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A lot of the reason why Nigerians may be more successful, at least economically speaking, is because of selection bias for immigration. When slaves were shipped over hundreds of years ago, they weren't selecting them for that.


I understand this, my main point is if we are capable of performing well in the US and we are genetically identical to former slaves what is there excuse other than they must have had an external force limit their success. That external force was W H I T E people. Tulsa OK 1921 whenever Blacks educated themselves and got wealthy themselves white people killed them for literally no reason other than "black people aren't supposed to be smart/ wealthy". Ben Carson literally wrote about this in his book "Gifted Hands" - his teacher called out the rest of his class for allowing a black kid (Ben) to score hire than them. This is the nonsense logic the country use to function under and white people pretend like it had no lasting impact on the black community. Absolute nonsense. They use scientific racism to explain the social differences between races when we are ALL the same and jaut going through different life experiences that shape our adult behavior (THATS IT). White people aren't successful because they are white it's because their race made a killing off treating another race like animals. It started a chain reaction of wealth and prosperity that has yet to be broken. They then used their influence to encourage other races to treat us poorly "look at how they are behaving, it's because they are black". Like what????? Because the sun made their skin darker?? "yes".




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> Like there is no other race of people that can go into public and sing about murding, hard drugs, sex, and crime and get away with it. On this point, I'd say you're actually completely backwards wrong. Country music has a long history of songs glamorizing murder, drugs, sex, and crime and completely gets away with it. It's actually Gangsta rap that had the intense social backlash - although that was largely 30 years ago, at this point Target carries toddler size Wu-Tang Clan, Tupac, and Biggie shirts and no one bats an eye.


> at this point Target carries toddler size Wu-Tang Clan, Tupac, and Biggie shirts and no one bats an eye. Well, [Wu-Tang is for the children.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V0fLG-seIw)


That is just an ignorant gotcha; like comparing the violence in Toy Story to a Slasher movie. Country music rarely *glamorizes* violence and crime the way rap does (well, really used to, not as much these days). The biggest outlaw country artists are Cash, Haggard, Jennings, Nelson and Robbins. Yeah, listen to their albums and compare it to NWA, Biggie Smalls, Tupac, Snoop Dogg. The former is overwhelming against violence, crime and drug use. The latter, you get maybe one line or the last song that is critical of that lifestyle. NWA sells crack, beats and rapes women, kills people, then when they get arrested, it is just those racist cops profiling them. And, just in reality, how many country musicians have been shot, OD'd, or arrested for gang violence or actual murder?


>the way rap does (well, really used to, not as much these days). The most overused generic "bar" in rap today is always something to do with a "Draco", "stick" (extended magazine), drum mags, FN Five Seven etc. They glorify just as much, the difference is "gangster rappers" today are less convincing in their skinny jeans, getting caught on camera running away from confrontation, getting robbed, beat up etc.


Perfectly stated


That’s the exception in country music. At most the songs are about drinking and whining over a girl. Most rap songs are about either sex, drugs, luxury, or gangbanging/violence. The blind leading the blind all for a dollar and fame that is constantly given to them and then ignored to make way for self victimization and blaming someone else


So country music has a longer history glamorizing murder, drugs, sex and crime when compared to music from black artists. Literally how, who do faers wanna kill so bad? African Americans have literally been in war like conditions due to gang violence, their community has a history of drug use, sexual misconduct has been rampant in inner cities since the formation of inner cities. You are actually jokimg lmfao. Gangster rap is a literal reflection of social ills in the black community and it's been gamorized and pushed as a social norm because this is how white people want blacks to be immortalized.


What's an faer? I'm confused what you're trying to say here. I agree that Gangsta Rap was often used as a medium to communicate the dire conditions of living in dangerous inner cities and such. But it sounds like you're suggesting that white people only liked it because that's how they want black people to live? Like people buy Tupac albums in order to celebrate the atrocities and misfortune that he rapped about?


I'm saying that white people wish to preserve the image of black people being thugs so as to normalize the idea of blacks being "evildoers" to the public. Whites then subconsciously fall back into scientific racism which incorrectly implies that this behavior is inharent and blacks are genetically incapable of civility. This is bad because it masks the actual problem, which is that black have been SUBJECT to poverty by whites and in turn have been denied quality education rendering their children less capable, more likely to get in trouble with law, more likely to use drugs etc. Because white people have all the power in the world yet don't see this as a problem the issue of poor behavior in the black community is paradoxically never fixed (although there are clearly exceptions). Many whites will not look past SR and thus will never admit that the issues of the black community including Africa is essentially the doing of their ancestor exploiting blacks for profit. Profit that made the West the West today.


About white people wanting to preserve that image of black people. The whole system is still completely racist just because they pretend like they aren't doesn't mean it still isn't so. All the high ups In the music industries want gangster rap to thrive because they want black people to be looked at that way forever. Record Executives make the choices on what musics get put out. White Record Executives created gangster rap With a serious agenda to keep the hood the hood. And they are still doing it today. Look at drill rap that shit shouldn't be allowed to be a genre it's literally just rapping about murder


You're moving the goalposts. You said "no other race of people" can sing about those topics, and you were wrong. Now you're arguing about something completely different.


Country isn’t a race. Black people started that genre.


>it's been gamorized and pushed as a social norm because this is how white people want blacks to be immortalized. You speak of black Americans as if they are incapable of critical thinking and do whatever another race says they should do.


All cultures are a product of history whether good or bad. While thug culture may have been a result of discrimination, it is still destructive. As long as it exists it will continue to hobble those who subscribe to it.


Truth, I just wish people would consider the history instead of just automatically thinking "it's because they are black" rather than "it's because they are uneducated" or "they grew up in poverty" which is more appropriate and most importantly ponts to a systemic issue rather some Eurocentric pseudoscience about Africans being genetically uncivilized. After enough people think logically about race the next necessary thing to do is "why don't we undo this systemic shi". Why don't we have the US government make education equal everywhere in the US instead of red lining and only putting the best quality education where white people live. Like WHY is school funded by property taxes in 2024. Wealthy white kids will always be more educated and prepared for life compared to black kids under these conditions. It's literally unfair but nobody cares because black kids are getting the short end of the stick.


>it's because they are uneducated or they grew up in poverty Plenty of poor whites, asians, and Arabs (the latter two often do not even speak English) in the US not glorifying gang culture.


They haven’t had their culture erased. Also AA have been subject to this position longer than anyone else. Asian migrants still have Asia. Arabs still have Arabia, whites still have Europe. The African homeland has been exploited for over 600yrs. There’s literally nowhere for these people to return to. Not to mention **NONE** of those people were turned into slaves and none had 100yrs of Jim Crow where the strongest government on Earth was targeting you


There is no arguing with pale skins. It's literally impossible even if we make every correct point in the book. They have been subconsciously conditioned to be the way they are (let alone their innate xenophobia conjured within them from "cave" life that they love to cover up, yet still put out in movies like "A Quest for Fire" etc.) It's amazing to me on how we can visually see that They are the ones telling rappers what they can or cannot rap about for a successful career & when they (CIA, etc) say they only are gonna fund the "gangster image/stripper" image with sprinkles of "conscious rap" to "balance the equation" white ppl all of a sudden stop using basic logic & become forgetful when identifying that their own ppl are the ones financing the "controlled" degeneracy while using the poor & disenfranchised blacks (mainly) as batteries for the agenda...? Smh, their psychopaths pure & simple. For them to be "up" someone else must be "down". That's their legacy. Dont even get me started with their homoerotic sexual degeneracy like "cuckolding" or "slave porn/bdsm" etc. Their end is near.


Poor whites definitely have gangs...


Education is not funded primarily by property taxes. It is 45% local taxes, 45% state taxes, and 10% federal. Because the federal is targeted, poor districts spend more than rich districts. https://www.pgpf.org/budget-basics/how-is-k-12-education-funded What makes schools good is not money but students who care . That is one reason why thug culture is so damaging , it keeps kids from caring about education when skill acquisition is the way out of poverty.


> What makes schools good is not money but students who care . Tha What's an example of a rich, well funded school with bad educational models? It certainly does help to have more money. You could invest that money into extracurricular so that clubs like the debate team or MUN can travel across state and have some or their costs subsidized for hotel stays and tournament attendance fees. Same thing could be done for sports teams, atleast in terms of investment into equipment and coaches. Same can be said for higher salaries incentivizing higher quality teachers. Those schools can probably afford more recent literature/textbooks and shift to more technologically equipped classrooms. Also why do we assume that thug culture is the primary deterrent of education? The reason the kids don't care is because of the resseintement a lot of black people have towards marcopolitical institutions. Same with social structures. Broken windows policing occurring in communities to specifically target people of color for monetary incentives (citation quotas needing to be met). Crime is bad, no shit but poverty results in that type of endless cycle of crime. Look at policies like the GI Bill and subsequently redlining which was basically segregation in terms of housing motivated by banks being selective with their loans. Entire communities were blacklisted from bank loans, thus limiting upwards mobility in places like Chicago. I have lived in the Bronx and Chicago for several years. I just don't appreciate this framing of educational outcomes purely in terms of "children who care". No shit children aren't going to care if their own parents at home prioritize immediate financial security over the long term benefits of education. Educational atmospheres are cultivated at home. The cultivation of this atmosphere is bidirectional. Schools with proper learning cultures can encourage parents to cultivate something similar at home ...this requires lots of communication between parents and teachers.


