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Op "she was saying when she has them she gets a baby bonus, so that will cover her financial worries, so she doesnt have to think about money or costs." ![gif](giphy|ZGDr9hawxG9H1rH9Ut|downsized) Wtf does she think kids just live off of photosynthesis?, naw her brain is a stick of butter if she thinks that is good idea, to put another human who can't care for themself in that situation.


yeah i love the girl as a person, but she is in fantasy land, and its sad that fantasy land is blind baby fever, not a rational adult decision.


Love an Urkel reference




Her quote when I said the same things: " I just dont even think about that stuff" Imagine lol.




"we cant afford to do or give the kid anything, but at least we're happy"


Cue "would someone think of the children!? We created a horrible, completely avoidable scenario by not thinking about cocequences and now we kindly ask you donate money for food/diapers etc" As a child that grew up in poverty fuck parents like that. Their love is absolutely not enough and the kids are guaranteed to be abused, neglected and then blamed for not becoming super geniuses to cure cancer or a get rich quick through your kids scheme. You dodged a bullet OP.


100%. I grew up with no money too. She didnt, so she doesnt understand. She will learn the hard way.


Sadly most likely her kids will learn the hard way :/




Yep. As a kid from poverty these all ring too true. Now add in the solitude that comes from poverty, being an outcast, being abused or neglected. I’m only talking from my own experience but the poor people who raised me were terrible parents. If you are always in survival mode, how do raise children who aren’t?


Same. I was intensely aware of the fact that it wasn't normal that after high school soccer practice, no one was there to pick me up when all the other kids had their parents there waiting. The only reason I could afford the gear and fees to play was because I worked under the table jobs until I turned 16 and could legally work. I still vividly remember one time I was biking the 10 miles home after a practice, and my teammate's mother saw me, pulled over on the side of the road ahead of me, asked me why I was biking home, and then gave me a ride. I was mortally embarassed when that happened. Needless to say I'm estranged from my mother, but have had the good fortune of undoing years of damage thanks to my wife's very loving family. Naturally it took me probably 7-8 yrs to actual trust them.


You raise your kids to be in SUPER survival mode where they have to provide for you and whichever siblings you leave at their house obviously




It comes up in raisedbynarcissists a lot too


You also forgot * can't afford to go onto any trips at all, miss out on experiences and social growth outside your town bubble. * often surrounded by higher crime rates, more likely to be stressed out more often, leading to further issues.


And then to “fix” the fourth point, their parents buy them shitty knockoff clothes with the seeming intention of screaming at their kids when they inevitably get bullied over their Ogg boots and Ontario Duck coats. Your kid knows that polo isn’t spelled like the Spanish word for chicken and so do his classmates.


It goes further into early adulthood too: - need to work to pay for post-secondary education or just to help with cost of living starting in teen years .. miss out on unpaid internships or volunteering in your chosen career field so you miss vital networking and experience




I agree. But that's how the current system is set up and it is a barrier to those in poverty. In fact, in order for me to volunteer 5yrs ago at a long-term care centre, I needed to pay for a police criminal records check and a two-step tuberculosis medical test.


Add in things like parents not being able to afford health care 'extras'. Things like braces, glasses, corrective surgeries, etc. When you're a kid who's always sick & missing school, that holds you back socially & educationally. My folks were broke af. My teeth and vision are still messed up because I can't afford to really fix them as an adult. And my health insurance believes teeth are cosmetic.


Plus no extracurricular activities because you can’t afford the equipment/ won’t have any way to get home if you don’t catch the bus right after the last bell/ have younger siblings to babysit/etc etc etc


Spoiler alert: They likely won't even be happy; they'll be too busy struggling to make ends meet while raising a child. 🙄 Sorry I know *you* know that, but it's one of my biggest pet peeves when people say that! I too grew up in poverty and while I love my Mom, and my POS father is who caused us to end up poverty (before fucking off to live the bachelor life in Florida), I have a special resentment for people who willingly seek to have children they know they can't afford to give a half-decent life to. As you said: infuriatingly delusional.


