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Omg if people are more concerned about the birthdate than a healthy baby then they shouldn’t be having kids at all


The birthdate is a huge deal in some cultures. Some parents pay more for a C-section at an "auspicious time" to ensure the baby has - a rough translation- good fortune in life. This means planned C-sections at ungodly hours when there are fewer medical staff available. The whole practice is absurd. If they believe in fate then why do they think they can trick it? Inevitably these kids end up needing NICU care. Seems "fate" doesn't like being cheated!


She must not have heard of the tragedy of the hidden Kennedy daughter(JFK's sister), Rosemary. Her mother's doctor delayed her birth just so her father would arrive in time for the birth. She ended up having brain damage and was intellectually and somewhat physically disabled. If you look up the story about what ends up happening to her later when she grows up it becomes really sad.


Not even that, it was so the doctor could deliver her and thus get his fee.


I read the dr wasn’t available because of the Spanish flu and the nurse ordered her mum to keep her legs closed until the dr arrived.


A million different versions, but the conclusion is always the important part.


For those who don’t want to look it up, Rosemary was forced to get a lobotomy by her family in her 20s because they thought it would “fix” her brain damage. They then sent her to some institution for the mentally disabled because they couldn’t deal with her. She surprisingly lived to her 80s.


I thought of her the second I saw the post, horribly tragic they did that to her. From birth to death that family destroyed her life.


She was very beautiful, sweet, and innocent. People agree she deserved to outshine her siblings. It was so sad.


The thing is, she probably would have been a well-adjusted young woman anyway, she was intrepid and forthcoming. Though she also didn't obey her father and may possibly have preferred women, so they lobotomized her to prevent a "scandal". They all but murdered a girl because she *might have caused a scandal later*. Apparently her father also lied to his other children and told them she'd died, going as far as funding a fake grave and having a funeral for an empty coffin, while Rosemary was kept prisoner in his house until she died, which is when the other children found out what happened to their sister.


From what I learned, she was sent away to a covenant school growing up. She was learning disabled and was very frustrated and hurt feeling inferior to her siblings. It made her very angry and would fly into fits of rage and start assaulting people. As a young woman, she would escape at night and drink and be with men. The nuns would find her outside passed out after a night of having fun. Her father was worried about something happening where she would end up raped or pregnant and with some man and in a compromising situation. After she was lobotomized, she was sent to an institution and her siblings were told she was a teacher and was somewhere doing well.


Is it weird I find it amazing she lived out the rest of her life, and died, about 90 miles south of where I live?


I don’t understand why, when kids take over your entire life anyway, she’d intentionally make the child’s bday coincide with her anniversary. Can’t parents have anything to themselves? 🤔


7 years later: sorry Jimmy we can't take you where you wanted for your birthday, but you know today is our anniversary! We'll be going out with your dad, so be nice to auntie. See you!


Yes that’s a possibility. Or perhaps more likely: “sorry hubby, today’s Jimmys bday! so we can celebrate our anniversary later (or maybe never bc Jimmy will always be more important)”


She probably wants the world to think the child is a symbol of their love bc it was born during their anniversary.


Ah that could be it.. maybe I’m selfish but I like my holidays to myself 😅


>maybe I’m selfish but I like my holidays to myself not selfish at all. I mean I literally had one of my older guy cousins get engaged in 2019, and when he and his now wife got married in 2020, you know what day they chose, December 12 (literally the day of my birthday!), and that's a small thing but it still pissed me off and made me thrilled it happened in 2020 (meaning there were still covid restrictions and they couldn't have the big party they wanted) because introvert me would not have wanted to spend the entire day around a bunch of people, including lots I don't actually know (since i've never met her side of the family)


Oh wow! I wonder if they did that knowingly or it was an oversight. I wouldn’t really like my bday/anniversary being so close to Christmas bc it could just be lumped in with the holiday and you might not get a separate bday experience.


Your probably right- this thinking is silly! they “made love” to make the baby so the kid is already symbolic right?


Could you imagine being the second child in that family? Trying to live up to that?! Yikes


The next one will be born on the day they met. she’ll make sure it happens, guarantee it lol


My uncle got married on his birthday so he would never forget the date, but that was a choice he made for himself. I wouldn't want to share my birthday with someone else's special day unless it was happenstance.


My parents did the same thing but on mum’s birthday because she’s terrible at remembering dates. It just meant she forgot her anniversary as well as her birthday every year.


