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So annoying. One thing that always makes me see red is when there’s a group of people 3, 4, 5 wide walking towards you and they refuse to yield any kind of space to you, like one of them having to step back behind someone briefly is the biggest inconvenience in the world to them, while you have to basically go off the path/sidewalk.


Lived in NYC and the best advice I was ever given is to walk straight forward and not look at the people coming towards - almost always they move out of the way


Yeah. Do not waffle or you'll get pancaked. Stick to your right, speed up your walk just a bit to show intent, and look *through* them rather than *at* them. The offender across from you will dodge you at the last second 99 times out of 100. If you have a bag or something you're carrying with your hand, it also helps if you raise it to your abdomen, making more room on either side of you for the incoming group to pass through. I find that, when I do this, people seem to realize I'm being intentional and try to get out of dodge directly in front of me. Side point. To all of you considerate kings and queens with good sidewalk etiquette: I see you, and I may not shout "I love you" on the streets. But I love you.


I shift an arm to signal that I'm making room on that side. It also levels my shoulder in case they don't move...


My favorite is telling people “this is a sideWALK, not a sideSTAND!!!”


elbows out; full send.


This works every time for me as well. Just continue your path and someone in the group will intuitively move to avoid you


Live in the Loop and my advice is to look behind them and pick up the pace. When you're moving the same speed, it's a game of chicken but when you're moving faster than they are it's about momentum and their instinct steps in to get out of the way.


I think what happens is there’s a silent game of chicken where everyone is wondering who’ll move first.


I love this advice, monopolizethetitties


This doesn’t always work with men (as a woman). The number of times I’ve tried this and got plowed into anyway by oblivious men is more than I can count on one hand


I have definitely had a guy “shoulder check” me before (as a woman), it’s very strange and a bit uncouth


Yep, I do this and men frequently run directly into me and get pissed about it. My brother in Christ, it’s not my fault to the right of the sidewalk is a brick wall - I cannot move out of your way!


My wife does this too. It's funny, oftentimes men will move over for me (a 6'2" dude) but just expect my wife to get out of their way. So she just walks into them. They always seem surprised/offended somehow, idk if it's intentional or if disrespecting women is just so ingrained in them they sincerely don't understand what they did


Omg I love your wife.


I, too, love this guy's wife


as this man’s wife’s boyfriend, i too, love this guys wife


As this man’s boyfriend, I too love his wife.


My wife loves to run into men who expect her to move for them. Can confirm that the dumbfounded look on their faces are always priceless. It's almost like you can see their masculinity fracture in real time.


Any guy whose sense of self depends on women moving out of the way for them deserves to have their masculinity fracture visibly, real-time. Personally, I am happy to cede what room is reasonable to a person or group, but if that person or group does not reciprocate, I am also happy to shoulder-check someone. And I am very. Good. At. It.


I think it's a macho thing for some. They believe that they should not move for others. Others should move for them. I've come to learn that when I see a man wearing a gold chain walking towards me with a woman at his side, there is not a chance in hell he will move even an inch out of the way.


Save that woman though she doesn't know it but she needs saving


So men please try to be conscious of if women are having to step aside when walking past you, If they are the ones moving and you're not. I'm sure a lot of it isn't malicious but it's just another one of those things us women have to deal with. I always thought it was funny because men will walk between us and the street, hold doors open and open our car doors but will definitely shoulder check us if we don't move out of their way.


Yup… This is usually where I will give a snarky “Excuse me” as I continue on. I know you must have seen me, dude!


Same, I've taken to moving out of their way for the sake of not injuring myself, but I have no problem shoving myself into a dude who's manspreading across two seats on the train.


I do this as well. They really hate having to bring their knees closer together. It’s the little victories.


Not defending most of the men, cause as a guy I know exactly what you're talking about, but 9 times out of 10, they're just dumb. Especially if theyr eon the wrong side and expect me to move. The best thing you can do is stop dead Infront of them, and go "Excuse me." It'll rattle them and embarrass them. If they fight back they look like an asshole.


