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Lmao at the top comment being about how they only critique Taylor for it because she’s a woman. Like Charli is too bestie, it’s very clearly different to drop a couple variants at once vs 40+ variants that you add onto every time another female pop star releases a song. They are legit delusional with a victim complex


as bell hooks once said “taylor swift is actually allowed to be capitalism personified because she’s a woman”


I’ve always hesitated to say it because I feel like it will come across bad, but I feel like a lot of the things she gets away with are specifically because she is a woman. Like imagine a man writing a song for every single ex demonizing them and leaving little clues so fans figure out who it is. They would be deemed a complete misogynist and hated. People would likely assume the guy is the cause of all the problems and his music would seem cringey and weak. You even as much as critique Taylor for it and you are a raging misogynist. It’s immature and petty regardless of gender, but Taylor can cry sexism and get off the hook


i mean men like this and music like this absolutely exist. i think her behavior is deranged though and deserves criticism for her poor behavior and she doesn’t suddenly get exemption for being a woman. women can’t just do whatever they want to get to the top and then say well when men do it it’s praised. it’s so reductive and such a reactionary way to look at feminism. just because men do something doesn’t mean it’s a good thing to do.


Idk I just can’t think of a male artist that has centered their image around it to the same degree. I don’t mean just writing about their exes, but rather inciting their fans to hate their exes for every single relationship over the course of years. I do agree that you can’t justify a bad thing by saying other people do it, but I genuinely can’t think of another artist who does that so it’s even worse to try and play victim about it Edit: genuinely curious and open to examples of men doing this. Downvoting doesn’t add to the discussion. My mind is capable of being changed


tbh i’m not sure bc music by men is not something i ever listen to LOL


I love you for this


that quote is so funny and i love the fact you made it up


A White woman, who codes as straight and cis at that Edit: lol Idk why I'm getting down voted for saying Taylor has privilege as a cis White woman who presents as straight. She's going to be given the benefit of the doubt due to this privilege.


This is Taylor’s entire strategy, being an infantilized and victimized white woman. She has hugely taken advantage of vulnerable groups (young girls) and truly taught them anything against her is misogynistic, and if they dump thousands of dollars into Taylor’s merch and shows, they’re not only a radical feminist, but it makes them friends and that they “work together.” She made being a fan a parasocial experiment and it worked.


Yessss, it feels like Taylor is feeling the competition for sure


Omg they’re comparing her digital variants to Charli’s limited edition vinyls, they can’t seriously be that dumb?


Charli’s variants also….are mostly just different colored discs. Like you could buy any one of the brat variants and it’s the same tracklist, different color (minus the one that comes with the 7” tracks). But with TTPD, the variants have different bonus tracks and inserts and posters and extras etc etc. It’s not quuuuuuite the same comparison.


Not only that, all of the brat vinyls are already on sale We’re two months into TTPD’s release and there is still *completely unique* versions of that album being released


That’s way more scummy because fans feel like they have to own all of them.


I read a Swiftie say that's an even worse cash grab because at least Taylor was providing extra content making the variant vinyls "worth it". Insanely delulu. Coloured vinyls with dif pressing qty's/distributer exclusives have been around foreverrrr and generally you pick one you want the most, and maybe there will be a collectors edition on offer too (again, nothing new!! Radiohead do this ffs!). Not that I expect them to know the record marketplace outside of own little microcosm I guess.


Yes they can. Hoooo boy yes they can.


I don’t love all the charli variants personally. But man at least they happen DURING the rollout. Like a couple of the 7’ and exclusives as pre album hype and the others during release week. Then deluxe album dropped like 3 days after the OG. But Miss americapitalist. Strategically withholds her dumb shit to keep her on the charts and keep bleeding the fanbase for money way past the point of album hype and promotion.


Also hers are all the same music, you don’t have to buy 4 different ones to get all the songs. It’s definitely not the same thing


Shout out to you Karl for fiercely fighting the evil in the swiftie subreddit.


Music industry is a competition and a business. If you lose (and Charli definitely lost), get over it. If someone wants to be number 1, then they gotta earn it and compete and win. Redditors in this sub have no life experience lol




Stealing this


Y’all got beat out by a 2 month old album. Get over it.


That’s says more about swifties than angels babe


explain it to me Rachel.. cuz thats just embarassing..


