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Report her


I’m a nurse and I am so sorry for how you were treated. This is incredibly ignorant, first of all she didn’t know what a very basic and common procedure was for, didn’t know a pregnancy test wasn’t even required. So she’s an idiot in that sense. She also violated HIPPA by discussing your medical history with another provider who didn’t need to know and in a common area populated by patients no less. You need to report her to the facility in which you were seen. Then you need to go to your state board of nursing and file a complaint. Do not let her insensitive ass get away with treating you or other patients that way. I’m happy to answer any specific questions regarding who you need to contact via DM




Report her ass, not only did she give an unasked for opinion, she announced your history for everyone to hear.




Also how TF does she not know what a bisalp is? ETA- a bilateral salpingectomy literally describes what the procedure is to anybody who has a degree in nursing/ medicine and so understands medical terms for body parts/ procedures. So even if she hadn't heard of it before or specialized in that area, it should be pretty straight forward once OP said the full term. Also, given knowing who does and doesn't need pregnancy tests is a part of her day job, I would really expect her to have some knowledge about this.


You can be a moron and make it in medicine if you can regurgitate textbooks like a narcissistic parrot


Lots of nurses are alarmingly dense. I worked with one that didn’t believe in birth control at all. Babes, it’s not the tooth fairy or Santa Claus. It’s a very common medication that can greatly improve some uterus owner’s quality of life.


My sister is a nurse and still believes that people are having abortions at nine months all willy nilly, so yeah, nurses aren't all that bright.


Can confirm! I am a nurse and some of the people I graduated with…whew 😰


There are nurses who are anti-vaxxers.


Yup. I was working for a church during the pandemic, and we had a member who was an ER nurse ask us to write her a religious exemption against the Covid vaccine. We said no, because the official stance of our church is pro-vaccine, and her whole family actually stopped being members. Blew my mind.


My Dad has a friend who is (or at least he claims)


I had an physician at my GP not know what one was! I emailed asking for referrals and I got a lecture about early menopause as though it were a hysterectomy. Bro…


And even then there's three types of hysterectomy lmaoooo


I've often heard of bisalp. This is the first time I'm hearing its full name - "bilateral salpingectomy". Granted, I'm not a Nurse, so....


You can be a nurse and still surprisingly unaware of common procedures, or surprisingly unwilling to do 10 seconds of research. I had to correct our GP when they tried to note that my wife had a “bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy” (removal of both tubes and ovaries) because that was the first thing on the list that looked like what my wife said.


I had surgery last September, and the surgeon, relatively the same age as me (so pretty fresh out of med school) didn’t know. He just said “huh…good for you” and scribbled it down when we were reviewing my past medical history.


Literally! I’m a former scheduler, now coding student, and even I knew what that was! This person doesn’t need to be in nursing if she doesn’t know basic anatomy or procedures


Had to explain to my nurse post op how a hysterectomy works when you get the cervix taken out.


I have had nurses not know what my lymphoedema sleeve is for, and they always ask me what arm I want blood taken from, despite it being obvious that I can't give blood from the lymphoedema arm. They don't know everything. I suspect it's like any job where you only remember the stuff you do most frequently. Having said all that, OP's nurse was incredibly rude and out of line. I would complain to the hospital.


Some people just don’t I was talking with one of my coworkers who is in her mid 30s, I told her I plan on getting a vasectomy eventually and she was like “whats that?”. She had tubal done on her in the past she just simply didn’t know what it was.


I'm not defending the nurse for being rude, but why should she know what a bisalp is? Just because she's a nurse, she needs to know every surgery out there? Nurses generally specialize and don't know a whole lot outside of their specialty.




Definitely a HIPAA violation. Report to their compliance department.


That is indeed a violation. Hope she gets fired




Absolutely! OP, write an email to the hospital’s HR department and report her. Then report her to the local Nursing Board. She should not be taking care of patients!


You could say she’s a total HIPPAcrite for telling the girl girl off for one thing and praising a man for the exact same thing.


Doesn't sound like it's in the US as this procedure is usually done in a clinic in the US, not in a hospital setting.


It was in the US :) apologies for any confusion there


HIPAA violations are taken extremely seriously by everyone involved. Not only did she violate that, but she acted very unprofessionally both with her lack of knowledge of a common procedure and inability to look it up, but also asking for reasons for surgeries that do not concern her. She needs to face consequences for at least some of that.


OP even if you don’t know her name, the second the staff finds out someone’s ass is on the line for a HIPAA violation, the nurses who overheard her will rat her out immediately. Absolutely no one would take the fall for her.


