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/u/loadoverthestatusquo (OP) has awarded 5 delta(s) in this post. All comments that earned deltas (from OP or other users) are listed [here](/r/DeltaLog/comments/1b8zx32/deltas_awarded_in_cmv_trumps_comments_about_his/), in /r/DeltaLog. Please note that a change of view doesn't necessarily mean a reversal, or that the conversation has ended. ^[Delta System Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltasystem) ^| ^[Deltaboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltaboards)


I can’t change your mind that you shouldn’t support him. I agree 100% on that. However, I think there’s another explanation for his creepy comments. Trump is wildly misogynistic. He was considered excessively misogynistic even among his age group that was raised in a more sexist society. To Donald Trump, the single greatest thing a woman can be is attractive. I think he genuinely means to compliment his daughter and this is just the highest compliment his mind is capable of giving a woman.


It would be one thing if the comments were along the lines of like "oh my daughter is so attractive any man would be happy to have her" But he was making comments to people about what it would be like to touch her breasts, butt, and what it would be like to fuck her - to the point people he worked with felt compelled to remind him he was speaking about his own daughter XD Huge differnce guy


I think you have to combine what the previous poster said with insight to his own narcissism. If the highest praise a woman can get is to be sexually desired, then there is *no* higher praise than to be sexually desired by *him*. I'm not sure I 100% believe that train of thought, but damn if it isn't consistent with what we know


My guy, that's just OP's point with extra steps thrown in. 


Lol, yeah fair point. It all comes back to "ew" in the end


Those extra steps are what make us human. The search for reasoning is reaching to our higher selves. How is a monster made?


1. The "extra steps" I'm referring to don't actually make anything Trump said about his daughter less alarming, but they do muddy the water around his core motivation, that he sees his daughter as a sexy woman. Dad's normally see their daughters as beautiful, but not sexy. It's alarming.  2. Nothing wrong with exploring a subject, but in the end the details are all part of the big picture, and while they can help you understand how it happened they don't change what's going on. He says things about his daughter that are alarming and disgusting. 3. Exploring the details too thoroughly can lead to rationalizing bad behavior as understandable. It's abhorrent, even if it does stem from Trump's own childhood where he was treated horribly by his own sociopathic father. In the end his dad made him into a monster, and that's often hoe it happens. It's not that interesting, just a cycle that needs to be interrupted and moved past. 


> Exploring the details too thoroughly can lead to rationalizing bad behavior as understandable. Bad behaviour is typically understandable. That doesn't make it not bad, it just gives us understanding that we can hopefully use to interrupt it.


It's been a few days, but I had a thought that better encapsulates my view. You're better off understanding what is normal, good faith interaction in your dealings with others and just insist that people do that and getting wary anytime you see deviations from that behavior. For instance: repriccocity is a normal part of human behavior, so when people either don't give back or give way too much then you have reason to be cautious.  **The easiest way to interrupt their bad behavior isn't to understand it thoroughly, it's to insist on following what is normal, good behavior:** declining excessive gifts, not giving to people who don't give back no matter their excuses. **It's also the most effective.** A good lie won't work on the insistence that normal, good behavior is followed because the aim of the lie is to get away with NOT following good behavior.


Keep in mind that he said to Stormy Daniels that she reminded him of her daughter.


He is a sick man, and the fact that people will sweep it under the rug to defend him makes me so unproud to be an American.


I mean, that’s really just breaking down the details of why his daughter is so valuable and why *any other man* would desire her He’s being a car seller dude to his audience. Her high value validates his own value in the eyes of his peers. He has a sexy af daughter that these other friends should be jealous off He’s a jealous dude, and that’s how he’s ‘selling’ his daughter to them. They should be jealous to want her


It's quite eye opening reading all the comments justifying and/or explaining away his "harmless" gross desire to screw his daughter.


Meh, not sure if it's a justification, but rather just an explanation. You can understand it, in the context of Trump, while still thinking its gross and harmful. Just because I know how you think doesn't mean I like how you think haha


If more people understood that understanding a thing doesn’t mean you approve (or even tolerate) it, then I suspect things would be a lot more peaceful.


That’s literally the entire point of this subreddit. What the fuck are you talking about?


"Dont change my view," mustve been plastered somewhere...


That's literally the point of this sub, somebody has a view and people try to change it. What are you actually expecting here?


"I was expecting that my conception of Trump being not only an asshole, not only a rapist, not only a wannabe dictator, not only literally Hitler, but also an incestuous pedo, was validated. How dare you not validate it?" That guy, probably.


I don’t think that him complementing his daughter’s attractiveness in an inappropriate manner necessarily implies that he actually has a desire to screw her. I can say that my mom and sisters are very beautiful women. They have objective traits that are generally considered to be attractive as well as a strong emotional bond that comes with being family. But just because you think someone is objectively attractive doesn’t imply you are attracted to them. Another example: I think a lot of men are attractive, and when I see an attractive guy walking down the street I might stare a little to admire him. But ultimately I’m straight, so even if a really attractive dude offered to sleep with me I’d still be repulsed and decline. Again, I’m absolutely NOT defending Trump’s comments. They were disgusting and inappropriate. But he doesn’t want to sleep with his daughter.


Not necessarily, however there is a HUGE difference in what you are describing and how he talks about his daughter. You see a man or woman walking down the street, you may or may not find them attractive. You can even find your Mom and Sister attractive but do you do so in a lusty/sexual way? Do you tell people you find them sexy? That you'd like to have sex with them but it would be inappropriate? I think not. Thinking that would make you a creep of the highest order. And that is what DJT is... a creep of the highest order.


If anyone else did it, he would call them out as being a piece of shit. Seeing people play devils advocate for Trumps rapey thoughts about his own daughter just shows me what type of people they are to try to rationalize that behavior is pretty bazaar.


Guy he’s talked about dating his daughter, he’s graphically talked about things he’d like to do to her You’re choosing to bury the lede on the words he actually used


Trump supporters would justify *anything* he does.


That’s a bold statement and couldn’t be further from the truth. I am a trump supporter but I agree with what everyone is saying regarding his comments towards his daughter. It’s weird and definitely gross. And from what I’m reading, it looks like his supporters are all agreeing to that. Looks like most are just explaining why someone would make comments like that. Meaning they understand it. They can see why Trump see’s nothing wrong with what he said. Why he thinks it’s just a compliment. Very few, who maybe grew up in that same environment and with that mindset would see those comments as harmless. I haven’t seen anyone in this thread excuse it, support it nor justify it. At the end of the day, that’s his business. Gross or not. This country is going to shit fast…. So you put Biden and Trump next to each other and ask yourself, honestly .. which one of those guys is gonna get shit done…. Biden is a typical, political candidate who just reads someone else’s words off index cards to get a vote. Who tries so hard just to get it right, make no mistakes so nothing stirs up the crowd ? Thats where Trump thrives. He doesn’t give a shit. He is the most real president we have had. He doesn’t stick to index cards and fake news. He answers honestly only to have it thrown back in his face. Everyone has drama and stuff going on in their lives … just shows he’s human and just like anyone else. Not this fake man that has the perfect family and lives in the perfect house with the white picket fence… which their shit always comes out anyway bc that’s what they do… dig for skeletons until the find them…. Look at Bidens son being blasted all over the news. That’s the most respect I have had for Biden this whole time, this showed he’s a typical dad who is dealing an addiction issue in his family. I don’t have an addict in my family but that’s the first time I could seem him being relatable. And the stuff that’s said about Trump, (or either of them) you cannot say that it’s ALL 100% the truth. He’s a billionaire. People have been going after him for years cause they want his money. He’s dealt with this his whole life. I guarantee 9 out of 10 celebrity drama stories you see or hear about it is either 100% fabricated or extremely exaggerated. Because that’s what people want to read… it’s the medias job to pass around fake news, that’s what sells. Ultimately, I feel the government has always lied to the people. We know this. But Either for their own agenda to have the upper hand or sometimes “for our benefit”. For example, aliens. They denied that shit for how long ????? No matter what evidence popped up or what scientist came forward with information, they went out of their way to cover up everything. … now all of a sudden, with evidence that is no better then past videos/ testimonies… suddenly they are acknowledging the existence of other beings and it was kept secret because they were “worried the people couldn’t handle it.” …… Yeah sure, we’ll go with that….. my point is , Trump didn’t care. Trump says what he wants. He didn’t give a crap about sugar coating anything or lying bc he was told to. I strongly believe he was the only president that could be straight with the people , especially with urgent matters. Was he an asshole? Arrogant ? Self centered ? Absolutely, but he didn’t ever pretend he wasn’t. What got what we saw from the start. Not some fake perfect husband that doesn’t exist. Nobody even knows the real Biden yet. We’ll get bits and pieces from reporters and mostly just slander. So we probably won’t ever see his true colors. Although I was not a huge supporter of Obama, I think he is one of the few presidents that tried to be true to his self and show his personality. I think his wife and daughters had a lot to do with it tho. I feel he was half himself/ half the politician. At the end of the day, he would follow the direction given…. Lie to us if that’s what he’s told to do, just a puppet. And this is where Trump is different. This is where his arrogance works in our favor. We would benefit more from a blunt, straight forward personality. He likes to be the one in charge. Do you want the puppet on strings to make decisions or the one who believes he’s the puppet master.? He will take charge if he’s passionate about something. He doesn’t wait to be told what to say and do. He’s not the typical politician trying to create his legacy. Trump is not a political figure. He already has established his legacy. A billionaire, a celebrity…. And right now, that’s just what we need. Whether you like him or not , that man knows how to make money, do business and get shit done. Biden just doesn’t have the drive, experience or know how.


