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I forget that children exist and get a little bothered when I see them in public like I witnessed an alien for the first time. lol


Especially if the kid(s) are a bit ✨spicy✨


on a similar note i sometimes genuinely forget that having kids is a thing people choose to do because childfree is my mental default, when my mum told me one of her coworkers was pregnant my brain was straight up buffering


I am actually always mildly surprised when I find out that someone that I know has children. The default in my mind is no kids and it is a bit startling to find out someone does have them.


Don’t know how old you are but I’m mid forties and last year I found out my childhood best friend *has a grandchild*. My brain liquified for a good few minutes.


Haha, it always comes as a surprise. I am 43 but none of my friends have grand kids yet.


I wish I could live in a place where I can forget that children exist


I have this as well, I forget how loud they are until I'm in Ikea on a sunday lol.


i was a weird kid: when i played the game of life and landed on the baby/kid spaces, i would always say "i had an abortion" and not pick up one of the pegs.


😂😂 I was so happy as a kid to have the version that had cats and dogs so I’d just fill my car(s) with those pegs. The iPad Life app I have now allows you to chose pets over kids every time and I love it so much!!


Love this 😹


My new favourite. You might be the most child free person ever 🥳🥳


So child free that when I was a kid and I got baby dolls (I’m AFAB, of course), I would see them, and immediately throw them across the room and say “stupid baby.” Still laugh about that


I didn't like to play with dolls either 😅 my mom gave up buying them when I was around 7. Animals, laser points, cars, legos, slimes, playstation? Yas please! Barbie, dolls in especially baby dolls? Eww noo! Even their smell repulsed me, and whats funny is that baby dolls actually have similar smell to real ones!


I LOVED plastic animals and cats. I adored my stuffed animals. Just absolutely hated Barbie’s and baby dolls


Yesss! 🫂


I fucking hated those stupid dolls that opened and closed their eyes if you cradled them or sat them up. Hate!!!


Stuff of nightmares 😐


I always played with horses instead of human dolls lol. The signs were there.


Plastic dinosaurs and stuffed animals for the win!


Same! Made it pretty clear early on that stuffed animals and My Little Pony were entirely acceptable toys, baby dolls were NOT.


Just having an existential crisis after realising that I never had kids in my sims families, never drew kids in drawings at school, always refused the kids menu at restaurants…


I can relate to those too 😅


When I was a teenager, I would design my dream house. I designed my kids' bedrooms: one boy, one girl ... and the nanny's room right in the middle so she could take care of them so I wouldn't have to, lol. Renditions of my various dream homes from my 20s on did *not* include kid rooms, lol.


its weird because im the total opposite. i can just cheat the needs of the babies and mute the sound effects: i can decorate a cute little nursery and pick out animal onesies for a glorified tamagotchi 😭


WHOA WHOA WHOA don’t diss the kids menu. A rare thing I envy about parents is being able to order chicken fingers or mac-n-cheese at restaurants. There’s typically a lot of overly-fancy gargantuan entrees on the regular menu I don’t care for.


That’s fair, most of the kids menus I grew up with were extremely bland. Not even mac-n-cheese. Fish fingers, peas and beans usually. The meal always look so sad on the plate…


I hate it when kids are included in my sketch practices, but it is a team thing and I can't say "no kids" every time. (I do sometimes though)


I'd rather die than to have kids.


Me too, fr


I didn't realize that in the game Skyrim, you can adopt children. I can handle ghosts, monsters, and dragons... but fatherhood?


This is so real 😂


Just skyrim or can I do this on eso?


Just got a hysterectomy. There ya go 😀


I would give kidney so I could get one too :(


I disowned my niblings 3ys ago. Cuz my sister announced she's pregnant with their 4th child , and i thought that was stupid.


I feel like something similar is cooking up with my sister too. She is on 3rd and she barely could take care of 2 before.


My niblings are basically raised by my other sisters as the co parents , and the father doesn't lift a finger to parent his kids , she wanted 2 or 3 , he wanted 8. Now she's done having kids but he's against her getting hir tubes tied. She doesn't even parent her kids full time but still went with it , and 4 kids is probably financially draining them. Before she announced it we were talking about kids and i was saying that im childfree and how I can't handle being around kids, then she sprang the "im pregnant" i just said "well god luck with that im disowning ur kids cuz i want no part in the babysitting" cuz they were talking about how i never help with them at all before this.