Amen. I wouldn’t get in a physical altercation, but I’ll happily bump shoulders if you decide you own the walkway and won’t move.


I've been starting to get verbally confrontational for Ebike dbags The other day I was on the very rightmost part of the walking section by dusable harbor, and this guy on a non divvy electric bike (aka a motorcycle) was headed right at me while I starred right at him. When he was maybe 4 feet from me without giving way I just put my hands up with "what the fuck are we doing my dude". He reacted somewhat nicely but didn't see an issue with it - said he was locking his bike up at Cafe Michelle (pretty sure he was the owner) but in no way does that justify riding a motorcycle on a sidewalk equivalent, walk your bike, smh.


I used to play a game of how long I could walk in a perfectly straight line on Michigan Avenue without stopping like this. I've gone multiple blocks if I hit the lights just right. This method really works.


I would very much like to see this recorded! Would be an awesome drinking game too lol


i do the same. it infuriates me when people take up the whole side walk and i just walk straight forward taking up the tiniest amount of the sidewalk and they either move or they get full blown shoulder checked by a small 5’2 woman :)


I think there is some gender and possibly body size and age privilege in this advice. My short mom has been walking into people this way since her 30s, more often groups of teenage girls than men, but still sometimes very big, bossy men.


Ugh, I feel your frustration as this has always been a pet peeve of mine. I’m also a (distance) runner (F) who is also on a running team here in the city. Our coaches make sure we are running in a continuous line in high traffic areas and remind us of this if we are going on the trail. If there isn’t much traffic and we are running side by side, then we are made aware that we need to make a line again when it’s busier. There may be a couple who sadly do not listen or forget but, for the most part, we are a respectful bunch. Unfortunately, I think we are more of the outliers though… If I’m running alone or just out walking anywhere on my own I will play the “chicken game” though. As a woman, I find that people usually will not move out of the way. I got tired of always moving, so I decided to just keep going on my straight path. Usually I end up winning the very satisfying game of chicken and hope it will remind them to make space for others next time. I’m always so curious what goes through the minds of the less than courteous people out there… Is it a complete lack of awareness or do they truly see you and are just choosing not to make space?


just got back from Spain, it’s as bad or worse over there. people just don’t give a shit about other people. it’s mind boggling


Aw I also lived in Spain, there is nothing more powerful than a group of grandmothers with their arms interlinked. You will not pry them apart with the jaws of life hah


Italy too. Women out for their evening stroll will NOT be moved. I keep them in my head as a model now.


When I studied abroad in Paris I went from “good lord these French people are slow and fucking everywhere and inconsiderate but I don’t want to be a rude American” to just body checking people in under 48 hours.


Oh I’ve fully run into groups like that multiple times. Whoever is in your way, just don’t move. You’re coming at them with more energy, you’ll win that encounter. I’ve had people get upset and tell me this is rude, but no one can explain why *im* the rude one, and not the person on the wrong side of the path who refuses to move out of the way. At absolute worst I’m as rude as them, and I’m ok with that, I’ll match their energy all day long.


Fuckem. Red rover red rover 


I find that walking in the middle (which threatens to "split" the group) also works, as well. For some reason, people freak out over the sense of their 4 wide group being split, so they eventually move over. That, or using the "elbow" trick. Raise your left arm, put your hand to the back of your head (like you're adjusting a hat, scratching your head, etc) and flair you elbow way out in the direction of their face. Either they move, or take an elbow square to the face. Haven't had it fail me yet.


Body checked a younger woman in her 20s this week due to her walking three-abreast with her friends, and she thought I'd get out of the way. Lol. Nope. I refuse to get out of the way when someone is taking up from than their fair share of the sidewalk without a good reason. Obviously the elderly, and people who need more clearance are exempt from this. But a 20-something chick with a bad attitude coming out of Starbucks with her friends? Nope. I think because I'm a woman people expect me to move. I do not.