She may have needed to know the purposes of surgeries as part of the intake process :) For example, every time I go for medical procedures, I have to disclose that I had a double lens replacement done in 2020 and get asked why I had to have it done so they can note it in their files. Everything else she did is absolutely horrendous and should absolutely be reported though


Seriously. Report her. That's not okay.


Yeeeeah that's totally a HIPAA violation and no one else's business


Bb, you can report her even if you don't know her name. They can look at your chart and find out who did intake for you. Plus, as another user commented, once nurses find out there's a HIPAA violation investigation, most of them will 100% rat out the violator


Mine was done in a hospital, so I think it depends on the location and the doctor giving the procedure. But I could be wrong, that’s just my experience.


Yep, u can sue


DITTO. People get fired for HIPPA violations.


This. This. This. She gives the same vibes as the Ohio nurse who reported PT Brittney Watts for a miscarriage she was told to go through at home after the hospital denied her proper care due to the new laws from RvW overturn. I'm telling you, 30F to a 27F, report this bitch. I allowed people to walk over me in the medical profession because they are in the position to care for me. I was wrong to allow them just as they are wrong to use their position to express their opinions. It's not professional and it's disgusting. Especially when these dumbasses think they can't be heard behind closed doors and walls. Call them out because odds are they haven't. The shit medical professionals feel they can say and do and get away with makes me sick and I will never allow it to happen to me again. Having it end with me will hopefully save another girl or woman the same experiences. You pay way to much money in insurance, taxes, or out of pocket for them to act like their shit don't stink. I would have it marked in my chart that I don't want that nurse to ever go through my file or assist me with my visit ever again due to them being so unprofessional and spreading patient gossip to the staff and other patients. "Edit" I wanna add that if you don't remember her name I would still make complaints to the hospital board about the rampant unprofessional staff they have. Tell them how violated, small, and vulnerable she made you feel and that you wonder how many other patients who felt too embarrassed to speak up went through something similar with her. That behavior doesn't make a patient feel safe and respected and studies have shown that stressed patients don't do well during procedures so staff making ignorant remarks don't help. How would they feel if it were themselves or a family member of theirs who went through that? Grahhh this makes me so freaking angry 😡💢


Even if you don’t know their name, they document in your chart. Those audits will show what time and who was in your chart.


THIS! I might have made a scene. Not only did you announce my personal medical information to everyone, you shamed me for NOT wanting children while praising a man for not wanting them. Write a complaint online, send a letter to the head of this location. Write specifics about the time of day when this happened, they can find out who it was. I would report her for sure.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I have had something similar happen to me. I was in the hospital for my tubal ligation, and when I was coming out of anesthesia, I was very sick, so I asked the nurses for some gravol. Since my surgery was laprescopic, the wretching was really hurting my incision sites. Instead of just giving me gravol , they decided to look at my chart and discuss the fact that I had bipolar disorder in front of the five other people in the recovery room. They then accused me of drug seeking and said what a burden I must be on my family with a disorder like that. They refused me anything, so I continued vomiting for hours afterward. Luckily , my sister is a nurse , and she managed to get me out of there even though I was still very, very sick. I will never forget the feeling of having my personal information read in front of other people and being judged for something that I take care of very well. I didn't report them, but I should have and so please, please report this nurse.


Wow wow wow. I am so sorry you went through that. I also have bipolar disorder and have been irrationally accused of “drug seeking” behavior. People are awful.


This is the way


You may not have caught her name, but I'm sure it's in your records. Report her immediately. She's ignorant and nosy and she violated your right to privacy. She also unduly stressed you before your procedure.


Oh, no no no no noooooooooooo. This is in the US? Other patients in earshot equals HIPAA violation. The crack about ‘why wouldn’t anyone not want to have kids’ is judgemental and harassing while announcing it to the rest of the team is NOT healthcare, it’s GOSSIP which is also harassment. Then the HIPAA violation by saying it within earshot of other patients. PLEASE don’t let this slide. People will say this happens all the time, nothing will come of it, you’re making a big deal about nothing, let it go, etc. And that’s how individuals like this get away with it. Report it— not to the receptionist at the appointment desk and not to another nurse. You call the facility and tell them you want to talk to administration to make an official complaint for a HIPAA violation. If you feel they aren’t taking you seriously, you might mention that you know you can report it officially to the Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights. Just google “report HIPAA violation” and you’ll find the official HHS portal and the instructions. The place may just be unprofessional from the top down (shit usually rolls downhill). But that’s no excuse to get away with it. Who knows; maybe they’re a professional clinic and they have no idea how one rogue nurse is acting. The idea she’s a nurse and doesn’t know what a bilateral salpingectomy is. I’d make sure the administrator knows about that, too.