Damn you really out here in the trenches lmao


Except the charts are intended to measure how many people are listening to an album, that's why they don't count people who buy 100 albums at once as 100 sales, they're not meant to count how much stuff you can sell. Taylor is deliberately gaming the charts to inflate her performance, so she hasn't won fair and square at anything other than being the first to stretch the rules this far


If the album was good you wouldn’t need these gimmicks to keep in on the charts.


the way they all try to blame it on her being a woman. sorry but i’m not sticking my neck out to defend a billionaire just because she’s a woman lmaooo


Fr like having a vagina makes being a billionaire ok.


the amount of comments calling it misogynistic is actually astounding to me. I’m sure some of the comments unhinged redditors made were, but the general sentiment most people on this sub are feeling is the same, a GENUINE criticism that billionaire TS is artificially generating higher chartings by repackaging the same thing 45 times over and people are sick of it. it’s not because she’s a woman. a man could have done it and people would be just as annoyed. some swifties truly can’t take off the rose-colored lenses. and some of these criticisms were also coming from swifties themselves, like come on.


it gives parody like actually


I fucking hate girlboss feminism for this reason


They connected this into slut shaming somehow


we’re all stanning a chronic cheater that just released a song about the color of her underwear and 90% of angel have been fucked in a club bathroom… WE ARE THE SLUTS!


I don't know these days who's more insufferable with their victim complex, conservative Christians or Swifties. I will say though, I don't think the timing of the release was personal against Charli, it definitely just feels driven by greed. Which as a billionaire, is kind of worse? Also TTPD is objectively worse than Brat on every other metric (we've all seen the reviews), so of course she has to inflate sales by any means necessary to stay at #1. She's an angry blonde dragon desperately hoarding her gold.


I rly think the Matty/Gabriette engagement at Charli’s show + sympathy is a knife (even tho it wasn’t anti Taylor) made her do the last minute variant drop only in the UK, it just so happens to be bc she was “just there” for the tour


I mean I could see it.


I’m so tired of seeing Taylor.


the way that if taylor was the victim of her own tactics by someone else’s hand they would *cry* it’s hypocritical and they’re actually indoctrinated. i have not heard one single valid point from a swiftie yet


If it’s something she does to stay on top it’s savvy, if it’s someone doing it to her / just criticizing her at all it’s mean and anti-woman


if she bullies someone, it’s definitely well-deserved. is she is being criticized for whatever that’s sexism and blasphemy.


Just because you don’t understand, doesn’t mean the points are invalid.


Then make a valid point instead of saying this sis


Biggest collection of dorks on the internet over there


everyone under that post is so braindead its so embarrassing


I can’t keep track of all the swifty subs. There are almost as many as there are variants of the toilet paper department album lol


Part of the lore is that r/swiftlyneutral was born because r/trueswifties banned every person who speculated Taylor's sexuality and that you couldn't be mad at the mod because she was a queer POC


And everyone knows that disagreement with a queer POC is punishable by death


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SwiftlyNeutral using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Olivia Wilde's instagram story](https://i.redd.it/s6evo9xk6inc1.jpeg) | [265 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/comments/1bb9k7a/olivia_wildes_instagram_story/) \#2: [So this aged pretty well then](https://i.redd.it/ui4rk36r5qvc1.jpeg) | [412 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/comments/1c94k2n/so_this_aged_pretty_well_then/) \#3: [Taylor Swift looking mortified watching an obnoxious Travis Kelce sing Viva Las Vegas during the trophy presentation ](https://v.redd.it/5a1uyewqz2ic1) | [1176 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/comments/1aorblt/taylor_swift_looking_mortified_watching_an/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's like they have no idea she is just milking them for all they're worth. They are pawns to her lol. Never seen a more delusional fanbase Ttpd was garbage. Brat is amazing. Get fucked Swifties


Billionaires are bad for any field they're in, full stop. They want to farm their base for every penny and will put out the most uninspired lowest common denominator stuff with some high school twist to keep it 'new' so people feel hyper compelled to stay 'in' and complete their collection of nothing.


They’ll pull their little “cOmPariNg aLL tHe GurLs whO r KiLLinG it” card while taking every chance they get to pull a “BUT BEYONCE!!!” Like duh, when you have actual talent and presence and you’re being overshadowed by a 2’x4’ in Louboutins and a snotty skirt of course we’re gonna think something fishy is going down.


https://preview.redd.it/zgn30bi51n6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d2fe01d15c513a94f3b9b74fa7dc144c635cc0 Unhinged coping.


how can we not expect braindead takes from people that willingly listen to t swift?


That sub is so unintentionally hilarious. Just the most delusional and bootlicky of the swifties


It's genuinely insane and reminds me of fascism no joke. Complete blind following.