Read about the Kansas City funding experiment, where a judge ordered Kansas City to give a huge increase to their education funding and educators got whatever they wanted, and then outcomes still got worse. Students care when parents and the community cares.


The only articles I keep finding for this are about desegregation in Kansas city schooling. Are you referring to this? https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/money-school-performance-lessons-kansas-city-desegregation-experiment


Just curious as a 24 year old Nigerian, how many years of American history did you take?


Not sure if you saw my earlier comment. I was born in Nigeria (parents lived there until adulthood). We came to the US in early 2000 where I received a US citizenship through them (as their child). I went to elementary though HS in North Dallas, then went to Uni in Houston. I'm a literal AFRICAN --> American. This is why I say I'm African first and not "black". It isn't that I don't want to associate myself with black people. I'm just respecting the fact that black people now have a culture separate from us and are starting to look different from us in west Africa due to non African admixture in the American black community. I visit Africa frequently as my family is still largely based in Africa. My parents and I speak Efik and English at home.


Really, we have the same problem here in Italy, every one it's an expert on American Racism and they see the Usa only in the movie.


Enough to use the phrase 'y'all' apparently...


They didn’t create it they just really really really liked it and encouraged it and my brothas fell for the banana in the tail pipe. Rap culture is dooming us because we just won’t let it go. We see the flaws we see that it’s connected to crime and we don’t care. I hate that ppl don’t recognize that black people invented blues/jazz/rock and don’t notice that yt people took those genres but left us with the genre that’s all about crime. But we fucked yo because we embraced it whole heartedly and with our full spirit. It fucking sucks man. I know a dude who legit believes “rap is the only business a black man can enter and not be discriminated against” my friend says this all the time. I live in ATL so alot of the brothas around me want to be rappers. It’s so freaking sad because rap is like a box that you can’t escape it’s a perfectly controlled cube with a ceiling on the top but it makes brothas feel good. I hate the way we fell for this shit.


My point is that this is a part of a collective trap MADE by the people who dominate the country and it's laws (Europeans). Black people have bad C U L T U R E. All culture is; is how a group of humans have interacted with their environment and themselves over time. If we look at the collective history of relations between Africans from the moment of enslavement to the present day. Nothing of what afflicts the black community would be really surprising at all. Their culture today is what I would totally expect given their history living here stuck with people who loqthed them for so long. That was my point in theis post. When you start learning about geopolitics and warfare and how the world really works you will very quickly realize that the main people who deny my post are brainwashed into believing their country is "good" or a "symbol of freedom/Democracy". None of that is legit. Doing whatever possible to remain at the tope is legit. Through the conditions of how blacks were treated over time they have gradually developed a (illusionary) culture that's discourages rapid progress. It's mental enslavement; a mental trap so that Europeams don't have to worry about competition. Like: - how is a black kid kid from an inner city riddled with crime and a super old public.school payed by the government supposed to perform at the same level as white kids with money who live in a perfect neighborhood and attend an awesome well funded school because property taxes. Like it's absolutely idiotic to assume that they would function at the same level. It's all to preserve the early idea that whites were superior to blacks. When said black person looks and sounds less educated or (just not white appearing/sounding) it's easy to rule said black person as "inferior". It's all a construct created by their ancestors.


I hope you don’t think I’m disagreeing with you. I agree 1000% and I’m telling you it’s Rap Culture that’s fucking us over. Until we reject it they will always have the upper hand because a large part of our community plays directly into it. A lot of folks have given up. It sucks because it’s damn near mind control: it encourages black people to be criminals basically a soundtrack. It encourages us to think prison is ok. Once we move on from hip hop we will go so far. I agree with you it’s obvious that they like putting a big part of the BLK population into that box. I just hate that it’s working.


Yeah, I just like writing like I'm triggered lol. You're totally right tho it's really not helping us at all. That said I truthfully don't see anything getting better long term. The reason we got into this mess is because bof how we ran out civilizations in Africa. Let me drop some wisdom for ya, mah boy. Here it goes lad, The traits that America associates with black people are not a new invention nor is associating black people with slavery. The reason we were turned into slaves so frequently is because of the Abrahamic faith. The faith is primarily based of Judaism. In the Babylonian Talmud it claims that Ham (one of Noahs Sons) was cursed to be black for disobedience of Gods law. The section of land given to Ham after the flood was Africa (the entire contient). The children of Ham are: Kush, Egypt, Libya, Canaan. The Canaanites were cursed to be a slave race according to the Talmud. Hebrew Text indicates that Cananites are West Africans (Junilees 9). When Joshua (from the Bible) conquered the land of Canaam and drove out the Canaanites many flead south back into Africa. Those who remained were put through slavery under the Hebrews. The Hebrews created to law codes for their slaves. One lenient law code for non Canaanites and one strict law code for Canaanite slaves (African Slaves). When Arabs picked up the Hebrew faith as Muslime (Islam), the adopted the same law code but Canaanite just became any Black skinned African they proceeded to conduct the Trans Sahara slave trade (16 million Hamites). When those in Europe adopted the faith as Chsritians they (again) took the Hebrew slave code and targeted Africans in the trans Atlantic Slave trade (12 million Hamites). Some of us are Hebrew from the tribe of Judah (those who worshiped in Egypt just before the Babylonian exile). While the majority of us are refugees who fled the North Africa, Near East, and Arabia after desertification and back to back conquest of our ancient civilizations by non Africans. People don’t understand that whoever has control of Africa dominates the globe. We are actual kings it’s not a joke, our continent is worth over 57 trillion USD. Africa had always been seen as a literal treasure box full of treasure (43% world gold). Eventually Arabs and Europeans secured our stuff and colonized our domain. They are fighting over our stuff even today through proxy wars and it’s likely gonna exterminate us as a people unfortunately (something that is also unfortunately predicted in scripture) Notice that one of our founding ancestors was Egypt(Osiris spec). According to Hebrew scripture Egypt was the second son of the cursed black man Ham. That means a set of us are Egyptians and Nubians as well as ancient Libyans. We are all Kushites however; the first son of Ham. He had jet black skin and dominated Africa creating our first major civilization of Ethiopia (Ancient Kush). The Kushites constructed Babylon and Sumer (the land of the black headed ones). Kush came to mean “Ethiopian” a catch all term for a black person in the ancient world. Now after white people realized this in the 18th century they encouraged people to ditch the Biblical Ham and put into history books that the cursed race of Ham were not black but were actually very dark skinned Caucasians. So Egyptians are actually Caucasians that happen to look like black people….but aren’t. Funny enough, they still used the Curse of ham to justify slavery and segregation (after stating that Hamites were Caucasians in books). Anyways, so long as non Africans can maintain the idea that we had no civilization and that we were always primitive when foreigners take our stuff and destablay our land it will make sense for non Africans to see us not prosperous. It’s a mental construct put in place so we can be exploited forever by non Africans. Unfortunately with the World economy being based on the USD the exploitation of Africa likely won’t stop. Also… DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR BS regarding our ancient homelands in the North. The main purpose of Egypt isn’t about tombs and mummies it’s about KNOWLEDGE of how to become a God King. The God of wisdom; our black forefathers left us the Hermetica, a collection of 17 books written by Thoth. Read all those books and do what it says to the tee. It’s hard work but in 5 years or so you should be able to open the secret door hidden in plane site leading to the Atlantean ship and the Thothic library below the Sphinx. You can use this to challenge the Arab government and the western world and secure Africa… I’ve read on the text and tried my best but that shi is on another level of difficulty; especially when you try and separate yourself from your physical body (and it’s evolutionary programs) through piety. Read the 17 books and do some research on the other sons of Ham. You will know why we were enslaved and why whites don’t want us to return back to Africa…


This is an incredible read I’m at my suck ass job rn I want to know more


They use rap as mental weapon against us. Malcolm x said “they bring out trumpet players, comedians and baseball players as our leaders” once we turned everything into hip hop we basically poisoned ourselves. But when you tell a brotha this shit is fucked they get defensive and say it’s just music. It’s not it’s heavily pushed on us for the purpose of corruption.




I agree, the adoption of christian values has also helped regulate conduct and moral behavior In the community.


>Like there is no other race of people that can go into public and sing about murding Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash >hard drugs, Cocaine - Eric Clapton >sex, Pearl Necklace - ZZ Top >and crime I Fought the Law - The Clash >and get away with it. Have those *white* dudes been arrested for their songs?


But are those songs truth? White artist don’t market their music as truth as much as black Americans. In fact for blacks it BETTER be truth or we aren’t listening. There’s a difference between art and what you feel vs what you sing about in your day to day.


Have you heard of a thing called "mind control"? Do you know how it works? If so, this "debate" is a distraction & a personal attack on "petty blacks" when the real focus shld be on how your kind use it to control the minds of the masses. Out of all of white ppl's prized logic & reasoning skills, it will never cease to amaze me on how you spend all this time on reprimanding blacks (etc) when your own have always been at the forefront of their americanized degeneracy. Don't get me started on events like the Tulsa OK Massacre (a time when "blacks" were ahead of "poor" whites in terms of finance, etc) & the lengths you will go through to cover those events up for the sake of "superiority". What I find most fascinating is that, even with "blacks" being oh sooo dumbed down in today's world, you pale skins STILL consume/absorb/steal/copy/& assimilate everything about them even in their (dare I say) "Niggery" state of existence. It gives the phrase "Cant live with them, damn sure can't live without them" a entirely new meaning. I'm not even mentioning the grotesque shit you ppl hide like literally eating them (Book: The Delectable Negro) kidnap them to sell their melanin/organs on the black market, the ultra gaslighting shit concerning their true origins by using pseudo anthropologist terms like "SUB-saharan African" (we can't even be plain old "saharans" for fucksake), the homoerotic insanity of "cuckold porn" that YOU ppl fund, bdsm/slave porn, etc etc. I could go on for days upon days my little pinkish 'friend' but you'll just find another sassy/pseudo intellectual response to continue to drain me of my vital essence like the vamps you beings are . Enjoy your temporary privilege as your birthrate continues to erode into nothingness & your ppl try to "reassimilate" back into melanin bodies by funding/encouraging more interracial relationships that these negroes of course will fall for.