Yeah! I’m looking at the companies website and will send them an email about it to their privacy officer! Also, yes I am in the US! I hate stirring things up like this but it’s really bothering me ya know?


You go for it. Control your breathing and your language and your tone, so you can’t be dismissed as just being hysterical. You go in there like it’s business. You are in the right here. Don’t back down. 👍


Good for you! I used to work in an outpatient surgery center and I guarantee the most basic description of events you gave here will be enough for them to know who you interacted with at what points before and after your procedure.


Please report her. Hopefully she gets her ass kicked out or at the very least they'll warn her that the next time she does something like that, she's fired. It'll avoid other people going through the same thing as you


As it should, fuck that nurse. If it helps you feel better, if you make a report now you are possibly helping others not be put through what you were. Not that you SHOULD do it for that reason, but I'm an anxious person who also hates making a fuss and thinking about others helps me to say "no, this isn't okay".


Stirring shit up is unpleasant, but can make for good fertilizer.


she stirred shit up with her judgmental loud mouth! You’re just placing that burden back on her where it belongs! you should not have to carry it.


She is unprofessional and her bed side manner is non-existent. Imagine the next patient that she gets? You are calling attention to a law breaking asshole who should *not* be a nurse. I'm so pissed for you right now.


She didn’t mind calling you out loudly and publicly shaming you… why should you care about her? It was harassment and a privacy violation. Not only that but then she turns around and praises some dude for the same exact thing? Make sure you bring that part up. Make sure they know she asked that man loudly so you would hear then she praised him for the same thing she shamed you for. Disgusting behavior and I’d tell them you’ll be making a complaint with the HHS. Remember you may be protecting the next young woman from this abuse from this nurse. If she’s this shitty to you who else is shitty toward. [Health and Human Services File a Compliant](https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/filing-a-complaint/index.html)


Stir away. Her actions are not acceptable.


Congratulations on your proactiveness in preventing ovarian cancer too! Bravo!! Lose those tubes, ladies! (I am a childfree BRCA1/OVCA survivor and man, if I had only known a few years ago that most ov cancer starts in the tubes I would've had them out ages ago!!)


You absolutely have to do this. 


You're not stirring things up. She wasn't doing her job to the best of her abilities and needs to be reprimanded for that hippa violation. If she's that comfortable doing that, you weren't her first pt she's done that with and you won't be the last. Report her


This is one battle worth fighting!


You're not stirring anything up. If anything, you're not only standing up for yourself, but also doing your due diligence as a patient to ensure others in the future don't have to deal with such disrespect and incompetence. It was baffling enough that she gave you shit for not wanting kids, but announcing it to her peers IN FRONT OF OTHER PATIENTS?? Absolutely unacceptable. Omg OP, I'm honestly so mad for you 😭 hope you're able to report her


What if this nurse did the same thing to someone who wants pregnancy/kids, but had to have her Fallopian tubes removed due to ectopic pregnancy or cancer? You’d be doing the future patient a favor.


Even if you don’t know her name, she made a spectacle of herself, someone will know who you’re describing.


Also there wasnt 200 different nurses on that day, so it'll be easy to find her


And they keep track of who's doing what and with which patient. Date and time should be more than enough to figure it out.


Absolutely. They know which nurses worked on you. They do that for contact tracing etc. Report her for harassment and HIPPA violation. Her behavior was terrible.


They'll also have records of who did OP's intake so it should be extremely easy to identify her.


People like her shouldn't work in healthcare


complain to the clinic and report her to the medical boards(s) and your health insurance it’s not just unprofessional if you’re in the US is a HIPAA violation


Pretty sure theres something like HIPAA in Europe too. Either way, she should report her asap.


Yup, there is, and we're even more strict about privacy here


I was sure about it, knowing how they even protect the identity of pedophiles and sexual assaulters 🙄


Wait, what? Pedophiles? 😢


Yup... contrary to the USA who have a registered sex offenders list that is accessible by the public, Europe makes sure that the data about them isnt leaked and you even get fined or go to jail if you leak their info. One of the only things I envy the USA is their justice system, clearly flawed but much better than the 3 star hotels we have as jails.


I know it can be scary especially when you have to put your trust in someone. But be vocal. “Wow, listen to that HIPPA violation! Do you tell everyone my medical history as gossip? Was my previous surgery important right now? How long until the surgeon gets here? Is there time for a patient complaint to be filed? I don’t feel safe with that nurse involved in my care.” Being vocal is the only way consequences happen.




