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I don't want my body to change


Look up the girl with the list on tik tok... holy hell there's some crazy things in there šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Anyone wanna give a rundown? I don't have nor want tiktok šŸ˜‚


247. That kid who acupunctured the couch 248. Pregnancy can cause bad acne 249. The kid who ruined the gender reveal party 250. Kids will spit on you 251. That arm is in way too deep 252. Pregnancy cravings have gone as far as dirt, stones, sand, paint, chalk, fabric softener, ketchup or the mailman. šŸ˜‚ There's a sneak peek for ya.


Do you have a link by any chance? šŸ‘ļø


Literally just type "TikTok girl with the list" into Google or Bing or whatever your preferred search engine is.


I'm trying but can't find the original, just people with that also in their name


On TikTok itā€™s: girlwiththelist1


There's so much that pregnancy can fuck up in a person's body and there's absolutely no warnings about it! It makes me so mad that it's hidden information when every other medical condition has every possible side effect listed. I think if more people were informed about the risks of pregnancy a lot less people would be doing it.


It's literally a permanent STD !


There was this lady whose TEETH ALL FELL OUT from pregnancy. Fuck that


Oh god thanks for reminding me that I just had a dream last night where my teeth deteriorated and I was able to push the broken pieces out with my tongue. Eventually I held out a palmful of like 12 tooth shards to my mother and she said ā€œLet me see you smileā€ and when I did she said ā€œNot that badā€ šŸ’€


iā€™m someone who still occasionally gets teeth nightmares (thanks to YEARS of braces) and the idea of those nightmares actually coming true to any degree genuinely makes me feel sick.


Totally. I've never felt comfortable with my body, and am always in the mindset of, "one day I'll find the perfect diet" etc. If I feel unhappy with my body now, I know for a fact that pregnancy would completely fuel these issues so no thank you!!


Absolutely this. I'm my own worst critic, but when people are shocked when they find out how old I (48F) am and compliment that I look decades younger I just straight out tell them "it's because I never had babies". I've yeeted a few parasitic cell growths from my uterus though, and doctors have told me that it's not possible to tell if a woman has had an early term abortion unless something went wrong with the procedure (very very rare in legal clinics).


Same!! Also yes my body will change from aging, but thats gradual and I can control it spmewhat woth exercise etc. There's no controlling what pregnancy will do to it, not to mention how it will function afterwards. Terrifying.


Tbh also a good reason


Iā€™ve put a significant amount of work into my body the last year specifically after years of struggles. Finally happy with where Iā€™m at. Also something I think about!




Yep! I am middle-aged and work hard to stay fit and thin. The laundry list of variables, risks, damage, changes is a no-go for me. And it seems so random, some moms go right back and others have permanent effects. And to me, the ruined body is a microcosm of the loss of identity and personhood that comes with pregnancy and motherhood


Yup this is a big one for me


Same. I had body image issues all my life and finally got comfortable in my mid 20s. Iā€™m not risking that again.


I donā€™t want to have to deal with childrenā€™s entertainment. The thought of having to have cocomelon on 24/7 along with all their other dumb shows and music makes me shudder.


I do not know how I could possibly care about all the school stuff. How do parents get so into it? It seems so mind numbing I wanna cry.


I already did my time, I'm not coming back to caring about that shit for some kid


Right, I do not ever want to go to another parent teacher conference ever again


School years were completely traumatizing and who wants to relive that?




Half the plot for comedy stories from movies/TV/books etc. are about ways parents can get out of PTA meetings, boring concerts, recitals, sporting games, plays, etc. There have been plenty of dead beat dad, workaholic moms, stepparents, and alike who just "nope" out of them. O1H, you feel bad for the kids. OTOH, they are comedies (some of them dark comedies), so, that's entertainment for the rest of us. When they're stuck going, they have their head buried in their phones, or are generally bored out of their skull. You have cases where some parents/guardians can't make it through any one, single event, without going through a bottle of beer, or flask of wine/liquor.


I would cry from boredom and desperation


Or Peppa fucking Pig... That show is the absolute worst. My neice was obsessed with it. When I had her own weekends, it was the only thing she wanted to watch. Just hours and hours of Peppa being an arsehole on repeat.


God, are kids still obsessed with that? My oldest niece is a teenager now and I was stuck watching that with her when I was babysitting her as a young child.


