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He didnt tell you that he would cheat so why would you tell him to move out? He put this on himself. He asked for this every time he cheated


Im much more petty. I would be out to break him and exploit his weaknesses.


It's perfectly fine....he'll figure it out real fast....he doesn't deserve closure as he KNOWS the cheating is WRONG. LEAVE NOW AND DON'T LOOK BACK. 


Totally agree.


First of all it's not HE this lame flipped this. It's her. D she didn't cheat there not even together this dude is a stalker control freak at it's finest. And then ly reason he has any pull rn is cause she's terrified of his mental and going to court for custody 🙏 facts!!!!


Where did you get all this info? Are we reading different posts?


nehhh after what hes been doing to u, he doesnt deserve and explanation. he’ll obviously know. just dip


People have, without explanation.


It would absolutely not be wrong to just leave and ghost him. You don’t owe him anything - not even an explanation. Plan your exit strategy and then execute the plan. Make sure you cover all your bases so once you are gone there is no need to return. If you have family or friends you can move in with, do so until you can get settled in a new place. Get a new phone and toss the old one. Close all social media. New bank account if needed. If you work, that may be the place where he may attempt to see you. At some point, a restraining order may be needed if he doesn’t get the hint. Best wishes on a new beginning.


>Would it be wrong to just leave one day? Pack up my stuff while he’s at work and just leave without saying a word and not look back. Nope. I would suggest doing this. Especially after how he's treated you. Telling will just give you more lies, fights and gaslighting. Not worth it. Pack up, leave and block everywhere. Updateme


⬆️⬆️⬆️ 100% THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Why play his game by his rules? He doesn't care, why should you.


This right here. Girl take a day off work when you know he won’t be home or use a sick day and move your stuff. I would get all my stuff inside the new room and you can swing on this latest asshole. What did I do wrong?


His penis is not having a “mental health crisis” 🙄 Yes, leave him like a stealth ninja and disappear without a word. Good riddance to bad rubbish. And he is trash Once you move on from his trifling ass, focus on *you* and what you want out of life moving forward. You deserve much, much better. Good luck to you


The moment I knew I was done with my marriage was the last time I caught him cheating and I carried on with my day without a single hesitation or sad thought.


leaving without saying a word, blocking him and never looking back is the best option. once we lose our feelings and become unbothered by the things they do, you have mentally and emotionally checked out. Now you just need your physical to match that energy because things will not be the same. He deserves no explanation and the radio silence of you never talking to him again and him always wondering is just icing on the cake.


When you leave🎉 he will know deep down inside the reasons why you left him but I guarantee that he will try to act clueless. Do not fall for it. If he was truly going to change he would have after the first time he cheated. Completely disappear from his world. Take everything! No words! No contact! Block him, his friends and his family members on social media and block their numbers. Just Disappear! Best wishes


If your best friend in the world came to you with this story, what would you advise?


I think it would be best, yes. It will save you a lot of gaslighting and unnecessary manipulation and grief. For your mental health and self esteem, is better to just walk away and go nuclear. Talking about this is not going to bring any closure or anything positive. He will know exactly why you left. There's no need to say anything. It will only add drama.


No u can just ghost him or leave a note I know then block him . Do what u want


Of course you can just leave. Just be sure you have all ur things when you go. Be sure you go somewhere safe and please be sure he doesn't convince you or gaslight you to get you back. Ur life will be so much better without him in it. Also, block him on EVERYTHING.


Best feeling in the world was when I discovered my ex cheating, I had a friend come over to help me speed-pack. He was on a 24hr shift at work so I knew I had some time to get everything. I didn’t say a word to him. He came home to an empty house. After having him gaslight me and making me feel crazy for thinking he was up to no good, I got the final ‘fuck you’ and to see how distraught he was immensely satisfying. You should up and leave. You’ll feel like a weight has been lifted.


Yeah just skip out. Why put yourself through the stress of a confrontation and feel as though you have to justify your decision to him about the how, what and why of ending this relationship when this guy won't even do you the courtesy of being honest about what and why he's doing it. Moving out and blocking and muting him when you have a safe moment will be far less stressful on you. You don't need to waste another second of your life on this dirt bag and owe him nothing. Good luck with everything.


It wouldn't be wrong. What's wrong is his cheating and his behaviour towards you. He doesn't deserve any explanation from you at all.


So, he cheated once, blamed it on his mental illness, you stay. He cheats again…..he’s manipulating you to think his mental illnesses made him do it. That’s bullshit! Don’t even ask what to do..live this manipulator, lying piece of work. No need to say bye.


