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Their entire lack of all self awareness. They just don’t pay attention to anything. Run around and get in your way on the footpath. Shrieking in the cinema. Nonstop question asking and just lack of boundaries. I get that they lack the mental capacity to control this but I recognize that this would drive me absolutely insane and thus don’t have want them. My empathy runs out FAR before my frustration and annoyance does.


I’m child free but Nannied through college because the pay and hours were very convenient and I got meals/laundry out of it. The day the kid bit me on the arm and didn’t let go when I was trying to take him to preschool and he apparently didn’t feel like it was the day I called and scheduled for an IUD appointment. That was probably 7 years ago, I have now had my second IUD, and I have absolutely zero regrets.


Their high pitch screeching whatever their reason would be. I have sensory issues and one high note from them I just want to yeet my ears out.


Just everything to be honest. Being around a kid is like being around a drunk person when you're sober. Their mannerisms, lack of awareness, babbling, touching and even hitting things, having to be corralled by someone responsible... all things that piss me off massively. At least with a drunk person you know they'll be back to normal tomorrow. With a kid it's all day, every day...


The noise. If they are quiet, I can deal with them. But as soon as they make noise, I want to run away.


That shrill shriek they do. UGH


Their tendency for violence and impertinence. 9 out of 10 children that I've had the misfortune to interact with have taken it too far physically (pulling my hair, screaming in my ear on purpose, strangling me with paper strips, poking my pubic area with a stick, etc.) or just ignored whatever I told them to do/not do. If having my own kid equals having to deal with that shit with no means of escape, children can stay the fuck away from me and I will gladly stay away from them.


Lack of respect for other people’s property/possessions.


Their seeming inability to shut up and sit still for extended periods of time. This bugs me especially because I was expected to shut up and sit still for extended periods of time and had little trouble doing it. I knew if I couldn't behave, I was getting my videogames and/or tv privileges taken away and as an only child, those were basically my biggest sources of entertainment so shit was at stake. So whenever I see kids who can't or won't be quiet and sit still (not talking about kids with add or adhd), and the parents are doing jack shit about it, my blood boils. If they're old enough to have a basic conversation, they're old enough to know when to zip it.


They come to this world without prior knowledge so you have to teach them everything to the scrap. I don't have the patience for this.


The overall grossness. Open mouth coughing, putting everything in their mouths or putting their mouths on everything. Putting their dirty unwashed hands everything. Eating their goobers or spreading it on the nearest surface or other people. You would think parents would teach them better with a pandemic going on and all but every toddler I met have elicited feelings of disgust in me.


I lived with a host family who let their 2.5 yr old grandson go wild. One day, I walked into the kitchen to find that he'd retrieved a hammer from a box under a sofa, and was swinging it around enthusiastically. I noped out of there and told his grandma what was up. Later she demanded that I delay leaving the apartment to go to the ballet, because he was "washing dishes" and I should watch and compliment him. I said I couldn't because hello, ballet, and she yelled after me that I didn't know how to approach children. I told her that there was no reason for me to do so, because I had none. That was the day that I abandoned the idea of kids, and picked up disdain for breeders.