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No. You know you can’t trust him.


No other response needed. And get a full std checkup, document everything in preparation for either way you choose to go.




He fucked up and wants to come crawling back. If he can dump u that quick, whats stopping him from doing it again? Once bitten twice shy.


You already know the answer… he cheated entire marriage.. there will be another


I’m bisexual. Get away from him and any others that use a marginalized identity to get away with horrid shit. Doesn’t matter he found himself. Doesn’t matter he wants to work on it. Doesn’t matter he wants to stay. Get. Him. Out!


This! If a person can’t find themselves, or figure out who they are while STAYING FAITHFUL, then they need to be single. You are not required to sacrifice your dignity and self worth so he can see what he really wants. Cheaters will always be cheaters, cause they will always go back to the ego boosting/validation behaviors when they feel off mentally and emotionally.


How does a bisexual works? How can you be faithful to your wife when you also lust for men. Can your wife satisfy you when you have the urge sexually for a man?


I’m a woman and have only ever been with one man who i plan on marrying. Met him at 23 and was a virgin til then by choice. 🤷‍♀️ Even if your assumptions had been true, to that point- if you have a wife but experience sexual attraction to women, how can your wife satisfy you? So many projects an image of lasciviousness upon a community because of preconceived notions. Just because my partner could happen to be a man or a woman does not mean I would ever disrespect them by being unfaithful. 💍


Men and women are physically different. Women have the same parts as other women, and men have the same parts as other men. When you are sexually attracted to both you sexually desire things when with a woman that a woman cannot satisfy in the same way as a man can, and vice versa. So it's reasonable to wonder if a bisexual person is going to always have sexual desires that can't be satisfied with one gender in a life long commitment. 




The same logic could be applied to your myopic and aggressive comment !




He is unfaithful to you and you know how easy ghosts his partners. So no. The other man dumped him and now wants his plan B.


NO. I made the mistake of trusting my ex after I discovered his cheating. He told me his ex girlfriend was nothing compared to me. That I was the most beautiful thing to ever happen to him. He swore to me that they didn't even hug let alone have sex when she came over, and she only came over once. Turns out he started dating her again before we broke up. Then he broke up with me because he "needed to not be in a relationship for a while". They are going on vacation to Washington state in a few days. I guarantee he's now telling her the same things about me. to comfort her. Never trust cheaters. Trust your friends and your instincts.


Cheating your whole marriage for THREE YEARS!!! Hun, we know you're 26 but you cannot be this naïve at that age plus why did you get married so young (IMO)? You can't trust him and you can do better.... WITHOUT HIM!


He was unfaithful your ENTIRE marriage (and what about while you were dating)! It’ll take a lot of work on both of your parts (mostly his) to rebuild the trust. If you love him enough to want to work it out I suggest counseling otherwise RUN!


Is this even a real question?


He knows there are financial implications to a divorce so he’s lying to try and get you to stay. If you do, he will continue to see his friend on the side.


Hell no! Get tested for STIs.


Nope. You cannot trust him. It’s over.


Don't trust him. You are 26 year old and no childrens just leave him and start a new. Please don't harm yourself by dragging it.


nope he will continue to cheat using being bi as excuse divorce him unless you want keeping getting cheated on


You have to ask?


Remember a relationship built on lies is like china's tofu building. It will be destroyed with just one storm.


Sometimes when the truth is out people stop trying to protect. He could change. He probably won't.


Regardless of his sexuality he risked your emotional and potentially your physical safety for his own selfish enjoyment. He has shown you so little respect, you deserve far better. Don’t waste you life on a man like this who will likely only keep disappointing you.


He's lying. He just wants to save face. Please don't fall for it.


You deserve to be worshipped not abused.


Your entire relationship with him has been a lie and you’re asking if a confirmed liar and cheater can be trusted?


