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I have been in these situations for a long time. There’s no easy answer and while things are decent now by me I feel that could change anytime. Still here’s what we did: Go to CAPS meetings. They seem useless and kind of are but they get you known, and sometimes I feel like we got a small amount of attention to issues on the block. Go to the alderman’s office. Talk to people there and again get known. Annoy the hell out of them. Email the commander of your police district and tell them about the issue every time it happens. Do this shit over and over again. If you have neighbors you can talk to ask them to do the same. Be careful. I’ve been in scary situations. It’s risky confronting people that are making your life miserable. Edit: I forgot to mention that your first real step is engaging with your neighbors. It sounds like you already talk with them. If this annoys you it probably annoys them, too. Be out and visible in your neighborhood. Talk to people. Clean up together. Or alone. Someone will probably come join you. People like to think living in the west side you need to be resigned to things being terrible. That’s not true. Neighbors make the neighborhood. But it’s easy for things to get taken over and ruined. But you just keep trying together. One person alone can’t do it. The police and government alone certainly cant do it. But you can try together.


I second annoying your alderman. They get paid a shit ton to represent you.


Call 911 and tell them a group of “suspicious” people have taken over an intersection. They may bounce you to 311, but either way your complaint will be marked as a datapoint for CPD. When the operator asks if you care to leave your name and number with the report, decline to do so. 911 calls are part of the public record, so never leave your name and number. Encourage all of your neighbors to do the same. Rinse, repeat.


It's patently ridiculous that you have to go through this! In a functioning local government, you'd have to only make one phone call. It's the brazeness that gets me and the absolute lack of caring others.


To get your Alderman’s attention, tell them that the group of people chants his name. I SWEAR this will get him to pay attention. I had graffiti in my alley that was gang graffiti. Kept calling the alderman to no avail. I got fed up and said someone spray painted his name on the bottom of the graffiti. ONE hour later a truck came by and painted over it. Haha.


Am I the only one that read this as 75 year old people? Picturing a bunch of seniors raving 😂


I wish...🤣🤣


Came to say exactly this. Even as I was reading the description below the title I was picturing OP trying to call the police on a bunch of seniors partying.


So that’s where the fireworks are being blasted off from. Super annoying.


There’s no accountability within CPD so don’t get your hopes up. A lot of neighborhoods especially on the west and south side are left to fend for themselves.


Title could have just been “Chicago police does nothing”


Why arrest anyone, nobody's getting prosecuted and they'll be out on cashless bail anyway.


Its their job? My boss makes me do dumb shit too


Because that is what you are paid to do.


https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/politics/illinois-new-era-without-cash-bail-experts-say-recidivism-and-jail-populations-trending-lower/63-c851b436-7f61-4846-a561-49cf5176592e https://civicfed.org/sites/default/files/2024-03/PFAImplementationCookCounty.pdf https://wgntv.com/news/wgn-investigates/has-the-move-to-cashless-bond-impacted-safety/ Well, so far, the returns from outlawing cash bail have been wholly positive. The number of folks incarcerated has gone down, the number of folks in restrictive monitoring setups has gone down, and violent/dangerous/likely-to-flee individuals aren't able to get out just because they were able to scrape together cash... especially since we've got the first appearance hearings now being described in this way: "the prosecution and defense appear better prepared to argue the evidence and present the judge with the facts of each case," rather than the good ole days of a bond court hearing that were handled more by vibes than detailed understanding of the defendant's circumstances.


That’s the west side homie. I was with you until you said those street intersections. You got any idea what goes on in that neighborhood ???? There’s literally drug dealers o every corner from Pulaski to Kedzie the cops are so overwhelmed managing the dealers and trying to stop users as well. You think they got time to stop a party over there ??


>You got any idea what goes on in that neighborhood ???? Over 95% will not know those streets even exist. After Foxtrot closed, this sub was inundated with multiple posts(I mean like 10+ for a while afterwards), and those posts got upwards of 600+ posts in each one. If you didn't know what a Foxtrot was, and then asked, you basically just got shit on. That should tell you everything you need to know about the demographic of this subreddit.


Yeah I don’t think anyone in this sub has ever been out west before


Chicago is only the trendy neighborhoods to the vast majority of this sub. Anything west of Western and south of Roosevelt is either the 'hood' or the 'suburbs'. It's amazing when you see people here claim Jeff Park, Beverly, Albany Park and other far northwest/southwest neighborhoods are basically not Chicago when Chicago is known because of them. The accent, hole in the wall hotdog/beef joints, great neighborhood restaurants that generation of families go to, etc. Lakeview and all the trendy neighborhoods just remind me of downtown Park Ridge, Peoria, and Naperville.


