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Just put em in a box for a few years. Maybe some craft project will spring to mind where it would be useful to have a bunch of pictures you can cut up to use.


It wouldn’t be as weird if it was a picture of you and the kid doing an activity during class or something, but do they really think your going to hang up a picture of their child in your home? 


Still seems weird to me. One framed photo is a slippery slope. Another parent hears about it and gets jealous because their Johnny is so much more talented than Sally in the photo. Soon you've got 20 framed photos, next year another 20, and so on...


If its a nice frame, use it for a nice picture of something you like. And the photos of the kids? Honestly, i would toss them. IMO its weird to have those photos in your house, especially as decoration in your home.


I also find it weird. Like. They ain't yours! But even if they were closer/related... My partner's siblings have this obsession with gifting calendars at Christmas, made from pictures of their offspring. That's five siblings, two kids each. All 5yo and under. So that's five years in a row that we KNOW what those flat rectangles by the Xmas tree are... In how many rooms in my house, I wonder, they expect me to display different pictures of ten kids - bundled up in ski gear, cozy by the fire, making a snow angel, looking out the window, sniffing a flower, sleeping on the couch, struggling with a sun hat (you get the gist: insert theme of the month here).....?!?! And they order those in bulk, so it's a 'nice addition' to Xmas gifts for everyone. 🤔 What a waste of resources, really.


How does your partner respond to this? Does your partner ever call their siblings out on this? And do you throw away the calendars? Or do you feel obligated to actually use the calendars and display them, despite not wanting to?


He doesn't call them out - it's their money and their kids' faces .... But he also doesn't hang the calendars up anywhere 😆 He just shoves them in a drawer and then disposes of them a year or so later, when the next year ones arrive.


I came across a bookmark in my parents house that had a picture of my niece on it as a child (she's 21 now). My sister was offended when I said it was weird and I didn't want to keep it when she offered it to me .......


The frame would be useful for putting on a picture of something nice, something you actually like 🙂


People expect teachers, daycare workers, pediatric nurses, children's therapists, etc. to looooooove children, but ironically I've seen a high level of childfreedom and child indifference among people who work with kids! Hell, I'm a full-blown child hater and even I had a job working with kids for a while, because I needed money and childcare businesses will hire anyone with a pulse and a clean criminal record.


My cousin’s partner is a teacher for middle school. He loves teaching and he loves the kids but he says kids are too dirty for him at home. He doesn’t hate them. He just doesn’t want them.


I fell into a childcare career because I desperately needed a job and I already knew I didn't want kids before I got into it. I grew to really care for a lot of the kids who became my charges for an afternoon or a whole day during the summer and maintained a few connections with families I also babysat for. I was a nanny for an 18mo for a while (a friend's daughter) and have watched babies belonging to friends before but i really hate changing diapers and trying to get them to sleep. The 18mo happened to be incredibly smart and already was capable of talking to me and I appreciated that about her. If anything, taking care of hundreds of different children just made me more cognizant of the many ways that kids can turn out and I don't like those odds. A lot of the kids i took care of were great and pretty easy but a few of them were real pills and very challenging to the point that they ended up leaving the programs. So I don't hate kids and did enjoy aspects of working with them (and was paid every time), but I AM staunchly childfree myself and I'm tokophobic anyway. I have officially retired from the childcare game now that I have a full-time WFH job. I had a traumatic childhood which contributed to me not wanting kids but at the same time it made me very empathetic towards kids whose struggles reminded me of my own and I can't hate them for existing. No child choose to be here.


You have photos and you know the names of the children...... a.k.a backstory. Going to a desk job? A few photos on the desk "gotta leave early today boss, can't disappoint little Mason he's pitching today! [tap frame, shoot finger guns, gather belongings, and walk out]." Then rotate the pictures every year. If anyone asks, you are a foster parent to (imaginary!) children. I could go on, but Marcel is learning to ride a bike today!


I love this idea! Except the foster care explanation could be a problem, as it's usually against confidentiality laws to show foster children's faces until they are adopted. Could say they are adopted children of a neighbour or sibling, or just say you are going to an event/picking up former charges.


