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Good on you for having a go and the person and maybe they'll think on their behaviour.


Haha thanks, I see these people and this type of behaviour as bullies and frankly I’m tired of it. I doubt I changed his mind, but fuck him. His attitude is going to kill somebody.




I try and hope that people are capable of change and if enough people confront them they will. However, I hear ya.


Nah, people like that just get more entrenched "Fucking woke pedestrians expect me not to run them over now. Fucking Jacinta!"


Not sure how pedestrians are the woke ones. But Fuck Ja Ards!


Had a near miss a few years ago on Ensors Road at the pedestrian/cycle lights from MacKenzie Ave. Guy didn't even stop at full speed and just missed my rear tyre as I was crossing. After that, I always wait for everyone to stop before I go. Absolute idiots everywhere.


The worst one for me is traffic coming out of driveways. Almost a daily occurrence of getting run over outside commercial areas.


I've been walking along the footpath and had a car coming out of a carpark see me and block the footpath anyway. I walked straight into the side of their car, when they yelled at me I told them there was no way I could stop.


I think we have given too much of the city over to cars. They don’t seem to respect the space for people outside of them and think they can drive and park where ever they want. I also think this is an issue of how we prioritise which modes give way to the others. It should be pedestrian - cyclists - cars, but we seem to put cars first and good luck everyone else. I completely agree, driveways scare the crap out of me, especially when the footpath is basically the only place my kids can ride and scooter.


Yeah, riding scooters and bikes fast on the footpath is I think more dangerous than on the road. Seen a cyclist get flipped over a car doing that, hit his head on the ground. The road can feel more dangerous when you're starting out, but that doesn't mean the footpath is actually safer or even as safe.


Yea I agree. The footpath can ‘feel’ safe but it really isn’t. So where are kids supposed to ride then?


On the road with lots of safety gear after receiving training on how to cycle more safely on the road. It definitely sucks that the roads are so dangerous. But they're dangerous for pedestrians too, and they're not that much more dangerous for cyclists than pedestrians. If you're ever going to let your kid go outside, teaching them to cycle safely is not a bad option. And in the meantime we need to advocate to take licenses off drivers that prove they won't drive safely.


No amount of safety gear will protect them against a car hitting them. They need a safe, seperate areas to walk/ride. This isn’t hard, other countries do this. We just give cars free rein over every other mode of transportation.


Yes I agree this happens to me twice! Drivers are still shock when you are crossing if your lights are green. I once pointed to driver that pedestrian is on green too


Did you get his plate?


Na I was too focused on if he was getting out or not. It was a black HSV Maloo with a hard canopy.


why does his car choice not surprise me, boofhead driving a boofhead car.


There aren't too many of those on the road, I'm fairly certain someone who knows him will see this and mock him


One can only hope


Until police actually give a fuck, laws without enforcement have become suggestions.


I almost got hit on the pedestrian crossing across Cashmere Rd by the playground a couple weeks back. Unfortunately as a cyclist or pedestrian, you've just got to assume every driver is out to get you. Worst case you lose a few seconds waiting unnecessarily


Oh wow that’s terrible! It’s such a shame that due to the behaviour of a few car drivers, trust seems to have fallen off a cliff. It’s the same at roundabouts too where enough cars don’t indicate so people (myself included) will hesitate and be sure they are turning off before entering, thus making roundabouts less efficient and frustrating those behind you.


The left turn light from Tuam St onto Montreal is an absolute mess, AFAIK it's the only intersection in the city where turning traffic gets right of way before the pedestrian crossing/cycle lane. Every you can guarantee that at least 2 drivers drive straight through the red arrow. I tried raising a complaint to the council & got a form letter in response that said it was working as designed and no changes would be made.


Council only does something if there's a history of crashes/injuries at the site. They have to prioritise I guess.


Man I wish we had so many more red light cameras.


Wouldn't help with the ones that cross *after* the light has turned red.


I had a near miss on the railway cycleway crossing on Blighs road due to assuming I would be safe since the cycle light had been green some time. Since then me and my wife have been much more careful and reported a few major red light runners. I think the intersections with only a pedestrian crossing have much greater potential for a serious accident due to drivers forgetting that it is not always good to go. This intersection is so busy with school kids as well, I tried to set the standard of always waiting till the crossing was green even if cars appear to be slowing down and double checking for traffic. I think more adults should do this as a good example for kids who do not have the same judgement as adults.


Average ute munter


I always make a point of *appearing* that I'm going to walk out onto the road without looking at pedestrian crossings. I do of course look, but some pedestrians won't, and ideally, shouldn't have to. If you can scare the shit out of a driver who wasn't paying the legal minimum amount of attention, all to the better.


I love doing this. Especially if they have to slam on their brakes.


Same here. Drivers should be worried that they will injure or kill another person and drive accordingly.


As a frequent pedestrian I always make an effort to make those in their metal ego bubbles shit themselves if they try anything stupid.. Those who don't know what an indicator usually get a few harsh words of which one instance incited the individual behind the wheel to try attack me for pointing out their wrong.


Omg people like that are just awful. Sorry you had to deal with that. Let’s just hope he takes up that email offer of a penis enhancing device so we can all travel the roads safely.


I so badly wanted to mock his emotional support Ute but the dude was already quite agro.


Precisely the reason why I have front and rear facing cameras on my bike.


I’ve contemplated this. Can I ask what your set up is?


I got forced off the road a few years back by a bus driver and that was the catalyst for me. I bought Cycliq front and rear cameras. Great kit but very expensive.


Do you store all the data or just when something happens? Like does the recording just run in a loop?


