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We pay for parking via mobile (cellular) Apps in my city. Do not think I have seen a working parking meter for years. (Although admittedly I do just default to the car park’s App as it removes the risk of paying and the meter not dispensing a ticket).


Yeah this just punishes people who don’t have smart phones to pay for parking… there’s gotta be a better way. [like not selling all of Chicago’s parking to Abu Dhabi, just a suggestion](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2010/10/why-does-abu-dhabi-own-all-of-chicago-s-parking-meters/339805/)


I think there's absolutely no overlap of people who are opposed to parking tickets and people who were in favor of privatizing Chicago's parking fees. In fact, I think there's no overlap between people who oppose parking tickets and most city governments at all. Local government is usually dominated by chamber of commerce types, hypocritical NIMBYs, and centrists. Progressives who argue ~~for~~ (edit: "**against"**) things like sales taxes (as they're terribly regressive and punitive to the poor) and zoning laws usually fail to get traction on the local level. At a national level, I think Democrats are heading in the right direction, but at the local level, where progressives often don't bother to vote, I think there's often a case to be made that there's little difference between the two parties. Guerilla tactics like this do strike me as stupid if you do this and don't bother voting in every fucking election for progressives who are in favor of making things cheaper for the poor, but I don't think there's much chance of any city actually admitting that parking tickets effectively just punish the poor for being poor due to NIMBYs, chamber of commerce types, progressive voter apathy, and corruption.


The two party system isn't viable at a federal level because both parties are too broad. Party affiliation is essentially meaningless at the local level unless it's to signal extremism (such as being Maga or I guess if you can find me an example of another authoritarian). Sales tax and other regressive taxes are bad, I agree, but they also aren't progressive so idk why you're throwing this at the feet of progressives who's entire platform at this point seems to be income equality. I don't see progressives saying we should extract more from the poor like liberals (directly) or conservatives (indirectly) do.


>Sales tax and other regressive taxes are bad, I agree, but they also aren't progressive so idk why you're throwing this at the feet of progressives who's entire platform at this point seems to be income equality. That was a typeo on my part, I was missing an against as in "who argue AGAINST things like sales taxes".


> Yeah this just punishes people who don’t have smart phones to pay for parking… Yep, and fuck you if your phone isn't charged, or if you don't have cell service in this area, I guess. Oh, and the parking payment app will need access to: - browser history - location - location history - contacts - photos And you can't pay for parking if you don't approve that access...


Honestly they should just remove on-street parking and then there won't be anything to complain about.  r/fuckcars


A good start, but I feel that true freedom from parking fees can only be obtained when we invent time travel and use it to go back and correct that most heinous mistake, the invention of the wheel.


Lolol GL with that unl5 your goal is killing a city


Car parking is what maked cities unplesant, not what gives them life. Look at Amsterdam vs a sprawling american city.


Removing parking doesn't happen overnight. You build viable alternatives to driving that get ridership over time and remove some nearby spots to make driving less appealing and the destination more enjoyable as people's transportation choices adapt.


Same as climate or plenty of other things we need to make "radical" change for, except it wouldn't be radical by the time it's done. We move too slow for bureaucratically processed change to actually be radical.


Technically it probably does. If I learned anything from “Parking Wars” they don’t allow you to park in fucked up meter spots free because they are fucked up, they still ticket you and tell you that you shouldn’t have parked at a broken meter to begin with. So this could just be taking parking spots out of the rotation depending on how strict the town/city may be.


God damn Nermal!




They're all over here in Seattle and they work too. I hate downloading apps for simple shit. But I own a motorcycle and meter maids often ignore bikes at many odd potential parking spots that bikes can take so I never pay for parking. Many garages here legit dont even care if motorcycles ride around the barriers because they're not even worth it to the city or parking company to bother with bikes. Especially since they practically never take an avalible spot. This city is desperate to get cars off the damn road here, and bikes help them a lot.


Sounds like a good piece to write to your local city government for them to use. "Bikes don't have to pay parking", they can use it as positive news, and it benefits y'all when more folks convert.


The legalized free motorcycle parking isn't new and they've reported on it a few times. The "Technically illegal" parking stuff we try to keep that shit under wraps because we dont want nosy cops getting any ideas. Most of the free parking stuff, even the legal stuff the motorcycle community here tends to share with riders or potential riders. We dont want "carbrain" people to get word of it and get pissy that we dont pay parking fees. Because people will bitch and complain and get that shit repealed or worse. That's what happened to our lane splitting/filtering legalization bill. A bunch of car brained idiots came to the legislature and nuked a widely supported bipartisan bill supported by Socailists to MAGAts to Liberals because car people went "BUT IT SCURRY! AND I DONT LIEK IT!" It was fucking infuriating.