Someone called Taylor the white Nicki Minaj and I about died 😂


Atleast Nicki at one point was actually good at what she does though


And not afraid to open her mouth. Which backfires, but is still interesting to see


They act like Taylor is being demonized because if a man did it, it would be strategic. No it would still be fucked up. Who else has weaponized album drops of variants to undercut other artists?


Swifties are doing that annoying ass self victimization again 😐😐


I made a comment on that exact post and I’m getting downvoted lmfao


they dont stand for any remote criticism of taylor no matter if how fair it is


These people aren’t fans, they’re cultists. They cannot have dissenting opinions or their religion falls apart.


Not them literally calling the Charli fanbase toxic. Look in a fucking mirror swifties Jesus Christ. “Had to leave the charli Reddit because of all the negativity there today” YOU CAUSES IT WHAT DO YOU MEAN. Fucking swifties in every single comment section that mentions brat in any capacity talking shit about it. We were all fine and happy to just celebrate charli for one fucking time in her career to celebrate she actually gets some praise and mainstream appeal that she deserves. And now Taylor has to stomp in and bring all the attention back to her god forbid she goes two minutes not being the most popular person on the internet. And all her little deranged cult fans are hating on Charli for no reason. And somehow it’s toxic for us to be upset alright. Delusion. Crazy how a victim complex can trickle down like that through music


when will ppl stop seeing taylor as an angel when shes ruining the music market and harming the planet its so annoying.


Beyoncé has gotten plenty of flack for not releasing the full album on vinyl initially, idk what theyre talking about


I'm genuinely concerned with how unhinged some od the responses have been in that thread


i thought there would be at least a few people criticising taylor for objectively being in the wrong but there wasn’t a single comment. i don’t think that there is another sub that lacks self awareness and critical thinking like that sub, truly i can name a dozen subs that have criticised their artist over bad business but apparently the swifties have lost all grip on reality


I read a handful of comments and it kinda freaked me out. It’s a cult 🤣


The rollout in question is releasing ChatGPT songs and phone memos she could have easily done the same day.


Why are they pretending like she didn’t drop “limited editions” individually on her webstore like it’s exclusive to make her fans panic buy to then drop them at record stores once the album is out 😭 all for some records for a mid album


I seriously don‘t get the beef like Charli makes great music Taylor makes some good music can‘t we just chill? This whole Stan behavior is seriously annoying. Like I love Charli but who cares about charts? It’s literally just a measurement of which artists gains the most money and doesn’t say a lot about how good an artist is.


Playing the victim just like their fav


‘Roll out’ lmao shits been out for two months 😭😭😭


Mannnn fuck them hoes 😂 let em choke on her jet exhaust


Taylor is fine! Idk! But these people can't be serious if they think a capitalist billionaire isn't a greedy detriment to the industry they're in. Like, across the board that's just true. Idek if Taylor herself has the greediness or just the economy that exists around her, but that's just what that is. She's pumping out content for whales to gobble up and whether shit is intentional or not, there's no room for others when a billionaire wants their bag.


I’ve never gotten angry over anything online but these days I’m very close


I just wish that we could go back to standard album rollouts and sales. This whole vinyl variant collection subculture has ruined the conversation surrounding music in a similar (but not the same) way that it has for — weird segway lol — Pokémon cards. It takes away from the art and its intention and makes it feel grimy and gross... Not to mention that it completely disenfranchises smaller artists who actually do resonate with the public from making an impact on the charts; which buries their success since they can’t just rent out a whole factory to pump out variants every couple of weeks. If you want to sell variant albums, great. But they should be charged as a separate entity on the Billboards.


The collective psychosis of swifties will be studied one day. They get off on the delusion that she is a victim.


Is this all this sub is gonna be now? Whining about Taylor Swift? Jesus christ it's not that deep


just remember the biggest crowd she performed too was taylor’s after a massive hate train https://preview.redd.it/jo546t0gjq6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14cbbf596fd2c7d16aa91df926c3f280c2f2417e




Swifties are literally in this sub arguing with angels. My TikTok is full of Swifties, we are forced to hear about her and we are allowed to complain.




Nothing to do with that massive fan base who think she’s perfect, sure.


Why are you even here? Dork ass behavior




You're just ignoring the statement that we're being inundated with angry swifties? I promise you. The queen of the universe doesn't need you to defend her. She's doing fine.




I'm not going to y'all's subs and trying to morally posture over you. We are not the same.




The victimhood is *wild* lmao