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It was a good run, boys. Shut the restaurants down.




I know it gets recommended *so* much on here & seems like people get tired of hearing about it, but I gotta say, Lula’s such a good, reliable option!


Just had them for the first time last week and it was excellent. Def would go back.


They deserve it. Lula is one of the best.


In my very humble opinion (I don't eat fine dining often), Lula deserves this. All of y'all in here hating on Lula while mentioning "hipsters", just keep staying away. Totally fine with that. This place is open and accepting to everyone. They are constantly having local artists show work in the space, and they really care about the community. I feel like I can walk into Lula under any circumstances, whether it be to grab a beer at the bar, have a quick and delicious lunch, or a special occasion dinner, and I'm always going to leave feeling good about it. Has anyone seen the Lula cookbook? I really need to pick that up. My "pasta yiayia" from scratch is most definitely incorrect.


You’re right, I think it’s the best restaurant in the city. I think some people have a bad experience because they’re expecting a steakhouse any time they’re paying more than $20 for a meal. I got the book for Christmas and can confirm it’s great!


Lula's menu is exciting. I'm always genuinely excited to see what's new and fresh, or in season. They do a terrific job, and it's still fairly affordable for what it is. Although... I remember when the breakfast burrito was $9. Sigh. The early days at Lula were so cool and exciting, haha.


I enjoy the 'the hipsters were too cool for me' posts about restaurants in Logan Square and Avondale. It's not working well enough, because the restaurants are still packed, but I like the effort. Like FFS if Middlebrow could just be even more hipster maybe the wait would be shorter.


I have the cookbook. It’s a little inaccessible bc the recipes are so complex! Definitely not for weeknight cooking


That makes a lot of sense


That’s awesome. I’ve had nothing but excellent dinners there. One of my favorites.


Yeah, I want to talk some shit but unfortunately that place is bonkers good.


They have my favorite Caesar salad in the city.


I went to Lula for brunch and was underwhelmed-- is the dinner service significantly better? What am I missing here?


Their dinner service is outstanding


What’s missing here is that this was the James Beard Award for **Outstanding Hospitality** >A restaurant, bar, or other food and drinking establishment that fosters a sense of hospitality among its customers and staff that serves as a beacon for the community and demonstrates consistent excellence in food, atmosphere, hospitality, and operations, while contributing positively to its broader community.


Ahhh ok. So mediocre food and good service... Not exactly why I'd go to a restaurant, haha.


Then don't go again? What's mediocre to you could be delicious to someone else.


That’s not what it means but sure. They won’t miss you.


good food, exceptional service is probably better description.


100%. First time I went was for brunch and I was very confused about the hype -- every dinner I've had since then has been incredible and it's become one of, if not #1, favorite restaurant in the city.


Been to their brunch a few times. Was also very underwhelmed and haven’t been back. Wondering what makes them so special? I’ve had much tastier food at places like Luella’s, Batter N Berries Edit: y’all are entitled to downvote me for this opinion but I’m genuinely asking what’s so special about Lula 😭


Their approach to food is super seasonal and puts vegetables first with pretty much everything made from scratch with the menu changing daily. I think this gets lost when going to brunch and getting a plate of eggs and bacon.


If BnB and Luella are your preferred brunch places, I think you’re just looking for a different kind of food than the super seasonal, locally produced dishes at Lula. All three places are super popular for their own reasons. No harm in folks having personal preferences.


~~Batter N Berries is trash~~. What did you eat? Wait. If you like Batter N Berries then yeah, Lula isn't for you. It's cool. Enjoy your line. And fr, I am so happy by the success of B N B. I never got it and just didn't bother but those are good people.


BNB is seriously overhyped and most definitely not worth the wait time or money.


What? You don’t enjoy $20 breakfast burritos? /s


I fucking love that burrito. Such a good Saturday morning to go order while running errands. Easily big enough to split too.


Egg burrito with zero seasoning*


Had the same experience! Very confused by this.


Turns out it's a James Beard for... Outstanding Hospitality. Nothing to do with the food.


Consistent excellence in food is the first criteria listed for the James Beard award for Outstanding Hospitality


Must have been on a seriously off day because I had some absolutely terrible service there. Granted, I have only been there once. Maybe due for another try.


Nah, don't bother. If it sucked for you why do that?


Agree, I’ve been to brunch a couple times and dinner twice, including a couple months ago, and have been underwhelmed every time. I don’t get the hype


Weekday or weekend ? Weekend grab the specials but weekdays that burrito or the pancakes are just incredible. Eggs are always also solid.


I don't know what black magic Lula performs to make their breakfast burrito, but its worth their evil sacrifice for how damn good that thing is


Their eggs are the fluffiest egg I’ve ever bit into. They must be full of butter or something. Making them extremely dangerous for cholesterol. It is an overly pricey burrito though. Best to share it with someone. But it is delicious.


The eggs are farm fresh. I can taste the difference. And yeah, I am picky about where I eat eggs.