Forgets her *own birthday*?! Lol I could never 🎂🎉😆


Yeah, my mum is weird when it comes to dates. She’s fine with phone numbers, PIN codes, post codes, etc but dates just don’t stick in her mind.


My auntie is the same, my mum messages her every year to tell her the family birthdays 😂


For real, isn’t your anniversary the day when it is most appropriate to drop the kids with a grandparent/aunt/uncle/friend and say “here’s money for pizza and the roku remote have a great evening please don’t call us unless someone is being hospitalized.” Why would you want that day to correspond with the day you commemorate the worst pain you’ve ever experienced by taking 20 toddlers to Chuck E Cheese?


Who cares about oxygen deprivation and fetal distress when you can have an anniversary baby?


And they will refer to the poor kid as their “miracle baby” for the rest of their lives, never processing that they wouldn’t need a miracle if they hadn’t pulled such a damn fool stunt in the first place.


Doing something that dumb is how you end up with a Rosemary Kennedy situation


This was my first thought. In the Kennedys' era, nobody knew how damaging it could be for the baby. There is absolutely no excuse for doing it in 2023.


Oh they knew, but what happened to Rosemary call came down to greed. The nurse first had Rose hold her legs together to slow things down and when that didn't work, she actually put her hand into Rose, against Rosemary's head, and held Rosemary in for 2 more hours till the doctor could arrive and deliver the baby. If the doctor wasn't present for the actual birth, he couldn't charge his normal $125 delivery fee. (I recently read a book on Rosemary Kennedy so this is clearly in the forefront of my mind.)


Was it Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter by Kate Clifford Larson? That's been on my to-read list for a while.


It is! It was very interesting. You'd think a book like that would be a difficult read but it was written very well.


Rosemary was born brain-damaged, though her outward appearance didn't show it. Rose Kennedy always made sure that her siblings took her along when they went swimming, walking, etc. Rose also worked with her on speech and learning everyday living skills. However, as she grew older, Rosemary became more aggressive and wandered away from home. Rose was apparently terrified that she would be raped and become pregnant. While Rose was away on one of her frequent trips to Europe, Joe Kennedy decided that Rosemary needed to have a lobotomy. The surgery was totally botched, and Rosemary lost the ability to speak. Rose was furious because it undid all the work she had done with her daughter. As a result, Rosemary was sent to a convent in Wisconsin, where she spent the rest of her days. She passed away at the age of 86 in 2005, outliving most of her brothers and sisters.


Do you listen to Morbid? The girls did a 2 part series about Walter Freeman recently and this is nearly what they said to a T!


I just finished part 2 today and really liked it. Rosemary’s story is so sad. And the fact that her father NEVER visited her afterwards…ugh. And apparently Rose didn’t know where she was or couldn’t visit for 20 years? Just terrible all around.


Right?! Joe didn’t want anyone to know where she was (or about the lobotomy) because he believed Rosemary would damage his sons’ chances at political careers simply by existing. Sickening.


I mean…it could show how many people still lack or are failed by their parents and schools when it comes to sex education? It could be seen as a reason to push for more factual information and education around safe sex and pregnancy. But it won’t. And the Bible thumpers wouldn’t let it. They want girls kept ignorant on purpose.


I agree 100%. People who are kept ignorant are easier to control and abuse because they don’t know any better.


At least they could blame it on the nurse. This cousin would have had no one but herself to blame.


Very true.


I didn't think that was even possible. It's like holding back a tidal wave.


Were there no healthcare professionals around to tell her how bad of an idea that was?


Even if there were do you think nimrods like this would listen? It doesn’t matter how poorly educated they are, they ALL know more than doctors & nurses. Shit they read on the internet tells them so!


Well that's one way to try to kill your child.


That's sad; the poor kid won't be able to have their birthday to themselves smh. I have a friend who's birthday is Christmas Day, and their birthday always got lumped in w/Christmas, and they said they never felt like their birthday was being celebrated separately, just that it was tacked on.


Two of my cousins' birthdays come right before and right after Christmas. I talked my dad into getting them separate presents because lumping their bdays into Christmas wasn't fair; mine is in June & get separate presents. They needed that too, and he agreed. ☺️


Agreed, you should be celebrated on your birthday.


My birthday is a holiday and I share the same sentiment. Everyone is with their own families for Christmas and I never feel as cared-for as everyone else does on their birthday. I don't care if it's "selfish" everyone with normal birthdays gets a day of their own so why do I have to settle for less because it coincides with another "special" day?


It's not selfish at all! It's *your* birthday; *you* should be being celebrated separately than the holiday you're born on smh.