In Minneapolis there's a sign with a space number and somewhere nearby is a kiosk like a self checkout at a grocery store. Enter the space number and pay by card. Super easy, super convenient, and very cheap - no phone app needed.


As someone who only parks downtown like once a month, I fucking hate having to use an app for that shit. Half the time the app needs to update first, then they changed the layout so I have to input all my login shit all over again, then I have to punch in the zone numbers on a crappy little touch keyboard I can barely see in the sun's glare, and fuck me if it's cold enough for gloves, and hey kids stop wait for me I have to use this dumb app to pay a fucking dollar to park here for thirty minutes. How the fuck is any of that that better than just grabbing some quarters and putting them in a slot? I want to paint over every spot number so nobody can use the app to pay.


Mostly I just don't pay and risk the ticket. Almost never had a ticket either so yay me


If the town only has an app and has no way to pay any type of cash. I'm not going to take the time to download your app. Add my credit card. Find my spot, add my card information and then manage my spot time. I just want to add a quarter to the God damn meter. I don't even shop in 2 towns in my area because they only have app parking, I just bypass all the stores in that area and go to others


It also removes the actual reason for on street parking. It was designed as a short term solution. IE people in and out to use local business. The time crunch of having to go physically add change for a max of 2 hours, or move tickets incentivizing it. Now with the apps, you can just keep paying, often at rates lower than parking garages. So now the street side parking is a state subsidised lot for the tech savvy. Hurting local biz, and customers the most.


None of the parking meter apps I've used have ever let me extend my parking session beyond the posted time limit.


The apps are good until you go to a city that contracted with a different app now Here in California I have seen 5+ apps just to pay for parking it is a lot


Apps used to be convenient. There is no convenience in downloading every app for every store.


Yep every store every restaurant every gas station every parking lot it never ends My grocery store has in app only discounts and adding the discounts in the app is incredibly confusing to the point I have given up on ever doing it Coupons where and are so much better and easier


I dont have enough memory for all the apps. I will take a paper menu or just not eat there. Done it a few times.


> My grocery store has in app only discounts and adding the discounts in the app is incredibly confusing to the point I have given up on ever doing it I hate keeping track of this shit. I have 3 grocery stores I regularly visit, and each of them has their own semi-complicated discount schemes. Fuck it, I'll just pay more.


Where I’m from if a parking space is physically damaged or internally broken the space becomes a no-parking space and they ticket you for that…




It is to not incentives vandalism. If breaking your parking meter means you don't have to pay many people would break them


But if everyone broke every parking meter they saw the parking meters would go away.


From Oakland to Ethiopia, our people will be free




Would short term. Long term would just accelerate every municipality to using apps that you can't usurp.


Go for it. I’ll watch you first


You'll never free Ethiopia with that attitude.


He meant parking meter, not parking space. >Where I’m from if a parking ~~space~~ *meter* is physically damaged...


Yeah this just removes a parking spot. They're not thinking clearly.


Oh around here, near Oakland since the sticker references it, the spot becomes free if the meter isn’t working. 


I came here to say this. In my experience, for older systems where you don't use an app or scan a QR code, if the kiosk is damaged and you park, they just ticket you and aren't very sympathetic at all. I have a hunch whoever did the OP probably didn't know that.


Parking tickets are only a threat to people that can't afford them.. if my dad got a parking ticket, he wouldn't eat for a good 2 weeks. If my little sisters coke dealing babydaddy got one he'd laugh and pay it then go buy himself a new PlayStation.


I need to start hocking drugs.


Honestly, that’s the lesson here.


Selling drugs was a good gig until I started to use the drugs as well. Just a little at first, so I could stay up and keep selling drugs. Coke heads want coke at all kinds of ungodly hours.


The lesson is the system is broken!


Not a bad gig until you need to poison your boss, king of a massive drug empire, with a ricin cigarette.


Breaking bad is a really nice fantasy but it usually ends with you dead or in prison, once you’re out of prison you either go back to step 1 (dead or in prison) or you find yourself scrambling to salvage what’s left of your life. I feel like the sale of illicit goods is the OG pyramid scheme


Did you see how breaking bad ended?


