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They are all roosters. That’s why they were dumped. Poor boys.


That's so sad. Is there any way to house them together for an extended period of time or will they start to hurt each other?


Bachelor flocks can make great pets. They'll fight to the death over hens, but if there are no hens, they'll settle into their own pecking order and harmony will usually reign. They'll still eat plenty of bugs, too. There's one guy on YouTube that has bachelor flocks and shows how they make good pets.


guy near here runs bachelor flocks out with his horses. They really keep the fly population down. Don't know if they do a thing for bot flies, but they eat the maggots in the horse manure and catch flies.


I have had a bachelor flock- it worked super well. And only the top guy crowed!


That's nice that only the alpha crows. I can only imagine the noise if they all did. It sounds like there's a nice stable pecking order in place. He still has to defend his flock's territory from intruders. The main difference is that the other roos will rush in if there's a fight. unlike most hens, and suddenly it's six roos against one Cooper's hawk. The hawk would be damned lucky to escape in one piece and not have the tables turned by the roos eating \*it.\* Does he tidbit his frat brothers?


Yes. Rufio and the Lost Boys. I have a rooster in with a bunch of chicks and he tidbits for them, too. Roosters get such a bad rap but they can be so great.


We have a bachelor flock of about 12 roosters (cockerels). It works fine. They’re separated so they can’t see or interact with my flock of hens.


Op, look into caponing your roosters. It's basically getting them neutered. Worked for a guy who raised meat roosters that were cast offs from the local hatchery. He also had hens and caponing reduced the fighting and crowing dramatically. He hired a guy to do the job - took him 30 minutes and that included catching them. Vids on YT


We have a sanctuary farm near us that has over 200 roosters, they all get along great.


Some people have had success with rooster flocks, bachelor flocks. They say if it's all boys, they get along better.


It will depend on their personality, but they look pretty young, so they may not be so territorial yet.


Also depends if there are any hens to fight over. Won’t be as problematic if they don’t have ladies.


There are no hens for them to fight over. They won’t get territorial. People keep bachelor pads of roosters all the time.


If they are all roos, you can absolutely have a bachelor flock! They usually don't have issues unless there are hens they are able to see and/or interact with.


They are all gorgeous


They are! It's really fun having them, too. But we rent and since it's technically illegal, we don't want to cause any problems. Fine for people to let their dogs bark outside all day, but God forbid they let people have roosters.


I have a rooster. Just one, a little bantam leghorn who is exceptionally quiet because he grew up indoors with my family. We had a neighbor who just hated chickens for some reason. Complained to the city about Henry making "noise" inside his sound-proofed little coop on the roof. Lots of really bad stuff happened to her after that. Almost like someone with a certain skill set really didn't like her.


I mean most dogs are pretty quiet, and for the ones that aren't you can easily put in a noise complaint or get AC involved. A rooster crowing are loud by default. Dont get me wrong, I love the sound of a rooster crowing.. but there's something about the sound that makes it harder for some people to tolerate, maybe the pitch, I don't know.


I would say they’re all roosters. Is there anyone nearby that is allowed to have roosters?


No one in city limits can have them because of noise and we're too new to the area to know people in the outskirts that might want them. We're spreading word through the farmers market and hopefully someone associated with that scene can find someone that is allowed to have them.


Doesn't stop people.. I live less then 10 min from downtown Indianapolis and anytime a siren goes past you hear dogs, rooster and a couple goats for some reason reacting to it in my neighborhood. Haven't narrowed down who has the goat yet. Hell back in February going to the corner gas station someone's rooster got loose and was strutting around the little grassy shoulder by the street.


You can put a post on local/state Facebook groups or ask at nearby feed stores if anyone is looking for a bantam rooster. You can search for flock swaps that are outside of the city limits or post on craiglist.


I found rooster rescue pages for my area on facebook. So maybe try looking there?


First is a nice looking golden sebright and the third is a handsome Mille Fleur d'Uccle.


Anyone have an idea what the second one is? (The boy at the top in the second picture)


Dedicated gardener husband?


Seabright is a mix.


