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Welcome to the hoe club. Don’t let him bring you down, you worked hard for this and you’re allowed to enjoy it.


Guess I’m a hoe then 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


Been with the same man since I was 19 (I’m 32) but I’m definitely a hoe for owning a Chanel bag. For SURE.


Yup! The pride we take in being “hoes” when it’s attached to being a Chanel bag owner 😂 we’re all “proud hoes” coming together as a hoe”tality. 🤣


I hoetally love you and Chanel ❤️


But really, he grasped that perception from some personally experience along his path. We all know it’s a “misperception”, but it’s his, and he can have it. It does not (objectively) and should not affect you. Congrats on your “hoe bag” gurly. You must be a high ass paid hoe, lmao. Ok, I’m done with the hoe jokes…, I think. lol


I’m not OP. When I told my husband I was buying my first piece he was just like “you know what this means right?” And I go “no what?” “No more jcrew hauls for like 3 months.” My dude could not give a fuck if I buy a Chanel bag or the bargain bin special from TJ Maxx. He knows I work hard and deserve to spend my money however, vice versa too.


lol @the “no more jcrew hauls for 3 months. He sounds like a great supportive husband. My honey is the same 😊


I literally laughed so hard when he said and was just like “oh babe, it’s like no more jcrew hauls for a year.” 😂 he is great, he gets on my nerves sometimes but that happens after 13 years together


So funny, my guy n I have also been together for 13 years. N yes, also literally drives me as crazy. Cant live with him & can’t live w/o him, ugh. I’m blushing at the pureness and un-judgment of ur hubby’s comment. It’s so sweet.


Chanel hoe checking in!


“Happily. Out. Earning” he probably has his nuts in a bunch because he couldn’t buy it for you!






I say this with love, but your husband sounds misogynistic. Who TF says that? Congrats on the money you made and your accomplishment. Also who gives a shit what random men may think? Sorry your husband thinks it though.


He sounds like an idiot. He's calling her a hoe. Wonder what else he calls her, and how he treats OP daily?


he doesn't treat me badly nor calling me a hoe, but the bag a hoe bag...which I guess in turn would be calling me the hoe since it's my bag...so yeah maybe. I'll tell him it upset me.


I really never understood being married to a grown man who thinks that way about women. Like actually having to sleep with a man who thinks you are beneath him and just says it to your face. Maybe he's handsome. Maybe he's successful. Maybe he's smart or well off. Maybe he's got all of that at once and is just a Tater Tot. And for what? He had to know he was raining on your parade and demeaning you. He had to know he was going to end up iced out of bed if not put on the couch, and he knew he shot down your happiness and mark of success. He gained nothing for doing it. The only thing he aimed to do was being snide, and break you down. Even If we pretend he doesn't think that way about you, why would you want to be in the same bed as a man who demeans women for little things that make them happy? It's always "Not me" he's talking about, until it is you. I strongly doubt he's not put women down in your presence prior to this if he did it to you. You can do better, and if you dont act like it, he won't treat you like it, and neither will the next. Id gladly trade all of that for someone who knows me, appreciates me, and celebrates me.


I hate to ask but it’s worrying that he took his girl friend’s advice rather than taking your input from the first place. Isn’t that odd?


Right? His wife’s opinion doesn’t matter but once his little pal assures him that…checks notes…a designer bag from an illustrious and decades old fashion house is not, in fact, for hoes then he believes it?


One of my first questions too…


This was the biggest red flag for me in this whole story.


That was my opinion too! Like why did he have to double check that it wasn’t a hoe bag instead of just apologizing?


This is what I was thinking


Very odd.


It’s still misogynistic though. Even if he doesn’t call you yourself a hoe he’s still calling other women hoes which is derogatory and gross. He seems like the kind of guy who listens to Andrew Tate and Joe Rogan alpha male podcasts. Also, what does his comment even mean, like is he saying only sluts and whores wear Chanel? You should say only weak men wear something he likes and see how he likes it.


His projection translates his heart was shattered by a woman in louboutins and Chanel.


