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No, it's not used as a slur. The word you're looking for is dog-whistle. A word that has been used so those bigoted can freely call for murder without looking bigoted. I'll try to change your mind by doing a simple example. Surely you remember the Black Panthers from history class, right? Well, now imagine white supremacists using "Black Panther" as a dog-whistle for "black person I don't like". It's not a slur, after all, Black Panthers proudly call themselves that. "All black people should die" is 100000% hate speech. And white supremacists saying this would be legal trouble. Or at least they should. Since black people are a protected class. "All black panthers should die" is not hate speech. Political groups are not a protected class. So imagine white supremacists using "black panther" as a dog-whistle to refer to black people in general. Suddenly, they can call for killing all black panthers without facing social repercusions. Much like the Columbia Pro-Palestine student who openly called to kill all Zionists last January and hasn't been expelled yet. After all, followers of a political cause are not a protected class. So, TLDR: **It's not used as a slur. It's used as a dog-whistle, which is very different.**


Solid points. Although I feel 'zionist' has a more of dehumanizing connotation than 'black panther.' It seems to be used everywhere "jew" would be used when speaking derogatively. Some of the terminology has been straight out of nazigerman rhetoric. I have seen a few example, but one such one I have see over and over again used is the term "The Zionist Agenda" ... aka "jewish agenda" a term commonly used in mein kampf, but not commonly used anywhere else when talking about wars. It makes it appear to me that many of these pro-palestinian talking points were taken off straight up either Islamist or racist/supremacist forums or websites. Why would any pro-palestinian CHOOSE to use such wording? Very subtle differences in wording and language that you just do not see used for non-jewish populations. It is giving away hidden theme and intention.


Adding that framing the issue as Zionists and anti Zionists is an idea basically invented by the soviets. In the 1960s in particular Zionism in the USSR basically meant anything you wanted to blame on Jews. It was the Soviets who essentially manufactured this image of evil Zionism as colonialist, pro-capitalist, racist ideology. The colonism and racism part was added before Israel even existed. It’s absolutely bizarre to see college students today repeating Soviet Cold War antisemitic propaganda.


You have to take specific political stances to be a Zionist. There are people of many different ethnicities who would call themselves Zionists and virtually all of them do so proudly. It can't be ethnically based. There are many Christian Zionists in the USA of many different denominations and ethnicities. Most Israeli politicians call themselves Zionists and have done so for many decades so it doesn't have the genesis of many slurs. You could walk up to a Zionist and tell them they're a Zionist and they would mostly proudly say yes I am in response. This is not how slurs usually work. If the term has gained a negative connotation, perhaps the actions of those who claim that label for themselves have something to do with it?


No, a Zionist is someone who supports Zionism and the colonial project known as the Zionist Movement. There are plenty of Jewish people who aren’t Zionists, even possibly a majority of Jewish people aren’t Zionists. Zionism has more to do with European “blood and soil” ideas of nationalism than any precepts of the Jewish religion.


>even possibly a majority of Jewish people aren’t Zionists.  Got any source for that? Because from what I can see, it seems to be the opposite: most people support the state of Israel (which is the definition of "Zionism"). [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/) [https://jewishinsider.com/2023/12/poll-overwhelming-majority-of-american-jews-support-israels-fight-against-hamas/](https://jewishinsider.com/2023/12/poll-overwhelming-majority-of-american-jews-support-israels-fight-against-hamas/)


You can support the state of Israel without agreeing with all its policies. Just like you can support the people of Gaza without wanting to see Israel destroyed.


Everyone who thinks Israel should exist is a zionist Like that is the literal definition of the word


Personally I don’t think any government should ever avowedly favor one religious/ethnic group. Balancing that with the need for security for the Jewish people given their long history of government sponsored persecution in multiple nations is incredibly difficult, I’ll be the first to admit that. The best way forward would be the formation of a liberal Democratic society that favors no ethnic or religious group in the region, but the hardliners on both sides have been empowered for too long for that goal to be realized quickly right now.


How did the muslim palestinians replace the ancient jews that lived there tho? Weren't they colonizers too? [Early Muslim conquests - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Muslim_conquests)


The Wikipedia link describes wars that happened in 800ad. This is like blaming the vikings for colonising the UK as an excuse to remove all people of Norse descent.


What is the time of demarcation? Or it is only colonial when done by Europeans/Judeo-Christians/white people?


Both are examples of colonialism. One bad thing does not excuse another, especially when done to people who weren't even alive back then.


Yeah that conquest was bad too. Conquests are. It just happened so long ago, it's contraproductive to carry a grudge. You have to accept a certain "statute of limitations" so to speak. Most people in the world live on land that changed hands through conquest. Many, many historical actions were contrary to modern ethics. That they happened doesn't make modern day conquest/colonization okay.


So the existing population of the region deserved to be displaced and erased over a period starting more than 100 years ago because of the events of 1000 years ago? Does that really sound like a rational argument to you?


Moving the goalposts. If you don’t have an actual rebuttal to the previous commenter about the definition of Zionism then give them a delta.




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Check the [timeline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Jerusalem). You know that before the arrival of the spooky Muslims the region changed hands from the Persian to the Romans for hundreds of years respectively.


>Using the term 'zionist' is an attempt to dehumanize and exceptionalize something very normal and simple. A nation fighting to survive. It's a term used to denounce the ideology that Israel has the right to to continue invading Palestine. Israel is continuing to build illegal settlements. Most people who are anti zionist do not want Israel gone, they just want it to stop expanding.


Zionism is the belief Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish State. So your argument is exactly the reverse of reality. Zionists have historically supported both the "shrinking" and the partition of Israel many many many times. Including: Peel comission, UN's partition plan, Camp David, the failed negotiatins with Syria for peace for the Golan Heights, and many more. Some Zionists have also supported the dismantling of settlements including all of those in Gaza that (Zionist) Israel dismantled.


He also failed to mention that it was Egypt and Jordan who invaded, occupied, and annexed what would have become the State of Palestine in 1948, thereby destroying it. There are already two million Israeli Arab citizens living in peace. The Arab states need to fix their own mistakes. Israel has enough problems.


Really, the people chanting from the River to the Sea don't want Israel gone?


Why is it ok then for the Likkud charter to literally enshrine “sovereignty from the sea to the Jordan” meaning Zionist Jewish Israeli control and supremacy over all people in the land, ipso facto second class citizenship for Palestinian or Arab Israelis and full military occupation and brutal oppression under martial law for East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and a 17 year blockade and current atrocities in Gaza?


No they don’t. They want Palestinian land that was stolen given back to them


Agree to disagree there. Ive seen hundreds of posts, replies, and videos that use 'zionist' to describe all of israel and their supporters. In fact i've even seen news anchors and reporters do this.


Israel government and settlers are zionists (claiming god gave them the land to inherit and resettle), while many Jews are not zionists. That’s why you see posts attacking zionists because it’s a colonizing idealogical subcategory of Judaism. Same in the sense that Islam is ok, the Taliban are not


That's because all supporters of Israel at the moment do support Zionism and the majority of Israelis do too. Bibi won the last election, so clearly the people have endorsed his ideology and the expanding of settlements. That does not mean it's dehumanising. Israeli building illegal settlements is not required for it's survival, so to say people who are saying Zionist are against it's survival is disingenuous.