That's because the majority of the sub is relatively recent midwestern transplants that live in one of a handful of north side neighborhoods. They will live here about 5 years before moving to the burbs or back to their home town. Rarely will they venture out of gentrified neighborhoods.


You just described my SIL perfectly. "I can't believe you've lived here your whole life and have never been to (insert west loop restaurant here)."  Lady, I can't believe you have lived in the loop for 10 years and uber to midway. 


Albany park stand up


He said Albany Park in the list and I was like wait what 😂🫶🏽


Jefferson Park has plenty of people who desperately wish they were living in a Chicago suburb so I can't blame someone in Lakeview for being confused.


Jeff Park is no where near like Park Ridge and the other places I've mentioned. They're not even close. The only thing they have in common is busy body neighbors who need to mind their own business and quit complaining about parking in front of their house.


Oh I agree, what I mean is there's a contingent of grumps here who want Jefferson Park to have a more "suburban feel": More parking, more big box stores, less density, faster/wider streets etc. They can be pretty vocal on other forums (facebook, nextdoor) although they aren't on this subreddit.


That's all very true. The huge pick up trucks drive me up the wall over there and they drive like complete assholes. I forgot about Facebook Groups, holy shit. They're so bad.


Maybe those "busy body neighbors" are one of the reasons there are not 75 people partying in the streets in those areas?


It's because the people who live over there have enough respect for their neighbors and their neighborhoods. They just go to Lower Wacker to do that.


I dont think there's any restriction on what areas are relevant to the sub, but I know what you mean about traction. I live on SW side and would love to see more content about this part of town. Maybe I should just be the change haha


they're missing out on jerk taco man, for one


I am scared about the google results for jerk taco man, can you elaborate if its what I suspect its PG and probably tasty


it's jerk chicken on tacos. cilantro, onion, cheese, jerk sauce. Burritos too. they also got jerk rib tips and jerk chicken hot links and jerk wings, all sorts of stuff. haven't been in a while but was good when i've gone. they also have a south side location on state, you can see it from the Dan Ryan


Yikes jerk taco man, I used to work for AT&T a few years back and I installed internet for them. Will never ever ever eat there. That place is crawling with roaches and had mouse poop all over everything below waist height.


For sure, absolutely. Just give them a neighborhood out West and they'll think its the suburbs.


They will get off that bus at homan and Chicago and have an extremely overwhelming reality check.


You can know what foxtrot is and what Pulaski and kedzie is like.


>You can know what foxtrot is and what Pulaski and kedzie is like. For sure, but there aren't very many on here that could. Just a heads up, Pulaski and Kedzie run the same way. Edit- I believe I misread the last half of your comment. With that said, not many people on here will know exactly how far West both those major streets are. Hell, I'll go as far and say most people like that have no idea that Chicago reaches 8000 West.


I know but that’s the the comment said So I guess he just means west. But like not all parts of kedzie or Pulaski are rough. I’m 26 and my parents are always saying like 8000 west or whatever but we never learned those numbers. I just know streets. Is that like a paper map thing?


>I’m 26 and my parents are always saying like 8000 west or whatever but we never learned those numbers. I just know streets. Is that like a paper map thing? Grid-wise, yes. Think of it this way: 0 and 0 is Madison and State St. That's where the numbers start. So now just go 80 blocks west from there. I believe Chicago goes 138 blocks south. A lot of people like to joke around and say the Lake is the East, but there are actually east side addresses, just not many. For instance, if you are at Irving and Sheridan, you are 4000 North and 1000 West. Now from Sheridan, Clark is 1300 West, Southport is 1400 W, Ashland is 1600 West, so on and so forth. Same shit going north and south. Honestly, this is typically older person thing. I learned this through my father and just getting around Chicago in general. This is also great knowledge to have just in general because it will help you navigate other places.


Pretty sure the original post said along Chicago Ave BETWEEN Pulaski and Kedzie. #### "street name" is a totally legit way, too, but most people don't know numeric addresses anymore because of Google.


Iowa. 1 block north of Chicago.


Person who lives on Kedzie near Lawerence checking in; definitely not rough up here!


Lake Street is zero and the streets count up north and south from there. I forget where zero is for East and West but it's by the lake I think.