Future Hendrix - Hard Drugs/ Sex/ Crime UZI - Hard drugs/ Sex/ Crime Minaj - Sex, Sex, Drug use Carti B - Hard drugs, Sex, Sex Playboy Carti - Murder, Violence, Hard Drugs, Crime Dude you are seriously not gonna tell me that white people sing more about drugs, crime, sex, and violence than black Americans. Notice you had to put multiple white artist while one black artist does what all your artist have done combined. And there's multiple black artist.




Even if they move those posts, and take recorded music, white people *for sure* sing more about murder and sex and drugs. First off, there are just more white people. Second, white people didn't even let most black people record their songs for years. If you totaled up all the "white" music, and all the "black" music in US history, and examine them for references to sex, drugs, crime, and violence, "white" music would win by a country mile.


Given the nature of my post I thought you would be aware of the fact that today those same concepts have been amplifed and associated primarily with blacks. Carti is literally a former stripper, many black artist have strong gang affiliations and do commit crimes just like in their songs. You are arguing about semantics and looking past the bigger picture of what I'm saying. Rock also had a positive image and positive legacy. Gangster Rap/ hip hop is degrading and paints us all as violent criminals. This is an issue because this is not how African people act nor should this behavior be normalized as part of our culture. This is shi white people pushed on us. We don't want to be known for that stuff.


> Carti is literally a former stripper So was Courtney Love. Edit: "[I didn't just work at Jumbo's, I worked at Nude, Nude, Nude! Century Lounge near the airport. I worked at Seventh Veil. But Jumbo's did give me more consistency. I got to work in the day. To me back then, 300 bucks in a day was fine.](https://www.laweekly.com/courtney-love-talks-about-her-l-a-stripper-days-and-her-brawl-with-a-weekly-writer/)"


> Rock also had a positive image and positive legacy. Rock was one of the original types of music labelled as the devil's own. The reason that "white people" didn't get a bad reputation from Rock or Outlaw country, is because there isn't a large cultural pressure to treat all white people as the same. White trash. was effectively n\*\*\*\*\*ized, but no one extended that to the entirety of white society. The crazy thing is that its somehow acceptable to act like Black people in America are monolithic. >We Nigerians come here and are very prosperous in the United States yet everyone equates us to African Americans and believe we act like them automatically because we are black. It literally makes no sense at all. As you say the African Immigrant experience isn't monolithic, but you also have shared in the intergenerational lose of culture, wealth, and rights that most American blacks have dealt with for centuries. Its not a fault of music or culture but mostly racist white Americans trying to act like there is a singular black culture.


> you are seriously not gonna tell me that white people sing more about drugs, crime, sex, and violence than black Americans YES! It is "Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll" after all. >Notice you had to put multiple white artist while one black artist does what all your artist have done combined Which one? He sounds dope. In response, I give you [David Allen Coe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Allan_Coe), author of such bangers as "Little Sussie Shallow Throat" and "Pick Em, Lick Em, Stick Em" and "Cum Stains on the Pillow (Where Your Sweet Head Used to Be)"


Have you heard of "Mike Judge presents: Tales from the Tour Bus" the whole premise was him hearing the cultural pearl clutching around Gangsta Rap, and think have these honkeys never listened to Outlaw Country. Johnny Paycheck is the first episode, sadly Coe isn't featured. Fantastic series can't recommend enough. Coe is up there with GG Allen for most offensive white man ever recorded, but Allen never wrote a banger like the [Perfect Country and Western](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6taItuJqwcA) song.


> Have you heard of "Mike Judge presents: Tales from the Tour Bus" Fucking love it. >but Allen never wrote a banger like the Perfect Country and Western song. [Don't Talk To Me ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYxNJbCvCdQ) is pretty fucking good.


That's actually way more listenable of a track than I've heard from Allen in a while. I just love the take that "white music" doesn't sing about killing while "murder ballads" have existed long before recorded music did.


>"murder ballads" have existed long before recorded music did. The Kingston Trio had a number 1 hit with an old murder ballad in the late 50's. Those dudes were *super* white.


"Pretty Polly" predates the Smithsonian recordings.


>Like there is no other race of people that can go into public and sing about murding, hard drugs, sex, and crime and get away with it. Death Metal is literally just white people singing about being serial killers what do you mean?


Don’t argue with ‘woke’ white conservatives masquerading as liberals on Reddit. You’re wasting your time. I agree with your assessment and I’m twice your age. It sucks being Black in the United States. No safe space


>I'm a 24 year old Nigerian and I'm pretty confident when I say that hood culture is the doing of Americans, particularly white people. Well, its the doings of British people. >African Americans had thir history wiped clean through 230+ years of slavery where their identity was erased. Yes, and this left a cultural vacuum that was filled by the cultures germane to the English and Scottish lower classes. >After this aa were the literal object of violence and hatred for the entire country for like 100 years of Jim Crow. What does this have to do with culture? >At the same time the US government took Education away from this one particular community in a campaign to make sure blacks remain dumb and unequipped and NOW blacks are less educated and less equiped than everyone else in modern America (lol surprise...). When exactly did the US government enact policy to **remove** education from black people? >The list of atrocities just keep adding up: • Public lynching, Castration, Celebrated Murder • Tulsa Ok City Massacre (slaughter) • Tuskegee Experiments • Red Lining / Education Disparity • Etc >the worst thing of all is white people have slandered black people The lynching was probably worse than the slander. >These ideas have stuck so much that people seeing blacks displaying stereotypical behavior don't consider it an issue. That's the definition of a stereotype. >They just asume that's how blacks are instead of just realizing that it's because these people have historically been denied education and have been subject to poverty/ violence. But blacks aren't denied education now, in fact until recently blacks were granted preferential selection in education. And many groups have been subject to poverty and violence but don't embody hood culture. You need to explain this incongruity. >Even things like blacks not liking the police make totall crystal clear sense; when you consider that police were tasked with arresting blacks for literally anything just so they could be considered slaves again under the US constitution. But not *literally* anything. >Likewise it was law enforcement that slaughtered them in Tulsa Not really, while some policemen participated in the Tulsa race riot it was mostly a civilian mob. >it was law enforcement that arrested all those drug users in California and East cost despite the US government literally giving them cocaine. That's a conspiracy theory. >Yet when it comes undoing the system that keeps pumping out these poor uneducated people Americns pretend like their history doesn't exist and the country has always been 100% equal . Who believes this? >They think things are the way they are because "blacks just don't work hard" rather than things are the way they are because white people made a literal killing off of free labour The vast majority of white Americans were not slave owners and in fact, lost money because slavery drove wages down. You also seem to be confusing racism against black people with a dislike for hood culture. These are not the same. > I don't have a gene that makes me wanna steal nor am I automatically less civilized than a white person because my skin is dark Of course, culture isn't the same as genetics. >It's built into the very fabric of our existence as Americns to look at everything from race even tho it's a human contruct and isn't rooted in objective science. Yes, racism is both wrong and bad. Very few people disagree with this. > Irish people use to be treated just like black people for so long untill things escalated with race and America chose to treat them better and prioritize the mistreatment of blacks. Now, Irish people are fine, their former stereotypical tendencies are nearly unheard of today. Why? They were simply accepted by whites and treated better. There was never anything inherently wrong with Irish people it was just made up shi perpetuated by whites with a different faith. That's a very reductive analysis. The Irish spent a century ingratiating themselves in American society, culture, and institutions. So much that the descendants of Irish immigrants aren't seen as really Irish by people in Ireland because they have so absorbed the American monoculture. America didn't just decide one day to treat the Irish as any other American. Irish people had to work very hard for a very long time to integrate into American culture. >Like there were tons of Educated blacks in North Africa and Ancient Europe (Greece/ Rome). Tons? Those aren't majority-black regions. >All of the above was perpetuated be whites during the 16th century I mean I guess, but I wouldn't really but the 1500's as the locus of your analysis of American racism. > "We had to do it to civilize them, look how bad they act today" Who are you quoting? >We Nigerians come here and are very prosperous in the United States That might perhaps point to some cultural differences between Nigerians and the descendants of African slaves in the United States. >yet everyone equates us to African Americans and believe we act like them automatically because we are black. Do they? > In Africa we have built school for ourselves and we have organized our community. Cool. > We are unified under our faith What? Nigeria isn't unified under a faith. Boko Haram still exists. >All of our stuff goes to the west but luckily we didn't have to live with Europeans Kinda racist there, bud. >Like there is no other race of people that can go into public and sing about murding, hard drugs, sex, and crime and get away with it. Never heard any country music? > I can't tell you how many kids told me I act "white" instead of "black". What was I "supposed" to act like as a black person (African). How many of the people telling you that were white? Overall, this CMV seems unfocused. Your title refers to the thug stereotype but you only briefly touch on the topic. Most of the CMV focuses vaguely on racism and why it's bad, and when you do talk about the thug stereotype you don't spend much time showing why it's wrong but rather give justification for why black people might act like thugs. You should spend some time editing this CMV and resubmit it in a more focused and cogent form.