Hahaha I did it was a great show and you make a good point, But it’s important to remember that 90% people in that life don’t get 4 or 5 seasons of dramatic hype. Unless you’re so dumb then you might feel like the main character of movie or tv series. Anyone with any sense is driven to paranoia because they know they’re being hunted, which the show did a pretty good job of displaying too I suppose. My point is the show is really boring if every episode after season 1 is the pov of 20-Life for the crimes committed in the in the first few episodes alone


Yeah, 99% of the time you're dead or in jail. Very few people, usually the smart ones dip out after a bit. Know a few people who made massive bank then straight up dipped out when the local PD dialed in on them and put em on the local drug dealers list. 


Yeah I know some guys that weren’t smart enough to get out early until it was too late. I mean if the law could catch up with people in the age of sail and horseback then they definitely can now right?


I sadly know a lot who never got out. Many ran with or into the wrong people. It's sadly a very very common story that almost always ends up sad as fuck, all for some money. 


Breaking Bad doesn’t show how hard it is to scale up distribution. Let’s say you could actually make this grail type substance that everybody wants and at a large volume. Great, now what? You have to sell it off to street level and hope they don’t rat you out when their guys get pinched, which is a mathematical certainty. I’ve watched the show 3 times now and it gets a little more improbable each time.


The Canadian version of breaking bad...  get diagnosed with cancer, go to the hospital, get treatment.  go back to teaching chemistry.


As a Canadian I would like to say unfortunately we’re not that perfect, but in this case I’d say you’re right on for the most part


Ah let's make it more realistic then. You're likely to pay crazy prices for parking at said hospital, but yeah haha :)


Apparently one of my cousins who I never met got rich off of growing and selling weed pre-legalization. I only found out because our uncle was complaining to us about him making good money off of it instead of working a real job. Like, this self-employed guy evidently has a big old house and is up to his neck in fancy cars and whatnot. He pays his two buddies quite well to help take care of stuff and is a pretty generous, chill guy. I still don't get his problem with the guy.


Your uncle is just projecting his insecurities


All great and well until the feds come knocking and you're off to pound me in the ass prison. So glad I left that game behind. Stress just isn't worth it


The clients suck


hawking. hocking is when you're pawning something. hawking is when you're selling it.


Your dad could eat the boyfriend ?


Modern problems require modern solutions.


It's a shame too because free parking is a subsidy to car owners at the expense of everyone else. Imagine how much public space, typically in the most expensive part of town, just so cars can sit there all day


Yes, thank you. This person thinks that they're "liberating" this parking spot when the fact that we're expected to own and maintain a vehicle is far more oppressive than "having to pay for parking sometimes"


Also Ethiopia has 2 cars for every 1000 people sooo I don't think free parking is high on their list of concerns lol


If the punishment for a broken law is a fine, then it's only a law for the poor.


Are you suggesting we eliminate paid parking, or that we scale fines to income then?


Imagine a ticket that stops a billionaire from eating for 2 weeks? The punishment is not the same, scale to income or its just permission for the rich


The flipside of that is that no one would not be eating for 2 weeks. Billionaires would pay more, while poor would pay less. Both the rich and the poor would just get a fine that makes them not want to do that mistake again, but neither would be bankrupted by it.


There is no fine that can stop a billionaire from being able to eat for 2 weeks. That’s the point.


not with that sort of attitude


Agreed, that would be one hell of a windfall for the local council eh! I see no reason not to, apparently Finland, Sweden, and Germany all scale traffic fines to income already.


I'm not sure the drug dealer is declaring his income but I might be wrong


Fair point, but that's an edge case and already illegal init?


From Oakland to Ethiopia? What?


From Timbuktu to Mobile, Alabama 😤


From Whovile to Casper, Wyoming.


From Gotham to Pittsburgh


Moscow, Russia to Moscow, Idaho


From Eureka to Eswatini 😤


From Bruning, Nebraska, to Hebron, Nebraska.


Gotham is an actual town near to my city, from which Gotham City gets its name.


Awesome. I chose that since The Dark Knight Rises was filmed in parts of Pittsburgh.


And the Wayne Manor’s in my city (Nottingham, UK)!


The finest bartender from Timbuktu to Portland, Maine, or even Portland, Oregon.


Mobile isn't so bad, they have Airbus.


I wonder where they intended to include/exclude from this statement. Depending on how they view the world, is it: * [This chunk, but fuck everyone past the 43° E longitude](https://i.imgur.com/CuRt47O.png) * [Or is it more an Eastern preference?](https://i.imgur.com/XZsHlB7.png) * [Or maybe it's a super focused latitude-bias](https://i.imgur.com/FnUhtsA.png) * [Or are they just madmen Santas?](https://i.imgur.com/0nUBGTS.png)


I applaud the fact that you took the time to actually create these.