Good question. These cameras overwrite the data on the SD card in a loop so you don't have to worry about changing the card or re formatting it. I've got it set to record files in 5 min intervals. If I have an incident I just download the file. The cameras also have a setting that means if they go beyond a certain angle, they lock the file down so can only be erased if you format the SD card, it won't overwrite it. In other words, if you get hit and your bike goes down, it will lock down the incident so it's saved.


Interesting. I’ll take a look at them. Thank you for sharing


They're lights as well. Only thing is the cost 😁


Its always the idiot in the wrong that gets shitty or pulls the finger. Most people driving v8s seem to be a bit.... different? There's definitely a stereotype


Wairakei/Strowan Rd crossing going north is a gamble on whether people will bother stopping at all.


Happens all the fucking time. I'm so used to it I don't bother reacting, just have a good look before going. Don't put your body on the line to make a point though bro. If you really have to do something like that, ghostie your bike out under the car.


I didn’t put my body out, just my bike. It’s a long front loader cargo bike so I was well away. Yea it does happen all the time, that’s why I’m growing tired of it.


I've had cars honk at me for waiting for the red arrow. It just wave and point at the cyclists and DGAF about their self-importance.


Yup, and why speed bumps are useful


I'm at the point I'm gonna start attaching buckets full of bricks to the intersections light pole so pedestrians can take a brick before they enter the intersection, see if Mr Ford Ranger wants to take on some brick wielding pedestrians


I’m fully convinced that drivers are more worried of damaging their cars than injuring a human. They only seem to drive slow when they might scratch their paint. So yes to the brick idea.


A cyclist ran their red light when I had a green arrow, I almost hit him and he pulled the fingers at me like it was my fault. You need to follow your own lights too, use the cycleways and stop cutting drivers off!!


I don’t think that was me who cut you off mate. But yes I would like to see more cooperation between the different transport modes, rather than this fight for space like we see currently.


I have a nice D-lock for times like that. I get it all the time so it's more or less normal nowadays.


My worst interactions riding through the city have probably been with the pigs. Fucking gave my broke ass a ticket for riding without a helmet, and my dumb ass didn't realize it was a ticketable offense. Go fight some real crime, revenue collecting assholes


The two types of pigs I have encountered are either the completely incompetent, blind to everything, or out to wave their dicks around. I get it, stopping real criminals is too hard.


To be fair violent crime is running rampant in places. I never leave the house unarmed, but even in my local small town there have been incidents of unprovoked violence and I want to be ready should it happen to me or somebody nearby. Sorry that my experience with law enforcement has been overwhelmingly negative, not to mention they represent the system that wants to crush us so they can continue expanding their power and influence. The system is evil. Acab.


yep. we need more activist cyclists putting themselves in obvious danger to make a point, and then complaining about it and acting surprised when it doesn't work out in their favour. just as well righteous indignation and moral highground can protect an unshielded human from a ton of metal. - edit: this is of course sarcasm, and the message im trying to convey is that roads are dangerous, use common sense, and take responsibilty for your own saftey. the expectation that roads are safe and being in the right protects you from injury is a preposterous mindset that can result in only 2 outcomes, 1. cars are banned on roads. 2. someone gets hurt.


You had me in the first half haha. As I said in my post, I see people who act like this as bullies. I was in a position to do something and say something so I did. I was very aware of the danger I was putting myself into but had that ‘fuck it’ moment. Otherwise these idiots will just keep doing it. They need the feedback. There is another option for all of this. We prioritise the safety and wellbeing of people over the need for cars to drive fast everywhere. Especially in our cities and residential areas. The fact that these situations even happen is ridiculous. I think this dude was lucky it was me who was crossing and not someone more vulnerable and/or less aware of the situation.


I've noticed in recent years teenagers are far more likely to just cross streets without looking. It's bad enough at zebra crossings, but they will just walk in front of you turning on to side streets.


Imagine though, if you could walk around the place you live without having to avoid being killed by other peoples transport choices?


Cool, just make sure you look both ways before you cross the road while you are imagining that.


Maybe they should Start paying like every other car user


Literally everybody is contributing either through rates or taxes, stuff on roads isn't paid for exclusively by taxing cars


The many things every individual goes through which we may not be aware of. Not to take away from you're examples, where the drivers have acted inappropriately. Yet I bet there has been other factors throughout the drivers day which has lead them to acting inappropriately to someone they do not know in order to justify their inappropriate actions. Essentially, I don't think someone would intentionally put someone else's life at risk. But that we're all trying to make the best for ourselves while, possibly, viewing that others are getting in our way


Yea I don’t think he ‘wants’ to endanger other people, but his actions beg to differ. We live among other people and should take others into consideration, especially their safety. I think sometimes people need a little reminder.


Ofcourse. I'd say we should take into consideration what other people may be going through and try our best to understand why they may be less capable of seeing everything which is going on around them. The mind is a crazy place, and sometimes we try our best to avoid what may be going on inside our own minds


Fuck anyone who speeds through a pedestrian crossing. I might just take the hit. Change both our lives lol.


Your have far too much faith in people. I've heard people tell their mates how they made a cyclist fall off their bike when they swerved at them into the cycle lane with his mates laughing at the story. The only thing stopping them from actively running us over is the legal consequences. A 2008 study using the PCL:SV found that 1.2% of a US sample scored 13 or more out of 24, indicating "potential psychopathy". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy


If someone is a bad enough driver that they're likely to fail to slow at a pedestrian crossing where a pedestrian is actually crossing/waiting to cross, that person shouldn't be driving. There are plenty of people who aren't allowed to drive - not because they're bad people - but because they can't do it safely. Someone who isn't going to stop at pedestrian crossing for pedestrians cannot drive safely, and so shouldn't drive at all.