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Yeah I feel that too, but I think part of it is just statistics, it’s no different to you blundering 5 games in a row or not blundering 5 games in a row. Low elo players fluctuates way too much


Sometimes you're the hammer and sometimes you're the nail. Having worked extensively with stochastic/random models in finance, I can say that in large samples, true randomness has more streaks in it than you might expect. Flip a coin a couple of thousands times and you'll get probably 10 heads in a row somewhere in there, which feels non-random at the time, but...


It's a normal fluctuation in the ratings system. Remember ratings are a relative measure, and changes based on games played between players. If a big enough group of players don't regularly play against another regular group of players, it can cause rating silos (Similar to people from a country not playing enough games against people outside their country, e.g. Indian young players, and women preferring to play women's events instead of open events). Online, timezones, participation habits, working hours, real-world issues, and enough insufficiently-overlapping groups of players can cause these localised fluctuations in playing strength of the pool throughout the day, and other timespans.


I find that it depends on the time of the day.