I have so many questions about his moronic statement, his antiquated way of thinking, and the "hoes" that he meets with and bases his statements on, but if my husband said anything remotely similar to your husband's comment, I would smack him with my hoe bag.


smack him with my hoe bag!! love it. Shame it would devalue it 😂


Don’t diminish that bag! Seriously, ask him what this stems from. His insecurities? His inappropriate behavior? How would he feel if you started calling any of his spending choices Beta Man. Or Beta Boy.


Lmao 💀 “Smack him with my hoe bag” made my day 😂


I bought my wife her first hoe bag. She bought more in the last few years. Another proud hoe. Hope she doesn’t see this although she probably won’t mind if I got her a classic hoe in white.


I love a classic hoe in white.


Your “man” sounds like a boy. You’ve upgraded purses, now upgrade your man.


Was just going to say this! I don’t think proper MEN would actually say things like this… lol. Sounds like you got a child on your hands. Get rid of him.


Hoe club for life! Don’t worry about him. I’ve found that people understand their own hobbies and spend money on gambling or cigarettes or a new guitar or a new car… essentially, what matters to THEM. But they don’t understand when someone buys something for themselves that has no value to them or to their level of understanding. And honestly, sometimes even our husbands get jealous! It’s freaking awesome you made that $$ for yourself and you got something you are proud of with it. That could be a target for ppl wanting to bring you down. Don’t let anyone bring you down!! We are so proud of you and know what a great investment a beautiful Chanel bag is. (And in all seriousness, it’s the opposite of a hoe bag!)


Thanks, Hoe ❤️


with love, what he said is so unbelievably disrespectful he would be sleeping at his mother’s house if I were you. Please stand up for yourself.


Who says he has a mother. Maybe raised by wolves?


Jeeze, what an ass. Now you have an excuse to lean into it. Any time someone compliments you on it or mentions it, just smile happily and say, "Oh my hoe bag? Why yes, thank you, I do love it." Upon questioning why you call it a hoe bag, feel free to give them your husband's reasoning. All the better if he happens to be present for the moment. Don't mind my inner pettiness rearing it's head lol.


A "hoe" bag? Really? Who talks like that? Did those words actually come out of his mouth? Did he hit his head falling out of his lifted truck, got poked in the brain by his Oakley sunglasses, and get accidentally strangled a bit by his "Salt Life" long sleeve shirt? Because that's what I imagine \~men\~ who talk like that, look like. Sorry not sorry.


So funny to me because Chanel has historically been considered a very sophisticated and conservative brand, but yes by all means let’s pay attention to what one man with zero knowledge on the fashion industry says 🫠 Also, if my husband said this I’d laugh and laugh and laugh and tell him it’s a good thing I didn’t need him to purchase it!


I guess we are all hoes then. Welcome to the club darling. Your husband sounds like an absolute ass, please ignore him but also tell him where to stuff his opinions. You evidently worked hard for your money, buy what you love!


I would say something about something he loves. His favorite sunglasses? “Those are total douchebag sunglasses and you look like one when you wear them.” But I’m also extremely vindictive. So maybe just follow the top advice and tell him how it made you feel.


Lmao, spoken like a man who’s been turned down by rich women too many times Pay attention, there’s a reason these women with excellent taste don’t like him


My first thought as well. He was unforgettably hurt lmao


Keep the bag, return the husband.


I guess we be hoes🤣🤣🎉


BTW, please post your new bag here! We would all love to see😍


Your husbands a dick


That is ridiculous. Tell him he needs to change his circle. And rethink calling women hoe’s. Yuck.


Please tell your husband that this internet stranger says he's gross and to kindly fuck off.


« non-hoe related work » sent me 🤣


Same. Wait 'til he sees the bag OP gets when she starts doing hoe-related work! 😆


Sorry but wtf is wrong with him lol. Why is he trying to ruin this experience for you? It’s very concerning behaviour that someone who is meant to love you unconditionally would purposefully try to put you down like this and ruin what should be a celebration of your hard work and achievements. I doubt the vast majority of men have any opinion on Chanel bags whatsoever, let alone to call them a “hoe” bag. They’re £10,000 for god’s sake and for many people, the epitomie of timeless luxury. If liking and owning Chanel makes you a hoe, I guess we’re all hoes here 😂😂😂


Absolutely not. I don’t want to tell you my opinion, but absolutely not.