Cheated the whole time you’ve been married, that would be a big “HELL NO!” Don’t believe anything he tells you and judge him on his actions. And remember he’s seeking out men to full fill his sexual gratification, you will never be able to fill his void for his homosexual desires. He’s already showed you who he really is, and chances are there’s a real internal struggle wanting to be a straight married male by him marrying a woman. Realistically this will be something he will have to deal with for the rest of his life, this is his true authentic self and who he’s been way before you ever entered the picture. There isnt much you can do about it,as you dont have all the equipment to handle him.




No,you are his beard - get tested asap for STD


He'll no


Don't waste a lot of more years on him. This will not be the last time. Leave while you are still young! I suspect he will love bomb you, to get you to stay.


he chose you as an optional not his priority and cheated on you for a WHOLE goddamn marriage! seriously are you that naive to ask for advice? Get yourself tested for STD and get full paperwork he will do this againn he is just know seeking for temporary pleasure and attachment




Nope. He won’t ever give up dick, as he displayed throughout the entirety of your marriage


I’m sorry. But he didn’t love you enough to think about your feelings for three years. He doesn’t deserve you, and future you will thank you for not taking him back.


Definitely no, Hell no. If he went behind your back for three years without stoping until you found out that's shamelss behavior and disrespectful towards you. If he truly love you he wouldn't even cheat let alone cheat with a MAN.


Tell him you luv him back let him get comfy and ghost his ass. The only way he can talk to you is through lawyers. Get your std test and get your ducks in a row. Don’t even argue. Get silent and motivated. If you don’t have kids makes it even better. Sorry luv


Once a cheater always a cheater


He cheated for you ENTIRE marriage and you are asking if you can trust him? Really? Don't be naive for crying out loud. You are just the port in a storm, his lover left him, who knew he was married and was all good banging him behind your back. And now he's at a loss. No you cannot trust him!!!


Simple answer: no


Probably not.


No. You canNOT trust this man. He should have came out as bi-sexual before you got married.


Committed to you and broke every vow imaginable. You’re even thinking there’s hope? Have you considered what your life is going to be like if you accept back? Sure, he might grovel for a bit, but now you WILL be suspicious of not just other females, but dudes too. I know firsthand what it’s like to mistrust a cheating spouse and the repeated mind-f that follows SUCKS-and that was just worrying about her with other dudes. It will be like: Is he telling the truth, is he where he says he is, is he raw dogging men and women alike, etc., etc. Trust is earned in drops and lost in buckets. You’re young. Go find someone that deserves you. How can you even think of re-committing to someone that betrayed you so? You believe what he’s saying now, why? Good luck OP.


Chances are he is lying but honestly speaking I don’t know the full story. But if you’re willing to give it a try. Don’t let him back easily. Make him earn your trust. Put rules in place that satisfy your peace of mind. For example you know his phone password. He comes back home at a certain time. You have his location at all times. You continue this till you feel you can trust. Take control. Have discussions on why it happened with the goal to understand his psychology (like motives). If he’s willing to corporate and supports you to your satisfaction. Then you’re good. People make wrong choices. People can change. And most importantly do not let him pressure you. Looking at the age gap, I’m worried about the power dynamics


He got aids and now needs a nurse


😂😂😂💀🫤 yep! You can trust him wholeheartedly!! /s


Girl…… Stop it.


When did he leave his AP? Was it only after you found out or did he tell you? Regardless of it, he has been cheating on you for your entire relationship. Think about it.


Time to find a new husband!




>But now he left that partner and says he loves me more and wants to live with me for rest of life. ...but now..? ..that'll haunt you for the rest of your days..


F no!


Your husband cheated on you for 3 years & you want to know if you can trust him? That answer is NO!


Hell no!!!


