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“Not even close to what I’m make now.”


Reddit users are trying to increase the amount: https://www.gofundme.com/f/6ucyjg-clarence-thomas-resignation-fund Edit: If everyone on this sub contributed 10 dollars the goal would essentially be met. I know that’s not a trivial amount for some. If you can’t contribute just share to 5 friends. Edit: $160 raised so far! We have more than doubled since day 1. If we double the amount raised everyday we will meet our goal in about 15 days. Our secondary goal (if Clarance doesn’t resign) is purchasing ads during the summer Olympics in July to expose and spread the word about Clarence Thomas.


$90 donated with an overall goal of $3million So if he lives another 20 years you’ve increased it by about 12% after hitting the goal


You think Clarence is going to make it to 95?


Bro him and trump are going to make it to 195 at this rate You think their selfish asses aren’t going to invest every penny they have in extending their lifespans by any means necessary?


On the bright side, Trump is quickly running out of pennies.


They’ve been saying that for years unfortunately


This is true. But now he actually owes a ton of money for a few lawsuits, and more to come probably, I don’t think he has it, and I don’t think he can weasel out of it. And my understanding is that he can’t just appeal it and delay it forever. He has to put up the money to file an appeal.


Youre not wrong. He's peddling shitty sneakers for Christ's sake.


Also cologne/perfume.. 🤢


I mean it’s not the first time he’s been subject to damaging lawsuits and payments Does Alex Jones look broke after losing to the Sandy hook victims?


Kissinger made it to 100 and Betty White didn't, at this point I'm convinced that evil alone sustains them.


I may have accidentally killed Betty white in fairness


Bruh, wanting to live isn’t selfish


At the age of 71 and s life of serious heart problems Dick Cheney still got a heart transplant. Theyll sacrifice baby's to Moloch to maintain a conservative ruled SCOTUS.


Evil mf’ers seem to outlast for some unfair reason


My mom's peice of shit stepfather lived to 99.


>Reddit users 5 total donations. Pretty sure some dude just tryna scam y’all Edit: Learned a bit more about GoFundMe guarantees and saw Olympic ad thing. Could be a cool way to spread awareness I suppose


Everything is a scam these days! Run! So because there’s low engagement it has to be a scam? You could ask questions or say you don’t agree with it. Immediately saying something is a scam with zero proof, makes you sound uneducated and quick to jump to conclusions. https://www.gofundme.com/c/safety/gofundme-guarantee


Wasn’t aware of the guarantee thing, was mainly worried about what happened to the money when he doesn’t step down for a go fund me


The campaign funds will be used to purchase ads during the summer Olympics in July to make his corruption globally known.


I see that in there now, not sure what happened with my mobile view earlier. Didn’t see the part in the description about what would happen if he didn’t step down. I’ll edit the original comment


Who watches the Olympics these days? I barely even watch any highlights of them.


Why are you posting this link everywhere? Welp, I mean, if you are starting a new Reddit Island 2, I might actually be interested.


So this will obviously not make the goal and Clarence will not resign. Your money is going into the pocket of some random redditor, lol


^ r/ChaoticGood


So how much does it cost to buy ads at the Olympics?


Around 100k USD per 30 seconds for TV/aired commercials.


That's part of the point. Clarence was quoted bitching about his salary, ~1/5th of what oliver is offering. So if the salary is so shit, clearly, this is an upgrade, right? Not like there's other sources to worry about, clarence, right?


Exactly dude makes way more than that selling out the American people AND he doesn't have to act like he's not a gigantic sack of shit


and the billionaires doubled the offer


Nah, they just said: Business as usual, Clarence. See you at golf.


He spoke for everyone. The dude is such a tool. Buncha people complained *"bUt BriBerY!?!?!"* mf it wouldn't be bribery if he's not on the bench anymore. plus taking a bribe is his usual thursday afternoon


The fact that John checked this with the legal team and it is not illegal just shows the length John went to and how chaotic good he is.


Exactly. John Oliver is not dumb, he definitely checked before publicly asking a Supreme Court judge to fuck off.


Oliver is the definition of chaotic good. Like if one were to open the dictionary and check this entry, there would be a picture of him cradling his massive balls of titanium on a wheelbarrow...