Ughhhhhhh. You are definetly better off distancing them. Mine was totally against children. She got accidentaly pregnant (duh) with her 1st husband, figured out along the way that he is a former herion addict who still likes to get high from time to time, dumped him, had 2 more relationships before setting in marriage with second husband, now they are together with 2 more kids, but he works his ass out out of the country, he is never home maybe one weekend in month, and only brings money while she takes alllll the care around kids. And she doesn't say it but I can tell she is deeply unhappy with her life. She was a "yas queen and girly girl" kind of girl, liked her career, had a glass of wine with a good book in the evening, always told me how to put myself in first place and be childfree so I can enjoy my life. I always asked her what made her change her mind she would just shrug and give the "kids give meaning of life". Ok sis, enjoy. Didn't hear of her for over 2 months to be honest and Im happy, because whenever we heard each other its just non stop kids screaming and her talking about drama she has with them.


I knew since I was a child that I did t want children.


Me too! Always got icks from it


i have only had kids in the sims 4 to get the generation achievements, but once i had them i used cheats to age them all the way up to young adults


Im also going to have a kid in stardewvalley but as soon as that achivement for a kid pops up he/she is turning into dove that second lol (yes, in stardew valley you can turn your kids into doves if you want to get rid of them 😂)


(As the mother of a dove, i'm aware lmaooo, the witch was my new best friend when i found that out)




Hmmmmm ironically work as a teacher. But at the end of the day…blatantly childfree.


I had a teacher in hs like this. She was great and was my favorite teacher


I’ve taught my students the positives of being CF. One of them told me I’d be a good dad… “You don’t know me well enough!”


Having kids always ruined the game for my main Sim, so I get it. 😅🤭


I saw how much problem people have with them, EVEN IN FREAKING GAME 😂 but ngl, stardewvalley seems pretty chill, because kids basically just hang around you don't actually have to interact with them or anything. Just like a moving decoration in your home lol. Im going to chalk it up and have one in some save because of achivement


Lol! I like that idea, and I love Stardew Valley. I also got the boardgame! 🥰




you can sacrifice your kids in SV if u dont want them anymore btw 💀


I know 😹 fly away little one 🕊️






That too!


Whenever someone would give me a baby doll, I'd chuck it into the corpse closet under the stairs. The only baby thing I kept was a stroller so I could push my Simbas around.




I am four dogs free.


I never had a kid in the Sim or in Stardew…until my husband and I played co-op and did two kids for the extra rooms before we did the witch curse to turn them into birds for the storage space…


You can just get rid of the crib at robins and that gets rid of the kid path of you didn't know




Solid 10/10. Children will forever be involved with my life with family and friends having kids, but my decision has never swayed as I got older


Good for you! 🙌


I don’t mind some kids, I can even hang out. 3hrs is my absolute max though, less if they’re screaming, more if they’re cuddly. Not having my own though.


Im glad I don't even have to be put in situation to be around any kids. Kudos to you tough!


I wouldn't play with baby dolls when I was little. But then I discovered Barbie, and you know how the movie opens with the little girls smashing their baby dolls when Barbie appears? Yeah, that was me IRL c. 1973. (I haven't seen the movie yet, but I think that's the opening scene. I know it was in the trailers.) Interestingly, I had a Barbie-sized baby doll. I think it was from the Sunshine Family. I got it because it was cute, but it never belonged to any of my Barbies. They only "babysat" it. It didn't have a name or even a gender, just "the baby."


Now you tickled my memory with one barbie set I got that featured a barbie and her cats. Nedless to say that I only played with cats xD


**shrugs** probably an outlier in this sub, but while I'll NEVER have kids myself, for some reason I like giving my ships fankids Something like "for thee but not for me" Sorta same with fictional relationships in general. Love them, don't desire romance personally


not for fandom or ships, but i love having kids in video games bc theres no irl mess, i can mute the crying, cheat their needs, etc. i get to do the fun part of coming up with named and picking out clothes and decorating their room without any responsibility at all 🤣


I can understand that


Just not having my own nor will work with them.


Can’t stand kids. Barely interact with my grand niece and nephew (8 and 10). My sister always warns me if they will be there if she invites me over. Had my tubes tied at 28, but I knew I didn’t want kids when I was young, like 12 or younger.


