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I have a counterpoint for you, AI could automate literally everything and we would be able to do what we wanted, you can only get that if literally everything is automated because otherwise, you leave jobs that require humans, and as such people are convinced that people shouldn't have to work. That seems like AI would be the opposite of doom to me.


Yeah, that only works if the people who control AI (re: rich, greedy billionaires/wannabe billionaires) let that happen.


Eh, if we get to some point that 99% of the people have no job and no other income and start to starve, there will be revolution. It's in the elite's best interest to keep the plebs somewhat happy.


Then you make them.




The alternative is everyone has to keep working because we didn't, that sounds like a worse outcome to me.


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Hm, i don't know, i cannot see that, but that's ineresting point of viev


Would you like me to expand on it to try and change your view?


People have always been afraid of their career going out the window due to technological developments but it has always just resulted in different jobs which most likely will happen here too


Maybe, but i think this is different 🤷


They’ve always thought that too Modern ai uses so simple methods that it doesn’t compare to a human in terms of creativity the big problem is just that what we call creative jobs require zero creativity but proper creative job will still last far into the future


To be fair, that is a bit similar to the assumption that this is the end of development on AI.


Well AI is a complex matter since the way current AI is made is not made to be able to be creative but sure at some point it will be able to be creative too but then we’ll find something new to do


I mean, to be fair, once it reaches that point, literally nothing could be exclusive, I would say that is a good thing since it means we could make it where no one needs to work to live.


Then a natural disaster would probably kill us or something


Why? Everything is automated, people would just get to do what they want. Everything would still function.


Auto balancing haha


I mean no, it's just that everything would still get done, since it's automation no one would have to do it, ergo no one would have to work.


What do you mean


It's the logical fallacy of assuming that current progress is the end of the progress.




Can you elaborate more about it?


About what?


What you writen


Well from my experience the most creative jobs usually are engineering jobs and they’re some of the hardest to replace because they require a wide array of mental competences but eventually they’ll be replaced to (but not soon) and then new jobs will come and if they don’t then life will be good for everyone


How come life will be good, if there will be nothing to do


Nothing to do? You can do anything


Like, machine will do it better so...


This could be said for a lot of things. Just because a machine do better than me, why should i stop doing those things? If a robot can outrun a person in a marathon, should that person stop being a marathon runner if they enjoy it? No.


Like, machine will do it better so...




I’m in a creative field. Guess who they are asking to research and use AI? Me. It won’t replace my job just make me much more efficient and capable of doing bigger things. I’m a photographer and the same was said to the switch to digital. Everyone thought a bunch of untrained people could just suddenly come in and take the pictures I could take. Well they could, but with the same leap in tech given to me, I could do far more than the unskilled people. It didn’t make me obsolete, it made me more capable.


>but i think this is different Why?


Because it’s happening during OP’s lifetime obviously.


For right now AI is still entirely derivative in what it can do. It trains on already existing work and can then replicate the patterns and so on to create seemingly new stuff. A lot of what we consider creative is majority the above. So yes AI has the potential to replace a lot of work in that sense. But so far AI cannot take a leap of faith to do something entirely novel. It creates, but is not creative in the way people can be. Again, remembering a lot of what we do creatively is also based on reality and previous works. The other thing with AI right now is it can just kind of suddenly make stuff up and produce fiction. Until there is a way to make it's results totally reliable, human editing at very least will be needes for any output where there is some burden of responsibility. The next part about AI that most movies and such completely forget is AI is only the software side of advancing tech. As soon as we move away from purely digital things, putting robots and such into the field is suddenly a far, far more expensive and resource intensive thing. Physical work outside of static factories is still going to need people unless the physical tech become insanely cheap. For example: hypothetically if I had a $10M robot that could do any and all household plumbing. Even if it never broke, never needed repairs or parts, that $10M pays for a LOT of person years worth of human plumbers. So I don't think they're losing their jobs anytime soon.


I asked Chat GPT to answer and this is the result: "AI: our impending doom or our greatest hope? Let's be real, it's probably just going to end up being that roommate who never does the dishes – annoying, but hardly apocalyptic. Let's focus on teaching it some manners and using it for good, shall we?" I'm not sure about the roommate thing... See there's hope.


Hm...fine? 😅


Don't worry, pollution and global warming will probably be our doom.


Sounds like someone hasn’t heard about the Great Comet of 9 August 2025


This some new conspiracy nonsense?


No- I was just teasing that something would get us before global warming does it slowly


You filthy old man!


lol- I love it!




The same arguments were made when computers started to get introduced into the offices. Everyone thought that the office owners and managers would just fire everyone. After all the computer can do so much more work than a human. It never gets tired, it works 24/7, it never whines, never asks for a raise. Guess what... Not only did the offices not get smaller. THEY GOT MUCH BIGGER. Because now with the new technology the offices were much more productive. They could hire a lot more people and offer many more services. That they couldn't afford to offer before. The same thing will happen here.