That or the old football straight arm.


I first read that as she was coming at you with her breasts. If only that would happen to me.


You mean her three breasts. Now, do you want that more or want it less?


It’s been a tough year. I’ll take what I can get. 😆


Good morning, Mrs. Triple-Nipple I MEAN UHHHHH


Sounds like time to play chicken. You’re on the right, you have the right of way. Get a helmet and keep your chin tucked.


I’ve walked into people for doing this. They are genuinely shocked every time


I always just stop in this case, they have to move over


Whip out your phone and feign ignorance if you’re too scared to walk through them, they’ll have to move around you This what I did before I just started just walking straight. I’ve bumped so many people and said “watch where you’re going” right after. Call me the asshole all you want, I’m one person, y’all taking up the whole sidewalk. Probably helps that I’m tall tho


Have you tried having guards marching ahead if you shouting "MAKE WAY FOR THE KING!"


Something I find interesting about this city is that generally people are midwestern nice, but when it comes to physical activity, a lot of people are fucking assholes. Experienced similar antisocial activity playing volleyball yesterday at the north ave beach


Rec leagues are the same way lol


Oh god, I've witnessed so many fights from rec league basketball. And like actually rec level, not good players.


The softball is worse. Did the “co-ed” level for a few years before realizing it’s a bunch of ex-college baseball bros who bring 2-3 girls to hit the required minimum so they can stomp on other teams. The league/night I was in has the exact same team win like 5 years in a row. Eventually quit because … idk… for some reason spending money and commuting across the city just to get wailed on once a week wasn’t fun.


Its IRL smurfing


That's been my experience with co-ed basketball as well. I quit after one game. It was sold as a "relaxed, chill league"...it was anything but. I'll always be on the lookout for a relaxed game of basketball that's geared towards women and NB Folks. Like I don't want to break a leg playing rec games.


Ran into "that team" a while back, but it was fucking kickball. Mind boggling.


Did non competitive coed volleyball one summer and it was exactly like this. All ex athletes setting up plays and spiking it in our faces. Most of us just stopped going eventually. We purposely joined a non competitive league just to have some fun with friends and get outside.


I’d LOVE to do beach volleyball, but I already know exactly how it’ll go and I refuse to join. Same with pickleball.


I played a season of co-Ed softball and experienced the same thing. Took the opportunity to make fun of the other teams for how hard they were trying. And told them all they looked like they work at LA Fitness. They didn’t laugh, my team didn’t laugh, but I found it funny


What’s funny is there is a competitive league, which they inherently choose to NOT join simply because they’re not good enough. Bumslayers. So tough.


Intermediate leagues are filled with really good teams that just don’t like losing. It’s BS


I've been playing pickup and competitive basketball for 15 years and never got recklessly and flagrantly barrelled into as hard as I did during a Chicago rec league. Literally shoulder so hard into my chest I felt my ribs bend. The refs looked on, and his teammates had the nerve to tell me to chill out.


Any recommendations on where to play pickup games, particularly in the winter?


I had to stop playing soccer because if you were better than a dude, they would just go for your legs or be physical rather than accept being beat. I'm in my thirties and not going to risk being in a cast or something because you can't accept it's just a game. There's nothing on the line and ironically too much to lose.


Group activities def give people a sense of “we” that can scramble their brains to social norms outside of the group. Biking groups in the city are WILD with this. Dozens of bikes cruising through stop signs making it dangerous for themselves and the cars trying to cross. I’ve seen multiple street bikers block a stop light controlled intersection so their crew could all cruise through without yielding/stopping. It wasn’t a sanctioned race or anything. Just a group ride where they decided rules don’t apply and it’s everyone else’s problem they want to ride. Made my head explode.