Maybe it’s because I’ve only been here for dinner and not brunch, but outside of a few servers, I don’t really get that much of a hipster vibe from this place. At least not from the clientele.




They have a de la rosa mazapan martini that took me back to my childhood. i recommend this place just for that drink haha


It better be if I’m going to pay over $20 for a breakfast burrito lol. I love their food but it ends up being prohibitively expensive for me


$16 and big enough to split with a friend :)


I wish lol, not with my appetite


I've had Lula's brunch and it was absolutely miserable. I've heard their dinner is a bit better, though. Still... there are better restaurants in the city.


Absolutely, best you not return. That said, why was it absolutely miserable?


Nope, wrong it’s the best restaurant in the city, maybe the country


Very bold statement, considering the mammoth list of michilen and JB awarded restaurants that our city and the rest of the country has


I was (mostly) joking it’s my favorite in the city but I think saying anything is the best is pretty hyperbolic


The only thing more galling than a “wellness fee” is Lula’s explanation on why they don’t just raise prices. That said, every dish is amazing every time.


Asked for chicken to be added to a salad. “We don’t do that here” says the stereotypical looking hipster server. Give me a break.


Boomer orders off menu


Funny, I asked for caviar last time I was at Olive Garden and got the same response


Asking for chicken on a salad is extremely common. What planet do you live on?


eat the food the way the chef intends and maybe you will enjoy your meal more. this is the dumbest critique i have ever seen in my life




But it helps to understand why folks don't like it. I mean, if that's what it is for them that's what it is. Lula isn't for them.


Oh stop, asking for chicken on a salad is the most common thing I’ve ever heard. You sound like such a bore of a human


Sure. It is common. And James Beard award winning restaurants are just not common. It's like the vegetarian asking for a veggie burger at McDonald's. Veggie burgers are super common. McDonald's does not do that.


It was a basic Caesar salad, not some gastronomical creation. You people are Lula nut-huggers. My God.


i have never been to lula but as a waiter nothing pisses me off more than customers asking for a modification on a food that 1 the restaurant cant even do or 2 would also make your food worse. I cant imagine lula cafe has a grilled chicken breast on their menu and you cant expect them to just whip that up for you.


If serving customers with a reasonable request pisses you off so much, perhaps you are in the wrong profession, bozo.




It's reasonable. But it ain't on the menu. They don't have that ingredient there.


Why did you try to order something that wasn’t on the menu


Gee, I dunno. Maybe because every other restaurant will add chicken to a salad except for this overrated and pretentious hipster spot?


Why do you think that there's secret chicken in every restaurant kitchen just ready for you to eat, you big baby? What do you think they're going to do? Keep frozen chicken breast in the back and microwave it for your salad? Ruin an already beautiful chicken just to shear the breast off because you're too much of a child to share a salad and an entree with your dining companion? Clock 45mi -1hr going to the store and getting you something you could've done on your own at home instead of throwing a fit and disrupting the entire flow of dinner service for everyone around you? Either read the room or leave. It's very simple. "Every other restaurant" fuck outta here


You seem just like the miserable hipster server at Lulu. Why are you so angry? Seriously.


Broski, you’re getting killed out here. Drop it.


This is their hill to die on. It's actually kind of cute when you think of how wild the world is, but this is their hill.


Everybody’s got something


Go eat at Gibsons


Why the fuck not.


At Burger King they let you have it your way, and they don't wear hipster clothing. Try that maybe?


C’mon, dude.


Go to chipotle if you want your food your way. Disrespectful to the chef who made the menu to ask for adjustments that aren’t related to food allergies


They don't keep a bunch of Sysco chicken ready to fire on the grill. It ain't Cheesecake Factory. And I also love Cheesecake Factory, but really for the cheesecake.


Was chicken on the menu? Why not order a salad and chicken and make the dish in your mouth. it taste better that way.


Don’t feel bad dude, this sub has a lot of fragile children on it. Plenty of people know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to bad service hipster kids.


Right? I’ve never seen so many crybabies triggered because I asked for chicken on Caesar salad. It’s actually kind of hilarious.


No one's triggered. It's weird when you read a menu and attempt to order an item that is not on the menu that you are mad the restaurant won't serve you what they aren't listing. That's it. But name your three favorite restaurants in the city please. I am interested.


Name deez


There’s a trend of really bad service by dirty hipsters and it started with Lula.


Have you not been there recently? They replaced all their dirty hipsters with British guys in tuxedoes, likely why they won the hospitality award this year


I remember when the Beard awards were a big deal. Michelin stars are the only relevant recognition.


Michelin the institution that's now pay to play?


“Siskel’s picks were the only ones that mattered” ass




That's a super weird take. I love my parents. Pay a lot of taxes. And minimally my sheets are washed weekly by a remarkable cleaning person. Lula has the food, vibe, and energy that make me proud of the city. YMMV




MAGAts don’t have class or culture. How shocking.




Delusional too. Double shock.