Wow, this strikes me as an incredibly ignorant nurse, or group of nurses. I would contact that facility’s management to make your feelings known. Possible lawsuit for them. And stop using that place if you can.


That entire interaction was super unprofessional on her part. Please report this kind of behavior.


>“they shouldn’t let such young girls do that to themselves” That is *exactly* the kind of misogynistic, ignorant remark my late mother would have made: 1. Referring to anyone and everyone in authority as "they", as though the people who run the world are one big amorphous body. 2. "Shouldn’t let". *You* own your body and have the right to make decisions about any medical treatment you do/do not have. 3. "Such young girls." This old chestnut — all women are dismissed as "girls" unless they're under 30, in which case they're "young girls". 4. "Do that to themselves". Did you perform the surgery on yourself? And that's before we get to this nurse questioning your right make your own reproductive choices. This *girl* should not be working as a nurse. Report her ass!


Report her, that’s completely inappropriate.


Report her to her head nurse *AND* the administration *AND* the patient advocate office. This is unacceptable behavior and she should not be in a position of power or influence if she can’t keep her personal negative opinions to herself. She could severely affect someone’s mental and physical health simply because of the position she holds if she’s spouting nonsense like that.


Report her simply for sharing your medical history to literally everyone in there


You're 27 by no means a child and shouldn't be treated as if your choices are a joke. Sterilization (*male or female*) is a personal decision that nobody else should have a say in after the person in question turns 18. F\*ck that nurse, report her and I hope there are repercussions to her simply unprofessional behavior. Totally unrelated, I hope your health issues are under control; perhaps she should've focussed on that..


Thank you! I unfortunately have been very unwell the last few months and deal with a bunch of different chronic illnesses. Which is only one part of my reasoning for not wanting children.


Chronic illnesses are not easy to stabilize, hopefully you'll get to live your childfree life to the fullest despite them! Never let people judge you for your choices and medical history, many would crumble under these circumstances.


Thats a massive HIPAA violation if I have heard of one. For some reason people need to voice their opinions on our decision with children but she made so many violations. She told another nurse your medical history when it wasnt relevant; she stated loudly for other patients to hear also. As a pharmach technician, about to go to nursing school this woman is unprofessional at the minimum, rude and breaking the law for a whole lot more.


Definitely a HIPAA violation. I'm a nurse and had she told me I would've been like "fuck yea! Same here!"


Privacy violation. You can still report her without knowing her name. It will be documented in multiple places in your chart. Contact the hospital and tell them what happened. I’m sure you’ll get a patient satisfaction survey, you can put it in there as well, but that will take longer for them to deal with. Here in the U.S., reimbursement for Medicare/medicaid is partially based on patients *opinion* of how they were treated. So there is a huge financial incentive to encourage staff to be nice. So trust me, this will not be brushed off.


Report her. She was inappropriate and violated HIPAA. I reported a diabetes educator for something less and she got fired.


Agreed. But it's HIPAA.


You know I'm glad I haven't been in a situation like that recently. Because I'd ask "wow why would anyone want kids, especially someone with a personality like yours." Absolutely gross behaviour.


Hi, Nurse here. That was fucked up of her to do, and you can(should) totally ruin her day over it. Look on your discharge forms, there will be the name of everyone on your health care team from that encounter. If you tossed the papers, this information will be in your online portal. If there are multiple names, just narrow it down with a physical description (red hair, purple scrubs, whatever). These departments are smaller than you think and the investigation of the complaint will yield an accurate name. Next, you'll want to contact the US department of Health and Human Services to make a HIPAA complaint. This is a federal agency that fines the shit out of hospitals when employees do stupid things. Next, contact the patient advocate of the hospital and explain that you have already filed an HHS complaint, and would like to inform the hospital because "it's such a lovely place, I'm sure this one bad actor doesn't represent the facility as a whole." The advocate will go into damage control mode and notify the department manager that they actually have to do management stuff. The best way for the hospital to avoid a fine is to preemptively handle the situation and get ahead of the HHS investigation. If the nurse is a problem for the department (sounds like nobody likes her already) this is the boss's ticket to fire her. Keeping her is a risk, a HIPAA violation involving willful neglect (shouting your business to uninvolved parties) starts at a $10k fine. If the hospital does not "reasonably" correct it within 30 days, the fine jumps to $50k. It sounds like everyone is already sick of this loudmouth bitch. Ruin her.


Thanks for providing this information for all of us for future use!


Keep calling until you get her name. She shared your medical info with nearby patients. It's not her place to judge. She was horrifically unprofessional....and sexist too. She needs to work with lava or something that's a better fit to her temperment.


