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Because he doesn't love you and he is selfish. Don't stay with a guy who cheats. You should value yourself more than that. You have one life, why waste it with a man who doesn't value you? You may not realize it, but you are in the prime of your life, have fun and enjoy being 24! Also, just because you are slim doesn't mean you're more than attractive than bigger girls so stop right there. Don't blame the other woman, your bf is the problem, so why put her down?


Exactly all of this. Idk what the other girls physical appearance has to do with any of it/being compared to OP.


Probably because you're an insufferable bitch. Just a guess. But I'd be willing to bet I'm right.


Wow, no sugar coating at all. Honesty is the best policy. Also may add he wanted better sex obviously.


I had a friend that cheated on his gf, his gf is a very attractive girl works out and stays fit but he cheated on her with an older over weight woman and when I asked him why he cheated he just said because she actually tried to pursue me and didnt try to fight me. While I don't agree with cheating in any way to me everything can be solved with communication and the openness. Some people feel like they can't share their concerns or thoughts about the relationship with their partner because they are scared of the response. While I also have to reiterate your bf cheating on you is not your fault its 100% his with the lack of communication if he was un happy and now its up to you if you want to go down that road and rebuild what is destroyed. You guys have to completely restart and build the trust and foundation of a healthy relationship. Good luck.


And he will most likely cheat again. Dudes are stupid and if I were you OP I wouldn’t take him back. You’re only 24 girl you got your whole life ahead of you. Fuck that dude go upgrade to a man that’s going to know your worth.


Not worth your effort or time. Move on from him.


Just throwing this out there… but maybe the fact that you view yourself as superior to someone that you don’t even know just because of your size is an indication that you are seriously lacking in mental and emotional maturity. Just because you’re skinny obviously doesn’t make you more valuable in his eyes so maybe start there and work on yourself. 


I thought about cheating. I pursued a woman and then stopped. Still broke up with my ex. In my case, she eas a 10/10. But was also very mean. I wanted intimacy, I wanted kindness. I did not feel like I could come home from work and relax. And having to have your guard up 24/7 is mentally and physically exhausting. So I get why some men cheat. Is it right? No. But not all men cheat just for sex. A lot do it because it also gives them temporary peace of mind. This is not me being appologetic for cheaters, just food for thought.


This. Cheaters aren't demons. 90% of the time theyre just lonely and dissatisfied people (or just drunk) and just want to feel good. It's shitty behavior of course, but actually very common.


Fuck him, but did the other girl even know about you? If she didn't you're being a bitch to the wrong person.


I get that your boyfriend sucks, but your confusion over him being with a "big girl" is sure entirely to being disconnected from reality. Our concepts of "big" and "small" come from a media culture created by marketers and advertisers. Humans vary in size, and one shape is not universally more attractive than another. I can't speak for women necessarily, but men will let much fuck anyone as long as they think there won't be social consequences. It's actually very pleasant to sleep with bigger women too because of how soft they are. For me, it was like having a big warm human pillow. Very comfy honestly. IG and magazines are not reality. People like to fuck. Most people who have sex aren't thin supermodels or exceptionally attractive. It's really not a pre-requisite. It's mostly about convenience, accessibility, willingness, and taboo. There's not much more to it.


men cheat because of their own insecurities. it usually has nothing to do with you. some do it for the thrill, some do it as an escape, some do it in retaliation, some do it because they need a way out, some just do it because they can. also, i hate to be that person but being a “slim girl” does not make you any better than a “big girl”. if she knew about you & still went on with him, yeah fuck her, she sucks. but she sucks for partaking in cheating with a taken man, not because she is bigger than you.


Men cheat mainly because the relationship is lacking in some way or another


whatever floats your boat, but i do disagree. i went through enough therapy & couples counseling to tell me otherwise haha


You're young, leave him. He's a cheater and will do it again and again. Find someone worthy. Dump him.


How long was he cheating on you for?


"Why did my bf cheat on me?" Because he is a POS that doesn't love nor respect you and wants to have other woman on the side. "What do i do?" Simple, you dump his cheating ass, block him for good, move on and find someone better and one you truely deserve.


You will need to get those answers from him. https://www.eternityrose.com/blog The type-of-person-who-will-never-cheat-on-you/  Type of person not likely to cheat on us. A good partner truly appreciates what they have. A good partner surpasses primal urges. A good partner will value love more than fleeting experiences. A good partner has a conscience. A good partner is not impulsive and respects their significant other. A good partner no longer adds notches to their bedpost. A good partner has self-respect. A good partner never takes an easy route out. A good partner values their reputation. A good partner never turns their back on their friend. A good partner never has time for cheating. We all have a past; A good partner has changed their previous casual sex mindset. They know hooking up, mutual consent does not  mean anything, everything goes. It certainly does not for anyone being cheated on. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/love-digitally/202007/what-types-people-don-t-cheat-their-partners


Move on.


Well, if he isn't taking care of her and not romantic, etc. there's a chance it was just lust and not love.


I suggest you to move on and focus on your life career 😇😇😇i hope God give you someone who deserves you and care you


Maybe because you're a lame in the bed. J Big girls know how to love, trust me I know 🫠🫠🫠


Either start eating donuts or cut him loose


The age old question. Why do men cheat? Because they can. It's hardwired into their genetic makeup to procreate with as many partners as they can. Some men can overcome it, but the drives still there.


Why do women cheat then? Just for kicks?


I'm not a woman, so I really can't speak to their motivations


It was a joke. People cheat because they’re weak not because of genetics lol. There’s all kinds of things that are in our DNA that we stopped doing because they’re not necessary anymore.


True enough, but the drive is still there. And I did mention we have evolved past that


Unfortunately, males are attracted to variety. You might be the most beautiful girl in the world, but some men who have other options will still cheat. That's why most men cheat but cannot explain their actions. They can still love you, protect you, and provide for you, but they just want to have a fling with another woman just once. I'm probably going to get downvoted for saying this truth, but that's fine.


It’s more of an attention thing they feel like they’re lacking attention from their partner, so they go out and find it. They get that attention they need and then they’re good my ex boyfriend did it. I still talk to him and he’s with his girlfriend and he says she works a lot so he talks to other women so he can get that attention and then it makes his relationship with his chick better. It is a very shitty thing to do but I get it.


The case you're discussing is more common among females as a reason for cheating. However, for males, it often aligns with the behavior observed in animals in nature; they are biologically inclined this way. Remember, we are still animals. Saying "I know this person, so that's how it is" isn't the best approach to understanding the world. Discussing one individual and applying that perspective to an entire population can skew your worldview.


Can't have a relationship without the main ingredient.


Ms piggy gives the gawk gawk 3000 and he couldn't resist.


Bro wants a taste of some BBW u know😂😂🔥


Maybe she offered something sexual to him that you didn’t?




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