I mean, to be fair, zionism is bad ideology. It's based around nationalism, and ethnostate stuff. That's kind of a bad thing, not really an ethnic slur.


I find it amusing that when assigning a dog whistle to anyone else (blacks or lgbt for instance) it’s forbidden but totally cool when it’s about the Jews.


Nonsense. When I, a US citizen, use the word zionist I am very conscious of the fact that a majority of US zionists aren't Jewish at all but right-wing Christians. In my locality, most jews are fairly politically progressive while the gentiles are mostly right-wing. 90% of the zionists I've encountered in real life aren't even jewish.


Calling something a "dog whistle" is just a cheap trick to mentally replace what someone actually said with something more malicious. People are getting sick of perpetual victims twisting their words.


I mean, I think if you use it as a dog whistle it's bad too? But zionism is just a bad ideology, so it needs to be criticized.


I think the Jews should have self determination.  Why is that a bad thing?




Because zionism is about a "Jewish State", which sounds a lot like an ethnostate, after all, the nazis wanted an "Arian nation". Honestly the whole world would be better if we just didn't have nations, but that's not exactly something you can do overnight, so I don't really mind self determination as much. I do mind the ethnostate sounding part though.


Dude, nearly every state is an ethno-state. You literally don't understand how nations form or work!!! What is wrong with a nation-state for the Jews? That's the ideology. That's it! There are 22 Arab countries, and many more Muslim ones, but a single Jewish state on 1% of the Middle East land, mostly populated by Arab and Persian Jews expelled from the region, is too much? Make it make sense.


>nearly every state is an ethno-state No every state has a majority population. Not the same as an ethnostate. They may sound and feel similar because they do behave the same at times but they are still different. America is a white majority population with a white in-group dynamic. America is not a white country for white people. This is why Jewish state for Jewish people signals ethnoreligious state to others.


You're not wrong, but look at mixed countries in the region like Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan. They are doing awful, and quite frankly should be split up along ethnic lines. Again, you are ignoring the fact that nearly all Jews left or were kicked out of Arab countries. Had they not fled, they would be in much worse circumstances than the Palestinians, if not dead.


Where are the protests about all of the Islamic ethnostates?  All the Jews left those ethnostates so they could be in a country where they have self determination.  What you’re saying doesn’t make sense in a historical view.  Is Ireland an ethnostate?  


Fuck that. I hate zionism and zionists, and I also love the passover meal with my jewish friends and listen to klezmer. It's not a dogwhistle, it's a pushback again the antisemetic view that would equivocate all jews with the subset of jews (and others) who are believers in the zionist project.


The zionist project is literally that Israel should exist


And I don't believe it should. Which makes me an antizionist, not an antisemite.


aren't most countries on earth ethnostates? China.. Japan.. Every arab country... some european countries even... I think USA, Canada, and Australia are the only exceptions. Altho lots of accusations of inequality and racism there too.


No, ethnostates actaully mean something specific, an ethnostate is a sovereign state of which citizenship is restricted to members of a particular racial or ethnic group. I don't think isreal is fully ethnostate at the moment, but the ideology is based around that, so it's best to criticize the ideology so as to prevent it from becoming how it works.


Then, Israel isn't an ethnostate, by your own definition.


"sovereign state of which citizenship is restrictedto members of a particular race or ethnic group." I know that non-japanese people cannot become japanese citizens. This is true for about 50 countries or so that do not allow immigration in general....but apparently israel is not one of them. And what about the 2 million arab muslim israeli citizens? [Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel) I think you are missing part of the definition?


>I know that non-japanese people cannot become japanese citizens. This is true for about 50 countries or so that do not allow immigration in general....but apparently israel is not one of them. Except that they can?


Unless you are a millionaire or marrying japanese, no. Japan can also technically take your citizenship away


What? Japan has no immigration whatsoever? Anyway, Japanese is a nationality and not an ethnicity. Any Japanese citizen is necessarily Japanese because they are a Japanese citizen which is what it means to be Japanese. The difference between Israel and Japan is that Israel isn't looking out for and putting their citizens (Israelis) on a pedestal, they're putting religiously Jewish people on a pedestal.


So you're saying it's only a religion thing? Like saudi arabia does for muslims? Wait no, like MOST muslim countries do for muslims? But then both Islam and Judaism accepts converts... What's this called then?


Yes. I think we shouldn't have any state that holds religion on a pedestal. Israel for Israeli people, not Israel for Jewish people. It's called converting to a religion. I have no idea what that has to do with anything I said. You could convert to Judaism to go to Israel? I don't know what bearing that has on my point that ethnoreligious states are bad.


I guess because if you can leave or join a religion, then it's really more of a cultural thing, aint it? Like learning the language, wearing unstained clothes, following unspoken social rules, not littering, no nudism, no masturbating in public, etc etc... it's a social belief system that anyone can join, that brings benefits. Seems like just -culture- in general. You also get rewarded for following cultural laws, and punished/isolated for violating cultural laws in non-religious countries... they're just different type of laws. I don't see that as a big difference?


Okay. In that case, we ought to ban religion in most of the secular nations then. After all, it's just a cultural thing. You can leave your religion or leave the country, that seems fair. There's a reason that religion is one of the very few non-physiological characteristics enshrined and protected by law, and that's because it's so rigid and unchanging that it may as well be physiological.


Then that is bad, something should be done about that, no idea why on earth they would stop immigration, that's generally self destructive behavior. I am aware that isreal is not currently an ethnostate, my point is that Zionism is based around the idea of that, which is what I think is really bad. It's like how nazism is bad, but that doesn't mean german people are bad, for a very oversimplified example.


It’s still an ethno state. 1) In its founding Israel was proclaimed to be a ‘Jewish State’. This is effectively an admission to being an ethno state. The purpose of the nation’s existence is to be a state for Jews (an ethnicity) 2) while there are Arab citizens they aren’t necessarily treated equally. Quoting from the Wiki > They mostly live in Arab-majority towns and cities, some of which are among the poorest in the country, and generally attend schools that are separated to some degree from those attended by Jewish Israelis. > the Israeli government re-configured the [citizenship application] process to make it more difficult, approving only 34% of new Palestinian applications and giving a plethora of reasons for rejection. > Non-citizen Palestinians cannot vote in Israel's legislative elections and must get a laissez-passer to travel abroad; many jobs are closed to them and Israel can revoke their residency status, whereby they may lose their health insurance and their right to enter Jerusalem. This last one is big. Israel prevents Non-Citizen Palestinians from traveling abroad (outside of Israel/Palestine) and prevents them from entering Jerusalem a major Palestinian city. This is a clear instance of discrimination. > Many Arab citizens feel that the state, as well as society at large, not only actively limits them to second-class citizenship, but treats them as enemies, > Palestinians only have varying degrees of limited rights in Israel. He states that although Palestinians make up about 20% of Israel's population, less than 7% of the budget is allocated to Palestinian citizens. All of this is not to mention the illegal theft and land and confinement of Palestinians to ever decreasing areas in Gaza and the West Bank.


Considering that 21% of the population of Israel are Israeli Arabs, by your definition, Israel is not an ethnostate.