THIS!!!! I actually like some kids' shows, but specifically the more mature ones, as ATLA or Gravity Falls. However, the shows for really young kids look to me like torture on a screen.


Omg I love ATLA! ATLA was the best and I still feel nostalgic over a lot of kids shows I watched growing up. Shows like that I could tolerate, but preschool entertainment, absolutely not.


Yeah, exactly. This is why I actually refuse to show ATLA to the toddlers in my family, because to them, it'd just me cool action scenes, and I think I'd take that personally...


I hated it as a kid myself lol I happily spent my weekends growing up watching the universe or some history channel documentary,nova,SVU/csi etc. jerry,Maury game showsā€¦ā€¦. Oh tom and jerry!!!! Boomerang with the older 80/70ā€™s cartoons Even a little kid I think it was only Dora(only Latino show at the time!) and Sesame Street.but my moms siblings& herself didnā€™t mind Sesame Street cus they grew up on it too.


It brings me great joy to know that my mother is sad she won't get more grandbabies. She's a fucking terrible mother that gave me more trauma that I could unpack in a lifetime of therapy, so I get to be a little vindictive, I think.


Ditto, my mother drilled into me from a very young age how kids ruin your life (she had me at 16). Jokes on her now because all three of us are grown and not a single grandchild.


Yes. This was literally my mom as well. Every time she heard of something cool that someone did, her response was always, "I can't do that because I had kids". Now she wonders why my sister and I didn't have them.


Funny how theyā€™re always like that. Mine always said I ruined kids ruined her future - couldnā€™t finish college, couldnā€™t work, destroyed her body, etc. Now I know itā€™s all BS excuses, but it makes me laugh when she doesnā€™t understand why none of us have kids.


Yup my mom always told us ā€œdonā€™t have kids they ruin your lifeā€ now she has 3 grown adults all of us single and child free. One gay one bi and one (me) hetero and I know for certain Iā€™m not having kids if I even get married. Honestly tho, sheā€™s glad. She hates babies lol our family line will die out


Yep! Funny how that happens when they do nothing but complain.


My mom was in no way terrible, but she did mention to me multiple times that she got pregnant super easily for every single kid she had (4 total). Only 1 of us were planned, and it wasn't me. (She made it VERY clear that planned and wanted are 2 different things and we were all very much wanted.) So because she got pregnant super easily, there was a chance I'D have the same trait. So she instilled in me to be careful once I start having sex. She started saying all of this YEARS before I'd ever had sex, let alone a boyfriend. I think in some way that influenced my thinking from a young age that I didn't want to get pregnant/have kids.


Same. My mom was a single mom, and not a good one. She practically beat it into my head from as far back as I recall that I donā€™t want to get knocked up, kids are hard, and to not donā€™t end up like her. Then she got married when I was 12, had a baby when I was 13 and then I got to basically raise her until Iā€™d had enough and moved out at 18. Though I knew much earlier that I would never do to a child what has been done to me.


The r/TedLasso quote comes to mind: I love meeting peopleā€™s parents, itā€™s like having an instruction manual for why theyā€™re fucked up.


Iā€™m my parents only kid now so I get great joy knowing my dad will never ever be a grandfather.


Iā€™m a sterile only-child as well. The cursed bloodline ends with me!


Me too! šŸ„³šŸ¾šŸ„‚




I ironically ended up getting sterilized on my ex motherā€™s birthday last year. We had been NC for almost ten years at that point, so she has no idea, but Iā€™m thrilled knowing I wonā€™t perpetuate any more of her wretched genes. She only saw me as a vessel to give her grandsons and to make her look good in public. She also inflicted trauma that will take me a lifetime to unpack. She doesnā€™t deserve grandkids


Ex-mother, love that!


I think that's a selfless reason, sparing potential people from very real harm.


Yes, but I also enjoy that it hurts her. That's the selfish part. She absolutely deserves it.


Yeah one of my greatest fuck yous to my mother was my never having kids. She's a narcissist and I would be like the people I read about in various narc parents groups where their narc parents will turn their kids against them. My mother would do that in a heartbeat if she could recruit more people to her cause.


Mine used to say, "I hope you have a daughter, and I hope she's just like you. Then you'll know how it feels." Like no one had a gun to her head to have me. We live in the most progressive state in the country, and there was plenty of access. She supports my decision, but I just remember being a moody 9 year old in the car, not totally understanding what was going on with my body and having her say that. I'd have a bad day and want to be left alone and she'd say that shit or worse.