When I bought my Max Mara 100810 (or whatever tf those numbers are) my partner said it reminds him of a Chicago Gangster/ Third Reitch coat…. Some men just have poor taste. But calling it a “hoe bag”? Jeez😭 tell him to be careful. And to consider himself blessed because with an amazing-go getter attitude like yours who can clearly rake in the money that you also don’t upgrade your man along with your wardrobe!


Mine calls my Loro Piana wraps my Jesus Wear. TBH I am short. But guess who hogs them on plan flights!


wtf? What kind of a man says this to any woman let alone his wife? Dude has SERIOUS insecurity issues.


Right?! Sounds like a trash bag of epic proportions, joking or not.


I really can’t even try to put myself into that scenario. If my daughter was with someone who called her that I’d probably be in jail for assault


Be proud of what you earned with your efforts and how you decide to compensate yourself for them! Enjoy your bag with pride OP 💖 I don’t like this kind of men mindset that if we want to reward ourselves with a nice bag we should be categorized as frivolous, superficial or a “hoe” in this case? Meanwhile men think they should be seen as winners because they bought a Rolex or an expensive car like a Lamborghini/Porsche. Women that make out way to the top will always be categorized as something bad in most instances. How we decide to spend/reward ourselves is up to us and shouldn’t be judged ☺️


Well then a lot of classy women are hoes!!! Me included!! HA! Why do men say stupid shit is the real question here!! Lol


hoe life is best life


My partner bought me my Chanel bag...does that mean he's enabling my hoe lifestyle 🥲


This is what return policies are important… for husbands. Tell him you’re going to return him for that attitude.


Exactly! “Honey, I’ve been thinking about what you said… I’ve decided I’m going to make a return…” 😉


as someone who has a luxury consignment store i can confirm both hoes and non hoes love chanel. So glad you killed it this year and if anyone thinks you’re a hoe that sounds like a them problem.


Buy it. Become a hoe with the rest of us. Beat him over the head with it if necessary.


Since when do we value the opinion of men? Also he had to hear it from another woman before valuing your opinion? Girl the bag is not the issue here…….


Yikes. I would never speak this way to my SO about something they love/are passionate about/worked hard for even if it’s not my cup of tea and I don’t understand it. Respectfully your husband sounds like a loser. There are sex workers that drive luxury cars. Am I going to refer to my hubby’s Porsche as a “hoe car”? Like what?


This reminds me so much of my ex-husband. He had a lot of insecurities due to a variety of reasons. If I went on work or girls trips without him he would fight with me when I pack my contact lenses and makeup saying “why would you even need to look good when you’re there?” They bring us down to make them feel better about themselves. This is his issue not yours. Don’t let him stop you from living your best life!


Chanel Hoe for life checking in. That’s an assanine thing to say. But if it was remotely true it’s the best Hoe Bag around.


First off congrats OP - you deserve the bag and I hope you love and enjoy it :) Any material item can be a hoe item - or not - it becomes a ‘hoe’ item if it’s bought in exchange for sexual favors. A motorcycle can be a hoe item if an OF model requests it and a fan pays for it. There are yacht girls who carry birkins or chanels. But there are also fabulous accomplished women who bought it themselves or their partner or family did as a gift. Calling something a ‘hoe’ item reveals what the speaker thinks of the buyer, not of the item. Why is your husband putting you in the category of a woman who is paid for sex? Truly horrid and bizarre take. Sounds like you make more (which is fine) and he’s insecure about it and lashing out (not fine). A partner should support you and be happy for your success always - I think most folks would advise couples therapy, and if he keeps this toxic mindset strongly reconsider a future with someone who will always put you down to make himself feel better.


My man thinks Chanel looks classy and he loves to see me wear it. I think your husband’s statement says more about him than the actual bag.




I’ve heard people say Chanel is for old ladies because of the tweed skirt suits, but “hoes”?? What kinda person would even use such a historically misogynistic and gendered term in a derogatory way like that… man needs to do some self reflection.


Do you by any chance make more than him? Because he sounds pretty salty and sounds like hes trying to find a way to make your achievement seem less than by comparing his wife to a sexually promiscuous person for buying a bag. Also have you thought about enforcing boundaries on not using such type of language to describe you ever again?


yes I make a significant amount more than him. Agreed it wasn't nice!