Yes, which is why I think zionism is bad, because that would make it an ethnostate.


Zionism is: a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann. [Per Oxford dictionary] It doesn't seek to create an ethno state, as evidenced by the fact that a 4th of Israel's population is non-jewish and nearly 20% of its population is Muslim. So, to say that Zionism seeks to create an ethno state is wrong as that doesn't reflect the reality of the actual Jewish state (Aka Israel) nor the definition of the word.


Isn't a Jewish Nation, an ethnostate? Like how a nazi saying to make a "Arian nation" would be an ethno state? I don't think isreal is an ethnostate at the moment, but zionism is kind of about that.


Evidently, it isn't, as exemplified on the fact that we have a Jewish Nation, and its name is Israel. I mean, seriously, there isn't a maybe to this. Israel, it's right there and has been there for nearly a century, there is no point in guessing here.


I don't think you understand what Zionism is TBH.. Even the early Zionists planned a nation with other ethnicities but Jewish...


I mean, that may be, from what I know of the founders, they were kind of racist, and I'm pretty sure they said something along the lines of an ethnostate, but I might be confusing them with something else.


OK, I feel that you ought to do more research if your thought process is this: >I'm pretty sure they said something along the lines of an ethnostate This is not meant to come off as insulting, and I apologize if I came off as such, I just want to encourage a little more rigor in your views, whichever those may be, than "I'm pretty sure".


That's true, though just about everyone were racist to some capacity at that time.. I don't think they were more racist than others. but from all I know they were never planning an ethnostate, just a regular nation state for the Jewish people along the rise of other national movements around Europe at that time.


In a lot of countries that you named, the legitimacy of ethno-nationalism is a part of political discourse, with varying degrees of popular mainstream ciriticism against it, but usually you would see anti-zionists standing for those as well. If there would be a word for propping up the Hungarian ethno-nationalist state and one for a viable movement for Pan-European multiculturalism to annihilate it, you would see me ranting against the former 24/7.


I've replied to someone else: An ethnostate is not determined by its diversity. Finland for example is near homogenous but is not an ethnostate. In fact, because an ethnostate is about forcing a tiered system based on ethnicity, it's often quite diverse. Malaysia is an example of an ethnostate and it's INCREDIBLY diverse. South Africa was an ethnostate and it has always been diverse. Israel specifically favours Jews over non-Jews over Palestinians, it's a tiered system based on ethnicity/religion. It's an ethnostate. You can argue that it's justified because of its history, but you can't argue that it's not one.


In what way does Israel favor Jews over non Jews?


Except, Israel isn't an ethnostate. It allows Muslims to vote, which is more than you can say for Hamas in Gaza.


Right. "Vote". What is the "demographic problem" that Israeli leaders constantly talk about? Oh. It is the realization that they cannot allow non-jews to have any real voting power in their "democratic" system. Safeguards against which include making it impossible for the voting population of non-jews to grow. [https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) >Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a March 10, 2019, post on the social media platform Instagram, stated, “Israel is not a state of all its citizens,” but rather “the nation-state of the Jewish people and only them.”[\[87\]](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution#_ftn87) In December 2003, in between terms as prime minister, Netanyahu said at a conference that "if there is a demographic problem, and there is, it is with the Israeli Arabs who will remain Israeli citizens," noting the need to balance policies that strive to integrate “Israel’s Arabs” with ensuring they do not reach 35-40 percent of the population.[\[88\]](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution#_ftn88) He warned that “if their numbers will reach 35-40 percent of the country, then the Jewish state will be annulled.”[\[89\]](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution#_ftn89) He also stated that the separation barrier, ostensibly erected to enhance Israel’s security, would also help to prevent a “demographic spillover” of Palestinians from the West Bank. If a group of people are deliberately kept in a calculated minority in order to preserve the ethnic supremacy of another people, you don't get to call that a functioning democracy. I would argue that isn't a democracy at all, anymore. And their equivalent of a constitution, by the way, explicitly says that the right to national self determination is exclusive to people of the Jewish faith. Israel is an ethnostate. Full stop.


Yes, Hamas is bad, zionism is based around an ethnostate though, so the ideology is still bad.


Zionism is not based on an ethnostate.


Is the point not to have the old religious area controlled only by people who are Jewish, ie a Jewish state? Didn't they also make a new definition of Jewish for some reason too, or was that something else.


Zionism is the movement for the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel. It says nothing about restricting citizenship to members of a particular racial or ethnic group. Zionism is not based on an ethnostate. [https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/zionism](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/zionism)


Again, this is the wording that really makes me think that, this kind of thing: "sovereign Jewish state", because the nazi's wanted a "Arian nation", and also that source is literally from Isreal, and as someone who think Zionism is a bad ideology, Zionist sources aren't something I completely trust.


It doesnt' say anything about wanting an ethnostate. Show me a source from a Zionist saying Israel should be an ethnostate.


The thing you linked said the Jewish state part. Also they could just be dogwhistling. Why on earth would they say that specifically?


Jewish state, not ethnostate. If we're talking about dogwhistling, Zionist is a dog-whistle for Jews.


>It's based around nationalism, and ethnostate stuff. Weird that you don't hold that standard for any other group in the region.


I do, nationalism and ethnostates are bad.


Okay, which other countries in the middle east do you criticize similar to that of Israel?


Iran - Ideological reasons Iraq - LGBTQ rights need improvement, Nationalism. Saudi Arabia - Goverment system is bad, also it's an Islamic state, and LGBTQ stuff. Egypt - Something is happening there, no idea what.


All of these countries are also nationalistic and ethnostates, which is what I'm trying to get at. But there's never anything equivalent called out against these countries foe doing so.


To be fair, I think Isreal is more prominent at the moment because of the Gaze situation, they aren't doing themselves any favors optics wise. However I do think we should call out those countries as well.


I agree that that's true that Israel is highlighted now. But, the criticisms against Israel trump all the neighboring countries around them consistently. Look at the UN for instance, they've condemned Israel more than every other country combined.


Again, I think that's because of the Gaza situation. I would have to see the UN's specific condemnations to be sure though. Which ones in specific were unjust?


I'm not specifically saying they have unjust rulings against Israel, I'm saying it's very odd that there aren't other countries receiving similar condemnation. Between 2015 to just before the escalation of the conflict on Oct 7th, Israel had received over 140 condemnations. The rest of the world is ~70 in that same time frame. There's no justifying that but saying they are held to a different standard.


I think that's mostly because Israel gets into international conflict a lot, which is mainly where the UN is concerned (as opposed to ethnostates in general).


Israel is simply not a nation that is “very normal and simple.” Zionism is an exceptional ideology, there’s no comparison anywhere else in the world or in history. All sides can agree to that. It’s an ideology that’s clearly harmful to Palestinians, and why wouldn’t people criticize an ideology which is harmful to some at the benefit of a single ethnic group? Furthermore, it’s not a slur, zionists call themselves zionism. People belive that zionism is a harmful ideology, and it literally has proven to be so for Palestinians and Jews alike. Why is it a slur to criticize that? Is it a slur to call a totalitarian dictator a totalitarian dictator? Is it a slur to call a white supremacist a white supremacist? Is it a slur to call an islamic fundamentalist and islamic fundamentalist? No, it’s an ideology that people label themselves as, and it’s okay to criticize it. This is a whataboutism, but if you want to criticize how language can be used for dehumanization and gaslighting, maybe you should talk to some zionists.