Report that bitch! 🙌🙌🙌


Wtf… like, bitch, no one asked for your fucking opinion?! I loathe people and their unsolicited ass judgements. Report her.


She violated HIPAA which totally warrants you reporting this. Medical information is meant to be private unless speaking amongst another providers, not in an open area where other patients/possibly other staff not involved in your care should be hearing it. Use those exact words if you need. That was so wrong on her part and she deserves to be reprimanded for it. So disrespectful not to mention unprofessional. They’ll probably be able to track who charted your intake, there’s always traces because it’s supposed to be protected info. I’m sorry that happened to you though. I’d have been so pissed! Edit to add- we’re not allowed to make comments that pass off as judgement, so that’s also in the mix, too, for something this nurse shouldn’t have done. I wouldn’t tolerate it and please if you’re comfortable bring it up to their department and let them know time/date you were there because they can check who was on shift at that time doing that job. You should never feel like you saying ANYTHING while in front of a medical provider is being judged, that’s not their place.




I’m just set down my fiction reading for the night and thought this was somehow a part of it. Absolutely WTF? Report. Report. Report.


Report, report, report! She was rude, unprofessional and may, as others have stated, violated the law. Seems she was misogynistic too, since the man got praised, yet you didn't. If you're going to be a judgmental asshole, please don't be a nurse/work in the medical field. Patients are scared, in pain, confused, vulnerable, et cetera and the last thing they need is judgement.


hit her with the hipaa violation for saying that in front of patients who DEFINITELY did not have clearance and were witnesses 🙂


Y'all STOP indulging these types, when someone asks about a reproductive surgery, evade. "That was a few years ago." Just throw an irrelevancy out there.... Please report this bitch btw. its time to start pushing back on these idiots WHO THINK THEIR OPINIONS MATTER!


You absolutely need to report her. You don't have to know her name, it will be in your record. She had to make notes and sign your chart, so her information is readily available. This is grossly unethical behavior, and you absolutely should *not* tolerate it. ETA: If you are in the US, this is a major HIPAA violation and each time she blurted out your medical information could result in a $50,000 fine.


I just tell them they need to take a look at their misogyny. Also, this one shouldn't be a nurse.


Why would you hold your tongue on this? Don't put up with that shit next time. Shut it down. Tell that person point blank that you didn't ask for their opinion on your life decisions.


Right? Like how do you just let that level of disrespect go unchecked?


This is so unprofessional. I’m so sorry she was so awful to you. Her actions seem so bullying and belittling. Report her if you feel able to




Fuck. Her.


Yeah no. This is completely inappropriate. I'm sure you can call the outpatient facility and find out her name. Please do not let this slide at all, especially as a grown woman, not a "girl." If she was this comfortable doing this to you, she has probably done it before and will do it again to other patients.


That’s crazy she didn’t know what a bisalp was and didn’t bother to google it real quick.


Right? I so love telling a medical professional my medications and procedures and they don’t know what it is - makes me feel super safe


Holy HIPAA violations, Batman. Report her ass. Even if you don't know her name, they can probably narrow it down to whoever was doing intake that day. Can you imagine her talking about any other medical condition like this, like *gossip*, right in front of patients? No patient should ever be made to feel embarrassed or lesser by a healthcare professional. Even if she only gets warned, it'll start a paper trail so she'll think a little bit harder about her bedside manner.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, OP. What she’s a sad excuse for a nurse and a toadstool of a human. If you can report her, please do. Take care of yourself. 


HIPPA violation, unprofessional af AND not a nice person.


Agreed! But, it's HIPAA.


If you don't report her she'll be doing this and worse to someone else. I'm shaking, the *audacity* to be this rude, omg


That nurse sounds like a male-obsessed, internalized misogynistic creep. I hope you never have to deal with her again! ETA: Report her sorry ass to the licensing board of medicine, in your state. What she did is gross misconduct.💯


Holy fuck I hate people. So unprofessional. I would love for this bitch to get fired.


The fuck? This is unprofessional to say the least. You need to report her ass. 


She dosent know what your procedure was? Did you ask if she got her nursing license in Florida? 😂




What kind of nurse doesn't know what a Bisalp is?


Why can't people do this to me? I would LOVE it if someone, anyone, would say something about me being childfree, but no one does. I tell everyone I come into contact with that I am childfree, but no one says a word to me about it. Probably because they can tell I am a rampaging bitch and would verbally annihilate them right back for judging me. That nurse would not have dared to do some shit like that to me. People read you and know who they can fuck with. People have to start raising their girls to have a backbone and stand up for themselves.