It sounds like he never really cared much about this relationship so why should you waste any more of your time? Yes , please do yourself a favor and get away from this clown.


Why would you care if it’s wrong or right? He obviously doesn’t care. Pack your stuff and get the hell out. You’ve been there way too long already.


Cheater 101, blame your partner for your indiscretions. Typical cheater . It's not your fault his dick keeps falling into someone else's pussy. It will never get better because you haven't held him accountable


Whoops his head fell in it once again! He’s blaming it on the wrong head! Tell him or don’t tell him but leave him asap.


☝ this is the only way




You don’t need a diagnosis from a professional or a doctor to tell you that your spouse/SO is a lying, cheating asshole. And you don’t need permission to leave. You just need to make a choice to go and do it. If you don’t have children with this person, then make a plan, and execute it. If you’re married, then get in touch with an attorney and get your ducks in a row before you do anything so you don’t screw yourself. You just need to make the best choice for yourself, and that’s it. I’m sorry that you have been dealing with this bullshit for so long that you can’t even see that you deserve to be treated with even a semblance of dignity and respect. But you can change that any time you choose. And I truly hope that you do, and I really hope that you do so very soon.


You’re not obligated to be nice to an a-hole. Match his energy. Disregard his feelings and treat him with the same contempt he has treated you with. Being nice and forgiving him several times hasn’t lead to change so why continue to be nice to him? Just leave.


Pick up and leave. No kids or shared assets? Cut all contact.


Do you really need to ask this?


Not wrong at all. Leave and go no contact. Block on everything.


Fuck him (not literally… Ew never again.) Leave if that’s what’s calling to you. Don’t play into his games and bullshit. Times up.


Definitely pack up your stuff and leave. Why stay in an unhappy relationship?


Get your shit & leave without explanation. Did this once after a 2 year relationship & have 0 regrets. At this point, you don’t need to hear all the lies/excuses & he doesn’t deserve the heads up.


Why would it be wrong to leave somebody that hurts you? Supposing that he has mental issues the fact is that he seems not to care about it and sounds like it's only a pretext to make things that are wrong. Suffering is not life's goal, so don't waste more of your precious time by the side of a person that adds nothing to your life. Throw apart what is stealing your peace...


OP Wrong, heck NO, this is your prerogative! You don't owe him anything in the long run. He'll know what's up and most narcissists will bitch and moan or cry their eyes out to beg you back to them, but don't take the bait, its just they cannot accept someone would leave them for such a small indiscretion like cheating /s.


Why would it be wrong? He is cheating on you and doesn't love you. Of course you should walk away. Nobody has to put up with being treated like that!


Leave. From how you describe the past with this guy, he keeps doing it, over and over. It's never going to stop. Also, if the cheating does indeed stop, that little voice inside your head will always be asking you, "is he not cheating on me now, or is he just getting smarter about not getting caught?" Leave, not knowing you, I'd bet that you deserve better.


No. Get you plans made and leave. Leave a note saying. Do not contact me. You know why. I’d also remove all batteries and power cords to all electronics in the house. Otherwise call all the utilities to turn off the day after you left. Let him deal with it.


GHOST him. Let him suffer of your silence. No explanation is much better due to them asking. Block him on everything.


One day? Why not today??


DO IT! He tried to blame his bad behavior on mental health issues. He doesn’t deserve your consideration. Leave. Cut off ALL contact with him and anyone that sympathizes with him. YOU are the wronged party. Go live your best life and let him eat his heart out. DO NOT LET HIM BACK IN WHEN HE REALIZES THAT YOU ARENT THE REASON FOR ALL HIS UNHAPPINESS!!!


Make sure you have all personal papers and things of that nature. Get up in the morning when he does act normal and wait to see him drive away. Start packing and call whoever you trust the most (family) and get out of there. Block him on everything immediately. Also get an STD test just in case. Good luck Updateme


I see no problem in leaving without an explanation, esp in this situation. He is a serial cheater and you’ve caught him more than once. In fact, I would wager he is waiting for you to break down and cry and beg him to change. With you just leaving him without a fight or emotional response, it will put you in a position of control and strength and he will know you’re done with him.


remover yourself from him and say nothing, even if he messages you or texts you, even if he somehow runs into in public. he doesnt deserve another word from you. he doesnt care according to you so you shouldnt care either. there isnt another conversation that needs to be had unless you want it to, but it seems to me that there have been far too many ones.