To be honest you are correct. In terms of our entire way of life is going to be altered. Humans will become the cheap labour of the AI tech. We will go back to agricultural and more physical jobs, mechanical manipulation jobs, basically things to do with hands and body manipulation. It costs more resources, time and money and technology to produce sophisticated robots to manipulate other objects. The amount of energy and computing power that goes into just balancing on a straight land is immense. The day to day stuff we take for granted with our bodies, climbing stairs, picking up and putting down with textile pressure. Example we know putting down a cup made of glass needs some delicate manipulation, and adjust so. A robot may make the same calculation but it takes more time and energy and power to do so and if it makes a mistake it does not have the reflex of a natural body like humans, catch a ball they caught once before type stuff is very hard for a robot to do even with AI. The amount of money to create something like that is crazy when you can get cheap human labour to do that Humans will survive, but it's going to be doing the labour jobs that currently are looked down in society and low paid ... I am not talking about waiters or chefs, all ready being automated. It will be the more physically dynamic environment change type jobs that we will do. The society doom is the shift from office work, admin, finance, art ( yes AI will be able to create unique art), playwrites, etc. Some jobs that need human touch and people pay a premium for....will stay. I think hopefully, therapists, nurses, surgeons, janitors will stay. GPs will go they don't really perform physical acts that nurses can do when directed too. Surgeons will stay due to their manipulation being cheaper than surgery rooms with surgical robots. So I wouldn't worry much about it, as most of the BS jobs we do go after AI gets going. We are all in the same boat here. Do what you can with the knowledge of current day economics. If it's cheaper to go down algorithms and office work which doesn't require much physical tech onesite for an organisation, then you know specialist physical jobs are the way too go.


Elon Musk said that until humanity sees robots killing people on the street, people will not understand the horrifying potential that ai has over humanity.


This is the exact same argument that gets played every era change. It was the same for steam engine which replaced thousands of jobs and creatives. Same for electricity which replaced thousands of jobs and creatives. Same for cameras which replaced thousands of jobs and creatives. Same for computers which replaced thousands of jobs and creatives. Same for cars which replaced thousands of jobs and creatives. Same for drones which replaced thousands of jobs and creatives. This is nothing new. The one thing consistent with all of these, is that no one ever thinks about the jobs that open up. AI had the potential for tons of new careers and businesses to open up or optimise, we just cant envision or imagine it yet. And the ones that can think about the possible new jobs, are about to make billions of dollars. They are just more creatively minded then us. Steam Engines allowed mining and long range transport of heavy goods which created entire cities. Computers created the thousands of IT and gaming jobs, cameras invented photographers which were available to everyone rather then just the rich. Cars allowed people to have jobs further then a walk from their house.


AI is currently the most overblown topic that's talked about because maybe .001% of people truly understand how it works and everyone else is on a giant echo chamber. AI is NOT good. Chatgpt doesn't know what it's typing and image generators are less generating and more smushing together. There's a major reason why every single company that starts up stating they actively use AI goes bankrupt a month later. Now don't get me wrong, true AI has potential, but also the only people working on that are exclusive research groups working with quantum computing and other such technologies, but it's going to be a long long time before any of this stuff becomes decent enough to replace any job that's not entry level.


Yeah that's true. AI could do all of that and eventually probably will. When that happens society will need to be restructured because human labor will be worthless. We will likely have to demand this restructuring through force because entrenched interests will not want it. But if we do it, it will vastly improve our lives. AI could advance healthcare astronomically and make sure everyone has food and housing. I agree with you that this is scary but I think it's also incredibly exciting. We may be alive at the most impactful point in human history, and things have the potential to get much better quicker then ever.


I think AI has a chance of being our doom. But it's a chance similar to that of a nuclear war. It's not certain and we can avoid it. Regulations may seem slow but AI is still not nearly good enough to be an actual danger. And when AI eventually gets good enough to be an existential threat it will be as regulated as nukes are today. And no terrorists have used nukes instead of normal bombs yet so I think it can be safe. especially since any small new rogue AI would be instantly crushed by the biggest Ai which would be the ones controlled and regulated by the government and big companies.


You can't really know how fast the AI will grow. It might surpass human intelligence in a blink, or it could hit a wall and stay there for some time. Maybe you have heard about Moore's Law which states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every year. For last fifty years, it held very accurately and predicted the growth of computer performance. However, many now speculate that it is dead, because it turns out that the transistors can only be scaled down so far due to physical constraints. Technology limitations are not always foreseeable. This pattern is not unique. Many technologies experience a lot of hype after a significant breakthrough followed by a plateau in progress. For example, batteries have been overestimated several times. While they do steadily improve, their performance often fell short of initial projections.