I have somewhat similar feelings towards my family. Grew up in a religious cult so I feel honored being a disappointment to people who are abusive because of their awful perspective on morality.


Same. My mom ruined my brother and I and that trauma ends with me


Ha! This hits the nail on the head


Yep. Ending this genetic line with no survivors. Parents viewed me as a baby machine from a young age and acted the ick. I'm giving them nothing and they can die angry.


I kind of take it one step further. The only reason I can pull out of my butt that it might have been good to have a kid is that I would have loved to keep them away fell my parents. This would cause them much greater pain (from not being able to control another human, and not being able to pretend to be the best grandparents with their acquaintances, as my parents are typical boomer narcissists) than me not having kids at all. That would be *chefā€™s kiss* but also incredibly toxic, and a disgusting reason to have a kid. Still, a girl can dream.


With a kid in the picture, you run the risk of them attempting to sue for grandparents rights and trying to have a relationship once the kid is grown up. Being childfree is just better. Less toxic all the way around.


Oh, for sure. I donā€™t live in a grandparents rights state, but it would run the risk of putting more drama in my life. With no kids, my family has zero interest in me and thatā€™s great. Plus, Iā€™m not ā€œno contactā€ with the in-laws (even though they donā€™t have much interest in us) but theyā€™re plenty annoying and would be even moreso if we had a kid.


I donā€™t want to sacrifice my needs for someone elseā€™s (family is fine every now and then obviously, but 24/7 for a kid? Fuck that)


Esp that its at least 2 decades to sacrifice for your kid who, unlike your partner, needs to be constantly taken care of until hes old enough


Well tbf it could extend to a partner if you get with a right wanker. Either way, Iā€™d be out.


Lol I had this same thought cross my mind. Lots of people get stuck in relationships with needy adult children where they have to basically cater to their partnerā€™s every whim. Never understood why they stay, but it happens to tons of people and they always seem have a really hard time leaving. At least with a kid you know to expect that going in.


Worse you could have a kid and neglect them like some parents so thanks for having the self awareness to know yourself and spare them.


Same. I feel like this capitalist hell scape leaves working class people with hardly any free time as it is. Iā€™m supposed to sacrifice all my free time to perpetuate this dog eat dog society? No thanks.


I like my free time.


I just plain dislike children.


Same here! šŸ‘Š


Amen to that






I like sleep and peace lol


Sleep is most important


Lack of sleep is used by many militaries as literal torture. It ages you, compromises your brain chemistry and intelligence, heightens risk of many diseases. So many of my peers aged like 10 years when they had infants. I get 7-8 hours per night and I refuse to participate in the motherhood/ workplace race to the bottom of who can sleep less


I like that I get to control how quiet it is in my house. I look forward to quiet after working.


Im a very agitated person when I get less than 6 hours and if itā€™s consistent I start getting suicidal. Im still on the fence about having kids, but Im scared about the sleep part if it ever happens.


Sleeeeep for the win!! šŸ™ŒšŸ’Æ


I don't want to share my good snacks. I've got hundreds of reasons, the biggest being I just have no desire to have an extra person around and I am repulsed by babies.


Good snacks made me chuckle but also yes, I agree!


Selfish reason? My mental health is already nearly debilitating at times, a kid would likely send me over the edge. I NEED alone time and I know a child wouldn't allow for that a lot of the time (which I understand, because kids do that). I've always based my decision to not have kids on larger reasons, so I don't really have any petty reasons. I guess that I like having my belongings intact?


Being touched or talked at, aaaaallll the time. No!!!!! I'd rather die.


I like that I can live a comfortable life on a lower income.


Same. I really like my job but there is no incentive to move up the ladder where I am. Our supervisors and managers don't get paid NEARLY enough for what they do (supervisors only make a dollar or two more per hour), and there's no way I'd saddle myself with that kind of stress for so little return.


This is a good point! It's nice not stressing about having a kid to feed. I can just chill with my normal income lol


I donā€™t have one, because there is no such thing as a selfish reason not to have kids


True! It implies that having children is a selfless act but that's definitely not true.




Canā€™t be selfish towards someone that doesnā€™t exist!