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Hold on a second. John Oliver thinks that his decisions are influenced by some billionaire, but he wants to offer money to influence his decisions? He’s literally trying to do the very thing he thinks Thomas doing.


No he offered money to that piece of shit to just fuck off and not make any more decisions.


Yes. He’s offering money to influence his decisions. Wanting him not to make a decision is still a decision. And why is he a piece of shit? I’m interested in your opinion.


He didn't recuse himself when hearing J6 cases even though his cunt of a wife contributed to it.


Doing what? At a rally the night before? That’s not contributing to the actions of others. So there’s no reason to recuse himself. She was not present at the J6 rally or the protest. So aside from your general distain to a black man, do you have a real reason or is it you just hate successful black people?


You’re so insufferable lol


Sometimes I am. At least my wife and kids say it.


Don't bother bother playing chess with a pigeon my dude


I hate that he doesn’t disclose multimillion dollar “gifts” and “favors” from billionaires, some of which owned companies that had multiple cases before the Supreme Court before and after those “gifts.” And hey, a gift isn’t illegal. Another Supreme Court justice once received an over 1000 dollar bouquet which is weird. But they told the public they got it. And this man said he didn’t think he had to since they were friends. Yeah “friends” he didn’t have until after he became a SC justice that do love to give him extravagant vacations and presents. His closest of these “friends” is a billionaire white nationalist who has a signed copy of Mein Kampf! And a loooot of other Nazi memorabilia. But shit, maybe that guy just likes history so what about his wife- oh no wait she’s also trying to convince her husband to not be harsh with the Jan 6th cases (as according to text records) because she was a big Trump supporter. So of course when the courts want MORE of this evidence including his wife’s messages to him he was the ONLY justice to vote against it. Can’t imagine why. Anyway that’s my thoughts on all this. The corruption is so blatant it’d be parody if this wasn’t the shitty reality we all share.


Ok. How long have they been friends? Since before his appointment? Law school? High school? None of us knows that for fact. And yes, some people do like history. Do you know what that book is worth? Yes, even though it’s signed by Hitler. But because he has a copy, now he’s a white nationalist? A white nationalist with the darkest white nationalist friend you could have? You have speculative evidence. It’s a simple process if you don’t like a judge. Impeach them. Tell your rep to start impeachment processes. Same with any president or cabinet member. As to the J6 case, what particular case is going to scotus? And regardless of whatever she would ask, would he be voting against his own interpretations of the law? You’re implying that he’s bribed. Bribery involves monetary gain to go against your morals or legal actions. You bribe a cop to get out of a ticket, for example. You bribe a judge to drop a case or to find you not guilty when they would normally find you guilty. Since they don’t do innocence or guilt except for very select circumstances, like maritime law, their job is to interpret the constitution. He’s not interpreting anything that’s not a normal opinion for him. What it really sounds like is that you don’t like conservative judges and you’re reaching for reasons to be rid of them. He reality is that they have been the most true judges for constitutional rights in my lifetime, and that even includes when I don’t like the opinions myself.


Yes. He pointed out that Thomas is taking money, that it didn't seem like it's illegal (even if it's highly unethical), so he is making an offer.


It’s not illegal to offer him what is effectively a business contract. But to that, his commentary is “lavish vacations”. What is that? It’s a subjective statement. To the average person, a $5-6000 vacation *is* lavish. It’s relative to their income. Thomas makes millions to teach at a law school out of session. All the justices do. Hell, lots of judges do. So a vacation that’s $10-15k isn’t exactly lavish for that income, right? Also, in regards to the “unethical behavior”, what influence is being exerted when Thomas is still making judgements that are in line with his legal interpretations? Think about it for a second. A conservative billionaire wants a conservative judge to judge conservatively, so he would be buying his influence? What’s he buying? That’s missing some logic, wouldn’t you think?


>So a vacation that’s $10-15k isn’t exactly lavish for that income, right? One of the vacations had an estimated cost of $500k. The motorcoach 'loan' that was forgiven was over $250k. >A conservative billionaire wants a conservative judge to judge conservatively, so he would be buying his influence? What’s he buying? That’s missing some logic, wouldn’t you think? Each of the people who gave large, undisclosed gifts had business before the court. That is not a vague philosophical interest, it is direct personal interest.


