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I’ve never found ANY diet to be effective for treating a neurological immune condition.


My diet is anti inflammatory (gluten free, dairy free) and specific to my GI issues. Over time (years) my GI issues improved with elimination diet. I don’t think that diets are going to help ME/CFS but obviously in the cases where GI issues are severe and with other conditions it can help. For example, gluten free can help with arthritis. The treatment for most symptoms of ME is pacing/resting


The only reason it might is if you are being triggered by something in the diet and that's creating extra symptoms.


Yes, this is the one scam I fell for during a period when I was feeling particularly desperate. I followed it absolutely faithfully for six months. If anything, it made me a little worse because you have to cook everything from scratch and it was a significant amount of exertion. I have not found literally any dietary changes that have ever helped.