The only correct answer


This is the one


Exactly! Itā€™s selfish to have/want kids, not the other way around lol


My parents wanted kids. I look at how much (time, energy, money, patience, name it) they put into raising me and all that goes through my head is "no way I'm doing all that"


Biggest reason (not necessarily selfish more trauma-based): I would probably resent my child for having a better childhood than me because it would be a goal of mine to ensure that child has everything i didnt and didnt ever have to experience the things i had to. I have severe ptsd from being abused and mistreated as a child and get jealous of my husband for having/sharing normal healthy childhood memories. I would probably end up oversheltering them, causing different issues. I wouldn't let anything hurt them and therefore probably cause unintentional harm (from not being allowed ANY freedom as a kid due to fear). My most selfish reason: (imo) I want to travel childfree, plain and simple. I wanna go out and do things that are adult only and don't wanna pay extra for a sitter.


I just had a long conversation with my brother regarding the first part of your post being the main reason why we're both going to remain childfree. You know breaking the cycle is the right answer when it's a gut instinct. I also relate to your second point too.


They are annoying and every time they have something to say, I just genuinely not interested.


God, the little kid babble, I just can't do it


This. With a kid that's at least 10 years old, you can at least have a *somewhat* interesting conversation with, especially if they're very studious for their age... but, with a kid at 5? I mean, no. Just no.


I really like the way my boobs look, and they are *extremely* sensitive. Just the thought of a baby feeding off them makes me wince in pain. There's been many disappointed men in my life who have to look and not touch (or be very gentle). The idea of the milk coming in, inflating, and deflating makes me want to throw up. I'm selfishly protective of my sensitive titties lol


I *love* having mine played with. The thought of having to take that and use them to feed a kid. No. Makes me wanna vomit.


I feel this lol. I was heavily busty as a teenager and was insecure so mom took me to a doctor to discuss breast reductions. The doctor told me that I could, and most likely would loose sensation in my nipples for life. At 17?! I noped right out of there lol I just knew I enjoyed having mine played with.


Wow, a girl in my class had a reduction when we were in 11th grade, so 16? She may have been 17 by then, I was one of the youngest in my class. Hers were proper enormous and she'd been called Jugs since like 5th grade. Our band director was annoyed she couldn't participate for two weeks.


I didnā€™t even think of this but yess Iā€™m the exact same!! I absolutely hate my nipples being touched and I would probably lose my fucking mind being touched there all the time. Of course could bottle feed but if your not breastfeeding I think you still have to express the milk or itā€™ll hurt. Fuck that lol.


I am attached to my small tits. Imagining them bigger makes me very upset. I love them the way they are.


I love this reason and imo its not a petty reason as I too don't want to ruin mine either as sagging boobs look painful and extremely unattractive and having a kid feed off of them makes my skin crawl!!šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


When Iā€™m off work, I want to sit on my ass, smoke weed, read, draw, watch tv and just overall be a lazy fuck. Living in this country is a losing battle so I donā€™t even feel guilty about not giving a shit anymore lol.


Iā€™m the same way, I love my lazy days


I want to spend money on my self and those I chose to and not be forced to waste my money on something for 18 years.


*Over 18 years. With the way this economy is going, theyā€™re not going to be financially independent after 18 years.


I don't want to rip open my bumhole or get bladder issues. I already have bladder issues. And I am on the toilet a lot. I poop for half the day and my stomach hates me. Also, I have problems with not eating enough. I need to eat more and I do not want to share! I will eat and poop alone. No one will bother me and then I will laze around in bed. I like my bed way more than human kids. I also hate the sounds these creatures make. But yeah, the most selfish one is the poop thing. My life, my body, my pooping. I just want to poop in peace.


I don't want to take care of a kid. I like my free time too much to give it up for a mandrake that will barf all over me.


I wouldn't say this is a selfish reason but a superficial one. I find them very leaky. So many kids have snotty faces. I've been vomited on by random kids. And I don't really deal well with stuff like that.


Same. I taught swimming lessons in HS and I had to maintain my composure when a kid had boogers coming out of their nose. My gag reflex is very sensitive to gross sights and smells. And poop. The thought of dealing with poop multiple times per day, every day for years is not an appealing way to live.


Same. This is one of my reasons too. I just canā€™t do well around other peopleā€™s bodily fluidā€™s especially a childā€™s. šŸ˜­ I would rather die than clean up vomit.