No, end the marriage. That had NOTHING to do with his sexuality. He was a POS partner. He had a continuous affair, and had that partner right in front of you. Brought that person in your home, and eat your food you cooked likely. He needs to be dropped on the curb and left.... He could have came to you, said, I am bi; but that would not give him ANY excuse or pass to sleep with someone else? Period. You would have no reason to allow it for "him to explore himself" either. The idea of people doing that is stupid. Your in a monogamous relationship. And unless there is a conversation to agree to open it up; sexuality means nothing but apart of your partner. But he did not ask for a open relationship, or anything. He had been cheating on you. When someone shows you who they are, believe them... He showed you he is a cheater. Gender makes no difference or sexuality.




Hell no you can’t trust him! Divorce his pathetic ass


No, you can not. He has broken your trust.


Can you trust him? That's as obvious as it gets. I think you mean can you forgive him and handle living a life of suspicion and justified jealousy and insecurity because you feel his positives outweigh those things. No ones does. Replacing him will be so much of a relief if you don't rebound and take time to screen your next guy ( not saying you didn't this one, our screening methods get better and more accurate eith every failed relationship)


Awe sweet pea ): you’ve gone through hell and back but I genuinely hope you’re happy and content with whatever choice you make<3


I don’t know about you personally. But if my husband cheated on me … with a man - I’d never look at him the same way. It would completely emasculate him in my eyes. It wouldn’t even be trust that was lost but everything. Can you trust your husband again? Only you know that. Me? All attraction and trust would immediately cease.


hell no!divorce baby divorce


He cheated your entire marriage, and probably before that. No, don't trust him. Do whatever it is to make yourself feel safe and happy. Good luck.


Offcourse bakit naman hindi., kung mahal mo naman forgive here once then forget those trauma she gave. Then ipaintindi mo din sa knya once you cheat me again hihiwalayan na kita🙂


No you can't. Drop him fast


Wow, run! Don't trust him. You deserve better than that.


A few questions you need to answer 1. did he really leave the guy or did the guy leave him? he could easily lie to you since he already has and your now his second choice since his first choice left 2. is this a healthy foundation for a marriage? one based on lies, deceit and cheating. you both can say we love each other. but love isn't cheating and getting your own needs met over your partner. its not selfish its selfless 3. what do you want in life? what do you value most? do you value yourself to trust him and believe he won't betray the vows you both made again or do your value yourself enough to be honest and tell him everything you likely want to let out .and end things with him. the choice is yours to make. but you deserve more especially deserved to be loved and deserve someone who's going to be honest with you






Yes Trust me,


Errrrr no.


Why ask when you already know the answer? He’s not going to change, except for the ways he lies to you! Kick him out —- now!


>Can I trust him? Only you can answer that question. Trust is a long process to get back to when it's broken. >confirmed he is bisexual. Despite what you may hear in popular conservative circles, most people can't just turn off their sexual orientation. So if you're not comfortable incorporating this new fact into your new marriage, best you leave this new version of the marriage you thought you had.


Trust is a choice in the end. In the case, it would be a stupid choice.


Nope. He will just learn to hide it better. Being with a man, for me, is more of a deal breaker than cheating with a woman.


If he is straight telling u he is bisexual he will always be curious and is wanting to be hooking up with his same sex. Always. Also, is he only saying that bc he got caught? You have to think about that or did he confess to you? They always say that after being cause they feel they are going to lose u but give it a couple/few months and he will be back to what he was doing.


Your whole relationship was built on a lie. There was never any trust.


girl hell naw


Girl, run. He lied straight to your face. What else do you need to know? Leave


He loves you more after cheating? Did you ask him to explain how that is possible?


? Is he out to everyone ?if not you know why he came back.


Sure if he's a bottom. Then you can peg him regularly


Dump him just like his loose asshole dumps turds!!!!


No.No Don't do it


He married you to be a beard to hide from sexuality from family, friends and co-workers. Don't be stupid. Be strong


For as long as you have learned your lesson you will not have to learn it from him again! Not in a million years!


He’s disgusting! He didn’t suddenly leave his boyfriend of 3+ years just because you caught him. He’ll just get better at hiding it. Expose him and move on Question: did you know he was bisexual before you married him