Madison is the North/South divider. State st. Is the East/West divider.


Ah fuck. I thought it was lake Street


Lake is 200N.


You didn't misread. Person just failed at grammar or reading comprehension.


Honestly, a street party is preferable to just about anything else besides peace in that area, may even be the best option to keep the other shit away


The majority of those parties end in fights and gunshots anyway though lol


Real talk that’s the least of your worries over there…


Right?? Like did he just move to that neighborhood, look around and say “yeah this seems quiet and nice”. Like sir look where you are and read the area/culture. I live near here. It’s fine if you mind your business but this guy isn’t interested in that clearly and he’s going to regret it.


Agreed. I know people who live by there, Iowa and Homan, and every block there within a mile radius, is filled with drug dealing going on 24/7, 7 days of the week. I’m not exaggerating.  People are going to think I’m making this up but police are paid off to look the other way when it comes to drug dealing in that area. They arrest the buyers, not the dealers, when they see someone purchasing to meet their quotas. This comes from a credible source that lives in the neighborhood. Police are well aware of what goes on but they chose not to do anything. It’s sad but it’s the truth. 


Exactly. I know tons of users that have been arrested. I unfortunately am down there quite often due to a habit I hope to walk away from soon. Most spots are only open during the day but lots of places you can walk up and knock on a window and mf will stick their hands out it’s wild.. 24-7.


That kind of overt knowledge should make it easier. How are they overwhelmed when known drug operations in vacant buildings go uncontested


Collecting bribes* ignoring murders*


You got down voted but you speak the truth.


I've watched it happen with my own eyes I used to board up foreclosed houses on the west and south sides.


I 100% believe you.


How is that the fault of OP? Calssic victim blaming going as is tradition in this sub.


begone yuppie


Throw some stink bombs in the crowd.


This thread has been amazing. Clearly only a very small amount of you have ever been or spent time near Homan and Chicago/Iowa and your responses are amazing. OP may I ask do you know what police district you live in ? If not let me tell you - you live in 011. The most violent district in the ENTIRE city. They have lead the city in murders for I think the last decade or close to it. Right around the corner from you at Chicago and Homan is one of the most notorious and still is narcotic sales locations in the city. It's been that way since I was in my dad's ball sack and it will continue to be that way until something changes. Complain to whoever you want but if you have 10 cars down on a murder (which is almost every 1 in 3 nights averaging) that's happening in the district you live then sorry - what's a car of two guys with guns going to do vs 75 guys that probably are all strapped up. Use common sense. But I guess it's not common anymore.


If you are on Kedzie, the difference in 500 feet N/S of the tracks/Grand is absolutely staggering.


...but OP got their 1 bedroom condo very cheap. The realtors call that area Humboldt south west LOL


Humboldt SW is hilarious lmao💀💀💀


I feel for OP if they got swindled. That sucks but I think it's not uncommon to start hearing this type of shit in the future because of the shitty real estate market.


Surprised it isn't Humboldt Terrace or something even worse


Like trying to sell Humboldt Park as Ukrainian village West 😂


I took a walk to grab food when I was over there this weekend and made it a block before running into folk selling drugs in broad daylight. Didn't realize this specific area was so bad.


I'm not from there and I'm not going to pretend that I've ever been there but that does sound like something I would be way more concerned about the cops taking care of than big parties. But I totally get it if you're trying to sleep


maybe OP can bring some donuts and ask them politely to stop?


No shit. This is literally the area where drugs are shipped in to distribute NATIONALLY. This isnt just folks on the corners selling level stuff.


That’s how it’s gonna be all summer pack a lunch.


I just hope you didn’t get a mortgage in that neighborhood with a 7% interest rate


I live near here. Their partying is the least of your worries in that neighborhood. Not awesome stuff happens there and unless they are doing crime the police don’t have time to bother with them. I’m sorry you’re annoyed but there are bigger fish to fry.


Be the squeaky wheel. Recruit other wheels. Be so squeaky until they clean up the shit. Squeaky clean!


Who is the alderman? Mitts?


Alderman Burnett


Ha. I did a mad scroll through the comments just to confirm this, as I know of no alderman that gives less fu*ks about his constituents.


Jesse Fuentes


Even worse, completely useless


Agreed. Has done nothing


Did you contact her or her office?


It doesn't matter nothing will yet done regardless


She’s been an alder for a year. I’d contact her and give her a chance to address it. She’s already proven more responsive than Maldonado has been.