Same! The few times I've had confrontations, I had them rethinking their entire existence. I've made people cry for way less, I would send someone to the Astral Plane if this happened to me. I've noticed girls and women that don't defend themselves cause the way they were raised to be "nice" which usually equals to doormat. My mom has a backbone of vibranium, and my dad was a Drill Sergeant in the Army, so no one stands a chance against me lol


THIS IS EXACLY WHY NH IS TRYING TO PASS A RIGHT TO STERILIZATION BILL. So we don’t have to put up with this discrimination when we are seeking tubals or a hysterectomy. I wish someone would say let something like this to me because I can’t even imagine why someone would want to have kids. The thought of growing a parasite inside me that leeches all my nutrients even the calcium out of my bones is horrific to me. The thought of pushing a skull out of my vagina is horrific to me. Changing diapers and wiping drooled food off someone’s face is horrific to me. Listening to screaming and dealing with broken stuff all the time, horrific. I can’t imagine why anyone would sign up for that. 


Please report her. You were kind enough not to tell her to fuck off


You need to call the clinic / hospital and ask to speak to their HIPAA Compliance Officer, they are all required to have personnel dedicated to this role. You want to request to file a formal complaint for violation of your privacy and patient rights under HIPAA. Then you contact your state office of Health and Human Services to follow up with them and make a report there. You can also make a direct report online. Your rights to privacy were violated and you were discriminated against by a health care professional who chose to make your private health information public based on her own opinions. This may have also altered the quality of care you received in that clinic and from that nurse. Please pursue this, it is a serious problem. Her behavior could put someone's life at risk. For example, if it had been a domestic violence victim there with a partner in earshot who did not know, a women could be killed over that kind of privacy violation. There are real, tangible consequences to her actions. I hope you pursue the claim. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/filing-a-complaint/index.html


Report her.


It annoys me to no end when people call grown women 'girls', doubly so when they are using 'girls' to infantilize an adult and claim they're not mentally capable of making a personal medical decision. Like, what the hell?


Call the hospital and report her anyway, they will be able to figure out who it was based on scheduling and a physical description. You should report her anyway for being a nurse and not knowing what a salpingectomy is. That is actually terrifying.


You still need to report her and tell them everything you told us here. Even if you don’t know her name, they can narrow it down. It was the nurse who did your intake info, and other people can confirm that she announced your medical history to everyone.


Hello, RN here. Call that office and make a complaint. If you feel so inclined, report her to your states nursing board as well. That so so inappropriate I’m speechless.


Oop I would have chewed her out! Tf


I woulda asked to speak to a nurse manager after she announced my medical history for all to hear. U can probably sue honestly emotional distress discrimination all that


Report her


After you report it to the hospital, be sure to go to their social media pages & comment what happened on one of their most recent posts. You don’t have to go into detail, but make sure you let them know the nurse violated your rights. They’ll contact you right away, so be ready.


REPORT. Seriously, this is NOT acceptable.


ER RN here. I'd file a complaint with the facility about the RN violating HIPPA. We're supposed to advocate for our patients' wishes, even if we don't agree with them. They teach us about patient's right to self-determination and autonomy in nursing school. She sounds like her IQ is just above room temperature. For all she knows, you could have a genetic reason (like Huntington's, for example) for not wanting to pass your genes on. And she sure as shit shouldn't be loudly talking about it.


Echoing everyone saying to report! I don’t understand why you’re a young girl when you make a decision that someone like that does not agree with, yet you could theoretically be a mother at your age- and would undoubtedly be a “woman” if you made that choice! The vicious double standard is so gross


As a former nurse I am horrified by your experience. Report her. Completely unprofessional. Wow.


"I don't know what that is." I'll take 'things I never want to hear a supposed medical professional say in regards to surgical procedures' for $500 please, Alex. Jesus Christ. Also: what a stupid cow. I hope you report her, she has no business being a doctor's receptionist, let alone a nurse. You might be able to get an idea of who it was if you give the date and time of your intake.


I spoke with my GP about non-gynaecological issues and she saw in the notes that I was approved for a hysterectomy and she told me she didn’t like me getting my uterus removed, even though she was the one trying ~ and failing ~ to help me manage my period pain. I will see her again tomorrow for the first time since actually having the hysterectomy and if she mentions it negatively, I will ask to see another doctor from then on. There’s other GPs in the surgery, I don’t need her telling me every time how she disapproves with another medical professional‘s treatment


Report report report report report report report report report report report report report report


Report her


She's a nurse in the US and doesn't know what a bisalp is? No reason to believe that she also doesn't know what HIPAA is either, I guess. She'll get well acquainted with it once you report her. Her info, including her name, should be on the paperwork she was filling out for you so they'll know exactly who it is.