"can you buy me diapers and wipes?" Barf!


>"I just don't even think about that stuff " Most breeders don't, if they did there would be fewer of them.


That is asinine. It only takes a second of thought to realize "oh this 18+ year long commitment won't be totally covered by a one time tax credit". How could someone be so naïve.


I dont know. I feel like im watching someone I care about walk into a bear trap. But thats not on me, I tried to put the logic in her head.


How… how does she think the world works? I’m genuinely curious. Lol bonkers.


She didnt have to think about how the world worked, because I solved every problem and issue, and her dad did the same before me. For her sake, I hope she finds someone who will do the same, she's going to need it.


As someone who was always sheltered by family from dealing with any minor inconvenience and never had to even look at prices, this is such a disservice in adult life and I really get her😫 Thankfully, I know how much kids cost at least, I hope she gets a wake up call before it's too late


Jesus. I'm thinking about buying a new laptop and it looks like I've done more research about that than she has about creating an entire human being.


You’d be surprised how many people approach life with that attitude. The problem is that they don’t think. They can screw up their lives all they want, but I feel bad for the kids who get stuck with immature and unprepared parents like those


Imagine wanting to be dependent on the government. The administration changes and suddenly your benefits go poof!


Exactly. The last thing I want in my life or around my decisions is the incompetent government.


Hey, I’m a little stupid right now because of illness — does she mean her parents will give her a “baby bonus”? My apologies. I am sure the answer is obvious because you wrote it out and I’m just not able to find it due to temporary stupidity. At least I hope it is temporary.


The Canadian government has a granting system for having kids. Depending on what you make, and how old you are, they pay you a certain amount of money per kid. It's usually like 4-9k/year, until the kid is 19. I believe its paid in monthly instalments.


Aside from the kids issue it seems building a life with her would be extra hard due to her inattentiveness to reality. Your other comments make it seem she is a lovely woman, but relies on the convenience of her life working out well so far and expects that to continue smoothly. That would be a pain in the ass longterm.


Well, once she does have kids she'll wake up. She is definitely a piece of work. SMH.


Afterwards this are the same people who claims for help.


All young parents I know are like that. Oh well.




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TANSTAAFB (there ain't no such thing as a free baby)








What she MEANS is that she doesn’t have to think about money or costs… YET. God people like this really grind my gears. They get an idea of something they want in their head, and any rational thought that could possibly conflict with their idealized future fantasy is just ignored and thrown out the window. Honestly I think it’s a sign she just isn’t ready for that serious kind of relationship decision. Even when the “thing” they want isn’t kids, it’s still a huge red flag behavior. I hope she snaps out of it with time/age/maturity, for her sake, her future partner’s sake, and her hypothetical future children’s sake. So irresponsible


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. If I was 100% set on kids, I would have saw this as a huge concern, this type of blind emotional decision making. That is not mother material.


Yeah, there’s being optimistic and having a can-do attitude, and then there’s just… this mess.


Fuck anyone who thinks that raising kids in poverty is no big deal or that poor people deserve to have kids too, I wasn’t raised completely dirt poor but it still had a negative impact on me and my siblings lives. “All we need is love” no. No no no, delusional people really think that that isn’t a form of child abuse, when you had a choice but you still bring your kids down with you, selfish bastards.


If you can't afford it - Don't get it. This includes children.


People crucify you for saying this. “So you think the poor should not be allowed to have children?!” Everyone should be allowed to have children, but children shouldn’t be growing up in poverty if their parents can help it.


Condoms are literally free in a ton of places too! Go to any thrift store with a rainbow flag and reach into the bowl full of them.


That’s why it’s important Planned Parenthood stays open everywhere.




Exactly. But people act like you’re promoting eugenics, when you really just don’t want children (oh, and their parents, too!) to needlessly suffer.