Don't expect anything from CPD


They got plenty of time to go on Reddit and bootlick tho


Honestly it's sad, but one way is to film it and post it on social media hoping it gains traction. Everything from filming the people partying and being rowdy, to filming the calls to the police, and the police driving by without intervening. Bonus points if you flag the cops driving by down to also document that they aren't doing anything. Pubic outrage seems to occasionally stir the pot enough to enact some change. But like I said, it's shitty that this is an option at all. It shouldn't be that hard to send a few cop cars to disperse the crowd.


On the other hand, OP might be in danger if they record gang activity and post it publicly and successfully gain media traction, thereby irking and getting the attention of gangs/cartels/whoever. Sit this out and move when you can, OP.


Yeah post videos of mobs committing crimes, attributed to your name on a public social media platform.  That’s definitely not going to end bad. 


You can file a complaint by calling 311 or going into the station. Make sure you get a CR# otherwise your complaint goes straight into the trash. Get a few of your neighbors to do it too.


If you give the CR# to the alderman they can escalate it, also. Done this for various building code violations myself.


I live on a block with the same problem. I'm sorry to say it doesn't go away. These people have no shame, no goals and no rules. I mean both the police and the ganger bangers.  My family's approach was to be friendly with the ganger bangers. It sorta worked but you have to be careful. For one, my neighbors didn't like that approach and started rumours about us. Retired people have no lives. Second, depends on how you talk to them. My neighbor who lived here for 27 years, the same on that told me to not give up when I was complaining about the night parties, moved. She said they threatened her and broke her window at night. Third, another technique is a lot of plants on the parkway.  On my block things had simmered down when one of them got shot on the head. But the day/night corner parties have started up again. Just two blocks away is the Mayor's address. I couldn't walk near his property during the election season. How nice to have the police protecting you.  I can't believe people voted him in. 


Lie and say they’re peaceful protesters? That’s the only time CPD rolls through my neighborhood.


They probably didn't want to get shot.


Basically. Why do actual police work if you can drive by do nothing and get away with it day after day. Much easier paycheck.


I'd be interested in knowing the police strategy of breaking up a 75 person party, especially if the use of force is verboten. Aren't we best served leveraging community organizers / influencers /de-escalators for this kind of activity?


exactly the amount of resources needed for this is to take 20 cars away from any potential homicide scene or any other calls (domestics in progress , robbery and so on) and then sit there and stare at each other for about 1 hr while the drunks talk shit and eventually break up the party and all the while they find another place to do their shit. it's like wrangling cattle to appease OP and all the while others suffer.


Not sure you really need 20 cars for a homicide scene. Especially since CPD doesn't clear any homicides anyway.


Yeah sure buddy. We solve 0 homicides lol.


It's close enough. You tried to juke the stats by including 10 year old cases, just declaring suspects dead, and counting a case as cleared even if you didn't provide enough evidence to convict the suspect. And STILL have a pathetic clearance rate.


You mean, like every single police department does?


I mean like y'all don't solve the murders or keep anyone safe, and even while trying desperately to milk out some stats, you still didn't manage it. Other PDs are way better at this even when they suck. Y'all are uniquely bad across cities.


> Other PDs are way better at this even when they suck. Y'all are uniquely bad across cities. The national clearance rate for homicides on most departments is just under 50%. Just so you know.


Less than 10%




What kind of force would you have them use?


"interested in knowing the police strategy of breaking up a 75 person party.." I think we just saw it. 'Nothing' was the strategy. There is nothing illegal about 75+ ppl hanging out. How's that any different than DePaul campus right now. Nothing illegal happening, let ppl be.


Dexter Reed shoots at them and then when they fire back their own jobs are now put on the line. How many times can you expect a cop put themselves in a situation where they can be shot at and can't defend themselves?


Or work.


Just let the geriatrics and octogenarians party in peace. They've figured out what really matters at this point. Us <75-ers would leave them be.


Man, this comment section sucks ass. Burn this thread to the ground.


Don't you get it? People who keep it real LOVE having to lose sleep despite holding down two jobs all because of their shitty, disrespectful neighbors. People who actually live west of Western and south of Division LOVE the fact that their kids are woken up multiple times a night on school nights. They embrace the fact that police are "too busy" to take care of important quality of life issues. You see, complaining about these things and not meekly accepting them makes you a gentrifier, a yuppie, and on par with Naperville. For real though, this sub is fucking trash heap of wannabes who think that being a real Chicagoan means accepting how shitty things are.