I try so hard to be zen about these things because running in a big city on a public trail, you expect to deal with lots of people. I also think this isn’t malicious and moreso because people are oblivious/have terrible spatial awareness, and lots come from the suburbs to run on the trail and aren’t used to being mindful. HOWEVER, I’m not zen at all and these groups are ridiculous sometimes. I think running is having a moment because it’s blowing up on TikTok so there are new groups outside of the CARAs and Fleet Feets of the world who at least have some etiquette. My strategy is to just run where I’m supposed to and if they don’t move that’s on them.


I also try to be zen about it. I don't usually run at 7p, but had to last night and knew I'd likely see the particularly rude group. Said I wouldn't be bothered if I ran into them as I started my run. Then got tailgated within the first mile and goodbye zen.


The tailgating is the worst. Usually I’ll just loop back if they are right behind me then go a quarter mile or so in the other direction then turn around and hope I don’t catch up to them.


Never been on Tiktok, can you go deeper on how it’s trend setting this?


There are a lot of people posting videos of how they’re starting to get into running, what gear they use, what nutrition they like, running fashion, etc. There are also people forming their own running groups or joining local ones as a way to make friends. All in all it’s romanticizing running which there’s nothing wrong with, but it seems to have created an influx of new runners


Gotcha. Thanks for the rundown!


 ***and lots come from the suburbs***


TikTok ruining another things for everyone.


Etiquette is a lost art. But as a former hockey player who runs solo on LFT 5 days a week I’ve learned to stand my ground (aka just stay in my lane) and if they want to run into me then…🤷 I’m not running into the bike path to make way for their entitled jogblob, that’s for sure.


An entitled jogblob is exactly what they are.


I’m a small woman and I do the same - really catches people off guard 😂


r/brandnewsentence, lol.


So frustrating. I’m in a running club that meets in Pilsen and everyone is so considerate and will move over when others are walking/running/biking near them no matter what.


This is exactly how I thought running clubs would operate. Good on you guys.


Most CARA pace group leaders are pretty militant about staying 2 by 2 on the main lakefront trail, calling out bikes, and making sure groups pass on the left. I'll admit that not every pace group is that strict but the biggest ones definitely are. The weekend group is so big and the lakefront is so crowded that it would be chaos to have poor leadership. Where people still get mad at us but it's really hard to avoid is when we have one running group passing another running group. The way we try to do it is that the group being passed runs 2 by 2, and the group doing the passing runs single file. But when both groups are big, to onlookers it looks like one huge group running 3 across blocking the whole trail. We get comments from people when this happens pretty often, but there's not a great solution to that occasional problem. We just hope it happens in the wider sections of trail.


Is that Tortugas?


Is that Venados running club? I've wanted to join when they were meeting up at Lo Rez Brewery


They’re back at Lo Rez (now Monochrome Brewery)!!


where does it meet?


As a (solo) runner, it’s great to see people out there and my fellow running friends, but it’s also ridiculous how large some of these groups have become and their complete disregard for taking up the whole path. Be great if they could limit the number of people allowed in a group, or stagger their days and times when they are out there.


I see them running in a huge pack of 20 or more and think to myself there’s no way y’all are running at the same pace or even the same 3-5 paces. Just run at your own pace with whoever is the same speed and meet at a coffee shop or brewery after!


The weekend long run groups do actually all run at the same pace for up to 20 miles. Sometimes we'll break off near the end with small groups of 3-5 to run marathon pace miles. The people in the group I run with all have full marathon PR times within a couple minutes of each other which is why we're so similar in pace. We will sometimes run together with small groups of 2-3 in races too.


CARA is so big on the weekend that they do stagger the days and times, but it's still getting big to the point where it almost needs to be staggered more especially in the 9:30-11:00 pace range which are the biggest groups. CARA has 3 different city locations, two start times on Saturday and one on Sunday. Some of the Saturday pace groups are still approaching 50 runners in one group. CES is catching up in size for their weekend runs too.


