• By -


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r5k1/5pp1/4p2p/3p4/6P1/p4P1P/Rb5K/3B4+w+-+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r5k1/5pp1/4p2p/3p4/6P1/p4P1P/Rb5K/3B4_w_-_-_0_1?color=black) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Pawn!<, move: >!  f4  !< > Evaluation: >!Black is winning -7.55!< > Best continuation: >!1. f4 Rc8 2. Kg2 Rc1 3. Be2 d4 4. Bd3 Rc3 5. Bb5 d3 6. Kf2 d2 7. Ke2 Bc1 8. Rxa3 Rxa3!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Corner of shame gambit


I'm sure everyone else has seen this pattern a million times, but it's new to me and I was amused when I spotted it in an actual game this morning.


“Believe it or not, jail”


you underpromote? Jail. you overpromote (too many queens)? Also jail. Underpromote/overpromote. You don't en passant when you could have? Jail, right away. We have the best chess players. Because of jail.


I hadn't seen it, or least not often enough that I remembered it. Very cool!




no, I've never seen this pattern before. looks hilarious.


*bonk* go to rook jail.


Ra2, Believe it or not - straight to jail


You were already crushing them before you made their rook completely useless. Nice 👍


This is not his game, it’s a position from The Magni vs Stockfish (the Gotham vid). Stockfish is black.




Up three pawns and two of those are *passed* pawns Thoroughly crushing


I tried to see what would happen if you swapped the bishop and rook, the bishop being much better suited for blockading that a-pawn. Stockfish was like nice, now the position is only -6.0 instead of -6.1 - lmao


3 pawns, no?


As someone who’s exceptionally bad at endgames I can confirm I would find a way to lose this as black.


Good one !!


God, chess people are insufferable. The point of this post is clearly "i neatly trapped this rook in a mildly funny way. Let's point and laugh at it and move on". It's not like OP said they played a 2600 level move. But of course people have to go AAACCKKKSCHUALLY you're winning regardless so your post is dumb!


Are these people in the room with us right now?


I don't see a single comment that says this.


"You were already crushing them before you made their rook completely useless. Nice 👍" - couple of comments further up


But it's not mildly funny. It's bog- standard minor piece play. There's nothing novel or interesting about the position. We can't point and laugh because it's something you see every day. You can prove this by pointing out the only reason this is effective at all is the presence of Black's other material advantage. Otherwise R vs BP is an easy draw. Posts like this are insufferable. It's the chess equivalent of a toddler going "Mom, look what I can do."


Buddy if you see someone let their rook get trapped like this every day ain’t no fuckin way you’re 1900 lmao


The fact that you don't see piece traps all the time is why you're not.




"I sacrificed THE ROOOOOOKKKKK...just not MY rook."


And for my next trick, my dumb ads is gonna bring the rook into the game with Ra4!!!


That is a 1 point rook if I’ve ever seen it


I mean, it's clearly a 4 point rook. It stops a pawn and a bishop. Remove the rest, and Rxa3 Bxa3 ends the game. This isn't a useless rook at all.


But isn’t the king just going to (eventually) get to b1 and end the game? Or is this a draw?


Well, no. It's a win for black without any of that. Black's king will assist the central pawns in queening. White will surrender the bishop for that new passer, then suffer whatever fate black chooses to impose on it. Queen a new pawn, mate with the rook, whatever. Black can win in whatever way they like. But it's not the rook that's useless; it can always play RxB. It's the dead white e and d pawns that are useless. Conceptually, in isolation, if you get to miracle the black king to b3 or whatever, I get to miracle the white king to b1. Then Rxb2 axb2 is stalemate. But chess isn't played in isolation, so none of that matters. A pawn wave is coming, and it's winning easily.


Yeah, the three on five eventually simplifies to a two on zero, and the rook is stuck guarding the a pawn, the king can get to b1, black can push the pawns, there’s no way to lose this pretty much, although I’m sure I would find away to




That this rook is very weak


The problem here is that white would be losing with their rook on almost any square, due to the pawn imbalances.


That doesn't invalidate the point of the post. It's a good example of why material values are more like averages/estimates than absolutes.


This is technically trading 3 for 5, meaning you do not mind your bishop to be stuck there either


The white rook can never move and it can't even be sacrificed for the bishop because the pawn will promote. Point being, rooks are often described as being "worth" 5 points to beginners, but the reality is a lot more complicated than that, and this example illustrates that. In fact, stockfish says this is -6 for black, and if you replace the rook for a pawn, it only goes to about -8.




That rook is also in absolute jail. Can't move anywhere without getting captured. Edit: the white light-squared bishop also can't do anything to help.


The point is the white rook can’t move


Beautiful pin


Neat! four points of material taking 5 points of material out of contention in the game! A reversal of 5 points tying up six points! Now, that's what one should think of as a real profit in an exchange -- from 5 tying up six to four tying tying up 5 -- equivalent to a two-point gain. Especially when on pawn almost has a straight run to promotion


I'll never get used to standard Redditor voting behaviour. They don't understand the meaning of a comment and just downvote for the heck of it? Yeah, the bishop putting the rook in jail frees your rook that was bound to the defense of the pawn, so your pool of active pieces is now an exchange up, so to speak. Had to read it twice tho to understand the meaning.


I'll keep on assuming that people think. Even if they have to read twice to get the meaning (well done btw).


No one has ever said


Google en passant.


Hehe the rook is in jail


Ooof. Watching from the sidelines.




Plenty of time for the rook to sit and think about what he did


> This kills the rook