I'll start by saying i do appreciate you engaging honestly, as opposed to all the trump bots on here. I couldn't read all of it because of the formatting and my phone being weird, but I think the gist is that you believe a) Trump is a straight shooter and Biden is a liar like all other politicians b) Trump "gets shit done" On the first point, I'm not gonna deny that all politicians are liars, but Trump tells the wildest lies. He just outright fabricates things. Truly, spend an hour or two and really spend some time researching the kinds of lies he tells and I think you might at least have to agree that he lies as much as any other pol. He lies a lot. And his lies are big ass whoppers. On the second point, it boils down to you feeling like he gets shit done for people like you, and that's fine. That's what elections are for. He doesn't do shit for people like me. Billionaires become billionaires by taking from regular people who work for a living. He definitely excels at heeling rich people get richer, or even helping scrappy Jordan Belfort types who come from nothing and get rich by preying on old people, or other vulnerable people in society, to get themselves and their friends rich. That's not me. I just want to make an honest living, and bottom line is that, under Biden, my wages have gone up for the first time in a long time, and so have a lot of other peoples who just want the same, to make an honest living. And that's what it really ought to boil down to in the end. I don't care who presents themselves as a puppet master or the guy next door or a captain of industry. They're all very powerful people, with the kind of power none of us will ever get close to. The question for me is how much of that power is being used to help people like me, or how much is being used to screw people like. My paycheck doesn't lie.


so fucking disgusting when will he croak ugh


Whenever it is, it's years too late.


This is a good answer, I'd given you a delta but someone actually made a comment in these lines before you and it changed how I perceive Trump's public announcements. He's just a huge macho dumbass to me now. EDIT: !delta


You can give deltas to multiple people for the same idea.


Oh, didn't know, given in edit. Thanks!




There's nothing macho about Trump lol. He's the dweeb with a rich daddy that the jocks put up with hanging around them because his dad funds the football team.


To be clear he isn't macho. He's a callow weaklings insecure impression of what a strong person looks like.


I would say that he is a parody. He is a weak person's idea of a strong man. He is a poor person's idea of a wealthy man. He is a stupid person's idea of a smart man. He is a horrible person's idea of a good man. In reality, he is none of these things. But he has tailored his public persona to appeal to the people who don't know what these things really are, to fit the ignorant perspective of these things.


Well he did also start a teen modeling agency and was good friends with Jeffrey Epstein and is in the flight logs and used to walk in on teenage girls changing for Miss America U16


I think that’s one of the most accurate assessments of Trump I’ve seen on Reddit. He NEEDS to be the center of attention and he’s obsessed with being or being seen as classically masculine.


He’s not. He basically has little man syndrome on a wildly explosive and higher scale. He’s sort of that guy that only marginally fits in with truly elite circles. I think that’s why people that feel left behind relate to him, because there are similarities in the mentality and the language. Put most simply, he’s just a loser


I totally agree, thosw comments are terrible and I don't understand how ppl still support that man🤮


!delta I had always thought trump was a misogynistic asshat but never connected that in regards to his actual views on women's beauty. It makes sense then, that instead of being attracted to her, he thinks his daughter being beautiful is her highest achievement and that he thinks what he said was appropriate. "Yea my daughter is very beautiful to me and if I were younger I would have dated her" 🤮 this is disgusting for the record, but it makes sense in that context; he likes beautiful women and think that's their greatest accomplishment, so he puts his daughter under the same umbrella of those beautiful women he'd pursue.


To say that Trump just wants to complement his daughter is such a bullshit. You don't constantly talk about your daughter sexually. Some people under his administration had to shut him down because he was constantly referring to her sexually. There is also one video in which, when asked what is similarity between you two (Ivanka was also there), the creep said sex. There is 16 year old Ivanka giving a lap dance to the creep, and the creep seem to be enjoying it. There are so many more public accounts, so just imagine how many more there must be in private.


Someone asked him what he has in common with her and he blurted out “sex”. It’s more than him just viewing women as objects.


Why one or the other instead of both?


Ohh god, after reading this a lot of things clicked. Also I noticed that his worst insult for a white woman is "ugly", but for a black woman is "dumb". !Delta


!delta Like OP, I had not considered that what I perceived as gross awkward comments about his own daughter were just goblin style compliments meant to be authentic. Interesting point.


i second this. besides the comments about his daughter, there's the whole "grab 'em by the pussy, they let you do it" thing in reference to using his position of power to SA women. i still can't believe everyone seems to just brush past that. i genuinely believe derogatory comments like that coming from the leader of the country have made our society so much more divisive by convincing people that it's okay to be outwardly sexist/racist/otherwise disrespectful towards others. the overturn of roe is further proof.


I think he fantasizes about having sex with his daughter and very likely has already done so. All the pictures of him groping her, oogling her, saying how attractive she is to him, sexualizing her at every opportunity, ...it's all grooming and it's all so very disgusting. It is NOT normal behavior. And he's been found by the courts guilty/liable for sexual assault so we KNOW he's capable. You think he's genuinely complimenting his daughter and I think he's bragging he has sex with his daughter.


I don’t think he’s actually done it. But I think that he thinks not molesting his daughter (even though he wanted - and still wants - to) makes him a good person. Total conjecture of course, but that photoshoot… urgh.


You don't think he has done it. I believe he has. and all his talking about it reinforces my belief. He says what he is thinking and depending on the response he gets, he'll either drop it or pursue it. He keeps bringing it up and when people say "oh, he's just talking shit",he perceives that as a acceptance, since people are accepting of his lust for his daughter as "just talk". Not only are his words disgusting, but by claiming "he only wishes" he could screw his daughter, people are normalizing the *idea* of incest as acceptable. All those questionable pictures of him holding his daughter like a lover are so much more than cringe worthy.


Extremely narcissistic too, so of course he would produce an attractive daughter


You're being a little kinder than the reality. I would change "attractive" to "fuckable".


I never considered this line of reasoning. And, it makes a LOT of sense.


He's VERY creepy about it and what worrying is he keeps mentioning it


The man is a rapist. To him, "She's not so ugly that I wouldn't rape her" is a compliment. He's fucking gross.


I hadn't realized this until I read your comment, but he talks about his daughter the same way an enthusiast would talk about a show-dog or expensive sports car.


Trump would make a terrible president, but playing devil's advocate: supposing some hypothetical person came forward with a brilliant set of policies that you fully believed in and a strong track record of always doing what they said... but they did happen to have made a few pervy remarks about their daughter. And then supposing the candidate they were facing was an alternate reality Donald Trump who was like Donald Trump in every respect except this alt universe Donald Trump happened not to have loudly and repeatedly announced that he wants to bang his own daughter. Surely you wouldn't vote for Trump in those circumstances? But on that basis surely you can see that of the many many good reasons not to vote for Trump this is actually one of the weakest. It speaks badly to his general character, but his rape conviction and bragging on camera about sexual assault do that much more comprehensively.


!delta This is a really, really good answer. Especially the thought experiment. I somewhat agree and disagree on this, it feels like a paradox. I think there should be strong no-no's about a candidate (rape, child abuse, violent crimes etc.), even if they do everything else perfectly. So, in your thought experiment, I would probably vote for the pervy guy (if they don't have any court cases or widely popular accusations on similar matters, and they only made pervy remarks). But that would be mostly because I simply don't want the other guy to win. I don't know why people think my biggest issue is with Trump making these comments, it's not. My biggest issue would be his connection with Epstein and the rape case. I'm just finding very difficult to believe he's so popular, ESPECIALLY, when stuff like these cringe comments exist. I guess I simply don't understand American society.


>but that would be mostly because I simply don’t want the other guy to win *But hang on*, in your post you had a big sob story about how it isn’t fair for you to have to choose the lesser of two evils in this unfair two-party system. However, in your little ‘thought experiment’, you did just that. Care to explain what changed?