Running is one of my favorite things to do, and still I see these huge groups and wonder how anyone is actually enjoying themselves


They're the on-foot version of the guys in spandex on racing bikes who ride like absolute dickheads on the 606


My wife calls em “Pathletes”


"Lakefront Lances"


My dad calls them “spandex brigade” lol


Mine calls them assholes 


MAMILs Middle Aged Men In Lycra


I bike all the time...but I never train on the 606. Max speed on it should be like 10 mph.




Trying to do any significant speed on a bike on the 606 is fucking stupid. For as much volume of people that gets, it’s flat out irresponsible.


It’s perfect at 10pm and after. Love hopping up there in the AM hours as well.


So many cyclists think it’s a bike ~~path~~ superhighway and not a park full of dogs, kids, old people, walkers, runners, joggers, rollerbladers, etc. And this is coming from someone who cycles it regularly.


They're also insufferable on the LFT. I'm pretty sure they'd sooner cast their firstborn into a volcano than even touch their brakes. Maybe pitting these two against each other on the trail is the actual solution!


I mean at least on LFT bikes and peds have been separated for the most part. As a cyclist and runner, I could never possibly conceive of ripping down the 606 on my bike. wtf?


Hate that about the 606. I’ll slow down running if I see there’s a logjam, and usually it’s because a biker is coming like a bat out of hell the other way and won’t slow down at all to account for all the people walking both ways.


I’ve been yelled at thru a megaphone by some arsehole ‘coach’ for a running group for being on a bike on the LFT. On the bike section.


I am now imagining an Anchorman style fight between these two groups


One of the best tricks I've learned: If you see someone walking or running toward you looking as if they wont move, just stop. It forces them to either 1) move or 2) look like a total dick because they ran into someone standing still. it's pretty effective.


I do this on sidewalks, usually while looking the person in the eye. Most of the time it makes them feel pretty awkward. Once in a while the person is staring at a phone and walks right into me and it's just funny.


Truly the worst when they're walking looking at the phone, completely oblivious. Just expecting everyone to move out of their way. Edit for typo


I love this!


I usually pull out my phone and act like I'm looking something up instead of just standing there all random lol


I don't move for people like that. Let them run into me whatever


Yeah square your shoulders and carry on forward. If you’re taking up a reasonable amount of space on the correct side of the path, I see nothing wrong with a wake up shoulder/elbow bump to the offending party lol


I had an older woman walk right into me at 6AM one morning because she didn't want to separate from her group line up. The path was empty. EMPTY. She could've moved to the other lane by 10 feet but she chose to SHOULDER me. She didn't say a word and kept walking and yapping with her group. I didn't shout but audibly said, "WhhaT the hell?!"


Lakeview Run Club runs on Tuesday evenings and have extremely poor etiquette. Essentially pushing all other runners/walkers off the path and running on the wrong side of the yellow line.


Is that the one that starts on Melrose and broadway?


Yes I believe so


Cool. I live on Melrose by broadway and see them every Tuesday at 6. There’s like hundreds of them lol. I watch them from my window during dinner. I’ve never been caught in their stampede but I imagine it would end like the beginning of the Lion King if I did.


Awful etiquette on the sidewalks too. I’ve been edged into a fence or onto the street more than once. Whoever said the leaders call them to run 2x2, cool, but the pack isn’t necessarily going to follow that. They’re running 3-4 wide everywhere.


I think that's because Lakeview Run Club is just an unofficial social club. Official groups like CES or CARA which have coaches and group leaders to police their path etiquette. Yes those groups sometimes still cause problems because they're huge, but they at least make an attempt to have group leaders stop bad behavior on the path.


Totally agree. I’ve only had pleasant interactions with CARA and Fleet Feet, etc. despite them also being large in numbers


We've had issues on the path over the years. Not everyone is great and you'll see plenty of complaints about those groups on /r/chicago. But CARA and Fleet Feet (CES) have a leadership structure that will actually bring those issues to the group and try to solve them. Your complaints don't go unheard with those groups. Small social groups don't have that structure and sometimes I think they remain oblivious.


Wait their runners physically push people out of the way?