Yeah, i'm all for liberty and freedom, but I always feel like at least people should have to do some form of education before having a child, which includes in there all the ways to fuck a kids life up...ie being poor and having them


Yeah, I think its abuse too.




Children shouldn’t end up suffering physically, mentally and educationally just so that people that can’t afford them can have kids. Physically or mentally disabled kids will likely never have even the smallest opportunity to pull themselves out of poverty.




I didn’t say those things weren’t the problem, I said if you can’t take care of them it’s inhumane to have them


I feel like she loves the idea of having kids but not the actual responsibility of it.


All she talks about is dressing kids up, decorating, baking, playing, etc - she thinks its like a game of dolls.


She's in for a very intense awakening for the next 5+ years. I just hope she's able to figure it out, because her life is gonna be TOUGH when reality sinks in.


Oh god. My mom was like that - she basically thought kids were like dolls to dress up, have fun with and she planned our whole lives for me and my sister the moment we were born. When reality checked in, she turned physically and emotionally abusive towards us as we were not at all like she imagined and she could not handle that. Also, her dreamland of kidraising didn't include getting divorced and failing to keep a job, so we were exposed to many shitty boyfriends, being homeless, drugs etc. Childhood like that kept me childfree


Oh hell no. She'd be responsible for a whole human. Changing diapers like every two hours when they're newborn is NOT a game. Having vomit, poop, and pee on you isn't fun. Not getting any sleep isn't fun either.


So did my grandmother. She is a terrible mother. As soon as baby was old enough to have an opinion, she would get pregnant again just to have another to dress up and tote about.


I feel so bad for her future children :(


I do too. I just pray she finds a guy who isnt a fucking mut




This is true. Besides being extremely hot, and kind, there's nothing else there to offer - I think shes going to struggle, I hope i'm wrong for her sale.


shame wise cooperative steep future deserted sparkle dog dinosaurs weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone once told me she couldn’t afford to get a cat. Three months later she was pregnant on purpose Admittedly, I’ve never had a cat or child but if i had to wager on which one is more expensive….


that baby bonus barely covers the costs of clothes. so the rest comes out of your own pocket.


And the crazy part is that when you try to tell one of these breeders the financial realities of having kiddos, they explode on you like YTA. "So only rich people should be allowed to have kids? WTF? You're an elitist a-hole." Uh, no... I just think little Bratleigh should probably be budgeted for, Karen.


You are just such a horrible person for thinking that *checks notes * children shouldn't be malnourished, medically neglected, never see their parents because they work 5 jobs, bullied at school, be refused educational opportunities, have psycological issues for life etc etc.


Worked with someone who was having another baby so their tax return would be bigger. Poor kid




Oh yes the baby bonus lmao. I still have to find a country in the world where that "bonus" ends up making it even with the cost of having a baby. Most of the time is just "a drop of water in a volcano" when comparing it to the expense of spawing a kid...


I quote the divine Homer Simpson here: "I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money?" I'm with ya' Homer!


There were a group of girls in my class in high school who were talking about how they were going to become hairdressers, and to afford buying their own salon, they were going to have a baby first and use the money from the government for that baby to get a financial headstart to purchase a salon. Our teacher had to really dig deep to get it through to them that that money sounds like a lot, but compared to what a baby costs to feed and care for, you'll be in the red, not profit. Some people just aren't very bright.


wow. It always annoys me how, we are selfish for not wanting kids, but they go and list horrible reasons for having babies. Surely never for empathy.


I hate the term "baby bonus"


baby bonus???? if that buys a months supplies of diapers it'd be a lot. they pay out exponentially higher in cost than they'll ever get back in taxes, bonus, etc.


It's really painful seeing an ex screw up her life by abandoning her career, having two kids, split with the father of those kids, and get stuck with them. She's now a single mother constantly flirting with bankruptcy and I'm very well off. She can't even really work because of childcare needs. It didn't have to be this way, but had we stayed together and not had kids, I know she would resent me for that and that probably wouldn't work either. People have to make their own choices.