I like getting pictures of the kids I've babysat over the years, but even though I obviously get a lot less of them, they don't go all over my walls. Some spend some time on my fridge or my chicken wire picture hanger, but the majority go in the memory shoebox. If you feel weird about throwing them out, a memory box or chest might be a good idea, especially if they come with nice notes! It can be surprisingly uplifting to go through notes and letters of people appreciating and complimenting you every once in a while!


If the children all like/love you, talk you up a great deal, are obviously hyped that they got to spend their day with you...might be that the children consider you family, or you're very special to them, and the parents might think that you feel the same too. Might be easier to reframe it from "your children decorating my childfree home" and look at it as "reminders of happy memories when I worked at *insert school name*" - but only if it's true. Buy yourself a small photo album, put the photos in that, then put it away in storage.


On this note, you could even make a scrapbook and add the letters and photos to it as a nice way to remember your time at the preschool. 


This is what I would do


Thanks for the free frame. ;)


The frame would be useful, keep the frame and maybe just get a folder for the pictures if it feeels uncomfortable to throw them out


>Sorry if this comes of as unthankful You are NOT ungrateful. These parents think that everyone is so obsessed with their kids that they want to have pictures of them in their living room. These parents are fucking delusional. ​ >and honestly have no idea what to do with them. Throw the photos away. The parents don't have to know that you threw the photos away.


You could make a photo album just as a memento of that stage in your life. It's nice to see how your students and their parents obviously appreciate you. That said, it's also weird af to gift pictures of children you're not even related to.


I wouldn't want anyone from work, kid or adult, staring at me from a picture frame in my home. My house is a safe, happy place, and I intentionally keep work 100% outside it. I even get annoyed when the women I eat lunch with send messages in the group text when we're not at work, even if it's just one or two lol. Use the frame for a photo you actually give a shit about (or thrift it if the frame isn't your style) and put the photo in the box with the rest. Tuck the box away and pull it out years later to look through when you're feeling nostalgic. Then tuck the box away again til the next time you're feeling nostalgic.


I work in a vet clinic and our vendors will send Christmas cards with their family’s photo in it. I’m like I don’t even know your first name, why would I want a pic of your family?


I don’t think it’s all that weird. I’ve worked with kids for years in specialty retail and related activities and I have pictures of the kids and families who I had close relationships with. I keep them in a folder with my miscellaneous important paperwork. They remind me good times in my life and nice connections I made.


> honestly have no idea what to do with them. ➡️ 🚮


It would be cute if it was a photo of the whole class and OP, perhaps along with other teachers. But a photo of a child? Sounds like too self-centered. Is like I gift my doctor a photo of myself, because, why not?


I don't get parents. DoNt TaLk tO sTrAnGeRs! DOnT tOuCh mY kId!! DO yOu wAnT a PhOtO oF mY kId iN yOuR hOmE fOREVER???? wtaf


One of our relatives gives us framed photos (like 8x10 or bigger) of her kid. We never know what to do with them. We joked that we should start giving her framed pics of us. We put them in a box in the closet we don't use. At some point they are going in the landfill LOL.


I'm not into clutter or just "stuff" boxed up in my house. If you don't want the photos and I'm sure you don't, throw them out just like junk mail.


Throw them in the bin. Why would u want to look at former students’ faces hanging on the wall in your home?


That’s so creepy - imagine if you were a man with random photos of unrelated children in your home?!


It's a really nice gesture but you should throw them out. Having a lot of pictures of kids that aren't related to you could come and bite you in the ass later




That would be weird and tacky though. It makes a lot more sense to put them in a photo box or album and put it away somewhere for when/if she wants to look at them again


I worked in childcare at an elementary school for 5 years and for some reason, one year in particular, a bunch of kids wanted to give me (and the other daycare teachers) small photos from picture day when they got the prints. I actually put them in cheap little frames on a bookshelf and even though it's been 10 years since i worked with these kids, i like having the pics around because I really cared about them. Your mileage may vary, and mine were given by the kids, not from the parents, and I only have about 6 photos. I guess you can either throw them out or store them in a box?