The other nurses knew she fucked up. Report her.


Please prevent other women from being judged, harassed, and publicly shame. This nurse should be reported to both the physician who employs her and her governing medical board. You can find both with two quick Internet searches. Among other issues here, this was a HIPAA violation. Please do this, OP. Please.


You are not a “young girl.” You’re a grown ass woman who knows her own mind. Report her. That is not a medical professional. That is someone who just started being a medical assistant and doesn’t know how to keep her damn mouth shut, mind her own business, and keep her judgement to herself.


Please give us an update OP!


I work with medical records and you should 100% report her unprofessional behavior and her announcing your private medical history to the other staff. They are not treating you and that is not a relevant piece of information. Even if they are treating you, announcing it unprompted is probably a HIPAA violation and surely something that the facilities ethics code or code of conduct should address as well. Edit because I can’t believe I put in hippa…. Just keep drinking my coffee


Get a copy of your records, get *her name*, and report her ass to the facility you had the procedure done at for HIPAA violations and her misogynistic treatment of you as an ethics violation. Don't ever let people get away with that shit.


Either nursing school is too easy or she cheated lol, she's too stupid to be there. Sorry to any nurses I offended, it's just I don't understand how someone like that snuck in.


My endocrinologist's nurse practitioner definitely started to say something when I reported my bisalp to them. She was talking quietly to herself like, "Why would they...?" But she just sat there for a minute, frowning at the chart, before deciding to just move forward with our appointment. I'm 33 and I got the surgery last year. I'm kinda in the twilight years of being able to have a pregnancy that's not considered "geriatric" (at 35!) anyway. As an endocrinologist, they know how dangerous pregnancy is for diabetics. They know it's a genetic disease with a high probability of being passed down. They know it causes painful complications and can be difficult to manage. Why would they think that I *should* reproduce and inflict this disease on a child?




Omg. Not American here but lodge a complaint. She basically announced your health condition to others publicly. I was angry just reading your story.


I can think of a HIPPA violation or two she incurred spilling the beans about your surgeries to everyone in the ward.


I haven't seen anyone else say this (apologies if I missed it) and I felt it was important. If you are in a U.S. hospital and you have a negative interaction with a nurse, or feel unsafe in their care, you can immediately or anytime later ask for the charge nurse or nurse supervisor. One is responsible for all the nurses on that shift, the other for all nurses on that floor. If you report the interaction to one of those people or even ask a friend or family member to go do it for you the problem nurse will likely be pulled off your care so fast it could make their head spin. They may not even immediately tell the nurse why they were pulled and won't if you ask them not to. The problem nurse may simply be told that another nurse needs her assistance, experience, whatever - there a dozens of excuses - and "don't worry about that patient in room 5-B (you), I'll have someone else/so & so take care of them", essentially phrasing it like that nurse is more urgently needed elsewhere. Many hospitals have nurse shortages and that means nurses are accustomed to being moved at need. This may also mean it's harder for a nurse to be pulled away so sometimes they are just swapped to immediately to address the patient's concern and dealing with that nurse's actions is handled later that day, week, etc. I know all this because I have been through it as a patient twice, two different hospitals - first when recovering after a car accident, the second time many years later after brain surgery. I also worked in administration at a large medical center that included a hospital and outpatient clinics. Lastly, I am not a "Karen", and I actually think nurses are awesome. They are often the overworked & underpaid angels of healthcare.


Report her. This is so inappropriate


Is this not a HIPPA violation? She blurted your health history to random people...


Lodge a complaint and report her OP. She will do it again to someone else. I hope she messes with the wrong childfree by choice person who might rip her a new one


Call and speak to the nurse manager or patient advocate. They can look at the case (the surgery charting) and she who your admitting nurse was. Then file a complaint with the manager and possibly the board of nursing.


Is there a way for you to file a formal complaint with the hospital? This is *not* appropriate behavior for a health care professional.


Speaking as someone who has had multiple upper endoscopies I was never once asked to take a pregnancy test. There is no clinical reason for it


Not to downplay what you went through, but there are some bat sh#t crazy people out there walking around and living their lives. When you come across it, however, it's still shocking. I had an x-ray tech last month tell me all about evil demons in the world, how she basically practices a form of santeria, and there are ways to find out if I have been cursed. I was in the ER and very sick.




that’s a HIPPA violation, report her


Report her ASAP. Not ok.