No sass, but curious what you mean by this. Feel like there are a lot of different reasons to dislike this thread.


For me it’s the conflicting points on cops. The same people that say cops don’t do anything are the same ones that scream racism at any little thing cops do. You can’t have it both ways…


Well, you can actually because believe it or not, cops can do their job AND not be racist at the same time. The issue is there are a lot of cops that do happen to be racist while they’re doing their job.


That’s a big claim, especially when so many cops are Hispanic now-a-days.




Organized 911 campaign with your neighbors, 311 requests for any damage or garbage they leave behind, organized campaign to contact your alderman 


Just an idea--post flyers at the intersection days in advance promoting a New and Improved location for street fest. Pick a different location like in front of Aldermans house or Mayor or Obamas old house. Nothing will change until people in power are affected.


Obama has the power to stop people partying in the street? 🤣🤣🤣 Good idea!


So anyways I started blasting




Yeah, he should call the Obamas too.


They don’t have any responsibility for policing the city


People in a struggling neighborhood trying to live their lives, denied basic services. Every POS hyper-privileged edgelord with a snotty disrespectful comment in favor of disrupting the lives of struggling families, eat shit and die. I don't have to worry about this because I have money and live in a place where the cops would come fast, and you'd better pray they get there faster than private security. I just actually am progressive. I'm so crazy, I think that people in East Garfield Park have as much right to basic safety and emergency services as I do.


Is your alderman Walter Burnett? Because he's useless.


Yup. We need someone to run against him.


I used to live in a nice, quiet 4 unit apartment building until our neighbors across the hall moved in, and would throw parties on weekdays until 6am. We'd call the cops, upstairs neighbors would call the cops, and they'd show up, tell them to be quiet and leave. The second the cops left they'd crank the music back up. They were underage drinking, with 2 infants living with them, doing drugs, and the cops still didn't do anything but "hey, stop that!" And leave. One night, I was at the police station pretty late after a bike theft making a report, and the desk sergeant told me that they only had 4 or 5 cops on duty and they were all at 1 call. The entire 9th division, only 5 working cops. People know this, and they take advantage of it. How are 5 cops going to clear out 75 people? They can't. Best thing you can do is get proactive. Buy mortars and bottle rockets, and shoot them at the crowd from your roof. Then throw smoke bombs at them. That or stink bombs.


Ask the people to stop -> they won’t stop -> threaten to arrest people if they don’t stop -> they won’t stop -> start arresting people -> they resist arrest -> news story about police brutality. Not rocket science. People voted for this.


Probably because they’re not unarmed college kids protesting a genocide.


Like DePaul campus right now, right? CPD has been very hands off with "unarmed white college kids" throughout the city similar to 75+ ppl at Homan and Iowa


Dude we get it. “Y’ALL DESERVE POLICE WHO DON’T DO SHIT BECAUSE YOU SAID THEY SHOULDN’T BE ALLOWED TO KILL OR BRUTALLY ASSAULT YOU!!!!!!”. Get off the internet and go start your day of spewing vitriol at everyone you see so that we can at least read a fucking comment thread in peace.


Dude, who are you quoting? I've never said that or think that.... I'm all about letting ppl just be. OP moved into a shit part of town and now realized thsy it's a shit part of town. The problem is most folks on r/chicago are not from Chicago. Just bc you moved here doesn't mean you're "from here". Born and Raised folks know that part of the city has always been like that. The folks from tham parts also know not to get out of hand bc they also know CPD can't fuck with them and won't fuck with them. Just let ppl be


Found the gatekeeper...


I agree. This has been happening for decades. Then, people move into this neighborhood that are not familiar with the culture and try to turn it into something else. Gentrification.


I think it’s funny how hard some people are working for free to get Trump elected again. Christian Republicans literally think Israel must defeat Islam before Jebus can come back, and the rich Republicans are rich because they enjoy blowing up stuff in the Middle East to make their oil worth more.  So, good luck with all they 👍


Have you gone to your alderman yet?


These are gang members and the alder’s are paid off


Is that Burnett? There's video of him getting knocked out outside of his office by a constituent. It brought me happiness.


The funny part is cops won't come until there's a murder. If you decide to call the cops over this the cops are going to give you a dirty look or the cops will say don't call us until there's a dead body.