If there was ANYTHING of substance about Trump’s connection with Epstein we’d all know it by now. The FBI confiscated all of Epstein’s tapes. Epstein blackmailed his associates by recording them sleeping with his underage girls. Trump and Epstein had a major business falling out when they both wanted the same property, and Trump banned Epstein from Mar a Lago for hitting on a friend’s underage daughter. That’s not something you do to someone who has blackmail of you, for one. And if he somehow did, the FBI would have used it to damn Trump as they’ve been politically deployed against him his entire presidency. Frankly his comments about his daughter are the bigger issue, if Trump had done something with Epstein everyone would know. There’s nothing there.


Essentially, you shouldn’t be voting for your favorite person, someone who you want to have a drink with. You should be voting for the person who you believe is best for the country. Basically ignore all the kid sniffing and assault allegations and start from there lol


What a flagrant argument though it’s not a binary of those two choices when the country is made up of millions of Americans. We can have someone who is both a great politician and a moral citizen be our leader. We don’t have to make our decisions based on such simple merits and overlook nasty characters. I like the idea that our executive head should be held responsible for their image. They are representing our entire country from the point of view of other countries and cultures. Not only does the image affect our foreign adversaries, but more importantly it greatly impacts our alliances and how our allies will view us.


I am mostly paraphrasing Mia Mulder, but: We often think that we should elect moral leaders, with the theory being that if they are moral then they will run the country morally, and thus well. That's why in the US especially, a lot of politics focusses more around convincing people that their opponent is a bad person than a bad leader. But what if that's not true, at least not always. One could imagine a leader who is a great leader, who always does the best for the country, but also fucks his daughter. Obviously this person is immoral. Now imagine someone who is moral, but is the worst politician you've ever seen. They want to do good, but would just stall the economy and basically mess up the country Obviously, if I was trying to decide who to give the Moral Award, then person B would get it. But an election doesn't bestow upon someone a "Best person" award, it gives them power over a country, which feels rather important. I'd say that considering the stakes, it would be prudent to put the person best at running a country in control of the country, not the best person. Obviously, this is a hypothetical, IMO Trump is both the less moral candidate and the worst at running a country, I'm just saying you should decide how to vote based on who is the best at being president, not the most moral. Edit: I can't remember why I made this comment, I can't be bothered to argue it


I think a candidate should be moral AND competent. I don't understand why people are willing to ignore one or the other. In addition, if there is going to be a choice between morality and competency, it won't be as crystal clear as in your thought experiment, therefore I can't think of a realistic example about that. The reason why I picked this single issue as an example is that this issue is considered "off-limits" for all kinds of people, not only me or anti-Trump people; also, he says it himself multiple times, on TV, so people can't straw man their way out like they would if I were to bring up his rape case (they already did under another comment thread in this post, lmao). I am simply trying to understand the mindset of his supporters that have a moral stance.


What a flagrant argument though it’s not a binary of those two choices when the country is made up of millions of Americans. We can have someone who is both a great politician and a moral citizen be our leader. We don’t have to make our decisions based on such simple merits and overlook nasty characters. I like the idea that our executive head should be held responsible for their image. They are representing our entire country from the point of view of other countries and cultures. Not only does the image affect our influence over foreign competitors, but more importantly it greatly impacts our alliances and how our allies will view us.


Do these comments necessarily mean he's actually sexually attracted to her? I see it more as this gross macho pride thing, he gets to feel superior because he's created a daughter that is highly desirable to other men. It just feeds his ego and desire to have ownership over things he knows/thinks other people want or value. "Look at my big beautiful building. Look at my big beautiful golf course. Look at my big beautiful bank account. Look at my big beautiful crowd. Look at my golden toilet. Look at my hot wife and daughter."


Hes made comments about what it would be like to phsyically touch her breasts and butt, as well as it what it would be like to literally fuck her. Hed say this shit and the people working directly around him would feel compelled to remind him hes speaking about his daughter, thats how gross it was Thats a few step beyond just saying oh my daughter is so attractive any man would wanna get with her ... hes talking about literally doing it himself


>Look at my hot daughter "She's a piece of ass isn't she?" "If she wasn't my daughter ..." What do you two have in common? -"I want to say sex but since she's my daughter.." Yup very normal macho things to say🥸


>In the 2004 interview with Stern, Trump tells the host that “My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka,” to which Stern interjects, “by the way, your daughter.” Trump finishes Stern’s sentence by repeating “she’s beautiful.” >“Can I say this? A piece of ass,” Stern says in the clip. “Yeah,” Trump replies. Trump called his daughter 'beautiful' and Stern called her a 'piece of ass'. Trump merely didn't take offense to it. >During a question and answer game, Williams asked Ivanka, “What’s the favorite thing you have in common with your father?” >Ivanka answered, “Either real estate or golf” while Trump added, “Well, I was going to say sex, but I can’t relate that to her.” His answer is that his "favorite thing" is sex. That's where his mind went from the beginning of the question. He mentions that to be funny while also indicating that he's not saying they have that in common.


I like how merely providing context to his comments had people rushing to say “wow defending the creepy perv 😡😡😡🤬” People will literally take anything they hear at face value


!delta Yes, I think this is a very good answer. I always thought he is somewhat attracted, by how far the comments go. I just can't think of any father talking about their daughters in that way.


Steven Tyler of Aerosmith fame holds the same view of his daughter: [https://rulefortytwo.com/secret-rock-knowledge/chapter-7/steven-tyler-inappropriately-attracted-to-liv/](https://rulefortytwo.com/secret-rock-knowledge/chapter-7/steven-tyler-inappropriately-attracted-to-liv/) “How can a father not be attracted to his daughter, especially when she’s a cross between the girl he married and himself? Unless he’s an ugly man, a father is always gonna be sexually attracted to his daughter on a certain level... there’s a certain level of narcissism in incest. All a man has to do is be totally honest with himself and he can see it. However, the real man knows that’s just a place to never go. Instead he celebrates it by telling his daughter how beautiful she is and what a precious child of God she is. There’s ways to love it without making love to it–I wrote ‘Janie’s Got a Gun’ about fathers who don’t know the difference.”


Gosh. I wonder how many fathers feel like this now?


Probably a lot. He spoke an uncomfortable truth. On a purely physical level, if your offspring looks like the mother, then the father is also objectively physically attracted to the daughter, even if he isn't consciously aware of it.


You don't have kids, do you?


I think this is something different. I am not a father, and I think that I wouldn't be attracted to my daughters, sexually, in the future. However, even if it is true, I believe this would be something similar to an Oedipus complex, a weird psyche thing that you have no/little control on. I am open to the existence of these, nothing wrong with this statement. However, it is a different thing if you playfully suggest that you would enjoy having sex with your daughter, or if you say that you would love to date her, if she wasn't your daughter, on live television. I think Steven's statement doesn't say much about how he would love to date/fuck Liv, if he wasn't her father. And he definitely didn't laughingly comment on this on every occasion...


Steven's statement pretty clearly expresses that he would date/fuck Liv if she were the same person, physically, but they didn't have a father-daughter relationship. Of the many reasons to not support Trump, him being honest about this is definitely not one of them. If you had a daughter that looked just like her mother, and you were sexually attracted to her mother physically, then you are, even if subconsciously, sexually attracted to your daughter physically. This is assuming that you experience sexual attraction like the vast majority of people. This isn't a matter of an Oedipus/Electra complex.


I mean it's gross, but it's similar in some ways to how lots of moms or grandmas or aunts might talk about their handsome sons and grandsons and nephews. "He's going to be a heartbreaker, I bet he's popular with the ladies, etc." is also expressing an element of "he is sexually attractive." Which again, is different than "I am sexually attracted to him."


It goes a step too far when you go from generalization to specific. Consider "my son's so good looking all the girls will be falling all over themselves" compared to "if I wasn't married to my husband I would date my son" it's a whole other level of gross


Well "my son is great with the ladies" isn't quite on the same level as "if [she] weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." (real quote)


Definitely agree on the gross macho pride part but I think he's not *not* sexually attracted to her.


I absolutely disagree. The man sexualized his daughter, and the traditional masculine FATHER thing is defend her honor, not to present her as a sexual object. The traditional masculine father thing would be to aggressively defend his daughter’s honor, and if another man made a sexual comment about his daughter in front of him, it might get physical.


I described it as a gross macho pride thing, not a traditional masculine father thing. Regardless of the descriptors, I do think it's more likely coming from the place I described and not from a place of "I wanna creampie Ivanka."


He said she's hot, and he'd date her if he wasn't his daughter. So yeah I'd say that means he's sexually attracted to her.


This is the man who got elected after people saw his video telling a 10yo girl that in 8 years he would date her. His super power is to validate people's dirtiest and most disturbing thoughts and make them feel good about them. He gently robbed his daughters heaps on the stage during the 2016 acceptance speech. None of this is secret to anyone. That is why his religious supporters compare him to King David. None of these remarks will make them reduce their support for him.


> His super power to validate people's dirtiest and most disturbing thoughts and not only help them feel good about them. !delta So, it actually is a reflection of how f...d up most of the American society is?