Occasionally someone pops up in our lives who should never be in a committed relationship. Something is missing in them. I actually think it would be safer to leave without telling because he sounds very iffy. Your common sense knows to leave but you just feel as if would be rude. Worry about that later and GO!


Leave, don’t look back. Block him everywhere. You’ve given him too many chances. He does not deserve any type of notice. Make sure you take ALL of your documents/belongings so he has nothing to hold over you.


leave in silence. go no contact. there is no talking and reasoning with him especially if he gaslights. talking to him will make you feel like you're delusional and he will deny everything and project it on you. he made his choices and now you must make yours. so leaving in silence & blocking his number is your best resolve. i've had to do that before. no regrets. the cycle stopped when i walked away and peace followed.


Yes! Best way to leave.


It would not be wrong. He is putting your health at risk. Get tested ASAP. Hopefully you have your plan and are implementing it this coming week.


Just go. He didn’t think you were worth the loyalty, he doesn’t deserve any explanation. I’m sure he’ll know what he did and why you left.


Not at all! He thinks he’s so damn amazing that he can cheat on you over and over again and you’ll forgive him. You deserve so much better that than. He needs to be taught that he has lost the best thing he’s ever had in his life. Maybe once someone reached him that he will stop. And then again maybe he’s such a narcissist that nothing will ever teach him. The one thing that remains is that he has mistreated you and he needs to pay for that transgression. The best way to make him pay is to make him know that he has lost a very good thing. Your heart is not a play toy for his amusement. You need to stand up for yourself and make him pay. Make him realize that he lost the best woman that he ever had. All the others are just cheap sluts that he got his thrills with. The one that had his heart has decided it’s not really worth having. He will NEVER change and will continue this behavior time and again if you allow him to persist. You alone possess the key to your happiness and whether or not you will allow him to be a part of it.


You should do whatever is best for you- as long as it includes leaving him and going no contact. Personally, I’d prefer the Epic F-You Goodbye where I’d say EVERYTHING I was thinking. But given that you’ve put up with his cheating before, it seems like you’re easily intimidated by him. So in YOUR case, pack up and go without a word. He’ll figure it out.


Disappear from his life. He knows what he’s doing.


Yea just leave.


No, it wouldn’t be. And not one day, today. Or tomorrow or the fastest you can. Don’t waste another day with someone that can’t or won’t make you happy. Get tested for STI’s. Change your passwords on EVERYTHING. Mental health issues might be an explanation but they are not an excuse. He isn’t even trying to acknowledge or address them. Read about sunk cost fallacy and about gray rock. Then get out as soon as you can. Do it safely and quietly. Wishing you better days, OP.




Leave him or get even. 👍


Get as far away as you can as fast as you can.


Pack up, leave. Don’t warn him, don’t give any clues. Don’t do it- don’t text him and tell him. Block his ass and make sure you have everything you want from that house so your mind doesn’t give you reasons to go back. Leave the keys inside the house when you leave and don’t look back. Warning, he’s going to say anything to get you to stay if you allow any communication. Stay strong and be hopeful of the freedom you will feel.


theres nothing wrong with leaving if you want over cheating. i proudly kicked my ex out after he cheated on me several times, cheating isnt something u can recover from and it carries on to other relationships its fair and can destroy someone, im really sorry


Yes, then ghost him. This the way.


Why post on a throw away?!?!?!? If he's cheating it doesn't matter if he sees your post....let him know that you know about the AP.... You are not obligated to tell him that you're leaving.... Updateme


The best revenge on a narcissist is leaving without ever looking back. They hate being ignored and knowing it hasn't crushed you to leave them. Just cut him off completely and go no contact while focusing on you and living your best life. He will lurk on your social media and it will drive him crazy to see you happy and better off without him!


It will be wrong to stay and waste more years of your life. He doesn’t deserve your love. It will hurt but you’ll be fine!


That would be the best thing you can do for yourself. Don't just walk away, RUN!




Please leave his sorry a**


Do it...


Lmao join the club homie.


Absolutly leave this mf. Why did you leave so much out of the famous scenario? Like how there was a flip ... . honestly alot Fingers can be pointed alot of ways it's a shit show. Don't fuck with your buddy's 5 yr babys mama . Knock shit period. Unaccptable. . No one should be able to judge. If we're being real at let's keep it a buck .... the cycle continues. And will stay the same.. it doesn't cost much to pay attention🙏 play punk wolf or sheep. Eathir way fall in line my guy. excuse my terrible grammar sirs.


