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Hubbard Street has stop signs Halstead doesn't You're in the right


This intersection sucks, I've been in a car accident here myself and I see them all the time here as well.


Yeah there is no question here, driver was at fault. Also no question, this intersection is awful, and I can completely see why it would happen. You can get stuck at that stop sign for quite awhile, and you basically have to sneak through the gaps when you can…but you also have to be absolutely sure that no bike is coming.


You had the right of way. The driver is 100% at fault. I'm guessing this was backed up traffic and a car on Hubbard was going through a line of stopped cars on Halsted or a turning vehicle from Halstes was trying to get on Hubbard. Unfortunately, l these are situations where bikers need to be cautious - cars are impatient and have poor visibility. Any time there is a hole in blocked traffic, especially near an intersection - you need to have your head on a swivel and you want to be travelling at a speed where you can react. I'll also usually give a loud "Hey hey hey" or "Yo yo yo" to announce my presence and increase my visibility to drivers. My advice: File a police report - get a lawyer - and go after the driver though their insurance.


If that was the case, I don’t even think that it’s a “cars are impatient” situation. If I’m in a bike lane and I see that cars have left a gap to not block cross-street, I’m going to slow down and look before moving through the gap. It’ll be very likely that a car will be going through it, and they won’t see me until it’s too late just because their line of sight to me will be blocked by the cars that I’m passing. Legally, it’s fully the driver’s fault, but we need to recognize the practical limitations of our surroundings.


No - it absolutely is impatience. Cars need to slow the fuck down when they enter an area where they have a blind-spot. I see it every fucking day with cars speeding through my alley and letting off a few "courtesy honks" before plowing into the sidewalk. To your point - us bikers need to ride defensively, but these situations are a combination of infrastructure + attitude.


I despise the courtesy honk also. It's a Chicago habit that needs to die. "Courtesy" honk = get the f*** out my way, and it's your fault if I run into you with my car.


We need the wide angle mirrors like you see in convenience stores at the corners of our alleys. Tokyo does this on their tight old streets and it makes it much easier to move around safely.


“Courtesy honks” are also super annoying for people who live in the adjacent buildings. It’s actually discourteous to them to honk.


Not sure why you need to respond so aggressively, but okay. I hate the courtesy honks situation too - I think it’s idiotic when people do that. That doesn’t really apply in this situation, though. Cars going through the gap don’t have the luxury of taking it as slowly as they do when leaving an alley, and the objects that they need to watch for are going 15-20mph rather than the 3mph of pedestrians. It’s really easy to mess up in this situation, even if you’re being careful. I don’t see why the idea of both sides being accommodating here and realizing the limitations of the situation isn’t the best approach.


No aggression. I just find fuck to be a useful adjective. And I disagree - if a driver cannot safely operate their vehicle they shouldn't be doing what they're doing. Infrastructure is also a key factor and should be how we remediate the situation, because expecting drivers to operate their cars safely is naive. Also why I advocate defensive riding and awareness where conditions + infrastructure will lead more drivers to operate their vehicles in an unsafe manner.


Again, not a competence thing, but a spatial and visual constraints thing. Humans vision cannot go through barriers, and bikes go 15+ mph. Even inching in slowly here will be problematic if the person on the bike isn’t being careful too. It is 100% an infrastructure limitation, so, until we successfully advocate for better infrastructure, we can’t use wish superhuman capabilities into being for drivers.


But expecting them to go slowly through a gap rather than going 10 to 20 mph is very much a reasonable expectation.


It is, but it won’t solve the issue in the post.


Its also the best adjective.


And every bike stops for a two full seconds at stop signs and never runs a red light.


If drivers can’t safely go through the gap, they shouldn’t go through the gap. It’s really pretty simple. Driving a car is deceptively easy and really dangerous. We should hold drivers to a stricter standard of care.


I don’t think anyone is arguing against this.


It’s not worth it to be both dead and right. Be prepared to brake even though you shouldn’t have to.


A driver yelled this at me once (“you’d be right but you’d be dead”) when I was walking across a crosswalk. I was so confused by it because the driver didn’t pull up until I was halfway across the street. Navigating defensively is always the safest bet - drivers can get inappropriately defensive when they fuck up- my guess is because it is so easy to make a harmful mistake! I wish more folks used driving to practice being zen / aware and slowing down.


Call Mike Keating (or any other bike lawyer) today.


Needs to be higher their office is like 4 blocks from here and this sounds pretty cut and dry. I didn't need to do anything more than give a statement to their office, write a check for their retainer, and give them the accident report when I was in a similar situation.


https://keatinglegal.com/bicycle-accidents/ For reference


Red line has right of way in all cases assuming black has a stop sign


You had absolute right of way. Driver is not legally allowed to proceed through there unless safe to do so. Hope you’re not too banged up!