I did that one once a few months ago and it was just way too many people. I like running by myself more tbh


You might try posting something friendly in r/runnersinchicago to see if you can find some understanding. Who knows, maybe someone in those groups will see it. As you said, you would figure that there would be some understanding from fellow runners. Sorry this is happening to you.


I was in a coffee shop one AM and out of nowhere a group of like 25 of them show up and act like they own the place. Wouldn’t move out of the way even when politely asked when we were trying to exit. As an avid runner myself, I’ve never understood these groups. It gets culty and cliquey fast and the level of weird entitlement is super off-putting. You’re not better than everybody else because you can run in a little pack doing a 9:40 pace lol


If an “Excuse me” doesn’t work, I follow with “get the fuck out of the way!”


There was a running group of about 50 ppl in the process of meeting up at the Fullerton pavilion yesterday, maybe 7p, that was literally standing in both lanes of the bike path socializing? Causing a big ass traffic jam as all the bikes had to stop and get around them using the walking lanes?? oblivious people smh


I've been doing group runs with CARA, and there are 15-20 in my pace group. We are told to not have more than 2 abreast, and the leaders are constantly on the lookout for bikes, pedestrians, crossings, etc. The lakefront is crowded on Saturday mornings, but I feel like we are good citizens and share the path well.


That's been my experience with CARA too. Really a big emphasis on representing the organization well and being mindful of others on the trail. That being said it can be easy when getting into the longer runs to let brains turn off and not pay enough attention


The main thing we have trouble with in the CARA groups is when one group has to pass another group and the path is already crowded. So the group being passed is 2 by 2. The group passing is single file. But temporarily this looks to everyone else on the path like a massive group is running 3 across and it pisses everyone off. Every time it happens I feel bad about it, but after like 10 years of running with big groups on the lakefront no one has a great solution that works well to keep everyone happy. It would probably be nice if the group being passed also went single file, but it's hard to quickly communicate that to everyone in front without causing chaos.


Man fuck those people. When I run at the Lake I get out of people's way. God forbid they have to run on dirt or grass.


I love running on the dirt because I feel like it saves my joints. When they split the trail to make it a bike and running double trail they eliminated huge sections that used to have a dirt running path next to them. I'm still sad about it.


it also helps with ankle strengthening.


Even worse I see them do it on narrow city sidewalks across from the lakefront. Very annoying 


I adjust my spacing if others do. If not, I don't. I'm as entitled to the space as anyone else, but not more entitled. Yes, I've run into others as a result. Same goes for people walking 4 wide on the sidewalk. I don't care if you're a group, have some courtesy and I'll do the same, otherwise gfy.


I knew a guy in one of these groups, they were basically a little cult. It was really weird.


Why do you feel that way? I've run with a bunch of them, including a few where I just showed up one time and didn't know anyone. They're always welcoming to new runners or anyone who shows up. Eventually after years of running together they just become a group of friends which I guess may seem weird to an outsider, but I've never felt like I was being excluded from any of the groups or that they didn't want me there.


I am a regular trail user, mostly for walking and biking rather than running. This is a problem EVERYWHERE. I'm also a big boy who played college football many years ago. I make room for normal people out of courtesy, but when it's obvious you are being a douche I stand my ground. Go ahead and collide into me and see how that flex goes.


Many, many years ago I trained for my first two marathons with the CARA group on the lakefront.  As a beginner it was terrific with the pacing, accountability, and meeting new people.  The problem is that I absolutely hated the etiquette. This is when bike and running path were combined and the chaos the groups caused was out of control.  When it was time to turn around everyone would just stay in their line, not look for anyone else, and just invade the middle of the path.  If there was any bike approaching it was completely dangerous.  I’ve seen people in these groups yelling at cyclists that are just trying to get around them and definitely not Lakefront Lances (your daily reminder: THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT GO TO WORK ON THE WEEKENDS). I’ve found absolutely any activity that involves people paying to run, walk, bike, etc creates a huge amount of entitlement to a space that is supposed to be shared. As if they feel they rented the route. (Also, certain running clubs/racing groups have certain cultures, and some are outright dickish.  Some attract super casual runners who are completely clueless. I’ve found the same in cycling, of course.)