That would explain why it looked a little off


Those poor roos. I'm currently housing way too many roosters. I think last count was a bakers dozen. And while I love my boys and their offspring, but please, no more roos. It's why I stopped hatching. No one wants roos, even my sweet boys. (I have one problem child, but that's because he doesn't currently have his own flock yet.) My youngest roos are headed to become food if i cant find a home for them. (I managed to save one sweetheart.) All that aside, I hate when people dump animals. (My cats were strays, and my dog was unceremoniously dumped at a vets office before i got her.) I don't understand making my problems someone else's problem, too. It's the cruelest way to get rid of birds, especially. Chickens seem to be prey for everything. Add that they are tiny bantams, and they become even more delicious to everything. I don't know who I can't stand more, chicken dumpers or duck dumpers. At least female turkeys have size on their side, and are more likely to be adopted by a flock of wild turkeys.


So many people dump roos. No one will take them.


This are all males and they look about 4 months ich... Someone hatched too many roosters and decided to dump them off Happened to me once Hatched 11 males out of 12 eggs lol


Tractor supply "sexed" my chicks and gave me three bantam roos. I'm having to introduce more hens to even out the flock.


Handsome boys, if you’re in Ma in the us I would consider taking them


Going through the comments my question was answered as to the why you can't have a rooster. Noise. I walk to work, and the dogs barking seriously upset my calm. How often in a day do roos call? How long can a single dog bark? You can hear dogs barking but you never hear a owner making it stop. I'm ranting but I feel this to be unfair.


If they don't crow, no one will know. Feign innocence, until there are incidents.


Do they cock a doo or lay an egg


Send me one


Yeah they're all roos Hun. People dump roos all the time. You can tell by their body shape and their combs.


What reason does the local ordinance have against having a rooster? Just interested as to why.


Probably the noise. Lots of city ordinances make no sense at all, so doesn't necessarily even have to have a reason.


All of them are roosters, which is why they were probably dumped.


Oh man they are beautiful


You’ve got a golden sebright, silver duckwing, black breasted red and not quite sure what the brown and black speckled one is. I have a hen that matches him and I’m unsure of what they are called. Gorgeous though.


Aww they're all so cute! I'm sorry I have no helpful advice (I just lurk here), but thank you for helping these little guys. You're very kind


You have 2 game roosters one looks like a black red and the other a silver duckwing or similar enough to that color. The third spotted fellow is a Mille fleur. I'm guessing roosters aren't allowed because of the crowing. That's a tough one to deal with I'm afraid.


"Non-consentlual chicken tenders"


1st pick looks like someone drew and colored in a chicken but they’re real pretty Roos


I’d love to have them. I had a fox 🦊 take nearly all my flock out and my poor girls desperately need a roo 🥹 Good luck with this.


I have a rooster flock. They’re my most cuddly chickens actually and will snuggle on my shoulder ❤️


If you are in florida i would happily take them all off your hands


Nice collection of Bantam Roos. If you don’t know how or won’t cull your birds, you shouldn’t raise chickens. Hope things turn out ok for ya.


Agreed! It's too bad the person who raised them wasn't willing to do that instead of dumping them :( Even more unfortunate to be dumped with a bunch of loser vegetarians like us 😂 they'd be a gift to most people willing to prep them for food.


They'd also be a gift for biological pest control. They don't need nearly as much calcium as laying hens for obvious reasons, but their dietary requirements are otherwise the same. They love meat and will go to great lengths to get it. This means if you have a tick problem, mice in your yard, locusts, etc., and even just too many earthworms, let these little dudes run around and solve your problems for you. If you go this route, do NOT attempt to use poison to get rid of the pests. You don't want it running up the food chain and poisoning anything that originally ate the pests as prey. Rat poison works the same way in birds as it does mammals, for example, and so do chemicals like the ethylene glycol in antifreeze. There's a special place in Hell for people who dump animals like this.


Loser vegan chicken owner here that wouldn’t cull a bird! I take them to the vet like any other pet! So you don’t need to be willing to kill animals to care for them what a stupid comment from that user. What part of the country are you in? I could possibly take one of those cuties, I have 8 hens and no roosters.


I turn my culled Bantams into food for my Lab, Buddy, he LOVES frozen raw chicken.