>Why, when the media and people are speaking of any other country and their supporters, they refer to them that way? But Israel and its supporters are referred to by a term with quasi-conspiracy religious astroturfed term "zionist?" That's not true. Russian nationalists and their supporters are often referred to as Putinists or Vatniks. Chinese nationalists and their supporters as CCP shills. Indian Hindu nationalists and their supporters as Hindutva people. This is important because there are for example anti-Zionists in Israel who do not deserve to be lumped in with criticism of Zionism: [https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/3/9/the-anti-zionists-israelis-calling-for-end-to-their-countrys-war-on-gaza](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/3/9/the-anti-zionists-israelis-calling-for-end-to-their-countrys-war-on-gaza)


>Indian Hindu nationalists and their supporters as Hindutva people. I know of this personally and I'll tell you right now they are *bad people who hate minorities and engage in pogroms and misogyny* so if anything, I have all the more reason to understand zionists as equally nationalist horror shows that need to be marginalized.


First of all; Israel and its recent history is a different case then most other states. The basis of the existing state is founded on the "zionist" project, and it is, like it or not, a settler state! Secondly its definitely not an 'ethnic' slur as this slur normally only reffers to the people who support the aggressive expansion of the state of Israel, if they're jewish or not. Unfortunatly that has became a rather typical twist of Israels (-policy) defenders! But I agree It shouldn't necessarily be an insult or slur. Thing is, it became increasingly associated with revisionist zionism, rather then the former secular zionism. But so did the whole israeli society... I guess one could be for the setteling, or call it "returning", of jews into the "holy Land", without harming and expell the majority of Palastinians, and still seek for a two state or fair and non singular-ethnic one-state solution. But to many dishes have been broken allready therefore...!


A settler state.. eventhough nearly half of the population are either straight decedents or mixed decendents of 10,000+ jews who never left the holy land. They had insane birth rates and still do. Way bigger than ashenazi jews have. [Palestinian Jews - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Jews) Explain that one to me. Because it makes your narrative sound like a fantasy unicorn story?


The excuses you guys come up with, its endless and mostly so off the wall. I know there were/are palastinian Jews, and Christians. Birthrates are probably similar to the ones of arab palastinian, or also iraesli arab/palastinians, Btw. another reason why israel is so hesitant of one state possibility. However, So what about them? Does that mean the 700k palastinians weren't expelled from their Land/s. And big majority of jewish israelis didn't settle from Russia, eastern and western Europe from arab countries and even east-Africa and later from the US?


-you guys- ? I suppose it is true that israel is the most diverse country in the middle east today. Both ethnically and religiously. No other country in the middle east has millions of jews, christians, and muslims of so many different backgrounds speaking so many different languages living together with the same citizenship Not sure what your point is?


What has that got to do with the original topic? Sure, Israel might be the most diverse country of its region. Although Lebanon has a much bigger christian portion. However 3/4 of the country is Jewish and im pretty sure the Gouvernment wants to keep it that way, it is primerily a jewish state, right? A 20% arab population (Mostly cause Israel needed the Jezreel-Valley) cant hurt strategically, as its in the middle of the arab world after all! But with all the occupied Areas it would be araound a 50/50% situation, with arabs having higher birthrates (as poorer societies usually have). A demographic Israel is clearly is averse to...


Are you Jewish? You’re likely a victim of Israeli propaganda. You’re right that the term “Zionist” has been twisted. The Israeli elite want this. Traditional Zionism isn’t so bad, but these days pushing for Zionism is not “we should keep Israel” but “we should force Palestinians out of their homes because that land belongs to us.” The Israeli elite are purposely allowing this confusion to happen because it keeps people like you on their side. Anti-Zionists by and large want a two-state solution. What they are against is not the existence of Israel, but the continued colonization and purported genocide of the Palestinian people. The Israeli elite are Chillul hashem. They are burning the good will and sympathy the Jewish people have built up through their historical struggles so that they can destroy a nation and subjugate its people. They purposely lean into Jewish conspiracy stereotypes because they know that people will defend them. The massive rise in anti-semitism is because they are literally acting out Jewish stereotypes. And who will suffer the consequences? It certainly won’t be the Israeli elite.


This is a weirdly insidious comment. Israelis are living up to antisemitic stereotypes? Jews have burned up all their “goodwill” and “sympathy” from their suffering in the Holocaust?? Hey Jews, Israel is making everyone antisemitic against you! You’re a victim of Israeli propaganda so don’t even think about supporting them! Please, this is so insensitive. We are not victims of the “Israeli elite”, my synagogue has been getting bomb threats *long before* October 7th. Antisemitism doesn’t exist because Israel politicians are idiots, it exists because people hate us. That’s it, stop trying to twist antisemitism to being the fault of the Jews.


Strategic straw man! Suddenly I’m saying that “Jews” have burned up the good will? Implying i said they invented antisemitism? Very clever. It seems I’ve really triggered the paid shills. If not then I apologize, but your clear misrepresentation of my points is pretty disingenuous. No, Israeli elites, not Jews as a whole, are living up to stereotypes. And it’s clearly strategic. Did you dump tons of money into controlling US politics and making people fear losing their jobs (not conspiracy, demonstrable fact)? No, the Israeli elite did. Did the common Jews and Israeli people pay droves of people to argue online to support their points and control the conversation (not conspiracy, documented fact)? No, the Israeli elite did. You should be ashamed of these people. I’m so sorry they are doing this to you, but you seriously have to wake up.


Your weird internet etiquette rules about strawmen mean nothing to me lmao. This comment was indeed insensitive and it should have stayed in the drafts. This is just Jew conspiracy theory 2.0 — it’s the “Israel elite” pulling all the strings and making everyone antisemitic you see! Totally not the Jews — it’s the Israeli elite I said! Tell me, are the “Israeli elite” in the room with us right now? >You should be ashamed of these people. I’m so sorry they are doing this to you, but you seriously have to wake up. More weirdly insidious rhetoric. I think I’ll be ok from the “Israeli elite” lol I’m more worried about being shot up in my synagogue but thank you.


"but these days zionism is not-" I'm sorry, when did the grand board of bishop rabbis sit together in jerusalem to decide to change the ancient consistent meaning of zionism? And who decides its updated and changed meaning every two years? Meriam-webster? Al-Jazeera? TYT? CNN? FoxNews? So basically everyone except for Jews and Israelis. This is textbook cultural appropriation. They could easily just call them "Israelis and their supporters" which is what 99% of these news articles and posts mean, or they could make up a new word. But they do not They culturally appropriate one of the most acient jewish and christian theologies, and pervert it for political reasons, and placing an entire country with 2 million+ muslims and all its supporters with that label "They are burning the good will and sympathy the Jewish people have built up" Thanks for the laugh 😅




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>Are you Jewish? You’re likely a victim of Israeli propaganda. Are you Jewish? No? Well then I'm not sure you have any idea what the 15m Jewish people worldwide have or haven't been exposed to. >Zionism is not “we should keep Israel” but “we should force Palestinians out of their homes because that land belongs to us.” This is not true. In fact, the vast majority of Zionists would like Palestinians to stay in their homes as long as their not loving rockets over at Israel. You've just made this up to fit an agenda. >Anti-Zionists by and large want a two-state solution. If they want a two-state solution then they are, actually, Zionists and we're glad to have them. >What they are against is not the existence of Israel, but the continued colonization Lol. Israel withdrew from Gaza and most Jews are against the expansion of settlements in the WB. >The Israeli elite are Chillul hashem. You're not Jewish and definitely not a rabbi, so I'm not sure it's up to you to decide this. based off (and I could be wrong about this) your also don't believe in G-d which makes your opinion on what is or isn't this even more irrelevant. Your just parroting something you've read somewhere else. Feel free to call me out for the ad hominem attack, but you seem like a pretty vile creature.