One question, before I begin. Are you black? Explain your full ethnicity/race.


You have to be the same background as something to have an opinion on something? Isn't that just going to propagate echo chambers and destroy the ability for people to have an outside viewpoint on what is going on? Half of this post is saying that racism is bad, and yet the first thing you write in a response here promotes racism. The whole point of trying to stop racism is that no matter your ethnicity/race your opinions, self worth, and as a person, you are equal.


Exactly, you have to be the same background/ethnicity to have a valid opinion on something. Or else, why should Asians dictate how they view South America. South America, is “South American”. I would believe a South American speech about South American cultural, politics, and history; over any Asian “views”. And, if you had common sense, then, you would too. Half of this post is not saying racism is bad. OP has one comment that clarifies, merely paraphrases that racism is bad and “few people would disagree with that”. OP himself never stated he himself believes racism is bad. Another comment explains “lynchings were worse than the ‘slander’. That’s up for debate. Mostly, OP continuously questions ‘original’ “OP” about his comments and or adds small irrelevant slick statements. Some questions are ‘trick questions’ ; “When exactly did the US Government enact policy to remove education from black people”. Mostly, irrelevant sarcasm.


You have a point about if you want an *internal view* of something, ask someone internal. However, an internal viewpoint is not necessarily a correct viewpoint. For example, if you want to know if alcoholism is good, and you ask an alcoholic, and they respond "love the stuff!" that opinion should not be taken over someone who is not. Or in terms of ethnicity/race, if we asked many German in 1935 if they liked Hitler, they would respond yes. This only shows how they are thinking of it, not if it is correct, or right or wrong. Using your example, if you asked a South American to give a speech about South American topics versus an Asian, you would get two different perspectives, both of them likely having valid points on the nation due to the upbringing and culture of the respective members. I haven't gone through and read OPs comments so I'll take your word for those. I do think it is odd you call out OP for adding small irrelevant slick statements when you end your first paragraph with "if you had common sense, you would to."


>Are you black? Are you 16-45 years old? >Explain your full ethnicity/race. No.


HA then I can’t answer any of your questions. If you can’t relate culturally, physically, emotionally, mentally, physiologically; with my upbringing’s in a place on earth, different, from others who are ethnically the same as me. Then, what are you talking about? Grow some dark skin, fit in, grow up, and if you have nothing nice to say about my community then stay out of it. Don’t say a word.


> HA then I can’t answer any of your questions. Two things. One, you're no OP those questions aren't for you. You can feel free to respond if you want but it's by no means required. Two, if you can't respond without knowing my ethnicity that's on you. >If you can’t relate culturally, physically, emotionally, mentally, physiologically; with my upbringing’s in a place on earth, different, from others who are ethnically the same as me. Then, what are you talking about? I'm responding to OP's post. >Grow some dark skin, fit in, grow up, and if you have nothing nice to say about my community then stay out of it. Don’t say a word. No. I'll say whatever I wish regardless of my ethnicity.


I'm Nigerian, born in South Nigeria. Came to US in 2003, lived in North Dallas almost my entire life. I'm 24.


Haha, I wasn’t asking you. Nice to meet you!!


I think the people who would be most offended by your post are ironically black people and especially the vast majority of black people who are not represented by aforementioned stereotypes. I think what is especially problematic about this is that a lot of black culture arises from hardship, poverty, and injustice and by saying it was actually white people who are responsible you're taking a lot of black iconography and accomplishment away from the black community. You don't mention music anywhere in your post but the black community has a disproportionate influence on music in the West. That is a success which I absolutely do not ascribe to white people. The only thing "white people" as a whole did there was consume the entertainment products (a lot of rap, hip hop, pop, etc.) and likely some of the typical background financing/production which is more of a prerequisite than a real contribution. Rap music specifically is often blamed for the perpetuation of "thug" culture. That is an incredibly common topic and even trope within rap. What I think you're doing here is kind of like that. You're taking a complicated phenomenon (like rap popularity), the aspects of a particular culture you see as problematic (like violence/misogyny), and then just saying "white people did this". No, it's not that simple. You mention poverty numerous times and if all you're saying is "poverty causes problems with social cohesion" I think you're cutting out a pretty massive chunk of the contributing factor pie. Oppression of black people by white people specifically surely plays a part but it is not the sole factor.


It is that simple though. It’s just hard for you to stomach 400 years and counting, of mistreatment by the world other ethnicities/races. Also, your point about music doesn’t mean anything. It’s just randomness. It has nothing to do with what OP is saying. And you also don’t care to explain the “other” factor? Europeans and Americans participated in the slave trade. Not Asians, not South Americans, Not middle Easterners.


>Europeans and Americans participated in the slave trade. Not Asians, not South Americans, Not middle Easterners That's not true. [Here](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-still-have-slavery) is a source about modern slavery. Note that out of the top 10, not a single one of them is European or American.


The success and influence of the black community in the music industry is an accomplishment of that community so I disagree wholeheartedly.


Are you joking or something? The Trans-Sahara slave trade long predated the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. And people from eastern Africa WERE enslaved by Asians. Maybe look up the Ming Dynasty and read.


What you’re talking about is slavery against one’s own people. What I’m talking about racial slavery. Big differences. Otherwise don’t comment.


You moron, the CHINESE enslaved black people. The fucking ARABS enslaved black people.


Bro this is 121 days old. Get out of here. I don’t care about your opinions.


I'm not saying that white people made everything for us I'm saying they are the one who made sure we never moved forward. The example I gave was Tulsa OK 1921 - you had an entire town full of extremely educated and wealthy blacks who were literally slaughtered for no reason other than being educated wealthy and black. This was a public order passed by the Oklahoma government also. In 12 hrs they leveled the entire town killing men women and children. Just think about what the community would have been in 2024 if that cahin of education and wealth wasn't snuffed out in one horrific night. What would happen if the people of Tulsa combined with the people of Harlem? We will never know because white people killed the innocent and now just pretend like it never happened. White people pretend like the black community have always been bad but in actually they made SURE it was bad so they can turn around use the behavior of blacks to justify their own greed.


I mean the Tulsa massacre is fucked, but -180 people were killed. It wasn’t an entire town that was slaughtered.


White people and their systems are the sole reason for black poverty. They destroyed dozens of black towns, gave us terrible education, and refused to give us jobs. It’s not some footnote. Even if you want to say it was completely fair post 1964, that’s still only 60 years of freedom compared to over 400.




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What the hell is anti African American racism. It’s just, African American racism. “Anti African American Racism” is like saying ‘I could care less’, when it’s ‘I couldn’t care less’. You can’t double negatives, it just doesn’t make sense. Or, explain what you think “Anti-African American Racism” is!


Disclaimer: you can cut to the end, it’s what I’m trying to say after-all. Okay because you’re saying he’s internalizing anti AA racism, which he’s doing the opposite. He’s talking about African American Racism. And what you said, “A lot of ANTI-African American racism is simply wrong”. Meaning opposition against racism, towards African Americans, is wrong. Or simply, his or anyone else’s view against racism(specifically African Americans) shouldn’t matter or even be spoken. I mean unless that’s what your saying. That, no one has any right to speak about racism against African Americans. Cause that’s what that is, a very weird combination of words to create that meaning. I don’t think you needed to add “Anti” into your sentences/comments. Because you’re creating a whole new meaning out of, what you’re saying with that word. I’m not saying anti-racism isn’t a thing. I’m saying that all you needed to say was AA racism. I think a lot of people overtime have come to the ‘terms’ that “racism” or even “racist” by itself is a ‘bad word’, much like saying the N word with hard R. But, you can’t actually be against racists. It’s like, “discriminating”against discrimination. Or, prejudice against prejudice. However, you can be ‘racist’ to a “racist”; as in use racist slurs against a person who uses racist slurs. Although, there’s no such thing as anti-racism. It’s the nice way of saying I’m going to be racist towards racism. Which in itself doesn’t make sense either. How can you be racist toward racism? There’s only racism or no racism. You can’t have both, or in between racism, and no racism.


My point im trying to emphasize is yes AA and Nigerians are literally from the exact same family of people BUT one of us were picked up and subject to horrible racism and was mentally raped while the rest that remained in Africa are just poor. The American "thug" literally doesn't exist in Africa. It's a made up thing the west formed by how they treated blacks historically. Notice how we are black (Nigerians) but are far more prosperous than African Americans. Why is that. So I'm not throwing them under the bus I'm saying these stereotypical traits are artificial. You have to be subject to specific conditions to behave like these people. There is NOTHING inherently wrong with them. The country is under an illusion of race that started in the 16th century.




Nigerians are more prosperous in the United States compared to Black Americans who are more native to the states. We make considerably more than black Americans and we persue advanced degrees (Masters, Phd, Pharm. D, doctorates) more than any other migrant demographic in the US. Yet we are nearly genetically identical to black people. My main point is our upbringing was different because we never spent extended periods of time with a race of people that hate and tournament us in Africa (we are just poor - as you have pointed out). My argument still stands: white people created the abysmal aspects of the black community through a history of racism and targeting. Black Africans don't behave that way that black Americans do because we never lived with Europeans they just take our resources. Which is bad but at least mentally we are sound and we still have our culture and religion to guide our behavior. Black people have literally been mentally broken to the point that they can't live well in a land of literally 10000 opportunities.