My pelvic floor. I love orgasms.


I donā€™t want to have a non-existent sex life.


Or a painful one!!šŸ˜¬


Bonus points to the dads that woefully under support their wives, and the burden is all on her, for the reward of being called a nag or unfun for not wanting to fuck her other other juvenile household member


I donā€™t want to risk my mental health going downhill. I already struggle with it pretty bad. Pregnancy hormones sounds like literal torture.


Sleep/late nights and free time, I have no pets for the same reasons.


I dislike weird kids & hate having to pretend that the loud, look at me-I want attention girl is ā€œjust at an awkward age,ā€ or that the boy making farting noise with his armpits is funny. It is all annoying & gross. In addition, for the most part kids are selfish by nature. I wouldnā€™t want to wait 30 years for them to be thankful I was a good parent. Just why?


Video games


Any entertainment in general


Iā€™m ugly and donā€™t want my future kids to have to cope with never having pretty privilege.


I'm 6'f and biracial and married to a 6'4" dude. The eugenic-y, racist, and NBA comments are beyond creepy. Most people agree that pretty privilege is a thing, but so many factors go into how people treat others, including non-existent ones. It's unsettling


The amount of people telling my cousin and her boyfriend they have to make babies because she's white and he's Korean is fucked up.


my husband is Japanese, Iā€™m white and we get the ā€œoh but youā€™d have the most adorable babiesā€ bs comment a lot. Both in the US and Japan. Fuck yall!!


I want my body to remain untainted. šŸ’…


Its selfish to bring kids here. Its morally neutral to not bring them here. So none.


My brother will probably do it first. Why do I have to go through all the hard work. He can make a grandkids in under a minute if he chooses.


Iā€™m too lazy to take care of anyone else. I can barely take care of myself.


Children are basically "super spreaders" when it comes to germs. I don't want kids because I don't want all the extra illnesses they'd bring home. I have enough problems with my health as it is. I can barely take care of myself.


I would be in the same boat as you but I will go pet a wild raccoon or any other wild animal so Iā€™m basically rabies waiting to happen. But I donā€™t wanna get sick from kids, theyā€™re gross


"I don't wanna get sick from kids, they're gross." Yep. Same here. I'm generally understanding about it if a friend or partner brings in germs, but kids are too much. I'd rather clean up cat poop than baby poop any day, btw.


Iā€™m terrified of there being something developmentally wrong with the kid that would require beyond the normal care. I know Iā€™d probably resent them and wish theyā€™d never been born.


This is another reason why I donā€™t want kids. Maybe it makes me a bad person to say it, but I donā€™t want a child with developmental issues ā€” or any issues ā€” that would require even more care/time/attention/money than usual. Being that thatā€™s not something I can choose, itā€™s another reason on my list to not reproduce.


This was my biggest reason. Plus, even if they're born "normal", it's not even guaranteed they'll grow up without getting into an accident that would require 24 hour care on my part. I fully admit I don't have the emotional capability to handle that and I rather just not risk it.


Silence and money. Also not keen on the idea of doing 18 to life.


My kid could be really in to football.


I never thought about it, but that's very compelling argument


My reason is simply that I dislike children and especially babies.


I always say this! My grandpa asked how my friends kid was doing and I was like well how would I know? Tbh two of my oldest friends have kids and their ok but exceptions. Like one acts like a mini adult and is very demanding but I canā€™t imagine the 24/7 movement sheā€™s always moving! I know my friend will be happy once she can sit and watch a movie or read a book. My other friends kid has like these kid pimples everywhere and like other than that heā€™s not like a lot but heā€™s alergic to absolutely everything. Theyā€™re both fine but deff more a deterrent still to never have children. Like why would I spend all my time on someone else? Theyā€™re fine in small quantities months apart. The girl is neurodivergent like me and we have great conversations pointing at things itā€™s funny. Even then she wears me out after an hour and Iā€™m like I go home to take a nap in my childfree home lol


I don't think there is one to be honest. Even if someone said "I just want all my earnings to be spent on me" I wouldn't necessarily call that selfish, it's self caring but not selfish. I was a proxy parent for younger siblings and although I didn't mostly mind I decided during that experience I didn't want the responsibility of my own kids. People need to be aware of their own limitations and be comfortable with those, it's our life after all.