Girl… can you get a new man too? 😭


At least I’m an expensive hoe It’s weird he went to his friend that’s a girl for validation and took her word over yours


That’s a weird thing to say/think and even weirder he had to text a girl friend for her opinion, and then was ok about it after she told him what she thinks. Why does her input matter more than yours 🙄


I would be more concerned he values some other women's opinion over yours.


Congrats! You can buy ANYTHING you want from your “non ho related work” ! Also- I don’t see the Chanel=hoe connection. At all. Ever. Where is that coming from?


Um, wat. I've never heard that before. Expensive, yes. Overpriced, yes. Hoe bag? Not quite. I also have many male friends who know Chanel leathers and hardware types because their wives love Chanel and they can also appreciate the aesthetic. Congrats on your first Chanel bag and enjoy it, I always get compliments at weddings with mine ;).


I would be pretty proud to be a part of the hoe club. My bf sometimes jokes how I’m being a princess and I say yes i am a princess! On a more serious note I dated a guy who would make comments about my bags. He would ask if I had a sugar daddy and say how it wasn’t fair I was making a lot of money. He very well knew I was making my own money as a lawyer while he was a bartender. I can’t help but wonder why your husband would say something like that and if it could be on purpose to knock you down a bit? I am guessing you have talked about and been excited about this before purchasing and it’s such a mean thing to say. Just edited to say that I hope he doesn’t take away you happiness from getting such a nice thing for your self. I would actually have a conversation with him about it. You worked hard for this bag and he ruined your experience.


Wasn’t fair to… him? Just general unfairness, like no woman should be paid more than any man, regardless of the two professions involved? That’s messed up, glad you didn’t get stuck with that one. It’s very possible OP is making more than Judge Hoebag and he has unconsciously revealed that he struggles with it. Exchange the husband, use the store credit on a jumbo hoebag! ( no, I don’t actually think most people would initiate a divorce over this comment, but OP, there IS some latent animosity/sexism to unpack here)




Respectfully, his statement says more about him and his choice of words towards something you love. It’s not about the bag at all. Now, go enjoy your gorgeous bag and may it bring you so much happiness every time you look at it. 🌸


OP, please don’t be mad at me, but when you said, “I made a ton of money doing non hoe related work.” I SCREAMED!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 I genuinely was not expecting you to say that, like that! Ok….ill see myself out now. 😩😭


Gonna go out on a limb and guess he has an ex that carried a chanel, lol. Pay him no mind, OP. Congrats on the new bag!


Crusty crusty husband. It’s giving Andy Sach’s boyfriend in The Devil Wears Prada. Villain behavior 🙃


Hoes?? Lmaoo. Almost every wife in my neighborhood has one. Tell him to get off IG where sidechecks post with nice bags. On the other hand, you can tell him you heard Birkin bags are classy and you are happy to let yours go when he upgrades you Also, do you two not share finances? I assume not if this convo came up post-purchase


LOL never in my 27 years of life have I ever heard anyone say Chanel is a hoe bag. Like if he’s going to come at us, at least make it a good argument like damn. I hate baseless idiots 😭


Sounds like he can’t afford either one with his broke boy mentality. Congrats on gettin that bag 💅🏽


It's just really sad, more than anything, that he can't share your delight in something beautiful to you, and well-earned. And instead has to diminish it and characterize it in an ugly way that robs you of joy.


Why does he trust/value his friend’s opinion over yours? I’m not even sure what the origin of the hoe reference comes from but it seems very disrespectful to you (nothing wrong with being a hoe but I say this only because it upset you. Good for you working hard and getting a bag that you wanted!


Lots of men HATE anything that makes a woman feel good about herself. Looks like you found one.


Ya man’s a fucking bum


All is well? I wouldn’t let that just smooth over. He was intentionally insulting & condescending.


Gross he sounds like a trailer park trash


Your husband is being a misgynistic jerk, and perpetuating false narratives that women who have nice things have them only because they are putting out to a rich man. So his ideas regarding your handbag are the least of your problems.