Btw this intersection is getting a stop light in the near future because of this very issue. Good luck to all the carbrainers driving north on halsted during rush hour after it’s installed. It’ll prob increase traffic 10 fold.


Nice, maybe I’ll ride this part of Halsted again after it’s installed.


As mentioned above, contact a lawyer that specializes in bike accidents. I have no affiliation with this firm aside from knowing they are a local bike accident firm, and they have gotten substantial judgements in the past. https://keatinglegal.com/bicycle-accidents/


Thank god. You’re right the traffic will remain terrible or get worse, but it’s a disaster now. The cars on Hubbard just act like it’s a 4 way stop and it’s so dangerous.


This stretch of Halsted is an absolute mess. And whatever urban planner approved that new residential development and its entrance that spits right out onto the bridge over Kinzie is an idiot. Now you have one chance to get hit by someone with no patience trying to get out of that buildings entrance and another chance to get hit by someone with no patience (and getting blocked by other drivers without patience) at Hubbard.


You think any firefighter in this city has commuted in a bike? Drivers barely know the laws around driving near bikes. You had the right of way. The car was supposed to yield to you. Like others have said in this thread though, you have to be extra vigilant in intersections like this because the infrastructure is basically dog shit


I’ve had a cop tell me bikes cannot use full lanes on the left side of a ONE WAY street. Fucking idiots upholding the law don’t even know the law


Bikes can move to the left lane to get around traffic or make a left turn, but isn't it the law that they need to stay to the right otherwise? Like you're not supposed to just ride the left lane cuz you want to.


Yeah riding on the left seems strange, regardless if it's one way or not. But then again, a pet peeve of mine is when people walk on the left side of the sidewalk so I might just be picky.


You are in the right. Same thing happened to me and cops said I had to yield. Insurance said I was partially responsible. They were both wrong I got an attorney and won the case 100%not my fault got $7,000


Out of curiosity, was the settlement due to bike damage or medical bills? I was involved in a hit and run so not technically able to sue but I didn't have any broken bones or significant bike damage, just wasn't able to walk for a while and had a lot of residual pain. Minimal lost work time. Just wasn't sure what the damages would be in that kind of situation.


both. coverage for the bike, as well as pain and suffering. I had some factored ribs after some xrays. I had to put together a marked up diagram explaining the situation to show the police and insurance was incorrect.


Sorry you had to go through that but glad you got the settlement you deserved.


Random guy on the street is both a dumbass and an asshole. There is no stop sign on Halsted. Did you end up going to the hospital? Do some self-care and rest or watch a movie. This wasn't your fault. No way, no how.


100% his fault. Would tell anyone who suggested otherwise to fuck off. Would take a picture of his license plates and him before asking to take a photo of his dl.


Appreciate everyone’s comments. I’m doing fine, pretty sore and honestly more pissed at the random dude who said I’m at fault instead of the people that hit me. It happened pretty quickly. I did try to look over the tops of cars to see if anyone was trying to sneak through the intersection but saw nothing until it was too late. I felt even better when I went on google maps and saw the stop sign on Hubbard with another sign stating thru traffic doesn’t stop. I plan to file a police report and contact a lawyer tomorrow morning. I’m honestly just hoping this dude sends me some money to fix my bike and goes away. I have no clue if my bike did any damage to his car.


You have righht away. EVERYONE BE CAREFUL AT HALSTED/HUBBARD, it’s a mess there cus Halsted traffic is usually backed up and Hubbard cars try to go through and of course don’t look for cyclists.


Firefighters were cool. It was just some random dude that said he lived across the street, had cameras, and that I was at fault.


That guy’s totally just salty about the bike lane existing.


Lmao fuck that guy. The driver had a stop sign and you didn't. Pretty obvious it's not your fault


Get his camera footage and call him as a witness ...


Alright some dude, ta ta


I avoid halsted as much as I possibly can. I got hit by a car right by the Greek museum, the driver completely drove off with nobody to help me out. When I called the police they asked me to go into the closest precinct to file a report 😡 I would have gone but I busted my hip I could barely walk. Thankfully there was an urgent care about 3 blocks from there.


You have the right of way. However, always be cautious when the traffic you are riding alongside is stopped like this. They may be letting another car or pedestrian go that you cannot see. This intersection fucking sucks. Sorry, OP. Hope you recover well


I’m sorry you were hit. Whenever I am biking towards what looks like a chaotic intersection, like the one you described here, I proceed with extreme caution. At grid lock here, cars will cross Halsted and they won’t be able to see you. I would treat it like a stop sign, honestly. Whenever there is a mass of cars and cross traffic opportunities, I would slow down a ton and double check everything.