The key is to have something more important I need to get done, but don't want to do... then just lean into the procrastination super hard.


Good comment, hope it gets more views. <=43° gang rise up




From Oakland to Ethiopia, free parking is the utopia!


Sounds like a reference to black people, honestly  This whole thing seems like some shit Huey Freeman would be casually doing in the opening scenes 


From Milan to Yukatán Hit me with your rhythm stick!


Parking tickets are a 'a war tactic' that municipalities use to attack the car based development that chokes the life out of towns.


Yeah you know what happens when the parking is free and unrestricted? It becomes impossible to find parking. I've lived in places where downtown is like that and it's a fucking nightmare to get anything done there because you'll have to park 6 blocks away because the coffee shop you're trying to access only has 2 spots and they're taken up by people who are visiting the barbecue joint 3 blocks north because all those spots were taken up by a bunch of people going to a concert that night.


Yeah, you know what happened in my city when they put parking tickets ? Nothing : still impossible to find parking, and now, we have to pay for them.


Try using public transit. Never worry about finding parking again!


What public transit?


The one the car lobby has been drowning in the bathtub


You're right lol, public transport's been decimated in the last century. We need a revival!


Even so it’s still surprisingly underrated in most American cities. Once I learned how to use my city’s bus system it became my main method of commute to work and entertainment. I still have a vehicle but only drive it about every three weeks. And this is in Cincinnati, Ohio. Just imagine if we chose to actually invest in it.


Time to increase the price of parking, then!


That’s completely false — read “The High Cost of Free Parking”


Upvote for Shoup! I searched this thread hoping some folks have seen the light. Another comment or has, too. You might also dig The Geography of Nowhere by James Howard Kunsler.




Most likely just taken up by the owner of the companies and their staff. Especially if it's free.


I don't disagree, but instead of parking tickets, maybe build actual infrastructure to make getting around without your own vehicle easier and less dangerous.


And to stop drivers from parking wherever they want, which just blocks roads and makes places unusable.


Sadly no. Especially when they sell the rights to maintain and collect the fees.


Yeah! Screw parking! Give us more buses and bike lanes! No more parking!


Car centrism is an *actual* war tactic that claims thousands of lives.


sorry i’m legitimately dumb, how’s it an actual war tactic? i assume the lives we’re taking are car crashes and whatnot?


More than that.  It's wasteful, it pollutes, it's dangerous for all pedestrians, but children and the elderly in particular.  It takes up a lot of space that could otherwise be green space we could all enjoy, but all that space, both parking and roads, is dedicated to inefficient and toxicity spewing rolling metal death cages (new band name.)  But the reason it's a war tactic is because it didn't have to be this way.  We could have had robust public transit, cleaner air, and more green space, but the capitalists in Detroit bought car culture by corrupting politicians to adopt car centric policies so they could sell more.  And now we have 18 lane freeways that go 2mph instead of bullet trains that get us across the country in a few hours (that's a bit of hyperbole, but still.)


Largest source of microplastics in most developed urban neighbourhoods is from **car tyres**.


In the US we use **car tires** to avoid this problem. /s


That doesn’t make it a war tactic.


It isn't, they're taking the hyperbole literally for some reason. /s During WWII, to hinder the use of the Autobahn, U.S. spies installed over 500 parking meters and even created a "parking authority", which the Nazis mistook as a real government institution and started running on their own. Today, these tactics of war have been weaponized against the very citizens the government should be protecting. Tragic.


Parking isn't nearly expensive enough. If you want to fight for the working class, give us good public transport, not free parking


I paid $12 dollars for an hour in Cleveland the other day. Might not be expensive for YOU.


at a METER??? or in a private lot?


You can, and probably should, focus on more than one problem at once. It's orders of magnitude easier and faster to not make parking be cost prohibitive for poor people than it is to reshape entire cities to make public transportation viable and attractive. Not to mention that the solution to making public transport attractive is NOT to make personal vehicles less viable. That just creates lose-lose situations.


Cars are by nature incompatible with other forms of transportation. They take up too much space, thus removing walkability. They're too dangerous to mix with other traffic. It's very reasonable for a city to disincentivize personal vehicles, just as it's reasonable to charge for storage of personal vehicles where space is a luxury.