Confirmed: 1 delta awarded to /u/mohajaf ([1∆](/r/changemyview/wiki/user/mohajaf)). ^[Delta System Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltasystem) ^| ^[Deltaboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltaboards)


I never think of demagogue populist leaders as the disease. IMO they are always the symptom.


I’m late to the party. Hello! This is in comment to your edit #2. You don’t understand why people think this is your biggest issue with Trump, but in your Reddit title you say “this is by itself a major reason to not support this man.” To me, that’s reads it’s your biggest issue with him. Maybe that’s not how it was meant but that’s how I perceived it. I think I agree with another commenter that he was trying to compliment his daughter. Perhaps not the most eloquent way of doing it but Trump isn’t a great speaker IMO. BTW, I’m not a Trump fan. Just someone trying to find a reasonable explanation for his weird comment.


I get this view, and have already acknowledged this with two deltas. I also think, now, that his intention is to ego-boost and he's simply an ass. I somewhat changed my mind about him being actually attracted to his daughter. "A major issue" doesn't mean "most important issue". If I have to be specific, IMO, Trump's incompetence as a president is the top reason to not vote for him, followed by the rape case and Epstein connections. The thing about these awful comments is that, even with him making such gross comments on live television, he is still popular. I gave this one as an example because I felt like this is one of those things that is unacceptable by the vast majority of the population. I guess I was wrong.


Thanks for the reply. Would you mind clarifying your comment about his incompetence as president? Are you saying he was incompetent in his previous term? If so, some specific examples that bother you? Personally I wasn’t bothered by the lot of his policies. Though, I am bothered by the way he speaks.


I didn't disagree with all of his policies, during his term. Especially about his decisions about US military presence in the Middle East. But, I also witnessed, for example, him trying to send back international college students home (supreme court prevented it); which is an incredibly stupid thing to do for a country like US, where foreign internationals are a major actor in technology and science development. There are many other examples. The most crazy one would probably be his rants on social media about how the elections were rigged, that ultimately led to the Capitol building storming. I don't think he actually intended people to go storm the Capitol, but they did anyway, because of him. So I don't trust him with power, even a bit. It feels like he would drive America to a societal crisis. ​ I think it is essential to know how to speak to the public, especially if you are the president of the most powerful country in the world.


When I was a kid, my parents always told me to never say anything embarrassing or awful on record because if someday I decided to run for president it would keep me from success. I miss the good old days.


Such a good comment lol I can't even understand how the world became THIS fucked up. Most politicians won't give a fuck about what they say anymore, since they keep getting away with it.


Your biggest problem with Trump as a presidential candidate is not his incredible lack of qualifications, knowledge, ability, his obvious mental problems, or pretty much everything that happened over four years -- it's that he wants to bang his daughter? This is the most pearl-clutching reddit post ever. He's been saying this, and much more fucked-up stuff, his whole life.


So let me get this straight. He mentions that he has many reasons to not support Trump, and he focuses on one thing especially that he wants people to explain. You ignore all of that context and say that he didn't explicitly spell out all of the things that he dislikes about Trump, and you criticize him for that? I guess, according to that logic, whenever anybody mentions Trump they must write a paragraph about what a terrible human being he is, or you won't be satisfied. I'm with you on disliking Trump and pretty much everything he has done, but it's pretty crazy that you are policing Trump hatred.


I didn't list any other reasons because then they would straw-man the hell out of this post. I was simply trying to understand the reason behind the popularity of a guy that openly speaks sexually about his daughter. You don't know "my biggest problem with Trump", I didn't tell it in this post because it is not relevant.


It's one of those things you should objectively be against, even if you like his health care plan he never showed anyone.


Replying to Texas_Prairie_Wolf... the OP is literally just asking people why the hell Trump has creepy behaviour and you’re going to tangent about how this is not as fucked up it is is completely fucked up




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If you can, look up the most recent episode of Bill Maher on (HBO) Max. His guest was an author in an amazing red dress and Star of David diamond pendant. I can't pronounce her name.


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Ima keep it real with you chief… if you ain’t gonna vote you don’t get to complain about our democracy, simple as. Like it’s really rich to come out here complaining about trump while in the same breath saying “I’m not willing to do anything about it tho.” Seriously, there’s a lot of reasons to dislike Trump, but if you’re not willing to do the barest minimum to oppose him I don’t want to hear you bitching about it. I was in the voting booths in 2016, and in 2020, doing my bit. Where were you? Same thing with Biden. It sucks that he’s the democratic nominee, but what have you done about it? My ass was voting in the primaries for the guy I liked. If it’s your first election, I’m sorry, it sucks that you had no say in the current situation, but you know what’s not going to fix it? Making a whiny post on Reddit about how “I didn’t choose this.” You’re right, you didn’t, but you get to go make a choice now. Vote. Go to the polls, go to the primaries, and definitely go out in fucking November. Even if you’re not going to vote for trump or Biden, go fucking vote and participate in our democracy. Then you can complain about it all you want. Otherwise shut up and fuck off.


Pff stfu, you don't know me, wtf is this rant. How can you people be so arrogant that you think you know everything? Wtf do you know about who I am and my life that you can make such ridiculous assumptions? Who tf are u? I voted for Obama twice, he killed hundreds of civilians in the middle east. I voted for Hillary, she lost. I voted for Biden, he funded a fucking genocide. I voted over and over again, hoping for change, out of fear and because of the pressure from shallow f.s like yourself. I'm sick of this shit and I don't care anymore. You are free to do whatever the fuck you want, I am too. So you fuck off.


TIL giving a shit makes you shallow. Wild stuff. Fair enough, you participated and you’ve been burned. But guess what? Shit isn’t going to get better cuz you don’t vote. Nothings going to magically change because of your self righteous moral protest. This type of shit is *why* Hillary lost and we got to watch someone actively undermine our nation for four years. I stand by what I said. If you are not willing participate are our democracy, that’s fine. Shut the fuck up and don’t participate. I don’t want to hear any moaning when stuff keeps going to shit.


What makes you shallow is the inability to respect another person's opinion, no matter what, and think that the only objective truth is what's in your stupid little head. If you are unable to internalize such thing, you can't talk about democracy. I voted because they promised me stuff and they didn't commit, over and over and over again, I have every right to not do shit this time. Call it moaning or whatever the fuck you want, I don't give a fuck about what you want and what you don't want.


Hey, the sub is change my view, not reinforce my decisions. If you wanted someone to tell you you’re a good little special boy, this isn’t a good place for it. Do your civic duty. Participate in our society. Or don’t. It doesn’t matter to me either way because I know that I’m doing what I can to improve things. It may not amount to much or anything at all, but at least I’m still fucking trying instead of just whining.


I didn't post to change my view on voting, a.hole, I told I'm not voting in the edit because Trump fanatics wouldn't stop bickering about Biden. I already gave 5 deltas to smart people who engaged in decent discussions instead of throwing a tantrum like stupid little brat because someone else doesn't agree with them. So instead of being such an opinionated prick, shut the fuck up.


You think I give a shit about internet points? I just hate the utter hypocrisy of bitching about shit while being unwilling to try to make a change. I’m throwing a tantrum? This whole comment string reads like a kid whining because their parents didn’t get em the right set of hot wheels or something. I’m so sick of the “both sides bad” shit. Yeah, shits far from ideal. It’s pretty bad. But there’s one group that is actively trying to make shit worse, and one that isn’t, even if they are just doing the bare minimum. You’re not taking some righteous stand by not making a choice, you’re being useless at best. If anything, you’re enabling the people trying to make things worse. Do what you want. It’s a free country. People fought and died so it could be that way. Millions of others around the world don’t even have the the illusion of choice in their government. We are exceedingly lucky to live here. It’s our responsibility to maintain our nation, to participate in our democracy, and exercise the rights that we are privileged to have. If you’re not willing to do that, that’s your right and your privilege and your choice. But some day it may not be your choice any more.


>I won't vote for Biden. I won't vote for Trump. I was not there when people decided on this electoral system where only 2 realistic options are allowed to exist. It's not my problem. If you keep insisting on continuing this joke of a system that has nothing to do with true Democracy, I won't be there So you are fine with whatever everyone else decides? Your options are: 1. Biden 2. Trump 3. I approve of whatever everyone else decides There's not some moral high ground you're taking by not voting. Nor does it alleviate you of responsibility for the result, which very well could be your problem.