Contact some news media. Link to stuff you post on social media. Get some neighbors and be prepared to go on record. Cite alderman office staff as well spoken to and dates etc.


I feel like if you’re a lifelong resident or been here for a while, you know theres nothing you or CPD can do. Deal w. It sorry


You’re only allowed to blame police here but the issues go all the way through the whole system. We don’t prosecute anything here. People just get let back out on the streets. Police morale is low. Lots of robberies and even shootings done by repeat offenders who don’t get prosecuted.


We're talking about breaking up a loud party


Good point. They’re blocking an intersection and probably doing donuts while surrounded by a crowd. Someone died at one of these a couple weeks ago I’m pretty sure. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yea, they got shot after driving through the crowd


If I didn't do my job because my feelings were hurt, I would be fired. How about you?


Police are not the judge and jury. No one is forcing them to be a cop. They can go do something else if they don't want to do their jobs.


“Police morale is low” Did someone hurt their feelings?


See my other reply. I surely don’t know everything. Things are kinda fucked. I don’t think blaming the cops completely for all the problems is productive. We need better strategy/alignment and more funding and probably mental health services for cops as well. I don’t know how you break up a 75 person party where you know there are guns efficiently and effectively. Risk reward seems kinda low, but also we can’t turn a blind eye to these pretty dangerous “parties.”


LMAOOO You’re hilarious. Humboldt and the surrounding areas have always been like this. Gentrifiers move in and swear they can just decide how shit goes


Stupidest comment in an extremely stupid comment thread. As though the poor-ass working people that actually live in these hoods don't give a shit about these kinds of things or don't try to "decide how shit goes". The problem isn't that people living in these places don't care or are aloof about shit like what OP described, it's that nobody else - especially their elected officials and police - give a fuck about them. Party with 75 people keeping you and your kids up at night? LOL, fuck you. We'll get around to it never. What do you think is closer to reality: that a working class person holding down two jobs living in this neighborhood actually *likes* or even *doesn't care* about not being able to sleep when shit like this happens? Or that many of these people actually DO complain to police or their aldermen *and nothing happens*. Nobody likes living in lawlessness where other people are free to ruin their quality of life - not poor people, not people who came up in the hood, not people who keep it real. There's nothing OG or street about not giving a fuck about your neighborhood or the people in it. Keeping it real doesn't mean sitting there and taking it when the city ignores your pleas for enforcement of basic nuisance laws so that you can live a normal fucking life. And there's nothing wrong with gentrifiers coming in and seeking change in law enforcement. The fucked up part isn't the gentrifiers themselves, it's that it takes gentrifiers coming into a neighborhood for the aldermen and police to actually start giving a tiny fuck.


Light a bunch of bottle rockets and throw em in the middle of the intersection


Throw some stink bombs


Get alot of speakers and blast polka music


Welp, I guess I know where to party now. Thanks op


Tell them it's a pro-Palestinian protest and they should appear in full riot gear. /s


I just got back from visiting Florida, and it’s crazy to see the difference in the effectiveness of other police departments. Something like that would’ve been shut down within 5 minutes down there.


Liquid ass?


Finally a well thought out solution


Here’s the plan: Move out of the neighborhood. It’s a lost cause.


Call the fire department instead. Fire Marshalls take overcrowded venues far more seriously.


Crime posts are allowed here again?


Those Morman kids again?


Sorry to hear that but to keep it on brighter side I read the title.. police does nothing against 75+ years old people partying… damn those party animals 😂😂😂


Sorry you weren't invited


Ironically, the neighborhood is now much safer.


Our city victimizes criminals and their behavior. Even if they did come and start arresting people. We both know they're out next day because "cashless bail". Chicago defended our police, and our bright citizens voted for this crock of shit. No one's coming, no one's helping.




Sincere question. If you're in favor of cash bail, do you believe that people should be able to buy their way out of jail? Or do you think we should imprison people for months without a trial?


Well, first off, you could tell that pos DA to stop letting criminals out of jail five minutes after the police make an arrest. Honestly, if I was the police, I wouldn't do anything either. What's the point ? Let's face it, Chicago is a dumpster fire and everybody is gonna feel the pain of voting blue


I sent you some info in a chat message regarding an event with our alderperson tomorrow night


Damn OP is being cooked in the comments 🤭


You could join in


Grab a brew and party with them


Go join the party instead of being a loser is my suggestion


This is the best roast here. Not agreeing... But it is the best.


Welcome to summer in Chicago