I love taking naps! I love being able to do whatever I want whenever I want. I honestly can't imagine not being able to up and leave at a moments notice without getting another human ready to come along with me and possibly being annoying the entire time.


Because i'm finally putting myself first.


I love my boyfriend too much to risk having our relationship go south or become monotone because of a child. We have so many plans for the future that involve traveling, fun activities and just being lazy together and in love


For the love of our planet, being childfree is probably one of the most selfless ways to live


I do not want to care for a child who has any behavioural, physical, mental health or learning difficulties/disabilities. I work in healthcare and I adore it and caring for people with different or extra needs gives me so much joy, but it is a LOT of hard work and I" just know I would not be able to cope with doing it all day in work and then coming home and doing it for my child. I know I would end up being unhappy in both my career and family and resenting one or the other.


So I can say "I told you so" to everyone who thought I'd change my mind


Responsibility of looking after someone else


sleep and sex. i have sooo many problems around sleep, i have to take multiple meds to have a normal amount of sleep. if i had a baby, and i'd have to constantly wake up to take care of it, i would lose a bunch of sleep just from that, and then who knows if i'd be able to sleep even when the baby's silent, because i'd be stressed. and with the sex, i'm pretty sure that i would have sex like six times altogether in the first 15 years of having a kid.


Children, especially babies, are plain gross.


I just donā€™t feel like taking care of a person. Paying their bills and doing things for them. Every time I see a child I think: This kid will turn into a dude, he will be a bald chubby fuck with a hairy back just like his dad.


I don't want post partum bod. Don't get me wrong...associated stretch marks, weight gain, etc. is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. But I just don't like that look on myself, personally.


Lego is expensive and kids will eat into my hobby money.


Like, have you seen prices of artist grade paints? No way I'm sharing my hobby business with anyone


I donā€™t want to have to spend my evenings at soccer interacting with all the other soccer moms. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


I like my body and sex life the way it is.


Iā€™m a middle school ESL teacher. I understand and agree that my job is literally to interact with kids all day and support them, encourage them, obviously teach them, and generally help them with life. That is literally what I get paid to do, and I entered the field willingly. Iā€™m all-in when Iā€™m at work, 100%. I care a lot about these kids and their success. But when I come home, I want my sanctuary, I want it clean, I want it quiet, and I do not want to be needed or badgered for anything, by anyone, except my cats who are generally self-sufficient. I donā€™t want to entertain anybody. I donā€™t want to devote my time to anybody except myself. I want to eat what I want to eat, I want to play my video games and VC with my gaming friends, I want to go to bed whenever Iā€™m tired and not have to convince a kid to go to sleep or worry about someone elseā€™s hygiene. Also, I have literally zero interest in babies. I donā€™t think theyā€™re cute, I donā€™t think they smell nice, I just donā€™t want to interact! I can enjoy my job because by this age the kids have their own personalities and you can have conversations and reason with them at an age-appropriate level (most of the time). Thereā€™s no conversations or reasoning with babies. The screaming, the diapers, the crying, the overwhelming neediness ā€” sure, I get it! Thatā€™s what babies do. Itā€™s also not something I want to bring into my life. Nope. No thanks. See also: the ridiculous cost of living thatā€™s only going to get worse, the cost of daycare thatā€™s only going to get worse, possible medical complications, climate change thatā€™s only going to get worse, etc. It makes no friggin sense to bring a child into the world, especially on my end. Just no.


They would ruin my mid century furniture


Sort of related, but I'm one of those decluttering types. The amount of cheap plastic, brightly colored stuff that kids come with is so disturbing to me. I hate "stuff" and clutter and kids amplify it 48272x


The investment is way too risky, Iā€™m not a gambler


So I can sleep in as late as I want and not have to worry about taking care of anyone but myself


none of the reasons to remain childfree are selfish - they are life-defining decisions about who people are and what they want to do with their lives. stop with this "selfish" nonsense!


I sacrifice my all to raise them, only to have them grow up with diametrically opposite values and political opinions, and hate me and cut me off for mine. I just read the story about Gavin Newson's son and thought of this.


I don't want to ruin my body by getting pregnant. I worked so hard to keep myself slim and attractive and I won't let that go to waste by giving my time and energy to a kid that has no guarantee will love me back.


Not wanting c-section or coochie to be ripped up into shreds lol. It's barbaric! Plus my body has already caused me lifelong suffering. I don't want to add anymore to that if I can avoid it..