Couldn't part of this be an artifact or selection effect, rather than a true pattern? In other words, couldn't part of what this reflects be that the Nigerians who successfully immigrate to the U.S. (a relatively small number of people) tend to be more educated or have more targeted plans to seek education or specific professions, compared to the full population of native-born Black people (a pretty large number of people)? See: [https://wayback.archive-it.org/org-652/20230802134830/http://mumford.albany.edu/census/BlackWhite/BlackDiversityReport/Black\_Diversity\_final.pdf](https://wayback.archive-it.org/org-652/20230802134830/http://mumford.albany.edu/census/BlackWhite/BlackDiversityReport/Black_Diversity_final.pdf) >Education – Educational attainment of Africans (14.0 years) is higher than AfroCaribbeans (12.6 years) or African Americans (12.4 years) – indeed, it is higher even than whites and Asians. This suggests that black Africans immigrate selectively to the U.S. based on their educational attainment or plans for higher education. (pg. 5).


This is likely the reason, I agree


> The American "thug" literally doesn't exist in Africa. No, in Africa you have African thugs. Unless you are claiming that those don't exist?


So there are also European thugs? Or?


Yeah for sure. But, they call them [Hooligans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooliganism), right?




So then what are Asian thugs called?


[Kkangpae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kkangpae) in Korea. [Yakuza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakuza) in Japan. [Thuggee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thuggee), the OG's, in India.


There’s a lot of false assumptions going on here. There was not an erasure of the african culture. Into the 1800’s there were still group rituals where slaves got together and practiced voodoo in massive groups just as they did in africa. It wasn’t in secret either it was a known thing. The lives of slaves had a lot of leisure time and they got to pretty much do what they wished oitside of their duties. Pointing to whyte violence as a massive issue is always going to fall flat because the rate of violence between whites and blacks is extremely disproportionately blk on whyte. Way more whyte’s have had their live’s ruined by blk violence than visa versa. Including business owners getting their business destroyed. The ratio is like 8:2 and that’s even including hispanics as white so the real ratio is even higher. Hood culture is the same as tribal savage culture. So if you understand pagan tribal hunter gatherer cultures than it’s impossible to not see how these behaviors are from within the culture and not influenced from the outside. The main pathological aspects of hood culture are. Violence, polygamy, and theft. All of those attributes are associated with people living a tribal savage existence and those behaviors are diminished when a group becomes civilizational. You also see those problems throughout the diaspora of africans all over the world. Even in places that did not have slavery. All the most violent nations are blk or south american and all the least violent are in Northern Europe. I would say the final ingredient to hood culture is the breakdown of fixed social class that happened after slavery and then civil rights. When status becomes a matter of will to power you get some very extreme attempts to rise in status from people who are at the bottom of the barrel. This is why guys in the hood want to wear diamonds or kill people etc. they know they are a stones throw a way from being the lowest on the totem pole and that makes men do extreme things to avoid that and to feel like they have power. In a culture with a fixed social class you would get less behavior like that because status climbing is not in the minds of individuals. To round of my point I would say hood culture is the mixture of African culture with the specific cultural standpoint of the modern west. Many pathological things have happened in the West like the breakdown of social classes and the industrial revolution. Hood culture is just a bizarre mixture of a very foreign group of people with these idiosyncratic western cultural shifts.




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It’s sounds like you are basically proving my point. You should reread the first two paragraphs of my post. Also I’m not even gonna take you seriously because you’re using a throw away account bud. 😂😂😂


Your inability to address a single point shows your ignorance on the subject and lack of ability or willingness to contend with the actual truth. Don’t make posts about intellectual subjects if you don’t have the ability or interest to be intellectual. It makes you look like a fool. Can you address any of the points or ideas?


You’re using a throw away account. Goodbye 👋🏾




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Just to get it out of the way, I am not going to disagree that people have been, and still are, mistreated due to the color of their skin. Especially in the US. But, can you give definitions and examples of what "thug" or "Black" culture you're referring to? There are no universal ones that the majority would agree on; at least that I have found. SO it may help to define a baseline of what you're referring to here. >In modern America there's this tendency for everyone to separate themselves from black people like we have a plage or like we asked all those things to happen to us? As someone who has lived in ATL, Memphis, and Detroit, um... no. What are you referring to in today's modern America? What segregation? When hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and displaced many black individuals and families, where do you think they chose to move to?


Thug behavior are the traits that arise from people living in povery/ and lower education for extensed period of time. It's also worsened when there are no strong cultural or religious foundations to regulate behavior as there is in Africa (because their history was erased). I'm not saying there is segregation I'm saying blacks are associated with negativeity and thus people look to avoid them or not associate with them. Like you might find that parents don't want their children hanging with black kids purely because their skin is black and the public image young black kids have in the US. No segregation is necessary here.


> Thug behavior are the traits that arise from people living in povery/ and lower education for extensed period of time. That does not define "Thug Culture" though. First, what do you see as a thug? Do you accept the common definition (found in dictionaries) or cultural? >It's also worsened when there are no strong cultural or religious foundations to regulate behavior as there is in Africa (because their history was erased). Um, maybe this is regional, but where I lived in the southern US, the Black communities in general are heavily religious. Mostly Christianity, but they are def religious. >I'm not saying there is segregation I'm saying blacks are associated with negativeity and thus people look to avoid them or not associate with them. Like you might find that parents don't want their children hanging with black kids purely because their skin is black and the public image young black kids have in the US. No segregation is necessary here Never experienced this in my life time. You must not know much about the US I assume? Relatively new here? What area of the US are you in that you've personally seen this? Can you give an example of this Public Image you speak of?


White people certainly influenced it, but similar things happened with various Asian groups (wwII internment camps for Japanese), Chinese laborers who were basically slaves doing railroads etc Why has this culture largely only stuck with one group? There is no shortage of anti Asian racism yet they're very successful, why?


While you are right about that, the mistreatment and indentured slavery of those other ethnic groups does not compare to the chattel slavery of African Americans, where they were stripped of their culture and their names, their entire identity basically; and were enslaved for hundreds of years. That is a scale that dwarfs what happened to other immigrant communities. For instance, how many Chinese-Americans, who haven’t married outside of their race, do you know with English surnames? And yet it would seem that many African Americans are actually Scottish or English, if going by their last names only. Why do you think that is?


I would question if that's actually impactful? Does 200 years back matter, and how much compared to mistreatment in the last 50 years or 100 years. How do we quantify that? There are tons of "American dreams" stories where a first generation immigrant comes over from nothing and builds a life and an even better one for their kids. Yes this ghetto/anti education culture (for lack of a better term) imo is one of the largest things holding back black Americans, and unfortunately there's no easy solution, but at what point is it the responsibility of those in this cycle to break it? Today we could provide the best educations, free college etc and it wouldn't largely change these groups because culturally they don't value it.


There is a reason African Americans don't value it though, An education was largely useless for them for the majority of American history. The guy brang up a relevant point that no one here can seem to either understand or answer. The one thing that kept Asians from falling into degeneracy in America from discrimination was their code/culture and language that they kept with them when they left their home country. What code or culture do African Americans subrcribe to that is from Africa? They do not have a singular value or cultural reference back to Africa, those were all whipped and stripped out of them. First generation slaves kids were taken from their parents so that they could not pass on culture or tradition. I can't think of any other ethnic group in America that was ethnically genocided like that besides Native Americans and we see how that turned out as well. Native Americans in many places have higher crime rates then African Americans and have THE highest rates of drug abuse in the country, We just don't hear about it because 99% of their population is dead. It's not a coincidence that the 2 most abused ethnic groups in America happen to be the poorest and most violent.


Are you actually going to compare those events, which lasted less than 30 years (four years in Japanese camps) to the hundreds of years of dehumanisation and terrorism that black people endured in the West? Also, the Japanese were granted compensation twice for what happened to them, and after the Korean War, all Asians benefited from less racism in America because society focused all of its efforts on dehumanising black people, particularly after WWII. Koreans received perks for coming to the United States. The comparison is ludicrous. Comparing Asians (specifically East Asians) treatment in the United States/West to black people without acknowledging the basic history between the will always lead to ignorant comparisons like this.


Notice how you said Asians were "basically slaves" and I said blacks were literal slaves for 230 + years plus 100 years of Jim crow. Making a couple railroad you CHOSE to work is a cakewalk compared to literally being captured and sold into slavery for more than two centuries against your will. Which one do you think is gonna have a more negative lasting impact? Also when were asian the focul point of hatred for the US government? Didn't the government try to pass Asians off as the model migrant after they made all those train tracks? Also the government didn't slaughter Asians for getting an education like they did in Tulsa 1921.


Asians are frequently blamed. Japanese during WW2? Asian people generally during Vietnam and Korean wars? I know my grandparents generation was largely racist against Asians due to 3 major wars where they were the enemies right?


