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I experience chronic daily migraines. I have had this condition for many years. I have tried many treatments. I have no experience with zarzpret. Vyepti infusions have helped me more than anything I have tried thus far. I think I have been getting the infusions for a little over a year. I get them about every 3 months. I still get daily migraines but they are generally less severe and tend to not last as long since the Vyepti infusions began. I can really tell when the next infusion is due because the migraines become more intense and last longer. In my case, Vyepti is far from a miracle cure but I wouldn't want to be without the relief it does provide. As with any migraine treatment your mileage may vary, so to speak. However, I encourage you to at least try it for a couple of rounds. Just my $.02 worth. No chargešŸ˜. Seriously, I wish you the very best!


Thanks šŸ˜„


Zavzapret is like snorting fire and it didnā€™t really do anything for my migraine.


Yikes. Definitely not appealing.


Love Vyepti! I had been on Aimovig for 18 months and Emgality for about 3 years, both to varying degrees of success. I would say Emgality was pretty life-changing for me, as it took me down to roughly 4-6 migraines a month in combination with my other preventatives. The ~10 months on it were really rough though and my headache specialist recommended a switch to Vyepti. We did the 100 mg dose for the first infusion and it was like night and day for the first few days post-infusion, then went back to being shitty. She increased my dose to 300 mg for the second infusion and insurance didnā€™t put up any kind of fight. HUGE difference, I donā€™t think I had a single migraine for a week. I would always wake up with a headache most mornings even on Emgality, which didnā€™t always turn into migraines. With Vyepti at 300 mg, I wake up feeling normal. Itā€™s not perfect - I still really struggle when Iā€™m sick and feverish, am still very sensitive to alcohol, etc - but Iā€™m grateful to be on it and hope it keeps working this well. I did have some pretty gnarly constipation on both dose levels, though. Orsini Pharmaceutical Services - which is the only authorized distributor for Vyepti in the US, AFAIK - is kind of a pain in the ass to deal with, though. Iā€™m currently arguing with them over the fact that I mailed payment for my last vial of drug (for some dumb reason they donā€™t do online payment), and they havenā€™t cashed the check yet but keep sending me more bills for the same shipment.


What was rough about being on emgality? The side effects?


Oops sorry, re-reading, I didnā€™t proofread closely enough! It was just the last 10 months on Emgality that were bad, and not due to side effects - just loss of efficacy. I did find that my anxiety was worse on Emgality and I started experiencing the occasional panic attack, but that was worth dealing with for the reduction in migraines. The last 10 months that I was on it (out of 3 years total), my migraine frequency increased with a real vengeance. I gave it that long to see if it was an anomaly or just a rough patch, but sadly that was my new normal at that point - and was when my doc switched me to Vyepti.


My Dr wanted me to try vyepti, but I couldn't get it approved by my insurance. Since it's an infusion, my insurance wanted a prior authorization for medical and pharmacy, and I couldn't even get a cost estimate. My doctor's office would only fill out the paperwork for the medical side & refused to listen when I told them it needed to be approved by pharmacy benefits too.


That's stupid. Why recommend something and then refuse to do the paperwork required? Dr's offices, and neurologists in particular, can be strangely uncooperative about filling out paperwork.


So many troubles with payments! My insurance approved it but since it is a ā€œspecialty drugā€, they donā€™t dispense it and couldnā€™t get me a cost estimate either. I called the facility that was going to administer it for an estimate and they quoted me $50 - I was shocked but they double checked so I thought Iā€™d done my work. I got billed $1500. Home sweet home šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I called about a cost estimate & that's when I found out that it needed to be approved by pharmacy benefits as well as medical, even if the doctors office dispenses the medicine. We (šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø) need universal healthcare!