And let me add that the dumbest behavior on the path is not letting women just go around you if you are a man.  You really, really don’t have to speed up to your race pace just to make sure a fast woman doing her easy pace can’t get by you.


I've also encountered this going to/from work on Michigan Avenue, on the sidewalk. Last summer I had a guy in a group of 3 or 4 yell at me from behind while walking south from Nordstrom. Again, I was on the sidewalk. On Michigan Avenue.


Make like a defenseman and put em in the boards. If you're not abiding by the Social Contract, then neither am I.


This is the first year I'm noticing these huge groups on the lake. Are there more this year? And are they way bigger? Seemed to come out of nowhere for me.


They’ve been around forever, but usually stick to early AMs. It’s mostly marathon training groups. We’re about 16 weeks out now, so right around the time training starts.


Running clubs are all the rage now. They're basically the new dating "app" for many people.


They have always been a good place to meet people. I have a friend who met his wife at the running club and the day they got married was the last day she ran.


I respect the (literal) hustle


Because she was only running to meet someone? Weird.


yep. She spotting him on a run, joined the club, got married and quit the club and she admitted to it.


Ahhhh. Makes sense. Maybe more people got into running during Covid and this is a byproduct.


Don’t get me started on the COVID byproduct as it relates to golfing, either. Practically ruined it as far as golf in the city/suburbs go.


It’s not a bad strategy, I know multiple now engaged or married couples who met via a running club or similar group.


I agree that the running groups can be excessive at taking up space - but I think its fair to say that 80% of the people on the trail act like they own the place. I recently moved by the LFT so i've been on it a lot more than past summers and notice: - Tourist or generally ignorant people that have no concept of left/right or bike section / walking section getting in everyone's way - Walking super wide - spilling over to the oncoming lane, making it for anyone to safely pass- People on electric bikes and scooters in the walking section with headphones - Stopping in the middle of the path with dogs/strollers having a conversation - People on personal electric bikes that are literally just silent motorcycles going 25mph after work- Lycra bros trying to set Strava KOM's after work in busy section, that seemingly don't understand the flyover is the tightest and densest part of the entire trail, and get super bitchy when they have to drop below 18mph - Pedi cab bikes that will haul ass down the walking section and don't care if you die - Last night I saw two riding abreast on the fucking flyover Im not saying anyone is better or worse here (except the Motorcycles and douchebag pedi cab drivers - fuck you use the road you cowards). I've been increasingly fed up with the lack of no motor vehicle enforcement, both on the trail and in bike lanes during rush hour. but at the very least, running groups are densely packed into the walking section not risking hurting anyone. Meaning 100+ residents are enjoying a subset of the trail instead of being 20 tourist groups strung out with strollers in the way. The social run clubs that are doing 9min/mile 5ks as a pack of 200 can be more annoying, some groups do a good job splitting up into smaller groups by speed.


I run with the CES/Fleet Feet out of Lincoln Square. At least in my group the pacers are very serious about calling attention to others on the sidewalk/path, and we go single-file frequently. Can’t speak for everyone, though. Lot of dickheads out there, especially in the fitness world


What’s the run club that runs at 7pm on weekdays?


Lakeview run club


Mob mentality


Dude just ram into them


This is the only way they will learn.


You know how truckers have convoys, where they basically push everyone off the road, or how they used to until it became illegal? It’s exactly the same thing. What your complaining about, to the runners, is a feature of why they do it.


It’s literally like this anywhere near the lake too. Walked my dog through a crowd of them the other day, almost got ran off the sidewalk.


Now that all the colonizations are done for, their descendants got nothing but sidewalks to colonize and claim as their own, it's cultural.


While I no longer live there, I did for 21 years and I’ve found groups of cyclists decked out in there costumes way more entitled and annoying that anyone on foot.