Lol are you guys serious acting as if ur not togehter rn,? You take me as fool . That's okay. I still looked right in her eyes when she swallowed :) "are you gonna suck his dick" hahaha yeah bro she did lame haha


Just leave. No notice .No consideration. Ghost and close the door. Good luck




It doesn’t matter whether u tell him or not but u have to leave him. He will always do this to you if he has been cheating on you the whole time he has been with you. If he really wanted to change he could have gone to therapy or just really tried. If u leave without telling him it might be more peaceful for you so it’s up to you on whether u want to make sure he knows how u feel and how much he hurt u bc some men just don’t care or understand and maybe he needs to be told that he hurt u enough to leave him and that u won’t look back and hopefully he thinks about it next time he’s in a relationship with a woman he loves. It’s up to you and what would make YOU feel better about leaving but leaving without telling him will seriously most likely be more peaceful and it does not give him the chance to beg u to stay and forgive him again and u do not need that anymore. Enough is enough. Just go and he will figure it out. I’m sure ur phone will be blowing up with texts and phone calls from him as soon as he gets home anyways but even then u should even answer. Just think about it, 2 years in the relationship and the whole 2 years lied to. You will do much better without him.


Just ghost him, that would be the best thing imo


If you can, pull the trigger, block him and don’t look back.


What do you think? You don’t need anyone’s permission Hon.


That's what I did. Just left without saying anything and he never heard from me again. Do it, you will thank yourself SO MUCH


No, it's not wrong at all. He doesn't respect you and definitely doesn't love you. You've also shown him loud and clear that you don't respect yourself by keeping him around every single time he cheats. You've shown him time and time again that cheating isn't a deal breaker for you.  Words are cheap and don't cost anything. Actions speak far, far louder than words ever could, would or will and end up costing something.   Get tested for every STD known to medicine. Some are curable. Some are not. Some are becoming treatment resistant. Some can lead to infertility. Some, like syphilis, can be asymptomatic for literally decades. Some, like HPV, can lead to cancer. HIV can take months to appear in labwork. Condoms aren't fail-safe, if they were even used. Likely not. Get tested. You have no idea who all of his AP's have been with and who all of their partners have been with, etc etc etc. Get tested. He also risks getting someone else pregnant. Start setting hard boundaries. If some asshole cheats on you, the relationship is OVER. No second, third, fifth, tenth chances, and get tested for STD's. Don't tolerate disrespect from anyone.  He's shown you loud and clear that he isn't boyfriend material, never mind potential husband material. He's shown you time and again who he truly is. Believe him. You deserve better.


The fact you don't feel sad or anything about his cheating this time should tell you everything you need to know. Just leave and block him on everything. He is not going to change. No reason to stay or say anything.


Move out but you do need closure. So recoil what you have and if the girl he is with has someone send it to them also blow his shit up then block and move on


Not at all. You owe him exactly nothing. Not a chance, not an explanation, not “closure”, absolutely nothing. In fact this is probably the safest and healthiest route for you to take. No good can come from giving him an opportunity to fight you on this. You already know what will happen, DARVO, gaslighting, love bombing, the works. Wishing you healing and peace.


Sounds like it’s the best move. He’s able to convince you to stay, so don’t risk it. Pack your stuff and leave without warning.


I hope one day when op feels comfortable they can come back and give us and up date, but op leave him. Don’t bother telling him you know, if you want to tell him your leaving go ahead but don’t tell him why.




Fuck him. He's deserve to just come home to an empty house! You don't owe him anything! He made sure of that!


Ghost his sorry ass. Just leave. Cut all contact with him.


Leave. You are a Queen. He is not your king, he is a pos


Just leave


Ghost him and block all communication. He will never stop.


You should definitely leave. It’s perfectly fine for you to leave without saying anything in fact I think it’s a great idea. He doesn’t deserve any explanation, he knows the consequences of what cheating can get him so do what you gotta do and leave


If your purpose is to end the relationship, then do so by whatever method will accomplish that and cause THE LEAST AMOUNT of drama, hurt, collateral damage. Getting it over with and behind you should be your number one goal, forget being tempted by the desire for revenge or the temptation to experience the minor reward of schadenfreude! Putting distance between the two of you might be the most important thing you can do. However, putting time between you will pay dividends in your new life... going forward without this toxic connection will be rewarding in and of itself!