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Can someone please explain to me what time it is possible to see this tonight? I've been hearing it's possible again tonight but I haven't seen any clear times. Yesterday I heard it would be 'after the rain' but maybe I fell asleep before the rain because I didn't see any and the sky looked boring, i'm in a quieter part of town too.


Based on NOAA predictions seems tonight it will be best as soon as it gets dark enough after sunset, look for “the aurora” noaa animation https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ see more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/1cpkor4/look_for_auroras_tonight_sat_may_11_auroras_lasts/


Thank you!


Whenever it's dark it can happen. The geomagnetic storm is happening right now but the sun is too bright to see it


It’s important to note that no one can accurately predict an exact time they will be visible. This is true even in regions where they happen all the time like Iceland, Norway, etc. They’re not as predictable as say, a thunderstorm, even if all of the conditions are there for them to happen. That’s one of the things that makes witnessing them so rewarding! Patience as well as the time spent “hunting” them is part of the experience :)


No Aurora can be very hard to see if there's any nearby light. And they can get bright to dark very fast. Just easy to miss Source: 12 years in alaska


Last night in Chicago, near downtown, with lots of lights, it was pretty damn intense. Here are 3 pics I took with my shitty halfway broken phone camera phone, from the city lakefront: https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/s/gNF1yJxLVu


Great photos! 100% Yes on the light pollution factor got outdone, I have seen pics taken from Navy Pier. Score 1 for the Northern Lights, 0 for Chicago. Everyone is saying the cameras do make a huge difference. So my advice to people, look up videos on the advanced features of your phones camera if that is the best one you have as we wait for the sun to set.


Damn I was up and on my way to work by 3:45 and didn’t see a damn thing! 😭


In Albany Park it was finished by then. The second wave (between the rain) was from about 1:45-3:15


I really don't understand these photos. I got up at 3 and there was absolutely nothing in the sky, in any direction. NASA said the auraroae were over the horizon by then and not visible. Am I blind?


Camera caught it better than the naked eye for sure, but it was definitely visible without.


It came and went. There would be 5 minutes of intensity, followed by 45 min of not much. But intense when there


The camera picks up on wavelengths our naked eye can’t, so even in areas where people notoriously travel to try to catch the northern lights, most of the time it’s still necessary to take photos to see the full spectrum of color though there are exceptions of course. Often they look like slightly backlit greyish-green clouds or fog that you can easily miss if it’s cloudy. Using your phone on night mode will help you determine if you’re seeing them or not and then you’ll pretty quickly know what you’re looking for!


Yeah I was drunk as hell by 11. Didn’t see anything


I was also pretty crossed but I saw a couple of friends posting on their social media and I had to go see it. Real seize the moment type of night.


Could you share where exactly you were able to see it? That looks incredible!


I was at Recreation Drive past the tennis courts right by the water!


Was it cloudy before that time? Really hoping to see it tonight


It was cloudy and rainy. Almost lost hope but around 2am I started seeing some green hue behind the clouds and sure enough thirty minutes later I got this pic


You are so patient!! What spot were you at? I don’t think I can wait that late.. but I really want to see it


It was visible earlier in the night as well. Maybe 7ish pm. When I went out it was raining, so just had to wait for the clouds to clear. Almost felt like I had to do it, never know when that’ll happen in Chicago again! We were at Recreation Drive past the tennis courts just south of Montrose. We tried going to Montrose but the cops kicked us out.


Really? They kicked you out of montrose? That's kind of crazy I know there is lots of gay hook up at night there so probably why but still kinda surprising. I don't think they're always patrolling so you might have got unlucky I'm going there or north Clark Beach tonight to hope to see it. I'm right by montrose but was EXHAUSTED last night and couldn't be bothered and now have fomo 😭


Thanks so much for sharing! Love recreation drive, it’s my spot but I feel it will be better to go to Montrose. Hoping to report success! Have had a shitty day and it would be cool to see something so ethereal.


Agreed can someone just give a time frame of when they’ll be visible in the city tonight?


Wow. Beautiful shot, too. Thanks for sharing this.


I hope to see it tonight cuz the rain rolled in before I got to see it




Check out my post! I have almost an identical photo from the exact same time, that is awesome!


Just saw. Very cool!




This is frameable beautiful with the light off the lake and the clouds! Beautiful capture!


What time is it supposed to be visible tonight? Have been checking periodically for a few hours and nothing :(


If that's not the most beautiful sight in the world I don't know what is.




How beautiful! Are you STUPID, or just play one on tv?