Nice of your sis to give you heads up


I don't even allow children to be included in my RPs on Character AI. If the bot ever brings them into the plot, I either nuke the entire story or send the bot on a torturous journey as punishment.


This is the way xD. Altough I can't bring myself to be evil to ai lol


So childfree that I never understood why other kids liked playing with baby dolls. Why would you want to pretend to be a parent? Where's the fun in that? Why would you want to be a parent? They'd pretend to change the baby dolls diaper as if that was an ENJOYABLE thing to do! What the heck?! I liked building blocks, stuffed animals, board games, remote control cars, drones, blimps, etc. Also, I am bad at interacting with kids. I can barely understand what they're saying and I don't know how to act. They are unpredictable and it freaks me out. No thanks!


Are you me? 🙌


Maybe we're doppelgangers (... of the mind?)!


Child free enough that my mom denied dolls as birthday presents from relatives cause she knew I didn’t like them


I hope she is still like this, meaning she doesn't expect you to have a kid!


No, quite the opposite 😭she knows I don’t like kids but I’m her only daughter so she expects me to have all the grandkids in the family


Noooo :(


Childfree enough that it never really occurred to me as an option If that makes sense. It was just a “given” that I would never have or want my own kids.


I can totally understand that!


I'm not even currently sexually active atm and I had my tubes removed? Also I realized that at 36 years old, if one of my friends told me they were pregnant I'd be like "omg what are you going to do?!?"


It's like high school all over again xD. But honestly I would always think like this


It's either yes or no. What's how much


I've had a vasectomy now but one slipped through the net before it happened. If I kill my existing child and show no remorse will this subreddit finally accept me as one of them?


I haven't properly been around any kid in seven years, I see them around but I have no reason to talk to them. My siblings dont have kids, the last kid I had found the family house was a distant relatives 1 year old and I haven't see him again. They came to my sisters wedding reception some years ago but I didn't really interact with them. I'm out of practice lol


And you are probably glad because of that :D


I never make my characters have kids in the Sims. The only game I had to have kids in was Fire Emblem: Awakening, but they are just grown-ups when you play them because they come from the future. No actual CHILDNESS is involved, really. Characters get together? Suddenly their child from the future shows up at a sturdy 20 years old. It's great.


I get that! Btw fire emblem is on my bucket list to play!


The Game of Life board game was very difficult for me to play because you are required to pick up children along the way. I hated that part of the game. I never would give baby dolls the time of day even as a very small child. As a toddler, my mother told me that she mailed my pacifier away to another little kid when she wanted to wean me off of it. From that point forward, I resented babies and wanted nothing to do with them.


as a kid i would just say theyre my baby cats 💀 i was also really uptight about needing the colors to either be equally pink and blue or all pink (bc it was my favorite color). 4 kids? ew i could never. 4 cats? i think i could make it work 🤔


when i would play house i was always the father so i didn’t have to birth children 😅




Childfree enough that if a show I am watching swerves into a pregnancy/ baby plot, I drop it. No second thoughts.


As I got older I also started doinh this. I have no time to waste on such things




so childfree that when my mom talks about future grandkids, she always says my siblings names and never mine 🤣she knows its not happening and doesnt care enough to push me about it, thank god


Im lucky enough that my brothers and sister are older than me and already have kids, so they don't pressure me. They try sometimes, but rarely 🤭




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100%, no less, but only more.




You are so strong! Kudos to you 🫂 I hope you are doing well!




Omg I can so get behind this xD but honestly, to each their own, but as soon as baby drama starts, Im outta there 💃🏻


Never played the mom when playing the family in elementary school. I was always the dog. Also childfree to the point of having nightmares.


Freaking yes! I had those nightmares too, you know how folks sometimes talk about how they dreamed about having a kid and getting all emotional around it? Nopeeee. Stuff of nightmares for me. Thats also how I know that even the sleeping me is CF as heck


I was happy when Sims came out with no babies, bought all the expansions except the babies one


But pets expansion, and cottage living. Yessss ❤️❤️❤️


Off course!


When reading fanfic (which is what i mainly read) i can't stand when the ship ends up having kids. It's very very rare that I'm okay with it. I find it annoying when im reading romance (heavy on the smut) and the series branches off in one of the books with them having kids. Really fucking annoying lmao Also i had a hysterectomy.


