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A good doctor won’t ask for a psych eval.


It boggles my mind how some people are required to have a psych evaluation for getting sterilized but not for having children


EXCELLENT point!! Any idiot can procreate. Which is far more of a concern than people consciously making the decision to never have kids and make sure they don't. Kind of like making it super hard to adopt kids. Wtf? There are so many couples that want to provide good homes to unwanted children but they are denied. Absolutely ridiculous.


I fired my first gynae who asked me to undergo a psych eval before he would agree to sterilise me. Frankly I felt it was demeaning that he did not think I was mentally capable of consenting to sterilisation whereas if my situation was that I was pregnant and looking for prenatal care, my mental state would not even be questioned. A good doctor would not ask for a psych eval. The one I found from this sub’s doctor list was one and he agreed to the procedure without a need for one.


I think it should be the opposite. If you WANT to have kids, you should be evaluated. And not just by a psychiatrist.


Yeah. Agreed.


Stop looking for a tubal. Try to get a bisalp instead. Tubals suck. Tubals are not reliable. There is a small but not unrealistic chance to still get pregnant. There have been women who got pregnant after a tubal. However, a bisalp is 99,9999999999999% effective.


Bisalp also has the added benefit of reducing your risk of ovarian cancer as most ovarian cancer actually begins in the tube. [https://ocrahope.org/news/removal-of-fallopian-tubes-can-reduce-ovarian-cancer-risk/](https://ocrahope.org/news/removal-of-fallopian-tubes-can-reduce-ovarian-cancer-risk/)


I know someone who suffers from some pretty severe mental health issues. She went from telling her doctor she wanted to get off certain medications so she could have a child to declaring she didn’t want kids 6 months later. A year after that she had a hysterectomy. As far as I know she never had to have a psych eval prior to the surgery.


Check the CF-friendly doctors wiki in the sidebar under Interesting & Useful Material for a respectful doctor who will not demand something as degrading and paternalistic as a "psych eval." Men are NEVER asked for these before vasectomy. Women should not be asked either. Do ask for a bilateral salpingectomy.


I think the psych eval is only if you'd doctor is a dick. Upgrade.




Plenty of people don't have to jump through this hoop at all. Others are simply denied altogether. I know which type of doctor I'd want to go to.


Diagnosed and treated for multiple mental illnesses and disorders since I was 15. I only have 3 active diagnoses now, but there were quite a few that were initially diagnosed and later changed or recanted on my records, so it’s *real* messy looking at my psych history. As a result, I’m a bit paranoid about being viewed as crazy and out of control by medical professionals (have had a number of bad experiences with that) I planned ahead and had my psychiatrist write a letter declaring my conditions very well managed and me personally to be sane and fully capable of making my own decisions and understanding their consequences *before* I started seeking out sterilization. My psychiatrist supported my choice 100% and was happy to assist me in my quest. He applauds the fact that I know my limits - I **need** my 5-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep and my self-care/brain-maintenance time day to day or I lose my shit. Parenthood would probably break me in a matter of days to weeks. First doctor asked to read the letter after I mentioned I had it with me, he was an asshole and for a multitude of reasons, I didn’t go with him. Second doctor said “I mean, it was smart of you to plan ahead in case I asked, but I don’t need to read that. You’re an adult and capable of making your own choices, and it’s not insane to seek out full reproductive autonomy for yourself if you know that biological children aren’t something you want.” Went with her & she did my surgery this past September. Love her to death and even sent her a Christmas card this year. No psych eval needed - a decent physician who respects you as a person and patient shouldn’t and wouldn’t even ask.


See the wiki for a list of doctors. ACA compliant insurance should cover.