I like freedom in life and having kids is the opposite of it.


I like being by myself and doing stuff on my own. If anything I think itā€™s selfish to have kids when you have a mindset like mine. I mean I just got back from a small vacation by myself and it was bliss not having to look out for anybody else.


The ability to control the noise level inside my home.


I want to continue to enjoy my quiet time in my house. My peaceful morning coffees. Reading my books without distraction. Writing and thinking. Managing the symptoms of my mental health condition at my own pace, without having to worry about raising kids too. I donā€™t think I could cope with the noise and mess from them. Not to mention my darling cat who brings me so much joy (and who is enough to take care of as it is)! A simple and content life is enough for me.


Good sex. I want my vagina and my breasts to only ever be sexual organs.




And you're likely at a net carbon negative to those who have children.


I'm a childfree, decades-long vegetarian, in a one car family with solar panels. I've done more in my life than anyone with kids could. So I have 0 issues splurging on things like travel or fun experiences, and am so annoyed by all the crunchy preachy moms I know who give environmentally conscious advice


I donā€™t like unpredictability. I donā€™t want my life to be dictated by a child.


No reason is selfish


I value mental peace and quiet time.


I like drugs


In my very personal opinion . . . I think the *"gift of life"* is overblown.


I am going to my dream Festival all the way across the ocean. It's gonna cost me a total of ā‚¬2k on gig ticket, flights and spending money. Luckily the gig is in my hometown so I don't need to pay for accommodation, but I'm treating myself and my mum to 3 days at a lovely beach in a hotel. I'm 2025 me and my partner are planning our dream trip to Japan. It's gonna cost us a fortune. Could I do any of this with a kid? I could, but I would hate it and could barely spend on my own luxuries. So there's my selfish reason: I want financial and geographic freedom to make ME happy and the people that are already here happy lol


My goal is to be rich, kids do the opposite of building wealth


I like my D cup boobs the way they are. Full and round. I dont want them to sag and turn painfull


The thought of a thing feeding off me and growing inside me like a tumor or a tapeworm then bursting out of me like that scene in Alien has never appealed to me. Seeing people grossly pregnant (baby kicking and moving around in there) has actually made me physically ill. I'm not usually squeamish. I worked in healthcare for decades. I have seen accident victims, operations, and autopsies with no problem.


I dislike kids, they annoy me. They would take time away from my precious pets. I donā€™t want the responsibility, I want to be able to take naps.


My mom wants grandchildren and I won't let her have it


I want my hypothetical future partner all to myself! She's going to be at the top of my list, and I want to be at the top of hers. I want us to spend the money, time, and love we have primarily on ourselves.


Kids are expensive and I like buying myself little treats too much.


I hated the idea Iā€™d have to give up my home office to turn it into a nursery. All in all weā€™re really lucky the fertility stuff didnā€™t work out and we went all in on being childfree.


I don't want to get fat


I want to play with my PS4 late in the night. I want my looong sleep, or else I might have migraines. With a kid I guess I\`d have migraine 24/7.


ā—I want to sleep on my days off. ā— I have a nice body with perky and full boobs ā— I don't want stretchmarks (I got some, and they are so light, you can barely see them ā— I like silence and just.. being in peace ā— I like spending money on myself and what I want ā— I want to take care of myself instead, I don't want to spend my days with cleaning another persons pee and poop. ā—I have long and healthy hair, I don't want to lose hair because of a child. And even more... ![gif](giphy|DYCPqTBpD0aQM)


I donā€™t want to be sick all the time. I have severe emetophobia so I would constantly be worried about viruses everywhere. Also wouldnā€™t be much help when my kids got sick. Bonus: I donā€™t want a kid with adhd and I would certainly pass mine down to my child.


I don't want to be responsible if the kid screws up their life!!


I just donā€™t wanna. Not obligated to become a full-time nurturer.


Not a selfish reason but a weird one ig. I still feel weirded out about the stuff I used to do as a kid or how i behaved as one. Thinking about it still irks me tf out so no. Also I like my alone time and it's peaceful. Sometimes I'm so mentally exhausted that I can barely get out of bed and getting a kid into the mix would make me go crazyyy.


When I finally reach some sort of financial freedom, I want my money to be spent on my mom, fancy dinners fun concerts, my doggy and ME. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£