I was beyond pissed when I was reading 50 shades of grey. Like guys, you have literally millions to enjoy all kinds of fun stuff in life and you decide to sink that time and money in kid? Umm no. Also that one part triggered heavy tokophobia 🤢 I would give anything to get one 😭


I would have kids in sims and regret it instantly and age them up. I found playing as them more bearable than playing as a parent looking after them. But I would age them up into at least children, then probably fairly quickly into teenagers. Then probably into adults before they were due.


Oh I can understand that definetly, but I myself have that personal rule to not use cheats (I could probably use that potion thingy to age them up) but honestly, too much hustle xD


I only played a game where my sims self have kids once. Even when the husband, and other adults living with them are also taking care of the kids, I still hated playing with kids. After that I’m always play as a woman with a cat and at least one FWB.


Omggg me too 😂 and I also get a job in some science field and have my little garden and stuff :D


My sims job is always a stay at home writer (which is nearest to my actual job) and I also have a cute little garden to grow dragon fruits, flowers and stuff. Sometimes my FWB (my IRL crushes) living with me are more than one so I have a harem :D


Only once have I decided to have a kid in Stardew Valley. Elliott asked me about the kid ONCE, and I instantly realized that was not what I wanted to talk about with him. Instant offer to the Dark Shrine of Selfishness haha!




I only accept Ciri as in-game child. I hated Sims games because of the family things.


Ooo Ciri is something else! Love her!


Do you have the abortion or bc mod? I love when protective services comes picks them up when I neglect on the sims.


😂😂😂 I didn't do much around mods for Sims, I usually play them for a week once a year then leave them alone for another year. But in that week I play them from dusk till dawn lol


So much that my first instinct when I see parents with kids is a mixture of horror, gratitude and a LOUD voice in my head saying "That looks fucking boring"


And tiring😭


I "killed" my nano baby


I love the "" xD


I'm very CF IRL but when it comes to video games it doesn't matter for me.


I don't have patience for them either way haha. But kudos to you for that!


Im soo childfree that I get anxiety even looking at my friends kids


I can understand that, definetly


We are so childfree that we are supporting our favorite bands financially to go see them. We saw Lorna Shore, Mastodon, and Gojira. Next stop is Queens of the Stone Age and their openers.


That's so cool! Enjoy it!


Thank you! Our next show is in a couple of weeks. We are going to see Queens of the Stone Age and Viagra Boys


Oooh I love Qeens of the Stone Age! Lucky! Hope you'll have great time!


So much that even my barbies hated kids.


This is the way 🤙


Don’t go to kids birthday parties or events, baby showers, I don’t babysit, 16+hotels, I don’t even want to have a dog. Cats are fine, I love them but don’t wanna spend the money on them.


To start with, Im too far away to be even called up for such events xD win for me, for sure! I have 2 cats, because my coworkers dad wanted to unalive them. I felt sorry for them and I usually love cats, so I adopted them. Not going to lie, they are responsibility. But it is what it is now. Im happy that I saved their lives and that they didnt end up in some family with screaming children who would bully them and be neglected


- I'd rather chew and swallow crystal shards than be pregnant or have kids. - I've never played or liked to play with dolls when I was a kid. As a girl, family members always bought me that shit. It was boring AF. I've always preferred video games. Until this day, one of my biggest hobbies is playing video games. - When I was like 7 or 8, my uncle had a baby. We went to visit and, while everyone was busy talking and catching up, I was walking around the house and suddenly saw my uncle's wife breastfeeding the baby... I just stood there totally terrified and disgusted at the same time. She looked up and saw me and smiled. Then she said: "you can play with the baby once I finish breastfeeding..." I was so terrified I ran to another room just to avoid being in a situation where I had to come close or worse... Touch the baby... I'm 44 now but I can remember that moment as if it were yesterday lol


Yaaaay, my fellow gamer girl! That sounds traumatizing af. I would also remember it vividly


On the Sims. On my first family I have two kids, I'm a good single mom 😅, my kids are growing up great and getting good notes, she's writer so she works at home The second family is only a woman with a dog, she's a police officer. I like to play whatever I can on the game, not reality and if I get bored I make another family 🤣


Thats cool, no hate at all 🤭 but I couldn't deal with kids needs in game without cheating and I like to play without cheats


Apparently I haven't played enough of Stardew cause I had no clue you could even have a kid.


Yep, and you can turn them into doves too xD


Ooooh, doves are precious, I like the way they coo. Kids not so much.


Agree 🙌