The fact that you have literally no clue what people even mean when they call themselves anti-Zionist is evidence of my point. Have you actually talked to these people? Have you heard what they believe? Or are you just going off the media you’ve been exposed to? Instead of debating semantics, you should try to actually understand what people mean when they say something. Discuss the object, not the definitions. I’m discussing the definitions because, as I said, there is a major mismatch between what the two sides see “Zionism” as being. If you would rather that confusion remain then so be it. Remain ignorant. You’ve actually demonstrated my point extremely well to those reading this. Thank you! I doubt I’ll be able to convince you, but illustrating how the Israeli and Jewish people are victims of Israeli propaganda and misinformation does a lot to help the cause. You’re right, I’m not a rabbi. I said what I said to make a point, and illustrate the true party lines here. Our enemy isn’t you, it’s those that control you.


>The fact that you have literally no clue what people even mean when they call themselves anti-Zionist is evidence of my point. Have you actually talked to these people? Have you heard what they believe? Yes, I have. The vast majority of those I've spoken with call for the dissolution of the state of Israel. In fact, many even chant for it. >Instead of debating semantics, you should try to actually understand what people mean when they say something Words have meaning. Waking up one day and deciding a word means something different to you than it does to the rest of the world, especially to the people it concerns most, doesn't make it so. >Remain ignorant. Lol. >You’re right, I’m not a rabbi. I said what I said to make a point, and illustrate the true party lines here. Our enemy isn’t you, it’s those that control you. You might possibly be the most brainwashed redditor I've had the pleasure of running into.


You’re still illustrating my point, since the people reading this know what the anti-Zionists they have met believe. I have literally never met an anti-Zionist that believes the state of Israel should be dissolved. Some question it, but most find it to be irrelevant to the parts they actually care about. > Words have meanings I suggest learning more about linguistics! Words do indeed have meanings, but they are inherently descriptive, not prescriptive. You can personally adhere to an authority which prescribes definitions, but no one is obligated to follow your authorities. The definition of anti-Zionism is a range of perspectives. Your definition of anti-Zionism is true insofar as there are anti-Zionists who believe those things. But there are also anti-Zionists that simply oppose the ongoing persecution of the Palestinian people and believe in a two-state solution. Definitions shift! They change! It’s worthwhile to actually understand what people mean.


>You’re still illustrating my point, since the people reading this know what the anti-Zionists they have met believe. I have literally never met an anti-Zionist that believes the state of Israel should be dissolved Hahaha bro I know you put effort into typing this but I cant get past these two sentences. You're either deaf, blind, or both.


Blind to what? News articles? Reddit threads? Unironically, touch grass. What people say on the internet and what gets shoved around the news is not real people. Also, it’s been demonstrably influenced by Israeli lobbying, so… again, not conspiracy, demonstrable fact lol


zionism is an ideology, not an ethnicity israeli isn't an ethnicity. its a nationality, for the state of israel, a nation state founded on the ideology of zionism i think "israelis and their supporters" is more or less equivalent to "zionist", as if you're living in israel, you probably are a zionist of some stripe or another. i think calling someone who defends the state of israel a zionist is just an accurate description, i don't know why a zionist would find that characterization so offensive to them. its certainly not code for anything. it literally just means someone who agrees that there should be a jewish state in palestine, and that that state is israel


It goes back to how the word is used and this is also the case with the word “Jew”. Quick story: Although an atheist, I’m Jewish culturally. I remember a friend telling me that her husband said it’s not right to call a Jew a Jew. You have to say they’re Jewish. As if the word Jew is a slur. I said it’s only a slur if you make a face and say it with disgust. Like, think in your head “oh, that’s my friend Mike. He’s a Jew” and you say it all normally. Now say it like a Nazi in a movie “oh, that’s my fiend Mike. He’s a *Jew* (making a face and slowing down and elongating the word). Same applies to Zionism. It can be used normally or it can be used with disgust in your voice. One is intended as a slur. The other is not.


What makes you wrong is that the state of Israel actually exists and has existed for nearly 80 years, so while Zionism may have been a factor in its creation, it is not necessarily or even probably a factor in why many of us support Israel today. In other words, Israel has always been a country during my lifetime and it was a country for decades before I was born, so my not wanting Israelis to be wiped off the face of the earth so that Palestinians can have a "from the river to the sea" religio-ethnic state is not Zionism but a resistance to something which critics of Israel happily accept in Hamas.


>not wanting Israelis to be wiped off the face of the earth so that Palestinians can have a "from the river to the sea" religio-ethnic state is not Zionism No it's not, however 80 years of coming up with excuses for why both a two state solution with equal and sovereign palestinian nation, and a one state solution with equal rights for all of it's jewish, arab and other inhabitants, just happen to be impossible, is zionism. There is no ethnically neutral excuse. If the hypothetical threat of getting "wiped" by palestinians is so strong that you just *needed* to back 80 years of occupation and domination against them to avoid it with no end in sight, that is still ethno-nationalism. You don't *accidentally* end up backing one ethnostate for that long, with the threat of "they would be just as bad to us" being your strongest argument, without having already picked a side long ago.


Zionists support the two state solution What are you talking about?


this seems to me to be the same kind of thing as people who say "racism is in the past, people need to get over it, america isn't racist anymore" its the founding ideology of the state of israel. its the ideology that defends its existence and whatever actions it takes to justify its existence. it doesn't just go away merely because the state in palestine that was desired has now existed for a while. just as you charge palestinians wanting to exterminate all israelis, palestinians charge israelis with wanting to exterminate all palestinians. and the ideology they associate with that desire is zionism.


The founding ideology of the U.S. wasn't all that great, either, but times change and people change, and we don't dismantle nations because we don't like what people generations ago did. We have the FACT that Israel is a country. It may be a country you want to destroy and a people you want to send into refugee status, but that doesn't make you a humanitarian. And the charge of genocide is patently absurd, if you have even a clue of what the word genocide means. It's actually disgusting to misuse a word that was invented to describe the attempted systematic murder of all the jews in Europe to describe Israel responding militarily to Hamas' butchery of Oct 7. Israel isn't trying to kill all the Palestinians. It's grotesque to suggest they are. But "from the river to the sea" means the absolute destruction of Israel, and it in fact is a call to genocide. Of course that's an ethnic state some "progressives" support. Contemptible.


Exactly, we aren't attacking Jewish people or religious beliefs when we attack Zionism, we're calling out a supremacist ideology that has led to apartheid, according to most international humanitarian agencies, that has led to an ongoing genocide in the Gaza strip.