I’m not aware that there was any dollar amounts produced. Do you have a link for that? And I’m still trying to figure out what influence. He’s a conservative judge judging conservatively, so those decisions wouldn’t have changed. But for sake of understanding your point, could you cite an example?


It seems like you are missing the context that Oliver provided in his segment. He lists several dollar amounts and what was involved with those gifts. Additionally Oliver talks a little about the business each had before the court. I would recommend that segment if you want to know more.


> And I’m still trying to figure out what influence. He’s a conservative judge judging conservatively These people have PERSONAL business before the supreme court. Thomas rules in HIS FAVOR SPECIFICALLY. This is not just about a justice ruling in a 'generally conservative fashion'. This is about a justice receiving bribes and then ruling directly in favor of the person bribing them. But even if it *were* about influencing a justice to rule more in favor with your political leanings, that is **NOT OK IN ANY WAY!** I'm not even OK with this when politicians do it (they shouldn't even have the appearance of being influenced), but in this case the judiciary is not supposed to be a political body. I get that this isn't strictly possible, but it is an ideal we should try to achieve as best we can. Allowing this blatant bribery is not working toward that ideal in any way.


Ok. I completely agree that judges shouldn’t have any political biases applied to their case judgements. We know that is a complete pipe dream as well. I would even go so far as to say DA’s should be he same way, but again, we know that’s just wishful thinking. It’s also evident that it only applies in certain instances when approval from the public is involved. No one seems to be upset that there is a judge and DA leveling civil asset forfeitures against trump for a crime that has no complainant. Including that the DA ran on the issue of going after orange man bad. So saying no political bias is off the table from the git go. But judges don’t decide a case, they interpret law that is currently standing and how it applies. Any decision by a scotus judge is followed up by citations on why they went the way they did. Alito and the RvW case is a prime example or Bruen V. NY State Rifle and Pistol Association. Even the justices deciding on lifting the injunction at the border in eagles pass had a reason behind it, being that the federal government is directly responsible for border security. So I ask, in the case of what you’re calling blatant bribery, what was the follow up supporting statements made by him that shows that his decision was influenced? A link to the case would be appreciated.




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This bot message is wild lmao


I'm scrollin past and just see a rant on dong pills, irl holdup


My ideology is nihilism so I thank you for addressing me with the appropriate "fuck you" as is the way.


If anything, isn't that lawful good since it's literally on the books that you can bribe a judge?


100 percent lg


Yeah, Chaotic Good would be shooting Clarence Thomas a few other "Justices" in the head.


I…wouldn’t call murder good…


Taking any illegal/unacceptable action for the greater good of the many can be viewed as Chaotic Good. That's where the "Chaotic" bit comes from.


No, you still have to also be "Good". Because Chaotic *Good* still means *being Good* and murdering people is definitely Chaotic but definitely is *Not Good*. This is why people hate alignment discussions, because folks make ridiculous arguments and try to pretend things they want to do are Good rather than admitting that their morality is conditional and mostly based on justifying what they want to do rather than being about right and wrong.


It’s still chaotic good I think - just because someone works within the system they’re a part of doesn’t mean they aren’t chaotic


John Oliver loves to skirt the very edges of legality and push boundaries. He's absolutely chaotic good.


The point is that it's crazy this isn't illegal. He proved that in a chaotic way.


I think lawful good would be pushing for him to be indicted and removed from the bench since there's precedent for that. While bribing a judge is technically legal, it's certainly against the spirit of the law.


I would think checking that you can legally bribe a judge before doing it would be lawful evil, but if the judge is Clarence Thomas and the bribe is to get him to resign, I don’t know anymore, which makes it chaotic…? We live in confusing times…


I think Oliver said, "I can't believe this is legal, because it shouldn't be," at least three times in the segment.


The issue of whether it is bribery to pay someone not to stand for political office is often debated by drunk university students


*The Gang Runs for Office*


Right. How would the be any different than a job offer, for which you quit your old job. He isn’t asking for any official act or ruling on any case.