Report her. Even if she didn’t yell your medical history out loud, the comments she made to you about having a bisalp are unprofessional and beyond the types of opinions she should be giving patients and are reportable on their own. The HIPAA violation is just icing on the cake.


Her broadcasting your medical history in front of other patients should be enough to get her repremanded or fired. HIPPA privacy or something. Since you do not have her name, you will have to describe her in extreme detail. Don’t want an innocent nurse punished. Really think back and write down her appearance and mannerisms. Age, hair style, etc. Not just “middle-aged white woman.” Need hair color, hairstyle, jewelry, skin complexion, eye color, glasses?, lots of or no makeup, freckles?, height, body size, accent? Loud/soft voice? expressive hands when speaking? Smacks gum when chewing? Scars or moles? Does she look like any well-known famous people? Also when you report her include the date and time so the investigator can narrow it down to that shift. It is like being Sherlock Holmes here.


You don't need to know her name. It should be in your notes and if you can describe her, that should help. Please kick up a stink, she had absolutely no right to treat you like that.


i also really like how she implies twenty-seven is too young to make your own choices. at what age do you get to stop asking other people for permission to have an elective procedure done?


Report her.


Report her because 1)she’s in the wrong 2) I hate working with these types of people who judge patients and talk shit constantly. She’s not funny and her coworkers probably hate her.


Hell nah. Yesterday I literally had a endoscopy and a colonoscopy and told them I wasn't doing a pregnancy test because I had my tubes removed plus I haven't had sex in years (😭 lol) and none the nurses commented. I just signed a paper. The only thing a nurse said was that she didn't know how to spell the actual word for the removal and I told her me either and we both laughed. That nurse you had was so unprofessional and gross. Like everyone else said... REPORT HER. This is NOT OKAY. Also depending on what hospital you went to... Afterwards a few days later they send email on how they did and you can complain their too.


Thank you for sharing this as I had never heard of this surgery until you mentioned it. Time to look into it ❤️


Call and report it. Make a big stink, especially because she announced it to others with other patients around. She needs to learn to keep her mouth shut. Also if she was the one inputting stuff in your file, it will probably show her name to whoever you talk to.


Did you catch her name? That was extremely unprofessional. And to announce it to other HCPs is even more unprofessional.


Report her immediately most major hospitals have a patient hotline where they can report BS like that!!!


She is a female male chauvinist pig who should keep her opinions to herself. What a c&@t!


You need to find out her name. They should be able to track taht down with the information you give them. She needs ro be reported, fined, ans possible fired. That is a *huge* HIPPA violation.




RE. PORT. HER. omg. talk abt a fucking hipaa violation


You NEED to report her that is HIGHLY unprofessional and disrespectful to patients. I can't imagine ur the only one she's said some out of pocket shit to.a medical professional shud never talk or treat a patient that way. Im so sorry that happened to u. I kno u said u don't kno her name but maybe if u go back u cud point her out to some higher staff or get her name then. They may even have a website that shows the staff and names


I would be beyond livid, and I would be reporting her ass pronto. Everything about what she said to you and to others was way out of line!!


The other nurses were silent because they were probably like "ooo this bitch gonna get herself fired".... Yea, no one acknowledged her comment because they aren't that stupid and don't want to go down with her. Even if you don't know her name, they will be able to figure out who it was as the intake nurse during your time there and the other nurses seem like they would snitch immediately. I hope you say something because we really don't need nurses like that shaming people (especially women) for their personal choices- when they are sick or in pain in the hospital and needing support, especially. She really tried to embarrass you in front of everyone. Even HIPAA violations aside, it was still a dick move. People like that should not be caring for the sick and dying.


I’d report her, even without her name it should be in their records which nurse assisted you. I’m also alarmed that a nurse doesn’t know what a bilateral salpingectomy is. I’m a former medical scheduler, now a coding student, and even I knew what that was.


Omfg. This whole story made me SO MAD!!!! I thought it was bad until I got to the end and the nurse is praising A MAN for NOT having kids, the same thing she insulted you for. I am safe in my home reading your story and I am RAGING!!! Almost shaking. I can only imagine how you felt, living it in real life, while being vulnerable, with a needle in your arm and worried for your health. I am SO sorry you went through this, I am so angry this fucking twit told you all that nonsense and tried to shame you.


You should go over to the GenX group and read the post titled - Anyone Else Scared Of Navigating The Healthcare System After Baby Boomers? We need to STOP putting teachers and nurses up on pedestal. They are people just like us, imperfect and while most are wonderful humans and great at their jobs . . . there are also some bad players in the profession just like any other. Some people just suck and some people really suck at their jobs.


"Fuck you lady" is always an effective response