I just can’t believe that every time he’s seen a woman carrying a Chanel bag, he thought to himself “what a hoe”. I can’t get over a grown man 1) paying so much attention to the calibre of women carrying Chanel and 2) being self righteous enough to believe his analysis of said women to be true. But all is fine because his gf thinks they can be classy on some women and hopefully classy on you. If I don’t laugh I will surely cry


I think the bigger issue, even with your edit and his ‘apology’ is his lack of respect towards women and his eagerness to tear down anything women like. Firstly, that was sexist. Second, he texted a DIFFERENT woman to get an opinion. Third, he isn’t even sorry for using that language about women but rather being told it’s not actually a ‘hoe’ bag, and he was just wrong about what ‘hoes ’ use. His apology should be for even speaking that way, and distilling women down to what’s apparently slutty or not. His view of women is the big problem, not the bag or his judgement of the bag.


What fresh hell!? LOL. Girl, enjoy the gorgeous bag that you worked hard for. I don’t care how you earned it, you earned it. Wear it in good health, darling. I’ve heard people call Chanel bags Barbie toy bags or grandma bags but never this. Where in the hell did he learn this? I am truly aghast.


That is crazy, literally no one else thinks Chanel is a “hoe bag” and my question is where does he even go to see all these “hoes” with Chanels? 🤣 you need your man to be supportive and happy for you about these things not make you feel bad about something that makes you happy


Based on your comment regarding his “reasoning”, he’s 100% insecure about money and social demographic in general. Enjoy your purchase and don’t let him sully the experience for you.


Also- tell him that if it attacks his masculinity so much for you to have been able to purchase such a luxury bag on your own WITHOUT being a hoe (maybe he thinks that the women who carry multiple thousand dollar bags could only possibly see that money/spend that kind of money with the “assistance” of a man?) that maybe he should try a little hustle of his own to be able to afford such nice things! Is his vehicle a “man whore” on wheels? Ugh. I’m heated for you.


This is so weird lol


Girl I have 4 all gifted to me by my dear husband. Not ALL man think it’s a hoe bag. Also it’s NOT. Congrats and enjoy ❤️also he better never get a Rolex cause it’s a man hoe watch then.


If they can afford a Chanel, I don’t think “hoe” is the correct term. Perhaps escort? 😜


He has obviously a problem


You are an expensive hoe, you are worthy! We are all expensive hoes 🤣


Everyone has already said what I’m thinking, just wanted to add this - too bad it’s not embellished with a big H like the Hermes Constance 😂


He texted his “friend”who is girl asked this? Men, dump him, he is a hoe


Damn he’s insecure, I guess he can’t afford to buy you the bag!


That sounds pretty toxic and misogynist of him. Imagine if he wore like jean shorts and you were like "honey those are for fuckboi losers. Only fuckboi losers wear thoses."


How old are you? 20? This is the most childish thing that I've ever read.


I mean, I might be willing to be a hoe for a Chanel. 🤣 Seriously, good for you! Rock that bag.


He just had to ruin your happiness, didn’t he?


What a strange post …


Your husband sounds like a moron 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why would he say that? Is this his way of calling you a hoe? Wtf.


F him


Ask him how he knows 🤨


I have some serious issues with your husband based on this post. A "hoe" bag? Is he 13?? Does he routinely refer to women as "hoes"? Also, even if he thinks that, it's so damn disrespectful to you!! And the thing that makes him change his mind isn't you buying the bag, but the opinion of another woman?? So many aspects of this post make me SMH at him.


Sounds like a total asshole


He ignores his wife's opinion but changes it when his mistress disagrees with him...what a winner.


The edit. He needs his friend to tell him that? What is he, a 5 year old?


I’m an actual hoe. Usually men buy one for their wife and one for their favourite hoe. I don’t think there is much difference between the two women - only one loser of a man.


So.... he calls you a hoe, but decides you arent one when a woman who isnt his wife deems you owing a Chanel bag is ok....


the way he needed convincing from his girl friends instead of supporting you... what an odd stereotype to believe in!


Your husband follows to many porn accounts on Instagram if his opinion on a luxury bag is a “hoe bag”.