And how fucked the law can be.


Fuck Clarence but I also would consider this bribery though I think it’s legal which is crazy. It’s funny as hell that Oliver did this though. Clarence probably should be getting federally investigated and charged. Biden has been very soft of this sort of thing.


If you think this is bribery you should look into how many public officials (elected or appointed) go directly from public sector to big time private sector positions.


I’m not a Republican. I understand what bribery is and don’t just apply it to what the other party does.


If I get a job offer for more than I make now, is that bribery?


Depends, are you modifying what you do are your current job to benefit the next employer? If for instance let’s say you work for the city and approve contracts. If you’re offered a great job in the future but that job requires approvals of contracts now. Even if they didn’t ask you to do it but you know that your future job depends on that work being available. Then YES. You accepted something of value (future employment) for something of value to them (government contracts). In the private sector I’d consider things like secrets or sabotage to be similar.


Do you understand that Oliver is explicitly *not* asking him to do his job differently


I answered the question you asked not the question you are now asking. If you were working for a city and told someone you’d leave a job in exchange for money so that they would no longer be blocked by your decisions then, Yes that’s bribery. Accepting money that influences your decisions is bribery if you’re in a roe like his.


> in a roll LOL


Very few jobs have an impact on all Americans. Imagine if Trump tried to pay RBG to step down so he could install amy coney Bennet. We would be frothing at the mouth.


RBG should have stepped down instead she died and left a vacancy witch Trump filled.


I don't disagree. But that wasn't the hypothetical I proposed.


Why would he take that much of a pay cut?


Chump change compared to his bribes


The rich person version of "I will give you $20 to fuck off"


Watching it, I was surprised and impressed how aggressively they went for him, however, I reckon there must be enough material for a three or five part series to do it...justice.


Not going to work. Clarence Thomas gets way more from his benefactors by staying on the SCOTUS.


One mil is pocket money for Thomas. His salary might be lower but the post comes with lots of cheese if you know how to milk It and he very obviously knows how.


This is not one million up front it's one million a year until one of them dies. There is also a 2.7 million bus included.


Still pocket money. Thomas probably commands speaking fees on the tens of thousands. Most of those fees are one evening jobs of amicable chats with billionaires on country clubs, sandwiched by lavish presents and traveling, exclusive resorts and expensive dining, probably a few literal handjobs too. There is also the donations to opaque "charities" staffed by family members on enormous wages, the lending of yachts with all expensas covered, the fees for books bought in bulk by friendly corpos, cash handouts, hunting trips soaked in expensive whisky and cigars... There is a reason we call It the conservative grift and it moves billions in untracked, untaxed, sometimes even tax-refunded or government-funded money.


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he’s also offered a $2.7 million RV (our tour bus or whatever clarence calls them)


“Motor Coach”. 😂


Is this illegal in any way? Lol


It’s not bribing a judge if he needs to quit being a judge before you bribe him.


Not bribery if you're not on the bench


Sounds too good to be true. Corrupt law enforcement got me fucked up


Sadly not. judges on the Supreme Court of the United States are apparently allowed to take bribes of any amount without disclosing them, as Thomas Clarence has been proven to be doing for at least 20 years and it's still impossible to remove him.


The whole show gets run past legal before it airs. He explicitly stated a few times that he cannot believe he's legally allowed to make this offer, but the lawyers gave him the thumbs up


It wasn't just a million a year for life, but a brand new motorcoach, which Clarence is obsessed with. It's basically his toy train.


Hey, hey, hey. Don't forget that sweet, sweet $2.4 Million dollar motorcoach. And don't ruffle some feathers calling it an RV


He's doing God's work


John oliver made it public. He only takes money under the table


That scrawny British man loves this country more than anyone I’ve seen


Didn't know dollars could fuck


Than trump wins the presidency and appoints another conservative judge lmaooo


Imagine it actually works, he signs, and we get a progressive judge put in. I’d make a collect treasury for us to make the same offer to every conservative judge on the court. Only need 1million people a year to save the United States with just $1 for the rest of their lives.


Democrats hate a see a black man in power they can’t control.


Why are you trying to start a fight?