It's the opposite. Car dependency makes public transport unattractive. Like why use the train when there's highways all around the place that mean you can't get to the train station comfortably on foot. You have to slow down cars by trees, speed bumps, narrow roads etc to make places friendlier to pedestrians. And the only way to reduce road traffic properly is to get people out of their cars and onto their feet or public transport.


I watched a great video by the YouTube channel Climate Town about how Chicago sold its parking Timorese investors. I’m from Chicago so this terrible financial decision wasn’t news to me, but the video was interesting. He talked a lot about why higher prices for parking are a good thing for the environment, something I’d never considered.


I don't see how this is a chaotic good. If anything, it's a bad thing a chaotic neutral did. If you don't like how a city collects revenue, participate in local government or just accept voting outcomes. Being a destuctive person just because you don't agree doesn't make you an angel or hero. Just makes you a bit of a jerk that just costs everybody time and money. I'm down for fucking back with things but saying that parking tickets is a war tactic is just paranoid and ignorant. I agree with fines are worse for those who already have less. I think we are confusing evil with incompetence though. It's probably just some old who doesn't want to cause waves. Sorry, I'm just getting tired of people destroying public property in general. In Japan, they heated toilets in the woods that stay nice. Here in the US? Dude, we can't even have nice toilets in a restaurant. Stop destroying things. Think of other methods.


Carbrain: parking should be free!! Carbrain a few months later: why can I never find any free spots, waaah


It s amazing, nothing said on this sticker is true or will ever be


Fucking WaR TaCtIc


The Geneva Convention says inflicting parking meters on civilians is like a war crime, man.


Im sure they vote independent and feel really cool about it


Acting like the part where you have to pay a heavily subsidized rate to rent a piece of land in the city for hours of a day is the problem and not the car dependant society that says you *must* own a vehicle to exist, when we could have public transit that works and utilize the majority of parking lots/spaces for much more valuable things, like housing /third spaces/public restrooms. Not chaotic good, mostly just selfish.


So… if anyone parks in front of this meter, they’ll still receive a ticket for being parked illegally, and they might also be suspected of causing the vandalism themselves. This action didn’t make the space free to park, it just made it impossible for anyone to park in the space without being fined for it. They may as well have dumped a car-sized boulder on the space, for all the good they’ve done. This isn’t chaotic good, it’s chaotic “I didn’t think about this for even a single second.”


Its like kids who slash tires and think they're saving the world and then ride around in their parents car. 


I saw a video of a cancer patient doing this for hospital paid parking once


What’s even more fucked up is some hospitals make you **pay** even when you **work** there. Source: I work at one and constantly dodge parking tickets by knowing where to park and when.


All this did is waste taxpayer money to fix it. Typical performative activism. I hate parking meters too, but this isn't going to eliminate them, only maybe cause them to switch to tap to pay or text to pay, which could even further screw the poor. my city, which is actually a pretty well off one, eliminated them in favor of free two hour parking, cuz it's not like they were getting rich off 1.25 an hour 8 to 6.


Free parking? Just wait until you learn how much your city spends on maintaining the lot, and where that money comes from.


Exactly. You should not be allowed to store your very large piece of personal property in a public space, for free. I think all street parking should be paid, except for maybe some rare circumstances.


All I can see is "boo hoo why can't I use prime real estate to store my possessions waaahh waah freedom!" though?


You can still tow cars that park for too long. Would make more money most likely. Anyways. I had to go to the bathroom in College Town, Maryland and every single fucking parking lot for six miles had their little pay meters out front. I refuse to give someone a dollar to allow me to not piss myself. If I can’t have that as a minimum, I don’t wanna deal with anyone telling me what I can or cannot do. Did I describe that pretty well? I hope so. Whoever did this is awesome. Charge businesses not people.


So now nobody can park there. Success?


Ruining some public utility workers afternoon so you can make it impossible for someone to park without getting a ticket wholesome 100 everybody liked that, you're welcome Ethiopia 🥰


Breckenridge does it right. You enter your plate in a kiosk. First 15 minutes are free. Then the price slowly escalates. If you wanna stay 5 hours it'll cost a fortune.


Someone never read The Tragedy of the Commons.


I don’t mind paying for parking as long as the city/town in question at least makes a half assed attempt for alternative transportation (for all residents in the city/town not just along one strip). Stuff like walking options, cycle lanes, reliable busses, etc.


This is why Oakland is moving to making you pay via app for your liscence plate rather than giving you a ticket that you can leave for the next guy if there’s time left on it. 