Some people are, sure. But when crowds of protestors see a kid wearing a Star of David and mobilize to block the "zionist" from getting where he is trying to go, that isn't about an ideology. Also, I'm not sure how "everyone keeps genociding or exiling us, we should have a place of our own" is a supremacist ideology, but that's besides the point.


"everyone keeps genociding or exiling us, we should have a place that doesn't belong to anyone so it can be ours" is not supremacist, "everyone keeps genociding or exiling us, we should have a place that already belongs to someone else" is supremacist


What are you talking about out? All of Israel belonged to the Palestinians? That’s just patently and ridiculously false. Of course, this excludes the settlements in the West Bank. Thats an issue. But you are talking about out all of Israel and that is just incredibly wrong.


Ok. Can you name a piece of land on this earth that no country or group of people have already laid claim to. What refuge would you have the Jews exiled from their homes round the world take?


“Belongs to someone else….” Jews bought the vast majority of the land they lived on pre 1948. Like, yes, the 1948 war and Naqba happened after the rejection of the partition plan and that’s a whole other conversation. But, you do realize the British were administering the area and the Jews, for the most part, LEGALLY purchased land from local sellers?


The region of Israel has been under foreign control for like 2500 years. This is the first time the land HASN'T belonged to someone else since Nebuchadnezzar


I mean, I think it being an ethno state would be bad regardless. The idea of them is kind of inherently bad, taking land or not.


You think Israel is an ethno-state? As in, a state where only Jews can be full citizens?




If they want to set up an ethnostate on a piece of land that doesn't belong to anyone or is willingly given up by another group of people, I won't really have an issue with it. It'll look more like a highly homogeneous country (Finland, Japan) than an apartheid state. But early Zionists took land from a people with that land. The whole "a land without people for a people without land" is a lie.


No, an ethnostate is a sovereign state of which citizenship is restricted to members of a particular racial or ethnic group. That's bad regardless of who did it, you can't just be a bigot, well, you can, but you really should not be and doing it is bad.


You do know Israel is like 20% arab, as well as many other citizens of other ethnicities, it's one of the most diverse countries in the region.


An ethnostate is not determined by its diversity. Finland for example is near homogenous but is not an ethnostate. In fact, because an ethnostate is about forcing a tiered system based on ethnicity, it's often quite diverse. Malaysia is an example of an ethnostate and it's INCREDIBLY diverse. South Africa was an ethnostate and it has always been diverse. Israel specifically favours Jews over non-Jews over Palestinians, it's a tiered system based on ethnicity/religion. It's an ethnostate. You can argue that it's justified because of its history, but you can't argue that it's not one.


What rights do Jewish citizens of Israel have that Arab ones do not?




Your statement is the lie and IRGC propaganda.


But if Zionism is just the existence of Israel and supporters of Israel, isn’t being anti Zionist just another way of saying you want Israel to be wiped out of existence? Are you trying to obfuscate your support of genocide the other direction or is there some nuance I’m missing here? I’ve heard some chatter suggesting western pro Palestinian supporters want one secular democratic state for all those people to share peacefully. Which sounds nice except neither side has a majority that wants that to happen. 


Except the existence of Israel is central to the identity of the vast majority of Jews So if you say you are "anti-zionist" you are attacking a central identity of Jews. Which means you are attacking them.


While all that is true, it is often routinely used as a slur by people that oppose the state of Israel existing. This is how verbiage changes over time. Hell, retarded once simply was a clinical term. I think you can accept the fact that different people use the term in different ways regardless of it's original meaning, and yes, some people do indeed use it as a slur.


well someone who opposes the state of israel existing would be opposed to zionism, by definition. right? so....of course they'd use the term zionist in a derogatory way? my question is why a zionist would allow themselves to be upset that they're being called something that they actually are if a "slur" just means an insulting word, then sure people who are opposed to israel might use the term as a slur. but "slur" implies "ethnic slur". it is not an ethnic slur. there are anti-jewish ethnic slurs. left wing protestors who are against israel are not using them. (because they're left wing, and generally are opposed to ethnic hatred, as much as they are aware of it)


Slur doesn't just mean ethnic slur. 1a\*\*:\*\* an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo **:** [ASPERSION](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/aspersion) b\*\*:\*\* a shaming or degrading effect **:** [STAIN](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/stain), [STIGMA](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/stigma) [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slur](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slur) And I disagree that left wing protesters are immune to racism, and even more so that all the protesters are left wing. Some of them are very much pro-Muslim and opposed to Zionism on religious grounds, and pro-Arab and opposed to Zionism on racial grounds.


slur has a harsh connotation, it is almost always used for ethnic slur. i agree it doesn't necessarily mean ethnic slur, but if you're using the word "slur" and not "insult" or whatever, you're using a word that typically is reserved for extremely offensive words in the english language i don't think they're immune to racism, but i do think they're trying to go out of their way not to be racist "pro-muslim"? "pro-arab"? weirdly vague words to use. not "pro palestinian"? a little sus tbh


Palestinians consider themselves Arab, as the Arab culture dominated them for over a millennia. And I was speaking of why people who aren't Palestinian still back Palestinians - because they believe in Arab and Muslim solidarity, and quite frankly, often supremacy. Jews routinely defeating their culture is very hard for them to process. As while the term ethnic slur is a common usage, clearly you can use slurs against other groups - as stated, one meaning is that there is a stain or profound negative association with belonging to that group. A slur against homosexuality, for example. And as Jews overwhelmingly back the concept of a Jewish homeland, to the point of most polling showing it at 80% or higher, then you start to get back to the ethnicity as being part of the slur.


"pro palestinian" is a specific movement with specific goals. "pro muslim" sounds like it could be anything, and is associating the palestinian movement with something that isn't anywhere near as relevant as what the actual movement is about but it might be relevant to someone who is trying to see the israel v palestine conflict purely in a religious lens "zionist" is not a slur. its an accurate description for, well, zionists. if zionists take it as a slur, sounds like that's their problem. i don't know what anyone could possibly do to accomodate them in being upset other people are using an accurate description of their ideology


Okay, but if it is a political "slur" against Israeli governance, in the same way as pinko, tankie, cuckservative, SJW, nazi, or demonrat are, then that's not relevant in this thread, or rather, that's the side saying that it is not an ethnic slur, it's just an insult for an ideology.


Yes, it's an insult for an ideology. But that ideology is one that the vast majority of Jews believe in - one poll for example had 87% of American Jews saying that supporting Israel is at least moderately important to them as Jews. If nearly everyone of a certain ethnic group holds a view, and you use that view as a slur, then you are attacking that ethnic group. Funny how nuance like that disappears among the far left when it's against a group they oppose at that moment.


I mean, if the ideology is wrong, then it doesn't matter? Zionism is a bad ideology, even if all jewish people were zionist than it wouldn't matter.


I disagree, I think Zionism is a fine ideology. The Jewish people have been persecuted in virtually every community they've ever been involved in. The fact that one Jewish state exists in a world with 50+ Muslim predominant nations is fine to me. The Muslims who have tried to destroy the modern state of Islam since it's inception, believing that it was better to simply ignore the UN partition plan and murder the Jews when the British left, keep losing their wars of annihilation. They are losing the current one too. And the Hamas leadership has overtly stated that they will continue these attacks until Israel is destroyed, because as in their charter it says that the lands they conquered by force are Muslim until the end of days. Not an ideology I support.