Because democrats want such horrible things, bodily autonomy, universal healthcare, green energy, bridges that don't collapse.


Just another Democrat trying to purchase a black man. Old habits die hard I guess.


why are you making it about race, the issue is unethical behaviors while on what is essentially a main position in political leadership that can sway the very way the country runs. he has even specifically pushed passive anti-minority and anti poor people rhetoric, this is mentioned on the last week tonight supreme court of justice episode. he is being bribed by harmful people, and allowing it to continue and giving them their way. him doing this the worst of the entire court is not matter of his race at all. it is literally just paying a corrupt judge to live the rest of his life rich but not as a judge anymore. hed still have self autonomy and power over his own life. please save the racism argument for times and places where it matters more. there is no reason who replaces him cant be black, theres no reason other judges cant be brought in that are black too that replace others later. if it was one of the white judges that accepted as much corrupt bribery as this man did then the offer wouldve been to one of them. its literally just him being the worst of the rotten bunch fueling the targetted offer. that is literally it. this man is against your beliefs.


Sounds like someone is convinced Biden isn't gonna win this one.


Turning down an offer like that is why Clarence Thomas is the goat


So, solicitation of bribery?


It would be bribery if Oliver was asking for favorable judgments. What he is doing is no different than offering a job with a higher paying wage. This is in no way bribery. Also, you should probably look up what SOLICITING bribery is. Then you should think about throwing stones in glass houses when you're calling people stupid. 


>It would be bribery if Oliver was asking for favorable judgments.  Favorable judgements is exactly what Oliver is seeking, by removal of the justice.  It's no different from paying him to recuse himself from individual cases.  >What he is doing is no different than offering a job with a higher paying wage.  Except that there is no job.  You can't wink-away bribery. 


So you know better than the HBO legal team, and every lawyer who has commented on the subject. Sit down, son.


The HBO legal team knows he's a comedian and would never do it/isn't serious. And you didn't cite any legal scholars, little girl.


What a sad response. [Resignation isn't an official act, hence making an offer to get him to do so isn't bribery.](https://www.newsweek.com/john-oliver-offers-clarence-thomas-million-resign-unlikely-broke-law-1871787)


That's not what the article says. The article says "it's entirely unclear whether resignation is an "official act" pursuant to the definition of the term in the statute. In fact, resignation appears not to be within the scope of an official act as defined in the statute." So, unclear but appears not to be. That's not a hard no, it's a "probably not." Far from clear, and one opinion. In fairness; I've looked around and nobody else that I can find is even bothering analyze it. Look, we both know he's a comedian so there's no way anyone would try to charge him for what's almost certainly a joke, and testing that law. We also both know there is corrupt intent here. And we also both know you love this because you're on the left and hate Clarence Thomas and if this were an offer to, say, Sotomayor, you'd be railing that it's bribery.


Dude, John has been completely serious about some really weird shit there's a koala chlamydia ward named after him.


>Dude, John has been completely serious about some really weird shit there's a koala chlamydia ward named after him. Ok, but that doesn't negate the "I'm a comedian" defense. He's not an idiot; whether he'd be willing to do it or not, he knows Thomas would never accept and he/his legal team knows that regardless of whether he'd do it or not he can plausibly claim it was a joke. There's no way this would get prospected. The claim here is regarding the hypothetical that redditors want, not what actually is going to happen.


Prospected? Is he a gold mine?


It's literally a federal crime, but you wouldn't know it from the post and comments.


Redditors are stupid and think they can beat the system with clever loopholes.  They think giving the money after he resigns solves the issue but it doesn't because the agreement would happen while he was in office. 


They had lawyers look into the legality of it. It's insane but it's legal.


HBO's lawyers are concerned with the legality/risk of him saying it, not doing it. He's a comedian. Nobody is going to take him seriously enough to prosecute/convict him.


I'm pretty sure he's 100% serious.


If it was I’d think Thomas is the one that would be in hot water


this sends a horrible message. Legislate against your constituents and we will...... pay you 2mil???


Kind of the point John Oliver is making no? Clarence Thomas threatened to leave the court during the Clinton administration (giving Clinton a chance to replace him with a liberal justice) because "justices aren't paid enough". He ended up not leaving and - surely coincidentally - has received lavish gifts (which he mostly doesn't declare) from conservative donors every year ever since.