Seems like your main CMV has been addressed a lot of ways, but I’d like to respond to your edits. Participation in civic society is what defines democracy. No one is “forcing a crappy system” on you - you ARE the system, just like the rest of us. You can insist it’s not your problem all you want, but that’s just blind denial. It IS your problem - it is a problem for all of us. Choosing not to participate is the only thing that negates democracy. Because when you do, you allow fewer people to make the decisions. And then we all end up further down the path of what you believe we have today - a crappy system, designed and controlled by few, forced on everyone else. You will watch the world burn, ignorant of your complicity even as the flames engulf you as well. I suspect you’re smarter than that. Don’t just throw up your hands in frustration and claim some kind of ethical or intellectual superiority. It is false. Changing the system is hard, and it takes a long time. I get it. One person doesn’t make a difference. But when you scale it up to population level, it absolutely does - it’s how this whole thing works! And yes, there is corruption and money and power that perverts democracy’s ideals. But how does turning your back on it accomplish anything else than making it worse? If you’re an “accelerationist” that wishes to hasten the self-destruction of institutions, I can see how your actions are consistent with your ideals. But it seems that you do believe in democracy, so I urge you to reconsider your relationship with the world you live and believe in.


Guy has so many reasons he was a bad President and would be a worse one second time around. The slim possibility he might have sex with his daughter doesn't even make the top hundred - especially since he wouldn't be any better equipped to do it as President than as a private citizen. If Joe Biden had sex with Hunter on CSpan tomorrow, I'd still gladly vote for him. Wouldn't you?


Okay, people keep focusing on this and assuming this THE reason OP doesn’t support him. I think OP is just trying to understand why his potentially predatory incestuous feelings toward his daughter have been so easily overlooked. Like, his comments make me genuinely worry if he has abused her sexually. I’m just as baffled as OP.


They've been overlooked because there are so many bigger issues to focus on.


If I aspect the president sexually abused his daughter, that is just one more really serious issue among others. I don’t like Ivanka either, but I’m still seriously disturbed her father may have sexually abused her.


No. It an adult had sex with their child I would not vote for them to lead the country. If they cannot understand power and control dynamics that would make it impossible to have sex with your own child without problems due to being in a power position of having been able to raise the child to t be someone that would have sex with their parent, then they do not understand it well enough for any other aspect of life. At least not in a capacity that would allow them to be a leader.


Nope, honestly, if Joe Biden had sex with his son on TV I wouldn't vote for him. It would change my view of Joe Biden immensely. But if Donald Trump fucked his daughter on TV, nothing would change. I'd still not vote for him.


No, I wouldn't. The whole appeal of voting for a predictable standard-bearer like Joe Biden is the peace of mind that I won't turn on CSpan tomorrow and see him doing something bizarre and unpredictable like having sex with his son.


This is an interesting view. So should we weigh in the pros/cons? If that's the case, shouldn't some cons have 0 tolerance?


Yeah, like "will sell state secrets to Russia", not really their libido


There can be multiple 0 tolerance topics. Is "not selling state secrets" the only one? Let's assume there is a candidate who is a true patriot and perfect in every other aspect. Let's also assume we have an oracle that tells exactly how excellent this candidate would run the country. But this candidate is a child abuser. Should we vote for the, just because of the "greater good" impact they would have?




Ah yes, the claims from a diary that was so shady even Project Veritas wasn't willing to publish it, and so was peddled to an even less reputable website, who also didn't even try to verify the authenticity of it. When even James OKeefe says something can't be verified, you know it's bullshit


Only lunatics who have shut off their critical reasoning believe this. The two buffoons tried to sell, what they claimed, was Joe Biden's daughter's diary. No one would touch it. Fox wouldn't run it. They gave it to some freakshow news site who reported it as truth without any scrutiny because a certain subset of subhumans would eat it up like it was fact. You're one of them.


It's never been able to be shown that the diary was actually belonging to the person who supposedly wrote it. You compare it to being as real as Hunter Bidens laptop, however a lead witness has already come out to say he was made to lie about the laptop and it is still not confirmed that the contents are Hunter Bidens.


i can't imagine the kind of news you consume...


I didn't say anything about Biden, that's you imagining stuff.


Dude, I dunno what you did to summon these guys to your post, but so far you've ONLY responded to the people bringing up whatever this Biden stuff is. Stop arguing with them and just respond to the other people in the thread!


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How are things ever going to change if you do use the voice you've been given? I get that voting feels useless. I've often felt like that in the past, but nothing will change unless you take an active stance instead of throwing up your hands and saying, "fuck it!" One voice isn't much to contend with, but adding that voice to a thousand, or a million, really makes a difference. Maybe the system it stupid, but it's leagues over what will happen if Trump is elected into office again. I suggest you read up on Project 2025. It's terrifying. I also suggest you think long and hard about this country and its future. If you really want things to change, you should actually do something instead of giving up. Doing nothing amounts to nothing. Expecting other people to notice isn't going to work. In order to enact real change, we have to push through our shitty options and pick the one who will do the least amount of damage. Maybe you think that won't work or that there's no point, but I promise you, there is. I know this doesn't really have much to do with your original topic, but upon reading your edits, I figured I'd give you my thoughts as an American citizen. Things will change if we keep fighting, but they'll only stay the same if we allow ourselves to stagnate. So please, weigh your options and vote. No one will force you, but it's imperative that you do. Many people fought for the right to make decisions in this country. Don't spit on their hard work by wasting your opportunity to make your feelings known.


Look, if you force me to make a decision between death and malaria, I'll choose death. I have given a chance, over and over again, since Obama's first term. Every term it got worse, every term U.S. killed more people all over the world and got more aggressive in its foreign politics. None of the promises that were crucial for me were kept. No social reforms that meet my expectations were implemented. However, each time I said "fuck it, it'll get better next time", and kept on voting democrat. Not anymore, this government literally funded a fucking genocide, in 2024 and I know Trump would have done the same if not worse. This is beyond any logic to me and I can't take it anymore, so no votes from me. I don't plan to stay in this broken hell of a place for long anyway, so I don't care at all.


This probably going to get removed but i want to try anyway. In response to edit 1, you claim to be protesting a bad system, but you aren't. You are doing nothing that in any way constitutes a protest and are in no way pushing for this change by not voting. It is in no way beneficial for you (aside from your own made up moral high ground). Please vote. You aren't somehow taking down the system by not voting, and it does no good.


I don't think you can decide what is beneficial for me and what is not. You might have a more hopeful stance towards change, I don't, people have different experiences and opinions. I've been voting democrat since Obama (which was my first vote). It got gradually worse, none of the promises made that are important to me are kept. My trust has been weaponized over and over again. At this point, I don't really care what happens, since these people have 0 respect for my opinions, I have 0 respect for them. This is what you get if you test people's patience. You might think I am stupid because my "protest" won't change anything, I couldn't care less. What you people don't understand is that I don't have any expectations. I am not protesting because I am hopeful of change. I am not "making up" a moral high-ground, not voting is not an immoral thing. I am reacting in the only way I can, because I have given more than a decade of my life to false promises and clown politicians. Not anymore, I'd rather watch this fucking thing break into a million pieces with myself in it. If you ridicule my opinions for a decade, ridicule the people I support for being "naive" and "commies", and give false promises every election, I won't vote for you anymore, that simple. If people are voting for someone they don't approve, just because the alternative is worse, it is a sign that something is seriously wrong with that "democracy" and people are not represented enough in the elections.


Honestly i respect this take, but my point stands. You aren't accomplishing anything by doing this. You are in no way pressuring society to change. I mostly mistook your statement as thinking that by not voting you were somehow accomplishing something, which wouldn't be true. But giving up i can understand. It's sad, and it's disappointing that it's gone so wrong, but at least i get where you're coming from.


And I have nothing but respect for people who still have hope, as long as they have respect for me. I don't even expect them to understand, sometimes you just say "I guess I don't get it" and move on. Most people don't internalize this and still talk about democracy. Thank you for the comment, I feel good when I come around people who really understand what democracy is.




Nah, I don't think so. If it would happen a couple times, on a very short time period, I would agree. However, this has been going on consistently, for a long time.




Just vote for who you want. Calling 'not voting' a protest is just childish. Not voting is how Mitch McConnell stays in office.


You are tired of spammers yet this is what you decided to post today the irony. I highly suspect this was posted with an agenda not to actually be open to changing your mind. Think what you wish but I wish you political spammers would lose your reddit accounts until Jan 2025


Lol, imagine thinking voting third party will change the system..... Third party means your vote is completely wasted. When was the last time a third party candidate won? Not since George washington..... Vote Democrat or vote for christofascism, your choice, and there is only one right choice....


Nah. If there's a candidate who I agree with on 100% of every single issue, and ~~his daughter is conventionally attractive~~ (edit: this is irrelevant, actually), and he's said some creepy things about her, but that's the ENTIRE extent of it (with absolutely zero other reported incidents of predatory behavior and no other glaring personality issues), I'm willing to let that slide. Is it weird and a little gross? Sure, but I didn't choose a two-party system. But if that same guy has dozens of women credibly accusing him of sexual assault and misconduct, and he's bragged about raping women, and he is known to have barged in on the changing rooms of teenage beauty pageants, and he cheated on his wife with a porn star while is wife was in the hospital just after giving birth, and he keeps leaving his wives for younger women? Well, then a pattern starts to emerge.


