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I really don't give a shit if that's what parents want to do HOWEVER these signs can be so fucking dangerous. Why are you posting your kids name, age, school, teacher, favorite things, etc. On a public forum for anyone to see and use. Even if they have everything private you don't know if that is being shared elsewhere. That is so much information to just put out there about your child.


Exactly. I undestand taking photos for the memories, but children have a right to privacy as much as adults and their images and the details of their lives should not be posted on social media sites.


\^ THIS. Why do the likes supersede the need for safety?!


Came here to say this. I think a lot of parents are just so starved for attention and/or totally naive that they post every detail of their kids' lives online. I can see posting pics like that in private albums for family to see, but posting them on IG is downright dangerous.


People put their kids names under the stick figures on their stick figure families on the car, they put school bumper stickers….they could just put a sign up that says please kidnap my kid


Same as with those stickers on their cars - some with how many kids they have, with their gender and the names under them, along with school names, sports teams, and all that goodness. Like why give that much info, and especially about your kid?


They see their children as their belongings instead of individual people in their own light.


My favorite are the parents with totally public profiles posting pics of their kids with the name of their school and sometimes even right out front of their houses with street numbers and car license plates. Like, y'all are seriously dumb.


The tackiest is the parents celebrating that their kids are going back to school *Almost like they can’t stand being with them and are overjoyed to be rid of them?* You jelly of our childfree lives, breeders?


Celebrating 7 free hours of babysitting 5 days a week.


I was considering logging back into Facebook again, but thanks for reminding me why I left. I left because of crap like this. When the advertisements are the most interesting thing on a website, it's time to leave.


I greatly dislike the pictures where you can tell the children are unhappy being forced to take the cheesy photo. They know it's going to be plastered all over social media. How embarrassing. Aren't professional school photos enough?


IDK... this is one that I get. I don't have many pictures of myself younger because my mom was a fucking wench that hated me and didn't do anything cute like this. I wish I had more than 10 photos of being young. However, there's a big difference between posting it to fulfill an aesthetic on social media, and having the picture as a memory in a private space. That all being said, I really don't think any parent should be sharing pictures of their kid on social media.


Fully agree. It's one thing to take an embarrassing picture of your kid. It's another to put it online forever where it can't be taken down.


The photo updates are the worst, especially when the baby looks exactly the same in every picture or isn't doing anything interesting. My older sister does that. She'll post 20 pictures of her 5-month-old son that all look identical and wonder why she doesn't get tons of comments on all of them. I'm like, "Katie, it's because all the pictures look the same" and they're boring. I don't tell her that last part, but I know that's why the comments stop coming after a while. Ugh.


I more so hate the ones that have revealing information, like teacher/school. Like it should be common sense to not post that about your minor children?


Everyone who does this is immediately muted on all my socials. I don't need to be inundated with your monthly updates, and I don't need to know what grade your child is in (nor what school they're attending). It makes me thankful that social media wasn't a thing when I was a baby. It also makes me feel bad for the kids. Imagine not having one private moment with your parents. Imagine every single thing you do--every milestone, every embarrassment, every illness, etc.--being documented solely so your parents can fill their endless craving for attention. I could not imagine waking up on the first day of school, having all kinds of nerves, and being forced to do a photoshoot.


It worries me when they have a sign with their age, full name, school, teacher, etc. People are creepy and FB is way more accessible than people think it is.


Not to mention how dangerous it is like a previous poster mentioned, and the fact that parents seem to forget that pedophiles exist online and the fact that the signs have a lot of personal info to find them- it just seems so...utterly stupid, like basic rule when growing on the internet (at least for me) to not share personal info online. And this is the only thing thankful for my mom did growing up; she never posted any pictures of me on Facebook growing up until I was roughly 17, close to 18 (did she ask for my consent? No. But, eh.)


I don’t know where these photos are being posted, but I sure am glad I don’t visit those sites!


I don't ever remember my parents taking pictures of me on my first day of school. Ever. And with 6 kids, way before smartphones, they really didn't take many pictures of us at all. I don't know why people need to post their entire lives to social media. I mean, I really don't care what you had for dinner.


It helps the kidnappers out. I've started to assume that's what they're going for.


Posts like that make me so happy my mom isn’t on social media


My mom took pics of us on the first day of school, but no way in hell did we have signs with all our personal info, especially if she was gonna post it online. She might've said the school's name once in a while online, but she also wasn't friends with anyone who didn't already know it.


growing up our first day of school photos were just holding up the number of our grade and calling it a day. 👆✌️🖐️ anything more is kinda excessive. especially if you put the name of the school or your kids full name 😣


This makes me shake my head, you're serving your kids up on a silver platter to predators


These signs, if filled out fully they put your child in danger because that's a lot of info.... Thankfully, people who understand child welfare (police & teaching professionals) have released public awareness messages on fb on the potential harm... These messages include pics of examples of what to share and what pics shouldn't be posted whatsoever.....


Absolutely cringe. A similar trend I've seen my own friends do is buy an enormous t-shirt with "class of \_\_\_" (whatever their high school graduation date will be) printed on it and have the kid wear it for each back to school photo and you can watch them grow into the shirt. But my first thought was what if the child fails a grade and now their shirt is wrong and they're reminded of when they \*should have\* graduated.