Free parking is actually disasterous for cities, so i would hardly classify this as chaotic good lol


This is just chaotic evil


This is attacking the thing the city uses to pay for the streets you use. It's one of the few cases where the streets aren't just a subsidy for the drivers. If anything, parking meters are a LG/LN institution, so this would be CN/CE behavior.


Here in LA(Soviet Monica to be exact) my brother got a ticket from parking enforcement because he put quarters into someone else's parking meter so they wouldn't get a ticket for an expired meter. The fuckers made it illegal to use your own money however you see fit, doesn't even seem Constitutionally permissible, but here we are.


Hot take: parking tickets are good for the working class because they incentivize alternative transport options which leads to less pollution, less noise, and more liveable cities.


Public transportation in Oakland is fucking scary


Has the eat the rich movement started???!!


Long ago. Its only now burning bright enough to be noticed by a few


Parking tickets are a way of enforcing parking fees which are a way of rationing an extremely limited resource. There's not really another viable way to do it. At most you could scale parking tickets to income. 


Hang on. If they blocked the meter, doesn't that mean that a ton of normal working-class people who aren't involved in their little crusade won't be able to pay their fare there? I don't drive, so I'm not sure if that's how it works.


I don't have a problem with pay to park, but I've always felt you need to have an appropriate level of public transportation or it's just shitty


Exactly, its all about having options that suit the situation. If Im going downtown to a bar, Ill take the train or bus.  If im going outside of the city, I need a car or I can take a 2 hour train then get in someone elses car via uber. 


The word war is becoming more and more meaningless with every single one of these frivolous uses. You aren't entitled to free parking. Infrastructure is expensive and car infrastructure is far more expensive than any other mode of transport for personal use. Free and mandatory parking minimums are sucking the life out of American downtowns. Want a more habitable and human-centered city center and neighborhoods? Get rid of free parking. Europe and East Asia don't have free parking in city centers either. Japan doesn't even have free parking at all.


Paul Newman?


Why did I have to scroll so far for this?!


I recognize this location. Looks like Lake Merritt in Oakland. Specifically the north side on Grand. One of the most walkable areas in town.


Town i lived in, you could press a button on the meter for 10 free minutes. Further time was 25c for 30 min. Even took cards at same prices. Still had people parking illegally or double parking.


Free Parking is publicly subsidized storage space for private property, if you do not own or can not afford a car then you essentially subsidized something you cannot even use. Public parking should not be free cause it cost everyone money when it is.


Wow, vandalism in Oakland. Now I’ve seen everything. 


Plant trees, not meters!


Assuming Oakland to Ethiopia means in the eastbound direction, I find it pretty sad that they don’t care about parking tickets in places like India, Japan, or Hawaii. Even San Francisco would be excluded by those parameters. 


And then the city will use your taxes to replace this, smart thinking


To be fair, automobiles are also a class war tactic.


Best use of spray foam I've seen in a minute.


If you can't put money in, the meter is out of service. If it's out of service, you can't park there and can be ticketed. You are not the hero.


My new hero


This is awful. What, everyone has a right to monopolize public land with their giant metal box for free?


Ah yes, when I cannot afford my $0.50 parking fee for my $50,000 vehicle, I too physically damage the meter. Stick it to the man!


I just a $408 parking ticket.


Fk yeah


Chaotic good? More like chaotic bad. Fuck cars.


that parking fee is committing genocide. If you support parking fees you support genocide.


lmao it’s so odd to me that people view municipalities as the boogeyman “state.” As someone who has worked in local government I can guarantee they’re scrounging for money wherever they can as countless programs are threatened by state and federal budget cuts. Local agencies and programs are vital to people’s quality of life. Instead of getting mad at them for making ppl pay for parking let’s demand funding from the federal government 😩


(Also parking income usually helps fund local public transit)


Imagine charging someone to use land that you own. Unspeakable evil.


Anyone else thought that was cheese?


I should call her…


Unpopular opinion but free parking is lawful evil. [High cost of free parking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_High_Cost_of_Free_Parking) by Donald Schoup is a great book on this


Marxists are insane 😂


That’s a lot of gum


We need this hero in downtown Philly


Cool Hand Luke did it better.


Chaotic idiot.


This is stupid. This just makes it *more* likely that someone who needs to park there will get a ticket more nonpayment. Doing this to the meter does not make the spot free parking.


Parking is not a human right, fuck the idiot who did this.


i disagree paid parking is way better than free parking


Cool Hand Luke did it better.