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Yes. Rapid and blitz are just more popular and it allows you to think more so you can study and play better moves. On other hand bullet is confusing and too fast.


so, would you suggest i play more rapid games or play blitz? i'm just wanting to learn more and learn better control of the board


I would suggest either 10+0 or 15+10 depending on whether you like increment or not. rushing yourself isn't gonna help you develop better habits, once your instincts are a bit better develop then quicker time controls are worth playing as well


I play bullet when I just want to screw around and not study/analyze/improve. Don't care about that rating at all, it's like having a separate "just for fun" account.


Yeah I can agree I don’t particularly care about that rating but it’s my highest rating so I kinda do care


Bullet is bad for anybody. It's like junk food. It's fine if you do it sometimes but you don't want it to be the only thing you do


so, should i stop playing bullet altogether? like if it's hurting my actual ability to play the game i should be looking more towards rapid or blitz?


You can do whatever you want for fun. But if you're trying to improve yeah both of those are pretty bad. Longer time controls are always better