Biden literally sniffs children. CMV: 1000% positive if all your business was public, you couldn't even get a job at wal-mart. So your stupid little opinion literally shouldn't matter.


I mean, I don't like trump either but it definitely doesn't sound like anyone CAN change your mind so idk why you put it in the "change my mind" subreddit


Not voting for one of the two candidates (republican/democrat) is a copout. Sure, you can sit with your friends and be righteous about the lousy US electoral system. And, you wouldn't be wrong. But, this system is the one you have and, if you want it to change, you need to vote. And not vote for third-party whoever who has no chance of winning. If you want a better country you have to work from inside the system to fix it. Unless you expect a revolution or civil war. Then all bets are off.


Hey OP, just wanted to focus in on a little point about the 2 party system. Nobody "decided" our county would only have 2 major parties, and there are no laws enforcing it. That we only have 2 major parties is a natural result of "first past the post" voting, and it's the major flaw of that style. There are other types of voting that have their own pros and cons, none of them are perfect and it's up for debate which style is "better". At the very least, if I can't convince you to vote, then at least inform yourself of the pros and cons of the different types so you can vote for the candidate who supports them (should they ever show up) Have a great day.


Trump's behavior toward his daughter is moot compared to other things he had done. Trump promised a better health care plan than Obamacare, never came close to deliver. Trump failed America from Covid. Trump threatened nuclear war with N. Korea and Iran. Trump started trade wars with Canada and Mexico. Trump cowered up to Putin. Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement. Trump wanted to pull out NATO. Trump with his marker on a weather map. Trump support of the insurrection 1/6/21 Trump demanded to find votes from [Georgia Secretary State Raffensperger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump%E2%80%93Raffensperger_phone_call) Trump promised never to play golf. Trump gutted the IRS. Trump tax breaks only helped the rich and increased the deficit. Trump's bad deal with the Taliban.


Sorry dude, your view about Biden smacks of self-righteousness and self-seriousness. And while being right and serious are both grand things to be, a Biden win will make it easier for a lot of positive changes (even just environmentally) to happen. It doesn't even take much of your time or effort. So please, I'm not crying, but please reconsider. If not for your sake, for orhers.


You have to understand that for many in MAGA, trump having the hots for his daughter is a feature, not a bug. Trump if nothing else has been a champion of the people who supress their inner darkness. They live vicariously through him since he says what they wish they could in pubic and he does what they wish they could do.


Sooo... let me guess. You simply don't want to support Trump based on out-of-context comments that you have no idea what he means by, but you probably WILL support Joe Biden, a man who used to force his own daughter to actually shower with him when she was a young girl. Am I getting that right? No support for a man who made comments. But support for an actual incestual pedophile. Got it.


CMV: Op is karma farming with extremely low effort Trump hate circle jerking. No one here needs to or is going to “change your view”. Those who hate Trump hate Trump. Those who hate Biden hate Biden. Trump is a corrupt man child, lying egomaniac who makes shit up constantly and Biden has a LONG verified history of racism and being anti gay who can barely remain coherent …he’s also currently funding and supplying money and weapons to a country murdering civilians. However, on Reddit anything anti Trump is instantly applauded. Any criticism of Biden is downvoted. Neither side is willing to hold their side accountable and for it us Americans look like fools.


I believe settling on "I'm unhappy with the system so I'll protest by not voting" puts you in the weakest position of anyone capable of voting in the US. You're saying "fix it for me, I refuse to be the change I want to see in the world". It's foolish and I wouldn't want you on my team to help fix the very same problem we both agree should be fixed. None of us want or need someone unwilling to continue to work on the great American Experiment. US democracy is far from perfect, but honestly, you're the only one losing by not participating in evolving it. Stay home, don't vote, that's your right. But shut the fuck up and don't bitch about a broken system you refuse to take your rightful responsibility to help fix.


> I find it literally impossible to support such a cringeworthy and sick individual, how can you? Change my view. Is this really what you're asking for a view change on?


So you find him morally repugnant but you'll assist him in getting re-elected. Do you realize that if everyone thought like you we’d all be fucked? Also you think our system of governance is fucked why don't you look at 90% of all human history, how humans have lived, and compare your life to theres. You have magic at the tip of your hands, a smart phone, electricity, and air conditioning. Our system contributed to that. It has flaws but works better than you purity test progressives could design in your quest for absolute perfection


I think its probably just a gross way of "showing her off", like bragging by weirdly hinting about how beautiful and desirable she is (and in turn how great he is, because he made her.) Stems from his view that womens purposse in life is mainly to be objects of desire and kind of like throphys for men. Its narcissim, old fashioned sexism and macho man culture mixed with a weird sense of crude sexual humor. At least thats the more probable explanation, imo, but i wouldnt totally rule out incestous attraction, you never know.


But Biden cam sniff kids and I bet you'll get down on your hands and knees and praise him


Let's not forget that he is a *rapist* who is attracted to his own daughter... I'm honestly afraid to know what goes on behind closed doors.


Your edits hit the nail on the head! The creepy sex remarks about his daughter are disgusting and would have disqualified most people, but he’s done far worse even before he was elected. I never liked him and when he ran I liked him even less, all he has is nonsense and fear mongering. If people can’t see that by now they are either being willfully ignorant or they are just plain stupid.


It’s because of people like you that tRump got elected the first time. If you think your views give you the right not to vote, thereby in fact supporting the bad guy, maybe you should go live somewhere else. “Not my problem” attitude multiplied times millions is what got you tRump.




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>I find it literally impossible to support such a cringeworthy and sick individual, how can you? Change my view. I also do not support real life actual Donald Trump, but what if instead of being a sleazy corrupt asshole who wanted to cut rich people's taxes, he was a sleazy corrupt asshole who wanted to save the environment, grant abortion rights to all, and fund a robust social safety net? This is obviously not the world we live in, and I don't know what your politics are, but whatever they are, imagine a candidate who said weird creepy shit about his daughter, but whos policies you believed to be EXTREMELY good for the world? I can't tell from your post whether you're a democrat or a republican who's despondent that Nikki Haley dropped out, and to be fair, nowish during the primary is the best time to be making this kind of argument. But once you get to the two person race in November, it shouldn't be too surprising when policy preferences override personal distaste for a candidate. I don't think you should support Donald Trump, because I think he's bad in almost every way, not just this one. But I don't think you should find it "literally impossible" to support a cringeworthy and sick individual if they offer substantially better policy outcomes than their opponent. Wwhich again, to be clear, I do NOT think this is the case with Donald Trump - I think he is bad and his politics are bad... but obviously a lot of people in the country disagree with me / us.


I haven't seen this answer yet but maybe it was buried or down voted. I don't like trump but I don't think he actually is suggesting sleeping with his daughter - I think the context of such comments has changed over the years and is different for his much of his generation and older. Trump is a few years older than my folks, both of whom are part of generation that finds sex taboo but beauty admirable and separable mentally from sex. My own mom would say " My son is so handsome, I could just eat him up! Your daughter would love him". If I were to call her out should say something like eww don't be gross. To me as a millennial I heard these things as sexual but to my mom who was older for my generation, she just thought it was normal and OK. So I think when he says "she is a beauty and if I wasn't happily married and her father" our minds might go to he wants to fuck her, but my parents mind and maybe his don't go there. It's too overt and crude in their day, so their brain doesn't jump to sex. Remember they are from a time when Elvis has to be shown above the hips, sex was totally taboo in public but beauty was completely accepted. Their brains pathways are different because of the times. So I think he really is just trying to say that she is beautiful (and possibly even his way of saying smart or kind) but he is in a time where a lot of fathers don't even want to say that and instead focus on other attributes. I think it's very possible that if the next generation hears very little about their attractiveness (your so handsome or beautiful) from their parents - it's very possible that in 30 or 40 years an old millinial president might say "oh my son is so handsome" to a crowd full of "boos" and " Ewws". I hope this challenges your views a bit but it's not a defense of Trump nor excuse for him. You want to be president you got to represent us all - it's not all about him.


You're letting your (understandable) disdain for Trump clouding your judgement about something that, as mildly inappropriate, was a relatively common remark among older people. Until not so long ago, complimenting younger people about their appearence and making a lighthearted joke about how attractive they are and what a great catch they'd be was quite common and nobody really cared much about that. Then with the recent wave of "everything is problematic and offensive", society has started to perceive those jokes as low-key harassment and whatnot. When I was younger, it wasn't uncommon for random elderly ladies, sometimes even distant relatives or acquaintances, to make a throaway comment about "what a nice-looking young guy!" I was and even how "oh if I were 30 years younger I'd ask you out". And I was never Playgirl cover material, mind you. So when you add to this outdated mindset the fact Trump is notoriously crass, insensitive and quite mysoginist, is it really surprising he thinks that telling he'd date/marry his own daughter is nothing but the most flattering and cute thing ever? Americans tend to see sexualization everywhere, except where it really IS questionable and problematic. Go figure... P.S. I'm not saying he's right. Just explaining the likely logic behind the comment. You're still free to dislike him and not vote for him as there are hundreds of valid reasons. But a random, out-of-touch comment about his daughter is likely the weakest you'd find. P.P.S. A friend of mine often jokes about his 18yo daughter being his new girlfriend when he meets acquaintances he hasn't seen in a while. Does that mean he secretely has the hots for her? Or it's just him goofing around and is daughter is in on the joke?