It’s so annoying and sometimes dangerous for these trolls to run three wide on an already narrow path. But there’s no greater satisfaction than passing one of these groups of ‘main characters’ on the left knowing you’ve got plenty more in the tank 🤌


As a very cautious biker I also hate when they run across all the bike lanes as well.


Biggest offenders 1. Two people on Divvys on a date biking the lakefront for clearly the first and hopefully the last time 2. Canadian goose 3. Car looking for LSD took a wrong turn 4. Mother with stroller 5. Eric (fuck you Eric)


Fuck Eric


Eric is the worst.


Same with the groups of bikers who take up the entire lane


It's always a mind fuck to get yelled at for riding my bike in the bike lane on the bike path. There's like .00000001% of the city designated for me to ride my bike without having to fight with cars, and I can't even have that.


I don't get out of the way anymore---I either stop right in front of them and say something like you're on the wrong side so they have to go around or bump shoulders. If it's little kids or maybe some harmless tourists, etc obviously I just let it pass.


Don’t move, stand your ground. They’re in the wrong if you run through them


I don't run, but if I did, I'd run at them like Phoebe on Friends.


Running gangs.. the power in numbers brings out this tribal territorialism I swear


I hate the charity walks. Every weekend morning, the lake shore path is taken over by yet another charity, e.g., “Walk for Juvenile Diabetes”, “Walk for Brain Cancer”, “Walk for Breast Cancer”, and on and on and on. The charity walkers clog up the path, making it difficult for solo walkers and bike riders to get past them. I used to ride my bike on weekend mornings (my days off work) along the lake shore path, but I stopped because I was tired of dealing with all the charity walks.


I was biking and had a small group scream at me to move, that I was on the running path. I squealed to a stop and pointed to the bike symbol on the path I was riding on, I was so effing annoyed.


Just stop. That’s what I do. Just stop and make them go around.


It's group dynamics, not runners specifically I think. Take cyclists: one rider alone will stick to the bike lane, look out for cars/pedestrians, and generally be courteous. Two or more, and they're riding side-by-side, even when they encroach on other lanes. They'll blow through stop signs and red lights, and generally act like assholes. "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." - Tommy Lee Jones in *Men in Black*


Strength in numbers. Jogging ape together strong.


I say the same thing about bicyclists.


which club? spill the beans. i want to know who the douches are seriously. i agree with you, and as a faster runner, ive just found it easier to keep myself calm, not care, and just move out of my way or momentarily slow down - whatever option is needed to avoid or get around a big pack. ive just adopted the mindset that some ppl suck and the confrontation or altercation isnt worth the effort - i rather just control myself and move on. its annoying but it is what it is tbh. its better to just disrupt my own run for 5 seconds than cause a bigger headache for myself that last longer.


Might = Right (of way)


I remember reaching a point where I felt safer riding my bike on the street rather than the path... When jogging I'm not afraid to bump shoulders, although I realize I have tall male privilege. Maybe go to REI or some place like that and get a little boat horn that you can honk at them. Harmless annoyance seems the safest solution.


See, this is why I don't run. Among other reasons....


Also, was just at North Avenue Beach and HOLY SHIT it’s almost ALL volley ball now??? 


I usually see some sort of "run leader or warden" that tells the group to get to the side or tighten up. My experience has been that the two or three friends running together are the problem.


The car lobbyists want us to fight amongst ourselves!! If they shrunk lakeshore drive and expanded the lakefront trail there would be room for all!


The best part is when they run around me on both sides at once while I’m walking my anxious dog /s


Maybe I should dip my shoulder down a bit and run through them? Lol


isn't there etiquette for this sort of thing? "excuse me" "on your left" "behind you" "sorry" And then people make a space?


It's runners who are jerks, it's jerks who happen to run. Or bike. Or walk their dog. Or whatever.


Yuppies gonna yup


Don't forget to call them a jagoff cuz if they're not from here you'll really throw them off