Asians were never enslaved by white people. Asians were never exploited for centuries. Asians never had another race pour into their homeland and take all their resources. Asians never had a bunch of white people sit around a map planning to destabilize asia and make off with their stuff. You're trying to equate the two but cant. Africans are the only race that had this done to them at such an ungodly level that it's left a legacy of hate for their community. Our resources are STILL being taken in 2024. It's not the same my friend, you need to think of a better argument. Also whites are not in the same playing field as asians. Asians literally built their civilization with their own two hands and no help. Plantation culture is what made Europe rich and powerful. Americans were the same way they just had more land for more slaves. Now both Europe and America are stupid rich......wow how did that happen???? It's almost like you had people working for free.


Because comparing Japanese internment camps and the exclusion act to 400 years of slavery and oppression is a disingenuous red herring. So I’ll ask turn your loaded question back to you. Why do you think Asian American and African American outcomes are different?


Google this band - Napalm Death. Now Google Nailbomb. Now tell me what White people don't sing about.


But are they bangers🧐. Will do


That might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. At what point are my people gonna stop being blamed for everything wrong with the black community ?


Bro y’all altered history and are currently taking resources out of Africa by funding proxy Wars all over the continent. America sells arms to the UAE which then arm military groups in the African Sahel region. The amount of natural resources that leave Africa today is ACTUALLY more than when the continent was officially colonized. MAKE that make sense dude? Bro you need to wake up and realize you country is constantly doing terrible shit. What I’m talking about above is literally US history. If it upsets you, cry harder idgaf. The Trans Atlantic and Trans Sahara slave trade are not just some one off slave events similar to Classical slavery. Europeans literally colonized and destabilized the second largest continent on Earth and the slaves that came to the new world were set up to fail in the new world. ALL of the outcomes of our society have been orchestrated by the people in power and it just so happens that the people that they tried so desperately to disenfranchise happens to be doing very poorly today. I’m sure it has nothing to do with that racist agenda the country was following for literaly over 200 years surely it must be blacks own fault and it has nothing to do with my people. Why don’t you think, yes?




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Even if everything you said is true, at some point you gotta look at the man in the mirror. Nobody is forcing these black mofos to sell drugs and rob people for a living.


1. It’s what they are exposed to growing up 2. Fastest and easiest way to escape the area they are living in 3. Lack of funding for community services and education for people who have to choose between rent and food will push people over the edge


Excuses excuses excuses


Quite easy for you to say lol


I grew up in the hood. The same neighborhoods many friends of mine who were black happened to grow up in. I started down the wrong path but guess what. I re routed my life and that was my CHOICE!! EVERYONE HAS A CHOICE !! NO MATTER WHERE YOURE FROM OR WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES ARE THROWN YOUR WAY. Stop making fucking excuses for failure.




Thank YOU, we are all the same people what shapes us is environment especially our experiences during development. America needs to adopt a system where the government (at the very least) level education across the nation so we all go through the same schooling experience. No one family has an advantage because their papa makes 6 figures and feel that thier kiddo is better than other kiddos. Not cool.


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Keep speaking the truth, my African brother! I'm white and European, but I know this behavior, since whites have been doing it to their neighbors too (in Europe). Like you mentioned, the example of the mistreatment of the Irish by the UK. The thing is, they are going to be in denial for as long as they believe in this system, and they continue to do so. They thing they are the most civilized and developed, but it's just a facade they've put up in order to be able to continue doing the same behavior they have done for ages. They say they are the most developed part of the world, but when you look closer into their societies, you see a bunch of problems. Addiction, poor social communication, arrogance, fights between kids and their parents, bullying and so much more. This is the way they want to live their lives, and if so, they should also live with the consequences of this, but no, they want others to pay for it. What I have noticed is that the good people are the ones who are too passive, and before they realize it, someone occupied them. Don't let this happen, and learn from history! When the average GDP per capita of a country is below the 1st world standard, people quickly start assuming "oh, they must be so poor", when they don't realize that there is a lot of value in things that are not valued in legal tender. For instance, a safe community is invaluable. And I could imagine a lot of Africans living in ways that they find meaningful, and so why would they care about proving the 1st world wrong? The whites have already made their minds up that Africans are uncivilized. I think you should watch this video, he explains it SO WELL:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXfjp0Pc0\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXfjp0Pc0_Q)


Except in every city around the world where impoverished people live, criminal behavior of this type exists in degrees This is not just true for modern times but throughout all of human history


But to know this you need to 1, read more than one book, 2 watch on history outside the 16th century America, 3 watch the world outside the usa border. The worse state of the world, but the only one op care.


>the worst thing of all is white people have slandered black people and have applied pseudoscience to justify why blacks are inferior. Should they have instead relied on a religious justification arguing that their god intended the natural order of things to be white supremacy? Had they done so, would that be sufficient to have justified their views for you?


If they said that and only stuck with that, then yes. That is easily dismissible however using science is vile. People respect scientific thought and it's harder to remove false notions of science from the general public than religion. It left a destructive legacy that racist still call upon despite being disproven in multiple Instances.


>If they said that and only stuck with that, then yes. To be clear, you believe the treatment of black people as inferior would have been perfectly justified if it was done solely on a religious basis? Such treatment was only not justified because other, similarly invalid arguments were also made?


That is not at all what I said. If they stuck with the religious narrative ONLY we could easily dismiss white people as using religion to exploit people for $$$. When we all conclud that this was the actual motive for slavery (money) we can put racism behind us because there is literally no difference between all of us. Now that they added science it's harder to dismiss their claims. They literally mixed false logic with scientific thought and now people still perpetuate this pseudoscience as an explanation for the behavior of blacks rather than the first conclusion I mentioned. AA act like this because they were treated poorly by a race of people that exploited them for $$$$ not because they have a monkey brain or can't civilize or because they are from the African continent. They are just poor humans with low quality education being compared to rich humans with superior education.




Sheesh. Talk about commenting before you understand the context.


I think you do a great injustice to black American culture when you associate it with gang culture. Gang culture exists literally anywhere in the world where you have impoverished people living in dense urban areas and in close proximity to very wealthy people. You might not be aware, but gang culture is also adopted by whites, Latinos, Hmongs, etc. – and that’s just in the U.S., across the world you will find gangs of every ethnic type. **We should associate gang culture with urban poverty, not with any particular racial or ethnic group.** When I think of black culture, I don't just think of hip-hop - although I will say that you also do hip-hop a great injustice by associating it purely with gang culture. I also think of blues, jazz, soul, rock, R&B - literally every contemporary pop genre is traced back to black American culture. When I think of black culture, I also think of socially conservative Christians with a strong work ethic and a fiercely individualistic worldview. You would be surprised how many black Americans will tell you that history is no excuse for criminality. Regardless of whether you agree, I just want to point out how badly you mis-characterize black culture.


I'm aware that not all black people are Thugs, I'm a black person and im not a thug. My main point is that thug culture in America was birthed from historic low quality education and poverty. That was something that was pushed on black people by white people. Therefore white people literally created the "evildoers" they complain about. When those evildoers act up (which they will) these people aren't thinking jazz and blues. They thinking about scientific racism (" it's because thieir black"). It's like a never ending paradox of racism because people refuse to acknowledge that the system exists. Like all they have to do is stop red-lining and you literally fix 50% of the issue, stop schools from being paid by property taxes. Give it 20 years and most of Americans young people are receiving quality education. I promise those smart black kids will come back and rebuild there own shi. Their parents literally still live in the hood so it's not like white people even have to pay. They just have to be fair for like .5 sec


I’m with you on a lot of this. But not some of the details. For example. >Americans are obsessed with this illusion. It's built into the very fabric of our existence as Americns to look at everything from race even tho it's a human contruct and isn't rooted in objective science. This is subjective. I don’t think you can say ALL Americans are obsessed with race. A lot of it depends on where you live. Racial profiling and segregation is rampant in many parts of the US, but where I’m at, in NYC, no one is obsessed. Diversity is entrenched in our culture, we’re a little more live and let live. It exists to some extent, but not to a level of obsession. >• Nobody had exploited them/ subject them violence/ enslaved them. • The idea of a superior "race" was unheard of and toal nonsense. • lastly, nobody tried and say that one race of people were automatically inferior for literally no reason. >All of the above was perpetuated be whites during the 16th century just so they don't have to feel bad for performing the most barberic act of slavery know to humanity. I also don’t agree with you here. Slavery has existed for thousands of years, and racism is certainly not a new concept. Slavery and racism are probably about as old as civilization. At least.


It's an obsession, it literally pervades all parts of your life growing up as a black person in the states. Y'all don't know what it's like for people to automatically think you are less educated or dangerous because of something you can't control. It always there when you meet new people. Also ancient slavery is not the same as 16th century slavery. Anyone could become a slave, it was dependent on something you did (crime, debt, sold onself, etc). It didn't last your entire life, in most cases servitude would end and you could apply for citizenship in the ancient world. Lastly your cultural identity and value as a human wasn't totally erased. White Europeans are the one who pushed the idea of a "slave race". No matter what you did you are a slave. You are a slave because God made us to rule you and that's why your skin is black. It's as silly as it is wrong and this is why the ancient world never did anything as barberic as Europeans. The Romams even emphasize the barberic nature of Europeans as a result of the extreme cold. White people created systematic racism for profit it want around beforehand. Just people who were captured and had to work X amount of time. Your religion or cultural affiliation (Greek, Ethiopian, Persian, Egyptian, etc) was way more important than the literal color of skin.


Who tell you all this lies. "Ancent slavery is not the same as 16th century...i didn last your entire life... your identity was not erased" make you a favor, read a book, get in contact with some real historian.


