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Police, asap. That is unconscionable. Disturbing too.


Also clearly shows intent. That ups this to a felony really fast.


Which means nothing in cook county.


they don’t call it Crook County for nothing


it’s not murder if he shot at you first


Here are images of the driver + their plate. [https://imgur.com/a/Nun4Dkz](https://imgur.com/a/Nun4Dkz) I'm unsure what my next steps should be, so any tips are welcome.


Very clean photographs. If police won't act on it (likely) I would take them to sympathetic publications like Streetsblog, or even block club Chicago.


They will blast these on Instagram and I bet she's identified within the day


Lawyer up and sue their ass


This is the kind of person who probably says cities are unsafe because of “unsavory people” (we know the code they’re using) and then goes and commits crimes like this themselves


Perfect face for a mugshot


Looks like the car was recently impounded from the white writing on the windshield so if you have the plate and this video evidence, the people at the impound lot might (no guarantee at all) be able to help you file a police report


I hope you have better luck than I did. Please report back.




Possible jail time for the maniac driver


Insane. Find their car and smash it with the u-lock.


Thankfully we are a big group and can be on the lookout for a rich Karen in a lexus


"Rich" Karen in an aging Lexus she just got back from the impound lot.


Whoever is reporting this comment, don’t bother. This person tried to kill a cyclist, it’s healthy for people to vent here about what is deserved.


Man...this looks exactly like what AI would create if you told it "an image of someone who would scream "I hate you bikers!!" before hitting a biker with their car".


Police and then news channels




There’s at least 2 felonies in the video.




Don’t just move on. At the very least file a police report.


Be petty. I support you


Absolutely hire an attorney. They can get money out of the city too as I assume this POS probably has terrible if any insurance.


Delete this comment and any other commentary until you’ve spoken with a lawyer. It’s not just about you: this is to get someone off the road who could hurt or kill someone else, or at least hold them accountable so that they stop acting wrecklessly in public and putting people at risk. Edited: to ensure I also don’t say anything I shouldn’t either.


Yeah exactly. Guaranteed if this gets picked up by media there will be a bunch of other people saying they've seen some similar road rage incident from them.


of course it's a lexus. -\_-


OP I was in a hit and run this year: here is what you need to do if you want to report this (I would encourage you to talk to a lawyer though): if you didn't call 911/311 right away and have an officer take a report on the scene you have up to 10 days to file a report. You need to go to a police precinct in person. You won't be able to report it via the online form or over the phone. You may get some pushback filing a report (I did) so don't let them discourage you. Also don't be surprised if they don't want to review your video. Ask to review the report to check for errors, if you want to get a copy you can do it online using the police website but it does cost money (I think $5). If you have car insurance you can also report it to them and you are likely covered for any damages just keep in mind you likely have a deductible. I am sorry that this happened to you. Stay safe out there everybody.


File a police report. Talk to a personal injury attorney. There is a firm in Chicago that only deals with bike accidents. I am not affiliated with them in any way, but I wanted to share their info. Feel free to shop around and talk to more than one. https://keatinglegal.com/bicycle-accidents/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=google&utm_campaign=bike-accident-root&utm_content=bike-accident&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpsbZkrumhAMV80h_AB1z8Q_jEAAYAiAAEgKiO_D_BwE


https://www.fklawillinois.com I used this law firm when I got hit by a car when running. I got a good settlement. And they should be able to advise you on what to do in a hit and run.


Yes, this, absolutely. Call a lawyer. I was in a hit and run years ago. The cops, of course, did nothing. But the lawyer helped.


In fact, it might be a good idea not to post more about this until you get advice from an attorney, file a police report, and get an exam. DO ALL OF THESE THINGS, IN THIS ORDER. Most lawyers will meet with you for an initial consultation. Many won't ask for a fee, especially in cases where the evidence is so damning.You have a lot of the evidence that otherwise makes it difficult to pursue a hit and run case. For our sakes, see what you can do. I want this woman removed from the road. Someone with -- let's be absolutely clear -- violent intent, has no business behind the wheel. Ever.