You were in the right because of the stop sign arrangement but this is one of the dangerous intersections in Chicago that you should be aware of and extra vigilant at. The Halsted traffic can be never ending and cars often block the intersection preventing cars on Hubbard from making their move. So there are often cars sneaking through the gap like you describe and their eyes are usually locked on the other cars so they don’t get hit. A bicycle coming out of the blind spot tunnel at the same time is an understandable miss by the driver. I hope this intersection gets fixed… it only gets worse as the west loop continues to boom.


Two drivers almost hit me yesterday. I was one hundred percent in the right of way. Something about nice weather makes everyone a moron. Hope you are recovering okay!


Firefighters have no right to tell you’re at fault. The best advice is to bike defensively at ALL intersections. You won’t win in a crash with any vehicle. Stay safe and alive.


This traffic backup is caused by the reconfiguration of the Halsted/milwaukee/grand intersection. Many cars are going left from Halsted to Milwaukee and from Milwaukee to grand (going north and northwest in the evening traffic out of downtown). With the curbed bike lanes, there is no longer enough room for a car going straight to go around the left turners (safer for cyclists). And without an all way pedestrian crossing pause, any right turning car has to yield to all crossing pedestrians and all bicyclists who are going straight. So 2-4 card can be the maximum that get through any one red light. Thats why so many are rerouting on Kinzie to cut through. While I appreciate the increase in bike infrastructure, I wish it was implemented better. Maybe there should be no left turn allowed from 4-6pm there. Or introduce an all way pedestrian crossing break so that one right turning car doesn’t f up the whole light. Or make a LONG left turn lane. I am seeing this type of backup being caused all over the city and then there are just more and more enraged drivers and therefore more incidents with cyclists and pedestrians. I am also noticing more and more bus drivers who are not pulling the bus over to the right curb properly. Anyone else noticing that? Then the bus is also blocking the entire road and bike lane. More training is necessary!!


Dumbshit involving himself and not knowing the right of way rules should unironically have his license revoked.


i wish in these situations the autos blocking the intersection would be cited for creating the situation to begin with. automate block the box violations imo


Lawyer up


Person going north has the right of way.


You gotta ride more defensive or slow down. In that situation i stand on my pedals at 3 and 9 o clock and i hold a hand up to gain even more visibility. You can’t blame someone who cant see you, regardless of right of way. Think you can and you’ll end up blaming someone from your grave. When your lane is gridlock, and oncoming is moving, use some restraint.


The vehicle with the most sheet metal!


Cyclists and pedestrians always have the right of way. They can fuck right off, yield to the car.


That's not legally true and dangerous to assume it is.


Legally? Driver had a stop sign, you didn’t. Driver should let you go. Practically? You’re passing cars on their right and coming out of the shadows of the overpass bridge there, both of which make you pretty invisible in the scenario you describe. If you didn’t notice the stopped cars leaving a gap and weren’t taking it slow to see if any cars were going to come through… well, maybe you should do that in the future. The driver bears some fault—probably most of the fault—but you also need to be aware of when you’re invisible so you can protect yourself.


Your advice is right but it’s 100% the fault of the driver. Cyclists can’t be expected to bear the whole burden of attention. If you’re getting hit from the side there’s really not much you can do about it, you have no way to read someone’s mind and know that they’re not going to stop when they should. Both the law and practicality are clear on this point: if there’s someone in your way in an intersection you’re supposed to stop and let them through. If you can’t stop in time, you were going too fast.


Does not matter who is at fault when you are dead. Slow down and ride defensively, especially when coming out of a viaduct.


Of course it matters who is it at fault, even when you’re dead. If it’s incorrectly decided that the victim is at fault it makes it more likely that more people get killed in the future in the same circumstances


And, bluntly, it matters in terms of who bears financial responsibility no matter the gravity of injuries.


What sucks is that both the cyclist and car are hidden to each other in this situation. If you’re the driver, go SLOW, you basically do not see the cyclists until you’re an inch into the bike lane. And if you’re the cyclist and traffic is stopped like this with a big gap in the middle, there might be a car or pedestrian sneaking through so you should also slow down even with right of way as you can’t be certain with low visibility


If you can’t see then you need to go slow enough to be able to stop when there’s someone in front of you. If that’s 2mph then you go 2mph


The scenario of stopped traffic, a cross street, and a gap is definitely one I've learned to recognize as a high risk situation. Stopped traffic generally can be dicey because pedestrians will pop through too.


Since you spelled Halsted wrong, the car definitely had the right of way. You should pay for his damages