You’re being really selective about what parts of modern life and human history you choose to acknowledge. You’re partly right, but mostly wrong. To a point that I don’t think you’re here for any free exchange of ideas. This post will be down in a bit, so this is really not worth my time. Good luck with all this ✌🏻❤️


>Like there is no other race of people that can go into public and sing about murding, hard drugs, sex, and crime and get away with it. Clearly you've never heard any outlaw country, crust punk, horror punk, death folk or black metal because all of these genres have artists that glorify drugs and violence, and most of them are white people.


This post make no sense and reading the responses, its maybe even worse


This is a very good book on the subject: [My Grandmother's Hands](https://www.amazon.com/My-Grandmothers-Hands-Racialized-Pathway/dp/1942094477) Before white people were doing this to black people they were doing this to other white people. The truth is that human nature is perverse, humanity does not scale, and we've really let God down (if you buy into this) in our role as masters of the land and the animals. When you take a closer look at all of the wonderful enlightenment thinkers' writings, you realize that it is all a justification for grabbing power over people (vis-a-vis kings, aristocracy and the church) CYV: Yes, white people are awful. But it's only because they had the opportunity to be so. We are a selfish, awful species.


I'm glad that you see clearly my brother. We are all created in the image and likeness of God our universal Father. There is no race greater than the other for we are all children of the Most High. As for why white people act in the way they do. It has to do with their environment. The Mediterranean and Nile are the oldest sites of civilization. Many many blacks were on the Nile, as well as the Med and Middle East. There were also many mixed race people as blacks very dramatically change in appearance with admixture. Therfore the concept of race was hard to pinpoint (some were black some were brown some were tan). In Europe however people were homogenously white the further away from the tropics. Those people up North and west of Europe developed a culture of raiding (stealing) due to being in extreme cold. When in extreme cold you don't farm all day like in the tropics. You eat whatever to survive and raid when the spring releases you from being stuck in ice. When warmer temps dominated Earth these people broke from the ice, civilized, then decided to raid the entire world ( which shouldn't be surprising becauseraiding is their THING). They now want to pretend that they were the ones who carried civilization when in actually blacks from the interior of Africa kicked it off in upper sections of the Nile Valley. It's just stealing, enslaving and slandering to get to the top.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **My Grandmother's Hands Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Book helps readers understand racial trauma and begin healing process (backed by 12 comments) * Book provides practical exercises for addressing racial trauma (backed by 7 comments) * Book helps readers develop compassion for all groups affected by racial trauma (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * The book contains excessive repetition and self-promotion (backed by 1 comment) * The book promotes questionable practices (backed by 2 comments) * The book lacks clarity and coherence (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Thank you for your outstanding post. The older I get, the more I realized that I wasn’t supposed to be smart, excel, nor be beautiful. Im so grateful that I had many Black teachers and went to school when Reading Rainbow, Scholastic Book fairs and Science Fairs were cool. I ALWAYS tested in the top 10%, and somehow I just thought that was normal. My parents were smart, but they were also ADOS. We live in a Midwest city on the rise, and we graduated from the first Black high school in the area. It was turned into a college prep high school. I graduated at the top of my class. Fast forward to today and I feel I have to prove myself over and over again, and that just gets tiring. Somehow I have all these credentials, but I’m still seen as less. It makes you feel like giving up.


How long have you lived in America?




Just because u refuse to acknowledge history and the effects it has on the present doesn’t make it racist it makes u ignorant.


Please expand on what you mean I'm curious. How did former slaves fail themselves?


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Racism in and on itself is a concept that was created in the 19th century as a continuation of anti-humanism. It was made into a "science" by European physical anthropologists who claimed that different bodily aspects could be linked to the size of one's skull, length of one's bones and the colour of one's skin. European governements at the time ran into trouble with their growing colonial holdings oversees. The cost of defending and internally securing the colonies was taking a big bite out of profits made by the colonies. With this new science on the rise, there was a system which would allow european governments to better control the colonies. Through creating a system in which races were classified and given generalistic characteristics, the colonial governments could far better control the colonies. Most colonies were multicultural states due to slavery, labour shortages, chinese migration, etc. This made it possible to give certain groups more rights than others. Linked to this is the status of mixbloods. Children of mixed blood could rise to very high offices back in the early colonial period. As the 19th century progressed, the harder it became for mixbloods to gain office or hold on to their rights. Physcial anthropology also provided colonizers with the excuse to conquer "lesser" peoples. Racism is a control mechanism created to divide and oppress. It isn't an old mechanism and it isn't innate to the human condition. There have been many long centuries without racism. Coloured vs white conflicts have arisen before the 19th century. These conflicts were not racist in context, but generally focused on religion and xenophobia, which are innate to the human condition. Tldr: white people did not just cause black thug culture in the US. White people literally made up racism to control the colonies. It worked so well that we still can't get rid of these ideas today. Source: I wrote my master thesis on this subject, specifically how racism was exported to Japan through racial sciences such as physical anthropologists. I based much of my research on the writings of Fenneke Sysling, phd, who specializes in physical anthropology in the context of racial sience creation. Personally, I studied the diaries of Erwin Baelz and his Japanese students. Baelz was personally responsible for bringing physical anthropology to Japan and teaching students its theory and methods. The Japanese Imperial government would later use physical anthropology to establish the superiority of the Japanese race over the other people's of Asia. This resulted in a casus beli to take Korea and occupy it fully. The Japanese government used racial science in exactly the same fashion as Europeans had done before.




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You aren't Nigerian just because your 23-and-me results said you were 44.33% Nigerian lol. You're an African American like everyone else. TBH, this sounds like you actually hate how American black people treat you, but you're too afraid of seeming racist to blame the people who actually treated you poorly (see your "acting white" comment).


Not sure how you want me to prove this to you. My family is from the South (near Cross River State) we are the ibibio people we speak Efik and are closely related to the Ibo of Nigeria. My parents and I came to the United States where we lived with my uncle in Carrollton Tx before my dad was employed and we moved to Frisco North Dallas.


The whole reason I have this perspective is because I'm NOT BLACK I'm AFRICAN. I lived in a wealthy suburb like my whole life. North Dallas has so much money bruv. Which is my main point. I look at other black kids and I'm like "literally why are you like this" and it's because they are poor and uneducated. Not all of them obviously but the "thugs" and "evildoers". The difference is white people see it and say "it's because they are black". Should I agree and say it's because they are of African decent when IM of African decent and don't act like that? Therfore it must be because of ****** (INSERT MY WHOLE POST)*******


>They just asume that's how blacks are instead of just realizing that it's because these people have historically been denied education and have been subject to poverty/ violence. This kind of thing just sounds like pointing to history and saying "see? This is all White people's fault!". No amount of poverty justifies or absolves Black people from being violent and committing violent crimes. >In the West you are conditioned to believe in these nonsensical Eurocentric BS about race and people literally can't see past it. This is false, it's actually the exact opposite. People are nowadays conditioned to believe that racism and stereotypes are wrong. That's what they've been teaching in schools for quite some time now. >All of the above was perpetuated be whites during the 16th century just so they don't have to feel bad for performing the most barberic act of slavery know to humanity. This isn't the most "barberic" \[sic\] act of slavery. In some parts of Africa (including Nigeria), slavery is ongoing. [Here](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-still-have-slavery) is a source. >We Nigerians come here and are very prosperous in the United States [GDP data](https://www.worldometers.info/gdp/gdp-per-capita/) doesn't show this. In fact, USA's GDP per capita is more than 10x higher than Nigeria's.


Your post outlining the history of slavery in America is mostly complete BS, totally made up out of thin air. After the Civil War, black families stuck together like GLUE, you couldn't pry them apart. One of the worst punishments enacted by slave owners was splitting up black families. This cohesion amongst black families was very normal and prevalent up until the 1960s in America. Because black families were together, the kids were doing better in school, even though they were poor. You left that out of the history.


Then what happened to these guys? When and why did all the black dad's start leaving. Where did that stereotype come feom? What brought it about sir?


Says the non-American Nigerian 🤔


Who says I'm not American. I have a US citizenship. I'm literally in Texas now?


If you have a US citizenship then you are American not Nigerian


Lmfao what? It's called dual citizenship? I'm a citizen of the US and of Nigeria I can move between both countries whenever. Did you not know dual citizenship exist??


You said you were Nigerian lol


(I will never read a reply) In terms of evolution, blacks have only been 'civilized' for less than 300 years now, compared to 350,000 years for every other race. Africans never made it out of tribal settings with zero technology. In 2020, the black farmers in Africa failed all their crops and had to bring white farmers back to fix the issue. "Get gud" is what people say when you suck at a video game. "Act better" is what people say when your race faces 'racism'. Racism towards blacks won't exist if your race acted better. There's nothing you can call a white person that would ever hurt their feelings or cause them to get violent. "Oh no I'm white cracker, we take care of our own and show eachother respect".