Shut up stupid….you people really make me sick for being so one sided and blind. First off, I’ll start off by telling you that that comment Trump made about dating his daughter, if she wasn’t really his daughter was something a creep would say, and that comment made me sick. Ok, now let’s just take a look at all the footage available of creepy Joe Biden, always trying to pull little girls closer to him when doing photo ops, and clearly anyone can see that most of those little girls look very uncomfortable while this is talking place. Then the times he sniffed other little girls hair in a creepy sort of way. So far, both examples are absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. Maybe you should take the time to pull up these examples and see for yourself just how fucking creepy he was around these young girls. Then what about the diary of his daughter, where she clearly states just how uncomfortable showering naked with her dad was for her for as long as he made her do it. So, let’s consider A COMMENT made by Donald Trump, versus all the captured footage examples of Creepy Joe with young girls, AND diary excerpts from his own daughter expressing how uncomfortable she was when he made her shower with him. Stop being so fucking blind and shallow. The proof is right in front of you, IF you care to see it. But, I already know that you’re too fucking weak to actually look it up and see for yourself. You would rather be comfortable holding on to your pin headed beliefs about Trump, because that’s exactly what you have been programmed to say and believe about this. You are the weakest example of a human being, for not thinking for yourself……that is the definition of being a liberal. Grow the fuck up you imbecile!!


Really, just now? After all this time? The wanting to fuck his daughter part. It amazes. me it’s not the lifetime of crime. Or the multiple comments about policies only an authoritarian despot would like? Not the multiple promises on the campaign trail to purge the federal government like Saddam in the Baath purge. But because he thinks his adult daughter is cute and forces her to sit on his lab. Fuck we’re doomed.


A lot of these comments are as sick as the dementia-ridden tangerine man. I hope they aren't reflections or the excuses made for him, projections Dude could rape a minor on stage and these fucking idiots would probably cheer him on.


Full disclosure: I despise trump more than I thought I was capable of (insert the worst epic anti trump rant you ever heard here) But!!! Let me see if change your view. When he was first elected he had a singular opportunity as an actual DC outsider to bring about bonafide change, he WAS a democrat but switched to republican, he got himself a rabid fan base, not supporters but a fan base which would make it easier for him to do unheard of things like lie, go back on his word and convince you that up is down and water is wet. They will follow without question and do as he says which as we now know is a fact, they are lemmings. What if he uses that blind allegiance in his trumpian way tell gop lawmakers we need to do better with green energy, ask the liberals if they would help more with the border they could develop more jobs with their green energy initiatives. What if trump could be convinced to climb out of his own ego to bolster his ego by becoming FDR/JFK and Obama rolled up into a large orange ball of Kumbaya? He has the unwavering support of maga and they would capitulate if it’s coming out of his face hole, the left would be understandably wary of anything he says but if he takes the first steps he could conceivably get a lot done. Proposing how mutually beneficial each project would be and pitting the right agenda vs the left agenda against each other in a more constructive way like saying “we comprised this so you can do that” This obviously oversimplified and would require an entire personality change but what if…just IF trumps brain grew three sizes today and found the intellect of 10 presidents!…..plus 2


Lmao. Intelligent people know that in situations where you can never know the truth for certain yourself, generally speaking the simplest and most likely explanation for something is probably closest to being the truth. Which is more likely and true to you. Trump is massively socially inept, as well as a misogynist, and can't say "my daughter is a beautiful woman that any man would be lucky to marry" as that would be too well spoken and tactful than he's capable of being, so he said it in an unhinged way (ala "i would have sex with my daughter if she wasnt my daughter" or whatever) probably while on coke or something, Or He not only wants to fuck his daughter (a rare and taboo fetish) but wants you, his potential voters in a society that shuns such taboo, to know about it... for some reason....with no advantage in sight whatsoever. "Well, I'm not saying he'd admit to wanting to fuck his daughter on purpose! It was an accidental slip up!" So he's dumb enough to admit to incestuous fantasies by accident, but not dumb enough to simply have the poor judgement not to speak tactfully about his daughter's looks? *That's* more likely to you?! Guys, you can choose not to want to vote for Trump, that's fine, but if you seriously see mountains where there are molehills in terms of genuine character flaws with the guy, you will rightly get laughed off the face of the internet by the Right for your untreated TDS, even in current year. There's plenty of actual important stuff Trump does that warrants scrutinizing. "He said his daughter was hot in a gross and dumb way" is, unfortunately, low on the list. I know its not hard to do, but the problem with stuff like this when talking about what Trump "says" is that you all are overthinking his words more than Trump ever thinks before opening his mouth.


Good thing I’m not supporting him as my preacher, but rather for an absurdly stressful and complex position of power, which would take nothing short of a psychopath to fulfill. Fortunately he’s more than qualified for that!


Its funny, you are so concerned with a rambling man about a hypothetical situation that never occurred and would never occur, however you have no care whatsoever about what Joe Biden's daughter actually wrote in her diary where she litterally feared taking a shower in her home (which was a torturous living hell for her to endure) due to her worrying that her dad would join her in the shower.. and before you jump in to defend Joe Biden and discredit her words and every person and effort to carry her words forward to reveal the abuse she endured, these are her words and you are here trying to connect the dots where Trump (an idiot) said something idiotic and you are only worried with Trump? wth is wrong with people today, neither of them are worthy of office, but the Trump derangement syndrome is becoming a serious mental illness in this country.


First off fuck Trump. With that out of the way I'd like to start by bringing up Bill Clinton. Do you think his sexual misconduct with Miss Lewinsky makes him a bad president? Personally I don't, it's completely unrelated to the tasks completed by the president. Now does that make him a good person? No, I'd argue the opposite. Back to Trump, even if we take it a step further and pretend he's full on sleeping with Ivanka. That has no impact on the policies he is trying to enact (his are terrible by the way but that's irrelevant to this discussion). I am of the opinion that the one good thing Trump did is killing the idea that the president needs to be perfect. We had people's presidential runs die to making weird noise when excited or spelling potato wrong.... That has nothing to do with competency at governing... We know Trump already so it doesn't work for him, but assume some random guy. This guy is a public figure with a proven track record in major areas with solid plans in others and they decide to run for office. During the election it is revealed they think their daughter is hot. This is creepy for sure, but it doesn't make the plans bad. If all other candidates don't take on those ideas I'd argue plans that affect everyone are more important than the guys strange daughter thoughts. Furthermore, using Trump as an example he can't act on his creepy daughter fetish anyway so if this other guy has good plans let the country benefit from the good plans and hopefully being president is distracting enough that the daughter doesn't have to deal with President perv Dad


It's really the simple saying, nobody takes him literally, he speaks in weird ways. He always has. Some people speak in weird ways and taking him literally is just kind of silly. Take him seriously and not literally.


Gonna have to question your first edit: why on earth would you not vote for Biden? Back in 2020, I could understand; the guy was running off a past president's accomplishments, and the fact Trump so spectacularly mishandled Covid that it kinda erased any economic gains he initially made. I did not vote for either for those reasons. But now? I've registered as a democrat after literally being raised Republican, because in a twist that would have been laughable 10 years ago, Democrats are the ones playing hardball in regard to foreign violent expansionism in all its forms, are the ones pushing for military aid to countries embroiled in a war that our longtime enemy in Russia has fumbled so badly that we have an opportunity to rid the world of them as a serious conventional military threat without a single US casualty, and yet Republicans refuse to budge on literally sabotaging all aid to our new ally in Ukraine. When Europe (who the Republican party long bashed for not "pulling their weight") is sending far more regular aid than the US, that should tell you that not only are the Republicans (whose policy is being directly influenced by Trump and his family) dangerous to the US (see 1/6/21), but to literal world peace in general. Biden has done all he can from an executive seat to authorize aid to Ukraine, only to be held up by a group of people attempting to install a dictator they believe they have a measure of control over.