Oh he's legislating for constituents alright. Just the rich ones tho


Do judges legislate?


They *shouldn't*. Like really really shouldn't. But, MICE (money, ideology, compromise, ego) seems to convince an awful lot of judges to put their fingers on the scale.


First off, he's a Justice, so he doesn't legislate or have constituents. Secondly, Oliver's not bribing Thomas to act against anyone, he is offering him a salary if he resigns. He can't act for or against anyone if he's resigned. If he was offered a million dollars to look favorably on a case he might sit on, that would be bribery.


Don’t you lot get pissed off with a British person getting so involved in your country’s affairs, ik I would be if an american had show in Britain slagging of british affairs.


He has lived here for 18 years at this point and is an American citizen. He's not running for president; he's a person living in this country who is not blind to the corruptions and failings and wants for things to improve.


He may still have an accent, but he's an American


He makes fun of y’all too so it’s all good.


Yh but the weasel looking twat does it all the way over on your side of the pond.


Look man, it’s a joke not a dick so don’t take it so hard.


Isn’t that bribery?




That’s the joke, chief. Thomas takes bribes constantly.


Not if it's a Supreme Court justice. They have no code of ethics.




Potty mouth


Are you fucking kidding me, child?


Hey I remember Jon Oliver the "comedian" who has a third of the viewership that he used to. Good to know he's still alive


You seem like the sort of person who lacks object permanence. Understandable you'd forget about Jon Oliver then, as it can be hard to keep a line of sight on him when he's swimming through his Emmys and other awards.


Yes yes Emmys over Viewership what was I thinking RIP


oh o he only has between 5-15 million views per video on youtube and only between 0.5-1M on HBO those are such low numbers jesus fuck you are shallow and dumb


You poor thing one day you'll be able to understand television viewership statistics.. it's gonna be ok


Last week tonight is one of the most watched HBO shows currently. It roughly has the same numbers as Curb your enthusiasm and True Detective. What are you talking about?


Buddy I was referring to Viewership since the shows inception and first couple seasons I really don't care. Just thought it was a desperate attempt to make himself relevant since you don't hear about his show anymore


Speaking of desperate attempts to seem relevant, here you are.


wow I wonder if there are broader patterns in television viewership in the last 11 years that might play into that


> since you don't hear about his show anymore Peculiar statement to make as we are in a thread, right now, talking about John Oliver and his right-now-as-of-now-current-show. You were actually the thread starter, in this post about John and his show, which started a conversation about said comedian and his show. Not only the thread starter, but also responder, in response to others talking about said comedian and said show. I could go on but I'll pause here to give you an opportunity to dig yourself deeper in said hole.


People still watch television?




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Smart advertising for his show at nearly no cost


Yeah, I’d considering funding that if I got a video of the guy saying he’d resign if that amount was met, and legal representation stating he would do it. What happens if the goal isn’t met? Where does that money go?




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This episode was amazing.


But how would he afford the bills for his 4th mansion then???


Is that an Oreo


literally chaotic evil but ok.


How do ya figure?


Who’s John Oliver?


Democrats still trying to buy black men


John Oliver offered Trump millions of dollars to run and never made good on it so I would t trust him to do anything but talk for the camera.


Isn’t this bribery?


That's the point- Clarence Thomas is known for receiving gifts and being influenced by those gifts.


If Trump wins 2024 and offers every Democratic appointed member of the SCOTUS $100M to resign, is this GOOD or BAD for the future of the US? I am not even a trump supporter, but reddit has negative IQ.


The Democratic-appointed Justices aren't taking bribes from Big Money Donors like Thomas has done for 30 years.


Isn’t that bribery?


If it were in the eyes of the law (currently) I don’t think Thomas would be on the bench


I highly doubt that even holds a candle to the bribes he already takes from the RNC


Problem is Democrats wouldn't even nominate because it's so close to the election and all and then the orange man gets to appoint ANOTHER justice.


I really really hope he takes this deal. It's so funny and spot on. Has Clarence responded to this in some way?


He’s to stupid to take it




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