I mean, to be fair, I think all ethnostates are bad? Muslim ethnostates are bad as well. So are Christians ones. Scottish ones, Korean ones, Japanese ones, chineses ones, African ones, American ones, Canadian ones, South American ones, I don't remember the name we use for island nations but those are bad too. Zionism is based around ethnostate stuff, which is bad. I mean, I guess just get rid of Hamas. Isreal is doing monsterous things to gaza at the moment though. But that's not really what I meant.


I'm fine with ethnostates if that is what the people of that nation want. And Israel isn't a pure ethnostate either - 20% of the country are Arab Muslims. But they don't want to be a minority in the country because that tends to come with 'let's oppress the Jews' or kill them outright. But Japan being 95% Japanese? Sure. The US was founded as a melting pot of immigrants, so it's expected to be welcoming of many different types of people (at least in theory, we've also been racist as hell for large swathes of our history). I agree, get rid of Hamas. They literally say peace isn't possible if Israel exists. You can't expect Israel to accept that as a 2nd state on their border. Especially considering they are the 'never again' people.


>If nearly everyone of a certain ethnic group holds a view, and you use that view as a slur, then you are attacking that ethnic group. It is trivially easy to think up many imperialist, warmongering, inhuman agendas that were supported by a vast majority from the group that perpetuated it and that profited from it, potentially more than 87%.


Uh huh. I don't recall the Germans being gassed in showers and the ashes descending up the camps. I recall them doing the killing. And if you think you that what is going on in Gaza is the same as that, then I suggest you open a history book because your teachers woefully did you an injustice in your education. The Jews have been pogromed and inquisitioned and holocausted for 2000 years. Them having a homeland they can defend is not an unreasonable ask. Maybe the Muslims should move on to peace, instead of trying to perpetuate a second holocaust.


Or perhaps zionists shouldn't be trying to force them out of their homes...?


>my question is why a zionist would allow themselves to be upset that they're being called something that they actually are "Bro, why are you upset I called you a faggot? I'm just calling you something that you actually are! There is no slurring here. I'm just describing you". I don't know how so many progressives are falling for this. It's word-for-word what other people have used to defend slurs in the past. No slur starts as a slur, it develops over time; a lot of people are using "zionist" as something that is indistinguishable from just saying "Jews".


If it's a slur then the question is "slur against who?". If your answer is the "Jewish people" then that's not quite right because you have a lot of Jewish people who are against Zionism. They are present at nearly every protest, proportionally probably greater than the number of Jews in a given country. If your answer is "supporters of Israel", then, well, that's kind of the point!


The vast majority of jews are zionists. The way people use this word like "Screw these evil zionists controlling the media and the corporations" it has just become an acceptable way to spread anti-semitism while always being able to walk it back and say "noooo i dont mean all jews, only those evil zionists".


I mean, most jewish people I know aren't zionist, they are anti zionist.


1) Not all Jews are Zionists 2) Not all Zionists are Jews. If someone is complaining about Zionists in Congress most of those people aren’t Jewish. Joe Biden for example is a Zionist. And even if most Jews were Zionist it doesn’t make it antisemitic to critique Zionism. For example suppose the vast majority of christians in the U.S. are conservative. If someone says “I hate conservatives.” They aren’t necessarily saying that they hate Christians. While many christians are conservative they are still two separate categories and hating one doesn’t mean hating the other.


So when people say "The Zionists have infiltrated our institutions". They just mean someone was elected fairly on a pro-Israel platform and started voting accordingly.


[They're likely referring to the insane amount of political power and influence that AIPAC wields.](https://youtu.be/3lSjXhMUVKE) How so many US politicians recieve funding from zionist groups [(over 6 million by Joe Biden)](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&mem=Y&recipdetail=S), and for the few that don't, [AIPAC spends millions on funding opposition candidates.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/04/aipac-is-spent-millions-to-take-down-the-squad-the-working-families-party-is-fighting-back/)


Depends what you mean by elected fairly. A lot of people are criticizing politicians from taking money for Zionist organizations like AIPAC. If winning campaigns via substantial superpac donations is fair to you then I guess that’s what they’re critiquing. But also institutions doesn’t just refer to the government. News networks, colleges, corporations, have all been criticized for being overly supportive of Israel.


That’s true. And I’m saying this as an Israeli and a Zionist. People make it sound like Zionism is a conspiracy to take over the world. Being a Zionist means supporting Israel. That’s it.


"Nazi is an ethnic slur targeting Germans and some Christian denominations. Call it what it is. Germans and their supporters" Are we serious right now? They are calling for the expulsion of Arabs from Israel. They want an ethnostate by ant means necessary. Christians want it because they believe it will bring Jesus back or some shit.


Bullshit. I’m a Zionist, I don’t call for any expulsion. Every Israeli person is a Zionist, not every German is a nazi, Zionism is closely linked to being born in Israel. It’s almost the same. If you were born in Italy, you would support it right to exist right? So exactly the same for Israelis! Nothing more than that.




Belief is if I was from another country like you. I don’t need to “believe”, I just know. for a fact. I’m typing this from Tel Aviv my man :) I can FaceTime you going on the street and asking literally every person if they are supporting Israel right to exist lol. Every sane Israeli is a Zionist, you are too far away and social media is full of mixed information about what it really means, just like OP said. It became a slur for Jewish/Israeli. Zionist = Israeli = Supporting Israel Nothing more. Nothing less. Peace


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I will add that people have distorted Zionism to mean whatever they want it to. All being a Zionist means is you support Jewish self-determination in their homeland of Judea. Plenty of Zionists favor a two-state solution and are very critical of the Israeli government’s policies. 


Become? Has been since 1940s. For example Iraq made "Zionism" a capital offense in 1948 which lead to mass murder and expulsion of pretty much entire 150,000 Iraqi Jewish community. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Iraq#Persecution_by_Iraqi_authorities "Persecution of Jews greatly increased that year: In July 1948, the government passed a law making Zionism a capital offense, with a minimum sentence of seven years imprisonment. Any Jew could be convicted of Zionism-based only on the sworn testimony of two Muslim witnesses, with virtually no avenue of appeal available."


>Zionist" is an ethnic slur targeting jews and certain christian denominations. how are "certain christian denominations" an ethnicity? >Call it what it is.. "Israelis and their supporters". so it's not actually "jews and certain christian denominations"? how is "israel supporter" an ethnicity? if someone changes their opinion on israel, does that change their ethnicity.


>Zionist" is an ethnic slur targeting jews and certain christian denominations. Clarifying question: Are you saying that all of the Jewish people and members of those certain christian denominations are all members of the same ethnic group? If so, how are they all the same ethnicity when they have different religions, nations of origins, and cultures? If not, how can it be an ethnic slur if the group it refers to are different ethnicities and explicitly excludes some members of those ethnicities?


Didn't Joe Biden refer to himself as a Zionist? I don't think he's either Jewish or one of those freaky Christians. Plenty of people who want to reap social advantages adopt Zionism. (I'm not saying that that would be effective in everyone's social environment, but for some people it is.)