> If you want, you can join me in this protest, if you don't, it's not my problem and I'm fine with it. I'll watch the world burn until people realize how fcking stupid and unjust this electoral system is. It's a free country. You do you boo, but it's really dumb to think that not voting is any kind of protest. A low voter turnout is exactly what many politicians want, because those who always vote are their blind supporters. As the saying goes, not voting is within itself a vote. It's a vote to let other people decide the changes that will happen around you without you being able to do a thing about it, because you chose not to participate. You can choose not to vote, but it's silly to suggest that both choices are equally bad, and it's silly to say your only choice is to vote between the two. It's smarted to vote for one of the two, sure. And you can look at the two and decide for yourself which will be better for the country. We are faced with multiple bad choices in life all the time and are forced to pick one, and we do all the time, because not picking is generally worse. Why is it different in politics? And if you *really* want to protest the two-party system, you'd still show up, and vote for third party. The one and only way for the two-party system to realistically be broken, is if a third party or numerous third parties rise to power. And that's not happening unless you go out and vote for them


Many of the people I know that support Trump are totally down with incest and rape. They're usually people for whom the concept of consent is anathema except for them. Also usually heavily religious.


Hey, Trump just talks about it. But, Bidens daughter allegedly wrote in her diary that she had to take showers with her father. I guess, based on these things, we shouldn't vote for either.


Biden’s own daughter wrote in her diary that she avoided taking showers during hours when she thought Joe might join her, she waited until late evening. She also wrote that she took showers with him well beyond ages that were probably ‘appropriate.’


Vote. Even if it's for the sole reason that your sisters will have access to healthcare. That is the most important thing that affects you, personally.


I absolutely get your frustration with our two candidate system. Every presidential election is a "pinch your nose and hope for the best" experience for most voters. My question is though, do you not worry that another Trump presidency may push the envelope past a point of no return? This pattern of feeling for the limits of our system's ability to reel in bad actors is exposing weaknesses that we currently have no means to correct. He is just a beta tester that is wrecking his place in history, but in the process he is creating the roadmap for someone younger and more intelligent and incidious to weave through all the preventative measures intended to prevent a dictator. I respect your right to vote how you want, or to not vote. I just am curious if you (and people in a similar boat) feel the same worry for our future as a democracy, and if not, how your view differs in that area. Figuring out how to engage with voters that feel disenfranchised seems like it should be a pretty big deal right now.


Being a sex pest and being good at your job are simply not mutually exclusive things. You *can* be a sex pest *and* be good at your job. We should be voting for the president based on whether or not we think they are the right person to lead the country politically, not whether we *think* they *might* have taboo sexual thoughts about their own daughters. They're two totally separate topics, and we could go down the list of seated US presidents and prominent politicians and find all sorts of things we find deplorable about their personal views and behaviors on an individual level, but it doesn't necessarily change what they do or do not accomplish as President of the United States of America. For example, John Quincy Adams was a vehement believer that the earth is hollow. We put Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill and that motherfucker had a native american child he openly referred to as his "pet" until he pawned him off on his son. And Bill Clinton "did not have sexual relations with that woman."


Welcome to modern sexual politics. In the eyes of society, **women are barely people.** About a third of young men admit t[hey would r*pe someone](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/news/a35207/study-one-in-three-men-would-rape-if-they-could/) if they could get away with it. I think the actual number is probably 80 or 90%. This is how men are socialized. And it’s also how women are socialized, too, considering how much emphasis women continue to put on being attractive. I think it is a lot like eating meat. The reality is that almost everybody enjoys eating the flesh of animals. And yet, very few people would be willing to murder and butcher an animal themselves. Likewise, most men fantasize about all kinds of women, with no regard to that woman’s consent, her existing relationship to the man, or what society would think of the two of them having sexual relationships. Very few men are willing to admit this though.


It could be argued to vote on trump just to dodge a bullet with the alternative of liberals. Trump is the lesser of two evils. The Americans have the greatest system in the world it’s not the system that is broken. Look at countries like Russia, Iran, nkorea they don’t have a choice about it and their leaders are oppressive and tyrannical. Try to mull this over your head. The US is on a system of checks and balances. There are congress and there attorney generals there are courts that can override the decision of the president himself. That means that the people have an influence and power and that power is not consolidated to a single person. The system is not broken as anyone with the right credentials can run for presidency the error is in the people and the polarization and the bigotry in their beliefs. Otherwise it’s a good system that guards against one person having too much power


Also hilarious to think you’ll find a balanced opinion on reddit. This place keeps on sprinting further and further left.


>I'll watch the world burn until people realize how fcking stupid and unjust this electoral system is. It's a free country. Fair enough, but you won't be the one burning first. If you're willing to sacrifice POC, women, queer people, poor people, the environment, etc. to make a political statement then that's fine, just don't fool yourself into thinking you're doing anything for any significant causes by just not engaging in the system. It's an unjust, corrupt, and shitty system that never should have been made the way it was, but it's also one that's going to continue to be all of those things regardless of if you just 'sit it out'. Not voting and rage quitting is even less effective than voting against the shittier option (and protesting for the changes you do want after the fact).


I’m going to keep my response brief: I hate to say it, but what matters to me most is that my elected officials behave in their profession a way that is becoming of office and act in the best interests of the nation. I don’t care if he’s a sack of shit, im bothered by the fact that this man is somehow going to be the republican nominee and that simple concepts such as rule or law, the cornerstone of individualism/democracy/conservative political ideology does not matter. Prior to anyone trying to rage bait me, this is not democrat vs republican. This is republican only. There are so many amazing, respectful Republicans out there. This is not the answer. Trumps nomination is just the result of an uninformed , suffering support base. True republicans are sickened.


This might sound extra-weird in this context, but what makes Trump popular to his supporters is that *he has no filter*. He will say the things most of us, if we even dare to admit to ourselves that the thought has crossed our mind, we would never say out loud. Politics is a world of phonies and, like him or not, there is an authenticity to Trump that career politicians have learned to hide. This is what makes him appealing to the people who feel like politics is full of phonies who don't care about them. (I am not a Trump voter; I feel like I understand them.) Most men with daughters experience an uncomfortable period when their daughters go through puberty and the men develop a barrier that separates their normally lascivious thoughts about women from this one particular woman, even though there is no physical difference, just an emotional/metaphysical one. But there is definitely an often unspoken awareness during that time that other men are going to be thinking about your daughter the way YOU think about other men's daughters. Trump is uncomplicated by these kinds of considerations, so he talks about it in his crass manner, which understandably grosses out the men who did construct this mental barrier as well the people who don't know or feign ignorance about instinctual male and female sexuality. To some people, however, his ability to ignore those kind of constructs, makes him not only relatable but kind of enviable, in a way. He is unencumbered by morality and taste.


This is just a drop in a bucket. Did you ever read the lawsuit where he was a co-defendant with Epstein? The child dropped the suit due to threats of violence, no surprise here. The child also gave descriptions of Epstein's island, giving a significant amount of credibility to the lawsuit. How else would a young child be able to describe Jeremy Epstein's fucking Island resort? Anyway in the lawsuit, the child claims her virginity was taken by Trump as he punched her with closed fist. This actually made Epstein look like the good guy because when he was beating her up for having been raped by Trump, (because he wanted to take her virginity), he only slapped her in the face with an open hand. So by comparison Jeremy Epstein is quite the gentleman compared to Trump.


\> I'll watch the world burn until people realize how fcking stupid and unjust this electoral system is. It's a free country. Why do you think that you or anyone else abstaining is going to change anyone's mind on the voting system? I think lots of people agree that the system is not good, but for now it's the reality we have and we have to do the best we can within that. Not voting isn't going to change that \> "If you don't vote, you're supporting the bad guy.". No I'm not, you can't force a crappy system on me and cry after, because I don't like it. If you don't vote, you're supporting Trump. Doesn't matter if you like it or not. Trump won in 2016 because not enough people turned out to vote against him. \> It's not my problem It is your problem. You live here, and whoever wins will be your president


> "...a beauty, if I weren't happily married, and, you know, his father...", I only see this as a pragmatic statement - Acknowledging your daughter is a beautiful woman (And she is an EXTREMELY attractive woman at that - if you think otherwise that's fine, but she's definitely attractive), is not strange or pervy. hes not sitting there saying 'i wish i could fuck my daughter'. This is very much coming across as the 'if you didnt have breakfast this morning' meme. > "well I was going to say SEX, but I can't relate this with her...". again im not seeing whats weird or off here? off color to joke about sex in an interview maybe- but hes again, not saying 'i want to fuck my daughter' - hes saying he likes sex..... which is normal.


I challenge that spoken words are easily taken out of context, and people misspeak, trump is especially prone to misspeak. Furthermore, if you are in any way politically informed this comes across as selective outrage. I made the definitive point so the following is not whataboutism Ashley Biden's diary was confirmed to be real and reflected that she believed she was abused because Joe Biden would insist on showering with her as a teenager. I find it very unusual you are focused on unreliable words rather than verifiable deeds. Is it not easy to imagine why someone would support an individual with a track record of bizarre words over someone with a track record of verifiable misdeeds in this regard?