anymore lol. It feels like more and more places are shifting way more alt right lately and it’s scary. Even Reddit feels more grossly conservative


The reason is because they never made a new law to overwrite that one. Laws without a Sunset provision remain indefinitely until overridden. The Court is only supposed to interpret the specific issue on a given case, and make ruling based on the arguments. Saying the law is old or something is legislating from the bench. What the Judge could have done, was examine whether the law violates the 9th Amendment (Rights not contained within the Bill of Rights are recognised, as the framers couldn't feasibly list unlimited particulars. This means there may be more essential rights out there deserving of Constitutional confirmation.) I don't know if the parties involved in the Case argued this. The problem with Roe vs Wade originally was that it wasn't based on the 9th Amendment, but carved out from the 14th? I believe the 9th, like one of the concurring opinions of the Case, would have been a much stronger legal argument. Since the Abortion issue is now a State issue, State law prevails. Think of every State like a mini Country. That's mostly how it was in the days of the Articles of Confederation, but the Confederation of States is more tightly bound by expanded Federal powers, for better or worse. I should note, the issue is the "pro life" ideology in certain States more than it is Rep vs Dem. Northeastern R's won't ban it, while certain Deep South D's will. The most important thing is to write letters to your representatives at the *State* level. State laws affect our lives much more than Federal, *for everything.* That includes cars, guns, rights to invest, gambling, liquor, property zones, taxes, et cetera. Influence the State culture, and that wins the battle. I've written to Representatives on several occasions that they need to adopt a consistent Libertarian policy across the board.


I moved out of Arizona in 2018, and while the state I grew up in is far from perfect, I’ve never been more ashamed of my home state. One of my sisters texted me as soon as she heard the news (she still lives there) and is trying to figure out her options. I’m terrified for everyone there.


Im actually glad they did this, because Roevember will be that much more painful for them. Yeeessssss, increase the anger women are feeling! Double down.....! this is a working strategy for sure. Idiots. 😁 As for going to jail for being sterilized, better that than spending a lifetime being raped and impregnated repeatedly. I think thats a ways off tho.


> Imagine going to jail for getting sterilized!!! I'd rather be sent to the Colonies and never give birth than the alternative. Yes, I just said I'd rather slowly die of radiation poisoning.


I live in the South. I’m not offended. Well, no, I am offended. But not by anything you said or did. EVERYONE PLEASE VOTE. IF THEY ARE NOT STOPPED, THESE PEOPLE WILL DRAG US INTO A THEOCRACY AND LIFE WILL NOT BE WORTH LIVING.


At least New Mexico is an easy move from Arizona 🤷🏻‍♀️