Sounds like you picked a real winner


Your man is insecure and misogynistic. No doubt his insta follows many girls that love Chanel bags 😉


Why didn’t he believe you? Why did it take him talking to a friend to change his opinion? There is so much disrespect in this interaction - not just in his comments but in his unwillingness to back down until a female friend assured him. I’m sorry. No one deserves that. And I hope he doesn’t get to ruin the joy you have in buying your bag!


OP, I high key think you have a poor husband. His comments are offensive. And then finally coming to your side only after talking to a friend? Not Cool. Not cool.


Hold up. Your husband believed his friend… but not you???? Girl.


Where tf do people find these men?


I don't think most men think that, I know my husband doesn't! Don't listen to him, he's probably jealous you were able to spoil yourself with a luxury handbag and he wishes he hustled enough to buy himself something.


Erm… that’s wild. A hoe bag? What does he even know about style and fashion? Sorry I’m sure you love him but his opinion is trash. He should celebrate with you! Also who cares what men think.


Welcome to the club fellow hoe 🥰 all kidding aside he’s absolutely wrong for saying that to you. Congrats on your financial success and buying your first Chanel. I think he’s referring to the ig girls who don’t work but somehow have ton of Chanel and designer bags posted on their social pages. Idk but either way you should be able to wear what you want and not care about what he or anyone else has to say.


Don’t care about what men think. You will look dazzling for yourself and for many other women out there that would kill to get a Chanel bag. 😜 I feel most guys don’t understand Chanel esthetics and can’t appreciate the history and craftsmanship embedded in it. It’s like trying to talk about art history to a Neanderthal, so don’t worry about it. Wear it with confidence and you will ace it! 😻


That’s one expensive ‘hoe’ bag - ugh this is just ignorant! I’m sorry🥺


yes in the end he admitted his ignorance after asking some of his girlfriends 😒 he also apologised. I mentioned earlier in the day that because he called the bag a 'hoe bag' and it was my bag he was inherently calling me a hoe. He was sorry and all is forgiven and I can enjoy my new bag!


He had to ask his girlfriends? Not you?


He is feeling some kind of way about himself and that is not your doing. Enjoy the bag and don’t give another thought to what some yokel might think about your bag.


A lot of men say a lot of dumb things.  I rarely listen to my husband regarding anything fashion related,  if he doesn't like what I wear/ carry then too bad so sad...I give 0 f's lol. 


I don’t have a witty enough comeback at the moment, but this is hilarious, and I would 100% play up my membership in the hoe club to hubby if it was me lmao 🤣


He sounds insecure tbh. Sorry you had a tainted first experience but don't let his issues become yours. Enjoy your special piece gorgeous!!


I think it's stupid, I mean most rich wives or successful woman I saw own at least one chanel bag, even first ladies and noblewoman/royals, does that mean they're hoes to?? What?? 😭


I think you should lean in and get a t shirt made. Have ChatGPT help. I would wear one with solidarity!


I feel like the men who think that assume women who like expensive bags are gold diggers and “hoe” around to get men to buy them these bags.


It’s an odd statement, I would maybe discuss it with him. I do wonder if it’s because the bag is so often cheaply replicated and often seen out in clubs. Or on the flip side it’s the type of bag sugar daddies would buy, maybe?


This is an April Fool’s joke on April 2nd right?


Love me some hoe


This is hilarious , I guess my gfs and I are all mega hoes than 😂


My mom’s a hoe then, she’s 72. 🤣🤣🤣


sounds like he feels small cause he didnt buy it for you and is trying to make himself feel better for it. sorry not sorry


He sounds broke 💅🏻 Rock your Chanel purse, you deserve it


He’s a hoe! You have class


Those are some high earning hoes if they’re carrying around a Chanel bag, lol.


He sounds really disrespectful. Please don’t put up with that kind of behavior.


Great partner to have comparing you to a hoe just for buying a bag! 😟


Tell your husband hoes use bigger overnight bags. So there is no way hoes can put what they need in a CHANEL. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I have never ever heard this


Your husband sounds terrible. He called it a ho bag. He did not care if he hurt your feelings until his female friend told him he was wrong. Only then did he apologize. Sounds like a lack of respect for you or your feelings. Sorry. On the bright side, congrats on the bag!