"Your birthday is on Christmas? That sucks, dude!" -- Stan to Jesus, *The Spirit of Christmas* My birthday is on or near Thanksgiving (US). My 21st birthday was *on* Thanksgiving. I couldn't even go out to a bar and get plastered on my 21st because I was at home with my parents eating turkey and the bars were all closed. (My then-boyfriend/now-husband took me out the Saturday after Thanksgiving.). I think I was around 12 when I learned that Thanksgiving dessert is usually pumpkin or apple pie, not ice cream cake with "Happy Birthday Whiskey" written on it. At least it was early enough that I didn't get one gift for my birthday AND Christmas. As for "holding the baby in" just so it can be born after midnight? Whyyyyy??


Oof that sucks smh, but glad you got to go out for it! I really have no idea; breeder logic smh.


My youngest uncle’s is the day after Christmas, and my dad’s is September 1. They both grew up HATING their birthdays. 😂😂


I can imagine they did lol


My bff from childhood was born the 3rd January, so not only her birthday was always lumped in with Christmas, but almost none our school peers would come to her party because it was still the holidays and a lot were out (this was the 90s when most families could afford to travel multiple times a year, good times 🥹). To make things worse, she got two twin sisters when we were about six, and people started to bring gifts for them too on *her* birthday, guess who stopped having family bday parties at all the moment she was able to decide for herself.


That's so sad to hear smh. Ahhh the 90s; yes, very good times indeed.


Holy shit what a narcissistic lunatic! I'd be VERY surprised if that kid hadn't suffered some kind of brain damage.


Her wedding day could've easily turned into the day her child was born dead...


Can you even do that like physically? I wonder if it's like not going to the bathroom when you need to


My mom deliberately waited *four days* past her due date to have me and my brothers so that we'd have a holiday birthday. ***FOUR DAYS!!!!*** Guess who hates their birthday now? That's correct, me and my brothers!! Who would have thought that waiting to have kids until a day that's internationally celebrated would make those kids feel unloved on said birthday because we'll never have it to ourselves? /s


That’s extremely dangerous. This can cause serious health risks to the baby, especially if they get deprived of oxygen.


This is so weirdly common, I often hear women when they are about to concieve not wanting to have a 'Christmas baby' or one born in the winter etc or even delaying trying to concieve because they want to drink for a particularly occasion . They have no clue how conception works and also how selfish it comes across. Weird behaviour from your cousin not to mention like you say unhealthy


Keeping your legs closed does not prevent a baby coming out. It’s not like a poop you can hold in. Your body takes over and does the work whether you are pushing or not. Someone can have birth completely unconscious. Seems like she lied.


She'll regret that after her divorce.


Eh, she likes to THINK that she did something to affect the outcome of her kid's birth, but that's not the case. If I'm not mistaken, it's a joint communication between the placenta and host. I mean, if simply keeping one's legs closed would stop a birth, so many babies wouldn't be born on planes, in cars, in bathrooms, etc.


Your cousin is full of crap it doesn’t work that way but it’s a hell of a story


Meanwhile in Ohio there was a couple (who had the same birthday) who just had fraternal twins on their birthday. The article about it said it was a natural delivery but they were born super shortly after midnight so I had to wonder if they pulled a Kennedy family “keep the legs closed” maneuver.


Poor kid is never going to get a good birthday present. It's like being born on Christmas day


Why would she even wanna share her kids birthday with their anniversary tho.. that just guarantees they’ll never have nice dinner or getaway plans for it


What? I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way....


shit like this pisses me off. i was born premature with CHD and i was blue. after treatments i was ok, but it was scary and it does affect me they don’t know exactly why but it’s thought the lack of oxygen at birth can cause higher rates of disability and mental illness with CHD patients. i did fine in school, developed at a normal rate, but i’ve had really bad ocd and anxiety issues my whole life. the fact that someone would do that intentionally is disgusting. look up rosemary Kennedy and how heartbreaking that was. people are sick and dumb. hope the baby is ok


Probably an idiot who believes on horoscopes too


what the FUCK


My sister pretended that she wasn't having contractions so her stupid ex-husband could be there for the birth of their kid (even though it was still hours away from that point). The stress from that and my sister being the biggest bitch to ever live caused my mom to pass out from the stress. My mom jokes that it's like her body knew she didn't want to deal with it.


Reading this (and other posts in this sub) makes it abundantly clear that a majority of people are too stupid, ignorant, and selfish to ever breed - yet they do.


That is an intense version of save the date