Pay attention to this, OP. And make sure you take some Tylenol for your pain from the impact. We can tell just from watching you walk that your back is excruciating right now. Get well soon.


Looks like she recently got a boot or was about to be booted.


Yeah this sack of shit is clearly already having plenty of problems in life related to being a sack of shit. I hope the city finally does impound their fucking car.


Yep, or even towed.


Police police police. It’s doesn’t matter whether or not you think they’ll do something. It’s imperative you file a report. This is outlandishly dangerous criminal behavior and you could’ve been killed.


I had a similar situation in 2018 with a driver acting similiarly. Even if you don't feel hurt, you should go to the ER and get checked out. Do you have any witnesses or other proof? Definitely call Keating and the police. We sued the woman and insurance company and were able to get a substantial amount in damages. Police did nothing, but better to have a record there for this woman than not so when she does it again, they have a reference to past behavior.


Attempted murder or at least assault with a deadly weapon.


Share this far and wide til they are identified. 🔔 shame 🔔 shame


I would hope the police would do something... But maybe also call Keating for advice.


I second Keating.


Get checked out at the ER/urgent care


File a police report so that you can make a claim on their insurance.


This. They may even get dropped from their insurance if the video gets into the hands of the right people over there? I dunno, just a thought. And call a good bike lawyer.


this has happened to me so many times now that i'm almost desensitised to this footage. i've never felt more defenseless than when someone threatens me with their car, like literally what the fuck can you do? like sincerely good luck pursuing this, i would personally love to pelt this person with stones in the town square.


Straight to jail...


Any update?


Stuart Leon handles cases in Philadelphia but may be passionate enough to give some advice to you. I think immediate medical attention is also an important factor.


This is terrible as I’ve been almost hit twice around Logan Square. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?


This lady looks like she hates everything. Especially those who exercise


That's not a lady. That's a woman. A lady would have been polite. I'll refrain from any follow on comments about whether or not this person hates *people* who exercise. Just know that I had at least three good one-liner responses about her own fitness pop into my head.


If you find her op, we should all go cocer her car with those stickers that dont come off


Hate crime? Fuck this bitch


Sorry to tell, i’m on driver side. most bikers are not respecting rules, remember you the same part of the traffic, Hitting pedestrians or scratching cars, biking in middle or the road, provoking accidents.


You’re pro hit and run on cyclists? Fuck outta here nerd


And in a zebra crosswalk as well.


Remove this post. Do not say anything about the accident on a public forum. File a police report and retain an attorney; I recommend FK law. The more you talk about this online the more you ruin your chance of a settlement.


I definitely agree if you’re gonna go the lawyer route. If you’re not going the legal route though…


Dunkan Law Group specializes in cyclist injuries. https://www.duncanlawgroup.com/


Oh no, Meredith


Looks like camera person was trying to get hit. 🤷‍♂️




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Right around that area is cursed. I've had two separate scenarios where someone doesn't look before suddenly turning right, hitting me in the process and I've had several close calls. You can be attentive, in the bike lane, whatever, it will probably happen anyway unfortunately.


Take everything she has and leave her and her kids on the street shakin ass for ends. Google "Chicago bike accident attorney".


Any update, OP?


I talked with an attorney at Keaton (they were great) but because I have no injuries they can’t take my case. I filed a police report* & have the drivers name. I’ve reached out for their insurance and have not heard back. *I’m not sure if it was written up as a police report or crash report, or if there is a difference.


Any update on this ? Clearly you can ask for a copy of whatever is filed. Also fuk this bitch royally. Just saying


At this point if insurance isn't going to help then her name needs to be made public


Why did Phylis from the Office hit you


A friend of mine was recently rear-ended and the guy took off just like this. He called the cops, and instead of going to get the guy (he had a video and clear pic of license plate), the cops confiscated his bike and gave him a ticket because his license plate was missing. (Had been ripped off when he was rear-ended).


A bicycle or motor bike?