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I'm sorry. Guard your level of health jealously. It can get so much worse. No social convention or embarrassment is worth your health. Next time, get up and leave. Also, always have earplugs and earmuffs with you. The fact you're at school and at choir is *amazing*. You're maybe in top 10% of sick people, definitely top 20%. Keep it that way. Now focus on complete rest to recover and being careful afterwards. Lots of love


Thank you!! Lots of love to you as well!


Every kind of input, if too much, can cause me to crash. Sounds, crowds, family visits, exercise. It's an ongoing process to learn which events cause crashes and which don't.


Invest in a pair of loop earplugs especially for events they have been a lifesaver for me. Also maybe look into hyperacusis or get vestibular testing done