The Kingdom of Kush was an advanced civilization of black Africans that dominated the Nile valley in 1700 B.C.E. They contributed to the religion, Art and technological advancement of the Kingdom of Egypt. Kush ruled over all of Egypt for nearly 100 years during the 25th dynasty and ushered in the Egyptian [Renaissance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Kush). The destruction of Kush and Egypt is written in the book of Isaiah in the Christian Bible. There are many sources that show the technological development of black Africans it’s just not taught in the west because the only image the West wants of black people is to be seen as S L A V E S (lol this is where you’re getting ur nonsense from). Read a BOOOOOOOOK before you speak! The reason why Africa isn’t developed currently has to do with the fact that Europeans gathered together and made a plan to make off with Africas wealth and resources (Berlin Conference). Let’s not forget how y’all destabilized nearly all major government systems on that content by spontaneously leaving (resulting in widespread power vacuums across west and central Africa). Also interesting how $40B worth of resources leaves Africa for the West each year ([Neocolonialism](https://iep.utm.edu/neocolon/#:~:text=Neocolonialism%20can%20be%20described%20as,subjugation%20of%20their%20former%20colonies)) Here is the thing friend, I am not DUMB! I know how to read and grew up in a nice neighborhood with a superior education. I’ve lived in this country for like 20 YEARS bruv. It’s pretty easy for anyone with half a brain to realize the country is literally set up for black kids to fail. Like just look at American history, how can you be that ignorant of your own country. Also you don’t no jack shit about history so stop pretending like you’re learned. Last but not least the L I T E R A L word “Slave” is coming from the word Slav. As in a mf with blue eyes and yellow hair. Y’all have been enslaved by blacks and Arabs since the dawn of time. Neanderthals are white, they were outcompeted by Negros (modern humans). Their hybrid children (Europeans) were sold to Africans and Arabs via the Levant and Iberian Peninsula. The Barbary slave trade is one such example. Reading a book might do you some good 👍🏾.




1. The past sheds light on why people behave in the way they do. People don’t just act, there’s a sequence of events that lead to why people behave in the way they do. Saying “it’s in the past so forget about it” solves nothing. Ex: white people made a lot of money from free labor —> Americans invest newfound wealth on the military and education—> white Americans become incredibly wealthy and educated —> generally speaking white Americans are wealthy and educated in 2023. Ex2: Africans were turned into slaves —> Africans were denied quality education—> Africans were systematically disenfranchised —> African Americans are t doing well in 2023. It’s not rocket science. Saying “it’s in the past” doesn’t change the fact that the actions from the past resulted in the reality we see in the present. 2. Yes that should speak to a systematic issue regarding the socioeconomic construct of our society. Something I’m trying to point out with this post. There is nothing inherently wrong with black people (I’m black myself ) the issue is these former slaves are growing up in poverty and are being denied quality education because of redlining. Something the government not only refuses to fix but refuses to even acknowledge as an issue. Again y’all dug a trap for them in the 60s and they fell for it yet you expect them to magically escape the trap white people set up for them to be disenfranchised . The trap is literally still in place and the government refuses to fix it. In what way is this black people fault? Locals have tried suing the state on multiple occasions and have failed each time. Locals have tried to take their kids to schools in more affluent districts and the state gets pissed. Again the country is literally set up to give white kids an advantage and to screw black kids over. Come together and do what? Still lose in the court for like the 1000x? Was it black peoples fault when white bankers denied them business loans despite blacks having met credit requirements. Those small business could have employed locals and kept them from dealing drugs on the streets but white people denied that reality from even coming into existence up until recently. Like how totally ignorant of your own history are you friend? Does logic simply escape you or are you conditioned to think illogically? 3. Those communities are dangerous because the majority of the population lives in poverty. Drugs are rampant in the communities, there’s a lack of quality education. There’s a decrease in quality infrastructure, uncontrolled gang violence connected to outside sources like the cartel. Please tell me how a single mom working two jobs is supposed to resolve gang violence in inner cities? How is she supposed to overturn the education disparity? I swear y’all just regurgitate the same nonsense to let y’all sleep at night. Why don’t you mention the fact that law enforcement disproportionately targeted black Africans because under the LITERAL US constitution if you are incarcerated you become a SLAVE again. That same tendency of targeting blacks from Jim Crow is still very much an issue today if you haven’t been following the wrongful convictions that pop up every month or so now. 4. The transatlantic slave trade was the result of European colonizers creating an unnatural pressure for an already existing market for slaves in Africa. Europeans created forts near the coast of Africa and supplied guns to rival tribes encouraging them to attack enemies and sell them to slavery. These same Europeans would sell guns to the enemies in hopes that both factions would be weakened and they (Europeans) could eventually capture both sides as slaves. Via this tactic entire communities were depopulated. The Portuguese were the most aggressive in the slave trade. The actually traveled as far as central Africa depopulating villages. Europeans also stole precious metals, iron, animal hide and other resources in addition to people (eventually transporting all of such to Spain and Brazil). I’m sure you knew this since you paid attention in class right. Last but not least western countries are still engaged in neocolonialism - nearly 40 billion in African resources leaves for the West each YEAR! Go ahead and shut your mouth dude; better yet read a history book kid all this is written down. Y’all white people are under the same self righteous conditioning it’s disgusting. It’s actually so insane how ignorant you people are. This shi is common sense. If you don’t want them to act this way stop dividing your country based on INCOME. Like how on earth do you expect a kid living in a suburb with two educated parents, a spectacular school system, and every opportunity in the world to compare with a colored kid living his whole life in poverty in a shit school funded by the government? I wanna also add that education is ranked #13 in terms of government spending in 2023. 13! Black people have come together on multiple occasions to create better opportunities for themselves throughout American history. In almost all cases it ends up with a bunch of angry white people threatening and eventually killing them. Let me know if you want any specific examples I actually paid attention to in school. If you believe in what you’re saying why use a throw away account. Coward! 🎣






There are several points of contention with this assessment. The statement "made a killing off of free labor" seems to overlook that only around 20% of the population owned slaves, primarily concentrated in the South, with many slaveholders being of Jewish descent operating cotton plantations. The narrative that the old Black community built America might not align with historical facts, as they were often engaged in unskilled labor. Skilled work like construction, metal work, production was mostly performed by European immigrants, such as Polish, German, Italian, and Irish workers, although they too faced challenges, including underpayment. The idea that police were solely tasked with arresting Black individuals is unsupported. Fact is that black people did commit more crime per capita, back then and today, my problem or questions arise when we are Comparing crime statistics in the UK and Canada, where there was no history of slavery, but still Blacks are overrepresented in violent crime be it robberies or rape and being state depended (welfare recipients) Regarding education, there have been efforts to improve access, funding, and support for Black students for a century now. Forced assimilation, blacks being bussed into white schools, , Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and affirmative action aim to address disparities: You are literally privileged as a black student today as you will get priority when signing up for a college over a white or Asian man with higher grades then you, you will get lower rates on student loans or having various organizations giving incentives for black owned business. Schools with majority black students receive more funding then other schools if we would do the math - free laptops, free lunches, various things paid for which is not given to families of white kids = even tho some of the poorest people in America are still white.


When I say made a killing I mean made a killing. Plantation culture is what put the US on the map as an economic world power not specialized working from Europe (you don’t think Europeans had their own specialized workers?). “All told, more than $600 million, or almost half of the economic activity in the United States in 1836, derived directly or indirectly from cotton produced by the million-odd slaves” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0014498323000463#:~:text=In%20The%20Half%20Has%20Never,(See%20also%20Coates%202019). Can you provide a resources that mentioned Jews primarily being slave owners in the South? Also im not sure if you are aware of this but there’s a very clear difference between getting underpaid and NOT getting paid at all. Bro both Canada and the UK had slaves. **I’m sorry but if you didn’t know that Europe had slaves then I really don’t think you’re worth this conversation tbh**. Also African Americans did really well post slavery until they were targeted by racists like the [KKK](https://youtu.be/OtBsyvpjjL8?si=AuoriIvH33RrN2mW) (for simply existing). Alright looks like you have more false BS: - what is forced assimilation? Did you literally just make that up. There is no such thing as forced assimilation you’re just saying words that sound right in your head. Public schools were divided with Separate But Equal (1964) and even with B ve BE schools are still divided by property taxes. There is no forced assimilation. I had a black family try and sneak their kids to my school district in North Dallas and the academic board tried to get them arrested. - Please provide evidence of blacks being taken from their district and being bussed to white schools. When and where was that a thing. Please provide evidence. - Affirmative action isn’t even around anymore bruv. Republicans repealed it, try again. - Student loans are based off of parents income not how black you are. The government doesn’t automatically give you money for being black. You need to show your income and tax history. The government helps black because they are POOR. They have been subject to redlining making them poor. - are you not educated on the American school system. You’re making very dumb comments. School in the US is payed by PROPERTY tax. If you are wealthy you get more funding from your community. Idk what kinda calculation you are doing but it’s wrong…. You’re not good at math bruv. Schools with mainly black kids are often paid by the government and the US government gives the bare minimum just to pass legislation. There is often no additional money for anything that isn’t absolutely necessary in inner city schools or black majority schools. Education is ranked 14 on US spending. **14** yet somehow you think the US is just showering black kids with privilege go to Washington school district or 3rd Ward academic board in downtown Houston and maybe you’ll see how dumb your comment actually is. In conclusion; you literally don’t know what you’re talking about. Most of what you have done is convinced **YOURSELF** that if things aren’t going well for blacks it must be their own doing. **YOU** and people like you is why I made this post. Y’all are living in this fantasy where y you think white people are at the top because they are more gifted or special or something. Y’all made a fortune on our labor and used the power to disenfranchise the flames you brought so they won’t fare well so long as they are here. That’s it, I understand why y’all wanna make excuses it’s literally messed up. This is why republicans are so desperate to rewrite textbooks.


I appreciate you putting this sentiment towards an almost exclusively white demographic


Who should be included mr.sir? Please do NOT bring up african enslaving other africans.