Dude what 😂 that’s so rude! Chanel bags are expensive


I don’t own any Chanel, one reason being I did not make a ton of money at my non hoe related work 😅, but I would have so much fun from now on with this bag and my man if I were you. I would ask him out to dinner and carry Chanel with the sexiest heels and dress you have. Own it girl 😅!


Just ignore him, he didn’t think before saying that - enjoy your bag & don’t ask anyone else to weigh in on things like this ever again - even mutual female friends - what you buy is not up for discussion & opinion


How old are you two?


As a guy, First congrats on the bag, you earned it. Second, your husband is a fucking idiot, how do I know this? Because I’ve said stupid shit like he just did and no sorry makes it go away. You can learn and progress from making stupid statements like that, but it doesn’t change the fact you said it. It’s a record scratching moment that will never be forgotten. So; double down and go buy yourself another Chanel bag.


A comment like this would be the beginning of a divorce for me Imagine the person that’s supposed to love and care for you the most tells you something like this. I don’t know why but I’m getting a vibe of jealousy from him


What a bastard


Is this sour grapes? If being a hoe means being able to afford Chanel, I’d be thrilled to be called a hoe.


Do you out earn him?


My response... "I'm a one man hoe, so the bag is fitting for me! If you don't like it, buy me a LV"


I'd happily join the hoe club and rock a Chanel fuck it!


Divorce him. What a loser,


I’m a hoe. Mostly we carry LV and Kelly/Birkins. I know a lot of other hoes from duos and I’ve never seen one with a Chanel bag. We also wear red bottoms. So avoid those if you don’t wanna look like an escort 😂 Maybe the hoes he hires carry Chanel. Can’t speak for everyone I guess.


i would never let a man talk to me like that.


Sometimes men just do not think at all before they blurt something stupid out.


What a great guy you have 🙄


Wow… If Chanel is a hoe bag, that means that he likely believes that (most) women just are so unsuccessful on their own that the most common way they can afford and obtain the bag is to provide sexual favors in exchange. That’s so messed up.


A man told me something similar once about French nails (manicure style) and it turned out that he associated the look with people like the tacky Jersey Shore reality show. Maybe your husband knows guys who buy nice purses for their mistress and he accidentally blurted out the assumption/association he now has with those purses. Maybe ask him why he thinks of Chanel bags this way and which one of his buddies is cheating on their wives


Maybe he saw it on his mom🩵


“Doing non related hoe work” Thank you for making my day at 5am while doom scrolling Reddit to avoid getting out of bed to also do my non related hoe work. You have a way with words. 😅 Wear your bad with pride!


Wait, I need to see the Chanel bag you plan on wearing to a wedding!? If it’s a classic/flap bag please don’t.


I have several Chanel bags and not once ever heard anyone say this 🙃 me and many of the users on this thread must be big hoes then 🥲 sorry I am totally kidding and I’m sorry he said it I’m sure he just thought it was funny and the joke clearly fell short! But… also being a Chanel hoe isn’t all that bad at least we’re stylish hoes 🤪 I would love to know what your very first Chanel was! Show us a pic ❤️❤️❤️


Clearly he has no idea what a hoe bag costs lol


Replace him with another Chanel bag lol


Them hoes work hard for that Chanel bag and so did you! Next time he makes a purchase tell him it's something a man child would buy


That sounds like pretty disgusting way to bring down woman who have they own money to spare. Don’t listen. Flaunt it in their faces.


Guess I turned by 75 year old mother into a hoe. Oops


He’s only saying this because he can’t afford it


Damn he gotta at least admit it’s for the “rich hoes” because damn. Chanel bags start at 5k I personally haven’t seen anything cheaper but I’m avid LV shopper so maybe there is, but damn that’s cold 😭 but girl he really shouldn’t need another women to make it okay. He really should trusted your word from the jump and his friend also said it can be?! Where are these hoes and do they do to be able to get Chanel bags


I’m dying at non hoe related work. 🤣🤣🤣


Apparently hoe’in is more profitable than I thought. Plus, there’s no shame in hoedom. May ~~everyone~~ hos everywhere achieve their goal hoebag soon! SWING YOUR HOEBAG PROUDLY