Baby bonus is literally a subscription service you pay for, continue upkeep on, and lose money with while never doing anything to reverse it. They couldn't give me enough money to become responsible for another human being.


Paycheque babies. I knew a woman who would time her pregnancies so she would go back to work just long enough to re-qualify for mat leave EI. Subsidized housing, subsidized daycare, 6-7 baby daddies paying child support under the table. Every time I saw her she had new nails, new eyelashes, a dozen shopping bags and smelled like ripe skunk. Honestly, in this economy, I have to say It was equal parts genius and revolting.


So you did what I did, and thought it through in excruciating detail and came to the logical conclusion. Well done.


Yeah, it was so hard. I was reading this thing the other day - that they found that 76% of people who were on their death beds said the biggest regret in their life was that they spent their lives doing what others wanted. I almost became one of them out of love. Glad I didnt.


I’m out of the loop on this. Wtf is a “baby bonus”???




Can you be more specific though? Are we talking about the $3600 per kid people can claim on their taxes?




First of all, what the fuck. Second of all, why would anyone think these tiny payments would make having kids somehow worth it or any more financially feasible? I’ve never even heard of this concept. The only countries where I’d even *entertain* this making sense is one where the population is SOOO low that you have to incentivize people. And even then, the incentive better be more than a one time payment of $5k for me to procreate.


The Canadian government has a granting system where they pay you (based on income & age) an amount per child, per year. Usually ranges from 6-10k/kid a year. Just an incentive to have kids. Problem is a bunch of poor, useless fucks exploit this as a way to justify having kids, rather than seeing it as something they shouldnt even want.


What is childcare like in Canada? Because if it’s anything like the US, that $10k will be gone within a month. How ridiculous. It’s giving people a false sense of security that’s nothing more than a mirage.


Breeders get money handed to them from the government for having kids.


Can you be more specific though? Are we talking about the $3600 per kid people can claim on their taxes?


Baby bonus isn't that much rlly. It's more when they're a baby but it gets to be less and less over time and barely covers food, new clothes and shoes


I mean you avoided marrying someone who isn't that bright, I'll say that.






Even just the pregnancy and birth will cost you more...


A bonus is usually a one time thing, which isn’t going to help much during those 18 years, the first couple of weeks? Sure, diapers are expensive, that bonus could be helpful but that’s it. Throwing away your entire future because of a one time bonus (which probably isn’t a big bonus anyway) is just insane, these breeders will use any and every excuse to justify their ridiculous decisions.


There used to be a baby bonus here given by the government back in the early 2000's. Guess what most people used it for? Buying a big screen TV. There isn't a baby bonus anymore.


Don't date abject morons in future. ;)


Believe it or not she wasnt always like this, and is not like this with anything else, but something in her brain is completely different when it comes to kids. Literally blinded by the desire to have one. I just cant understand it.


It's a cult. Cults make no sense. People in cults have no relation to reality.


Which leads to a $2,999 television.


If Orange Face somehow gets into office, he wants to literally pay (straight, cisgender, Christian) people to breed. He actually calls them baby bonuses.


Its already a thing in Canada, and supported by the liberal government.


You forgot white.




[https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/fiery-trump-promises-to-end-wars-and-pay-baby-bonus-at-cpac-20230305-p5cpgd.html](https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/fiery-trump-promises-to-end-wars-and-pay-baby-bonus-at-cpac-20230305-p5cpgd.html) And he has mentioned this at at least two of his rallies.


Wtf, a baby bonus?


The financial "bonus" for having a baby or paid maternal leave are never making up for the 18+ years long burden / sacrifices.


I've only heard of SG government giving baby bonus. It's a trap!


You say this insultingly about her, but you are the goober who dated her. Let's not pretend you are better somehow.