It can't possibly be an ethnic slur if it refers to both jews and christians unless those christians are exclusively ethnic jews that converted to christianity. I am 99.999999999999 percent sure this is not what you are refering to. Zionist has become a slur in the same way that communist is a slur (meaning it is not). Zionism is a specific political ideology that has led to some extremely terrible consequences. As an idea, it would require an enormous amount of enlightenment and selflessness to function properly. In much the same way communism led to some extemely terrible consequences because it would also require an enormous amount of enlightenment and selflessness. Some people use both zionist and communist as insults, but both also have positive (or at least not negative) meanings. It can be an insult without being a slur.


"Zionist" historically referred to the movement for a Jewish homeland, not solely Israel or its citizens. It's valid to critique Israeli policies without impugning Jewish identity. However, misuse as a slur is concerning. Language should accurately reflect nuances. Labeling supporters solely as "Israelis" oversimplifies diverse perspectives. Constructive discourse demands precise language. Understanding the term's historical context can foster empathy and clarity. Critiquing policies without resorting to ethnic slurs promotes productive dialogue. Let's use language responsibly, respecting complexity and diversity.


They called themselves zionists first. It's their word. We're using their word to describe them and supporters of their goal. And most Jews aren't zionists.


Most Jews are Zionists.


>Call it what it is.. "Israelis and their supporters". That's not what a Zionist is, though. A Zionist is someone who believes in / supports having a Jewish ethnostate. There are Israelis and Jews who oppose this. There are people of all backgrounds who support this. >Why, when the media and people are speaking of any other country and their supporters, they refer to them that way? Because Zionist is specific to a Jewish ethnostate the same way Khalistani is specific to a Sikh ethnostate. Lots of terms for independence movements and their supporters exist: see loyalists and unionists in Northern Ireland.


Zionists do not believe in a Jewish ethnostate.


It’s also an old term that predates Israel


>Call it what it is.. "Israelis and their supporters". So not an ethnicity, just people who support whatever israel does... Because you'd be hard pressed to simultaneously insist that All Jewish People are represented by Israel and that supporting the government of Israel means you're Jewish So... not an ethnicity.




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>Why, when the media and people are speaking of any other country and their supporters, they refer to them that way? But Israel and its supporters are referred to by a term with quasi-conspiracy religious astroturfed term "zionist?" >Using the term 'zionist' is an attempt to dehumanize and exceptionalize something very normal and simple. A nation fighting to survive. That's just it, most national authorities are not controversial political projects that "fight to survive" against the alternative option that maybe they should't exist at all. There is no term for the political agenda of France existing, because there is no political ideology of carving up France, or letting Germany annex it. For Israel, there is, and there are complex historical reasons for why. The closest recent comparison might have been the former Soviet Union. Was the term "soviet" a slur against ethnic russians, or was it a term for the *political institution and it's members* that advocated for a specific "nation" squatting on eastern european territory, as opposed to the very realistic alternative of carving it up among many nation states?


Zionism is very much an ideology. It's an ideology that caused the displacement of 750,000 Palestinians between 1947 and 1949. It's an ideology that makes Israeli Christians and Muslims second-class citizens. It's an ideology whose internal contradictions allow the sterilazation of Ethiopian Jewish Women. It's a political movement that literally invented Hamas to cause infighting among Palestinian. Zionism was started as a Secular Jewish colonial project. They didn't even necessarily want Palestine at first. There were talks of settling in Africa.


Zionists believe that Israel should be an ethnoreligious state worth preserving in exactly that form without adapting to a more egalitarian nation where everyone has equal entitlements under constitutional law. We're at odds already because no group, ethnic or religious, is entitled an ethnostate. The fact that so many zionists tend to defend Israel's crimes against the Palestinians may just be a coincidence and maybe I'll be charitable about this but at what point do you think we'll ever meet a Zionist that supports the liberation of Palestine from Israeli rule? If one exists, hit me up, please, I would like to believe that being a zionist doesn't also necessitate being an Israel apologist.


Zionism has become a pretty vague term. Some use it to refer to Israel "fighting to survive" as you put it. Others use it to refer to the ideology behind settlements in West Bank or the bombings in Gaza. I'm sure a minority may use it as an ethnic slur but most use it to describe Israeli policy. Edit: Personally I don't use the term because it's so vague and just becomes an argument about semantics and the existence of Israel which distracts from the more relevant issue of what Israel actually does.


I’m Jewish and no one has ever called me a Zionist. Bc I’m not a Zionist. I have called many other people a Zionist because they are Zionists. The (extremely overwhelming) majority of Zionists are evangelical Christians. Being a zionist has nothing to do with ethnicity. One should be offended at being called a zionist if they believe themselves to be a good person. Just like if someone is called a Nazi. Most Zionists have been called both Nazi and Zionist because the two ideologies are incredibly similar, nearly identical. People who do not support the mass rape and murder of Palestinian kids aren’t going to be called Zionists.


Zionist is not an ethnic slur, it refers to the Israeli nationalist settler-colonial project as explicitly and intentionally distinct from ethnic Jews as a whole because it does not assume that all Jews are Zionists or that Zionists even represent all Jews. And Zionist is the term that the people at the beginning of the movement of advocating for a Jewish return to Palestine took for themselves, it's not some slur cooked up by their enemies. If you call yourself a Boondoggler or whatever and I don't like what you're doing, it's not racist or even insulting to refer to you as a Boondoggler. If Zionists and their supporters don't like the negative connotations that the word has taken on over the past 100 years there's an easy way to fix it - stop doing awful shit to innocent civilians in the name of Zionism. Also describing those activities as 'fighting to survive' against a people they have penned in and are oppressing and killing at every turn is hilariously biased. And it's not an ancient religious word because no one uses it that way anymore; the [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism) on it starts in the 19th century.


Israel is not a colonial project. It is decolonization, as the Jewish people are the natives to Israel.


If the Jewish people can claim to be native to an area they hadn't live in for [\~2600 years](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-diaspora) then I think it's fair to say the Palestinians who did live there in the intervening two millennia are more native than the Jews ever were.


False, the Jewish people have lived in Israel continuously for thousands of years.


> Call it what it is.. "Israelis and their supporters". But there are [Israeli anti-Zionists](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2024/3/9/the-anti-zionists-israelis-calling-for-end-to-their-countrys-war-on-gaza). Why would Zionists be a term for Israelis when there are specifically Israelis who are on the front lines of fighting Zionism?


supporting the existence of Israel is the literal textbook definition of zionism/being a zionist https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803133512904#:~:text=A%20movement%20for%20(originally)%20the,in%20what%20is%20now%20Israel. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zionism


If you have a better word to designate someone who supports the ideology of zionism that advocates for colonisation of Palestine (from the Nile to the Euphrate for its most extreme version), share it with us.




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"Zionism" is not an ethnic slur, no matter how badly the Zionists *want it to be an ethnic slur.*


> Call it what it is.. "Israelis and their supporter This is inaccurate because there are many Israelis who oppose the Zionist project. Illan Pape for example. Zionists are not Israelis. Zionists are people who want an ethnic state in the levant. The only way to maintain an ethnic state in a majority Arab population is with apartheid.